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Resident Evil 2 Game Walkthrough

Resident Evil 2



Current character walkthrough available : LEON story A

Additional character walkthrough update : CLAIRE story A

Written by Kelvin Leen and some additional helpers

First Version written on 27/3/99

Update Version written on 5/5/99

Small update Version written on 20/5/99

Contact me at :-


Some changes for Leon, to save time

Playing guide for Claire

Claire's walkthrough guide


Added info - See "Things that should happen",

"Additional cheats" and "Current Status" section


Resdient Evil, a name that many gamers on the PS

are familiar with. The famous game which rocked

the PS when it was released underwent some changes

in the US before it was released. Originally entitled

Bio Hazard in Japan, the horror action game was one

that many gamers loved. It was released in the PS,

remade twice and later on the PC and Saturn. However

the PC version isn't as great as the PS version.

Then came the sequel which made everyone drool ...

Resident Evil 2 was released and rocked the house.

Gamers who were previously skilled in RE1 were

put to test in this sequel and I'm sure many people

walked through the game like nothing !

Lucky for PC gamers like you and I, it is now

released on PC and it's really great. To date,

I've beaten the game twice and more or less remember

every single thing you should and should not do.

Read on fellow Zombie hunters ... you're in the hands

of some of the best around ....


Okay, Resident Evil 2 basically runs on any PC that

is at least 166 Mhz. Mine however is a 133 PC and the

game still runs smoothly ! Okay, I'll be lying if I said

I have no problems, the movies are jerky and to date,

the game only failed once !

I've played RE on the Playstation before and found it tough

to control. However, on the PC, after adjusting my config

properly, I was able to play the whole game without

getting confused at all ! Your setting had better be within

reach ... as many exciting moments of the games will give

you a fright and you might need to get your weapons ready ...

Problems you might encounter with a low grade computer like

mine (133 Mhz)

Choppy Video - You might never get to finish a video clip at

all !

Slight jerky gameplay - This occured only once. It almost killed

me as the enemy was coming at me !!!!

Game hangs or exits on it's own - I had this problem once, just

reset it's okay to move on.

These are problems that I've faced with my disc so far. Any other

known problems can be reported to me at the e-mail address I've



Okay listen up and listen up good. This ain't no history lesson

but it's useful to know the dark secrets of the game's story.

I'll give it to you in a brief and short summary. I will only

brief you until the opening of the RE2 game and the rest of

the story will be filled up by your own exploration ....

Once upon a time in Racoon City, there was a mansion at the

forested area of the city. Abandoned it might seem, but the

mansion houses a secret Biological lab run by UMBRELLA corp.

This company researches in biological experiments and somehow

they lost contact one day with the mansion's science team.

STARS, a special crop of police officers were send to the place

to investigate but the first team never responed after entering

the mansion. A second team was sent, lead by Chris Redfield, the

team arrived at the mansion with some of their crew dead. After

much investigation of the mansion, they found out that everyone

inside were killed as a result of a virus - T-virus, which affects

living things and causes them to mutate.

Chris and Jill Valentine both found out what was going on and placed

a stop to horrible mutatations that were inside the mansion and it's

labs. They escaped and made the whole truth known to the government.

UMBRELLA was not gonna let this to stop their research, and had plans

for the STARS members who knew the truth.

Sometime had pass since this incident, and somehow, the T-virus had

managed to spread itself into Racoon city. Leon Kennedy, a new rookie

cop arrived on his 1st day of work only to find the city deserted and

full of living dead. He rescues a young girl, Clarie Redfield on the

way. Claire by the way is Chris Redfield's sister, she's wondering

where her brother had gone to and looked for him. Together the 2

decide to work together to get out of Racoon city alive ...

and this is where you quest begins ....


This is my setting for the game. If you're comfortable with mine

you can go on and use it. I won't take credit for anything other

than making your life real simple.

Walking around - all direction buttons available

Items menu - 1

Map menu - 2

Options menu - 3

Run - L-shift

Lock on - Z

Shoot/action button - L-Ctrl

Simple enough ? I use the left buttons as I'm used to it. I love

playing Doom-style games and that's where my habit begins !


Briefing A : Foreword

It's tough to describe the place without a map or anything, but I'll

do my best to tell you how the surrounding is.

This walk-through is designed to get you through the game in 2:30 or

less, but only for those who are already good in RE1 or RE2. I have

already beaten the game in 2:30 on Normal setting, and I'm familar

with the interface of the game.

There are 2 advice I wish to give those who are playing RE for the 1st

time, is that you might wanna try playing Arrange mode - Easy level.

Use the walkthrough to beat the stages and go on to use the unlimited

weapons found in the magic storage box. Beat the game and then go on

to the Normal setting. This will then allow you get used to the setting

and gameplay, as well as allow to make mistakes and correct them later

when you play Normal mode.

The 2nd advice is that you better play the game in the dark. This game

is mnot really for the faint hearted, but bear in mind, that like a

horror flick, get ready to be frightened many times .....

Briefing B : Aiming and shooting

It's tough for beginners to get use to this lock and shoot thing.

Don't fret, you need practice. Here's a short guide on how to do this

and be great at it !



1. Stay still and hit your Aiming lock button (I will hit "Z" to get

into the aiming pose. Hold on to the "Z" key.)

2. In this pose, player is not able to move anywhere. However, the player

is able to turn 360 degrees slowly. Use yor left or right keys to turn,

all this while holding to your Aiming lock button.

3. Once facing your foe, hit your shooting key to fire your weapon.

There are 3 directions to hit on, they are achieved by doing the following

motions :

Hit Straight - Just hold your Aim Lock button and hit fire.

Hit Downwards - Hold your Aim Lock button and press down key. Your weapon

should now face downwards and hit fire.

Hit Upwards - Hold your Aim Lock button and press up key. Your weapon should

now face upwards and hit fire.

4. Lock and load, practice some more and it should help you. You'll be fine !


There are many foes you'll face in RE2 and you will make them pay by many

different ways. Each has it's own unique pattern of defeat.

Zombie - normal type

These are those who are walking towards you. Shoot at them for about 4 shots

of the handgun and they will collapse. Then aim downwards over/near their

bodies for another 2-3 shots and they should bleed.

Gentle reminders :-

* Only walk pass a zombie when it bleeds ... otherwise, it's still alive.

Leon reminders :-

* A shotgun hit will tear or blow zombies up but the top half might still

crawl and hurt you.

* Flamthrower will fry these bastards black.

* A Magamum shot blows their head apart.

Claire reminders :-

* Claire's Grenade Launcher kills zombies with one shot. Grenades spread widely

to hit most zombies, Acid and Flame may sometimes affect the surronding foes as


* Bowgun shots are to be aimed directly at the zombie and accurate as well.

Zombie - downed type

There are zombies who are just lying around waiting to eat someone. These

guys are found on the ground, not moving and no blood around it's body.

In the police station, there are 2 types of such bodies. They are either

the zombies or they are just there for you to search their body (they won't

attack or disappear after you leave the room.) When the downed ones attack your

leg, just keep tapping forward and attack button. Your player should then stomp

it's head and it should die.

Oh yeah, there are some who are already crawling as they approach you. Just fire

a few downward shots and they should die !

Zombie - vomit type

These are basically zombie with a projectile attack. Just kill as normal but

keep some distance.

Zombie - naked type or lab coat type

Towards the end of the game, you'll face these guys. Unlike their other zombie

types, these guys do move a little faster, attack a whole lot stronger ! These

zombies can kill you if your at Caution rating. Be careful or you'll be killed

fast !

Zombie - Bard Vicks

This zombie only appears if you play the NORMAL or HARD mode. From the

opening till the Police station, do not pick any items up ! Nothing at

all ! When you reach the station, go to the stairs below and you'll face

a zombie that looks like Bard Vicks, a chracter from the 1st RE game !

He's as tough as those zombies found in the end of the game, and you might have

very little ammo left at that point. There is a skillful trick here that I've

tried very hard to do but failed, is to make him crawl towards you.

Allow Bard to lunge onto you, move back quickly, and he should be grapping your

leg. After that, just stomp the head and he's dead ! However, this is very

rare to pull off and Bard's a smart zombie. Good luck in taking

him down !

You will get the special key to allow your player to switch clothing. Use the

key in the locker at the dark room in the Police station, ground floor.

Licker - Flesh and tongue

This creature is really a nightmare for beginners ... It's tongue and claws do

massive damage and reach far ! You'll need to aim downwards to hit it, but

some weapons just require you to whack it straight (I think shotgun is one of

them.) on ! Lickers are tough foes, but warn you, never turn your back on the

licker !!! You never know what hit ya ....

Licker - Black, mean and deadier

This version appears late in the game. They remind me of Venom, Spiderman's

rival as they are black in color .... anyhow, these guys are attacking way

stronger than their pink flesh counterpart ! These guys easily swamp your player

if you're not careful and they will eat you fast ! Just use your best weapons

to take them down fast ... These guys aren't worth leaving alive at all !

Claire reminders :-

* Licker or Black Lickers should only be killed by Grenade shots. Flame rounds are

useful only when they are leaping at you. Acid rounds kill them instantly (1 shot)

Spider - Huge, furry and deadly

I acutally am frightened of these guys ... They are huge and the bite bad !

2 hits from these guys and (if your health is FINE condition) you'll be in

Caution condition ! They deserve a few shotgun hits (about 3) and they are

best taken down with heavy weapons instead of handguns or knife ! They

are able to poison you if you are not careful. They also are able to climb walls

and crawl fast, beware of their web droppings .... they poison and damage heavily !

Gentle reminder :-

* Unless the corridor forbids escape, these creepy crawlies are best escaped from.

Don't bother to taken them down unless they are on the level ground chasing you.

Crows - Small and hard to hit

If you acutally died facing these birds, it's no surprise. They are fast, small and

exteremly hard to aim at. You best bet is either run or shoot upwards and pray you'll

hit those crows ! If you upgraded your handgun, then switch to Auto aim mode* in the

item screen and just hit your Lock aim key to get a firm shot at them. Hit your fire

button fast !

(*Auto aim is only available for the custom hand-gun for Leon only.)

Plant - Deadly living plants !

At the last stage of the game, these bastards are crawling around looking

for you. They have great range, so be careful. A good aim of your stronger weapon

will slow or kill the plant. They can whip you, spit at you, poison you and even

bear hug you ! Yes, get too close and they will bear hug you ! If you can recall

that RE is made by CAPCOM, it's no surprise that these guys are like Zangief of

SF2 fame !

Oh yeah, the plants are easily taken out with the Flamethrower. Like plants

when brunt, they will turn black and die ... Don't try this with your mum's

roses or ferns ....

Claire reminders :-

* Claire should take them down with a good hit of the flame rounds of the Grenade


* For the best effect, get close and fire quick.

Dogs - Fast and ripping'em good !

At the lower levels of the police station lies these horrible pups from hell. Dogs

are the fastest unti in the game. They bite fast and hit hard. They affect your aiming

and boy are they really FAST. You best bet is use Handgun with full ammo to face them.

That way you don't have to worry about the reloading bullet frame, as that will make

those dogs pounce and damage you fast. Shoot straight not downwards ! That's another

reason why many peoplae often die at this scene, kill fast and accurate. It's important

to also carry herbs and NEVER NEVER turn and run from a dog ....

Gentle reminder :-

* Dogs are best killed from a distance. They are VERY EASY TARGETS to hit when running

or just got up after a hit.

OH YES, there are other enemies as well, but I will address those as BOSS enemies.

Read the walkthrough on tips to tackle those beasts !

Briefing D : LEON GUIDE - Game Disc 1 (FOR STORY A)

Brief background : Leon reports for Day 1 of his job as a Racoon city police rookie

but arrives in town to find the entire cast of the "Night of the living dead" every-

where. He escapes to the police station after his car crashed.

1st location : Streets of Racoon city

Leon wakes up and everywhere is burning. Zombies are moving towards him slowly.

What to do ?

Run, these zombies aren't worth your time to kill. Dodge them all, but beware for

some are known to quickly lunge at you fast. It this happens, struggle and push

them away fast !

Escape down 3 frames of straight street. Turn to the left and go straight until you

reach a door of a shop. Enter it.

2nd location : Gun Shop

Leon steps in but the owner aims his shotgun at Leon. Leon explains himself and

you're free to explore the shop.

What to do ?

Leon must go to either the left or right counter to pick up extra bullets. Upon picking

up, the man will be attacked by zombies (whom you were chased by earlier on) as they

break the window of the shop.

There are 3 options here:-

A) get the man's shotgun by killing all the zombies there. It might waste

a lot of bullets but a sneaky way to finsih them off without any damage is to kill

them behind the long counter on the right side. Zombies are stupid, not able to climb over

the counter. Then search the man's body twice for the shotgun.

B) Get the shotgun fast. You need to fire a few shots to push zombies closest to the

man's body away or down them. Search the man's body twice to get the shotgun. You

might be attacked by zombies that recover faster, so be careful.

C) Get out at once. The shotgun is useful but you can choose not to have it.

3rd location : The back alley

Leon escapes throught the back alleyway, and finds a basketball court of living dead.

It seems like the only way to escape is that way.

What to do ?

Okay, don't waste bullets trying to hit the zombies behind the fence. Just go on

straight until you get halfway the alley. Then a cinema appears and you see the

zombies are coming out from the gate ! Go on running on towards the alleyway

until you reach the next frame. Search the parked vehicle there for bullets.

Then run back halfway and wait for the zombies to come.

Shoot them down, you can don't bother about killing them, go on after they have fallen

down. Run into the basketball court and then dodge another zombie there. Exit through

the gate behind.

4th location : Streets again

Leon arrives at a stairway and climbs it. Moving on the given pathway, Leon reaches

the other stairs. A garbage container blocks his path and the zombies behind it.

What to do ?

Leon can find bullets at the trash can behind him. This is available only to you

on the Original game mode. For those playing the Arrange mode, might not find

the bullets there. Aim and take down the female zombie there. Climb over the box,

just stand at the box's edge and press the action key. After that, walk to the

opposite end and climb down. Dodge the zombies there, and race for the gate at the

other end.

5th location : Streets once more

Leon is now at the streets and hears zombies chewing on something.

What to do ?

Stay close to the vehicle nearest to the gate you cam from. Run along the vehicle

and pass the group of zombies there ! Reach the bus enterance and board up the bus at

once ! Quick fingers for this part is vital !

6th location : Bus

Leon escapes the zombies outside the bus and boards the bus.

What to do ?

Grab the bullets behind you ... FAST ! Then aim your gun downwards and get ready.

A downed female zombie is crawling towards you fast. Plunk in 3 shots and move one

frame upwards. Another zombie is waiting for you here. Plunk enough shots to down

the zombie and race to the other exit.

7th location : Streets near the police station

Leon exits the bus but finds himself surrounded by zombies ! Ahead of him is a herd

of zombies.

What to do ?

Frankly speaking, this is one moment where dodging the zombies is needed. Race pass them

and dodge fast ! There is a gate at the 3rd frame, enter it fast. You might need fast

fingers to pass this scene.

8th location : Outside of the police station

Leon gets to the station at long last.

What to do ?

Go straight and climb the stairs downwards. There are no zombies waiting for you here

unless you're playing normal level and you have not picked any items at all. If that's

the case, the Bard Vicks zombie is here. If not, just run to the other end and

climb the stairs up. As you climb up, go to the bush and search for a Green Herb.

Then walk slowly to the door of the station. If you spot any zombies that have managed to

come into the station outside, ignore them. You'll never have to go outside anymore.

LOCATION : 1st floor of the station

When you enter, the coast seems clear. Leon now must try to find out what's going

on or any survivors around.

Okay, to save time and to help guide you around, the fist place you head for is the

room on the upper platform. It is the door next to the double doors. (eletronically

locked as of this moment) Head inside and talk to the dying officer there. He will

give you a BLUE KEY CARD. Head outside, and the door should lock up. You go to the

next frame and turn to a small desk front.

At the desk front is a box of bullets. There is a typewriter there, with some ink

ribbons to save. Beginners should save here, but if you're a pro or worried about

the game ranking, then save the ribbons for later.

There is a computer there, use the BLUE KEY CARD and the doors should unlock.

(The double doors and the door next to the main enterance of the station) Head for

the double doors first.

Inside the double doors room, there is a file report and storage box. Keep the

file report and leave the unwanted stuff in the storage box. The file is on the

seat and the box is next to the seat. Just throw your knife and ink ribbons inside

the box for now.

Walk to the other end of the room and go towards the door. At the window, you'll notice

a pink thing crawl by. Open the door and run down the corridor.

You should see a dead officer without a head. Search the body for bullets. Near

the body is a shutter switch but the cord is cut off (Search and you'll know)


You walk another frame and you'll see a pool of blood. Walk up and a video is shown !

A licker !!! Yipes, as it drops down, aim and shoot downwards. The Licker should press

on to attack you with it's claw and tongue. Just keep firing non stop and it should





Carry on walking and you'll see a green herb in a pot. Search and take it. Use it if

only your health is at CAUTION or DANGER level. Press on to another room and you

will see another double door. This leads to the police planning room.

At the police planning room, to Leon's left is another file report. At the main

stand with the chalkboard, you'll find bullets. Enter the room at the back and

see the picture below the fireplace.

Use the LIGHTER here, and grab the RED JEWEL here. Exit and carry on walking the

unexplored part of the corridor. You'll make it to a door.


Open the door, you will find that a female zombie is behind you. Turn and fire 4

fast accurate shots and she's gone. Turn again and plunk shots to down the zombie.

After that, dodge the remainder of the zombies and rush to the stairs. Climb up

the stairs FAST !

Once up there, climb up another time and walk down the corridor. There is a door

that plays no interest to you but there are 3 stautes. You notice that the center

on holds a RED JEWEL and you need to slove the puzzle to get it.

CLUE : Make the 2 moveable statues face the center statues.

Once the puzzle is sloved, get the RED JEWEL. If you're out of space, (Can't be

possible) leave it there. Open the door near the statues and go into a greyish


Once here, you better have your handgun ready. A few zombies to take down here.

Best for you to kill them all, as you need to return to this place once more. It's

okay to dodge but kinda troublesome ...

Enter the room with a small sign that says "STARS". Once inside, search the place

for bullets and a first aid spray. You will find Chris Redfield's dairy and a

UNICORN MEDAL. Oh yeah, if you search the locker near the door (as you enter the

room, the locker is on Leon's right) you'll get another shotgun. If you're out of

places to put things, leave the shotgun alone.

Oh yeah, the first aid spray is located on the wall at the right side of the room.

It's a bag hanging on the wall with a first aid sign. If you took it, the bag is

not there anymore.

A little bonus, if you can afford another place for another item, search the desk

opposite the desk where you found handgun bullets for 50 times. You'll get a

film roll.

After doing everything, leave and return to the first floor. With extra ammo,

take down those zombies you previously dodged. If you turn left from the stairway,

there is a room here. Outside the room is a pair of Green Herbs you can collect.

ADVICE : Mix the 2 green herbs. Save space and can cure more damage.

Enter the room and you'll find it's another save place to save game. There is a

storage box here, drop the following items :

The first aid spray, herbs you don't need, RED JEWELS, The used up Shotgun (if you

have 2 of them)

This room is a dark room, so any film rolls you've found can be developed here,

and also the locker houses a change of clothes fro your player if they have

already killed the Bard Vicks zombie.

Take the unicorn medal and return to the main hall where you entered the station

from. Beware of the windows that are nailed with planks on your way back. Stay away

and wall along solid walls to prevent something from happening. (This event happens

only once)

Make it back to main hall and go up to the fountain and use the unicorn medal. A

video should show a key dropping out. Take the key and return to the place you

found the licker. Open up and walk in.

In this room of files, there is a small steel step that can be pushed. Push it to

the cupboard Leon faces as he walks in. Climb up and you should get a CRANK.

The cupboard also has bullets and a patrol report is near the cupboard.

Return to the dark room, place the CRANK in the storage box. Go upstairs again and

go pass the STARS office. There's another door that requires the SPADE KEY you're

holding. Discard the key after it's use and ready your shotgun.

In this room, zombies are feasting on a victim and there are plently of zombies.

Shoot only when many of them are closing very near you, this will allow you to take

down 2-3 zombies with one shotgun shot. Remember this, the zombies might fall apart

and the torso will still try to get you. If you can escape and run right at once.

You'll get to a small frame that has a door and a drawer. It's locked for the moment

but you'll come back later. Open the door.

Okay, inside this room there is a staircase. Climb up and ignore the door you see.

Fall down to the lower part of the room and press the red button. You'll walk out

from the last library shelf.

CLUE : Near where you fell is the clue. Record it down to slove the puzzle.

Take the item that you have reaped after sloving the puzzle. It's the BISHOP PLUG.

Exit the room through the double doors.

Once outside at the second floor corridor, you'll find two zombie. Kill them both,

and run to the center of the 2nd floor corridor. Lower the ladder to floor one and

continue to move to the other direction to find another zombie. Kill it and enter

the door.

This room is another save spot, with a storage box and typewriter. You should see

a small shining object on the sofa, take the small key there. From your storage box

take out the CRANK. Also next to the typewriter is another report. Let's call this

the Waiting room as what the game calls it. Also don't save for now.

Return to the libary once again. Exit the door you once came in from and open the

drawer with the Small key you obtained from the sofa just now. You'll get the

Handgun parts. Return to the libary and climb the stairs.

Use the handgun parts only when you have finshed using the bullets. That way, you

will have a fresh supply of bullets after you combine both together.

Once you have gotten upstairs, open the door and lead to the room on the right of

Leon. Enter and head right and locate the spot that has a square hole. Use the CRANK

here and the stairs should come down. Leave and quicky make your way to the Waiting

room. You can save your game here. I usually start saving only when I've done

everything I've mentioned before. That's why I got high ratings after I beat the

game ! Also, leave your BISHOP PLUG in the box before you go.

Okay exit the Waiting room and you should encounter a zombie. Kill it and

head upwards. Another should appear, with fire on it's body. If you continue

the path, you'll find a burning helicopter. Do bear in mind that flames do

damage to you, so be careful of your steps here. Then kill the zombie,

and head back to the Waiting room door. There should be another door near the

Waiting room one. Enter it.

Once in this room, there is a door in the corridor. Unlock it but do not go on as yet.

Turn left and aim high. You should see crows flying around. Fire and kill them and

the pass the windows. More crows brust in. If you have upgraded your handgun and set

it to Auto aiming mode, just aim and fire to kill a crow. Repeat until all are dead.

Search the dead officer for some bullets.

Make your way to another door and enter. You are outside the station and see a burning

half of a helicopter. Make your way down the stairs and you'll see more zombies. You

can either dodge them or kill one or two, as this is an area that you only need to

come once.


Enter the small building and take the VALVE near the typewriter. There are bullets and

ink ribbons to take. Also, do not open the door you see near the table. You're only

wasting bullets if you do so.

Return upstairs and near the original door you came from is a gap between the fences.

Enter and turn to Leon's right and fix the VALVE there. You will put out the fire of

the helicopter.

Return to the Waiting room first, leave the following items - Ink ribbons & VALVE.

Take the RED JEWELS and exit. Remember where you found the other half of the burning

helicopter ? You can access the room behind the helicopter's cockpit.

Once in the room, head straight to the main wall with 3 statues on the wall. Fix the RED

JEWELS on the 2 statues on the left & right of the center one. Another video clip will

appear and you can take the KING PLUG here. You can get the Diamond key here, it's next

to the left hand-side female statue. It also sparkles to show you that something is

there. Before exiting, near the enterance is a pair of brown boxes that are stacked

on top of each other. There's a green box there, it contains Shotgun shells.

Now return to the door near the Waiting room. Enter and go straight at the door that you

have not opened. It leads you the outside as well, Green herbs greet you. Take them if

you need go down and open the door there.

Upon entering, a dead cop is lying there. Search and get free bullets. You enter the

office room that you see, and zombie cops abound. Kill them all, and enter the sideroom.

Kill any zombies you find and search the safe.

The password of the safe is 2236. If you read the 1st report you found, you'll know this

set of numbers. You will get shotgun shells. Search the table behind you and you'll get

a Green herb.

Exit the room and head for the main double doors of the office room. Once outside, switch

to shotgun and fire at the many zombies coming at you ! Remember to aim well to save ammo

for later on.

Near the vendering machines is a Green herb. Leave or take it, now go to the nearest

storage box and dump your unwanted items inside. Leave any PLUGS in the box, precious

herbs that you don't need should also go into the box for later on use.

Get back to the vendering machines and go to the other end of the corridor. Open the

door there and find a zombie coming at you. Kill it and move on. You ought face 2 more,

just fire and kill them. You approach several doors but only one doesn't need a key to

enter. Go into the room that do not require a key to enter. Near the door closest to the

end of the corridor is a Red herb. If you've got enough space, then take it and mix it

with the Green herb.

Get everything you see there and then leave. Notice that the window there is a magic

mirror, those used in criminal identification. You can see that room on the other side

has an item on the shelf & some items on the table.

Next, go into the room next door if you carried the Diamond Key with you. Get the

cord on the table and the First aid spray if you have space. Next, go to the shelf

and get the ROOK PLUG there. You should have 3 Plugs as of now. Okay turn and get the hell


Oh yeah ... remember to go disequip those unwanted items in the storage box after this.

Okay, now equip yourself with your strongest weapon and head to the Dark room corridor.

When you get there, you should recall that there is a door that was locked by a Diamond

Key. Enter and you'll see herds of zombies coming at you ! Fire your shotgun fast and

hit everything in sight. Aim well and fast to save ammo and keep yourself healthy ! It's

a tough part, but bear in mind, only the quick will survive in here, so for beginners,

save if you have to before coming in.

After killing every damn zombie inside, search the room and find a film among files on the

shelf. There's shotgun bullets to take too. Next exit through the door you see. You'll

enter a room and take the box of bullets you. Next head into the office room you see.

Inside, somebody will greet ya ! It's that cop that gave you the Blue key card at the

start of the game ! He's a zombie with purple face now, kill him and grab the sparkling

item in the room. Before leaving, you should also see a note written to Leon by the

police officers of Racoon City. Leave the room by unlocking the door and returning

to the main 1st floor hall.

After this, you should have access to the Heart Key. Go back to the place where you found

safe. Exit through the opposite way you came in (You should be using the double doors

to enter if you came from the main hall area.)

Go to the door that you've not opened before and go in. Get the Green Herb if you need,

and with the Cord, close the shutter here by using the cord on the control box. You'll

find the stairs and a shelf behind. Check the shelf for Shotgun bullets and go downstairs.

Once you get downstairs, you'll hear some sounds. Upon further walking, you find dogs

wandering around ! Damn, aim well and shoot straight, those bastards need at 4 shots to die

from your Handgun or Handgun Custom. After killing those dogs, head towards the right and

move until you get to the big double doors. Enter it and you're in the power supply room.

Okay, slove the puzzle you find. Make sure that the electricty is at 80, nothing less or

more than that. After that, take the Green herb and Map in the room. Leave and continue

to move along the corridor until you get to the Parking lot. After that, Leon should be

almost be hit by fired shots, done by Ada Wong, a sultry dame who was at the Parking lot.

Ada needs you to move the truck out of the way so do it. One frame to the right from the

can is a Green herb. Take it or leave it and carry on through the corridor until the end.

You should pick the ammo on the table outside and enter the prison's cell. Just go in.

At the 1st vacant cell is a blue herb and green herb. At the 2nd cell is Ben, a news

agent who knows too much. He chooses to stay stubbon. Get the Manhole opener and go to the

room with the steel door. Enter and it should be okay to kill those dogs behind the fence.

Grab the red herb and you're in for a surprise ....

Use the Manhole opener, climb inside the sewer hole. Once down the sewers, something big

and furry will greet you .... a Giant spider ! Grab you largest weapon again and whack it

fast ! If it climbs up, run and stand in a safe angel and shoot it. Repeat dodging and

NEVER stay close to it. Kill one fast and held further down the sewers. Another one

should be ready to attack you. Kill it fast and I MEAN it !!!

After this, climb up the new flight of stairs and visit the room near where you cam from.

Take your exisiting PLUGS and go out of the room. Visit the next room and go the terminal

located at the left end of the wall. Plug your PLUGS in and leave.

The next screen will turn into a cinema again. Ada will appear. She asks you to push her

up to the shaft and for now, you play as Ada. She is also equipped with a Handgun. Walk

and exit. You exit to the outside world again. Walk carefully as Dogs will start to run

at you fast. Aim and hit those bastards fast ! Kill them head for the left room.

Once inside, take the map near the door. Go to the unbarred area near the switch

and climb down the large steps. You'll come to the place with 3 boxes. Push the boxes

until they form a straight line along the nearest wall. Turn the switch on and it forms

a bridge to crossover. Get the Club key on the shelf and return to the shaft area, and

a cinema should come in again.

scenairo game. I didn't and it saved some time for me, pure optional for players.>

< Leon will then get the Club key and also return up to the Police station to open some

doors. At the basement level is a room that needs the Club key to open. Enter and find

nothing dangerous here. Walk to the cupboard and take the Red Lab Key here. Then as you

leave, every dead body in the room wakes up and tries to kill you ! Kill the nearest

zombie with a handgun fast and wait for 2 or 3 zombies to close in on you, so that you can

take them out with a shotgun blast. The clue that everyone's death is the music.

With the Red Lab key, you can enter the weapons storage room near the power supply room.

Use the key card and grab the ammo inside. Okay, search the locker and find a powerful

Submachine gun and a additional side pack inside. Side pack increases the amount of items

you'll be carrying for the adventure, while the Submachine gun is rightfully belonging

to Claire. Another thing that people won't tell you, this weapon reduces your ranking

by one grade. This weapon is why my grade is B, despite clearing the game with less

than 12 saves, no First Aid Spray used and under 3 hours ! >

Leave and return upstairs. Go the room behind the stairs you came from and enter. Find the

Magnum gun and some bullets here, as well as reports. Return to the place where you

found your ROOK PLUG and open the door at the end of the main corridor you came in from.

Go up to the main stand and light the statue furance first with your Lighter. There after,

turn the center torch, the one beside withe number "13" and the reminder torch. A gold

Cogwheel will drop, pick it up and grab the film on the table as well if you have

space. Bring the Cogwheel up to the 3rd floor, if you used the ladder to climb up from

the main hall at 1st, then a Licker is waiting just beside the stairs ! Better climb stairs

located elsewhere and kill that Licker. After that, you enter the libary and then a

cinema (usually now) should show zombies breaking into the building if the shutters are


Go up to the 3rd story, and use the Cogwheel with the other gears. The last Plug is upon

you ! It's the KNIGHT PLUG. Jump through the hole and land up in B1 again. This time, a

creature pays Ben a visit as well as feeding him to something as well ......

Get to the prison cell. Ben will revel somethings to you and dies. Ada arrives later and

you must return to the place where you insert the PLUGS earlier. Save before opening the

doors to place the plug in ... The creature that you see before you is dangerous ! Use your

shotgun to bang that monster. He throws out critters to drain your life and confuse you.

The best thing is to keep going at the boss instead of the critters, unless you've got

plenty of weapon bullets then get both. After the boss dies, leave the room first. Return

to the room and insert the KNIGHT PLUG. It should open your character to another section of

the sewer.

Remember when tackling that boss, you should not get too close. Fire Shotgun shots or

any other weapons non-stop ... It will be kinda taken aback from those shots you land and

keep at it. If any critters are alive after the monster boss is dead, then exit the room's

nearest exit. Re-enter and they should be gone !

Carry the valve with you here onwards. You'll need this item. Dump any unimportant stuff

and carry the valve with you !

Once you've gotten to the sewers area, you'll bump into Ada and Leon will start to boast about

the fact that he's a cop and all, and then Ada will join you in the journey again. Move through

the sewers until you make it to a door.

Okay, upon entering after running here and there, you'll bump into a person who's also doing

some running around. She fires a shot at Leon and wounds him badly. (Not to worry, this

affects his attire not the character's health !)

Now playing as Ada, run throught the way where the bitch ran off ! Not carefully that there's a

map at the side of the wall. Get it and run on. Once you make it out to another sewer area,

You need to proceed to where a staircase is. Climb it into a ventilation fan.

NOTE : You can try this cute and tricky event before climbing up. Go the opposite direction

and you should see Giant Spiders running and climbing around. Shoot and try to kill one.

Why ? Save Leon some trouble of avoiding them later, but there's a problem, you weapon is

NOT good enough to take even one down easily. Dodge and shoot, if you get poison, worry

not, just climb the stairs to the fan and carry on as usual.

Once inside the fan, hold your run key and RUN ! Don't worry about those cockroaches up

there, just dash and get to the other end. Run straight on, no stopping !

Climb down and walk on, a short cut scene will be shown. The bitch who shot Leon back then

is Annette, the wife of William Birkin - G-virus creator ! She will tell you much of the

story and Ada and her will fight. After that, control Ada across a bridge and into another

side of the room, climbing the left stairs down. A short cut scene of Ada screaming as she

somehow sees something coming at her !

Now you're Leon again. Go the same way as where Ada went. Go to the dark gate and walk left.

Search the dead bodies for several items, including a key item. After that, go towards the OPPOSITE

direction (For those who tried killing spiders, go there !) and find your way through a gate and then

enter a door. Dodge those spiders if you have to, you aren't going this way ever again.

(Save ya ammo for those who are good dodgers !)

Once inside, if you're poisoned, free Blue herbs for you on the enterance's left. Carry on

until you see a pipe and no way to get across. Fix the Valve at the pipe and Leon should

turn it. Cross over and on the other side's pipe, turn the Valve again. Then search the area

for Ribbons and Shotgun ammo.

NOTE : Take my advice and save your game here - if you are running the game on a not too good

computer. I lost my record and back tracked to almost the start of the game, so I don't want you

to suffer my fate !

Now enter go through the passageway. You should see that there is a button that release a

gas cylinder in an emergency. Keep a note on this, it's current color is Yellow. Race to the

other end of the passage and open the shutter gate. Wham ! Ada is fighting against a very

large and mean ... ALLIGATOR !!! Once he snaps his jaw, you'll be pushed back.

Race back to the button that I mentioned fast ! This alligator is mean and fast, and press the

button. Once the cylinder is released, take your gun and await the moment. Once that fat ass

grabs the cylinder, fire your gun ! BLAM WHAM ! it's dead !

Race back to the shutters and open the shutter. Look for Ada and she will join you again.

If she's poisoned or weaken before that, she's invincible and well again ! Now climb up and

go back into the other room. Go on to the left path and search for the other Key item as

well as another file report.

Leave via the passageway where the alligator died. Then save if you haven't do so, and use

the Valve and cross over to other side. Leave the room and rush to right side of the screen,

where there is a door behind a never ending gushing waterfall. There is a box near the

waterfall area, place the 2 medals key items and move on to the door beyond the waterfall.

Once you enter, make your way to the Sky Tram. Upon seeing the Tram, move right first to switch on

the power. Next return to other side and open the door. Take a break ... cool off first.

Bad news buddy, William has managed to catch up with your Tram ! He uses his freaking claws

to stab throught the roof of the Tram ! Okay, Equip yourself with the Handgun and run around

ahooting his hand. Ada will assist you, but she only fires when it's near her, so the job

depends on you basically.

After you finish this point, get out of the tram and turn left. You should see a flare-gun.

Light it with your Lighter and it should fire a flare out. But wait ! A small object glimmers

to the right ! Pick it up and keep it first. (It's the W-box key)

Exit the area into a corridor of zombies. Search the area carefully and COMPLETELY ! Everything

is important here, as this a good place to get Ammo, Shotgun Parts and Herbs. After that, you

should be able to find a ladder leading to a room where you can get items and save.

It would be a good idea to finish off zombies here with the shotgun as you can combine an

empty sshotgun with it's parts to make a Custom Shotgun. It's a cheat but useful !

Save at this point, trust me. If you have followed the guide's instuctions, you roughly have

less than 6 saves by this point. If so, keep it that way, if you can beat everything under

2-1/2 hours, you'll be an A ranking cop !

Okay, exit the room and race to a tractor. Enter the tractor first to get the operation keys

and go activate the main controls outside the tractor. Go on inside the tractor again and

a brief cut-scene should unfold.

Ada is badly wounded from the attack from William. Take your Custom Shotgun (If you didn't

upgrade you're a damn dumb !) and Magnum (if you wish to) Exit the tractor, and William

jumps down. He's tough, Shotgun shells will be the best weapon agains him, Magnum will

hit hard but needs good aiming. Take him down and NEVER NEVER stay at corners !! It's

vital you keep on your feet and run from him. He hits long range with his claw and there

is a set up you can see if William wants to attack you. Hit him fast and run off.

After killing him, return and you should arrive in the final area, the Secret Labs. You

will automatically wind up in the security room, and rest up there. Search well and heard

for Herbs, Ammo and leave unwanted items in the box.

You should carry the following :-

Shougun (Custom), Shotgun shells, Handgun with full ammo, Green Herbs (combined of 2)

This will allow you to carry other things you find. Once you leave, tell yourself never

to return to this area AGAIN ! Now, from the room you exit out, go straight all the way

and open the door. Get to the center of the junction and you will know that you'll need

a fuse to power up. Go left and open the door. Once inside, stay left and enter the cyro

room. Look for the fuse case on a tray rack, and use it on the Arm-machine controls.

You will get the Main Fuse.

Leave and return to the center of the Junction, use the Main Fuse here. Go to the right

path instead and enter. Keep right all the way to get to 2 doors. Enter the unlocked one

and search the lockers for a FLAMETHROWER. Search the computer for info and then again to

activate the BOX gas sprinkles. Then search the green sofa seat for a piece of info and head

to the other end of the room. You should see a plant blocking the top of the hole. Use your

flamethrower (be close - don't get hurt) It will die the slightest moment a small flame is felt

and you should now equip with the shotgun again. Climb the hole and enter the other room.

Arm your shotgun and let it rip ! You should hear a monster sound ! Hold on and wait till

the monster rushes to you again, and let it rip again ! You should see 2 dead Lickers.

Search the lockers at the other end of the room twice for shotgun ammo. The desk near the door

has ink ribbons. Unlock the door and go to the shutter switch in the hallway.

Once you hit the switch open, a cut-scene will show 2 plant creatures awaking ! You have 2

options here, a flamethrower will kill them fast, but lacks range. Getting close will

result in whipping, slamming and poisoning of Leon if you're not fast enough ! They can

quickly reduce your health so your other best bet is close in nearby and rip your

shotgun shells ! It has some range adavantage but aiming must be accurate !!!!

After that, exit through the door behind. Use your flamethrower here on the Plant trying

to wake up. You have already caught it off guard. It will die, and beside it is 2 Green

herbs. Climb down the stairs and enter the door.

Equip your shotgun now, go throught the corridor killing everything in SIGHT ! There are

3 green herbs on the big corridor. Enter the other corridor you find at the other end.

You will find yourself in a monitor room, near the TV screens is a lab map, search and

find it. Another save point is here, equip yourself with the W-box key here and keep the

Magnum in your inventory now. Exit the room and keep left. A red herb is hiding in the

darkenss opposite the door.

Enter the door and equip your Magnum now. If you have any bullets or never used them before,

this is where you're gonna empty everything. You should see a locker with blue light here,

open and fins the Magnum parts ! Leave it for now, and open the door on your left and

fire at the Zombie. It's head is first to go !

Enter the other door, and fire at once as the door opens. Rush in and kill everything in

sight. You should have 2 bullets left if you completely wiped everything out. Get the Red

Lad Card inside the room and leave. Remember to take the Magnum parts and leave.

Okay, this following part is only useful if you want to explore the whole lab completely

in Scenario 2 for Claire. It's not so useful as you will only face some monsters and

get the Submachine gun (Which decreases your ranking - so what for ?) Also, you can

don't do this to save both Time and Ammo for your player.

the C-shotgun now. Walk up into the room and HUGE MOTH awaits you ! Rip your shotgun shells

fast and accurate ! It will attack you so be careful ! After that, equip you hand gun to kill

the larves on the computer. Enter your name as GUEST once you can log on and leave.>

Return to monitor room save point. Leave your Handgun behind, and equip yourself with

the following :-

C-shotgun, Shotgun shells, Magnum (With 2 bullets), Magnum parts, Lad card, Herbs

Main weapon to use for now is the Magnum, don't reload it for now. Go upstairs and race down the

hall. A licker should appear, so waste the last few bullets on it ! It can take one to two

shots to kill it !

After that combine your Magnum parts and equip yourself with the shotgun again. Get back to

the junction area fast and go back to the left path.

Do this if you're don't mind wasting a minute but make sure that you have done the above

mentioned optional part.

for ONE handprint check. Open the door with the Red Lab Card and grab the magnum bullets

that are glimmering. (Be careful not to take the 1st aid spray)

Fight all the zombies and get the MO disk on at the other end of the room, on the Tray

rack. It should glimmer. Leave fast and Annette will face you again. After a brief

talk, you'll get the G-virus. Go back to the right path and Ada will face you.

Much of the story will unfold here, after that, it's Survival time. Race back down to

the main corridor where all those lickers are, except now is ZOMBIES lurking ! Yuck, kill

them or dodge them but use the MO disk on the computer controls and either :-

1)Carry on with the new path

2)Return to the montior room to save and get items

Choose your path and do it.

This is optional but you can return to the Monitor room to save. I advice that strongly

as you might need reloads or health refills.

Arm youself with the following :-

Magnum Custom + Magnum bullets, Custom Shotgun + Shotgun shells, any herbs left

Race back to the final stop, the new way that you have opened using the MO Disk. You will

get to a large lift. Race over to the lift doors and hit the red button on the right side

of the lift door. A cut-scene will show something trying to break into the lift !

Arm yourself with either the Magnum Custom or Shotgun Custom, and back up for about 3

steps. Fire your weapons non-stop until the beast shows down to re-mutate itself into 2nd


Using the Magnum Custom, you need to pummel 7 shots at the 2nd form. Your best bet is to

run around, aim accurately and also keep your life at either normal or caution level.

When you're attacked, keep in mind to check your health after that. Danger could mean

instant death if it hops and land on you !!!

After killing the beast, just race to your ending .... you kinda deserved it !



Brief background : Claire arrives at Racoon city after a long ride but arrives in town

to find the entire cast of the "Night of the living dead" everywhere.

She escapes to the police station after meeting Leon and his car was crashed.

1st location : Streets of Racoon city

Claire wakes up and everywhere is burning. Zombies are moving towards her slowly.

What to do ?

Run, these zombies aren't worth your time to kill. Dodge them all, but beware for

some are known to quickly lunge at you fast. It this happens, struggle and push

them away fast !

Worry not, Claire may not take as much damage but she is faster than Leon. Dodging will

be an easy task for her.

Escape down 3 frames of straight street. Turn to the left and go straight until you

reach a door of a shop. Enter it.

2nd location : Gun Shop

Leon steps in but the owner aims his bowgun at Claire. She explains herself and

you're free to explore the shop.

What to do ?

Claire must go to either the left or right counter to pick up extra bullets. Upon picking

up, the man will be attacked by zombies (whom you were chased by earlier on) as they

break the window of the shop.

There are 3 options here:-

A) get the man's bowgun by killing all the zombies there. It might waste

a lot of bullets but a sneaky way to finsih them off without any damage is to kill

them behind the long counter on the right side. Zombies are stupid, not able to climb over

the counter. Then search the man's body twice for the Bowgun.

B) Get the Bowgun fast. You need to fire a few shots to push zombies closest to the

man's body away or down them. Search the man's body twice to get it. You

might be attacked by zombies that recover faster, so be careful.

C) Get out at once. The Bowgun is somewhat useful but you can choose not to have it.

3rd location : The back alley

Claire escapes throught the back alleyway, and finds a basketball court of living dead.

It seems like the only way to escape is that way.

What to do ?

Okay, don't waste bullets trying to hit the zombies behind the fence. Just go on

straight until you get halfway the alley. Then a cinema appears and you see the

zombies are coming out from the gate ! Go on running on towards the alleyway

until you reach the next frame. Search the parked vehicle there for bullets.

Then run back halfway and wait for the zombies to come.

Shoot them down, you can don't bother about killing them, go on after they have fallen

down. Run into the basketball court and then dodge another zombie there. Exit through

the gate behind.

4th location : Streets again

Claire arrives at a stairway and climbs it. Moving on the given pathway, Claire reaches

the other stairs. A garbage container blocks his path and the zombies behind it.

What to do ?

Claire can find bullets at the trash can behind her. This is available only to you

on the Original game mode. For those playing the Arrange mode, might not find

the bullets there. Aim and take down the female zombie there. Climb over the box,

just stand at the box's edge and press the action key. After that, walk to the

opposite end and climb down. Dodge the zombies there, and race for the gate at the

other end.

5th location : Streets once more

Claire is now at the streets and hears zombies chewing on something. Yuk !

What to do ?

Stay close to the vehicle nearest to the gate you cam from. Run along the vehicle

and pass the group of zombies there ! Reach the bus enterance and board up the bus at

once ! Quick fingers for this part is vital !

6th location : Bus

Claire escapes the zombies outside the bus and boards the bus.

What to do ?

Grab the bullets behind you ... FAST ! Then aim your gun downwards and get ready.

A downed female zombie is crawling towards you fast. Plunk in 3 shots and move one

frame upwards. Another zombie is waiting for you here. Plunk enough shots to down

the zombie and race to the other exit.

7th location : Streets near the police station

Claire exits the bus but finds himself surrounded by zombies ! Ahead of him is a herd

of zombies.

What to do ?

As before, Claire will have not problems dodging the enemies here. Be careful of any

sudden lunges from stronger zombies !

8th location : Outside of the police station

Claire gets to the station at long last. Now to enter ....

What to do ?

Go straight and climb the stairs downwards. There are no zombies waiting for you here

unless you're playing normal level and you have not picked any items at all. If that's

the case, the Bard Vicks zombie is here. If not, just run to the other end and

climb the stairs up.

As you climb up, go to the bush and search for a Green Herb.

Then walk slowly to the door of the station. If you spot any zombies that have managed to

come into the station outside, ignore them. You'll never have to go outside anymore.

LOCATION : 1st floor of the station

When you enter, the coast seems clear. Claire now must try to find out what's going

on or any survivors around.

Okay, to save time and to help guide you around, the fist place you head for is the

room on the upper platform. It is the door next to the double doors. (eletronically

locked as of this moment) Head inside and talk to the dying officer there. He will

give you a BLUE KEY CARD. Head outside, and the door should lock up. You go to the

next frame and turn to a small desk front.

At the desk front is a box of bullets. There is a typewriter there, with some ink

ribbons to save. Beginners should save here, but if you're a pro or worried about

the game ranking, then save the ribbons for later.

However, Claire should save if you're really worried. It's a task to have survived so

far ....

There is a computer there, use the BLUE KEY CARD and the doors should unlock.

(The double doors and the door next to the main enterance of the station) Head for

the double doors first.

Inside the double doors room, there is a file report and storage box. Keep the

file report and leave the unwanted stuff in the storage box. The file is on the

seat and the box is next to the seat. Just throw your knife and ink ribbons inside

the box for now.

Walk to the other end of the room and go towards the door. At the window, you'll notice

a pink thing crawl by. Open the door and run down the corridor.

You should see a dead officer without a head. Search the body for bullets. Near

the body is a shutter switch but the cord is cut off.

You walk another frame and you'll see a pool of blood. Walk up and a video is shown !

A licker !!! Yipes, as it drops down, aim and shoot downwards. The Licker should press

on to attack you with it's claw and tongue. Just keep firing your Handgun non stop and

it should die after 10 hits. Bowgun is really weak and aims poorly in this or

any Licker fight, so Handgun is still king !




Carry on walking and you'll see a green herb in a pot. Search and take it. Use it if

only your health is at CAUTION or DANGER level. Combine the green herb with the one you

found previously if you do not need it now. Press on to another room and you

will see another double door. This leads to the police planning room.

At the police planning room, to Claire's left is another file report. Enter the room at

the back and look at the picture below the fireplace.


Open the door, you will find that a female zombie is behind you. Turn and fire 4

fast accurate shots and she's gone. Turn again and plunk shots to down the zombie.

After that, dodge the remainder of the zombies and rush to the stairs. Climb up

the stairs real FAST ... much faster than Leon !

Once up there, climb up another time and walk down the corridor. There is a door

that plays no interest to you but there are 3 stautes. You notice that the center

on holds a RED JEWEL and you need to slove the puzzle to get it.

CLUE : Make the 2 moveable statues face the center statue.

Once the puzzle is sloved, get the RED JEWEL. If you're out of space, (Can't be

possible) leave it there. Open the door near the statues and go into a greyish


Enter the room with a small sign that says "STARS". Once inside, search the place

for bullets and a first aid spray. You will find Chris dairy and an UNICORN MEDAL.

Oh yeah, if you search the locker near the door (as you enter the

room, the locker is on the right) you'll get another the Grenade Launcher !

If you're out of places to put things, leave it alone, don't forget to come back for it !

Oh yeah, the first aid spray is located on the wall at the right side of the room.

It's a bag hanging on the wall with a first aid sign. If you took it, the bag is

not there anymore.

A little bonus, if you can afford another place for another item, search the desk

opposite the desk where you found a dismantled gun for 50 times. You'll get a

film roll.

Upon leaving, the fax machine will activate and you will collect the fax. After exiting

you will find a girl running from a zombie. Kill the zombie.

After doing everything, leave and return to the first floor. With extra ammo,

take down those zombies you previously dodged. If you turn left from the stairway,

there is a room here. Outside the room is a pair of Green Herbs you can collect.

ADVICE : Mix the 2 green herbs. Save space and can cure more damage.

Enter the room and you'll find it's another save place to save game. There is a

storage box here, drop the following items :

The first aid spray, herbs you don't need, RED JEWEL, Grenade Launcher

This room is a dark room, so any film rolls you've found can be developed here,

and also the locker houses a change of clothes for Claire if she has

already killed the Bard Vicks zombie.

Take the unicorn medal and return to the main hall where you entered the station

from. Beware of the windows that are nailed with planks on your way back. Stay away

and wall along solid walls to prevent something from happening. (This event happens

only once.)

Make it back to main hall and go up to the fountain and use the unicorn medal. A

video should show a key dropping out. Take the key and return to the place you

found the Licker. Open up and walk in.

In this room of files, there is a small steel step that can be pushed. Push it to

the cupboard Claire faces as he walks in. Climb up and you should get a CRANK.

The cupboard may have bullets and a patrol report is near the cupboard.

Return to the dark room, place the CRANK in the storage box. Go upstairs again and

go pass the STARS office. There's another door that requires the SPADE KEY you're

holding. Discard the key after it's use.

In this room, you will meet Leon ! After talking, go to straight till you get to the

dead end. Search the locker for some bullets.

You'll get to a small frame that has a door and a drawer. It's locked for the moment

but you'll use your lockpick and get the Flame rounds inside.

Okay, inside this room there is a staircase. Climb up and ignore the door you see.

Fall down to the lower part of the room and press the red button. You'll walk out

from the last library shelf.

Bonus : Look careful in the room for a Red Herb.

CLUE : Near where you fell is the clue. Record it down to slove the puzzle.

Take the item that you have reaped after sloving the puzzle. It's a STONE.

Exit the room through the double doors.

Once outside at the second floor corridor, you'll find two zombies. Kill them both,

and run to the center of the 2nd floor corridor. Lower the ladder to floor one and

continue to move to the other direction to find another zombie. Kill it and enter

the door.

This room is another save spot, with a storage box and typewriter. You should see

a small shining object on the sofa, take the LIGHTER there. From your storage box

take out the CRANK. Also next to the typewriter is another report. Let's call this

the Waiting room as what the game calls it. Also save for now if you are not confident.

Get your Lighter and return to the Police Planning room downstairs and use it on the

Fireplace there. Get the RED JEWEL and go to the dark room to leave your items

behind and goupstairs again.

Return to the libary once again. Return to the libary and climb the stairs and exit on

Level 3. Outside, a Licker is awaiting your arrival. Send 2 Grenades at it and go inside

the room. Enter and head right and locate the spot that has a square hole. Use the CRANK

here and the stairs should come down. Leave and quicky make your way to the Waiting

room. You can choose to save your game once more. Also, leave your STONE in the

box before you go.

Okay exit the Waiting room and you should encounter a zombie. Kill it and

head upwards. Another should appear, with fire on it's body. If you continue

the path, you'll find a burning helicopter. Do bear in mind that flames do

damage to you, so be careful of your steps here. Then kill the zombie,

and head back to the Waiting room door. There should be another door near the

Waiting room one. Enter it.

Once in this room, there is a door in the corridor. Unlock it but do not go on as yet.

Turn left and aim high. You should see crows flying around. Fire and kill them and

the pass the windows. More crows brust in. Repeat until all are dead.

Search the dead officer for some bullets.

Make your way to another door and enter. You are outside the station and see a burning

half of a helicopter. Make your way down the stairs and you'll see more zombies. You

should dodge them, as this is an area that you only need to come once.


Enter the small building and take the VALVE near the typewriter. There is a Bowgun and

ink ribbons to take. Also, do not open the door you see near the table. You're only

wasting bullets if you do so.

Return upstairs and near the original door you came from is a gap between the fences.

Enter and turn to Leon's right and fix the VALVE there. You will put out the fire of

the helicopter.

Return to the Waiting room first, leave the following items - Ink ribbons & VALVE.

Take the RED JEWELS and exit. Remember where you found the other half of the burning

helicopter ? You can access the room behind the helicopter's cockpit.

Once in the room, head straight to the main wall with 3 statues on the wall. Fix the RED

JEWELS on the 2 statues on the left & right of the center one. Another video clip will

appear and you can take the 1/2 SERPENT STONE here. You can get the Diamond key here,

it's next to the left hand-side female statue. It also sparkles to show you that

something is there.

Go back to the waiting room and dump your items behind. Now return to the door near

the Waiting room. Enter and go straight at the door that you have not opened.

It leads you the outside as well, Green herbs greet you. Take them if

you need go down and open the door there.

Upon entering, a dead cop is lying there. Search and get free bullets. You enter the

office room that you see, and zombie cops abound. Kill them all, and enter the sideroom.

Kill any zombies you find and search the safe.

The password of the safe is 2236. If you read the 1st report you found, you'll know this

set of numbers. You will get shotgun shells. Search the table behind you and you'll get

a Green herb.

Exit the room and head for the main double doors of the office room. Once outside, switch

to G-Launcher with Grenades inside and fire at the many zombies coming at you ! Remember

to aim well to save ammo for later on, so aim well. Switch to Handgun for hitting those

crawling to you. Also, near the vendering machines is a Green herb.

Get back to the vendering machines and go to the other end of the corridor. Open the

door there and find a zombie coming at you. Kill it and move on. You ought face 2 more,

just fire and kill them. You approach several doors but only one doesn't need a key to

enter. Go into the room that do not require a key to enter. Near the door closest to the

end of the corridor is a Red herb. If you've got enough space, then take it and mix it

with the Green herb.

Get everything you see there and then leave. Notice that the window there is a magic

mirror, those used in criminal identification. You can see that room on the other side

has an item on the shelf & some items on the table.

Next, go into the room next door if you carried the Diamond Key with you. Get the

cord on the table and the First aid spray if you have space. Next, go to the shelf

and get another STONE there. You should have 2 and 1/2 STONES now. Okay turn and get

the hell out fast !!!

Oh yeah ... remember to go disequip those unwanted items in the storage box after this.

Okay, now equip yourself with your strongest weapon and head to the Dark room corridor.

When you get there, you should recall that there is a door that was locked by a Diamond

Key. Enter and you'll see herds of zombies coming at you ! Fire your G-Launcher fast and

hit everything in sight. Aim well and fast to save ammo and keep yourself healthy ! It's

a tough part, but bear in mind, only the quick will survive in here, so for beginners,

save if you have to before coming in.

After killing every damn zombie inside, search the room and find a film among files on the

shelf. Near the exit to the other room, search the cupboard for a locked section. Unlock

and get the plastic explosive gum. Next exit through the door you see. You'll enter a room.

Inside, somebody will greet ya ! It's that cop that gave you the Blue key card at the

start of the game ! He's a zombie with purple face now, kill him and grab the Explosive

Charge item on the desk. Leave the room by unlocking the door and returning

to the main 1st floor hall. Also search the locker for ammo.

You should combine the 2 explosive items together. Return to the wrecked helicopter and

use the item on the wall !

Next, return to the Waiting room and take the 2 complete STONES as well dumping unwanted

items behind. Use the explosive charge items on the door and enter the new area.

You should find a dead woman and the Police chief there. Talk to him and leave the room

via the other exit you see. Go in and you should start chasing Sherry around and get

to a dark room. Switch the lights on and talk to her. Take the item you see near the

enterance and return to the Chief's office for the Heart Key.

Go to the door that you've not opened before and go in. It behind the main police office

with the safe inside. Upon opening, get the Green Herb if you need, and if you wish, use

the Cord close the shutter here by using the cord on the control box. You'll

find the stairs and a shelf behind.

Once you get downstairs, you'll hear some sounds. Upon further walking, you find dogs

wandering around ! Damn, aim well and shoot straight, those bastards need at 6-8 shots to

die from your Handgun. After killing those dogs, head towards the right and

move until you get to the big double doors. Enter it and you're in the power supply room.

Okay, slove the puzzle you find. Make sure that the electricty is at 80, nothing less or

more than that. After that, take the Green herb and Map in the room. Leave and continue

to move along the corridor until you get to the Parking lot. Get the herb you find here and

go back to the other side, until you get to the corridor with plenty of trash.

Look hard and a red herb will be found. Go out into the open and dash to the end of the

corridor and enter the sewers before those dogs hit ya ! Saves time !

Once you enter the sewers, enter the door on the left and do want you need. Exit and Sherry

is once again awaiting you. You know assume her role and your are WEAPONLESS !!! Her foes

are the fast paced dogs so keep running until you get to the door.

Once inside, take the map near the door. Go to the unbarred area near the switch

and climb down the large steps. You'll come to the place with 3 boxes. Push the boxes

until they form a straight line along the nearest wall. Turn the switch on and it forms

a bridge to crossover. Get the Club key on the shelf and return to the sewer shaft area,

and a cinema should come in again.

scenairo game. I didn't and it saved some time for me, pure optional for players.>

< Claire will then get the Club key and also return up to the Police station to open some

doors. At the basement level is a room that needs the Club key to open. Enter and find

nothing dangerous here. Walk to the cupboard and take the Red Lab Key here. Then as you

leave, every dead body in the room wakes up and tries to kill you ! Kill the nearest

zombie with a handgun fast and wait for 2 or 3 zombies to close in on you, so that you can

take them out with Grenades. The clue that everyone's death is the music.

With the Red Lab key, you can enter the weapons storage room near the power supply room.

Use the key card and grab the ammo inside. Okay, search the locker and find a powerful

Submachine gun and a additional side pack inside. Side pack increases the amount of items

you'll be carrying for the adventure, while the Submachine gun is rightfully belonging

to Leon. Another thing that people won't tell you, this weapon reduces your ranking

by one grade.>

** - If you plan to rid the Club key, unlock the room but don't go inside.

Leave and return upstairs. Go the room behind the stairs you came from and enter. Find the

some ammo here, as well as reports. Return to the the Magic box and get your lighter. Return

to the place where a licker had pounced from the magic mirror and open the door at the end

of the main corridor you came in from.

A Licker is waiting for you here, switch to Grenade mode and lanuch it at the bastard !

Go up to the main stand and light the statue furance first with your Lighter. There after,

turn the center torch, the one beside withe number "13" and the reminder torch. A gold

Cogwheel will drop, pick it up and grab the film on the table as well if you have

space. Bring the Cogwheel up to the 3rd floor, if you used the ladder to climb up from

the main hall at 1st, then a Licker is waiting just beside the stairs ! Better climb stairs

located elsewhere and kill that Licker. After that, you enter the libary and then a

cinema (usually now) should show zombies breaking into the building if the shutters are


Go up to the 3rd story, and use the Cogwheel with the other gears and press the switch.

You will get the last piece of STONE and cannot access the Ventilation hole that Leon

can jump into as Claire quest does not require it. The last piece of

the SERPENT STONE is upon you ! Combine the 2 parts together and race to the Chief's office

where Sherry is waiting for you.

Place all the stones on the wall and a new area should open. Go down and then you will see

a deadly feeding session as William feeds his parts to the Chief !! YUK YUK YUK !!!!

Race down the hallway and the chief will taunt you. Just get the Grenade ammo at the tray.

Make sure you have Acid Rounds now, along side with Grenade or Flame ones.

Remember when tackling that boss, you should not get too close. Fire your shots or

any other weapons non-stop ... It will be kinda taken aback from those shots you land and

keep at it. It's tough to avoid the critters but they have to. It's only there to damage

you fast as well as slow you down. Keep on firing and find a way to hit the monster.

Killing the monster, return to Sherry and take her. If you ran too fast, Sherry will sit

down waiting for you to take her along. The game will not you to go further without

Sherry. Carry the valve with you here onwards. You'll need this item. Dump any

unimportant stuff and carry the valve with you !

Claire and Sherry will land up in the strange sewage way, where you will notice William

walking at the upper level. The ladies panic and run but Sherry falls into the lower level.

Control Sherry and enter the storage room. Careful, there is a Vomiting Zombie in the room.

Find the dead end and crawl through the small Ventilation pipe at the left side of the wall.

At this point, large cockroaches will be a threat, as Sherry's speed is awful. Survive this

part and race to the end of the hole. Enter at once.

You will find the Wolf medal here, but you will end up falling into the lower level again !

Sherry is knocked out and bad news, William finds her and feeds her with the G-virus parts!

NOOOO !!! You can save her now, so you have to play as Claire again.

Get to the new area and you should come to a place where you can save again. Unlock the

warehouse door and return to where Sherry avoided a zombie. Grab the Grenade rounds you find

and go up stairs again. Get your Valve and Lighter from the Magic box before you leave.

Now just exit as usual and go on to find the sewers path. Go to your left first and search

the corridor with 2 Special task force officers for a Flame rounds pack. Then race towards

the other side and dodge those spiders here. Claire will most of the time, dodge them all !

Carry on to the other side of the gate, race past the spiders and enter the door you

find on your left hand, it's a double metal door. Upon entering, there are blue herbs for

poison recovery on your right. Sherry's mother, Annette awaits you inside and a cinema

should follow. Now, race to the pipes and use the Valve to turn the drawbridge to your


Cross the other side and grab the ammo you see. Use the Valve on the pipe you see and make

the drawbridge rise up again. Exit through the door in the back and carry on.

Now enter go through the passageway. You should see that there is a button that release a

gas cylinder in an emergency. Keep a note on this, it's current color is Yellow. Race to the

other end of the passage and open the shutter gate. Sherry is lying near a very

large and mean ... ALLIGATOR !!! Once he snaps his jaw, you'll be pushed back.

Race back to the button that I mentioned fast ! This alligator is mean and fast, and press

that button. Once the cylinder is released, take your handgun and await the moment.

Once that fat ass grabs the cylinder, fire your gun ! BLAM WHAM ! it's dead !

Race back to the shutters and open the shutter. Look for Sherry and she will join you again.

Grab the Medal near her and climb up to the other room. Go on to the left path and

search for the other Medal as well as another file report.

Oh yes, keep Sherry away from danger. She is slow and cannot always catch up with you.

You have 2 ways to leave this area.

1)Go to where you found the fan and use your valve on the control box near the stairs to

the fan. You will return to where you found the 2 dead officers with the flame rounds.

Race back to where you entered and met Annette from here.

2)Leave via the passageway where the alligator died. Then save if you haven't do so,

and use the Valve and cross over to other side. Leave the room.

Rush to right side of the screen, where there is a door behind a never ending gushing

waterfall. There is a box near the waterfall area, place the 2 medals and move on to the

door beyond the waterfall. Usually, a Spider is near you trying to bite you !

Once you enter, make your way to the Sky Tram. Upon seeing the Tram, move right first to

switch on the power. Next return to other side and open the door.

After you finish this point, get out of the tram and turn left. You should see a flare-gun.

Light it with your Lighter and it should fire a flare out. But wait ! A small object glimmers

to the right ! Pick it up and keep it first. (It's the W-box key.)

Exit the area into a corridor of zombies. Search the area carefully and COMPLETELY !

You will find the Spark shot rifle here, but don't take it. It reduces ranking !! After

that, you should also find some Green herbs as well. Then you should be able to find a

ladder leading to a room where you can get some ammo and save.

Okay here is the tough part, carry with you the following :-

Grenade Launcher + Acid rounds, Flame Rounds, Grenade Rounds, 2 Herbs

Save at this point, trust me. If you have followed the guide's instuctions, you roughly have

less than 6 saves by this point. If so, keep it that way, if you can beat everything under

2-1/2 hours, you'll be an A ranking cop !

Okay, exit the room and race to a tractor. Enter the tractor first to get the operation keys

and go activate the main controls outside the tractor. Go on inside the tractor again and

a brief cut-scene should unfold.

Now Sherry is going to complain about her condition. Get out of the tram and arm yourself.

William arrives and he attacks fast ! Claire is gonna have run in circles to hit him, her

weapons are not as good as Leon's weapons. Run as soon as William tries to attack, use

Acid Rounds to hurt him, Flame Rounds to push him back. Grenades have poor range here,

only use them when you are REALLY OUT OF AMMO ONLY !!!

After killing him, return and you should arrive in the final area, the Secret Labs. You

will automatically wind up in the security room, and Sherry will wake up here. Search well

and heard for Herbs, Ammo and leave unwanted items in the box.

You should carry the following :-

Grenade Launcher + Grenades, Flame Rounds, Lighter, Combined Herb

This will allow you to carry other things you find. Once you leave, tell yourself never

to return to this area AGAIN ! Now, from the room you exit out, go straight all the way

and open the door. Get to the center of the junction and you will know that you'll need

a fuse to power up. Go left and open the door. Once inside, stay left and enter the cyro

room. Look for the fuse case on a tray rack, and use it on the Arm-machine controls.

You will get the Main Fuse.

Leave and return to the center of the Junction, use the Main Fuse here. Go to the right

path instead and enter. Keep right all the way to get to 2 doors. Enter the unlocked one

and search the lockers for a Bowgun bolts. Search the computer for info and then again to

activate the BOW gas sprinkles. Then search the green sofa seat for a piece of info and head

to the other end of the room. You should see a plant blocking the top of the hole. Use your

Lighter near the dead body. It will die the slightest moment a small flame is felt

and you should now equip with the Greande Launcher. Climb the hole and enter the other room.

Take a step and listen for sounds, then let it rip ! Hold on and wait till the monsters

rushes to you again, and let it rip again ! You should see 2 dead Lickers.

Search the lockers at the other end of the room twice for Greande rounds. The desk near the

door has ink ribbons. Unlock the door and go to the shutter switch in the hallway. Switch

to Flame Rounds again.

Once you hit the switch open, a cut-scene will show 2 plant creatures awaking ! Just rush

over and fire your G-Launcher fast ! The 2 plants will wither and die if your aim is great

or lucky !

After that, exit through the door behind. Use your G-Launcher here on the Plant trying

to wake up. You have already caught it off guard. It will die, and beside it is 2 Green

herbs. Climb down the stairs and enter the door.

Equip your G-Launcher with Grenades now, go throught the corridor killing everything in

SIGHT ! There are 3 green herbs on the big corridor. Enter the other corridor you find

at the other end. You will find yourself in a monitor room, near the TV screens is a

lab map, search and find it. Another save point is here, equip yourself with the W-box key

here and keep the extra herbs. Exit the room and keep left. A red herb is hiding in the

darkenss opposite the door.

Enter the door and equip your G-Launcher with Flame rounds now. You should see a locker

with blue light here, open and find Grenade ammos.

Enter the other door, and fire at once as the door opens. Rush in and kill everything in

sight. You should have killed about 2 or 3 zombies that are obstructing your way.

Get the Red Lad Card inside the room and leave.

Annette will show up here and try to kill you. She then hears William and rushes to meet

her doom. She gets slash as William has already forgotten who she is.

Got straight and unlock the door. There is nothing and no need to enter this area, as you

need to save time and ammo. Talk to Annette and then get the papers from her to save Sherry.

The self-destruction scenquence is activated now, so rush back to the monitor room

Return to monitor room save point and equip yourself with the following :-

G-Launcher + Grenades, Flame rounds, Lad card, Herbs

Main weapon to use for now is the G-Launcher. Go upstairs and race down the

hall. A licker should appear, so launch the Grenades on it ! It can take one to two

shots to kill it.

Get back to the junction area fast (where you placed the Main fuse for power) and go back

to the left path. Open the door with the Red Lab Card and grab the Vaccine Cartridge and

Grenade rounds here. Switch the lights on near the big machine. Use Flame rounds on those

Zombies that are alone, Switch to Grenades for the 3 that will come at you. Lock the

Vaccine Cart on the big machine and kill the last zombie you see.

Get the MO disk on at the other end of the room, on the Tray rack. It should glimmer.

Search the wall for a control panel to activate the big machine. Then get the base Vaccine

from the machine and leave. Return to the Monitor room but beware for Plants and Zombies

that you will meet on the journey back.

Remember that Flame Rounds are useful from this point until the monitor room. Plants and

Zombies are both weak against these rounds. At the big corridor, use the MO disk on the

computer controls and the locked BIOHAZARD gate next to it will open up. Don't go in first.

Return to where you found the Lab card and use the base vaccine on the machine at the

corner of the room, near where you found the red Lab keycard. After that, you should get

the Vaccine.

Return to the monitor room, grab all that you can and save the game. This is the

final trip to hell.

Take : G-Launcher + Acid rounds, Grenade rounds, Flame Rounds, All the combined herbs

Race back to the final stop, the new way that you have opened using the MO Disk. You will

get to a large lift. Race over to the lift doors and hit the red button on the right side

of the lift door. A cut-scene will show something trying to break into the lift !

Arm yourself with either the G-Launcger and the Acid rounds, and back up for about 3

steps. Fire your weapons non-stop until the beast shows down to re-mutate itself into 2nd

form. Unlike Leon, you cannot do kill it just standing there, so run and hit it as fast

as you can.

When it re-mutate just arm yourself and heal yourself if you're weak. Your best bet is to

run around, aim accurately once the beast is on the ground. Don't aim at it when it's on top

of the containers.

When you're attacked, keep in mind to check your health after that. Danger could mean

instant death if it hops and land on you !!! After killing the beast, just race to your

ending .... you really deserved the ending !



1) You are able to access to HARD mode, in either the original & arrange mode.

2) If you are carefully following through the guide, you should get A or B rank.

3) If you are able to beat the game with A or B rank in normal mode, you will get the

rocket launcher for Claire/Leon.

4) If you're great with the game, never saved and beat the game with A rank, you

get the Submachine gun and Gatling gun for Claire/Leon.

5) Some of the pictures in the illustration section are not available. Beating the

game will release soem new pictures. The rest is accessed during/after Mission B.



A RANK - Never used any 1st aid spray

Complete game under 2 1/2 hours

Never collected the Spark shot (Claire)

Never collected the submachine gun

Never used any unlimted weapons

Saved under 11 times

B RANK - Used a 1st aid spray

Complete game in 2-5 hours

Collected submachine gun

Collected spark shot

Used unlimited weapons

Saved above 11 times

C,D,E RANK - Complete game above 5 hours

Saved above 11 times

Did all the bad things relating to weapons



Getting the special uniforms for Leon or Claire :

From the moment the game starts, do not pick anything up at all until you

get to the police station. You will bump into a powerful zombie that carries

a key that will unlock the locker with the uniforms.

Well, get the key and go to the Dark room, and use the key on the lockers there.

You will change into the new set after that. However to survive all the way to

the Police station without any additional ammo is very diifcult and also, you might

not survive the licker attack at all !

Bad news too, Claire's new pistol with the clothes change is weak from what I heard.

So it's your pick if you want to do this !

To get unlimited ammo for your weapons : (YOU MIGHT REDUCE YOUR OWN RANKING)

At the item menu do the following --

up up down down left right left right and press the aim button !

(It is not known if this will affect you game ranking at all.)

Free ammo upgrade :

Leon's gun parts are also able to supply free ammo. Finish using the

weapon and strap the upgrade parts together for free ammo !


Any questions ? Do write your E-mail to : OR

You are allowed to ask anything about the game, but please don't ask me anything

about the PS version as the PC version is somewhat different. You can be sure that

everything written here is useful to get you through the game but time to complete

really depends on your actions.

A warning, do not send me any unwanted mail unless they are related to the FAQs that

I have written. As far as possible, please only write mail or attach text-file containing




I'm currently finished the NORMAL mode, with LEON and gotten the A RANK with the ROCKET

LAUNCHER. I have tested the 2nd scenario game for Claire but it's really tough !!!!

I have yet to go further with Claire's scenario and write her FAQ.

I've also beat CLAIRE's NORMAL mode, getting B rank, getting the ROCKET LAUNCHER with

a timing of 2:28:29 !!! I will also soon play Leon's story B and beat it to write another

FAQ for him. Damn that Spark shot rifle !!

Oh yeah by the time you're reading this update #2 version, I have released Leon's Mission

B FAQ. You'll need to keep this FAQ handy as you need to cross refer from the other FAQ

from time to time. Do download it !



CAPCOM : Smart game idea, a good game indeed !

All RE2 FAQ writers : You all deserve a pat on the back !

EGM2 : The first hand FAQ written got me through the first scenario in a breeze !

Mark Lim : The guy who got me and my buddies into the RE mood ....

Sheau Chaang : The other guy who is also mad about the game ....

You : For reading this FAQ to save Racoon city ! Rock on !

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