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Supercow Game Cheat Codes


Usually the goal in each level is to find the exit, which is an energy
portal Super Cow uses to go from one level to the next. There are broken
portals here and there, so you have to find the correct one. If you find
it, there is a little sound effect to let you know. All the enemies and
Supercow are 3D, and they look kind of silly (especially Supercow and
the dogs). Some enemies you have to jump on more than once to beat them.

The levels in Supercow are HUGE! You can get lost exploring them, so
luckily pointing hands tell you where to go. Sometimes they tell you to
go in multiple directions. Almost every level has secret areas to find.
Sometimes you have to jump on enemies heads to get high enough to access
them. One cool aspect is that Supercow can walk on clouds though she
sinks through in a few seconds unless she keeps jumping. One bad thing
is that sometimes you have to restart a level, like 7-1 where you have
to kill all the enemies to pass, but if you get stuck at the exit's
area without killing an enemy earlier you can't get back to him to

Supercow gets harder as you go, because there are pits with pointy
sticks and fire that can kill Supercow instantly, and some enemies are
hard to jump on without getting hurt by them. Luckily you can get many
lives and drink milk and eat fruit from fruit trees to regain health.

Secrets discovered so far:
- the one at the left of the start, above the shack
- the cave ledge above the deja mushroom you spring up to
- the other cave ledge further right like that one
- the flat meadow at the top of the tall elevator
- and the waterfall and the end near the exit

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