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Tactical Assassin Game Cheat Codes

Tactical Assassin

Submitted by. David K

Mission One - NOKEY
Mission Two - CACHE
Mission Three - STEPS
Mission Four - TRAIN
Mission Five - CLEAN
Mission Six - DOCKS
Mission Seven - PANIC

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Joshua

This cheat will give you free ammo so you won't have to buy it.

At the main menu click "Play" and enter a name, instead of clicking
continue click the Reset button. You can click it as many times as you
want, [Note] the game may lag if you click Reset to rapidly.
Once you click Continue your ammo should read more than 6.

Undead enemy:
In level 6, Docks, shoot the man at the same time he opens the door. It
will show him dying, the door closing, and the guard tripping the alarm.
However, the alarm will not sound and you will see the man you just
killed in the window, walking as if nothing happened.

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