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Police Quest 1 Game Walkthrough

Police Quest 1

(new edition) walkthru

by Evan Dickens (
Version 1.0 (updated 7/2/98)

I was very surprised to see that in all the years that the VGA version of Police
Quest 1 has been available, no one has written a walkthru for it. So here it is.
This guide, if followed directly, will take you all the way through the VGA
version of Police Quest 1: In Pursuit of the Death Angel.

Make sure you realize that this guide is for the updated, VGA version. It has
nice graphics, lots of dialogue, a decent soundtrack, and it uses the mouse. If
you attempt to follow this walkthrough when playing the ancient, EGA graphics
version of the game, you'll be infinitely confused. Just make sure that the
version you're playing uses the mouse and you'll be okay.

If followed closely, this walkthru will get you through with the full 225 points
possible. However, if you think you followed it and you still find yourself
short a few points, then take a look at my pointcheck for this game. It should
be in the same place you found this walkthrough. I can also give you any extra
help you need with any area of the game. My e-mail address is; don't hesitate to write me if you need any sort of

Here we go....

Watch the intro if you feel so inclined. It's just credits. Read the little
magazine excerpts at the beginning; they set the stage for what's to come. Now
you're pulling into the police station. There you are; Sonny Bonds, Lytton
patrolman. Ready for another day fighting crime.


Walk through the hallway, off to the right. You should now be in the main
hallway, with three doors. Look at each one. The door on the far right leads to
the locker room. Enter that one (by clicking the Hand on it).

Now you're in the locker room. The locker in the center of the room is yours.
Open it using the combination, which is in your manual. *NOTE* I will NOT, I
repeat NOT, give the combination through e-mail. It's copy protection
information. If you do not have the PQ1VGA manual, you'll need to contact Sierra
about it. Do not ask me for the combo.

Once the locker's open, grab your towel. Unlike the EGA version, you can't skip
your shower. Walk into the shower area to clean up. Once you're finished, open
your locker again and get your uniform on. Then get your nightstick, your ticket
book, and your Corvette keys. Even though you don't need those keys, you still
get points. Exit the locker room the way you came in.

Once back in the hall, enter the central door. This is the briefing room. Look
in your pigeonhole (right side, second from the bottom). Get the note inside.
Now pick up the newspaper on the table. After you finish reading it, people will
start to file in. Take your seat; you're standing right next to it. Here comes
Sergeant Dooley. You may want to write down the important things he says; it'll
come in handy later. Once everyone's gone, follow them back to the hall.

In the main hallway, take a set of keys from the pegboard on the wall and a
radio extender from the table. Exit to the left, and keep walking all the way to
the parking garage. Once there, you have to do a safety check. This involves
walking fully around your squad car. You will be told once you've successfully
done this. Click the hand on your car, and you're off!

I'm not going to explain the driving interface, or the map. The game will take
care of that for you. For now, drive around aimlessly. Once you get called, head
for that 11-80 on Fig Street between 4th and 3rd. It's in the top left map, the
street in front of the McDonald's. Driving by it will be enough to stop the car
and you'll automatically get out.


Looks like a mess. Look inside the car at the driver. Yuck. Now feel for a pulse
or vital signs. Nothing at all. This one's dead, Bonds. Click your radio on
yourself to call Dispatch for the meat wagon. Now it's time to find witnesses.
Click Talk on the people, and a young man will come forward. Once he finishes,
keep talking to him until he gives up the license plate number. Call Dispatch
again. By this time, Dooley will probably have arrived. Get back in your car and
head on out.


Once you get called by Dispatch again, drive to Caffeine Carol's (top left
building in the top right map). Turn into the "driveway". Get out of your car
and walk in through the door. There's your friend Steve, on the bar stool. Sit
to the right of him. In the midst of your conversation, the phone will ring.
After Carol tells you it's for you, pick it up and talk to Hamilton. Once you're
finished, sit back on your stool. When Steve's finished talking, get up and walk
out. Don't bother to stop by Wino Willy's; you'll be there later. Get in your
car and hit the road.


This part is different. Instead of driving around, waiting for Dispatch to call,
you drive around waiting for a red car to cut you off. Once the car blazes by,
immediately hit your siren. DO NOT TURN AFTER THE CAR. If you don't hit your
siren, you'll lose the car. Once you've pulled the babe over, don't get out of
your car yet. Look at her license plate and radio dispatch. Now you can get out
of your car. Look at the driver. Now talk to her. Once she goes through her
seduction spiel, go into your inventory and use your pen on your ticket book.
Give her the ticket. When given the option, select "Ticket". After she vents her
spleen, get back in your car and take off.


Don't stray too far from Carol's, because you'll shortly be called back for a
complaint. Once you're back, get out and take a look at the bikes. Gee, wonder
what this complaint is about. Go inside, talk to Carol, and she pours her heart
out. Sigh. Go back outside, through the alley, and to the entrance to Wino
Willy's. Observe the young couple. Ah, young love. Feel free to yell "Get a
room!" at your screen. Enter the bar. (*NOTE* Make sure you have your nightstick
with you!) The bikers will give you their tough act. Simply click your
nightstick on the big guy and it's over. Look at the woman by the jukebox; go
talk to her. This is a very important conversation; make sure you don't skip it.
After it's over, go back to Carol's, let her know things are over, then get in
your car and head out.


Head south for a while until you're cut off by a drunk driver. Hit your siren
(remember to hit the siren before doing anything else). Now that he's pulled
over, look at his license plate. Radio it in to Dispatch. Now get out of your
car, go up to him, and look at him. Sad. Talk to him. Talk again and he'll give
you his license. Talk to him one more time and you'll administer the field
sobriety test. Now that's entertainment. Talk again, informing him he's under
arrest. Cuff him, and answer "No" when he asks to be cuffed in front. Open your
backdoor and he'll get in. Now get in yourself. Off to the slammer.


The jail is in the bottom center of the bottom right map. Once there, get out
and get your prisoner out. Now, this part is very important: Open the top left
storage locker by the door, and put your gun inside. If you don't do this every
time you go in the jail, you won't come out alive. Push the entry buzzer and
you'll be let in. Now, talk to the jailer. You can book this guy for all manner
of things: reckless driving, speeding, drunk driving, not in control of
faculties, running a red light (?), and running a stop sign (??). (*NOTE* The
codes are also copy protection information in your manual. Do not ask for them).
After you've entered all the codes, just hit enter and tell your prisoner to
move to the center of the room. Remove his handcuffs (by clicking Hand on him).
Once he's locked up, Detective Laura Watts shows up to let you know that
Narcotics is accepting transfer requests. It's your dream to be undercover,
Bonds...this is your chance. On your way out, get your gun back out of the
storage locker. Head for the station. Before you get there, you'll get radioed
to go there anyway.


First things first: fill out a transfer form. Once inside, you see those memo
slots on the left side of the elevator? Click Hand on them to fill out the
request. Now, go see the Sarge. Go one screen east. Just let this scene play
out; you'll end up in Dooley's office and be kicked back out. Now go into the
locker room and open your locker. Put on your street clothes. Make sure you take
your Corvette keys again. Out in the hallway, replace your radio extender and
your patrol car keys. Head outside, and get in your blue Corvette. Now you're
bound for Jack's birthday party at the Blue Room.


The Blue Room is two blocks northwest of the Police Station. It's a very nice
little hangout. Inside you'll find the birthday boy, Jack Cobb. Talk to him and
he asks you to sit down. Oblige him, talk to him, talk again, and let the scene
play out. He pours out his heart to you and a celebration ensues. Trust me, it
makes sense. At the end, Keith reminds you that you have to haul butt back to
the station for your next shift. Do it.


Same routine as the beginning of the game. Go to the locker room, put on your
uniform, get your nightstick and ticket book, and attend the briefing. Grab your
radio extender, patrol car keys, and go outside and get in your car. The
neverending battle continues.


This is probably the section I've gotten the most e-mails on since I posted my
companion pointchecks many months ago, so pay close attention and follow every
step if you're having trouble. I am always open to e-mail questions, but make
sure you've gone through this first before asking. Alright. Soon after hitting
the road, you'll get called to a domestic disturbance at 1st and Lilly. What you
need to do is go through this intersection (it works best if you go in a
southerly direction) and then you'll be informed of a stolen car. Right after
getting this call, you should see the car at the next intersection. Hit the
siren and you'll pull him over. Now, the fun begins. Look at the car to get the
license plate. Radio it in to Dispatch. Then, radio Dispatch again to call for
backup. Wait for Jack to arrive and be fully in place on your passenger side.
Open your door, get out, and while standing behind your car door, draw your gun
(click it on yourself). Now, talk to him and order him out of the car. As soon
as he's out, talk to him again to get him to halt. Then, talk to him again
immediately until he's lying on the ground. Click the handcuffs on him now. Once
he's arrested and in your car, read him his rights (by talking). The bust is now
complete; time to search the car. Click the Hand icon on his door for a closeup;
click Hand again on the paint. You'll scratch the paint away, revealing the VIN,
and revealing this is the stolen car from the morning briefing! Click outside
the closeup to return to the normal view, then click the Hand inside the car
where the glove box is. You have a closeup of the glove box. Click Hand on the
black book and the licenses to look at them, then push the small button to the
left of the black book. You'll pop the trunk. Get out, and click Hand on the
trunk to open it and look inside. Make sure you Look at the drugs before walking
away. Get in your car, and head for the jail.


Get out, let Hoffman out, lock up your gun, and push the buzzer to get in. Once
inside, talk to the jailer, and book Hoffman for posession of a controlled
substance, concealed weapon, stolen vehicle, and evading arrest. Now talk to
your prisoner and remove his cuffs. Here comes Jack, to tell you Dooley wants to
see you back at home base. Off you go.


Head for Dooley's office. He'll leave you to read the memo. Do so. Looks like
you got what you wanted; a transfer to Narcotics. Now go back to the locker
room, open up your locker, and get your plainclothes. You can leave everything
else in the locker. On your way out, replace the patrol car keys on the hall
pegboard. Keep your radio, though. Now go one screen left, and push the button
to take the elevator upstairs. The door right in front of you on the second
floor is Morgan's office; go inside and listen to the briefing. Now leave, go
one screen right, and enter your new office. Laura gives you the grand tour. Now
you've got to start digging up evidence to put Hoffman away. First thing; open
up the bottom-center filing cabinet. Click the Hand on the files to open up the
Hoffman file. Read through it and keep it. Now you need to go find more; head
downstairs to the evidence lockup. Give the Hoffman file to Ross, and when he
brings the evidence, get the gun. Make a note of the serial number. Now go back
to Narcotics, and get on your computer. Click on Weapons, and enter the serial
number from the gun. Hmmm, it's registered to a Jason Taselli, and there's an
FBI case number. Go to your FBI database and enter that case number. Up pops
Jason Taselli's file. Hmmm...he has a tattoo of a rose over his left nipple.
Just like Marvin Hoffman. It now dawns on you; these men are one and the same.
And Taselli is a very wanted man. Print the file out, quit the computer, and
take the printout. Take a set of car keys from the pegboard, and hurry
downstairs. Take the unmarked car on the right side of the parking lot, and head
for the courthouse. Time's a'wastin!


Once you arrive at the courthouse, open the doors and go inside. Talk to Oliver,
the clerk. He won't allow you to speak to the judge. Talk to him again. Still no
dice. Talk a third time and he'll cave. Now, go through the doors to see the
judge. Tell him you're here for a no-bail warrant. He asks for evidence. Give
the Hoffman folder to the bailiff. The judge grants the warrant. High-tail it
out of there, and to the jail.


Arriving at the jail, the first thing you notice is how awkwardly you parked!
You'll see what I mean once you see this part of the game. :) Anyway, it's not
necessary to store your gun. Just push the button and go in. Give the warrant to
the jailer. Nice job, Bonds! Go outside, and get in your car. You'll
automatically go back to the station, where Laura will meet you and inform you
of a drug deal going on in the park. Now you must drive to Bert's Park and fight
some more crime. Your job is never done.


After Laura drops you off and gives you instructions, enter the park. Walk
behind the bushes in front of the lake on the left side of the screen. Draw your
gun and radio Laura. Now we play the waiting game. Eventually the dealer comes
out. Deny the urge to plug him and wait for his client to come out. You'll see
their transaction. Once it's done, and they begin going their separate ways,
it's time to make your move. Don't yell, just run out of the bushes. If you do
this quickly enough, you should catch the kid before he's offscreen. If you
don't...hope you saved the game. Once the kid is halted, question him and read
him his rights. Put your gun away. Try to cuff him, and he'll resist. Do it
anyway. Now search him, and you'll go back to Laura, where she's got the dealer.
(*NOTE* If you're playing the Collection version and the game locks up at this
point, there's a patch for it on Sierra's website.) Laura attempts to question
Colby and gets nowhere, so talk to your suspect. When the sequence is finished,
you'll be back on the road. Head for the jail.


Just can't get over how dumb your car looks parked there. :) Anyhoo, Laura takes
the prisoners inside. Store your gun in the locker and push the button to enter
the jail. Talk to Paul and book the suspects for possession of a controlled
substance and possession of cocaine. Tell them to move to the center of the
room, and remove their cuffs. Laura leaves, telling you to go to the Blue Room
and cheer up Jack. Follow her out, get your gun, and get goin' to the Blue Room.


This is pretty simple. Go in and sit down next to Jack. Talk to him twice. He
tells you his daughter's in the hospital. He's obviously drunk. Now Keith comes
in and tells you that Taselli has escaped. Jack leaves in a cab, and you find
yourself outside. Morgan wants to see you at the station ASAP, so jump in your
car and head there.


Head up to Morgan's office on the second floor. He tells you he wants you to
examine the evidence. Go back down to the evidence lockup, give Russ the Hoffman
file, and take the black book. Look through it. See if some of the initials ring
a bell in your mind. Don't worry if they don't. :) Head back up to Morgan's
office. He sends you off to the jail to see Marie Wilkans and talk to her about
setting up a sting. To the jail you go.


It's not important that you store your gun in the locker, since you don't have a
prisoner. Push the button and go in. You'll automatically talk to Marie and ask
her to help with the hotel operation. Once you're done, you can get in your car
and leave. As you're driving back to the station, you get called to Cotton Cove,
in the bottom-right corner of the map.


Once you arrive, talk to the officers. You've got a dead body here. Walk up to
him and pull the sheet off. Now look at him. There's the tattoo of the red
nipple. It's Taselli. Tell the officers your findings, get back in your car, and
head back to the station.


Head straight for Morgan's office for your briefing. Laura gives you your bleach
and your disguise. Once everyone's done, go to the locker room. Get your towel
and take a shower. Nice hair, Bonds. :) When you're done, put on your leisure
suit. Aren't you just a pimp. Don't go getting an ego or anything. Now get back
to Morgan's office for the final briefing. Dooley comes in to tell you that
Jack's daughter has died. Now you've got some serious motive to shut down these
guys. Go down to the parking garage and get in your unmarked car. Ready? Go to
the Hotel Delphoria.


You're here. Get psyched. Walk through the automatic front door. Ring the bell
on the front desk and go through your spiel with the clerk. He gives you your
room key. Now, you've got a job to do. Head through the door to the right of the
elevator. You're in the lounge. Talk to the bartender, Alex, and Marie will
recognize you. Talk to Marie to get some info. Talk to the bartender again.
Marie will leave so you and Alex can talk. You get invited to the poker game.
Good going so far. You'll go up to your room with Marie. She, uh, propositions
you. Save your game and then click the Hand on her. Heh. Now restore your game
and talk to her instead. Pick up the phone and call 555-3784, Lieutenant
Morgan's number. After you talk to him, call 411 to get the cab company's
number. Call that number and Marie will go downstairs to wait for the cab. Now
get ready for the Poker Game.


Go back downstairs to the lounge. Talk to Alex, and then
pay her by clicking your wallet on her. She takes you to
the storage room and pats you down. Eventually you can walk
to the backroom. Save your game, and sit down in the empty
seat at the table next to you. Once the friendly conversation
is done, you must choose whether or not you're going to play
poker. If you do play, you better win, or the game's over,
and you can't save your game while you're playing. But if
you choose to skip the game and win, then you won't get the
15 points. It's up to you. In any case, once the game is
done and you've won, you're invited back for a bigger game
later. Go back up to your room and call Morgan. He tells you
to wait for your backup. So wait. Once your backup arrives,
gives you your pen and money, and leaves, go back down to
the lounge. Talk to the bartender again. You go through the
whole routine again and end up in the back backroom. Have a
seat. When Frank comes down and asks if you'd be interested
in talking business, say yes. Now again you must decide whether
to play and chance losing or skip the game and lose 15 points.
After the game get in the elevator with Frank and go up to his
penthouse for the final confrontation.


Once you're here, Frank tells you who he really is.
Jesse Bains, the Death Angel. He begins to talk business
with you, and then gets a phone call. When he leaves to take
it, don't waste any time. Look at the phone over on the bar on
the other side of the room. It says room number 401 on it.
Use your pen on yourself to relay this information to Dispatch.
The rest plays out...


You've won Police Quest I! If you haven't already, I
strongly suggest you play 2 and 3 to continue the storyline.
It's a classic series that we hope will continue someday.

This walkthrough took me more then seven months to write,
believe it or not. That's about a paragraph every three
weeks or so. Sorry to those who e-mailed me that it took me
so long; I just put it on the backburner for a loooong time.
Because I wrote it over such a long period of time, I
apologize for any odd writing inconsistencies.
Grisham I ain't. ;-)

If you have any questions at all about this or any other
game in the Police Quest series, I'd love to help you.
Fire me off an e-mail at, and please
visit, the Internet's premier website
dedicated to adventure games! Thanks for reading. Peace.


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