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Railway Tycoon Game Walkthrough

Railway Tycoon

Game || Railway Tycoon II, PC & PS1 || | |
Author || irishmillionaire || | |
Version|| 1.0 (40%) || | |
Guide || Train FAQ (LU: 9th May 2002)|| | |

LU: Last Update

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ COPYRIGHT ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ CONTENT ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

1.0 | INTRO
| 1.1 | Introduction
| 1.2 | Version History
| 1.3 | Notes
2.0 | CARS (TRAIN)
| 2.1 | Basics
| 2.2 | Noteable Carriages
| 2.3 | Weight
| 2.4 | Deliver Time
| 2.4 | Revenue
| 2.5 | Sources
3.0 | TRAINS
| 3.1 | Basics
| 3.2 | Table
| 3.3 | Speed*
| 3.4 | Notes*
4.0 | TYPES (TRAIN)*
| 4.1 | Intro*
| 4.2 | Steam Trains*
| 4.3 | Diesel Trains*
| 4.4 | Electric Trains*
5.0 | DETAIL*
| 5.1 | Intro*
| 5.2 | The Trains!*
| 5.3 | Notes*
6.0 | TRACK*
| 6.1 | Types (Track)*
| 6.2 | Systems*
| 6.3 | Notes*
7.0 | ADVICE*
| 7.1 | General Advice*
| 7.2 | Notes*
8.0 | TOPTEN*
| 8.1 | Top 10 Slowest trains*
| 8.2 | " " Fastest trains*
| 8.3 | " " Most Reliable trains*
| 8.4 | " " Least Reliable trains*
| 8.5 | " " Most Econmical trains*
| 8.6 | " " Least Econmical trains*
| 8.7 | " " All Round Trains*
9.0 | THANKS
| 9.1 | Credits
| 9.2 | Thanks

* Not yet added.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ INTRO 1.0 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[ 1.1 | Introduction ]

Hi! I am so addicted to this game that at moment I can't even stop playing
to even write a short FAQ, but I am able to do an In-Depth guide on the most
important part of the game, the Trains! I hope it helps, I've even learn't a
few things while writing it! Thanks!
[ 1.2 | Version History ]
| Version | Last Updated | (%) | Info |
| 1.0 | 8th May 2002 | 50% | OK, its been a while since my last FAQ |
| | | | but I'm back, this version contains the|
| | | | main part of the FAQ, but there are |
| | | | still plenty of details to be added. |

[ 1.3 | Notes ]

[1] Please don't email with questions, I do honestly try to add all relevate
details to the FAQ that I am aware of.
[2] Also don't email to findout can you host this FAQ, because the answer is
no, I write FAQs free of charge as a hobbey for and do not
want to make a big job out of uploading my FAQs to 100 different sites,
most with no respect for my work or that of others in the way CJayC has.
[3] I have used the term "N.B." several times in this FAQ, it stands for "Nota
Benae," which is a latin term commonly used in europe and by me meaning
"note this" or "attention."
[4] Enjoy!

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ CARS (TRAIN) 2.0 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[ 2.1 | Basics ]

[1] The first piece of advice I wish to share is that you should only add
carriages that are supplied by the station, otherwish you might have a
Uranium carriage on a train that goes from a cattle yard to a Meat Packing
Plant, not exactly the most finacialy clever decision you ever made!
[2] When you are setting a train to go to certain destinations, you can (and
probably should) set at what point it should leave, i.e. to leave at any
point, half full, or full. Half full would make the most sense, because if
you have half full train, and are waiting for it to become fully full
train, then the other cargos value will depreciate quickly, and if you
were running a train with no cargo, well you will obiviously make nothing!
To set any of these settings, you must find a "traffic light" (don't ask)
beside the destinate and find the correct choice. The following is a list
of the different choices:

Green light : Leave at any point
Yellow light: Leave at half full point
Red light : Leave when fully full

[3] The weight of certain extra carriages can be to much for some of the older
trains, so take this fully into consideration when adding carriages to
make sure you move more than 5mph (seriously).
[4] Make use of every carriage, if you think your train will not have a full
load often, then get ride of a carriage, not only is it cheaper, but it
really doe's make your trains faster.
[5] On major routes I use 4 trains, 2 in each direction, one with 3 passenger
cars and 3 mail cars, and the other with things like cattle cars or milk
etc., depending solely on the partciular route. For lesser routes 2 trains
will do, 1 in each direction, mixed with passenger cars, mail cars and
other cars.

[ 2.2 | Noteable Carriages ]


Decreases breakdowns by 25% and robberies by 75%.

Dining Car

Increases the passenger revenues of any train it is attached to by 20%. If
there are no passenger revenues, the dining car generates no revenue.
Additional dining cars beyond the first offer no extra revenue.

[ 2.3 | Weight ]

The following is an indepth guide to the carriage weight and that sort of
information, all the following weights are in tons:

_________________ ________________ _______________
| Carriage | Weight (Empty) | Weight (Full) |
| Aluminum | 15 tons | 45 tons |
| Automobiles | 30 tons | 45 tons |
| Beuxite | 25 tons | 65 tons |
| Caboose | 20 tons | 20 tons |
| Cattle | 15 tons | 30 tons |
| Cement | 15 tons | 30 tons |
| Chemicals | 25 tons | 40 tons |
| Coal | 25 tons | 65 tons |
| Coffee | 20 tons | 50 tons |
| Cotton | 20 tons | 55 tons |
| Diesel | 20 tons | 45 tons |
| Dining Car | 40 tons | 40 tons |
| Fertilizer | 20 tons | 35 tons |
| Food | 20 tons | 45 tons |
| Goods | 15 tons | 50 tons |
| Grain | 20 tons | 40 tons |
| Gravel | 25 tons | 65 tons |
| Iron | 15 tons | 45 tons |
| Logs | 10 tons | 45 tons |
| Lumber | 15 tons | 40 tons |
| Mail | 25 tons | 40 tons |
| Milk | 20 tons | 45 tons |
| Oil | 20 tons | 45 tons |
| Paper | 20 tons | 50 tons |
| Passengers | 25 tons | 40 tons |
| Produce | 15 tons | 40 tons |
| Pulpwood | 20 tons | 55 tons |
| Rubber | 15 tons | 35 tons |
| Steel | 10 tons | 45 tons |
| Suger | 25 tons | 55 tons |
| Tires | 50 tons | 25 tons |
| Uranium | 15 tons | 30 tons |
| Waste | 20 tons | 45 tons |
| Wool | 35 tons | 55 tons |

[ 2.4 | Deliver Time ]

The following chart is a list of how many days you have to deliver certain

_________________ _________________
| Item | Max Time (Days) |
| Aluminum | 1,300 days |
| Automobiles | 800 days |
| Beuxite | 1,600 days |
| Cattle | 800 days |
| Cement | 800 days |
| Chemicals | 800 days |
| Coal | 1,600 days |
| Coffee | 800 days |
| Cotton | 1,100 days |
| Diesel | 1,100 days |
| Fertilizer | 1,300 days |
| Food | 600 days |
| Goods | 800 days |
| Grain | 1,600 days |
| Gravel | 1,600 days |
| Iron | 1,600 days |
| Logs | 1,600 days |
| Lumber | 1,300 days |
| Mail | 300 days |
| Milk | 300 days |
| Oil | 1,100 days |
| Paper | 800 days |
| Passengers | 500 days |
| Produce | 600 days |
| Pulpwood | 1,600 days |
| Rubber | 1,600 days |
| Steel | 1,300 days |
| Suger | 800 days |
| Tires | 1,300 days |
| Uranium | 800 days |
| Waste | 800 days |
| Wool | 1,100 days |

[ 2.4 | Revenue ]

The following table has been worked out in percentage, it shows the value
of a certain cargo after a certain pariod. I used a stopwatch first to get
the different game speeds, which are as follows...

1 = 43sec per month 5 = 5sec per month 9 = 1.0sec per month
2 = 22sec per month 6 = 4sec per month 10 = 0.6sec per month
3 = 12sec per month 7 = 2sec per month
4 = 7sec per month 8 = 1.2sec per month

...and then timed the train to carry the item from A to B, then found the
percentage decline in value and found out how much its value declined after
100 days.

N.B. This table does not allow for adustments such as dining cars etc.
N.B. This is EXTREMELY incomplete due to the fact that it can take half an
hour just to get two figures, and then they have to be rechecked, I will
hopefully have several more added in the next version.
__________________ ________________________
| Cargo | Decline after 100 days |
| Aluminum | |
| Mail | 18.7% |
| Passengers | 16.0% |

[ 2.5 | Sources ]

The following is a list identifing where you can get certain cargos and
were they will be excepted.

N.B. By Demand I mean were it is excepted, it is used in the game.
N.B. Several items are excepted at the Ship Yard, but only lumber is solely
reliant on it so it is only listed under lumber.
_______________ ____________________ ___________________ ___________________
| Item | Source | Demand | Prodect/Resource |
| Aluminum = | Aluminum Mill = | Cannery = | Food |
| | = | Tool And Die = | Goods |
| | = | Factory |-------------------|
| Automobiles = | Automotive Plant = | Towns = |-------------------|
| Bauxite = | Bauxite Mine = | Aluminum Mill = | Aluminum |
| Cattle = | Cattle Yard = | Meat Packing P..= | Food |
| Cement = | Cement Plant = | Towns [not sure] |-------------------|
| Chemicals = | Chemical Plant = | Fertilizer Pla..= | Fertilizer |
| Coal = | Coal Mine = | Electric Plant = |-------------------|
| | = | Steel Mill = | Steel |
| | = | Towns = |-------------------|
| Coffee = | Coffee Farm = | Cannery = | Food |
| | = | Towns = |-------------------|
| Cotton = | Cotton Farm = | Textile Mill = | Goods |
| Diesel = | Oil Refinery = | Electric Plant = |-------------------|
| | = | Towns = |-------------------|
| Fertilizer = | Fertilizer Plant = | Coffee Farm = | Coffee |
| | | Cotton Farm = | Cotton |
| | | Grain Silo = | Grain |
| | | Produce Orchard = | Produce |
| | | Rubber Farm = | Rubber |
| | | Sugar Farm = | Sugar |
| Food = | Bakery = | Towns = |-------------------|
| = | Cannery = | Towns = |-------------------|
| = | Dairy Processor = | Towns = |-------------------|
| = | Meat Packing P...= | Towns = |-------------------|
| Goods = | Textile Mill = | Towns = |-------------------|
| = | Tool And Die F...= | Towns = |-------------------|
| Grain = | Grain Silo = | Cattle Yard = | Cattle |
| | = | Dairy Farm = | Milk |
| | = | Sheep Farm = | Wool |
| | = | Bakery = | Food |
| Gravel = | Gravel Pit = | Cement Plant = | Cement |
| Iron = | Iron Ore Mine = | Steel Mill = | Steel |
| | = | Tool And Die F..= | Goods |
| Logs = | Logging Camp = | Lumber Mill = | Lumber |
| Lumber = | Lumber Mill = | Ship Yard = | Passengers* |
| Mail = | Towns = | Towns = |-------------------|
| Milk = | Dairy Farm = | Dairy Processor = | Food |
| | | Towns = |-------------------|
| Oil = | Oil Well = | Oil Refinery = | Diesel |
| | = | Towns [not sure]= |-------------------|
| Paper = | Paper Mill = | Towns = |-------------------|
| Passengers = | Towns = | Towns/Ship Yards= | Passengers, Mail..|
| = | Ship Yard = | Ship Yards/Towns= | Passengers, Mail..|
| Produce = | Produce Orchard = | Cannery = | Food |
| | = | Towns = |-------------------|
| Pulpwood = | Logging Camp = | Paper Mill = | Paper |
| Rubber = | Rubber Farm = | Tire Factory = | Tires |
| Steel = | Steel Mill = | Automotive Plant= | Automobiles |
| | = | Cannery = | Food |
| | = | Tool And Die F..= | Goods |
| Suger = | Sugar Farm = | Bakery = | Food |
| Uranium = | Uranium Mine = | Nuclear Power P.= | Waste |
| Waste = | Electric Plant = | Landfill = |-------------------|
| = | Nuclear Power P..= | Landfill = |-------------------|
| Wool = | Sheep Farm = | Textile Mill = | Goods |

* = Depends on map.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ TRAINS 3.0 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[ 3.1 | Basics ]

OK, since this is a train guide the following few sections are the in's and
out's of trains. Firstly I have a table with, their names, speeds, costs etc.,
later on I have a written passege on each individual train.

[ 3.2 | Table ]

The following table contains all relivent technical information on all the
trains in the game.

N.B. Most of the information (if not all) is correct to the game.
N.B. All speeds are in Miles per hour, as money is in US$, measured in 1,000'.

Top-1 = Top Speed with no cargo, on flat track.
Top-2 = Top Speed with no cargo, on extremly steep Track
Top-3 = Top Speed with 6 cars (2 Passenger, 2 Cattle, Dining Car and Caboose)
on flat track.
Top-4 = Top Speed with 6 cars ( " , " , " and " )
on extremly steep track.
F = Fuel
S = Steam
D = Deisel
E = Electric
Maint/Yr = Yearly Maintance Cost
Fuel/Yr = Yearly Fuel Cost
AC = Acceleration
RL = Reliabilty
EP = Extremely Poor
VP = Very Poor
P = Poor
BA = Below Average
A = Average
AA = Above Average
G = Good
F = Fast
VF = Very Fast
VG = Very Good
O = Outstanding
VI = Virtually Instant
I = Instant

____________________ ______ _ __ __ ________ _______ _____ _____ _____ _____
|Train |Cost |F|AC|RL|Maint/Yr|Fuel/Yr|Top-1|Top-2|Top-3|Top-4|
|Trevithick-1 | $10K|S|EP|EP| $6K| $3844| 10| 1| 3| 1|
|Stephenson Rocket | $16K|S|EP|BA| $6K| $5126| 15| 1| 3| 1|
|2-4-0 John Bull | $23K|S|P |BA| $7K| $8370| 25| 3| 6| 1|

Sorry but I have not found the time to complete this chart.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ THANKS 9.0 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

[ 9.1 | Credits ]

= Well firstly both Take2 Interactive and PopTop Software for
publishing/writing this game.
= You of course for making it worth while.
= Gamefaqs and CJayC for hosting this FAQ.
= Me for Writing it.

[ 9.2 | Thanks ]

Finally thanks again for reading this FAQ, it is you I wrote it for. I hope
it was usful and if not, please tell me why (


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