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Beesley’s Buzzwords

Beesley's Buzzwords makes spelling fun for all ages! Link up honeycomb letters to help Beesley spell words and make honey. Longer words make more honey and score more points. Advance through the four seasons of each increasingly challenging year to help Beesley earn prestige and promotions within the hive, or play the experts-only Challenge Game! One of the major high points in this game is the great instrumental soundtrack that changes with the seasons. Many people play these kinds of games to relax, and the soundtrack really enhances the easy going game play that is a highlight of Beesley Buzzwords. Overall, a very solid and enjoyable word game. Full Version Features * Unlimited play on up to 5 computers - you own the game! * Instant activation so you can play right away with no additional downloads required if you have the trial installed! * No shipping, waiting or CD-ROM necessary. * 48-hour money back guarantee * Gorgeous high-resolution graphics * Relaxing orchestral music for each season * Three game modes to choose from, including the experts-only Challenge Game * Hint feature helps out if you get stuck

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I desperately need this game to come back and be available on my Android please!