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Prince of Qin Walkthrough

Prince of Qin Walkthrough

By Steven W. Carter
Last Updated
February 13, 2003

* ================= *
* Table of Contents *
* ================= *

01.00.00 Introduction
02.00.00 Characters
.01.00 Classes
.01 Assassin
.02 Muscleman
.03 Paladin
.04 Witch
.05 Wizard
.02.00 Attributes
.01 Strength
.02 Constitution
.03 Dexterity
.04 Savvy
.05 Charm
.06 Wisdom
.03.00 Experience Table
.04.00 Companions
03.00.00 Locations
.01.00 Details
.02.00 Map
04.00.00 Equipment
.01.00 Components
.01 Animal Parts
.02 Rock
.03 Wood
.02.00 Gems
.03.00 Making Items
.04.00 Unique Items
05.00.00 Gameplay Tips
06.00.00 Walkthrough
.01.00 Notes
.02.00 Chapter One
.01 Zhaocun Village
.02 Yangzhou
.03 Beidi Courier Station
.04 Beidi Prefecture
.05 Lixian County
.06 Yanmen Pass
.07 Hun Barracks
.08 North Suburb of Xianyang
.09 Xianyang
.03.00 Chapter Two
.01 Zhaocun Village
.02 North Suburb of Xianyang
.03 Yongxian County
.04 Hanzhong Prefecture
.05 Sanchuan Prefecture
.06 Yingchuan
.07 Yinghuiling Mountain
.08 Handan
.09 Peixian County
.10 Dangshan Mountain
.11 Pengcheng
.12 Taishan Mountain
.13 Jiujiang
.04.00 Chapter Three
.01 Hengshan Village
.02 Hengshan Prefecture
.05.00 Chapter Four
.01 Huqiu
.02 Hejiang Village
.03 Wuhua Village
.04 Changsha
.05 Cloud Valley
.06 Taishan Mountain
.07 Treasure Hunting
.08 Paradise
.06.00 Chapter Five
.01 Lishan Mountain
.02 First Emperor’s Tomb
.07.00 Chapter Six
.01 Lishan Mountain
.02 Xishui Village
.03 Breaking the Siege
.04 Chencheng
.05 Handan
.06 Julu
.07 Chencheng
.08.00 Chapter Seven
.01 Xishui Village
.02 Fengxian County
.03 Xuecheng
.04 Fengxian County
.09.00 Chapter Eight
.01 Xuecheng
.02 Sanchuan Prefecture
.03 Xianyang
.04 Xishui Village
.10.00 Chapter Nine
.01 Julu
.11.00 Chapter Ten
.01 Yangcheng
.02 Wancheng
.03 Epang Palace
.12.00 Chapter Eleven
.01 Xianyang
07.00.00 Recognition
08.00.00 Revision History
09.00.00 Permissions and Updates

* 01.00.00 INTRODUCTION *

Prince of Qin is a role-playing game similar in style to Baldur’s Gate (some
compare it to Diablo, but I think Baldur’s Gate is more accurate). It was
developed by Object Software and published by Strategy First.

For the most part, I’m concentrating on the single-player walkthrough for this
guide, but I’ll try to provide other information where I can. I’m using the
normal difficulty setting and version 1.16b. (I’m also using version 1.02 for
some parts of the game that are broken in 1.16b. Yes, both versions have
their share of bugs, and I’m not sure which one is better to play.)

The walkthrough is now complete, and while I’ll continue to update the guide,
it’ll never have all the information people potentially want. So if what
you’re looking for isn’t here, try one of these two places: Strategy First’s
Prince of Qin forum;f=30

and the official Prince of Qin web site

* 02.00.00 CHARACTERS *

| 02.01.00 Classes |

* ================= *
* 02.01.01 Assassin *
* ================= *

Job: Ranged attacker

Speed: Fast

Gains: 24 hit points, 4 mana points per level

Equipment: Concentrate on items that give strength, hit points, mana,
elemental defense power, and common attack power

The Meteor Crossbow should not be your final weapon. It’s good
for a while, but your final weapon should be paladin-created with
high level materials so it has a high common attack power.

Attributes: Add 5 strength, 1 constitution, 2 dexterity, and 2 wisdom per

Skills: Meteor Arrows (9 points) should be your standard left-side

Fury Arrows (9 points) should be your mana-intensive left-side
attack. Use it as much as possible. It adds 400% to your common
attack power, and assassins don’t have anything else to spend
their mana on.

Device Master (9 points) and Gold Vision (9 points) are also
useful for opening chests and disarming traps.

* ================== *
* 02.01.02 Muscleman *
* ================== *

Job: Melee attacker

Speed: Slow

Gains: 38 hit points, 4 mana points per level

Equipment: Concentrate on items that give strength, hit points, hit point
absorbing power, common defense power, elemental defense power,
and common attack power

The Pan Gu Gigantic Axe should be your final weapon

Attributes: Add 5 strength, 2 constitution, 2 dexterity, and 1 wisdom per
level (but go with more wisdom if you find yourself with a weapon
that does a lot of elemental damage, or if you decide to use a
lot of the mana-intensive muscleman skills)

Skills: Tiger Paw (9 points) should be your standard left-side attack.

Roaring (9 points) is an excellent crowd control skill. It’ll
knock down or stun most nearby enemies, and it’s one of the best
ways in the game to protect your spellcasters during large
fights. I like this skill enough that I don’t waste mana on
other potentially useful skills like Accumulate Strength and Nail

Burning Bloody Blade (~5 points) is a useful early-game party
enhancing skill (stop using it when your witch gets Invincible).

* ================ *
* 02.01.03 Paladin *
* ================ *

Job: Melee fighter, equipment builder / repairer

Speed: Fast

Gains: 28 hit points, 4 mana points per level

Equipment: Concentrate on items that give strength, hit points, hit point
absorbing power, common defense power, elemental defense power,
and common attack power

The Star-inviting Falchion should be your final weapon

Attributes: Add 5 strength, 2 constitution, 2 dexterity, and 1 wisdom per
level (but go with more wisdom if you find yourself with a weapon
that does a lot of elemental damage, or if you decide to use a
lot of the mana-intensive paladin skills)

Skills: Fierce Advance (9 points) should be your standard left-side

Illusion (~5 points) should be your standard right-side skill
until you get Overwhelming Thunder (9 points). Use one of these
two skills before every big fight.

Stanching (1 point) is useful early in the game when you don’t
have anything else available.

Art of Forging (6 points) and Art of Remedy (3 points) are useful
utility skills.

* ============== *
* 02.01.04 Witch *
* ============== *

Job: Slinger of fire spells

Speed: Medium

Gains: 22 hit points, 5 mana points per level

Equipment: Concentrate on items that give wisdom, mana, common defense
power, elemental defense power, and fire attack power (and make
fire attack power attributes your highest priority)

Attributes: Add 1 strength, 1 constitution, 2 dexterity, and 6 wisdom per

Skills: Earth-fire Dragon (9 points) should be your standard left-side
spell. As long as you wear fire attack power equipment, you can
use this spell all game long.

Invincible (9 points) should be your standard right-side skill.
Use it before every fight. It increases common attack power by
40% for your entire party!

Burning All (9 points) is a useful spell during large fights when
it’s difficult to tell what’s going on.

* =============== *
* 02.01.05 Wizard *
* =============== *

Job: Slinger of water spells, healer

Speed: Slow

Gains: 22 hit points, 6 mana points per level

Equipment: Concentrate on items that give wisdom, mana, common defense
power, elemental defense power, and water attack power (and make
water attack power attributes your highest priority)

Attributes: Add 1 strength, 1 constitution, 2 dexterity, and 6 wisdom per

Skills: Icy Hidden Weapon (9 points) should be your standard left-side
spell. As long as you wear water attack power equipment, you can
use this spell all game long.

Hail Storm (9 points) should be your standard right-side spell.

Cure Diseases (9 points) is a little under-powered for a healing
spell, but it’ll often save you from having to use healing items.

Superior Doctor (1-3 points) is useful for healing your entire
party, and it can be useful during early battles where your
entire party gets hit.

Identification Magic (3 points) is just convenient to have.

| 02.02.00 Attributes |

* ================= *
* 02.02.01 Strength *
* ================= *

Each point of strength adds:

-- 1.5 to a character’s carrying capacity.

-- 1.00% to a muscleman’s common attack power,
0.67% to a paladin’s common attack power, and
0.50% to an assassin’s, wizard’s, and witch’s common attack power.

* ===================== *
* 02.02.02 Constitution *
* ===================== *

Each point of constitution adds:

-- 1.00% to a muscleman’s common defense power,
0.67% to a paladin’s and wizard’s common defense power, and
0.50% to an assassin’s and witch’s common defense power.

Constitution also increases a character’s hit point regeneration rate.

(My conjecture: Common attack power determines how much damage you take from
common attacks, not whether you’re hit or not.)

* ================== *
* 02.02.03 Dexterity *
* ================== *

Each point of dexterity adds:

-- 4 to a character’s shoot rate, plus an extra
1.00% for assassins, and
0.67% for musclemen, paladins, witches, and wizards.

-- 3 to a character’s dodge rate, plus an extra
1.00% for assassins,
0.67% for paladins, witches, and wizards, and
0.50% for musclemen.

(My conjecture: Shoot rate is what the game uses for determining accuracy.)

* ============== *
* 02.02.04 Savvy *
* ============== *

Each point of savvy increases your experience gain by half a percent. That
makes it sound useful, but perhaps it isn’t. Enemy difficulty scales with
your level in the game, and so you want to be as powerful at your level as
possible, and savvy doesn’t make you more powerful. Plus, you can get as much
experience as you want through random encounters.

So go ahead and add points to this attribute if you want, but don’t go crazy
with it. There isn’t any reason to raise it over 100, and 50 is probably

* ============== *
* 02.02.05 Charm *
* ============== *

Charm improves the amount of gold you get through trade. That makes it a
completely worthless attribute. If you need more gold, just have Fu Su make
stuff, or wander around and pick things up from random encounters.

* =============== *
* 02.02.06 Wisdom *
* =============== *

Each point of wisdom adds:

-- 1.00% to a witch’s and wizard’s elemental attack power,
0.67% to an assassin’s and paladin’s elemental attack power, and
0.50% to a muscleman’s elemental attack power.

Wisdom also increases a character’s mana regeneration rate.

| 02.03.00 Experience Table |

01. 0 26. 570,561 (+74,421)
02. 400 (+400) 27. 656,145 (+85,584)
03. 1000 (+600) 28. 754,567 (+98,422)
04. 2350 (+1350) 29. 860,206 (+105,639)
05. 4825 (+2475) 30. 972,033 (+111,827)
06. 8605 (+3780) 31. 1,088,677 (+116,644)
07. 13,708 (+5103) 32. 1,208,431 (+119,754)
08. 19,832 (+6124) 33. 1,329,275 (+120,844)
09. 26,738 (+6906) 34. 1,462,202 (+132,927)
10. 34,729 (+7991) 35. 1,608,422 (+146,220)
11. 43,411 (+8682) 36. 1,769,264 (+160,842)
12. 54,264 (+10,853) 37. 1,946,191 (+176,927)
13. 67,830 (+13,566) 38. 2,140,810 (+194,619)
14. 84,788 (+16,958) 39. 2,354,891 (+214,081)
15. 103,441 (+18,653) 40. 2,590,380 (+235,489)
16. 124,129 (+20,688) 41. 2,849,418 (+259 038)
17. 148,955 (+24,826) 42. 3,134,360 (+284,942)
18. 178,746 (+29,791) 43. 3,447,796 (+313,436)
19. 214,495 (+35,749) 44. 3,792,575 (+344,779)
20. 246,669 (+32,174) 45. 4,171,833 (+379,258)
21. 283,670 (+37,001) 46. 4,589,016 (+417,183)
22. 326,220 (+42,550) 47. 5,047,918 (+458,902)
23. 375,153 (+48,933) 48. 5,552,710 (+504,792)
24. 431,426 (+56,273) 49. 6,107,981 (+555,271)
25. 496,140 (+64,714) 50. 6,718,779 (+610,798)

Every level after 50 appears to require 10% more experience points than the
previous level.

| 02.04.00 Companions |

* ============== *
* 02.03.01 Notes *
* ============== *

You can have up to five characters in your party, including Fu Su. Since
there are also five classes in the game, you might want to try a party
including one character from each class. Then you can have two melee
characters (paladin and muscleman), two spellcasters (witch and wizard), and
one character who can use melee or ranged attacks (assassin). That being
said, you can probably finish the game using any combination of companions you
want, and probably even using fewer than four companions.

There is almost no difference between companions of the same class. So use
whatever arbitrary means of selection you want when deciding who should be in
your party.

When a character joins your party for the first time, he or she will gain
experience to be near Fu Su’s experience level. So while it’s fine to replace
party members as you make your way through the game, it’s a bad idea to swap
characters in and out.

There isn’t any way to resurrect companions, so be careful with them.

* ================ *
* 02.03.02 Details *
* ================ *
Chapter Class Location

Kong Gang 1 Muscleman Yangzhou
Liao Yi 1 Wizard Beidi Prefecture
Modu 1 Muscleman The Hun Barracks
Yao Tong 1 Witch Lixian County

Chunyu Qiu 2 Witch Handan
Jing Wuji 2 Assassin Pengcheng
Tian Yuelin 2 Assassin Sanchuan Prefecture
Zhang Liang 2 Wizard Yinghuiling Mountain
Zhao Qian 2 Assassin Zhaocun Village

Han Xin 3 Paladin Hengshan Prefecture

Kun Pu 4 Wizard Hejiang Village
Yin Zhu 4 Witch Cloud Valley

Fang Zhong 5 Wizard Lishan Mountain

Li You 8 Paladin Xianyang

Qing Bu ? Muscleman Jiujiang

* 03.00.00 LOCATIONS *

| 03.01.00 Details |

Earliest Number of Courier
Chapter Companions Station?

Beidi Courier Station 1 0 No
Beidi Prefecture 1 1 Yes
Hun Barracks 1 1 No
Lixian County 1 1 No
North Suburb of Xianyang 1 0 No
Xianyang 1 1 Yes
Yangzhou 1 0 No
Yanmen Pass 1 1 No
Yongxian County 1 0 No
Zhaocun Village 1 1 No

Dangshan Mountain 2 0 No
Handan 2 1 Yes
Hanzhong Prefecture 2 0 No
Jiujiang 2 0 No
Peixian County 2 0 No
Pengcheng 2 1 Yes
Sanchuan Prefecture 2 1 Yes
Taishan Mountain 2 0 No
Yingchuan 2 0 No
Yinghuiling Mountain 2 1 No

Hengshan Prefecture 3 1 Yes
Hengshan Village 3 0 No

Changsha 4 0 No
Cloud Valley 4 1 No
Hejiang Village 4 1 No
Huqiu 4 0 No
Julu 4 0 No
Wuhua Village 4 0 No

Lishan Mountain 5 1 No

Chencheng 6 0 Yes
Xishui Village 6 0 No

Fengxian County 7 0 Yes
Xuecheng 7 0 Yes

Yangcheng 10 0 No
Wancheng 10 0 Yes

| 03.02.00 Map |

Zhaocun Yanmen The Hun
Village---Yangzhou------ Pass -----Barracks
| \___
| \
Lixian Beidi Beidi Courier
County----Prefecture--- Station Wancheng---Yangcheng---Julu
| | / ____/ |
| | __/ / |
| North Suburb / / Peixian Taishan
| of Xianyang / Chencheng---Handan-----County ----Mountain
| / | / / | / | \ |
| / | / ____/ | / | \ |
Yongxian | / Xishui / / Fengxian | Dangshan \ |
County ---Xianyang----------Village / County | Mountain---Pengcheng
/ | \ \_________ / / | /
/ | \ \ / / | /
/ Epang Lishan Sanchuan / | /
/ Palace Mountain Prefecture---Xuecheng Yinghuiling /
/ \ Mountain /
/ \ _______/ /
Hanzhong Wuhua \ / /
Prefecture Village Yingchuan-----------------Jiujiang
\ / \ / | \_
\ / \ / | \
Hejiang \ Hengshan | \
Village \ Village | Huqiu
____/ \ \______________ \ |
/ \_______________ \ \ |
Cloud \ Hengshan
Valley Changsha----------------Prefecture

* 04.00.00 EQUIPMENT *

| 04.01.00 Components |

* ===================== *
* 04.01.01 Animal Parts *
* ===================== *

Animal Level Element
------ ----- -------

Dog 1 Water
Tiger Fish 2 Wood
Wolf 3 Fire
Boar 4 Earth
Tiger 5 Metal
Bear 6 Earth
Monster Paoxiao 7 Water
Monster Zhuyan 8 Metal
Monster Shanyi 9 Wood

Ogres (monkeys) never drop animal parts.

* ============= *
* 04.01.02 Rock *
* ============= *

Type Level Element
---- ----- -------

Low Grade Copper 1 Fire
Low Grade Iron 2 Earth
Low Grade Silver 3 Water
Low Grade Gold 4 Metal
High Grade Copper 5 Fire
High Grade Iron 6 Earth
High Grade Silver 7 Water
High Grade Gold 8 Metal
Kunwu Red Copper 9 Wood

* ============= *
* 04.01.03 Wood *
* ============= *

Type Level Element
---- ----- -------

Red Pine 1 Fire
Plum Pine 2 Wood
Wuling Pine 3 Earth
Sandalwood 4 Water
Rosewood 5 Metal
Black-yellow Sandalwood 6 Earth
Longan Wood 7 Wood
Flame Tree Wood 8 Fire
Sky-scraping Wood 9 ?

| 04.02.00 Gems |

Type Level Element
---- ----- -------

Agate 1 Fire
Amber 1 Metal
Dark Green Stone 1 Wood
Gray Jade 1 Earth
Sapphire 1 Water
East China Sea Stone 1-6? --
Jingwei Stone 2 --
All-color Stone 3 Fire
Dark Purple Stone 3 Water
Dongling Stone 3 Earth
Emerald 3 Wood
Tianhuang Stone 3 Metal
Kallaite 5 Wood
Lapis Lazuli 5 Metal
Plum-blossom Jade 5 Fire
Qinghai Jade 5 Water
Shoushan Stone 5 Earth
Alexandrite 7 Wood
Dushan Jade 7 Water
Ink Jade 7 Earth
Malachite 7 Fire
Zircon 7 Metal
Heaven-repairing Stone* 8 --
Krocodylite 9 Metal
Olivine* 9 Wood
Red Sun Stone* 9 Fire
Suet Jade* 9 Water
Yellow Emperor Stone* 9 --

* Not verified by me.

| 04.03.00 Making Items |

Even if you collect equipment materials all throughout the game, you probably
won’t be able to compete with what you find in the shops and what you find on
fallen enemies. But that doesn’t mean forging items is a waste of time.
Forging allows you to do two things:

1. It allows you to make money. If you make an item (even a bad item) you’ll
get way more for the item than for the individual components.

2. You can make items with a high common defense power (armor) or a high
common attack power (weapons). That’s because the level of the materials
used in the forging (plus your forge level) determines the level of the
object created, and the level of the object created determines the common
defense power or the common attack power. Everything else is either random
or comes from the attributes of the materials used.

For armor and jewelry, the attributes are usually more important than the
common defense power, but for weapons the common attack power is most
important. So you should hang onto your high level wood and rocks so you
can make at least one really good weapon for an assassin or for a
muscleman. Just be sure to save first because there is some randomness to
the items you forge.

Otherwise, from my experience it’s best to just go shopping every time you
enter a town, and hope the shopkeeper has something good.

| 04.04.00 Unique Items |

Note: The “top” attributes of unique items are slightly random.

Boots of Monster Nafu’s Hoof (any class):

Common defense power +24
Fire defense power +50
Move speed +30%
Dexterity +30
Maximum mana +100
Dodge rate +20%

Requires level 35, strength 45

Bought from the treasure craftsman after completing the Monster Nafu’s Hoof
quest (06.11.02).

Deer-hunting Dagger (assassin):

Common attack power 37-42
Metal attack power 8-16
Common attack power 20-40 (concealed, metal)
Critical strike frequency +100%
Strength +40
Dexterity +40
Shoot rate +40%

Requires level 30, strength 110

Acquired after giving monkey fruit wine to Song Ji in Pengcheng (06.05.07).

Extraordinary Green (wizard, witch):

Common attack power 46-65
Attack speed +30%
Wood attack power 6-9
Common defense power +50% (concealed, wood)
Critical strike frequency +50%
Hit point absorbing rate +25%
Magic absorbing rate +25%
Maximum hit points +200
Maximum mana +200

Requires level 20, strength 75, dexterity 75

Acquired from the herbalist when you complete his quest on Yinghuiling
Mountain (06.03.07).

Fake Moye Sword (paladin):

Common attack power 13-20
Water attack power 40-49
Attack speed +20% (concealed, water)
Critical strike frequency +30%
Magic absorbing rate +10%
Wisdom +30
Shoot rate +20%

Requires level 22, strength 75, dexterity 110

Acquired by defeating the head robber in Huqiu (06.05.01).

Ganjiang Sword (paladin):

Common attack power 45-57
Fire attack power 15-18
Attack speed +40% (concealed, fire)
Deadly strike frequency +50%
Hit point absorbing rate +15%
Strength +60
Shoot rate +40%

Requires level 22, strength 110, dexterity 75

Acquired by defeating the head robber in Huqiu (06.05.01).

Ghost-fire Dagger (assassin):

Common attack power 6-10
Attack speed +30%
Fire attack power 51-59
Blindness rate +100% (concealed, fire)
Wisdom +60
Attack distance +2
Fire attack power +60%
Maximum mana points +30%

Requires level 40, dexterity 210

Acquired from Wu Xin at Taishan Mountain after completing his sword
materials quest (06.07.04).

God-Beast Armor (any class):

Common defense power +30
Metal defense power +60
Reduce physical damage +20% (concealed, fire)
Constitution +80
Maximum hit points +200
Common defense power +75%
Hit point restoration speed +100%

Requires level 43, strength 250, dexterity 200

Found in the Mysterious Cave in Cloud Valley (06.05.07).

Golden Dragon Helmet (any class):

Common defense power +35
Wood defense power +40
Common defense power +20% (concealed, metal)
Strength +30
Constitution +30
Maximum hit points +120
Anti-shock rate +60%

Requires level 22, strength 120, constitution 90

Found in Hejiang Village after defeating the wanderer in Sanchuan
Prefecture (06.03.05 and 06.05.02).

Gongbu Sword (paladin):

Common attack power 24-26
Wood attack power 25-31
Savvy +40 (concealed, wood)
Constitution +40
Strength +40
Dexterity +40
Wisdom +40
Charm +40

Requires level 16, strength 80, dexterity 65

Acquired by completing the estranged son quest in Jiujiang (06.03.13).

Juque Sword (paladin):

Common attack power 48-50
Attack speed -20%
Earth attack power 14-22
Common defense power +50% (concealed, earth)
Knockdown rate +150%
Strength +40
Anti-shock rate +100%
Dodge rate -40%

Requires level 18, strength 100

Acquired by completing Modu’s quest at the Hun Barracks (06.02.07).

Master Guigi Zi Shield (paladin):

Common defense power +25
Fire defense power +30
Common defense power +30% (concealed, water)
Dexterity +40
Maximum hit points -100
Shoot rate +20%

Requires level 15, strength 60

Acquired from Guigi Zi in paradise (06.05.08).

Meteor Crossbow (assassin):

Common attack power 36-44
Attack speed +60%
Wood attack power 6-9
Common attack power +30% (concealed, wood)
Strength +40
Dexterity +40
Attack distance +3
Maximum hit points +120

Requires level 20, strength 80, dexterity 100

Acquired by completing the fishing rod quest in Lixian County (06.02.05).

Moye Sword (paladin):

Common attack power 12-15
Water attack power 47-56
Attack speed +40% (concealed, water)
Critical strike frequency +50%
Magic absorbing rate +15%
Wisdom +60
Shoot rate +40%

Requires level 22, strength 75, dexterity 110

Acquired by completing Mo Hong’s quest in Julu (06.07.05).

Pan Gu Gigantic Axe (muscleman):

Common attack power 83-102
Attack speed -20%
Earth attack power 16-30
Deadly strike frequency +50%
Strength +80
Dexterity +80
Hit point absorbing rate +15%
Maximum hit points +300

Requires level 40, strength 250

Found in the Mysterious Cave in Cloud Valley (06.05.07).

Star-inviting Falchion (paladin)

Common attack power 65-77
Attack speed +60%
Water attack power 14-19
Attack speed +60% (concealed, water)
Critical strike frequency +50%
Visual field +3
Hit point absorbing rate +15%
Shoot rate +100%

Requires level 38, strength 65, dexterity 155

Acquired by completing Liu Yan’s quest in Fengxian County (06.09.01).

Sun-shooting Bow (assassin, paladin)

Common attack power 7-14
Fire attack power 51-54
Wisdom +60 (concealed, fire)
Blindness rate +60%
Shoot rate +600
Attack distance +2
Maximum hit points +200
Maximum mana +200

Requires level 40, dexterity 200

Acquired by completing the woodsman’s (second) quest at Dangshan
Mountain (06.03.10).

Tai’e Sword (paladin):

Common attack power 77-87
Attack speed -10%
Critical strike frequency +50% (concealed, metal)
Strength +60
Shoot rate +300
Attack distance +2
Maximum mana +200

Requires level 42, strength 180

Found in Hu Hai’s living quarters in the Epang Palace (06.11.03).

Warrior Club (muscleman):

Common attack power 5-5
Attack speed +20%
Earth attack power 5-5
Common attack power +100% (concealed, earth)
Strength +20
Constitution +20
Maximum hit points +50
Shoot rate +20%

Requires level 24, strength 140

Located in a cave in Dangshan Mountain (06.03.10).

Yuchang Sword (assassin):

Common attack power 35-38
Attack speed +50%
Water attack power 12-14
Deadly strike frequency +50% (concealed, water)
Shoot rate +300
Hit point absorbing rate +25%
Maximum hit points +120
Knockdown rate +60%

Requires level 20, strength 75, dexterity 100

Acquired after completing the scholar’s quest in Yongxian County

Zhanlu Sword (paladin):

Common attack power 15-19
Attack speed +30%
Water attack power 50-57
Water attack power +40% (concealed, water)
Frozen rate +60%
Fire defense power +180
Dexterity +40
Maximum mana points +100

Requires level 35, strength 80, dexterity 140

Acquired from Wu Xin at Taishan Mountain (06.05.06).

* 05.00.00 GAMEPLAY TIPS *

The on-line manual includes more information than the hardcopy manual, so be
sure to look through it as well.

You can leave objects on the ground and not worry about them disappearing. So
once you start accumulating more equipment components than you know what to do
with, pick a central city (like Xianyang) and leave excess objects there.

Don’t try to chase fleeing enemies. Usually they’ll just lead you to more
enemies. Instead, ignore them. Shortly they’ll return to attack you again.

You don’t need to use the “exchange item” interface when transferring objects
between characters. You can just drag the objects to a character’s portrait
(no matter how far away the characters are from each other).

Similarly, you can click on character portraits when using the repair and
make-items skills. You don’t need to transfer objects to the paladin.

Of the five elements, the most important one to be able to resist is fire.
That’s because the (difficult) final battle of the game will expose you to
fire attacks.

Your party gains experience for disarming traps.

In general, during conversations you’ll get the best results if you: look at
the other person, be humble, never ask for a reward.

After you finish conversations with people, immediately talk to them again to
see if they say something new. There are a few quests that are initiated that

If spellcasters have an elemental attack power attribute attached to a piece
of equipment, then when they cast a spell, any attack power that is from the
same element as the spell will be added to the spell. (For example, all fire
attack power attributes will be added to the “earth-fire dragon” spell for
witches.) You must enhance spellcasters in this way for them to be effective.

When adding gems to weapons, add common attack power for paladins, musclemen,
and assassins; add fire attack power for witches; and add water attack power
for wizards.

To gain the use of a concealed attribute on a piece of equipment, the
corresponding “revealing” piece of equipment must be marked by the correct
promoting element. The equipment relationships work this way: the left ring
reveals attributes for left-handed and two-handed weapons, the right ring
reveals for right-handed weapons and shields, belts reveal for body armor, and
necklaces reveal for helmets.

To disarm traps or unlock chests, make “device master” the right hand skill
for your assassin, and then right click on the trap or chest.

Skills and spells that cause a symbol to appear over your characters’ heads do
not overlap. So, for example, don’t try using “burning bloody blade” and
“invincible” at the same time. Characters will only use one of the two.

* 06.00.00 WALKTHROUGH *

| 06.01.00 Notes |

Some notes on the walkthrough:

1. I’m treating the top of the screen as north. Characters in the game will
often give you directions, but their directions are usually wrong (and all but
random), so believe me rather than them.

2. I’m putting locations in the first chapter where you can visit them (more
or less). If you don’t want to do them in that order, you don’t have to.

3. I’ll refer to Fu Su as “you” most of the time.

| 06.02.00 Chapter One |

Your main goal in this chapter is to reach Xianyang so you can talk to your
father. But there isn’t any hurry, so you can do a lot of exploring along the
way. Once you reach Xianyang, you’ll need to talk to General Huan Feng to
complete the chapter.

* ======================== *
* 06.02.01 Zhaocun Village *
* ======================== *

You start out in the northwestern corner of the area. You’re wounded, but
since your constitution isn’t very high yet, you won’t regenerate your hit
points automatically. So one of the first things you need to do is find a
healer. Luckily, there is one in the village. Her name is Zhao Qian, and you
can find her on the eastern side of the village, standing next to a house.
Once you get close enough to her, you’ll initiate a cut scene, and she’ll heal

Now you just need to explore the rest of the area. Some of the things you’ll
find include:

-- Zhao Si: He’ll give you some background information. If you’re rude to
him, eventually you’ll be able to attack him. (And he attacks with a bow,
so he’s easy to kill.)

-- Old woman (in a house on the eastern side of the village): She’ll tell you
she has lost her recipe book. The book is right next to her front door, in
a pot. When you give the book to her, tell her twice that you don’t need a
reward. Then in total you’ll receive 150 experience points, 2 fame points,
and a low-level magical sword (in the well behind the house). If you ask
for a reward, you’ll only receive the experience.

“Young man, if you still can’t find [the sword] for me, it must be
fate!” -- Old woman

Note: The sword is random, and it’s not created until the old woman tells
you it’s in the well. So feel free to save before talking to the woman, to
make sure you get a good sword.

-- Hunter (at an intersection near the center of the village): If you look at
him you’ll notice he’s poisoned, and then you can get a quest to retrieve
some antidote for him. The antidote is in his house, and his house is on
the southern edge of the village. When you bring the antidote to him
you’ll receive 150 experience points, unless you demanded a reward when you
talked to him, and then you’ll receive a tiger skin.

-- Old man (outside a house near the center of the village): He’ll tell you
about the five elements. Everything he says is covered in the manual, but
if you listen to him you’ll receive +1 wisdom.

-- Zhao Cheng (outside a house on the western side of the village): Pat him to
get his attention, and then take the “if people were not so greedy”
conversation option. You’ll receive 200 experience points and a quest.
Don’t worry about the quest for now. You won’t find the paradise he’s
looking for until a later chapter.

-- Zhao Qian (the second time): Tell her you hope you can see her again, and
she’ll give you two double-spore mushrooms.

-- Woodsman (next to a well east of the village): He’ll ask you to retrieve
his axe from a bear in the cave. There are actually two bears in the cave,
but you should be able to draw them to you one at a time and defeat them
relatively easily (especially if you’ve done some of the other side quests
first). When you give the woodsman his axe, you’ll receive 300 experience

-- Cave (northeast of village): This is the cave where you end up after Zhao
Qian heals you. Inside you can fight some tiger fish, and at the back of
the cave is a treasure chest. The tiger fish re-spawn after a short time,
so you can hang out inside the cave for a while if you want some extra
experience. Also, you don’t have to worry about poison; it won’t last long
or do much damage.

Note: The chest will always have a metal-based (yellow) ring, and the sword
you find from the old woman will always be water-based (blue). So if the
sword has a concealed attribute, the ring will bring it out.

There are also some wolves in the forest around the village, which you can
kill for some extra experience. Once you’re ready to move on, head southeast
and take the Yangzhou exit.

* ================= *
* 06.02.02 Yangzhou *
* ================= *

As soon as you enter the area you’ll trigger a cut scene, and then Kong Gang
will join your party. There isn’t any reason not to accept him, so leave him
in your party and then explore the city. Here are some of the things you’ll

-- Carpenter (wandering west of the magistrate’s office): He’ll offer to teach
you how to make saddles, fishing rods, and ropes and hooks -- for 300 gold
each. You probably can’t afford his tutelage yet, but remember where he
is. All three objects will be part of quests later.

-- Chef (inside the inn): He’ll ask you to fetch him some red dates. There
are two places you can get the dates, from the vegetable peddler right next
to the inn (for 50 gold), and from a house next to the prison (on a table).
When you give the dates to the chef, he’ll reward you with 100 gold. Then
if you talk to the chef again, he’ll tell you about cooking, and you’ll
receive +2 charm.

-- Prison (eastern side of city): You need to have Kong Gang in your party so
you can talk your way past the gate guard. But once inside, you have a
choice. You can either continue to let Kong Gang talk so you can move
around freely, or you can fight the prison guards. You’ll get more
experience plus some equipment if you fight, but it’s the more difficult
approach. If you decide to fight, it’s best to move away from the entry
stairs since guards will regularly spawn there.

Regardless of your choice, eventually you’ll need to head south into the
prison and talk to Meng Tian. Once that (automatic) conversation finishes,
you’ll be teleported outside of the prison and not be able to go back
inside, so do as much fighting and looting as you can first. Once outside
the prison it won’t matter which choice you made. The guards won’t be
hostile, and you’ll be able to go about your business.

Note: As far as I know, there isn’t any way to rescue Meng Tian.

When you’re ready to move on, head to the southwestern corner of the area, and
then take the most eastern of the two exits there.

* ============================== *
* 06.02.03 Beidi Courier Station *
* ============================== *

This is a tiny area. Just go inside the station and tell the courier that you
are there to relieve him. He’ll give you an official document, and you’ll
receive 500 experience points. (If you make the wrong dialogue choice, you’ll
have to fight the courier to get the document. You’ll receive fewer
experience points that way, but you might pick up some equipment or gold, so
either way is about as good.) Then head for Beidi Prefecture.

* ========================= *
* 06.02.04 Beidi Prefecture *
* ========================= *

This area is mostly wilderness, and you’ll get to fight wolves, white wolves,
white tigers, and even bandits. Plus, there are a couple points of interest:

-- In the southwestern part of the area you’ll find a hunter’s house. The
hunter inside will pay 80 gold for wolf bones. That sounds like a good
deal, since it’s about twice as much as shopkeepers will pay, but as long
as Fu Su has the “make-things” skill, you should instead combine the wolf
bones with low-grade copper rocks (assuming you have more rocks than you
know what to do with) to create rings you can sell for about 300 gold

-- In the eastern part of the forest you’ll find a man next to a well. He’ll
tell you there’s a treasure in the well and ask you to help him retrieve
it. Inside the well you’ll find a middle-aged man who will warn you to
leave, and you’ll also meet up with the first man again. When you talk to
the first man, you’ll discover that he led you into a trap, and about five
tigers will appear and attack you.

“Tiger brothers, come on! Here comes your supper!” -- Man

Once you defeat the tigers, go back and talk to the middle-aged man.
You’ll find out that the first man was an unhappy spirit who was killed by
the tigers and then decided to lead others to the same fate. But because
you killed the tigers, the middle-aged man will be able to rest in peace,
and you’ll receive 1000 experience points.

-- At the northern edge of the area is another cave. Inside you can find some
tigers and tiger fish, plus two treasure chests.

At the gate to Beidi Prefecture you can either bribe the guards to let you in
(not a good idea), or you can claim to be a courier and show them the official
document you picked up earlier. When you do, you’ll be able to move past the
guards and open up the gate to the city.

“Hey, do you know? The First Emperor is dead! It seems that there’ll be
some world-shaking turmoil.” -- Citizen

There are also some side quests in the city:

-- In the inn (at the eastern edge of the city), you can convince the waiter
that there is nothing wrong with the inn’s well, and for your efforts
you’ll receive 800 experience points and 1 fame point.

-- Also in the inn you can do a quest for the innkeeper. He’ll tell you about
a “rascal” who has been eating and drinking at the inn for the last 10 days
but who hasn’t paid his bill. So head east and confront the rascal. He
won’t think much of you, and you’ll have to fight him to teach him a
lesson. The rascal has a lot of hit points and hits hard, but he doesn’t
hit often, and so Fu Su and Kong Gang should be able to take him. Once
you’ve defeated him, he’ll surrender and give you the gold he owes the
innkeeper. When you return to the innkeeper, you’ll have some options.
You can keep the gold yourself (-2 fame points), give the gold to the
innkeeper but then accept half of them back (800 experience points, 2 fame
points), or let the innkeeper keep all of the gold (1600 experience
points, 3 fame points).

“Ouch, ouch. I’m hurt! My stomach...” -- Rascal

-- In Peng Yu’s house (near the center of the city) you’ll meet Peng Yu’s
wife. She’ll tell you that her husband is a drunkard and ask you to help.
Agree to help (which rewards you with 1 fame point) and then head back to
the inn. In the northern room is a “drunkard” who is really Peng Yu. Tell
him that his wife only nags him about drinking because she loves him so
much, and he’ll head back home a new man. You’ll receive 500 experience
points and 2 more fame points for the deed, and when you talk to Peng Yu
and his wife again you’ll receive a book of +10 wisdom and 600 more
experience points. (You should save the book for a spellcaster rather than
use it on Fu Su or Kong Gang.)

-- In Liao Yi’s house (at the western edge of the city) you can find Liao
Yi. If you talk to the “naughty child” outside his house, you’ll learn
he’s a wizard, and you’ll be able to start a long conversation with him
about somebody named Lu Buwei. After the conversation you can ask Yi to
join you. He’ll say he has to think about it, and when you ask him again
he’ll still be undecided, but on the third try he’ll join you (there might
be some sort of requirement for Yi to join you, but if so it is very low).

Note: In a shelf behind Yi is Lu’s Almanac (permanent +80 mana points).

When you’re ready to move on, take the westernmost exit inside the city.

* ====================== *
* 06.02.05 Lixian County *
* ====================== *

This is a small area with a few side quests:

-- Old man (wandering near the center of the village): He’ll tell you he has
broken his fishing rod and needs a new one. If you learned the fishing rod
schematic from the carpenter in Yangzhou (and have some tendon), you can
make a rod for the old man and gain the Meteor Crossbow in return. (You
won’t be able to identify the crossbow until you reach Xianyang.)

-- Tuan’er (wandering just north of the village): She’ll ask you to pretend to
be her father (who was forced to work on the Great Wall and who is probably
dead), to help lift the spirits of her mother. Ask the girl questions
about her family and then agree to help her (which is worth 2 fame points).
The mother is in the easternmost house in the village, but save your game
before talking to her. She’ll test you to make sure you’re her husband,
and while some of the answers you should know from talking to Tuan’er, some
require trial and error. If you navigate the conversation correctly you
can earn up to 3700 experience points and 3 fame points, plus make the
mother happy.

But note: You’ll give the mother one quarter of your gold at the end of the
conversation, so drop all your gold before talking to her.

Then go back and talk to Tuan’er to receive an emerald.

-- Middle aged man (wandering west of the village): Talk to him and he’ll
teach you how to make puppets.

-- Herbalist (west of the village): He’ll tell you how his thousand-year
fungus was stolen by bandits, and ask you to retrieve it for him. The
bandits can be found at the northwestern corner of the map, and the fungus
is in one of their huts. (The other hut has a locked chest you’ll have to
ignore for now.) When you bring the fungus back to the herbalist you’ll
receive 1000 experience points and 1 fame point.

“This Thousand-year Fungus must be sold at a good price. Ha, ha, ha, I
will be rich!” -- Herbalist

-- Ji Quan (in a house on the eastern side of the village): Tell him how tasty
roasted meat is, and then don’t interrupt him. Shortly you’ll receive an
iron ring that always seems to include a bonus to strength.

Note: You must have completed the chef’s quest in Yangzhou and also talked
to the chef about cooking in order to do this quest.

Another note: This quest doesn’t work in the retail release of the game.

Unknown: Does anybody ever want a puppet?

Then head back to Yangzhou and take the exit to Yanmen Pass.

* ==================== *
* 06.02.06 Yanmen Pass *
* ==================== *

The main place of interest here is the inn north of where you start. Inside
you’ll find “a young man of a different race.” If you talk to him long enough
five assassins (the men who had been standing outside the inn) will jump in
and attack him. When you help the man defeat the assassins, you’ll learn that
he is really Modu, son of the Khan, and that he has some family problems
similar to yours. He’ll ask you to help him kill his father, and then he’ll
leave the area and wait for you at the Hun Barracks.

There are also some side quests in the area:

-- Merchant (standing next to the inn): He’ll offer to either sell you a
leather coat (for 800 gold) or sell you a leather coat and teach you how
to make leather coats on your own (for 1500 gold). You’ll need a leather
coat for a quest later on in Chapter One, but it’s possible to get a
leather coat for free in Chapter Two, so decide if you want to spend your

Note: Even though the leather coat the merchant sells you might be pretty
good, any coat you make will be level 1 without any attributes (it’ll be
just like any other quest item you make). However, if you learn the
schematic, the merchant will offer to pay you 700 gold for leather coats,
so you could potentially make a profit on the deal, provided you have an
excess of materials and don’t mind coming back to Yanmen Pass.

Also note: The leather coat has the “%d” cost forging bug in 1.16b, giving
you even less reason to buy the schematic.

-- Cui Xiao (in the eastern house): He’ll ask you to figure out why his
neighbor’s well works, but his doesn’t. When you go to the neighbor (in
the house to the west), he’ll tell you that a strange sound has been coming
from Xiao’s well. So go back to Xiao’s house and then enter the well next
to it. Inside you’ll find a few tiger fish, plus a tiger fish king. When
you kill the creatures you’ll receive 1 fame point, and when you go back
and talk to Cui Xiao you’ll receive 1000 experience points.

“How can a monster get into a well? Strange! Incredible!” -- Cui Xiao

-- Cave (northern part of area): The cave is locked, but you’ll notice a
sculpture of a woman with a hairpin and a man with a bow and arrow. Just
keep the cave in mind for later.

Once you’ve finished the side quests, head to the northeastern corner of the
area. You’ll find some Qin soldiers, led by a commander named Wu Qi, standing
next to the gate. If you attacked the prison in Yangzhou (or perhaps if
you’ve attacked soldiers anywhere), then talking to Wu Qi will cause the
soldiers to attack; otherwise Wu Qi will simply mention there are bandits in
the area. The soldiers aren’t too difficult to kill (although there are a lot
of them); just keep Liao Yi out of harm’s way.

Then exit the area for the Hun Barracks -- provided you can. You have to be
at least level 10 to visit the barracks, so if you haven’t reached that level
yet, either wander around for a while and fight some random battles, or else
come back to the barracks later.

* ===================== *
* 06.02.07 Hun Barracks *
* ===================== *

You’ll find Modu in the southern part of the area, right next to where you
start out. Eventually you’ll have to add him to your party (if you want to do
his quest), but you don’t have to add him right away. If he’s not in your
party, then the Huns in the area will attack you on sight (after you’ve talked
to them once), and you’ll be able to pick up some equipment and experience.
Otherwise, if Modu is with you, you’ll be able to move around unhindered.

So attack the Huns or not, but add Modu to your party before entering any of
the tents. In one of the northwestern tents, you’ll find a Hun soldier who
thinks you look like a spy, but who will be willing to ignore that fact if you
find his sword for him. The sword is located in the tent to the east. It’s
called “Di Meng’s long sword.” When you return the sword to the soldier
you’ll receive 3000 experience points plus the Record of Warring States
(permanent +10 strength).

Note: In the southeastern tent you’ll be attacked for being a spy no matter

In the Prime Minister’s tent, the Prime Minister will decide to support Modu
rather than Touman the Khan, and he’ll tell you that Touman went hunting and
only took a few escorts with him. So head to the northeastern part of the
camp (near a stage) and confront Touman.

This will probably be your most difficult fight so far. Not only will you
have to attack Touman and his escorts, you’ll also have to deal with a couple
“monsters.” So as soon as the cut scene ends, take your entire party and send
it west to (roughly) the Prime Minister’s tent. Most of the enemies will
chase you but then stop and go back to the stage. So once you’ve escaped the
initial battle, go back to the stage and draw out the enemies one or two at a
time. The monsters won’t stray far from the stage, but you should be able to
draw out Touman and his escorts.

Touman will be tough to kill, even if you have him all by himself. He has
lots of hit points, he regenerates quickly, and he has an attack that causes
your characters to run away in fear. But just plug away and use healing items
when necessary, and eventually he should go down. The monsters will also be
tough, but not as tough as Touman, and you should be able to handle them even
fighting both at once.

When you go back to the Prime Minister you’ll discover why he didn’t tell you
about the monsters -- he wants to be Khan himself, and he wants you dead. So,
just as soon as the cut scene ends, and just like in the last battle,
immediately take your party and have it run away. Then use hit and run
tactics to whittle away the Prime Minister’s forces and eventually kill the
Prime Minister himself. He’s not as tough as Touman, but it’s still better if
you can kill him without any of his guards around.

Once the battle is over, Modu will leave your party and you’ll find yourself
in the Khan’s tent. Modu will then give you the Juque Sword. Go ahead and
start a conversation with Modu and invite him back into your party. Even if
you don’t want him back, you have to invite him so you can steal his
equipment, especially the body armor he starts with (assuming you didn’t grab
it before). Then either keep him or dismiss him and head to the North Suburb
of Xianyang.

* ================================= *
* 06.02.08 North Suburb of Xianyang *
* ================================= *

This is a small area, mostly made up of an encampment for the Second Emperor.
If you approach the encampment, a commander will warn you off, even if you
claim to be a courier. North of the encampment you can talk to a woodsman who
will tell you of a secret way to get in. All you have to do is go through the
dangerous cave to the east. (You can also storm the gate if you want, but
it’s more difficult.)

The cave has three tigers in it, but they shouldn’t pose much of a problem.
Outside the cave you’ll run into a bunch of Qin soldiers. Luckily, you can
face them in small groups and dispatch them relatively easily. Just make sure
you don’t chase fleeing enemies and cause nearby soldiers to join the fight.

In the southeastern corner of the area you’ll find a tent marked “the
emperor’s living quarters.” When you go inside you’ll get to eavesdrop on a
conversation between your brother the emperor and his advisors, where it
becomes clear the advisors are in control rather than the emperor.

Once the cut scene ends, kill any more soldiers you want (realizing that newly
spawned soldiers don’t give experience or equipment), and then exit the area
for Xianyang.

* ================= *
* 06.02.09 Xianyang *
* ================= *

Note: You can identify level 9 objects (like the Juque sword and the meteor
crossbow) in Xianyang. Just go into a shop and use the identify option.

Explore the city to discover several side quests:

-- Old man and Ming’er (outside in the southwestern part of city): Talk to the
old man and he’ll tell you how Ming’er damaged a scarf left to him by his
mother. Agree to help them, and you’ll receive 800 experience points. You
can fix the scarf at the embroideress’ house in the northern part of the
city. Tell the embroideress the reason you need the scarf repaired so
she’ll only charge you 100 gold (otherwise it’ll cost 500 gold) and then
walk all the way across the city to talk to the old man again. Then walk
across the city to fetch the repaired scarf, and then walk all the way back
to give the scarf to the old man. Your reward for all that walking? 1000
experience points and 1 fame point.

-- Scholar (in a house in the southwestern part of the city): Ask the scholar
to tell you the story of Zhi Shen, and you’ll have some options. If you
say “Zhi Shen was the head of the family...” then you’ll receive 1500
experience points. If you say “Whoever can bring prosperity...” then
you’ll receive 1800 experience points. If you say “Zhi Guo was
objecting....” and then agree, you’ll receive 1000 experience points and +2
charm. Otherwise, if you disagree, you’ll receive 1000 experience points
and +1 wisdom. Since Fu Su doesn’t need charm, getting the extra point of
wisdom is probably the best idea.

-- Le Bo (outside in the southern part of the city): He’ll approach you and
start a conversation. Eventually he’ll give you the back door key to Fu
Su’s residence, and he’ll suggest you talk to General Huan Feng.

-- Ping’r (in a house on the eastern side of the city): She’ll tell you how
she broke her father’s wine jug and ask you to help her replace it. Go
ahead and agree. You can buy a new jug in the shop near the center of the
city. The grocer there will initially ask you for 800 gold, but if you
decline that and talk to him again, he’ll sell it for 600 gold. When you
give the jug to Ping’r you’ll receive 1000 experience points plus the
hairpin necessary to enter the cave in Yanmen Pass.

Note: The hairpin cave has some difficult monsters in it, and you can only
enter it once, so don’t rush right off to explore it.

-- A girl (outside a house on the eastern side of the city): She’ll tell you
how she’s in love with Brother Lin, but how Lin can’t afford her dowry. If
you pay the dowry yourself you’ll receive 1000 experience points and 1 fame
point. If you instead go into the house and convince the father to let the
girl marry Lin, you’ll receive 1500 experience points and 2 fame points,
plus you’ll be able to talk to the girl again and receive 1500 more
experience points.

Note: There is a matchmaker in the city, but there doesn’t seem to be any
way to get her involved.

-- A house servant (wandering around the intersection near the center of the
city): He’ll offer to pay you 2000 gold for a leather coat. This is the
payoff for buying the leather coat (or the schematic) in Yanmen Pass. When
you give the coat to the servant, he’ll also give you some amber.

-- Fuqiu Bo (wandering in the northern part of the city): Talk to him and
he’ll give you the book of songs (permanent +10 charm).

-- Old man (standing outside south of the prison): Talk to him to earn +1

-- Fu Su’s residence (western side of city): You can’t go in the front door,
but you can go in the back, just as soon as you get the key from Le Bo in
the southern part of the city. Inside the residence you can find a bunch
of enemy guards, plus two documents -- Ya’er’s (your wife’s) suicide note,
and The Art of War by Sun Bin (permanent +60 earth defense power).

“We can’t live together in this life, and I hope to continue our happy
fate in the next.” -- Ya’er

Once you’ve completed the side quests, head over to General Huan Feng’s
residence in the northern part of the city. Tell the gate sentries that
you’re a courier so they’ll unlock the gate. Then talk to Feng to discover
your father might have been murdered. Once the cut scene ends, talk to Feng
again and he’ll suggest looking east of Xianyang to find a “skilled
craftsman,” someone who can help you enter your father’s tomb.

Note: You don’t need the official document any more. Or the suicide note.

As soon as you leave the area, Chapter Two will start. However, instead of
following Feng’s advice and going east, return the way you came and head back
to Zhaocun Village.

| 06.03.00 Chapter Two |

In this chapter you need to find a skilled craftsman (Xiao Qi in Pengcheng)
and then perform a quest for him.

* ======================== *
* 06.03.01 Zhaocun Village *
* ======================== *

When you arrive back in the village, you’ll find that some soldiers have put
it to the torch and are now intent upon finishing off the last few of its
citizens. Zhao Qian can last indefinitely, but the hunter and the woodsman
are vulnerable, and if you can keep them from getting killed, you’ll receive
4000 experience points for the woodsman and 3000 experience points for the
hunter. Zhao Qian will offer to join your party after the battle.

You can also talk to some of the remaining villagers. Zhao Cheng is still
looking for paradise, and the village head will tell you the legend of Gui
Guzi, who might have created just such a paradise. All you have to do is find
the entrance to the paradise through one of the caves in the area.

There are four caves east of the village. The one leading to the paradise is
the northernmost cave. To get to the paradise you’ll have to pass some tests
and kill some monsters. You can probably pass through some of the earlier
tests without problem, but there isn’t any way to reach the paradise this
early in the game. So just poke around the northern cave as much as you can,
and then explore the other three caves. (See 06.05.08 for information on the

When you’re ready to move on, head to the North Suburb of Xianyang (via the
Beidi Prefecture).

* ================================= *
* 06.03.02 North Suburb of Xianyang *
* ================================= *

This area is about the same as before, except now the emperor’s encampment is
gone. Furthermore, lots of wolves and “ogres” (aka monkeys) will have taken
up residence in the area. The wolves in particular are useful because they
re-spawn quickly, and so you can use them to pick up lots of low-level animal
parts for building things.

When killing wolves gets boring, go to Yongxian County (via Xianyang).

* ======================== *
* 06.03.03 Yongxian County *
* ======================== *

Fight some wolves on the eastern side of the area, and then head west into the
village. The main event here occurs in the pawn shop (on the eastern side of
the village). When you go inside you’ll trigger a cut scene where you help a
girl buy some medicine. The girl looks like Yao Tong, the wife of your
twelfth brother Ying Gao, so follow her when she leaves. When you find her
south of the village you’ll arrive just in time to thwart some guards trying
to kill her and her husband. Dispatch the dozen or so guards and then find
Tong and Gao in one of the southern houses in the village. You’ll trigger
another cut scene where Gao tells you that the emperor and his advisor Zhao
Gao have hunted down and killed most of your brothers and sisters. Then he’ll
die and Tong will leave for Lixian County.

There are also a couple of side quests:

-- Scholar and Ah Lan: Talk to the scholar (in a northern house) and then
trade messages between him and Ah Lan (in a southern house). This is their
way of agreeing to marry each other, and when you complete the quest, the
scholar will offer to give you a short sword -- just as soon as he can find
it. He’ll tell you to come back in a few days, but really it’s a matter of
fame and not time. (36 fame isn’t enough, but 41 is.) Once he gives you
the sword, you’ll discover it’s the Yuchang sword, a pretty good weapon for

Note: If you take the (badly translated) dialogue option “I hope you’ll
take it” then you’ll receive 1 fame point.

-- A wandering boy (northwestern corner of area): The boy will tell you how
his father left some valuables in the cave nearby. Agree to help and then
go in the cave. You’ll have to defeat a bunch of bandits, but at the back
of the cave you’ll find two chests. Just in case their descriptions scroll
off the edge of your screen, the left one reads, “The treasure contained in
this chest can never be used up through all the ages.” The right one
reads, “The treasure contained in this chest is only enough for one
lifetime.” When you go back out to talk to the boy, he’ll give you a key
to open one of the chests. The left chest contains a message from the
father chastising the boy. The right chest contains a “moneybag” (2000
gold). It doesn’t matter which one you open. Either way you’ll receive
2000 experience points and 3 fame points, unless you open the right chest
and keep the money, and then you’ll lose 1 fame point.

Unknown: What does “an old man gifted in making riddles” do?

When you’re ready to move on, head back to Lixian County so you can add Yao
Tong to your party (assuming you want her). While you’re in the area, you can
also unlock the chest in one of the bandit huts. Then head to Hanzhong
Prefecture (via Xianyang).

* ============================ *
* 06.03.04 Hanzhong Prefecture *
* ============================ *

Explore the area and discover the side quests:

-- Scholar (outside on the eastern side of the village): Talk to her to learn
about the jade seal of the First Emperor, and earn +1 wisdom in the

-- Hunter (outside near the center of the village): He’ll ask you to find him
a quality trap for catching animals. You won’t be able to make a trap for
him until Chapter Three (see 06.04.01), but when you do you’ll have a
choice. You can remind him to pay you (500 experience points, 500 gold),
or you can forget it (8000 experience points).

Note: In version 1.16b you probably won’t be able to complete this quest
because of the “%d” cost forging bug.

-- Lu Ping’s house (eastern side of village): Lu Ping will tell you how he has
a secret room under his house, but how he doesn’t know how to get inside.
Agree to help him and then take the “secret tunnel” underground. Explore
until you find the door, and realize it’s just a riddle. The correct
answer is “frost.” Inside the secret room you’ll find three locked chests,
plus a copy of The Book of Mountains and Seas (permanent +80 hit points) in
one of the shelves. When you go back to Lu Ping he’ll reward you with 2000

-- Xiaoli (inside a house on the eastern side of the village): She’ll ask you
to read a letter from her husband. You’ll lose fame and savvy if you tell
her what the letter really says, so instead lie to her and say that her
husband is in good health. You’ll receive 1 fame point, +1 savvy, and +1

You can also find a “wandering blacksmith” (merchant) south of the town, and a
bandit camp east of the town. When you’re ready to continue on, head to the
Sanchuan Prefecture.

“I am... a fat lamb? Only if you have the capability!” -- Fu Su

* ============================ *
* 06.03.05 Sanchuan Prefecture *
* ============================ *

Explore the city and find the following people and side quests:

-- Beggar (sitting outside of inn): Talk to him and take the “you have your
own hands” dialogue options. Then you’ll receive 1500 experience points.
(If you talk to him a second time you’ll also receive a journal entry.)

-- Drinker (inside of inn): If you pay him 200 gold, he’ll tell you about Jin
Hai, a trainer of assassins. (This isn’t necessary if you’re not looking
to add another assassin to your party.) Then if you talk to him again
he’ll offer to tell you another secret for 400 gold. Don’t pay him this
time; he won’t really have a secret.

-- Xun Huo and Ma San: As you walk east of the inn you’ll be approached by Xun
Huo. He’ll tell you that Ma San is planning to attack him. So walk over
to Ma San (standing north of the inn, in front of Xun Huo’s house) and talk
to him. If you decide to teach him a lesson (that is, attack him) you’ll
receive 1000 experience points when you talk to Huo next. If you talk some
sense into him, you’ll receive 1500 experience points and 2 fame points,
and then when you report to Huo you’ll receive 1500 more experience points.

“I want to take his life because I want to!” -- Ma San

-- Hou Xun: As you move through the southern part of the city you’ll be
approached by Hou Xun (not to be confused with Xun Huo). He’ll tell you
how he lost a gem at Yan the Butcher’s shop, and he’ll ask you to get it
back. So go visit Yan the Butcher next to the inn and demand the gem back.
You’ll have to fight Yan, but eventually he’ll surrender and give you a
sapphire. When you give the sapphire back to Xun, he’ll give you a leather
coat, and you’ll also receive 1 fame point. (If you decide to keep the
sapphire you’ll lose a fame point.)

-- Jin Hai’s estate (southern part of city): If you go in the main building
you can talk to Jin Hai. Assuming you learned that he trains assassins
(from the drinker at the inn) Hai will offer you the assassin Tian Yuelin
for 6000 gold. Yuelin is in the side room of the estate, but before
she’ll join your party you might have to defeat her in battle with Fu Su
alone (depending on how your conversation with her goes).

-- Peasant (standing in the southwestern part of the city): Talk to him and
he’ll teach you how to make spades. You’ll need a spade for a quest later.

-- Rain-Goose Pagoda (southwestern part of the city): If you go inside and
defeat “The Wanderer,” he’ll tell you that you can find the Golden Dragon
Helmet in a well near the tavern at Hejiang. (but don’t get too excited;
you won’t be able to reach Hejiang until Chapter Four.)

Note: You can’t get into the commander’s compound or the prison yet.

* ================== *
* 06.03.06 Yingchuan *
* ================== *

There are several side quests here to complete:

-- Xiaolong (standing on the northwestern part of the village): He’ll tell you
that Ah Zhu stole his wooden sword and then beat him with it. Agree to
help him get the sword back. You can find Ah Zhu wandering on the western
side of the village. If you scare him into giving the sword back you’ll
receive 1500 experience points. If you instead persuade him, you’ll
receive +1 wisdom.

“I don’t want to be a robber. I want to be a good man!” -- Ah Zhu

When you give the sword back to Xiaolong, he’ll tell you that he hid a
“wonderful stone” in a tree in the forest. The tree is in the northeastern
corner of the area, and it always seems to contain a Plum-blossom Jade.

Note: The blacksmith can teach you how to make wooden swords, but having
your own wooden sword doesn’t seem to influence Xiaolong’s quest.

-- Sheng Cai (wandering in the northwestern part of the village): He’ll tell
you about a minor official named Wang Yan, and how Yan offended the local
Magistrate and then suddenly found himself arrested for hiding weapons in
his house. Agree to help, and then find Yan in the prison. (There doesn’t
seem to be any way to avoid the 3000-gold bribe.) A desk near the center
of the cell area will have the key to Yan’s cell, and you’ll need the key
so you can enter the cell and talk to him. Yan will give you more details
about his problems with the Magistrate.

Now you have a choice about how to complete the quest. If you finish your
conversation with Yan by using the “I can settle that” dialogue option,
then you’ll try to clear his name. If you finish with the “I’ll get
prepared and rescue you” option then you’ll try and break him out of

If you want to clear Yan’s name, leave the prison and go to his house (on
the eastern side of the village). Inside you’ll find a jade pendant on the
floor. Go back to Yan and ask him about it, and he’ll recognize it as
belonging to his neighbor Li Duo. Go talk to Duo (in his house next to
Yan’s) and he’ll admit the pendant is his but deny having been in Yan’s
house. Go talk to Sheng Cai again and he’ll mention that Duo suddenly come
into a lot of money recently, and that he has been visiting the County
Office regularly. Go back and search Duo’s house and you’ll discover “keys
to the door.” Trek back to the prison and Yan will tell you that the key
belongs to his door. Go back and talk to Duo again (in his house), and
he’ll admit the Magistrate put him up to framing Yan. Finally, go to the
County Office and confront the Magistrate, and he’ll let Yan go. In total
you’ll receive 8500 experience points, +2 wisdom, and The Art of War by
Shang Yang (permanent +60 fire defense power).

It is much simpler to rescue Yan from prison. For that case all you have
to do is leave the prison, tell the official in charge of the prison (the
guy you bribed before) that you’re starting a jailbreak, and then kill
whoever gets in your way until you reach Yan. Then when you talk to Yan
he’ll be freed and you’ll gain 2000 experience points, +2 wisdom, and The
Art of War by Shang Yang. But note: Because of all the guards you’ll have
to kill, you’ll end up with more experience this way, plus gain some

-- Rich merchant’s estate (northern side of the village): When you go inside,
the rich merchant will approach you and start a conversation. Select the
“take it easy” and “don’t overreact” dialogue options and you’ll receive
3000 experience points. Then the merchant will tell you how some bandits
on Yinghuiling Mountain have decided to blackmail him. If he doesn’t give
up a family heirloom named the Jade Dancer, the bandits will kill his
family. Agree to look into the matter for him, but you’ll have to wait
until the next area to complete the quest.

-- County Office (western side of the village): You’ll find some rude guards
in here, and it’s ok if you kill them.

-- An old man (standing next to the inn): The old man tells fortunes. If you
have Kong Gang in your party, the old man will tell him his fortune, and
that will be enough to convince you he’s for real. Then you can learn your
own fortune, but nothing seems to come of it.

When you’re ready to move on, go to the northeastern corner of the area and
leave for Yinghuiling Mountain.

* ============================= *
* 06.03.07 Yinghuiling Mountain *
* ============================= *

Note: You can’t enter this area until you take on the rich merchant’s quest

Follow the path east and talk to the scholar Zhang Liang when he approaches
you. If you make friends with him, then you’ll be able to use his name when
talking to the bandits later, and be able to move around their camp freely.
(It doesn’t matter if you tell him your true name or not, but you’ll see a cut
scene if you do.) Also, if you talk to Liang a second time, you’ll be able to
ask him if he knows of any assassins. He’ll remember one who lives in Zhaocun
Village, but it’s Zhao Qian’s father, who is dead.

Farther down the path you’ll run into an herbalist who is trying to get roots
off the cliff face. He’ll ask you to bring him a rope and hook. If you
learned the schematic from the carpenter in Yangzhou, then you can make the
rope and hook for him. When you give it to him you’ll gain 1 fame point, and
the herbalist will tell you about a weapon you can have in his house (on the
eastern side of the area). What you’ll find is Extraordinary Green, a weapon
that looks good for spellcasters but isn’t since it doesn’t include enough
elemental damage.

Note: In version 1.16b you probably can’t complete this quest because of the
“%d” cost forging bug.

Finally, you’ll run into the bandits, and you can fight them or not as you
wish. In the back of the camp you’ll find the “Hero-gathering Hall” (a big
tent). When you go inside you’ll first see a cut scene, and then you’ll have
to fight the bandits. Zhang Liang will help you, and the battle will end once
you’ve defeated the bandit leader Han Cheng. So if you want to get more
experience and equipment, save him for last. Just be sure you don’t let Liang
get killed.

After the battle, the bandit leader will agree to end the blackmail threat
against the rich merchant, and Zhang Liang will become available to join your
party, provided your fame is high enough. (28 isn’t high enough but 34 is.)
Then go back to Yingchuan and talk to the rich merchant. You’ll receive 1000
gold, 500 experience points, and 2 fame points for your efforts.

Then head to Handan (via Sanchuan Prefecture).

* =============== *
* 06.03.08 Handan *
* =============== *

Here are some of the people and side quests you can find in the city:

-- Sun Yi (wandering outside the southwestern city gates): He’ll tell you that
Liu Bang is in Peixian County.

-- Treasure merchant (inside inn): If you pay him 1000 gold, he’ll name a
treasure you can retrieve for him. That doesn’t sound like a good deal,
but go ahead and do it. The first treasure is Monster Nafu’s Hoof, which
you won’t be able to find until Chapter Ten.

-- Liu Yan (inside inn): If you talk to the merchant standing outside the inn,
you’ll learn that Liu Yan recently bought an expensive pearl. Then when
you talk to Yan he’ll offer you a quest to deliver the pearl to Fengxian
County. (However, you won’t be able to deliver the pearl until Chapter

-- Chunyu Qiu (in a “civilian house” on the western side of the city): After
listening to her sing and having a short conversation with her, she’ll give
you a quiz. The answers are “Cai Wei,” the option that starts with “Yin
and Yang,” and “Chunyu Yue.” Once you get the answers correct, she’ll lead
you to a secret library located under her house.

“But generally speaking, it is not proper to burn so many books and kill
so many people.” -- Fu Su

During the ensuing cut scene, Qiu will attempt to kill herself, and you’ll
get a quest to save her. You’ll need to find three herbs, and you can get
them from the “vagrant doctor” who wanders around the southern half of the
city. He’ll ask you for 8000 gold, and if you agree he’ll reveal that
he’s really Feng Yu, former doctor of the First Emperor, and he’ll give you
the herbs for free. Plus, he’ll also give you six “god pills” which
completely restore hit points.

With herbs in hand, all you have to do to heal Chunyu Qiu is approach her.
Then when you talk to her again she’ll offer to join your party.

Note: On one of the shelves in the library you can find a copy of The Art
of War by Sun Tzu (permanent +60 metal defense power).

-- Ding Xun’s house (near the center of the city): Ding Xun will be involved
in a quest in Chapter Four (see 06.05.07).

-- Cui Na (wandering around the eastern side of the city): If you talk to him
you’ll gain +1 charm.

Note: You can’t get into the commander’s compound yet.

When you’re ready to move on, head to the southeastern corner of the area and
leave for Peixian County.

* ======================= *
* 06.03.09 Peixian County *
* ======================= *

This area is all about Liu Bang, the constable of the county. If you talk to
people you’ll find out that Bang has rebelled against the empire by releasing
hundreds of prisoners, and that he hasn’t been in the county for some time.

If you go to the northeastern corner of the area, you’ll find Bang’s house.
Inside you can talk to his wife Lu Zhi. Tell her that soldiers are looking
for Bang, and you’ll receive 2000 experience points. Then go outside and talk
to Bang’s son Xiaobao. He’ll offer to tell you a secret if you give him a
wooden sword. You can get a wooden sword by learning the schematic from the
blacksmith in Yingchuan. When you give the sword to Xiaobao, he’ll let you
know that Liu Bang is at Dangshan Mountain.

There are two other ways to learn Liu Bang’s whereabouts:

-- Fan Kuai (in the dog meat shop on the eastern side of the village): When
you have the option, take the “I think he can help me” dialogue option.
Then talk to him again and take the “You are not frank at all” option.
Kuai will then tell you where to find Liu Bang.

-- Xiahou Ying (in the inn): Talk to brother Wu’s wife (also in the inn)
first, and she’ll tell you that Xiahou Ying is a friend of Liu Bang’s.
Then start a long conversation with Ying. Answer ...

o “Don’t you feel lonely?”
o “We are fated to be together”
o “I’m here for you”
o “I just want to make friends with you”
o “Oh, forget it”

... to earn 1500 experience points. From that point on getting the
information out of Ying should be relatively straightforward.

Once you complete one method to locate Bang, the others will become
unavailable, so the best method is the one involving his son.

There are also some people and places unrelated to Liu Bang:

-- Citizen (wandering in the southwestern corner of the area): You can ask the
citizen about famous people in the area, and he’ll mention Xiao Qi, who can
“make a flying bird from a piece of wood.” Upon further prompting, the
citizen will let you know that Qi is currently abroad, but that his brother
Xiao He or his friend Liu Bang might know where he is. However, not only
is Bang missing, if you go to He’s home (near the center of the village),
you’ll find out he’s out of town, too.

-- Ah Cai (wandering near the center of the village): He’ll ask you to help
him beat off two dogs. When you do you’ll gain 2 fame points.

-- The tower (northern part of the village): Inside you’ll find Xu Wu. If you
can beat him three times in one-on-one combat with Fu Su, you’ll gain (in
total) 3 fame points and a random (level 7) King Nie sword.

“I admire you! I admire you so much!” -- Xu Wu

Note: There is some requirement you have to meet before you can challenge
Wu, but I don’t know what it is. (I don’t think it’s fame.)

Unknown: Does Liu Kun have any purpose?

Since Liu Bang seems to be important, head south and leave the area for
Dangshan Mountain.

* ========================== *
* 06.03.10 Dangshan Mountain *
* ========================== *

Note: You can’t enter this area until you complete one of the quests to
determine Liu Bang’s location (06.03.09).

Near where you start out is a thatched hut. Go to it and talk to the old
woman inside. She’ll ask you to find her grandson and bring him back home.
The grandson is west of the hut, wandering in the forest. When you find him,
offer to play with him, and he’ll demand you bring him his “darling baby.”
The darling baby is at home, so go back to the hut and talk to the old woman.
She’ll tell you that the baby is locked in a chest, but that her husband has
the key. So leave the hut again but this time head south until you see an old
man. Talk to him and he’ll give you the key. Now head back to the hut,
unlock the chest, grab the toy, and go find the grandson again. This time
when you talk to him you can give him the toy (worth 2000 experience points)
and tell him his grandmother worries about him as much as he worries about the
toy. Then you can let him play a little longer (worth 3000 experience
points), threaten to take his toy away if he doesn’t go home (4000 experience
points), or tell him he can play some more tomorrow (4500 experience points).

Near where the grandson was playing, you’ll find a woodsman and a cave. The
woodsman will tell you how something in the cave frightened him, and how he
dropped a jade pendant when he ran away. So explore the cave. You’ll find
three groups of monsters: three paoxiaos, two shanyis, and two zhuyans. The
best way to deal with the monsters is to draw them to your party one at a
time. Fortunately, the jade is next to the paoxiaos, and so you don’t have to
face the other two groups if you won’t want to (or can’t). However, if you
make it all the way to the back of the cave, you’ll find a Warrior Club. And
when you give the jade back to the woodsman, you’ll receive 1500 experience
points and 2 fame points.

The woodsman also has a second quest. I’m not sure if there’s any requirement
for receiving it. Anyway, after you give the woodsman back his jade, talk to
him again and he’ll tell you about some “overbearing and fierce” people
heading to Chencheng for a bow. (Talk to him a final time for +2 charm.) In
Chencheng you’ll find “a young woman” west of the commander’s office who will
tell you that she was just robbed. Tell her to treat her wounds first (for
8000 experience points), and then agree to help her. At the eastern gate of
the city you’ll be approached by a robber. He’ll tell you that the bandit
leader Hu Dao has gone mad and has started killing his own men. You’ll find
Hu Dao farther to the east. Once you talk to him and kill him, you’ll find
the Sun-shooting bow, the book Classics on Stars, and some other treasures.
Then just talk to the woman again to automatically return the book to her and
also receive 8000 experience points and 3 fame points. She’ll let you keep
the bow as your reward.

On the western side of the forest is the reason you came to the area -- Liu
Bang’s rebel encampment. If you tell the rebels that you’re looking for Bang
and that his wife sent you, they’ll let you move around the encampment freely.
Otherwise you’ll have to fight them. Regardless, make your way to the big
tent labeled “Hall of the Mountain Village.” Inside, you’ll trigger a cut
scene where you meet Liu Bang for the first time, and Bang lets you know you
can find Xiao Qi in Pengcheng.

After the cut scene ends, you can talk to Liu Bang again. If you suggest that
he “establish moral standards” for his men (perhaps only available if you
attacked the rebels), you’ll receive 2500 experience points. You can also ask
Bang about Xiao Qi and how to get to Pengcheng.

When you leave the tent, Xiao He (Xiao Qi’s brother) will be standing outside,
but he won’t say anything interesting.

That’s it for the area. When you’re ready to move on, head to the
southeastern corner and leave for Pengcheng.

* ================== *
* 06.03.11 Pengcheng *
* ================== *

Note: You can’t enter this area until you talk to Liu Bang at Dangshan
Mountain (06.03.10).

When you enter the area you’ll discover a girl named Jing Wuji being attacked
by three bears. However, after you “rescue” her you’ll find out she didn’t
want your help, and she’ll challenge you to a duel. The fight should be
pretty easy. After you’ve defeated her, talk to her again and say you got
lucky. That will earn you 2500 experience points. Then go ahead and explore
the rest of the area. (You can’t do anything else with Wuji at the moment.)

Here are some of the people and things you’ll find:

-- Song Ji (in the inn): He’ll complain he’s never tasted the best wine.
You’ll find some wine for him in Chapter Four (see 06.05.07).

-- The wanderer (wandering near the pagoda in the northern part of the city):
Supposedly he has a good forging skill, so if you don’t learn that skill
with Fu Su, the wanderer is where you should go when you want to make

-- Courier (standing outside the courier station): He’ll complain that his
saddle was stolen. You can make a saddle if you’ve learned the schematic
from the carpenter in Yangzhou. When you give the saddle to the courier,
he’ll give you 2000 gold.

-- Woman weaver’s home (eastern side of the city): Talk to the weaver to learn
that her shuttle is broken. Then go to the western side of the city to
find the carpenter in his house. He’ll offer to sell you a shuttle (1000
gold) or teach you to make shuttles (500 gold). Once you have the
shuttle, give it to the weaver to receive 3500 experience points and 2 fame

-- Jing Wuji’s home (northeastern part of the city): Inside you can finally
talk to Xiao Qi. Offer to help him if he helps you, and he’ll tell you
about a monster shanyi that is terrorizing the city. You’ll have two
option -- to find heavenly iron (in Jiujiang) and iron-pine wood (at
Taishan Mountain) so Qi can make a trap for the monster, or simply go out
and kill the monster yourself (on the high ground north of the city). When
you complete one of the quests, Jing Wuji will return to her home, and
you’ll be able to recruit her into your party. Qi will also let you know
that Tian Gang of Hengshan Village helped build the First Emperor’s tomb,
and that you should go talk to him. Then when you leave the area, the
chapter will end.

“Should I find him, in terms of certainty, we can make another 10
percent!” -- Fu Su

It’s probably best just to kill the monster shanyi (assuming you can). If
you pick up the trap parts for Xiao Qi, you won’t get any experience for
the quest, and, as far as I can tell, Qi never finishes making the trap
anyway. (You’ll have to tell him time is running out so that he stops and
introduces you to Jing Wuji.) Meanwhile, if you kill the shanyi you’ll get
some experience and perhaps a useful body part.

However, for the purposes of the walkthrough, I’m going to assume you’re
looking for the trap parts. Mostly that just means Taishan Mountain and
Jiujiang appear in Chapter Two rather than Chapter Three.

When you’re ready to continue, head to Taishan Mountain.

* ========================= *
* 06.03.12 Taishan Mountain *
* ========================= *

The main thing to do here is get the iron pine for Xiao Qi (assuming you’re
doing that quest). You can find the iron pine tree on the western side of the
area, guarded by some monkeys. Then just click on the tree to get the pine.

You can also find some other things of interest in the area:

-- Xu’s house (southern part of the village): Inside you can talk to Xu Shi
and decide he looks familiar. He’ll come up again in Chapter Four (see
06.05.06), so remember where he is.

“You know only money is important in this world.” -- Xu Shi

-- The old beggar (standing next to the inn): He won’t talk to you unless you
buy him wine, so go into the inn and buy a jug of wine for 100 gold. When
you give it to the beggar you’ll receive 500 experience points, but the
beggar still won’t talk to you. This time he’ll demand “holy wine.” So go
back into the inn and ask for it. The innkeeper will try to charge you
6000 gold for two bottles, but when you complain about the deal, he’ll
offer to give you the wine if you can bring him some “monkey fruit wine.”

That gives you two options -- to pay for the wine or go on a quest for it.
You’ll have to fight the beggar when you give him the wine, and he’s much
tougher than he sounds, so the slower (and cheaper) option is probably
best (see 06.05.06 regardless).

-- Wu Xin (northwestern corner of the area): He won’t talk to you until you
complete the old beggar’s quest (see 06.05.06), but you can explore the
buildings and the cave near him. Plus, if you go underground you can find
a “cave blocked by a huge stone” (not to mention a bunch of tiger fish).
Just keep this area in mind for later.

When you’re ready to move on, head to Jiujiang (via Pengcheng).

* ================= *
* 06.03.13 Jiujiang *
* ================= *

This is a small area. Mostly all you need to do here is pick up some heavenly
iron from the meteor on the eastern edge (south of where you start). But, of
course, there are also some side quests:

-- Wu Fugui (wandering in the village): He’ll tell you how he bought a wolf
thinking it was a puppy, and then he’ll ask you to kill the wolf so he can
use his house again. So go inside and kill the wolf (it’s just an ordinary
wolf), and when you return to Fuqui you’ll receive 500 experience points
and 1 fame point.

-- Zhi Bo (in one of the northern houses): He’ll talk to you about death, and,
when you have the choice, take the (long) dialogue option with “regret” in
it. Then Zhi Bo will tell you about his estranged son Zhi Qin, who
conveniently lives right next door. So talk to Qin, then talk to Bo again,
and then talk to Qin again. For resolving the conflict, Qin will give you
the Gongbu Sword once your fame reaches 35 points. Finally, talk to Bo
again to receive 1 fame point.

-- Xiaoqi (wandering southwest of the village): He’ll tell you he lost his
brother Xiaoyi. You can find Xiaoyi in a cave west of the village. You’ll
have to defeat three monster paoxiaos, but once you get to Xiaoyi and talk
to him you’ll receive 4000 experience points and 2 fame points.

-- Qing Bu (a muscleman in the northwestern part of the area): He’ll
eventually ask to join your party, but I don’t know what triggers the
conversation. I’ve heard of it happening in Chapter Eight, but it can
probably happen before then (and might require a certain amount of fame, or
something else). Also, there is a quest you’ll need to complete for Bu
involving killing somebody named Zhuang Jia in Jiujiang. (All of
this is unverified by me.)

Unknown: A citizen west of the village will ask you if you’ve seen his dog Ah
Huang. You can find Ah Huang in the northeastern corner of the area, but
there doesn’t seem to be any way to get them together.

When you’re ready to move on, head back to Pengcheng and give the trap parts
to Xiao Qi. Then head to Hengshan Village (via Jiujiang).

| 06.04.00 Chapter Three |

In this chapter you need to find Tian Gang, a man who helped build the First
Emperor’s tomb.

* ========================= *
* 06.04.01 Hengshan Village *
* ========================= *

The main reason to be here is to find Tian Gang. However, when you talk to
the villagers -- like Liu Gang (standing in the northeastern corner of the
area) or Liu Jing (wandering near his house) -- they’ll tell you no such
person lives in the village. But they will mention that the local blacksmith
has suddenly improved his skills.

So go talk to the blacksmith (in his shop on the western side of the village).
He’ll tell you that his forging hammer was stolen, and that Feng Zhuang, Liu
Jing, and Quan Si were in the area when it happened. You’ll need to solve the
mystery, so talk to all three suspects:

-- Feng Zhuang (in his house near the middle of the village) will say he
simply went to the blacksmith’s shop to buy traps.

-- Liu Jing (now in his house near the middle of the village) will get scared
when you question him. If you tell him to “be a man” you’ll receive 500
experience points. Jing will then tell you about the bad luck he’s had
with his relatives. If you feel sorry for him, give him some gold for
medicine, and you’ll receive 500 more experience points. (You’ll lose 20%
of your gold, so if you drop all your gold on the ground first, you won’t
lose anything.) Finally, Jing will admit to having larceny in his heart,
but he’ll claim Quan Si came into the shop at just the wrong moment and
spoiled his plan.

-- Quan Si (with his rascals camped west of the town) has the hammer. If you
immediately call him a liar and then lie yourself and say someone saw him
take the hammer, he’ll give you the hammer and you’ll gain +3 wisdom. At
that point you can admit to lying and fight him, or simply leave. (You can
also buy the hammer from him for 2000 gold if you want.)

When you give the hammer back to the blacksmith, you’ll receive 500 experience
points. The blacksmith will then ask you who took it, and you can answer with
Quan Si (+3 wisdom), Liu Jing (4000 experience points), or “it’s not
important” (+3 charm). Finally, you can ask the blacksmith about Tian Gang.
He’ll tell you how he found a forging book authored by Tian Gang near the
“backhill,” and he’ll teach you how to make animal traps.

Note: Animal traps also have the “%d” cost bug in version 1.16b.

The backhill is simply the mountain range on the northern edge of the village,
and you can find a cave in it roughly north of where Quan Si is (or was).
Inside, you’ll find the cave to be heavily trapped, so hopefully your assassin
has some skill points in gold vision (to detect traps) and device master (to
disarm them). If not, just walk through the traps and rest as you need to.

Note: What you might discover at this point is that disarming traps costs 20
mana. So if you haven’t worried too much about wisdom and mana items for your
assassin, now is a good time to think about it. This isn’t the last place
where you’ll see a lot of traps.

After disarming the traps and killing some tiger fish, you’ll finally reach
Tian Gang. Of course, he won’t tell you how to get into the tomb -- at least,
not yet. First you’ll have to prove your worthiness to him by stealing a jade
pendant from a merchant named Wu Jie in Hengshan Prefecture (aka Hengshan

So leave the cave and head for the city.

* ============================ *
* 06.04.02 Hengshan Prefecture *
* ============================ *

The main thing to do here is get the jade pendant from Wu Jie. So head to the
Wu residence (in the southern pat of the city) and approach Wu Jie. He’ll
start a conversation with you and tell you that his son Xiaohu has been
kidnapped by bandits. To get the jade pendant, you can either pay Jie the
ransom amount (10,000 gold) or you can rescue the son from the bandits. The
latter approach is cheaper and more fun -- and worth way more experience -- so
that’s the one you should take.

You can find the bandits on the high ground north of the city. Once you kill
them, go into the hut and approach the boy. He’ll thank you for rescuing him
and you’ll receive 6000 experience points. Then head back to the city and
talk to Wu Jie again. He’ll give you the pendant and a book called Tactics of
Shima Rangju (permanent +60 wood defense power).

Note: As soon as you rescue Xiaohu, Han Xin will appear in the courtyard of
the Wu residence, and you’ll be able to recruit him to your party, provided
you can defeat him in one-on-one combat with Fu Su. (It shouldn’t be too hard
since Xin won’t use illusion or stanching.)

There are also some side quests to complete:

-- Carpenter (inside a house on the eastern side of the city): He’ll tell you
that he lost his toolbox and ask you to find it for him. He’ll even
suggest it might be in the forest west of the city. So go out there and
look around. You’ll find the toolbox in a tree just north of the path, and
when you give it to the carpenter you’ll receive a piece of longan wood and
1 fame point.

Note: Don’t use the longan wood to make anything. You’ll need it in the
next chapter.

-- The merchant’s wife (in a house near the middle of the city): She’ll ask
you to take a winter coat to her husband in Pengcheng. Her husband is the
grocer in that city, and his shop is next to the eastern gate. When you
give him the coat he’ll give you a random level 6 sword, and you’ll receive
1 fame point.

-- Kid (wandering in the western side of the city): When you talk to him
you’ll gain +1 charm.

-- Mao Sen’s house (in the northern part of the city): Mao Sen will be part of
a quest in the next chapter, so just remember where he is.

Unknown: Does the Magistrate have any purpose?

Once you’ve completed the side quests and gotten the jade pendant, head back
to Hengshan Village and give the pendant to Tian Gang. He’ll tell you about a
secret tunnel that leads into the tomb. The only problem is that you’ll need
two objects in order to enter the tomb -- the “gold-toad pearl” and “an elite
magic weapon.” Gang will explain that the pearl can be found along the
southwestern border of the land, and he’ll list seven swords that you can use:
Ganjiang, Moye, Zhanlu, Tai’e, Yuchang, Gongbu, and Juque. (You should
already have the last two swords.) After the conversation, talk to Gang again
and he’ll sell you Mo Zi’s Book of Sundry Moral Principles (permanent +10
dexterity) for 5000 gold.

“Hey, you seem pretty capable!” -- Tian Gang

As soon as you exit the cave, the chapter will end. Then head for Huqiu (via

| 06.05.00 Chapter Four |

In this chapter you need to find a gold-toad pearl, plus look for (level 9)
magic swords.

* ============== *
* 06.05.01 Huqiu *
* ============== *

The main reason to come here is to pick up a magical sword. If you talk to
the old man standing near the center of the village, he’ll let you know that
the King of the Wu State was buried nearby, and with him the swords Ganjiang
and Moye.

The king’s tomb is located in the northeastern corner of the area. You’ll
have to fight some robbers next to the entrance, and then once you go inside
you’ll (eventually) trigger a cut scene where more robbers talk about the
swords they’ve found. It seems the sword Ganjiang was in the tomb, but the
sword Moye was only a fake, the real Moye having last been seen in Julu.

“I plan to go back home and buy a huge piece of land, marry a good woman
and have several concubines.” -- Tomb robber

Of course, the robbers won’t just hand the swords over to you, so you’ll have
to fight them. They’re not too difficult to kill, but here’s a trick. The
robbers won’t start out aggressive towards you; the head robber will want to
talk to you first. So send Fu Su into the area with the robbers, catch the
head robber’s attention, and then retreat. The head robber will follow you
however far you go away, and then after you talk to him you can attack him out
of sight of the other robbers, and kill him easily. Then you can just mop up
the other robbers (or not, since the head robber has the swords).

There are also some side quests in the area:

-- Beggar (sitting near the center of the village): If you give him gold three
times, you’ll gain +1 charm and 1 fame point.

-- Strongman (standing outside a house on the eastern side of the village):
He’ll give you a quest about bending and restoring a sword with no effort.
If you go into the house behind him, you’ll make a log entry of what you
see (after you leave). Then if you talk to the strongman again and answer
“vat” you’ll receive 1000 gold and +2 wisdom.

-- Passerby (wandering south of the village): He’ll approach you asking if
you’ve seen a yellow package. The package (a “small cloth bag”) is sitting
on the ground in the northern part of the village. If you return the
package to the man, you’ll receive 400 gold, 500 experience points, and 2
fame points. If you keep the package, you’ll receive 2000 gold and lose 1
fame point.

Note: The passerby only appears after you pick up the package.

The Ganjiang sword is one of the best paladin swords in the game, so
immediately head to Xianyang to get it identified. Then go to Hejiang Village
(via Hanzhong Prefecture) to start your quest for the gold-toad pearl.

* ======================== *
* 06.05.02 Hejiang Village *
* ======================== *

This area has a major quest to it, which you’ll learn about when you go to the
village head’s house on the western side of the village. The village head
will tell you that the village is full of an “ominous smell” that poisons its
inhabitants. Further, he’ll say that the wizard Kun Pu is working on a
antidote, but that he suspects Kun Pu created the curse in the first place.
Even Pu’s apprentice Zong Da suspects him. Talk to the village head twice to
learn all this.

Note: The village head will also tell you there is a gold-toad pearl in Cloud
Valley, provided you ask him about the pearl before asking him about the

If you wander around the village and talk to the villagers, they’ll all chime
in about Kun Pu, Zong Da, and the curse, but to get the quest rolling you have
to talk to the two wizards:

-- Zong Da (in his house on the northern side of the village) will tell you
that you can save the village by killing the curse maker, Kun Pu. Agree to
do it (rather than asking more questions) and Da will give you five double
spore mushrooms. He'll also warn you not to talk to Pu because “he will
burden you with an even more evil curse.” If that wasn’t enough to make
you suspicious of Da, notice he has a secret tunnel leading under his
house, which you can’t enter yet.

-- Kung Pu (standing well south of the village, near the inn) will suggest Da
has something to do with the curse, and then he’ll leave for Da’s house.

When you arrive back at Zong Da’s house, Kung Pu will be there but Da won’t.
So talk to Pu and then watch the cut scene. You’ll find out Da was upset that
Pu was named the village’s sacrifice wizard instead of himself, and so he
decided to frame Pu with the curse. Once the cut scene ends, you’ll have to
fight Da and his henchmen, but the battle shouldn’t be too tough, especially
since Pu will be helping you out.

Once Zong Da is dead, loot the chamber to find the Book of Mountains and Seas
(permanent +80 hit points) and then return to the village. The villagers will
all be singing a different tune now, and Kung Pu (standing back where he
started) will be available to join your party.

Note: If you instead kill Kun Pu for Zong Da, nothing much will happen. Da
will simply cure the curse on you after you do the deed.

Another note: The game might screw up Fu Su when it cures him of the curse,
and the attribute bonuses from his equipment will no longer be counted. To
fix this, either save and load the game, or unequip and then re-equip all of
Fu Su’s equipment.

There aren’t any other side quests in the area, but there are two more things
of interest:

-- On the eastern side of the area, among the ruins, you can find a bandit

-- In the well next to the inn you can find the Golden Dragon Helmet, provided
you defeated the wanderer in Sanchuan Prefecture (06.03.05).

Cloud Valley leads to some difficult fights, so rather than heading straight
there for the gold-toad pearl, instead take the scenic route and head to Wuhua

* ====================== *
* 06.05.03 Wuhua Village *
* ====================== *

This small village has one main quest plus a few minor quests. The main quest
involves the inn. Talk to the innkeeper and agree to stay the night. Then go
through the door in the back of the inn and enter the bedroom. A cut scene
will ensue where the innkeeper is killed during the middle of the night. The
magistrate will arrive and decide you did it, but, after confiscating half
your gold, will give you three days to solve the murder.

“Pure is pure, dirty is dirty! In three days I will reveal the truth to
you.” -- Fu Su

So wander around and talk to all of the suspects:

-- Wang Laigui (in the kitchen) is the father of Xiaocui, the servant girl.
He’ll tell you that Ding Lairui likes his daughter, but that she likes Zhao
Laifu. He’ll also say that somebody strong must have committed the murder,
which rules out Zhao Laifu, who broke his leg two weeks ago.

-- The waiter (in the main inn room) will tell you that the innkeeper was
“very interested” in Xiaocui and therefore disliked Zhao Laifu. In fact,
the innkeeper might have been planning to fire Laifu for that reason, with
his broken leg as the excuse. (Note: You can threaten the waiter to avoid
bribing him.)

-- Ding Lairui (in the main inn room) won’t tell you much that you didn’t
already know. (Note: If you start out by observing him and then ask if
he’s worried because of a girl, you’ll receive 8500 experience points.)

-- Xiaocui (in the house next to the inn) will confirm that she and Laifu are
good friends.

Since the suspects don’t know enough to help you solve the case, expand your
search. The vegetable salesman next to the inn will tell you that Wang Kaigui
bought insecticide recently to kill some white ants; the merchant at the
medicine shop will mention that Zhao Laifu came in to buy honey about a month
ago; and Zhang the blacksmith will tell you that Ding Lairui came in to buy
whetstones also about a month ago.

When asked about the insecticide, Kaigui will say that white ants recently
showed up out of nowhere, but that the insecticide didn’t help much.
Furthermore, he’ll conjecture that maybe somebody left a can of sugar open in
the kitchen, since white ants like sweets. Laifu will simply say that he used
the honey for stomach pains, and Lairui will claim he bought the whetstones to
upset the innkeeper.

As far as I know, that’s all the information you get to solve the murder. So
go over to the county office and tell the magistrate that Zhao Laifu committed
the crime. You’ll receive 15,000 experience points and you’ll get your gold
back from the magistrate -- but then you’ll give some of it to Laifu and
Xiaocui so they can start a new life. (To save your money, drop all of it
before the first cut scene in the inn, and then again before telling the
magistrate that Laifu did it.)

Here are the other quests:

-- Street entertainer and villager standing by (standing near the entrance to
the village): There are two ways you can handle this quest, and both give
about the same reward. You can bet the villager 400 gold that the hammer
used by the entertainer is fake, and then buy the hammer from the
entertainer to prove it. Or you can buy the hammer from the entertainer
and then show it to the villager to prevent him from buying any of the
entertainer’s vigor pills. Both give 4000 experience and +2 charm, but if
you talk to the entertainer first, you can discover the hammer is fake and
receive an additional 500 experience points. (You can also kill the
entertainer instead of doing the quest.)

Note: The fake hammer isn’t useful for anything, so you don’t need to hang
onto it.

-- Villager (standing outside a house near the center of the village): She’ll
hire you to beat up a nearby hooligan. Once you complete the job she’ll
pay you 2000 gold.

-- House (northern part of the village): There’s a sleeping man inside plus a
table you can loot. If you loot the table you’ll find a level 7 “superior
silver mine” rock, but you’ll lose 2 fame points.

-- Temple (western side if village): The sacrifice wizard inside will ask you
to find him five wheat cakes and two holy winter peaches so he can complete
his ceremony. You can find cakes and peaches for sale from the travelling
doctor sitting near the entrance to the village or from the medicine shop
next to the temple. When you give the wizard what he wants, you’ll receive
two gold rocks, the Book of Legalists by Shang Yang (permanent +10 savvy),
and 1 fame point.

Unknown: Is there a quest involving the sleeping man and the silver rock?

When you’re ready to move on, head for Changsha.

* ================= *
* 06.05.04 Changsha *
* ================= *

There are three side quests in this area:

-- Chen You (wandering in the western half of the village): He’ll tell you
about a “deflowering thief” who has been abducting young women from the
village. You’ll find the thief (named Yin Ge) in a cave north of the city,
and you’ll have two choices for how to deal with him: you can “show
understanding” and let him continue on (+2 charm) or you can kill him (6000
experience points). If you talk to the girls in the cave, they’ll all say
they’re happy, but they’ll also appear to be hypnotized, so the best choice
is probably to kill Ge. If you do, you’ll also receive 500 experience
points for talking to the magistrate’s daughter (in the cave), plus 7000
experience points and 3 fame points when you talk to Chen You to let him
know that the threat is over.

-- Cheng Ping’s house (southern side of the village): Ping will warn you
against going to Nanshan Mountain because a ferocious tiger lives there.
If you offer to kill the tiger, you’ll gain 2 fame points, and Ping will
tell you to see Uncle He (in his medicine shop to the west) about getting
some free medicine (five gold oranges). Nanshan Mountain is just the hilly
region in the southeastern part of the area, and the tiger shouldn’t be too
tough to kill. Once it’s dead, go back to Uncle He to get five more gold

Note: If you face the tiger without going to Uncle He for medicine, you’ll
gain 5 fame points when you kill it.

-- Su Ze (in the tavern): He’ll tell you that his mother is sick, and that the
only cure for her, a nine-leaf fungus, is being held by Qi the rich man.
Moreover, he’ll tell you that Qi will only give him the fungus if he pays
him 2000 gold or allows Qi to use his wife as a concubine.

“Ze, my son, is suffering so much, he worried till his hair turned
white.” -- Su Ze’s mother

There are two ways to handle this. You can pay Ze 2000 gold so he can buy
the fungus from Qi (500 experience points and 2 fame points) or you can
kill Qi and his henchmen and then give the fungus to Ze (8000 experience

Finally, head to Cloud Valley.

* ===================== *
* 06.05.05 Cloud Valley *
* ===================== *

As soon as you enter the area, a man named Yan Jiang will approach you. He’ll
warn you that there is a group of wild Maio people living in the area, and
he’ll suggest you work together to take the gold-toad pearl from them. His
plan? To kidnap Yin Zhu, the daughter of the Maio chieftain, and then get the
pearl in ransom.

There are three ways to handle the situation:

-- You can agree to Jiang’s plan and try to kidnap Yin Zhu. She’ll struggle
and you’ll have to kill her, but you’ll find a pearl on her corpse.

-- You can agree to Jiang’s plan but then tell Zhu about it when you meet her.
She’ll ask you to kill Jiang, and she’ll give you a pearl when you do.

-- You can kill Jiang when you find out his plan, and then Zhu will give you a
pearl because you’re such a good person.

It doesn’t matter which method you use, but if you take Yin Zhu’s side, she’ll
offer to join your party after she gives you the pearl.

Also notice the large tree near where Yin Zhu is standing. That’s the tree
where monkey fruit ferments, so be sure to pick up a couple bottles of monkey
fruit wine before you leave.

You now have what you need to enter the First Emperor’s tomb, but let’s
instead finish off some side quests.

* ========================= *
* 06.05.06 Taishan Mountain *
* ========================= *

Go into the inn and trade a bottle of monkey fruit wine for holy wine. Then
go outside and talk to the beggar again. Give him the bottle of wine (or not;
it doesn’t matter) and ask him the three questions that appear. He’ll let you
know that Wu Xin (in the northwestern part of the area) has the sword Zhanlu.
Eventually, no matter what you say, the conversation will lead to a fight.

“I’ll teach you a good lesson! Otherwise I’d rather jump from the top of
Taishan Mountain!” -- The old beggar

The beggar is a fairly nasty wizard, and he’ll keep casting “meteorite” and
“squall” at you. So try to maneuver your party so the characters aren’t all
standing in a line, and then just hack away at him. Eventually you’ll defeat
him and he’ll surrender. Then if you call him a “loser” and observe him
closely, you’ll recognize him as Lu Sheng, an old enemy.

This gives you two options:

-- If you let him live, he’ll tell you two secrets. The first is that the man
claiming to be Xu Shi is really Xu Fu. Then if you confront Xu Shi (in his
estate to the south) you’ll hear his story and get 3000 gold. The beggar
will also tell you he suspects the First Emperor was poisoned with a slow
acting toxin.

-- If you kill him, you’ll get a Book of Changes (permanent +30 wisdom).

Regardless of what you do, you should next visit Wu Xin. He’ll ask you to
prove you are worthy of the Zhanlu sword. Again you’ll have two options:

-- You can fight him to prove you’re a better swordsman. Your entire party
gets to participate, so the fight isn’t too bad, and you’ll receive 3 fame
points plus the sword.

-- You can help Wu Xin create a new sword by producing water in the nearby
cave. If you explored the cave before, you might remember there was a
“cave blocked by a huge stone” inside. Simply create a spade (you should
have learned the schematic in Sanchuan Prefecture) and click on the stone
to remove it. That will create a river in the cave. Then just return to
Xu Win (fighting some monster zhuyans along the way) to get the sword.

Note: Supposedly you can also talk to (or kill) one of the servants in the
nearby buildings to get a spade.

You’ll have to decide whether it’s better to have fame points or monster
zhuyan body parts.

Note: I don’t like the Zhanlu sword as much as the Ganjiang sword, but it
might be a better choice for the final fight, so keep it around somewhere.

“Don’t ever do bad deeds with it. Otherwise you will be in big trouble!”
-- Wu Xin

If you talk to Wu Xin again, he’ll tell you that he needs an earth-fire stone
and cedar in order to forge his new sword (there is a pre-requisite for this
conversation, but I don’t know what it is). Further, he’ll tell you that Mao
Lin in Hengshan Prefecture might know where cedar is, and that you might find
an earth-fire stone in Cloud Valley.

So hop on over to Hengshan Prefecture and find the passerby wandering in the
eastern part of the city. The passerby will claim to know everyone in the
area, and when you ask him about Mao Lin, he’ll suggest you talk to Mao Lin’s
brother Mao Sen. So go to Sen (in his house in the northern part of the city)
and ask him about Lin. He’ll agree to tell you where Lin is, provided you
give him some longan wood.

You should have gotten longan wood by completing the carpenter’s quest in this
city (see 06.04.02). If you don’t have it any more, you’ll just have to hope
you find some in the future. (Longan wood is just a regular kind of wood, and
it’ll drop from trees sometimes.) Otherwise, give it to Sen and he’ll tell
you Mao Lin moved to Chencheng. You’ll also receive 1 fame point. (You might
think you can skip this part and head directly to Chencheng, but it won’t
work. If you don’t complete Mao Sen’s quest, you won’t be able to find Mao

You can’t get to Chencheng yet, so just keep the cedar part of the quest in
mind. You can get the earth-fire stone in the next section.

* ========================= *
* 06.05.07 Treasure Hunting *
* ========================= *

Now go to Pengcheng and find Song Ji in the inn. Give him your other bottle
of monkey fruit wine (without hinting at a reward), and Ji will give you the
Deer-hunting Dagger. Then, if you talk to him again, he’ll tell you the
legend of the “Holy-Beast Armor” and the “Pan Gu Gigantic Axe.” Even better,
he’ll tell you he knows of a treasure map leading to the two objects. All you
have to do is find Ding Xun in Handan and tell him Song Ji sent you.

So head to Handan and talk to Ding Xun (in his house near the center of the
city). You’ll discover that Xun is sick. Offer to help him and then, when
you click on the door to leave, you’ll trigger a cut scene where a doctor
arrives and heals him. Then talk to Xun again to get the treasure map.

The treasure map will point you to Cloud Valley, so head back there. You’ll
find a “mysterious cave” in the middle of the northern wall of rocks. Inside,
after a while, the tunnel will fork. The northern path will lead to a room
with the axe and five tiger fish in it. The southern path will lead to
numerous tiger fish, including a pair of tiger fish kings, and then it will
branch as well. The southern path off this branch will lead to the earth-fire
stone you need, while the northern path will lead to a pair of monster shanyi
and the armor (now called “God-Beast Armor”).

The shanyi will probably be all but impossible to kill (at least around level
30). So your best bet is to leave most of your party next to the entrance to
the cave, and have your fastest character run past the shanyi and grab the
armor, and then run to the exit. (Just be careful of the tiger fish, since
they re-spawn quickly.)

Of course, things won’t get any easier once you leave the cave. You’ll
discover that Song Ji and Ding Xun were just using you to get the treasure out
of the cave and now plan to take it from you. If you healed Xun in Handan,
he’ll eventually leave, but you’ll still have to face Ji.

Song Ji is more difficult to kill than the old beggar, mostly because he’ll
teleport around the forest, and melee fighters will have a hard time
navigating around the trees and rocks to get to him. Plus, he’ll cast a nasty
hailstorm from time to time that might all but kill your characters in one
shot. But just keep pecking away, and eventually he should die. (If you find
you can’t kill him then just have your characters run east and leave the

Note: If the Cloud Valley part of the quest is just too hard for your party,
then feel free to come back to it later. The objects you get are level 40+

* ================= *
* 06.05.08 Paradise *
* ================= *

Now head back to Zhaocun Village so you can track down Gui Guzi’s paradise.
The paradise is located through the northernmost of the four caves in the
area. On the first level of the cave you’ll find some monster paoxiaos, but
they’ll only attack one or two at a time and shouldn’t present much of a
problem. On the second level you’ll meet the King of Beasts. He’ll force you
to pass five tests before he’ll let you continue on to the next level. The
first four involve killing monsters: two zhuyans, three paoxiaos, three tiger
fish, and then two shanyis. At this point you can probably go toe-to-toe with
the monsters (these shanyis are much easier than the ones in Cloud Valley),
but, if you have trouble, send one character to talk to the King of Beasts to
trigger the next test, and then try to lure the monsters to your party one at
a time.

The fifth test involves fighting the “shadow of Fu Su.” This would probably
be a tough battle if Fu Su had to fight the shadow alone, but your whole party
gets to participate, and so it should go fairly easily. Once you’ve defeated
the shadow, you’ll be allowed to head down to the third level.

“You have passed all the tests. Go ahead then!” -- The King of Beasts

The third level of the cave is filled with tiger fish and a couple of treasure
chests, and eventually you’ll come to the exit to the fourth level. However,
next to the exit you’ll find a “man-eating monster.” Talk to it and then
answer its riddles (don’t attack it; you can attack it later if you want).
Here are the answers:

-- “Even God can’t tell” (1500 experience points)
-- “A was honest” (1500 experience points)
-- “You are not me” (2500 experience points)
-- “Four” (2500 experience points)
-- “You will eat me” (3000 experience points)

Once you answer the riddles correctly, you’ll be able to move on to the fourth
level. (Note: If you answer the last riddle wrong, then you’ll get the
experience from the first four riddles and still be able to kill the monster.
The monster has a nasty “meteorite” attack, but otherwise it is fairly easy to
kill, and it is worth a whole lot of experience. Plus you might get a body

On the fourth level, after defeating some tigers, you’ll find “the old man
with a lantern” (he blends in with the rocks, so look carefully). After a
short conversation, the man will ask you what you’re willing to give up to
reach Gui Guzi’s paradise. The only correct answer is “position” (worth 4000
experience points). Once you say that, the man will give you the Beacon of
Heart, and you’ll be able to cross the bridge and enter paradise.

Note: Make sure you put the beacon in Fu Su’s inventory. Otherwise you’ll end
up in a void.

It turns out paradise isn’t a very big place. In fact, there are only two
things to do there:

-- You can talk to Guigu Zi (aka Gui Guzi) and play “five-element chess” with
him. Recollect The Art of War by Sun Bin (1500 experience points), then
show your weakness to the enemy (1000 experience points), and finally hit
the weakest point (3000 experience points) to demonstrate your tactics
ability to the old man. Lastly, tell Zi that “you praise me too highly”
and he’ll give you the Master Guigu Zi Shield and the Master Guigu Zi book
(permanent +20% move speed).

-- You can visit a couple “hatches” on the western side of the area. One of
the hatches has a chest containing The Art of War by Wu Qi (permanent +60
water defense power).

Note: If you have Zhao Qian with you, she’ll comment about how nice it
would be to live in the village with you once you’ve taken your revenge.

Now that you’ve discovered the paradise, head back to Zhaocun Village (via the
cave north of the hatches) and tell the news to the village head (10,000
experience points, 3 fame points) and Zhao Cheng (10,000 more experience

Since you’re in the area, head over to Yanmen Pass and enter the cave that
requires the hairpin key. Inside you’ll find some tiger fish and a pair of
chests. When you open one of the chests, you’ll receive some (level 9) sun-
shooting arrows, but two shanyis will also appear. The shanyis can be
reasonably nasty, so you might want pick up the arrows and then run away to
the cave exit.

Note: When you leave the cave, you won’t be able to enter it again.

Finally, head over to Lishan Mountain so you can enter the tomb of the First

| 06.06.00 Chapter Five |

In this chapter you need to explore the tomb of the First Emperor.

* ======================== *
* 06.06.01 Lishan Mountain *
* ======================== *

There isn’t a whole lot to do in this area. Basically, just follow the path
and kill wolves and monkeys until you come to the cave leading to the tomb.

* ============================= *
* 06.06.02 First Emperor’s Tomb *
* ============================= *

This first level of the tomb is a maze of sorts. There are two things to
watch out for:

-- Traps: There are all sorts of traps. So carefully send your assassin in
front of your party to detect and disarm them. It’s boring but necessary.

-- Terra-cotta warriors: Some of the statues will come to life and attack you,
so try to keep your party moving together. (Note: The warriors won’t
necessarily “wake up” in version 1.16b.)

The second level is much like the first, with lots of traps and terra-cotta
warriors that may or may not attack you. Fortunately, the hallways are wider
on this level, so moving around is easier, even without access to an overhead

Note: Save often. Sometimes assassins step on traps you tell them to disarm,
and the traps on the second level can kill characters outright.

Eventually you’ll come to a four-way intersection where one direction takes
you back the way you came, but the other three directions lead to exits from
the area. This is what you’ll find for each exit:

-- Northwestern stairs: You’ll find a large mechanical beast that looks much
more difficult than it is. Once you’ve defeated it, grab the tiger tally
from the sarcophagus.

-- Southeastern stairs: You’ll find another large mechanical beast and another
tiger tally.

-- Door to the First Emperor’s grave: Once you have both tiger tallies, you
can go through the door. A cut scene will ensue, and you’ll discover that
the First Emperor was not only poisoned but strangled as well. Plus,
you’ll find a jade pendant that belongs to your brother Hu Hai (the current
emperor) clutched in the First Emperor’s hand. Once the cut scene ends,
you’ll be transported back to Lishan Mountain and the chapter will end.

| 06.07.00 Chapter Six |

In this chapter you need to run errands for the rebel army.

* ======================== *
* 06.07.01 Lishan Mountain *
* ======================== *

As you exit the area, you’ll run into Fang Zhong. He’ll think you’re working
for somebody named Zhao Ba. Tell him you’ve never even heard of Ba, and Zhong
will describe to you the Mohist School and how Ba has tried to take it over.
At that point you’ll come under attack by several of Ba’s lackeys. Take out
the wizards first and then mop up the others.

If Fang Zhong survives, he’ll tell you a little of the rebel movement, and how
three rebel armies are closing in on Xianyang. He’ll also become available to
join your party.

“Hey! If people could make a good living, who would rebel?” -- Fang Zhong

Then go to Xiangyang and talk to Huan Feng (in his estate in the northern part
of the city). He’ll conjecture that Zhao Gao is controlling Hu Hai. He’ll
also suggest you meet Zhou Wen in Xishui Village so you can assist the rebel
army and weaken Zhao Gao in the process.

* ======================= *
* 06.07.02 Xishui Village *
* ======================= *

When you enter the area, head northeast to find the rebel camp. Zhou Wen is
in the big tent in the back. When you talk to him, tell him “Maybe I am more
experienced than you are” and “What else can it be?” and you’ll soon receive
6500 experience points. Then if you guess the opposing army is made up of
prisoners, you’ll gain another 500 experience points. Finally, no matter what
you say, Zhou Wen will ask you to find Chen Sheng in Chencheng to ask for

“You don’t seem to be an ordinary man since you have an impressive
bearing.” -- Zhao Wen

There are also a couple points of interest in the nearby village:

-- Middle-aged woman (in a western house in the village): She’ll ask you to
tell her daughter Yuanyuan to come home. You can find Yuanyuan wandering
near the village with her dog. When you talk to her and tell her to go
home, you’ll receive 500 experience points. Then when you talk to the
woman again you’ll receive +1 charm and 1 fame point.

-- Qui Shi (in a western house in the village): She’ll tell you that the
village leader has “evil intentions” towards her. The village chief (in
an eastern house) will merely say that Qui Shi is “cute.” There’ll be a
quest involving these two in the next chapter.

Once you’re ready to continue on, take the exit on the eastern side of the
area and prepare to break through the siege.

* =========================== *
* 06.07.03 Breaking the Siege *
* =========================== *

This area plays much like a random encounter -- you start out at one end of
the area and then you have to fight your way through to the other -- but it’s
bigger and more difficult. So try to scout ahead with one of your characters
and then lure enemies back to your party. If you just try to bludgeon ahead,
you’ll probably get into trouble (especially near the center tent).

Also, just like in a random encounter, you won’t have access to an overhead
map, so just keep heading northeast until you find the exit. However, you
will be able to return to the area after you leave it, so don’t worry about
leaving objects on the ground.

* ================== *
* 06.07.04 Chencheng *
* ================== *

You can find Chen Sheng in the compound on the western side of the city. When
you give him the “asking-help letter” you’ll receive 20,000 experience points,
but Sheng won’t make any move to send reinforcements to Zhou Wen in Xishui.
Furthermore, he’ll sound less than enthusiastic about another of the rebel
generals, Wu Chen. So leave the compound and talk to the strategist Cai Ci
(standing next to the door). He’ll tell you that he just saw something
strange: General Wan Yong and several soldiers rushing out the western gate of
the city.

So go investigate. In the forest west of the city, you’ll find Wu Chen’s
wife, son, and concubine. The wife will tell you that Wu Chen didn’t follow
one of Chen Sheng’s order, and so Sheng decided to kill them. If all the
rebel generals and their motivations are confusing at this point, don’t worry;
just agree to save the lady. When you do, General Yong and several soldiers
will appear to the southwest. Just mop them up and then talk to Chen’s wife
again. You’ll receive 20,000 experience points, and she’ll suggest you talk
to Cai Ci to try and resolve the matter.

Talking to Cai Ci will lead to a cut scene where Chen Sheng decides that the
best way for him to deal with Wu Chen is to have Chen use his troops as
reinforcements for Zhou Wen. He’ll then ask you to act as the envoy to
deliver the news to Chen.

Before heading off to Handan to visit Chen, explore the city to find a couple

-- Old gatekeeper (standing on the western side of the city): He’ll tell you
that the estate he’s guarding is haunted, and that the problem started when
a hole appeared in the backyard. (The hole is at the far west of the
estate. It’s not the well next to the entrance.) When you enter the hole
you’ll find a whole mess of tiger fish. Fight your way through them, and
eventually you’ll come to a couple of cave entrances. If you click on
them, you’ll discover that the eerie sound people have been hearing is just
the wind moving through the caves. When you go back to the surface to tell
the gatekeeper the news, you’ll receive 20,000 experience and +2 wisdom.

-- Mao Lin’s home (northern part of city): You might remember Mao Lin as the
guy who potentially has the cedar you need for Wu Xin’s quest. However,
when you try the door of his home you’ll find it locked. So wander around
until you find a little girl (called “kid”) near the inn. Talk to her and
she’ll tell you that she knows Mao Lin, and that he just got back home.

So go back to Lin’s house, and not only will the door be open, but you’ll
find Lin inside. When you talk to Lin you’ll learn some good news and bad
news -- that he has the cedar wood but that he promised it to his neighbor
Lan Er in exchange for an asthma cure. So go next to and talk to Er.
You’ll automatically convince him to give up the asthma cure.

“I want to borrow your secret recipe for curing asthma.” -- Fu Su

When you talk to Mao Lin next, you’ll exchange the cure for the cedar, and
you’ll gain 1 fame point. Then when you give the cedar and the earth-fire
stone to Wu Xin, he’ll give you the Ghost-fire Dagger.

* =============== *
* 06.07.05 Handan *
* =============== *

As soon as you enter Wu Chen’s office, you’ll trigger a cut scene where Wu
Chen decides he’s not going to send reinforcements to Xishui either. Plus,
he’ll decide that your party is a potential problem and have it placed under
house arrest.

When you gain control of your party again, have Fu Su open the door of his
room and kill the guard in the hallway outside. The guard will drop a key,
and you’ll be able to use the key to free the rest of your party members.
Then just kill all the guards you encounter until you fight your way out of
the compound.

You’re supposed to go back to Chencheng to report to Chen Sheng, but since
you’re in the area, head for Julu first.

* ============= *
* 06.07.05 Julu *
* ============= *

The main reason to be in Julu is to pick up the Moye sword. To that end, talk
to Cui Jiu (wandering in the western part of the village). If you ask him if
there are any good sword-makers in the village, he’ll tell you that Mo Hong’s
grandfather was a master forger. But unfortunately, last year Hong’s wife
committed suicide after being raped by two men, and so Hong has shut himself
in his house, ignoring everybody. Agree to hunt down the two rapists, and Jiu
will ask you to wait in his house (right next to him) while he summons Hong.

When you enter Jiu’s house you’ll trigger a cut scene where you discover that
Mo Hong is a descendent of Mo Ye and that he has the Moye sword stashed away
in a secret room.

You’ll find one of the rapists, Zhang San, in his house in the southern part
of the village. You’ll find the other, Zhang Wu, wandering in the village.
Once the two are dead, head back to Mo Hong and talk to him to receive the
Moye sword and 2 fame points.

* ================== *
* 06.07.06 Chencheng *
* ================== *

When you return to Chencheng and approach the commander’s office, a rebel
soldier will let you know that General Zhou Wen was routed at Xihui. Then
he’ll go on to say that Liu Bang is leading a rebellion in Fengxian County,
and that that’s where he’s planning to go next.

“After my wound is healed, I will go to Liu Bang. Unlike Chen Sheng, Liu
Bang cherishes brotherhood!” -- Rebel soldier

Inside the office, Chen Sheng will once again decide not to send any
reinforcements to help General Zhou Wen, and he’ll tell you to go away.

So go visit Xishui Village on your own, to witness the carnage. As soon as
you leave the area, the chapter will end.

| 06.08.00 Chapter Seven |

In this chapter you need to help Liu Bang capture Fengxian County.

* ======================= *
* 06.08.01 Xishui Village *
* ======================= *

You won’t find any remnant of the rebel army. The rebel encampment and all of
its soldiers will simply be gone. But there is a quest you can still do in
the area.

In the northwestern part of the area you’ll be approached by a woman named Qui
Shi. If you explored the village in the last chapter, you might remember that
the village chief was lusting after Shi, even though she was married. Now
you’ll find out that her husband has died, and that the village chief claims
she should be buried with him. As soon as you agree to help her, some
villagers will show up and Shi will agree to go back to the village.

So follow them to the village and talk to the village chief. A cut scene will
ensue. Shi will accuse the chief of killing her husband, and the villagers,
believing her, will kill the chief. But the villagers will still want to bury
Shi with her dead husband, and they’ll ask you to kill a monster to the
northwest, to obligate them to change their minds.

You’ll find the monster, a zhuyan, in the northwestern corner of the area.
Like with most zhuyans, it should be easy to kill as long as you’re careful
about its “meteroite” attacks. So kill it, make sure you have its skull, and
then return to the village. When you talk to Grandpa Qui you’ll receive 5
fame points. You won’t get anything for talking to Shi again.

Now head to Fengxian County (via Handan) so you can meet up again with Liu

* ======================== *
* 06.08.02 Fengxian County *
* ======================== *

You’ll find the area divided into two parts: a rebel camp to the west and a
city to the east. The city will be locked up because of the rebel siege, so
enter the camp and look for Liu Bang. He’ll tell you that he’s had problems
taking Fengxian County, and he’ll ask you to go to Xuecheng to round up some

So leave the area (using the southern exit) and do just that.

* ================= *
* 06.08.03 Xuecheng *
* ================= *

You can find General Xiang Liang, the leader of the rebel forces in Xuecheng,
in the commander’s office on the northern side of the city. He’ll actually
let you have 5000 reinforcements, and he’ll also tell you that Chen Sheng’s
forces were eliminated at Chencheng. Then he’ll ponder naming himself king,
and you should tell him, “I think that’s not a proper way.” At that point
Liang’s teacher Fan Zeng will arrive to agree with you, and, during the
ensuing conversation, Zeng will convince Liang to look for a descendent of the
King of Chu, who is rumored to be in the city. Agree to help them look for
the child. You’ll receive 20,000 experience points at the end of the
conversation. (Note: If you support Liang naming himself king, you won’t get
the quest to find the descendent.)

“Hey, worthy brother, if you don’t have urgent things to do, please give us
a hand.” -- Fan Zeng

Then head out the eastern gate of the city and talk to the shepherd boy.
He’ll tell you that an ogre stole his lamb. Agree to help him and then go
ogre hunting. You’ll find the ogres along the southern edge of the area.
There’ll be a lot of them, so advance slowly and try to keep your party in
check so you don’t get swarmed. Eventually you’ll come to an ogre larger than
the others, and that’s the one you need to kill so you can get its head.

When you give the ogre head to the boy you’ll receive 5 fame points, and the
boy will try to give you a piece of jade. The jade will identify him as a
descendent of the king of Chu. So go back into the city and let Fan Zeng know
about the boy, and you’ll receive 20,000 experience points.

Note: You must complete this quest before returning to Fengxian County.

There are also a couple side quests in the city:

-- Wei Ching (wandering around the eastern side of the area, near where you
start out): He’ll tell you how boars have been “hanging around” his family
gravesite. Agree to kill them, and then find the boars on the high ground
to the north. Once you kill them and return to Ching, say “Don’t mention
it” instead of “Sure” and you’ll end up with 20,000 experience points, 1
fame point, and 2000 gold.

-- Zhang Zhipeng (in the tavern on the eastern side of the city): He’ll tell
you that a tiger has been appearing in his backyard at midnight, scaring
away customers. Agree to look into the matter for him, and then go through
the tavern corridor on the eastern side of the room. Drop your gold in the
hallway, and then exit into the backyard. It’ll suddenly be midnight, and
you’ll find a tiger. However, when you defeat the tiger you’ll discover
it’s just a man in a costume. During the ensuing conversation you’ll find
out that the inn owner hired the man to help drive the tavern out of
business, and you’ll give the man about 10% of your gold so he doesn’t have
to take such jobs any more.

When you talk to Zhipeng again, don’t ask for a reward, and you’ll receive
15,000 experience, 1 fame point, and +2 charm. Then go to Xue Feng the
innkeeper and warn him about trying anything like that again. You’ll
receive 10,000 experience, 1 fame point, and +1 charm. (If you try to get
money out of the tavern keeper and the innkeeper, you’ll succeed but lose
fame points and charm.)

-- Liu Yang’s house (west of city): Yang will tell you that his neighbor has
been noisy during the night, making it difficult for him to sleep. So
enter the neighbor’s house and then go down into the secret tunnel. You’ll
find a passage that leads to the cave near where the big ogre was, and
you’ll also find a set of stairs leading down. The stairs lead to a
treasure room, and when you loot the chests and containers there, three
robbers will appear and try to kill you. Once you kill them instead, go
back up to talk to Yang to receive 2 fame points.

Note: In the treasure room you’ll find (level 9) icy bolts. You should
save them for the final battle.

Unknown: Do Wu Ping, Li San, or Ah Dai (near the west gate) serve any purpose?
Does a “young man from a rich family” (near the courier station) do anything?
Does anything happen in the holy pagoda?

Now head back to Liu Bang in Fengxian County to let him know the good news,
that reinforcements are on their way.

* ======================== *
* 06.08.04 Fengxian County *
* ======================== *

Go into the rebel encampment and talk to Liu Bang. Right away you’ll receive
20,000 experience points. Then Bang will talk to you about infiltrating the
city rather than using a frontal assault, and he’ll direct you to talk to Xiao
He (standing nearby). Xiao He will tell you that the western city walls are
adjacent to a cliff and suggest you might be able to use that to your

So exit the encampment and explore the western wall of the city. As you
approach the point where the wall meets the high ground (north of the
encampment), you’ll trigger a cut scene and find yourself inside the city.
Furthermore, you’ll find out your objective: to kill the city’s commanding
officer, Yong Chi.

The quest sort of looks like you should use stealth. There’s even a back door
to the compound where Chi is. But instead just make your way through the town
killing the guards you see. Plus, you might want to complete some side

-- Hu Ke (wandering in the eastern side of the city): He’ll tell you that the
government has levied a “water tax” on the city, and that the only person
who tried to bypass it, Zhang the Elder, had his leg broken by a goon named
Han Ji. So go talk to Zhang (in his house near the center of the city),
and he’ll tell you that not only is Han Ji charging for water, he’s also
sacrificing children to try and appease the gods. So go to Han Ji’s house
(in the southern part of the city) and kill him. You’ll receive 40,000
experience points and 2 fame points. You’ll also find a key on Han Ji’s
corpse, which opens a cabinet on the southern side of his house. Inside
the cabinet you’ll find a copy of The Spring and Autumn Annals (permanent
+30 strength).

Note: You must do this quest in Chapter Seven before you kill Yong Chi.
Otherwise Han Ji will disappear when the rebels take over the city.

-- He’s home (western side of village): Inside you can talk to He Ji’s wife.
If you navigate the conversation correctly, she’ll give you a precious
fungus. But don’t worry about that conversation too much. After you
complete it, talk to her again, and this time she’ll tell you how her
husband fell in with some hooligans. Agree to try and persuade the husband
to change his ways. (Don’t offer to kill him.)

You can find He Ji in the tavern. He’s the “man drinking unhappily.” Lie
to him about why you’re there (otherwise you’ll have to fight him), and
then talk to the two hooligans by the door. The conversation will lead to
a battle, which you should win easily. Then talk to He Ji again. He’ll
agree to go home to his wife, and you’ll receive 40,000 experience points.

“You should treat your wife nicely. Otherwise I won’t forgive you.” --
Fu Su

-- Liu Yan’s house (southern part of the city): You might remember Liu Yan
from Handan. There he asked you to deliver a pearl to him, and if you have
it with you now you’ll receive 8000 gold and the Star-inviting Falchion.
(You should make the falchion Fu Su’s new weapon.)

When you go into the office and talk to Yong Chi, he’ll summon a bunch of
soldiers to help him. Try to get your spellcasters somewhere safe, and
simultaneously try to take out the enemy spellcasters. Then mop up the rest,
saving Chi for last since he’ll take a long time to kill. Also, pick up any
items that fall to the ground right away. As soon as you kill Chi, the battle
will end, you’ll be transported to the rebel encampment (where you’ll find out
Liu Bang is heading for Xuecheng), and you won’t be able to re-enter the

Once you leave the command tent in the encampment, the chapter will end.

| 06.09.00 Chapter Eight |

In this chapter you need to help the rebels capture Sanchuan Prefecture and
then try to rescue Li Si from prison in Xianyang.

* ================= *
* 06.09.01 Xuecheng *
* ================= *

Go to Xuecheng and talk to Liu Bang (in the commander’s office). He’ll say
that his next target is Sanchuan Prefecture, where Li You, Prime Minister Li
Si’s son, is in charge. You’ll tell Bang that you know Li You, and that you
might be able to get him to surrender the city.

So head on over to Sanchuan Prefecture.

* ============================ *
* 06.09.02 Sanchuan Prefecture *
* ============================ *

Go to the commander’s compound and talk to the sentry next to the gate. When
you claim to be an imperial envoy, the sentry will tell you that an imperial
envoy came just yesterday, and that it is staying in the guest room of the
compound. Enter the compound and check it out.

There are a few ways you can deal with the “secret envoy” and get the letter
he is carrying. You can kill him, you can scare him, and you can fool him.
The best way is the last. Say that you were dispatched by Zhao Gao, that you
need to “see whether you have done what he asked you,” and that “Zhao Gao is
afraid you will give the letter to the wrong person.” In total you’ll receive
45,000 experience points and the letter.

The letter is from Zhao Gao, and in it he asks Lu Fang, the Governor of
Sanchuan Prefecture, to slander Li You with the intent of discrediting him and
his father, Li Si the Prime Minister. When you show the letter to Li You (in
the commander’s office), he’ll be upset enough to agree to surrender the city
to the rebels and pretend to have been killed in the fight. Further, he’ll
tell you that when he leaves the city, he’ll go to Xianyang and wait for you
in one of the inns there.

When you leave the office you’ll be confronted by Lu Fang and a few allies,
and all the soldiers in the city will turn against you. So try to keep your
party close to the office door, so you don’t attract more enemies than you
start with. Then when the soldiers are dead, head for Xuecheng so you can
tell Liu Bang the good news. You’ll receive 50,000 experience points when you
do. Then head for Xianyang so you can meet up with Li You.

* ================= *
* 06.09.03 Xianyang *
* ================= *

There are two inns in Xianyang. You’ll find Li You in the southernmost one.
When you talk to him, the two of you will decide to rescue You’s father from
prison, and you’ll also decide to go to Huan Feng for help. Then Li You will
offer to join your party.

Huan Feng (in his compound in the northern part of the city) will give you an
official document allowing you access into the prison. So head there and then
go all the way down to the third level. You’ll find Li Si in the northwestern
part of the level, but shortly after talking to him you’ll discover that Huan
Feng betrayed you and caused guards to surround the prison.

So fight your way back to the staircase leading up to the second level, and
there you’ll find Huan Feng. After you defeat him, he’ll ask you to kill him
to release him from Zhao Gao’s magic. If you have Zhao Qian in your party,
she’ll step in and suggest a Maio wizard might be able to save him.
Otherwise, Feng will throw himself on your sword and die.

Unknown: Can you really save Huan Feng? As far as I can tell, it’s not
possible to get back into the prison after you leave. That means either Feng
escapes from the prison and you have to heal him somewhere else, or you have
to have a certain type of party to heal him (I tried with Kun Pu in my party,
but it didn’t work).

To escape from the prison, go up to the second level and do some more
fighting. However, when you get to the stairs leading to the exit you’ll find
that you’re not allowed to go up. So look more closely at the prison cells,
and notice a guy named “Zhou San the prisoner” in one of the eastern ones.

When you talk to San, you’ll learn that he’s a powerful thief. If you ask him
how such a powerful thief managed to get caught, he’ll tell you that he did it
on purpose so he could hide in the jail (you’ll also earn 15,000 experience
points). Then if you ask San how he plans to escape from the prison, he’ll
show you a tunnel he created that leads to Xishui Village.

* ======================= *
* 06.09.04 Xishui Village *
* ======================= *

Near where you start out should be a villager and a soldier named Jing Chen.
The villager will tell you to talk to Chen, and Chen will tell you that the
rebel army is now in Julu. So that’s where you should go next. As soon as
you leave the area, the chapter will end.

| 06.10.00 Chapter Nine |

In this chapter you just need to visit Julu and decide Liu Bang is a better
leader than Xiang Yu.

* ============= *
* 06.10.01 Julu *
* ============= *

As you explore the area you’ll run into a soldier named Sima Xin. He’ll tell
you that Zhao Gao’s assassins are after him. Agree to protect him, and he’ll
lead you south to where half a dozen or so soldiers are waiting. After
defeating the assassins, talk to Xin again. He’ll explain how he’s an envoy
of General Zhang Han, and how Zhao Gao wants him dead so Han won’t achieve any
more victories and become too popular.

So take Xin prisoner and head northeast to the rebel base. (If you try to
enter the rebel base before capturing Xin, they won’t let you in.) You’ll
find the commanding officer, Xiang Yu, in the large tent in the middle of the
base. Once you go inside the tent, you’ll trigger a cut scene where Xiang Yu
decides to allow Zhang Han to surrender, but also decides to sacrifice his
200,000 troops as revenge for his uncle’s death. You’ll be disgusted by this
decision, and so you’ll decide to follow Liu Bang instead.

“If I do not do this, how can I appease my anger and resentment?” --
Xiang Yu

However, as you try to exit the area and head for Yangcheng, you’ll be
accosted by a large group of rebel soldiers. They’ll announce that you were
too rude to Xiang Yu when you were in his tent, and then they’ll try to kill
you. So do the usual thing -- run away -- and then come back to pick off the
group little by little.

Once the way is clear, head for Yangcheng.

| 06.11.00 Chapter Ten |

In this chapter you need to help Liu Bang capture Wancheng, and then hunt down
Hu Hai.

* ================== *
* 06.11.01 Yangcheng *
* ================== *

There isn’t very much to the city here. It’s basically just a large command
center plus two shops. You’ll find Liu Bang in the command center. When you
talk to him, Bang will ask you for advice. Tell him “that is not a good idea”
and you’ll receive 15,000 experience points. Then Bang will tell you to talk
to Xaio He about Wancheng. You can find Xiao He in the side room of the

When you find Xiao He, the two of you will discuss a plan for capturing
Wancheng. You’ll decide to create a diversion while a small group of soldiers
-- namely your party -- infiltrates the city and opens the gate. You’ll
receive 20,000 experience points once the conversation ends.

“We may well bolt the door and beat the dog.” -- Fu Su

But before rushing off to Wancheng, explore Yangcheng to find the following

-- Woman (standing on the western side of the city): When you talk to her
you’ll gain +1 charm.

-- Xu Wei (wandering in the western side of the city): You’ll catch her trying
to pick your pocket. Tell her “You’re swift enough!” and you’ll gain +3
charm and 1 fame point. Otherwise you’ll have to attack her.

-- Chen the carpenter (standing in the center of the area): He’ll tell you of
a dispute with Huang Qi. Agree to play mediator, and then go find Qi in
his house in the northern part of the city. Qi won’t want to pay the money
he owes Chen, but after teach him a lesson he’ll suddenly find enough money
for the payment. When you give the money to Chen, you’ll receive 20,000
experience points and 2 fame points.

-- Robbers (south of the city): There’s nothing special about them, but you
can kill them for experience points and equipment.

Unknown: Do Shi Yi or Wang San do anything?

* ================= *
* 06.11.02 Wancheng *
* ================= *

You’ll start out next to a rebel encampment. A gate sentry there will let you
know that the rebels are ready to help out, but you won’t be able to go into
the camp to see for yourself. So wander around the area and kill a lot of
wolves, boars, and tigers.

Eventually, head west and talk to the gate sentry of the enemy city. He’ll
let you enter the city for the pittance of 10,000 gold. If you don’t have
that much or if you don’t want to pay that much simply attack the sentry
(setting Fu Su’s right side skill to “fierce advance” and then right-clicking
the sentry works). Once you clear away the soldiers, you’ll be able to enter
the city.

Inside the city, head west to the command center. Even if you bribed the
sentry to get in, once you open the gate to the compound, the soldiers there
will attack you. So kill the guards and then enter the office. A cut scene
will ensue where you convince the governor to surrender the city. But then
some more soldiers will show up to disagree with that solution, and you’ll
have to fight them. Send your spellcasters west to keep them on the periphery
of the battle, and then just wade in with your melee fighters and let them do
most of the work.

Once the soldiers are dead, the governor will approach you and speak to you.
As soon as the conversation ends, you’ll be whisked away from the command
center and find yourself talking to Liu Bang in the rebel camp. You won’t be
able to get back into the command center, so be sure to pick up everything you
can during the fight.

“Now Wancheng has been conquered and I have no worries in my rear.” --
Liu Bang

That’s all you need to do in Wancheng, but of course you should explore the
city to find a couple more things of interest:

-- Old man (in a house in the northeastern part of the city): When you talk to
the old man you’ll recognize him as a former general named Wei Liao. If
you have at least 100 savvy you’ll then discuss calligraphy and swordcraft,
and, as a result, you’ll receive 50,000 experience points and +30 wisdom.
And if that wasn’t enough, Liao will also tell you about a secret room
under his house where you can find the Yellow Emperor’s Book of Eighty-one
Adversities (permanent +30 constitution), plus other random treasures.
(Just be wary of the terra-cotta warriors on the way to the secret room.)

-- Ma Ping (standing outside his house in the northern part of the city):
He’ll tell you that a ruffian kidnapped his son, and that the ruffian and
son are in his house right now. So go in the house and kill the ruffian.
When you do, Ping will give you a Monster Nafu’s Hoof, and you’ll also
receive 1 fame point.

Unknown: Do Grandma Wang, Ah Bao, or Li Tong play any role? How about the
hunter in the grocer’s shop?

Before heading to the Epang Palace to deal with your brother, make a short
stop in Handan. There you can give the Monster Nafu’s Hoof to the treasure
merchant in the inn (and receive 3000 gold) and then talk to the treasure
craftsman who is also in the inn. The craftsman will offer you Boots of
Monster Nafu’s Hoof for 5000 gold.

* ===================== *
* 06.11.03 Epang Palace *
* ===================== *

Slightly east from where you start you’ll find a soldier named Zhou Zheng.
Talk to him to gain his allegiance, and also to find out that Zhao Gao entered
the palace not long ago. Then go inside.

Once you go through the gate, the area will become a big battlefield. You’ll
have to fight numerous groups of guards. In fact, you’ll have to do so much
fighting that you’ll probably need to make a trip or two back to Xianyang just
to sell all the loot you’ll pick up. So proceed slowly and carefully, and try
to draw enemies to you in small groups.

There are a few buildings in the area, but only two advance the plot (the
others just contain more soldiers to kill):

-- Living quarters of Hu Hai (northern side of area): When you enter the
building, you’ll see a cut scene where assassins kill Hu Hai under orders
from Zhao Gao. But you’ll arrive in time for Hu Hai to tell you with his
last breath that Zhao Gao was responsible for your father’s death, and that
Zhao Gao might be in Zi Ying’s (your son’s) quarters.

“What evil! Zhao Gao, you killed my father. I can’t stand to live
under the same heaven with you. You wait for me!” -- Fu Su

Before leaving, grab the Tai’e sword from the cabinet next to where Hu Hai
died. I don’t like the Tai’e sword as much as the Star-inviting Falchion,
so I never use it.

-- Living quarters of Zi Ying (eastern side of area): The bad news is that
you’ll have to defeat a room filled with soldiers. The good news is that
it’s a big room, and not all the soldiers will be able to see you at first.
So right after Zhao Gao flees and the cut scene ends, send your party west
into the antechamber and defeat all the soldiers there, plus whatever
soldiers follow you in from the main room. If things start to look dicey,
just have your party leave the building, heal, and then return to do more
fighting. Once the antechamber is yours, draw out the enemies from the
main room and kill them a few at a time.

Note: The door to this building will be locked until you talk to Hu Hai.

Now all you need to do is track down Zhao Gao in his residence. So head to
Xianyang, dispatching any (newly spawned) soldiers that might get in your way.

| 06.12.00 Chapter Eleven |

In this chapter you need to kill Zhao Gao.

* ================= *
* 06.12.01 Xianyang *
* ================= *

When you enter Zhao Gao’s residence, you’ll discover killing him won’t be as
easy as you might have thought. Instead of finding him in his residence,
you’ll discover an underground passage, and so you’ll have to fight your way
through three underground levels just to get to Zhao Gao, and then fighting
him won’t be a picnic either.

Note: The “underground palace” is the last part of the game. So don’t worry
too much about picking stuff up (except to check if you can use it), and spend
your remaining money on healing supplies before you go in.

The first level is a maze of sorts, and you won’t have the overhead map
available to help you out. But there will be three sets of stairs leading
down to the next level (one in the eastern corner, one in the western corner,
and one on the southern corner) and so you shouldn’t get lost. Also, all
you’ll find on the level are soldiers and treasure chests, so you don’t need
to explore the whole thing if you don’t want to. Just find the stairs and go

The second level is divided into two parts. The stairs down to the third
level will be in the northern half, and you can get to that half using either
the eastern or western stairs from the first level. Otherwise, the second
level will be much like the first, with lots of enemy soldiers to kill and
lots of loot dropping to the ground.

The third level is where you’ll find Zhao Gao. When you arrive at his
chamber, and after you’ve watched the cut scene, Gao will jump to the west.
That means you should run away to the east (back the way you just came). Then
pick off the enemy soldiers in the area without disturbing Gao. If you do run
into Gao, finish off all the other soldiers in the area first, and then
concentrate on him.

You’ll have to defeat Zhao Gao three times to kill him. The first time will
be the easiest since he won’t have much power then (which is why you should
take that opportunity to kill all his helpers). About the worst thing he’ll
do is summon in a monster or two to attack you.

The second incarnation will teleport around and drain mana from your
characters, and sometimes he’ll hit you with a ranged attack, but in this
phase Gao will be more annoying than deadly.

The third incarnation is the one you might have to watch out for. He’ll be
fire enhanced then (meaning you should wear fire defense items and hit him
with water attacks), and he’ll hit you with fire spells. He might also summon
in monsters again. But if you have enough fire defense power, this shouldn’t
be too difficult, and it will mostly involve chasing him down. Also, remember
that this is the last fight in the game, so be liberal with your use of
healing items. Once Zhao Gao dies, you’ll win the game.

Note: There are seven possible endings to the game, based on the activities
you perform (for example, if you helped Modu become Khan), but my knowledge of
these endings is sketchy at best. If anybody has detailed information about
what the endings are, how you get them, and what happens if you qualify for
multiple endings, then please feel free to send me the information.
Otherwise, please don’t.

* 07.00.00 RECOGNITION *

Thanks to the following people who have provided information for this guide:

Chriswan Winata
Lost Hope
Thomas Teh

Plus all the people at Strategy First’s Prince of Qin forum.


January 1, 2003

Initial release. Includes all of Chapter One.

January 4, 2003

Added Chapter Two and Chapter Three.

January 7, 2003

Added Chapter Four.

January 9, 2003

Added Chapters Five, Six, and Seven.

January 12, 2003

Added Chapters Eight, Nine, and Ten. Also added three quests I missed before
(Wu Xin’s quest, the Hun Barracks sword quest, and the Lixian County roasted
meat quest). Added an experience table to Section 2 (incomplete) and a map to
Section 3.

January 14, 2003

Added Chapter Ten, thus competing the walkthrough. Also added more character
information to Section 2. Added more information to the Peixian County
section (06.03.09). Made some minor corrections.

January 19, 2003

Completed the experience table (02.03.00). Made other minor additions and

January 23, 2002

Learned some more of the high level gems (thanks Chriswan Winata).

February 5, 2003

Found out Qing Bu can indeed join your party (thanks Aelith).

February 7, 2003

Added some more contributed information (thanks Vigo and Sslar).

February 13, 2003

Added in the quest for the Sun-shooting Bow (thanks again to Sslar).


This guide may be posted on any web site as long as the text is not changed
and as long as I am informed of the posting. I will always submit new
versions to GameFAQs ( first, so if you are looking for the
most up-to-date version of this guide, that is the place to look.

Copyright © 2003 by Steven W. Carter

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