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Syndicate Game Cheat Codes


Cheat Codes:
Use the following as company name, you will
have special cheat:

Company name Effect
ROB A BANK - $100,000,000
NUK THEM - Attack any country
TO THE TOP - $100,000,000 and attack any country
COOPER TEAM - Same as TO THE TOP and with full weapon
WATCH THE CLOCK - Speed up research time
DO IT AGAIN - Repeat mission with previously obtained items

Easy money:
To get the most cash return from each pistol, select the Gauss Gun as
the item on the equipment list. This allows $50,000 to be obtained per
pistol. In order for the Gauss Gun to appear on the equipment list, it
must first be researched under the Heavy category.

Submitted by: Vlad

A lot of money.
In your savegame (?.GAM)

00000014 22
00000015 22
00000016 22
00000017 22

Submitted by: Vlad

Note: for Syndicate (Am.Rev. or Plus)

A lot of money.
I've found it a long time ago,so I'am
not sure what part this HEX is for /American Revolt
or Synd Plus/


00000018 22
00000019 22
0000001A 22
0000001B 22

Submitted by: Enigma Question

Use the folowing name for your company:

DO IT AGAIN - If you press CTRL+C during a mission,
you will finish it

(note: this cheat was in the Syndicate Plus list, but
you can do it in the normal version as well)

Mission select:
Simply click on any country and press [Enter].

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