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Zoo Tycoon 2 Game Walkthrough

Zoo Tycoon 2



game by

this guide written by

Version 4.01

4.01 - Updated some user feedback about the North American Content Scenario.
Added a link to FileFront for the Animal Info Excel Spreadsheet.

4.00 - Fourth Release. Over 60 Challenges listed. List of buildings
will not be comming any time soon, there are just too darn many of them.

3.00 - Third Release. Corrected my spelling of "Zoo Tycoon Unleashed". added
research for marine animal training and marine shows. added some research done
on educational fame. added some more reader feedback. updated the terraforming
tips section (pictures included).

2.00 - Second Release. Includes walkthroughs for all scenarios up through
EA XP. includes some reader feedback. new sections for Miscellaneous
ideas and easter eggs. corrected my terrible spelling of "scenario"
throughout the document.

1.00 - First creation. Does not include Marine Shows, Challenge list,
Buildings/Objects list, expansion scenario walkthroughs, and some other





Welcome to my guide on ZOO TYCOON 2 (ZT2). I would first like to give
BLUE FANG and all the other companies who had a hand in this game
a "Thank You" for producing this game with detailed graphics and great sound
and music.

at your earliest moment please take a chance to visit the lovely official
web site for ZT2 at:
and please register for the forum and join us to discuss this wonderful game.

I would like to say that this is my third FAQ/STRATEGY guide (see also
Mall Tycoon 2 and Prison Tycoon guides on Game FAQS) and that
all info contained herein is a culmination of hours of trial and error,
observation, and shear dumb luck. I would also like to thank the many fan sites
and forums as well as the large community of ZT2 fans.

For those that have read my other guides you are probably noticing a
pattern with the introduction...

Please note that I am writting this guide with all current expansions installed
with the game so if you only have a few expansions then some of the data may
seem to be a little different, please keep this in mind.

If anyone finds that any info in this guide is erroneous, my explainations
are difficult to understand, or you just have some new info to add then drop
me a line at and have the subject read:


This is because I have many filters on my email account and this will let me
know that your email is worth opening. I should not have to say this but,
PLEASE make sure you computer is clean of viruses and such before sending
me any messages. Thank You!

Now for some legal stuff:

This guide is Copyrighted under law and cannot be reproduced by others without
express writen permission from me. You may not link directly to this document
or display a copy of it on any website. I worked long and hard to get this
information and I would like to be credited for my work.

If you don't beleive me then check out the Copyright Act of 1976

A Note About Pronouns:

I will tend to use masculine pronouns throughout my document. This is not
intended to disrespect or in any way ostrisize the female population. It is
just how I write. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

OK, now onto the good stuff!



ZT2 is a strategy/simulation resource managment game. The overall objective is
to build a zoological garden containing a vast array of animal species from
all over the world while at the same time entertaining your guests and making
a profit. sounds like fun, so lets get started!

This game is designed for younger audiences and for families, although, serious
strategy/simulation players can find quit a bit about the game to give them
hours of fun and enjoyment. portions of the profits for the sale of this game
and its expansions go to the World Wildlife Fund. The game is not only fun
but it is educational and helps real zoos and animals.

Once you have the game installed and running you will eventually find yourself
at the main menu. this will have a nice random background with some kind of
theme song playing. the theme song and background will be determined by which
of the expansion packs you have installed at the moment.

some of the new features of the second installment of Zoo Tycoon include a fully
three dimensional environment with the ability to zoom in and out. You can also
go into zoo guest mode and walk around your zoo on foot. while in this mode you
can take over some of the jobs of your zookeepers by raking poo, filling water
troughs and cleaning your animals. you can even clean up after the guests if
you janitors are getting lazy.

there is even a photo safari mode where you can take pictures of your zoo and
put them into a photo album. you can access your photos outside of the game
so you can post them on the net or do whatever you want with them.


At the top of the screen is your profile. Profiles are important if
you are sharing your game with someone else. each profile will keep track of
numerous things such as progress in a campaign, challenges completed and what
items have been unlocked. of course, if you choose to work together with
someone then a single profile will do.

The profile will also keep track of pictures taken and saved games. you can
find your profile and access your pictures by going to:

C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Application Data\Microsoft Games\
Zoo Tycoon 2\Profile Name

When you switch profiles or start a new one the screen may flicker a few times
while the game resets everything. don't worry though all the hard work you
put into your other profiles will still be there.


This is the shovel and pail button in the middle of the screen.

In a FF game you have unlimited cash and all animals, buildings and objects are
open to you from the start. the only things which you do not have access to
are the locked items which must be opened by completing campaigns and

There is no way to lose in FF mode no matter how bad you are, there is also
no way to win. FF mode is great for building extravagant zoos or, better yet,
experimenting. Since FF mode is so open and free I will not cover it much
beyond this small introcution.


This is the pile of money and watch button in the middle of the screen.

In Challenge mode you get your choice of zoo size and global location. the
location of your zoo will determine what biome (discussed more in detail later)
and what background ambient noises you will have when you first start out. A
few maps will have preset mountains, rivers, foliage and some will even have
conservation areas set aside.

A conservation area is a part of the map that you will not have any
control over. you will not be able to manipulate the terrain, disturb the
foliage or change the area in any way, shape or form. the only thing you can
do with it is add animals to make it an exhibit.

Before you start you game you can choose the level of cash you can start with.
In a challenge game there are no winning conditions but you do need to watch
your money. every so often the game will give you challenges which you can
accept or decline. by succeeding at the challenges you can gain temporary
prizes or even unlock various objects for use in other maps (discussed later).

one of the biggest differences between FF and Challenge/Campaign mode is that
many objects, buildings and animals will not be available from the start of
the game. in order to gain access to many of the items and animals in this
mode you must increase you zoo's fame level (also discussed later). as your
zoo's fame increases you will be able to purchase better objects and buildings
and more interesting animals.

another difference is that you will not have access to all animals at once.
instead you will be given a small list of possible animals from which you can
adopt a limited number of male and female specimens. you can choose to decline
the choices and the game will randomly choose a new animal for you to adopt
which is in line with your zoo's fame level. you can continue to decline
adoption until you get what you want so it can be annoying at times. I really
don't see much of a point to it, but, it is the way it is.

Challenge mode is great for the more serious tycoon player who wants to build
a great zoo but also wants the thrill and satisfaction of managing the resources
to make it run well.


This is the lock and key button in the middle of the screen.

In Campaign mode you will be given a list of scenarios. each set of
scenarios will have a sublist of games which must be played in order. once all
of the sub games are completed you will unlock a special prize which could be
a new object or more scenarios. the objects unlocked in this manner will be
available throughout the game within the current profile.

you can always replay a scenario if you want to, but, other than fun and
experience there are no further benefits.

Each scenario will be different having different starting conditions such as
different levels of cash, pre-built zoos, conservation areas, and fame levels.
just like in Challenge mode you must increase your zoo's fame level in order
to gain access to new objects buildings and animals. on the more difficult
games (discussed later) you must adopt certain animals in order to win, however,
the game will only give you a random choice so you must continuously decline
adoption until the winning animal appears which can be very annoying.

one of the benifits of Campaign mode is that you can learn the basics of the
game by playing the tutorials. after the tutorials you can increase your skills
by playing the other scenarios while at the same time opening up new items.

Also, ZT2 offers so many different ways to play that many people get
over whelmed with the possibilities and end up doing the same things over
and over. By playing through the scenarios you will get the chance to
experience all the things that ZT2 has to offer and perhaps learn a few
tricks along the way. Campaign mode is great for learning and building your
skills within the game.


this is the folder with an arrow button in the middle of the screen.

This will allow you to return to a previously saved game which was saved within
the current profile. if you saved a game under profile "X" then you must be in
profile "X" in order to load that saved game.


This is the big red "X" button in the middle of the screen.

this one is obvious, do you really need a guide to tell you what it does?


This is the computer monitor and keyboard button in the middle of the screen.

This will open up all the options such as sound and graphics for the game.
Microsoft and Bluefang were very good about this part, as the game will
automatically set itself for what it believes is optimum settings. if you feel
you can tweak the settings for better performance or graphics then go ahead
and open up the advanced settings.

I will not get into details about all the graphics options here, that could be
a guide unto itself. if you want to know more about all that stuff, well, you
could always post your questions on the official Zoo Tycoon forums and everyone
there will be glad to offer some adivce.

My suggestion is, if you don't know what you are doing, then leave this area


This is the section of the game where you can download official content from
the Zoo Tycoon website. except for Dino Danger which costs $4.99 all other
downloads are free of charge and are highly recommended. (Dino Danger Pack is
no longer available as a seperate download as it is included in the Extinct
Animals Expansion Pack).

as of the writting of this guide the current list of downloads is:

Black Leopard and Stuffed Prey Dummy
- adds a new animal and new item for your carnivores to play with
Holiday Pack
- adds christmas themed objects for your zoo
Musk Ox and Tundra Theme Pack
- my personal favorite, it adds a new animal which is available at
the start of all zoos and adds a ton of new buildings and objects
which require no research to obtain
Challenge Pack 1
- adds new challenges for challenge mode play
Scenery Pack
- more scenery (don't you love the subtle titles?)
Asian Elephant
- another animal (can't have enough of them!)
Spring Beautification Pack
- lots of new flowers for decorating with
Guest Fun Pack
- lots of new objects to entertain guests with
- you have to go to the website in order to download this new animal
Updates for Dino Danger
- free updates for the premium Dino Danger pack (included in the
Zookeeper Collection Expansion Pack)

BE WARNED! Dino Danger pack is included for free if you buy the Extinct
Animals expansion pack (EA XP). Dino Danger was offered long before the
EA XP was released so there was a time when it was worth it to spend the $5.
However, there is no refund for people who purchased the download and then also
purchase the EA XP. you were warned.

Also, if you purchase the Zookeeper Collection then all the downloads except
for the Addax will already be included in the CD set, so, for those of you with
slow internet connections this is the best way to go.

There is also a patch available at the official site. the patch is also
packaged with the Zookeeper Collection Expansion Set.



This section, not surprisingly, will list the expansions and give a brief
summary of what they offer and why you should buy them. of course you can
always go to the official Zoo Tycoon website and see all the wonderful
adds for the expansions yourself with wonderful pictures and sound effects.
(no, I do not work for Blue Fang or Microsoft, they just made a good product
so I want to help them out with a little advertising...)

With so much content added by so many expansion packs the submenus for objects
buildings and animals can be filtered by clicking on the triangle button in
the bottom middle window. you can filter by expansion pack, biome, threat
level, object/building type and other criteria. it makes finding things so
much easier.


This was the first expansion pack (ES XP) to be released for ZT2. it has 20
animals to add to your zoo and a lot of new challenges and scenarios which
revolve around endangered animals. scenarios and challenges include breeding
endangered species and creating habitats and zoos worthy of housing some of the
worlds most critically endanged animals.

ES XP also added a ton of new concepts such as Jeep vehicle tours, Sky Tram
tours and elevated paths. New buildings, themes, challenges, scenarios
and also new guests and improved guest AI were added with this expansion pack.

Items added by ES XP will be marked with a green leaf.


This was the second xp (AA XP) to be released. This XP was not as full as ES,
however, it did add 20 more animals (which are always good for a zoo) as well
as new skins for the Jeep vehicles, new themes and of course Africa centric
challenges and scenarios. probably the best addition with this XP other than
the new animals was an improved animal AI which introduced realistic herding,
hunting and pack behavior among animals in large groups.

Items added by AA XP will be marked with an orange stamp of Africa.


This is basically a re-release of the first two expansion packs along with
all the free downloads and the main game all wrapped neatly in a single package.
It came out at the same time as the next XP as a way to bolster sales and help
regerate wanning interest in the game. it worked! the Zookeeper Collection is
what got me into the game and I have been hooked ever since (heck I'm writting
the FAQ aren't I?). this collection also included the code patch.


This is the thrid XP for the series and is pretty much the same thing as the
Zoo Tycoon 1 version, only better. This is just as it sounds, it adds 20 new
marine animals (fish, mammals, birds) as well as new water filled exhibits to
house them in. MM also added 4 new biomes to properly match up with the
marine type habitats.

in addition to new animals MM XP also introduces the water show. You can
train certain marine animals to do tricks which can then be employed to
enterain guests. the trick training can be done automatically with new hired
trainers or you can play various minigames to train your animals yourself.
Trainers are slow but will work without any interference from you. the mini
games are quick but you will have to leave your zoo unattended for a time
while you do your training.

Another cool feature is the ability to swim with your animals and even ride
on the backs of many of your marine animals (ever wanted to swim with dolphins?)

like the other XPs this one also adds new themed buildings and objects as well
as new challenges and scenarios.

Items added by MM XP will be marked with a blue sea shell. Trainable animals
will have a yellow star inside the shell.


This is the fourth XP for the game and is one of the most exciting and fresh
XPs yet. This XP brings back the dinosaurs but also introduces players to
other extinct animals from earths history such as the dodo, wooly rhino, quagga,
and protarchaeopteryx.

This XP adds 30 new animals (10 more than the standard XP) and includes the
Dino Danger pack premium download (no refund if you already purchased it

This pack also adds 5 new mini games which include: Searching for fossils,
building fossil puzzles, combining DNA, stopping rampaging dinos, and even
curing new and strange diseases. There are also new staff members such as
entertainers and paleontologists as well as the standard new themes, objects,
buildings, challenges and scenarios.

Items added by EA XP will be marked with two crossed bones. Items from the
Dino Danger pack will be marked with a yellow dinosaur skull.



This is the section that most of you have opened this guide for. everyone
wants to know how to make money. Before we move on with this section I need
to set a few ground rules and assumptions:

1. I assume that you have access to and have read the game manuals. this
means that you know how to build exhibits, what a biome is and the difference
between a guest and an animal. I will not rehash the manual. if you do not
have the manual handy you can always go to the offical website and download
a .pdf version of all of the manuals, so no excuses, get reading!

2. The in game tutorials (found in the scenarios section) are very well done
and very informative. I actually replay some of them just to remind myself
of the basics from time to time. I strongly suggest and indeed assume that
you have played the tutorials and understand all the basic concepts contained
within them.

3. The intent of this section is to build upon the basics which you should
know from reading the manuals and playing the tutorials. If you find that
some of the concepts I talk about seem a little advanced, then go back to the
manual and the tutorials to refresh yourself (no shame in that). Although, I
may get a little basic from time to time just so we are all on the same page,
just don't expect me to hold your hand.

4. This section will focus mostly on Challenge mode. The ideas discussed here
can be used in campaign mode but each scenario has differnet winning conditions
and each sub game is disscussed in its own section below.
There is no money or strategy involved in Free Form mode since there is no
way you can win or lose. I do suggest that if you have an idea you want to
test out then use FF mode as a proving ground to experiment in before going
blind into the other modes.


When you first start out in Challenge mode you will be given a long list of
possible locations and sizes for your zoo. the list of zoos is on the left
hand side of the screen with the zoo size in parenthesis; (S) is small, (M) is
medium and (L) is large. Junior zoos are small in size and have paths and
fences already set up to help out those people who might not know what direction
they want to go in yet.

The globe in the middle of the screen will give you an idea as to where in the
world the zoo is located. you can click and drag the mouse to rotate the globe.
its a nice toy, but has no other use.

on the right hand side of the screen you will see a thumbnail of the zoo,
followed by a short description and then a dollar figure with two arrows. You
can choose the amount of money you start with in challenge mode. you can really
challenge yourself by putting the figure as low as $5,000 (not recommended) or
you can increase the figure by factors of $100. I have brought the figure as
high as $10,000,000 and have gone over that while playing the game. I do not
know how high the figure goes, but, if you are going to start a zoo with more
than $500,000 then you might as well go play Free Form mode.

There are three sizes of Zoos that you can make use of in the game: small,
medium and large.

The small zoo is 52x52.
The medium zoo is 70x70.
The large zoo is 92x92.

I think that all of these sizes are much too small for any kind of great zoo,
especially when you consider how many animals and biomes there are in the game.

even with these small sizes the entry way takes up even more space. I am
terrible at ASCII art so I won't try to demonstrate what I mean, but, you
should be able to tell the amount of space lost just by looking at any random

All I can say about zoo size is to make sure you make the most of your space.
plan ahead, use minimum exhibit sizes (see appendix A for details), make use
of raised paths and just get used to the idea that you will most likely not
be able to have every animal in your zoo at the same time. I am not saying that
such a zoo is impossible, what I am saying is that it is not practical.

some good ideas for zoo planning are to concentrate on one theme or idea.
create multiple zoos where each one concentrates on one biome or one region of
the world (like an asian zoo or desert zoo). No one ever said that you can only
have one zoo!


The way you layout your zoo is entirely up to you, however, if you would like
an efficient zoo which will help increase your income, fame and guest happiness
levels then I have a few ideas to share.

Your zoo is first and foremost a business. you must think about profit and
income. Guests are your only source of income (except for a few rocks and trees
at the start of the game that you can recycle for cash). guests will only give
your zoo money if they are happy and entertained. guests will only show up if
you have animals in exhibits. to make guests happy you need happy animals,
food, drink, restrooms and entertainment/decorations.

any zoo design with animals will attract guests. but keeping the guests in the
zoo and getting them to spend all their money is a matter of efficient park

Guests will only walk on paths (sometimes a random guest will go where they are
not supposed to, but, the majority of them stay on the paths). so an
efficient zoo needs an efficient path layout.


There are various kinds of paths you can use in your zoos but they all cost
the same amount and the guests really don't care so long as the paths lead to
food, enteratinment and exhibits.

I use three sizes of paths for most of my parks; 3 tiles, 5 tiles, and 6 tiles.
I would not go less than 3 or more than 6.

I use 3 tiles mainly during scenario games when money is tight. more tiles
means more money invested. I like 3 tiles over the suggested 2 tiles for a few

1) the middle tile can act as a place to put lots of objects such as donation
boxes, decorations and food carts. this then keeps the two tiles on either side
free and clear for guests to observe the animals without bumping into stuff
all the time. also, if a bench is 1 tile from the exhibit the guests on the
bench can still see the animals thus letting them rest and observe at the same

2) Arches are one of the games best decorations. every guest that walks under
and archway will gain some entertainment value. arches are 3 tiles wide with
1 tile underneath for passing through, so, this makes the perfect decoration
for a 3 tile wide path. The only arch that is 4 tiles wide is the extinct
themed arch.

3) Donation boxes can be expensive, so, by placing a donation box in the middle
tile you can essentially use one box for two exhibts. rotate the box so that
the front is paralell with the path (not facing an exhibit) this way guests
on either side of the box can access it with equal ease.

4) the middle row is great for putting in the occasional gift or food cart.
like the donation box, make sure the front is not facing an exhibt and you
should have plenty of customers.

5) by putting all your benches and other objects in the middle of the path
you can also place observation areas on either side of the path which further
increase guest happiness.

I use the 5 tile wide pathway when I play FF or Challenge mode (since money is
less of an issue). the principles are still the same as with the 3 tile path,
but now you have more room to play with. with 5 tiles you can put in bigger
decorations, fountains, statues, and even some nice landscaping.
remember though that if a bench is more than 1 tile from an exhibit then the
guests can't see the animals.

6 tiles are what I use for the main entryway path. there are two reasons for
1) the entry way itself is 2 tiles wide so an odd numbered path is impossible
to center (I like things centered).
2) with 6 tiles you can place two arches next to each other very neatly.

Here is a pic of a 3 tile wide path and some object placement:


Now that you have your path set up you need to attract some guests.
The only way to attract guests is with animals which must be enclosed
in exhibits.

Exhibits are going to be, without a doubt, the largest things in your zoo.
figuring out how big to make them is going to be the main focus of most zoo
designs. there are some things to consider when building exhibits:
1) the type and number of animal(s) you plan to place in the exhibit.
2) guest visibility to the animals.
3) animal privacy.

The first point is complicated as each species of animal requires different
amounts of space. This will be discussed in more detail in section
G. ANIMAL HAPPINESS and you can reference size requirements for each animal
in APPENDIX A below.

The second and third points will be discussed here. Guest visibility while on
a path is 10 tiles in all directions from the point they are standing. guests
can only see into an exhibit if they are standing on a tile next to an exhibit
or at most 1 tile away (which will give them visibility of 9 tiles into
the exhibit). Binoculars can increase this visibility range to 22 tiles but
only in a confined arc (about 60 degrees) as opposed to 180 degrees. Also,
binoculars do not allow visibility to things in the exhibit that are in the
first tile (those items are too close for the binoculars to focus on).

Elevated paths only give visibility to an exhibit if the edge of the path
extends beyond the fencing into the exhibit. visibility is sill only 10 tiles
away from the path, and the guests cannot see anything that is underneath the
path or 1 tile from the path (because of the angle). Even though the elevated
paths do not increase the visual radius of the guest they do allow the guest to
go further into the exhibit without reducing the size of the exhibit. this can
help save on space at the expense of extra cost to build.

with this knowledge I generally try to keep most of my exhibits 10 tiles deep
or less. I don't use binoculars too often because only one guest can use them
at a time. if you want to go with elaborate exhibits with mixed animals (say
for example the ever popular savannah exhibit) then perhaps 22 tiles deep with
a few strategic elevated paths would be ideal.

Animal privacy can also be a concern. many of the more endangered and solitary
animals (carnivores for example) require more privacy than other animals. for
the most part privacy can be easily achieved by providing some kind of shelter
for your animals to sleep in. however, one way to provide cheap privacy is by
limiting the view of your guests into the exhibits. any area which guests
cannot view is considered a privacy area for your animals (but only if the
animals move into that area). this can be acheived by using solid fencing, or
by extending the depth of the exhibit beyond the visual range of the guests.
animals that can swim can use deep water as a privacy area, unless you are
using marine tank walls which allow guests to see into deep water.

due to size limitations I would suggest researching any shelters and using those
instead of increasing the size. the shelter will provide privacy and sleep and
your guests can still be entertained when they see your animals using the
shelters. This also keeps your exhibits smaller thus saving your overall zoo
space and saving money on extra fencing.


while we are on the subject of fences lets get into some more details. Fencing
is going to be your number one expenditure. fencing is not cheap and you will
need a lot of it. when you just start out chain link fence is really going
to be your best and pretty much only option. due to cost, you will most likely
be using chain link fence for most of your zoo tycoon career.

The best way to reduce fencing cost is to put your exhibits on the outer edge
of the zoo. the zoo boundary fence will act as exhibit fencing and is free.
also, if you put two exhibits next to each other they can share the fencing
between them thus reducing costs even more. sharing fencing between multiple
exhibits is also a good idea when hiring zookeepers, but, we will save that
discussion for later.

Chain link fencing is not a good idea for animals that can climb such as chimps,
lemures and koalas. you will have to use some other kind of fencing for them.

The best fencing for decoration and saftey is the widowed fencing (themed if you
want to decorate). this is also the most expensive. The most secure fencing is
the electrified dinosaur fencing (from EA XP). this is not the most decorative
fencing but it will keep pretty much anything inside except a rampaging dino.

another good fencing with plenty of visibility is the marine wall which comes
with MM XP. so long as you don't make the entire exhibit out of marine walls
then the exhibit will not fill with water. you can use marine walls as part of
your viewing area and it will be like a giant wall of glass. it looks quite
nice and is less costly than the average windowed fence, but, more pricey than
standard chain link.

This is a pic of the standard 10x10 fence exhibit:

a version of the standard exhibit is the indented exhibit. this is basically
the same land exhibit mentioned above with a small pocket 1 or 2 tiles deep
into the exhibit where the guests can go further into the area to view the
animals. if you surround the rest of the exhibit with solid fencing this can
give the aniamals some areas in the corners where they can have some privacy.
the disadvantage here is that the viewing area takes up space from the animals
home so it requires a little more planning.

take a look at this basic indented exhibit:

here is the same exhibit from guest view with marine wall viewing area:

fencing is good for saving space since it does not take up any space itself.
all fencing is on the edge of a tile. however, no fencing is perfect and many
animals have ways of bypassing many kinds of fencing. chimps and other climbers
can climb many kinds of fence. meerkats and other tunnelers can dig under
most all fences and no fence is strong enough to contain an angry dino.

an alternative to fencing is to use cliffs. The game comes with an array of
easy and free to use landscaping tools. The cliff, ditch and flatten tools are
extremely useful. when you use the cliff or ditch tool a single click on the
mouse button will raise or lower the terrain by one unit. most animals can
easily climb a cliff that is 1 unit high. 2 units high should be enough for
most animals. some animals (such as the Ibex) are natural mountain climbers
and may requrie cliffs that are up to 3 or 4 units high.

Cliffs are cheap to make and (if they are high enough) 100% safe for all animals
Dinos cannot rampage through a cliff, chimps cant climb it and meerkats cant dig
through it. the problem with a cliff is that it is hard to create and takes
up precious space.

There are two ways to use cliffs to make exhibits: the ditch exhibit or the
cliff wall exhibit.

first you should know that from the default level of the entrance you can
go two units down with the ditch tool or 4 units up with the cliff tool. this
is important to know if you want to make such exhibits for your mountain
animals (as they will need more than two units of cliffs to contain).

The ditch exhibit is generally the cheapest and easier of the two (IMHO).
to create a ditch exhibit first design your exhibit using the cheapest fence
possible; low chain link fence. once it is enclosed, use the ditch tool and
dig a ditch anywhere in the exhibit to the lowest level. then use the flatten
terrain tool inside the ditch (its easiest to use when it is at 100% size)
and then flatten all the terrain inside the exhibit. notice that you can get
all the way up to the fence and the terrain will not flatten. this is
because fencing on enclosed exhibits will lock terrain at the level where the
fencing is at which allows you to create vertical cliff walls of any height.

when the ditch is done, paint your biome on the inside and on the walls.
you can also now recycle the fencing on any side that will not be next to a
path. any side of the exhibit that will be next to a path must have at least a
low fence. this is so your guests don't fall into the exhibit (they are not
very bright or careful when it comes to the animals).

if you are going to put another ditch exhibit next to this one then you must
replace the recycled fence on the cliff edge before creating the new ditch
or you will lose your cliff wall. remember that land will be locked to a
level that a fence is occupying.

The problem with cliff walls is that they take up 1 tile of space on each side
of the cliff wall. thus if you planned a 10x10 exhibit with your low chain
fence and built a ditch exhibit you will only have room in the exhibit for 8x8
tiles. this may not seem like a difference until you compare the areas:
10x10 = 100 tiles
8x8 = 64 tiles
that is nearly a 40% decline in available space! if you want a 10x10 exhibit
you must plan out a 12x12 area before you dig. remember to add 2 extra tiles
in each direction to compensate for the loss of space.

another disadvantage of ditch exhibits is that zookeepers have no way in or out
of the ditch since the walls are too steep. you could build a small ramp which
can provide access, but, that requires some more skill and planning to create
with the terrain tools. or you could just clean up after your animals yourself
but this can get tedious if you have many exhibits. another idea is to have
1 zookeeper per ditch. the keepers do not need to leave the exhibit but if
you have a lot of ditches then this can get expensive.

here is a pic of a simple ditch exhibit:

For the cliff wall exhibit you will still need a regular fence on the path
facing sides of the exhibit. for the other sides you must first raise the
ground with your cliff tool and then place your fence where you want your wall
to be. then use the flatten terrain tool to trim the wall against the fence.
when the wall is trimmed you can recycle your fence. this also takes up extra
space, but, it can give your exhibits a more natural look. cliff wall exhibits
are the least practical and the most difficult to plan with, but, IMHO, they are
the best looking. I would only suggest using cliff wall exhibits if you are
a skilled planner and terraformer.

if you watch the openning movie carefully you will see that cliff wall exhibits
are being used for most of the animals and you can see how natural it makes the
exhibits look.

this is a pic of a simple cliff exhibit from guest view:

this is a pic of a professional cliff exhibit with water fall:

this is a pic of the professional cliff exhibit from guest view:

so to sum up your fencing options:
1) fence exhibit - most expensive. least space required. must use right kind
of fence to contian certain animals. meerkats are the worst as they can dig
their way out under any fence.
2) ditch exhibit - least expensive, most space required. can contain all but
your mountain climbing animals such as the Ibex. also prevents staff access.
3) Cliff wall - moderate expense, moderate space, requires the most skill to
create and is not fool proof as fencing is still required on at least one side,
but, is arguably the best looking.

another option is the marine walls. with marine walls added by MM XP you can
create waterfilled exhibits for your marine animals. what makes the marine
walls so special is that the land does not lock in place at the base of a
marine wall. this allows you to lower the land on the outer edge and allow your
guests to see into the water filled tank to watch your animals swim around.

this is a standard marine exhibit:

you can also combine marine walls with other exhibit fencing to create hybrid
exhibits. a hybrid exhibit is one where there is land and water. the land part
can be contained with regular fencing and the water part can be contained with
marine walls. by doing this you can lower the land around the tank walls and
make a small ditch for your guests so they can see your animals swim, or,
go up the path to see them on land.

take a look at this hybrid exhibit with california sea lions:

as mentioned before you can also use marine walls as part of a regular exhibit
in order to give a full windowed view.

Do not use moats, especially water moats. about half the animals in the game
can swim so water moats are pointless. if you just use a dry moat without any
fencing around it then both guests and animals will fall into it causing
all kinds of happiness issues and will ultimately be very annoying. with proper
use of fencing moats can be a nice visual addition but they provide no practical
use to contain animals.


You have animals in exhibits. then the guests arrive. the guests see the
animals and are happy. but, they won't stay happy for long. eventually guests
will get hungry, thirsty, tired, whiney and bored (just like real people).

This section is mainly to discuss the overall layout of your zoo. there is a
section below, GUEST HAPPINESS, which goes into more detail about how to
keep your guests in a state of eternal bliss (or at least learn how to to ignore
them efficiently).

what we will discuss here is the basic overall strategy for using the buildings
and objects in your zoo for maximum effeciency. I have found that in the games
that I play the best way to use the buildings and to increase overall guest
satisfaction is to build guest areas which specialize in catering to all of your
guests needs all in one place.

every so often, evenly spaced and distant you should build small areas that
contain food and drink stalls with a family restroom and atm. the area should
be large enough to have about 6 stalls (2 food, 2 drink, 2 desert), 1 family
restroom and 4-6 tables, 4 trash/recycle bins, 1 ATM and a few decorations.
do not allow guests to view animals while in the guest areas otherwise
these areas will clog up and decrease happiness. I like to put guest areas
in the corners and in the center of the zoo depending on the zoo size.

gift carts should be strategically placed along the paths (remember the middle
tile?). place marine carts near marine animals and shows and place extinct
carts near extinct animals. Gift carts should be placed about every 20 tiles
or so inbetween your guest areas.

for larger zoos you can use restaurants instead of stalls for the guest areas,
but, you will still need decorations and restrooms. gift shops can also be
placed in guest areas (if room permits) but they do best near the entrance, or
somewhere along the 6 tile main entry way. even if you are goig to use a
restaurant you should still have a few guest areas with stalls and carts to
provide more of a variety. also, a gift shop is not a replacement for well
placed gift carts.

don't try to put food and drink stalls in the middle of the paths. this will
just create more problems then they solve. stalls and carts in the paths will
cause people to complain about no tables to sit at, trash will begin to pile up
very quickly. also your maintenance workers will be running ragged trying to
keep up with all the trash all over the zoo. if you keep your trash contained
to guest areas then it makes clean up a lot easier.

here is an example of a small guest area:


so we have paths and we have exhibits and we have guest areas. so how do we
put it all together?

there are many ways to build a park but only a few ways that make the park
efficient. in my experience with this game (and Zoo Tycoon 1 as well as other
similar games) I find that there are three basic types of parks that you can
put together: Grid, Single Entry, and Wild Animal Park.

1. The Grid. in the grid design you will be concentrating on making everything
square. you can use a combination of 6 tile entry way and 3 or 5 tile side
paths. your exhibits will be square, your paths will be square. everything
will be evenly spaced. this style makes very efficient use of space and
provides ample room for many small individual exhibits as well as guest areas.
Grids almost plan themselves. they are easy to use and quick to get going.

Of the three designs presented here the grid is the best for water shows and
marine animals.

some disadvantages of this design are that many people think it is too
square. the grid is not organic enough and just does not look nice. also,
there is not a lot of room for tours which can be an important part of many
successful zoos. profitable tours are possible, they are just wont be very

I use the Grid mostly when playing campaign games since efficiency is the key
to winning scenarios.

take a look at this sample grid layout:

2. Single Entry. This is a modified Grid style where the only path is the main
entry path. all exhibits are extremely deep and very large. this style has the
advantage of being easy to design (only one path and big exhibits). there will
also be fewer guest areas as guests will all be herded into one general area,
the center. this map also screams for jeep and sky tours as well as giving
perfect excuses for elevated paths. Because all of your guests will be crammed
into the center isle I would suggest making the single path 12 tiles wide
instead of 6.

With some creative exhibit planning you can throw in a water show or two, but,
this design more easily accomodates land based exhibits.

the big disadvanatge with this design is that there is not a lot
of room in the center for a variety of buildings and guest entertainment could
suffer. elevated paths can relieve that burden, but, it will increase the
overall cost of the design.

I used this design on a few campaigns and I think it makes a great challenge
game as well.

3. The Wild Animal Park. This is a modified version of the single entry
design. Instead of having the main entry path extend through the entire park
to the other side, it only goes about one quarter of the way. surround
the path with fencing and all of a sudden your entire park is one big
exhibit! with an exhibit this big you can recreate the african savannah, the
amazon rainforest or what ever your heart desires. this also has the
advantage of keeping all the guests in one nice and easy spot. you can use
elevated paths to add more buildings, but, the main attractions are the tours.
here is your chance to design some really amazing jeep and sky tram tours.

this design does not really support water shows or marine animals very well,
however, a creative player can make anything possible.

the disadvantages with this design are that animals have so much area to get
lost in. if guests cant see the animals then they will leave your zoo before
they are finished spending all of thier money. also, with so many animals and
so much space your zookeepers will have a hard time keeping up with the mess.

I do not suggest this design for most scenarios, although it can certainly be
fun to do in a challenge game.

These designs were just some of my more efficient ideas which I have had
much success with in the past. there really is no wrong way to design your zoo
so long as it has happy guests, happy animals, happy money and a happy player.


Cost: $200/mo

These guys are basically like zookeepers for your guests. they clean up
litter, take out the trash and recycle bins and clean your water filters
(if you have MM installed).

These guys work best if you use the guest area idea from the last section.
if you have a large zoo then it might be a good idea to make specialists.
this means having each worker only do one job such as only sweeping litter, or
only taking out the trash. this way they don't get distracted with lots of
other jobs all the time. for a small zoo I would suggest only having one worker
per guest area.

you can also enter guest mode and help out your janitors but this can be time
consuming. you have more important things to do with your time than sweep
the floor.

Cost: $200/mo
with podium: $225/mo

These employees require an educator podium in order to do their work. place the
podium in a very high traffic area near a popular exhibit. This is another
great reason for having an odd numbered path width. educators will
stand at the podium talking about whatever animals are nearby. the guests
standing nearby will stand for a bit to listen to the educator and will gain
some entertainment value. educators also provide a slight increase to the
educational value of your exhibits.

In all of my playing I have not noticed much of an increase in educational
donations by adding an educator and podium. if you want to increase your
education donations then invest in a Discovery Kiosk. These kiosks will
add a significant amount to your educational donations.

I would suggest putting in a few educators at the same interval as a gift
cart, perhaps at the corner of two exhibits. if you have more than one podium
and more than one educator then they will switch podiums every now and again.

cost: $500/mo

These employees will take care of all of your animals. they will clean the poo,
fill the water, replace food, clean the animals and heal the sick. this is why
they get paid more. You can of course do all of these things yourself in
guest mode, but, for a large zoo, you will not have the time.

It is very important to keep exhibits clean. neither guests nor aniamls like
seeing lots of poo in an exhibit. you also need to make sure that animals are
always fed and watered. if not they will become unhappy which then makes your
guests unhappy.

The thing about zookeepers is that they do not need access to the guest areas.
you can lock them inside an exhibit and they will continue to work without
complaint. if you have any exhibit touching another exhibit you can put a
staff gate on the shared fence between them and the zookeeper can move between
the exhibits without ever needing to go outside.

The strategy I use for my zookeepers is to assign a zookeeper to no more than
4 small exhibits (where there are about 4 animals per exhibit) or 1
large exhibit (like that ever popular savannah exhibit). if you find that
an exhibit is not getting clean enough then assign a second zookeeper to help

it is always recommended to ASSIGN a keeper to an exhibit. If a keeper is
unassigned to any exhibit then they will attempt to do any zookeeper job
that is in your zoo. this can cause a lot of annoying messages that pop up
saying that zookeeper so-and-so can't reach the poo. by assigning keepers only
to exhibits that they can access then you reduce these messages. if the
exhibit is large (such as the wild animal park design) then you will still
get these messages because if a zookeeper takes too long to reach a job then
the game thinks that the job can't be reached and posts the message.

assign a keeper to an exhibit by selecting the keeper and then selecting the
tab with a clipboard and paper on it. on this subscreen select the assignment
button (yellow plus sign with clipboard). it will change your cursor to a pole
with a flag. position this pole inside any exhibit and click the mouse.
the ground will begin to fill with a green grid, ignore this. all that grid
tells you is which exhibit is being selected. The assignment will then appear
in the subscreen in a list as "assignment #". once a keeper is assigned
to an exhibit they will only notice and respond to jobs that are in that
exhibit. I have not found a limit to the number of assignments a keeper can
have, but, as I said earlier, there is an efficient limit of about 20 total
animals per keeper (4-5 animals in 4-5 exhibits).

In a small zoo or one that is just starting you can save a lot of money by
taking care of the animals yourself. however once you get 3 or so exhibits
going, you should think about hiring a zookeeper to take care of all those
menial tasks.

Cost: $500/mo (occasionally you will hire a trainer and their salary will
only be $350/mo, this seems random though)

The trainer was added with MM XP. these empoyees will slowly train your
trainable marine animals provided that the tank wall has a tank entrance and
a rather large training area.

Trainers create thier own training areas in a tank and you can assign
more than one animals to a trainer. a trainer can only train one animal
at a time but will switch between them while working.

Trainers are very slow when it comes to training your animals. they will
try to train one trick with one animal at a time and then cycle through
all of the other trainable animals that they are assigned to before continuing
the training on the first animal. this can be very inefficient. they are also
not very effective at training. the advantage to having trainers is that
your animals can be trained while you are doing other work and guests enjoy
watching animals get trained (so make sure guests can see them in action. also,
you can train animals yourself while your trainer is training other animals.

you can also train more than one animal at the same time if you have
multiple staff entrances and multiple trainers in the same exhibit.

if you are going to have shows with more than one trainable animal then
it is recommended to have at least one trainer per tank. they may be slow at
training but it is better than nothing.

there is more information about training and shows below.

Cost: $500/mo

These employees were added with EA XP. They serve two functions but each
function requires a building to make full use of.

The first function is to search for fossils. a paleontonlogist will begin
searching for fossils as their primary function. they will walk around with
a fossil finder (fully upgraded too) and mark areas for fossils. you must
go into zoo guest mode in order to dig them up. this is a great feature of
this employee. if you have ever searched for fossils on your own, you will
know how time consuming it can be. every once in a while you will get a
message that you have discovered a fossil, which implies that the paleontologist
does occasionally get his hands dirty with digging, but, for most of the
fossils you must dig them up yourself.

The paleontologist is very good at what he does. he always knows exactly where
the next fossil is buried. if want to, you can follow your paleontologist in
fossil finding mode and when he pulls out his fossil finder just run forward
in the same direction and dig up the fossil. he will then change his direction
to lock onto the next one. this method pretty much takes all the guess work
out of the fossil finding mini game and can make finding fossils very quick and

the only way to make use of the fossils is to have an extinct research lab.
you can still dig them up, you just can't use them until you build the lab.

the second activity requires an extinct education center. every so often the
paleontologist will stop this search for fossils and go to the extinct
education center and start lecturing about extinct animals. this performs
the same fuction as the educator above, however, the "podium" is much

You can have more than one paleontologist walking around which can really
increase the speed at which fossils are found. you can even go into zoo
guest mode and look for fossils yourself at the same time.

if you plan to make use of fossils and the extinct research lab then I
highly recommend paleontologists. however, since they are expensive, I would
only recommend them for an established zoo with decent income.

Cost: $200/mo

These employees were added with EA XP. there are two types: saber-toothed cat,
and dinosaur. both do the same thing, entertain guests. each one has slightly
different animations which can be fun to watch from time to time.

entertainers can be used in any zoo regardless of whether you are making use of
extinct animals or not. they will walk around randomly and every so often put
on a show. any guests in the area will turn to watch the entertainer and
when the show is over the guests will get a large boost to their enterainment

Entertainers can be made more productive with the use of a stage. they can
enterain larger groups of people and are less likely to sit on a bench if a
stage is present in your zoo. without a stage they can still perform but
they are less efficient and more lazy. you can have more than one stage
and more than one entertainer in your zoo at any time.

if your zoo is large and you have a lot of guests (and/or you are getting lots
of messages about your guests not being entertained enough) then get one or
two entertainers. put the stage in or near a guest area if you can fit it, or
put it by the entrance for greatest effect.

If you have enough decorations and shows then you may not need entertainers as
the only function they provide is to increase the enterainment level of your
guests. if your guests are satisfied then don't spend the money, unless of
course you want to watch the show yourself.

Cost: $5000 (to buy) $500/mo upkeep

although technically a building these guys can be found in the staff section.
the bunker basically acts like a large statue until you have a rampaging dino
on the loose. then the statue will lift up and a team of highly trained
dino capture specialists will come out of an underground bunker and begin
working their magic.

these guys take a while to capture the dinosaur but are enteraing to watch. you
can very easily capture a dino yourself much faster by going into zoo guest
mode. you can even reduce the damage a rampaging dino does by puting all your
dinos into ditch exhibits (described above). the dino capture team is fun
to watch but I do not use them myself. rampaging dinos are rare and are
easily contained.

Cost: $500 (to buy) $50/mo upkeep

this is not an employee but it is related to them. if a staff member is
waiting for a job (because there is nothing for them to do) then they will try
to go to the nearest staff center to "take a break". this is a complete waste
of time and money. your staff do not need to take breaks! they will work
24 hours a day without rest for as long as you can pay them. the staff center
does not provide any benefit other than keeping your staff from sitting on the
benches and taking space away from the guests. so long as you keep your staff
busy the staff center is not needed.


There are way too many buildings and objects in ZT2 to discuss them all here.
This section will basically be concerned with the buildings and objects which
I believe have the greatest value. if you think that there is a building
or object in ZT2 which I have not listed here and has some great stategic
value to the game then please let me know.

you can rotate buildings and objects by using the < and > keys. you will be
able to rotate in 8 different orrientations. some buildings and objects
can be moved after they are placed. to move a moveable object double click
the object to pick it up.

there may come a day when I feel ambitious enough to catalog every building
and object and create a nice neat chart. that day has not yet arrived. if
someone else wishes to do this then please feel free.

Before we start talking about the buildings and objects lets discuss research/
fame. when you start a challenge or campaign game you will not have access to
all the items and animals right away. first you will need to raise your fame
(see FAME section below) and then once you have the reputation needed to gain
access to certain items you may be required to do further research.

research is an interesting concept in a game like ZT2. don't think of research
as you needing to hire scientists to figure out how to build something. instead
think of research as more of an administrative task. as the FAME section says,
fame is a matter of reputation among suppliers and other zoos. when your
reputation is high enough suppliers will want to do more business with your zoo.
sometimes reputation is not enough. perhaps your zoo has heard about a certain
item that is only available to zoos with a certain renown, but, once you
achieve that fame level no one is offering you this item for sale. so
research is basically money and time that your zoo spends looking through
advertisements, catalogs and calling up suppliers to see if you can find
someone who can supply this item to you.

So, Fame is the reputation and trust you build with suppliers and other zoos
which convinces them to offer you better equipment and more exotic animals.
however, not all suppliers offer the same equipment so research is your zoo
spending time and money to find a supplier which does offer the specific item
you are looking for as well as setting up contracts and negotiating fair prices.


there are many differnet themes in ZT2 which you can use to create themed areas.
I have not seen any great advantage to this in game but I have heard rumors that
themed areas provide a boost to guest enterainment values. themed areas also
look nicer for the player and are just as as easy to create as a non themed
area. you can use as many themes as you can fit in your zoo, but, if you are
going to use multiple themes I would suggest keeping each area as one theme.
don't mix your themes in the same area (just in case there is a bonus).

of course you can decorate as you wish and really when it comes to
decorating your zoo all decorations will add some level of entertainment
value and in the end what matters is the players enjoyment of the game.

Themed buidings cost more to upkeep than default buildings, however, default
buildings all need to be researched (except the ones you start with). even
with the higher maintenance cost it is still a more economic desicion to
use themed buildings since you must take into account the high initial cost
of the research.

for example: if a default building costs $400 to research and the themed
version is $25 more per month it would take you 16 game months before the
default building would even pay for itself. most scenarios will not last
longer than 5 game months. so save yourself a lot of money and use
themed buildings whenever you can.


we already discussed exhibit bulding above, but, there are many different kinds
of fences which can be used to build the exhibits. There are low fences and
high fences.

low fences are good for small animals which cannot jump, climb or
are not tall enough to walk over the fence (like a giraffe for example). low
fences can also keep your guests from walking over a cliff. even if you are not
designing an exhibit you should still use fences to keep guests from wandering
over a tall ledge or into some deep water. Low fences can also be used as
decoration if you going for a themed area.

High fences are generally the best for containing most animals.
chain fence is going to be your "bread and butter" fence for most of your ZT2
career. the only animals that this fence will not contain are climbers
(chimps, etc), meerkats (they dig under it), and dinos (they are too strong).

With other high fences you must be certain that the guests can see through it.
some high fences are solid which gives no visiblity to what is on the other
side. this is good for giving animals privacy as well as decoration.
the most expensive and best kind of fence for exhibits is the high fence
with window. as a rule of thumb, if you can see through the fence in guest mode
then your guests can see through it too. you can also use the "eye" tool
which can be found by clicking on the arrow to far left of the user interface.

clicking on the eye with an x through it will change your cursor to an eye.
when placed on a path in front of an exhibit you will see shiny glitter in the
exhibit which denotes the visibility range of the guest at that spot. if you
cant see any glitter than the guest can't see thorugh the fence. some times it
takes the game a few seconds to calculate the view area. just click on the
path a few times and move the cursor around a bit. if after about 5 seconds
you still don't see any glitter then you should consider a new fence type.
you should also understand that the glitter is yellow so it might not show
up very well against a yellow ground color (desert and savannah for example).

Not all fences can be used to contain animals however. if you are ever not sure
if a fence can be used for an animal then just click on the animal and select
the zookeeper recommendations button (picture of a zookeeper in the far right
corner of the animal subscreen). with this you can get a list of just about
anything that can be used for that animal including fence types, food,
enrichment objects, shelters, biome and other stuff.

The dino, extinct themed and iron bar fence are the only fences rated for
containing large dinos. rampanging dinos can still break the fence. Dino
fence is not very pretty so I often choose to use a ditch exhibit for my
big lizards.


Food and Drink stalls come in different forms. there are permanent stalls and
carts. carts can be picked up and placed anywhere in your zoo. stalls cannot
be moved once they are placed. Food and drink buildings come in all the various
theme styles so you can create a truly immersive themed area. when creating
guest areas remember to include one meal stall, one drink stall and one desert
cart. different types of food and drink appeal to different types of customers
(see below for more information). each stand can only service one guest at a
time so you should add more when you start seeing long lines form.

There are also three types of restaurants; family, regular and fancy. each
one sells differnet types of food for different prices. each one sells a
meal, drink and dessert all at the same time and provides a place for guests
to sit and rest. restaurants do not provide restrooms and so you should provide
a family restroom next to all of your restaurants. ATMs and gift shops also
work well next to a restaurant.


all zoos will need these if you want your guests to remain happy. restrooms
come in all available themes. the small restroom is cheap and only takes up
two squares, but, only one guest can use it at a time. I always try to add
two small restrooms to a new zoo so lines don't get too long.

the family restroom is amazing. it is availabe at 2 fame stars (see FAME
section below for details). this will take up a 2x2 area and is more expensive
than the small restroom but it can service any number of guests at once.
you will never have a line at the restroom again with a family restroom.


See STAFF section above


See STAFF section above


this is a great building which was also in ZT1. if you have a
medium or large zoo with lots of poo raking going on then the compost building
more than pays for itself.

the only disadvantage is that you must find a place away from guest areas and
paths or guests will start to complain about the smell. animals might complain
as well so be careful where you put it.

the compost building does not need path access in order to function.
unfortunately, my testing was inconclusive as to how much money one gets from
raking poo, but, it will be more than enough to pay for the buildings upkeep and
still give a decent income. this building is highly recommended once it
becomes available.


this is a very handy item. when guests run out of money they will start looking
for an ATM to withdraw more. they will keep doing this so long as they are
happy. this is good since they will be spending that money in your zoo.

if they run out of money and cannot find an ATM they will leave. this can
be bad since they may decide to do this when they are on the far side of the
zoo. if so they must walk all the way out of the zoo (not spending money the
whole time) before a new guest can arrive to replace them.

place 1 ATM in every guest area and at every restroom. this should
help retain the maximum number of guests and help keep income high. you might
want to wait until you have a medium sized zoo however as ATMs do cost upkeep.


if you are going to use extinct animals a lot then you will want one of these.
this building gives 3 minigames which can be quite a boon to any zoo.

the first is the ability to put together fossils you find in your zoo (see
paleontologist in the staff section or mini games below). once you get a
fossil together you will be able to create that extinct animal through a
DNA mainipulation minigame. if you are successful you get a free extinct
animal (for more details see mini games below) which is quite a gift for a new
zoo with little money.

the final use of the building is to cure special diseases. when you are using
extinct animals there is a chance that they can contract strange ailments.
the only way to cure them is to have an extinct research lab and to play the
disease curing mini game.

if you are not going to be making use of extinct animals then don't get this
building. it is expensive to buy and keep, as well as taking up lots of
valuable space.


this was mentioned briefly in the staff section above under the paleontologist
entry. this is a rather bulky building that allows your paleontologist to
teach and entertain guests about extinct animals. when a paleontologist is
not present, guests can educate themselves by reading the plaques that are
around the building.

when used in conjunction with a play dig pit guests can dig up fossils and
place them on the edcuation center display area (this is automatic). after a
while of fossil collecting you will get a statue of an extinct animal. there
are 4 statues in all and each one is placeable anywhere in your zoo. in FF and
challenge mode, completing a fossil statue is cosidered an award.

these two buildings in combination are a great addition to any zoo but they do
cost a bit to upkeep and take a lot of space. I would suggest these for a
medium or large zoo.

these are all small additions you can place in your zoo to increase guest
entertainment. they all have interesting animations and can service multilpe
guests at the same time. they do have upkeep costs so make sure to place
them sparingly.

of note is the Education Kiosk. this will not only entertain your guests
but it will also increase thier education dontations for a short time. without
an education kiosk I saw a ratio of 1/5 for education dontaions to
regular donations. with a kiosk the nearby donation boxes saw an increase
to this ratio of 2/3.

I strongly recommend using education kiosks in areas of high traffic near
popular exhibits. you will see a noticeable increase in donations.


There are regualar carts, marine carts, and extinct carts as well as a gift

When placed correctly they can provide quite a bit of income. the regular gift
carts should be placed near popular exhibits. you should not need more than
one cart every 2 or so exhibits. marine carts should be placed next to marine
animals and shows and extinct carts should be next to extinct animals. guests
will buy items relating to animals that they are seeing. so if they see a
shark they will go looking for a shark gift to buy.

gift shops sell everything, but, they are expensive and take up lots of space.
they are best placed near the entrance or on the main entry path. Gift shops
are also best placed with restaurants and ATM machines.


these are your most prized possession. donations are your number one source
of income. these come in all your favorite themes so you can decorate your
zoo as you like.

place these in the middle of your paths so they can service more than one
exhibit at a time. you can place more if you like as they do not cost
upkeep, however, you want to keep the path clear for guests to walk unhindered.

if you find that a dontation box is not in a good spot you can double click
on it to pick it up and move it.


these are important for keeping your zoo clean. a littered zoo will make your
guests unhappy. trash usually comes from food and drink stalls. make sure to
place an equal number of trash and recycle bins in every guest area or near
every set of food and drink stalls. you can move bins by double clicking to
pick them up. bins are very small and only take up half of a square (triangle).

recycling bins are unique in that some trash (drinks mostly) must be recycled.
when they are recycled in a proper bin you will gain $1 for your recycling
efforts. that is not bad considering that a recycling bin has no upkeep cost.

maitenance workers can empty trash and recycling bins when they are nearing
full as can you in zoo guest mode.


as do most other objects these come in a variety of themes. benches are best
used in the center of your path no further than 1 tile from an exhibit. this
allows guests to sit, relax and view animals at the same time.

tables are best used near food and drink stalls. when a guest buys food or
drink they prefer to sit while they consume it. if no benches or tables
are provided guests will complain.

benches and tables are moveable, so if you find you need to rearrange your areas
dont delete them, just move them.

Gazebos are not moveable and only have a few themes but can provide relaxation
for a large number of guests.


like most things these objects come in different themes. Guests enjoy observing
animals from under an observation area. it will increase their entertainment
value. you can't put anything under an observation area so this gives another
reason for having at least 3 spaces for your paths (an observation area for each
exhibit on each side of the path and a free tile in the middle for benches and
donation boxes). these can be expensive to use so wait until you have a decent
income before you start setting them up. these can be moved however so don't
worry if you put it in the wrong place.


these also come in many different themes. arches are one of the best
decorations in the game. every arch except for the extinct themed arch is
three tiles wide which makes a 3 tile path the perfect place for them. every
guest that walks under an arch will gain entertainment. if you place
arches at major intersections with lots of traffic you should have no problem
keeping guests entertained.

please note, however, arches cannot be moved! if you find you need to move an
arch later then you must sell it and buy a new one. it is a small price to
pay for such a great item.


Another great set of decorations. guests love to look and comment on statues
and will toss coins into fountains to make a wish (you don't get any income
from fountains). I always like to place a fountain next to the entrance so
that guests are entertained as soon as they walk in. these decorations are
wonderful at keeping guests happy but have a high initial cost and cannot
be moved once they are placed. plan carefully and make sure you have plenty
of money before you start to decorate.


this provides a bit of enterainment but its main function is to help guests
find what they are looking for in your zoo. for a small zoo with few turns
the map serves little purpose. but for a large grid style or a zoo with a
more random layout the map helps guests find the animals they want to see and
helps them find food and drink stalls faster. this will help prevent guests
from walking around randomly (thus not doing anything to spend money on).

a map placed near the entrance and at every major intersection will be the
most effective.


binoculars are useful if you have exhibits that are deeper than 10 tiles.
binoculars provide 1 guest at a time with a visual range of 22 tiles, although,
they still cannot see past large objects such as trees, boulders, or other
such things.


This was an item added with MM XP. koi are fish that like to live outdoors in
ponds and lakes. they can make a great addition as a natural looking
decorative area with streams and waterfalls. Koi do not live very long however
and will need to be replaced from time to time. if you have a vision for a
beautiful zoo then by all means use them (guests will be enteratined by them),
however, due to their cost and life span they are not recommended for a
scenario or small zoo.

Koi must be placed in deep water.


there are many types of playground equipment such as bouncy rides, climbing
bars and trampolines. children are not as entertianed by statues as the
adults are so if you want to keep kids happy you must provide the occasional
playground. one or two bouncy rides is really all it takes to keep the kids
happy. if you have the room or have a vision to create then you are free
to add in the other objects. be careful when placing the gorilla climbing bars,
if you place the exit of the bars next to a wall the kids might get stuck trying
to get out.


I like music rocks. each one plays a different theme. you can hear the music
when you zoom in close to the rock or get close to it in zoo guest mode.
guests near the rock will also start to dance which can be fun to watch. most
music rocks are small and provide a decent amount of entertainment.


ES XP added tours and tour objects. these are found at the far right of the
object list. tour objects have the greatest impact when used in an exhibit
near a tour line. however, they can also be used as decorations outside of
exhibits for a moderate enteratinment boost.


I know what you are thinking, "It's about time we started talking about money!"

In order to start talking about money I had to make sure you understood the
basics of building a decent zoo and know about the strategies for making your
zoo more efficient. without proper planning and knowledge the information
in the following sections would have been much less useful.

Before you can make money you have to spend money. Lets begin by discussing
the games many forms of expenditures:
Construction Costs and Adoption Fees
Staff Salaries
Maintenance Fees
Animal Upkeep

Construction Costs and Adoption Fees go hand in hand. before you can do
anything in a new zoo you must build exhibits, lay down paths, and adopt
animals. you will also want to place a few decorations, benches, and amenities
before the first guest arrives since you will not know what they will want
when they get there. on a side note, you will not get any income from
putting your animals up for adoption, unlike in Zoo Tycoon 1.

When I build a new zoo I tend to start out with at least 1 decent exhibit with
about 3-4 animals (2 species, male and female each). then I build a 3 tile
path to the exhibit with one or two benches, a donation box and one small
guest area near the entrance.

Maintenance Fees are the result of buying amenities for your guests. all
buildings have some kind of monthly fee which can be thought of as a restocking
fee for food and drink or just a general cleaning and repair bill for the case
of restrooms or kiosks. Themed buildings cost more to maintain than normal
buildings. the monthly cost for a themed building or cart is usually twice
the cost for a regular version. however, regular buildings must be researched
and themed buildings only require fame.

Staff Salaries are paid on a monthly basis and when you first hire an
employee. it is best to wait until the beginning of a new month to hire any
new people. if you hire them at the end of the month then you will end up
paying double for the staff member; once when you hire them and again at the
first of the month.

Animal upkeep occurs whenever you need to refill food and water. this is
obviously a variable expense as it fully depends on how many animals you have,
how much they eat, and what they eat. from my experiments it seems that
restocking a food item will cost a variable amount depending on how much food
is still left in the container. you can find out the food level by clicking on
the food. if the food item is empty it will cost the same amount to refill it
as it would to buy an new one. if the food item is half full then it will
cost half. theoretically, one could recycle an empty food item and then buy
a fresh one to save on money, but, with a very large zoo, this is quite
impracticle. if anyone has other information about this please let me know.

Researching is available in scenario and challenge mode. you don't need to
research anything in FF mode. Researching is completley avoidable unlike the
other forms of expenditures. however, in order to get the best items for
use in your zoo there will be some research needed. for more details on
researching you can see BUILDINGS AND OBJECTS section above.

if you spend money too quickly you might actually go into debt at the first of
the month when your zoo automatically pays out all the staff salaries and
maintenance fees at the same time. don't worry about it, you won't lose
the game if you go in to debt, however, if you are not making an overall
profit then you will not be able to buy anything either. if you find that
you are in debt and staying in debt then you should look at all of your
buildings which are costing you upkeep and recycle all the ones which are
not making a profit or which are not generating income.

Now that we can see where our money is going, lets take a look at where our
funds are comming from:
Entrance Fees
Food and Drink Sales
Gift Sales

Entrance Fees will be one of your zoos first forms of income. everytime a
guest appears at the front gate you will get your entrance fee. Entrance fees
can be set to 4 different levels; free, $10, $20, and $50. the default is $20.
I like to keep the fee at the default level for a new zoo. once your zoo is
up and running the entrance fee income will be small change compared to the
rest of your zoos income. with a famous zoo you could charge $50 and still
have quite a lot of guests show up, however, each guest only shows up with
a set amount of money (which can be increased if they visit an ATM). one idea
is to make the entrance fee free instead of raising it so your guests can
spend that money on other things such as dontations. really there is no
right strategy for the entrance fee. set it do default for a new zoo, and then
do what you like once you become famous.

Recycling income happens anytime you delete something. you can get recycling
income from the rocks and trees that come as part of a new map or even for
objects that you had bought previously. recycling income is usually the first
income one gets when starting a new scenario. recycling bins also give $1 of
income for every water bottle your guests put into it. the best source of
recycling income is the compost building. this building (discussed in
BUILDINGS AND OBJECTS section above) costs $50 a month in upkeep, but, can
produce a large amount of income even for a small zoo. get one of these as
soon as you can. By the way, you can recycle almost anything except staff,
animals and guests. trash and poo can be recycled with the compost building.

Food and Drink Sales are a very large part of your zoos income. guests get
hungry and thirsty all the time. if you follow the suggestions of the previous
sections and build guest areas then guests will have access to all kinds
of food, drink and desserts which they will be more than happy to spend thier
money on. of course these stalls and carts do come with monthly restocking fees
but in a well planned zoo with guest areas the income is generally much greater
than the outgo. you can check a buildings profit by clicking on it and going
to the money tab (picture of money). if a building is making profit, then
you can keep it. if it is a cart, and the profit is low then consider moving
it to a better location. if a building is losing money then delete or move it
as soon as possible and consider revising your plan.

Gift carts are similar to food and drink stalls except that guests dont get
hungry for gifts, or do they... when a guest sees an aniaml which entertains
them they get excited and want to buy a gift of that animal. if it is
a marine or extinct animal then they will need access to a marine or extinct
animal gift cart, otherwise, a standard cart will do. the gift shop can sell
all items. the best strategy with these is to place them near exhibits so
guests can fullfill their material desires at the drop of a hat. I rarely ever
have any trouble with gift carts, if you do, just pick it up and move it.

Donations, donations, donations; these are the number one source of income for
any zoo. there are four kinds of dontations; regular, education, tour, and
show. Tour and show donations happen very simply after a guest has been on
a tour or seen a marine show. the more spectacular the tour or show, the
higher the donations. tour and show donations are generally very high, but, so
is the cost of setting up and running tours and shows (see below for more
detials on tours and shows).

educational and regular donations occur every so often when a guest has had
a happy experience with an animal. donation boxes must be readily accessible
or the guest will complain that they wanted to donate but could not find a
box. boxes cost very little to buy and have no upkeep, so donations are
essentially free money! If the exhibit the guest is viewing is educational then
there is a small chance that the guest will make an educational donation.
educational donations are used mostly for challenge and scenario goals as well
as unlocking certain objects. Educators can have a small indirect increase on
educational donations, but, the best tool for increasing these donations is
with the discovery kiosk.

At this point, if you have followed along with zoo planning and layout, and
understand the different exhibit designs and use of guest areas and path
planning then you should have no problem making money. the biggest problem
you might have at this point is to make money fast enough to do what you want to
do in a reasonable amount of time. don't worry if you go into debt, just wait
for a few minuets while your guests continue to buy food and give donations.
if you set your zoo up correctly you should be out of debt in no time.


OK, so what is this zoo fame I keep talking about? well, a new feature in ZT2
is that of fame. basically, when your zoo is new you are not very famous and so
you will not have access to many different buildings, objects or animals. as
your zoo grows you will be given more and more items and animals to choose
from. For example, as a new zoo you will not have the ability to build a
family restroom, but, you can build a small restroom.

Think of zoo fame as your reputation in the business and animal conservation
world. if you are just starting out then other zoos and wildlife
conservationists do not know you well enough to trust you with a javan rhino or
a flock of flamingos. you need to build up your reputation in order to adopt
more interesting, endangered and expensive animals.

the same idea goes for buildings and objects. you need to have a reputation
among suppliers and contractors as a reliable and money savvy zoo director
before they will sell you the more expensive, bigger, and fancier equipment.
suppliers are not going to sell you that huge fountain and install it for you
if they don't think your zoo has the income to cover the cost.

Zoo Fame comes in the form of stars. there are 5 stars at half star increments.
every half star increment will "unlock" a new set of buildings and objects as
well as new animals.

The following concepts all contribute to your total fame score:

The number of animals you have
The number of different species you have
the average happiness of your animals

the educational value of your habitats
the entertainment value of your animals
the average happiness of your guests

the number of animals you have released to the wild
*the number of awards and challenges you have overcome during the current game

*award and challenge goals only affect fame in a FF or challenge game.
scenario games do not have challenges or current awards so this is not
counted toward fame during a campaign game.

The first three are fairly simple. the more animals you have and the more
diverse your animals are the higher your fame goes.

you will need 35 animals to max out the first requirement.
you will need 20 different species to max out the second.
the third requirement is a little tricky since animal happiness is always in
constant flux, but, if you do your best to keep them happy you should have
no trouble here. This score takes time to rise for new animals. in other
words, the game measures animal happiness over the course of a long time
period and not as an exact measurement of current happiness.

the next three are a little more challenging.

educational habitats require exhibits which contain animals in their native
biomes. most animals can live perfectly happy in many different biomes, but,
if they are not in their native biome it will hinder your educational score.
creating habitats with multiple animals as well as native flora and rocks can
also add to the educational score. educators with podiums are also useful for
increasing this value. this will also rise over time. the more guests that
are educated by your exhibits the higher the score will go, you just need to
wait for it.

I did extensive detailed research on educational score. what I found out is
that this score is largely dependant on how many guests see an educational
exhibit. if you have no guests then this score will be zero no matter how
well designed your exhibits are. if you have plenty of guests then you can
easily get 80% of this score by simply having an animal in its native biome.
you don't even need trees, shrubs or rocks. educators are hit or miss. I have
seen educators add as much as 20% and sometimes they don't help at all. the
game suggests "grouping compatible biomes" but does not mention what those
biomes are. my research says that there are no such things as compatible
biomes. I had an alpine, tropical, and desert exhibit next to each other
and my educational score was 90%.

one thought on compatible biomes comes from the EA XP manual. it makes a
reference to what might be compatible biomes:

in order for you to acquire fame for entertaining animals then you need to
offer enrichment items to your animals and they must use them within the view
of nearby guests. marine shows are great for increasing this but you can get
by without them. the best enrichment objects are the scratching post and
the big pink ball. for more information on enrichment items see ANIMAL

creating multi animal exhibits is also a great way to increase entertainment
score. adding rocks, trees and shrubs can all help with this score. basically
if you give your animals lots of things to do and interact with you will have
a high entertainment score.

the next fame measurement is guest happiness. guests are very fickle and
capricious (look those words up if you don't know what they mean).
you need to provide for every possible need of every guest that comes into
your zoo. even if you provide guest areas and happy animals you may still
only have a 50% guest happiness score. in order to keep guests as happy as
possible you will need to go below to the GUEST HAPPINESS section. yes,
keeping guests happy requires its own section. this is just like animal
happiness in that it takes time for this score to raise.

the last 6 measurements are all in constant flux, but, once you have a decent
zoo going they will pretty much all stay rather high. the next two measurements
are fixed. once you get these maxed out you never have to worry about them.

the first one is concerned with releasing animals to the wild. this is can be
easy but it requires that the animal be in perfect bliss. in otherwords, all
of the animals basic and advanaced needs must be in the green. for a FF game
this is very easy, since you can adopt an animal and immediately release it
to the wild without much fuss. in a challenge or campaign game this is more
difficult since the animals cost money. for a new zoo, you do not want to
release animals right away. when you do this you loose some of your "number of
aniamls" measurement, the value of the animal, and you have one less animal to
attract guests to your zoo with. the best time to release an animal is to wait
until some of your animals begin to breed. when they give birth you can think
of releasing some of the parents to the wild.

Birds are great for releasing to the wild (peafowls especially) since they
breed quickly. Herd animals are also good for this. don't wait until an
exhibit is overcrowed before making the decision to release. if the exhibit is
overcrowded then the habitat rating for all animals in the exhibit will go to
red and you will not be able to release any of them to the wild. the only
option you will have that point is to put some up for adoption which gives you
nothing in return.

in order to max out this measurement you need to release 10 animals to the
wild. however, there are 4 awards which deal with releasing animals. you
get an award for releasing 1 animal, 10 animals, 25 animals and for releasing
10 endangered species (which you can be done at the same time as the other
awards). so don't stop releasing animals when you have reached 10, keep
going for the awards.

while we are on the subject of awards you will need a combination of any
20 awards and challenges to max out this measurement. only the challenges and
awards earned during the current game will count toward this measurement. even
if you have maxed out your awards and challenges as far as fame goes, you should
still continue to achieve awards. each challenge and award comes with added
bonuses. some bonuses are small such as increased guest attendance (which
does bring in more money over a longer period of time). some bonuses bring
cash awards and some even unlock all new buildings and objects.

some challenges will even unlock persistant game awards which will allow you to
use new themes or buildings in any zoo within the current profile! Normally
FF mode will give you access to all objects and buildings except those
which need to be unlocked through persistant game awards.

for a complete list of awards see the AWARDS section below.


We have been talking a lot about money, mechanics and architecture, but, not
a lot of information about the animals. this section is dedicated to
understanding what makes aniamls tick and how best to maximize their happiness.

for a complete list of all animals and their statistics please see APPENDIX A

The easiest way to find out what biome, flora, food, fencing and items are best
for an animal is to click on the animal and then click on Zookeeper
recommendations. this will bring up another subwindow which will have all
the items you could ever want which are useful for that animal.

Every animal has two sets of needs; basic and advanced.

the basic needs are Biome, Hunger, Thirst, Sleep and exercise.
The advanced needs are Privacy, Hygene, social and entertainment

to see an animals current needs status click on the animal and click on the
tab with a heart. here you can see all the needs of the animal as icons in
boxes. you can mouse over each icon to know what each one represents.

as each need becomes less satisfied over time the box will fill with a color
No color means that the need is completely satisfied.
green means that the need is satisfied just not perfect.
yellow means that the need could use a little work but the animal is still ok.
red means that the need requires attention and the animal is not happy.

if any of the basic needs are yellow or red then the animal is not happy.
unhappy animals will create unhappy guests.

advanced needs are a little different. advanced needs can be yellow or red
and the animal can still be happy. Advanced needs are requireed for advanced
activites such as breeding, releasing to the wild and creating entertaining
animal exhibits. note that in order to breed or release an animal to the
wild you must meet all of the animals needs (green or no color).

Lets begin discussing each need in more detail.

- The Biome

First and foremost, animals need a place to live. All animals must be contained
in an exhibit or else the guests will not be able to view them properly.
exhibit construction was discussed earlier but to sum up what was discussed you
will need the proper kind of fencing or some kind of steep cliff to contain
the animal. their exhibit needs to be the proper size for their species.
each additional animal of the same species will require more space but will
not need as much space as the first.

the exhibit can be of any shape you desire. if an animal needs 100 squares of
space you can build a 10x10 space or a 2x50 space. you could make it round,
octangonal, or even some irregular shape. the shape of the exhibit does not
matter when it comes to happiness, it is the amount of space (squares) that
matter. the shape of your exhibits will be determined by the design and layout
of your zoo.

if you are really counting every square then you should know that even half
squares count toward the total. so, if you round off the corners of a square
exhibit then you are essentially removing two squares (4 half squares makes two

one thing to keep in mind for space is to plan ahead for breeding. baby animals
take up just as much space as adult animals, so, figure out ahead of time how
many differnet species and how big you want each family to be then use the
chart in APPENDIX A to determine how many squares you will need. keep in mind
the view distance of 10 squares for your guests and design away. also note,
that eggs do not require space, they will only needs space once they hatch.

after you have an enclosure that is big enough you must now fill it with the
proper biome. a biome is a collection of plants, aniamls, rocks, and
climate. each animal has a native biome which is an area of the world in which
it is normally found. some animals can be happy in many biomes. many animals
can tolerate biomes that are dissimilar to their native biome. by tolerate
I mean that the biome need will be yellow. and of course every animal has a
set of biomes which they cannot live in (biome need will be red).
each animals native biome is listed in the Zoopedia and in APPENDIX A.

making sure that an animal is in their native biome is important as this will
increase the amount of money you get from educational donations as well as
giving you more points toward a more famous zoo.

note though, that if you have many animals that are native to the same biome
then you can put them all in the same exhibit (space permitting). even if they
come from differnet countries they will still be happy and you will still
get the educational exhibit bonus. all that matters is that the animals are in
their native biome. Trees, flowers and rocks from the same biome can also
help increase the educational score as can educators with podiums.

it is also possible to mix biomes in the same exhibit, but, this gets tricky
as the number of animals which can live happily in the exhibit decreases for
every biome you have in the exhibit. you don't want to mix tundra and desert
together as there are no animals which can live in both biomes happily. mixed
biome exhibits also have a problem with educational score since if an animal
wanders off into a biome that is not their native biome then the score will
fall temporarily until they wander back to their native biome. mixed exhibits
are not recommended for a beginner.

another consideration when laying down the biome is that of water. all animals
can wade through shallow water without any difficulty (not that I have seen
anyway). deep water is a different story. not all animals can swim. if an
animal wanders into deep water and cannot swim you will get a warning message
that your animal is drowning and you must rescue it. the best thing to do is
to not add deep water to exhibits with animals that can't swim. all exhibits
should have some shallow water, even if it is just a small spot. all animals
from what I have seen so far, can drink water from shallow water. you do not
need to buy water dishes and troughs if you provide shallow water. zookeepers
may, on thier own, put down a water dish, but, you should not need to do it
yourself if you provide shallow water.

for animals that do not swim, deep water also subtracts from the amount of
available space in the exhibit. for example, in a 10x10 exhibit with 50 squares
of deep water a zebra (for example) will only have 50 squares which it considers
livable, where as a lion will consider all 100 squares livable since the lion
can swim and the zebra cannot.

you do not need to provide deep or shallow water for any non-marine animal even
if they normally prefer it. for example, crocodiles and hippos love to swim
but they do not require water to be happy, just the proper biome and space.

- Hunger

once you have the biome set you need to think about keeping your animals alive.
this is done simply by feeding them. every animal has a set of food types which
they can eat. herbivores prefer hay, leaves, lettuce and branches. carnivores
prefer meat or fish. birds like berries, and primates like bananas. however,
don't assume that an animal likes berries just because it is a bird. before
placing food make sure to check the zookeeper recommendations, you might be
surprised to find that some birds eat shrimp and fish and some carnivores will
also eat berries!

just putting down some food is not enough to keep the animal happy and alive.
over time the animal will eat the food and it must be replenished. you can
do this in guest mode or your zookeepers will do this automatically when the
food gets to a certain level. it will cost upkeep to replenish the food, but,
the cost is low so it should not be too much of a burden.

another consideration of food is how the food is presented to the animal. take
berries for example, you can put berries on the ground, in a dish, in a log,
on a platform or even burried in substrate. generally the more expensive the
food type the more interesting the food will be for the animal. the more
involved an animal is with its food or the more realistic it is the more
entertainment the animal (and the guests) will be when they eat it. the best
foods are usually the most expensive, so, for berries the food in a log,
in substrate or on a raised platform would be the best. however, for a new zoo,
placing food directly on the ground will do. also, the more expensive food
sources require higher fame levels as well as research.

so long as the proper food is present and the animal is able to reach it
then the hunger need can be satisfied.

- Thirst

we already mentioned this a little in the biome section. water is the only
source of fluids your animals will get in this game (no milk or other treats
are available to give).

just like with food, there are many ways to provide water; in a bowl, in
a trough or from shallow water. shallow water is free to place and all
animals that I have seen can make use of shallow water as a source for
drinking. zookeepers will occasionally place down water bowls. if you don't
want water bowls then you can move them or recycle them.

shallow water does not always make sense though, especially if you are designing
an arid exhibit (such as a desert or scurb land exhibit). in those cases
you can use water dishes for just about any animal, however, dishes only
have a small amount of water in them. there are water troughs but not all
of your smaller animals can get up to the trough to drink from it. if you are
unsure as to how to offer water to your animals then simply check out the
zookeeper recommendations.

- Sleep

For the most part animals can sleep anywhere, anytime. when they want to doze
off they simply lay down and go to sleep. some things that may interfere with
this sleep cycle are other animals in the exhibit or nearby exhibits that might
bother the animal. carnivores are notorious for chasing and scaring other
animals, never giving them a moments rest for example.

shelters can provide a nice quiet place for an animal to sleep but these will
be covered in more detail in the Privacy section just below.

- exercise

again, like sleep, this is pretty simple for a happy healthy animal. most
animals when they are happy will run around their exhibit and prance and play.
this counts as exercise. swimming in deep water, playing with friends, and
using certain enrichment objects also counts as exercise. for the most part
though you should not need to do anything to keep this green. if you find
that a certain animal is in need of exercise you can always provide an
enrichment object such as a ball, a log or a nice big tire.

- Privacy

this is one of the advanced needs. animals don't need privacy to be happy but
it can help. the cheap way to provide privacy is to create areas in the
exhibit where guests cannot see. this can be done by providing deep water
for swimmers (guests cannot see into deep water unless it is a marine or hybrid
exhibit) and by creating exhibits which are deeper than 10 tiles. you can also
reduce the visible area of the exhibit by only providing a small window of
veiwing space such as with the indented exhibit suggested earlier.

the best way to provide privacy is to offer some kind of shelter. every type
of animal has a certain kind of shelter which suits it. if a shelter is
available in the exhibit an animal will choose to sleep in it as opposed to
sleeping on the bare ground. all shelters, including the shade structure,
provide privacy, even if the shelter does not appear to hide the animal from

if a guest can see an animal sleeping in its structure then the guests will
acutally find that amusing. even if the animal can be seen sleeping in the
structure it will still count as privacy for the animal. I always provide
at least one structure for all my aniamls since it makes both the animals
and the guests happier.

- Hygene

This is another advanced need. most animals are very good about keeping
themselves clean. they groom themselves mostly and if they are in an exhibit
with others of their kind they can groom each other. if you provide a nice
sized area of shallow water this can help increase the hygene of most animals.
Elephants especially love to use shallow water to bathe in. swimming in deep
water can also act as taking a bath.

if you go into guest mode you can bathe and groom the animals yourself. this
is probably the easiest and cheapest advanced need you can provide for
your animals. if an animal gets distracted they can let their hygene slide.
your zookeepers will notice this when the hygene bar become red and they will
wash your animals with a bubble bath spray.

if your animals get too dirty for too long they can get sick. you or your
zookeepers can cure this disease easily. Extinct animals are a different matter
however. EA XP added extinct diseases to the game. these diseases are more
difficult to cure than a simple medical kit can handle. you will need to play
a strange mini game to cure an extinct disease. for more details see the
MINI GAMES section below.

marine animals are a little different when it comes to hygene. the animals
themselves do not get dirty but the water does. you can clean the water
yourself in guest mode. you can also buy a water filter (found under
marine show tab in the construction box) but you will need a maintenance
worker to keep the filter running in top condition.

- Social

Social is another advanced need, it is also the most costly to provide. in
order to accomodate the social needs of your animals you must provide other
animals in the exhibit with which they can socialize. the best option here is
to build an exhibit which can house two of the same species. the cost is in
making bigger exhibits, providing more food, and purchasing extra animals.

aniamls can socialize with animals of different species so long as they are not
carnivores. herd animals especially love to socialize with other herd animals.
zebras, gazelles and giraffes for example get along splendidly. animals gain
more of a benefit if they have others of their own kind to socialize with and
it would be better still if they were of the opposite sex.

be cautious about putting a male and female together however as this can
most obviously lead to babies. babies are not bad at all. they can provide
your zoo with many benefits such as free animals, extra fame, and happier
guests. the problem is that babies take up more space, eat more food and create
more poo. if you are going to breed your animals make sure to plan ahead.

Carnivores are the harder ones to satisfy this need for. generally in the wild
carnivores are solitary hunters (with a few exceptions such as lions and wolves)
carnivores would rather chase, harrass and eat other animals than socialize with
them. even if carnivores are fed and happy they can still attack and kill other
animals just for something do. be very cautious about keeping carnivores in
exhibits with other animals. in my experience if you put two different species
of carnivore in an exhibit they will attack each other regardless of how
happy they are. if you are very cautious and keep your animals in perfect bliss
you can keep one carnivore species in an exhibit with other herbivores, the
herbivores might not get much sleep, but, you can still pull it off.

- FROM Eriorguez_4Ever
"I'd just like to point you a thing: Some species of carnivores will live
happily together, but they have to be more or less the same size. For
example, Ethiopian and grey wolves, tiger and lion, Velociraptor and
Stripped hyena, or Utahraptor, Stokesosaurus and Carnotaurus. However,
you should look after the babies, as they are likely to be hunted. Also,
in my whole experience, I've never seen a marine animal killing other,
despite the conditions being the proper..."

as an example, I had 2 lions and 2 cheetahs in a large exhibit together. there
was plenty of food for everyone and plenty of space (room for 4 of each).
after a time the lions started to chase the cheetahs all the time and eventually
I lost two cheetahs to lion attacks. the lions were perfectly happy and were
not hungry. eventually I had to seperate my cheetahs into a seperate exhibit.
I also had a hard time keeping crocodiles and monitors together. you have been

I have noticed on several occasions when mixing carnivores and other animals
that my carnivores gained social points by stalking other animals. they did not
kill their prey, they just followed it around. this is apparently how
carnivores socialize when there are no others of their kind around.

- Entertainment

This is another advanced need. entertainment is mainly provided in the form
of enrichment objects such as salt licks, scratching posts, big pink bouncing
balls and large swinging tires. basically these are toys for your animals.

guests absolutely love seeing animals play with toys and infact, when lots of
guests see animals playing with toys your zoo will gain extra fame in the
form of entertaining exhibits.

some animals don't need toys to have fun. herd animals especially can entertain
themselves simply by playing and sociallizing with each other. if you have
not figured it out yet, herd animals do best when put in exhibits with other
herd animals. they will talk to each other, play chase each other, play fight
with each other, groom each other, and do all kinds of neat things. a lot of
the fun of this whole game is just seeing how animals interact with each other.

Trainable animals are especially easy to keep entertained if they are being
trained for a show. the show is also a great way to entertain guests. the
down side of shows though is that they can be exhausting for animals and
very costly to run and maintain.

- Final Points

A few final notes on keeping animals happy:
Carnivores are generally more difficult to keep happy than herd animals and
birds. this is because they are usually solitary animals in the wild. they
like their privacy, they don't get along well with others and they tend to
be rather picky about things.

also, the more endanged an animal is the more needy they are. pandas are the
worst. they only eat a certain type of food, they require a ton of
privacy and they will only sleep in a very special kind of shelter. the high
needs of endangered animals is countered by the increased donations and higher
guest attraction the animals produce.

Always remember to be cautious about keeping carnivores and herbivores together
in the same exhibit. you have been warned.


Guests are just like aniamls, only worse. they are more demanding and more
difficult to keep happy than a cranky panda. that is why this section is
here, to help you understand the mystery that is the customer and to help
you squeeze as much money out them as possible and then make them want an ATM
so they can give you more.

The number one thing you need in your zoo for guests to be happy is animals.
this is what draws them in and keeps them there. guests will be made happier
if they see:
- happy animals. the happier the animals the happier the guest
- animals that are eating. when you place food and water in an exhibit place
the dish/pile near the guest viewing area. this will force the animals to
come into view every time they get hungry and they are always hungry.
do not place food or water dishes up against the edge of the fence, this
can cause glitches where animals get stuck or can't reach the food/water.
- animals that are playing. just like with food and water put the animal toys
next to the viewing area so eveyone can get a good look at them.
- animals that are sleeping. shelters are big and bulky so you don't want them
near the viewing area, however, you should put them somewhere within the
guests viewing range. if an exhibit is no deeper than 10 tiles, you can put it
in the back and still reap these benefits.
- animals that are socializing. try to put multiple animals in the same
exhibit. guests are able to sense when an animals advanced needs are not met.

Just like animals, guests have needs. when the needs are met they are happy
and this is a good thing. guest needs are hunger, thirst, rest, amusement,
and bathroom. just like with animals you can view a particular guests needs
by clicking on them and then selecting the tab with the heart. when you
do this you will actually see 6 boxes, the first one is the general level
of happiness which is an average of the other 5 boxes. just as with the
animals if the box is colorless it is satisfied, green is happy, yellow is
ok but not great, and red is unhappy or in urgent need of care.

- Hunger

Unlike with animals you can't just place random food on the floor for people
to eat. guests are more sophisticated and have more refined tastes than
animals, you know, like hamburgers, shishkabob and candy canes!

for guests you need to purchase food stalls and desert carts. when a guests
hunger level reaches yellow or red they will start to seek out a food stall for
a bite to eat. there are many different kinds of food stalls and each one
has a different effect on the guest. you can always look in the zoopedia
during the game if you want to know more about a building.

Also please note that not all buildings are availabe right from the start. for
a new zoo only hot dogs and pretzles will be available. also, every stand
and cart comes in all available themes. other than the hot dog and pretzle
carts all default themed food stands will have to be researched.

for more information about buildings and objects, please see APPENDIX B bleow
(this is if I have gotten around to writting it yet).

Hot Dogs - this is most popular with kids, but, adults will eat them too.

Hamburgers - this is a more well liked choice for the whole family but requires
more fame than hot dogs

Shish Kebab - this is a more pricey food stand but adults enjoy the more exotic
foods and will gladly the pay the fee. children would prefer a hot dog or
hamburger however.

Sub Sandwiches - this is a prefered option for male adults.

Sushi - this is another fancy food that costs more but adult females really
enjoy it.

Salad - this is a standard food option which is good for female adults.

Desert Carts - it should be said for all desert carts that after a guest
has eaten their meal most of them will start looking for a desert, this means
more money for you. all deserts come in the form of a cart which is moveable.

candy canes - most popular with kids. this must be researched in campaign or
scenario mode which will cost $800.

cheesecake - this is most popular with adult males.

Cotton Candy - another treat popular with kids.

Fruit Cup - this will appeal mostly to your aduld female guests.

Ice Cream - a cool treat which is great for kids.

Popcorn - not technically a desert cart but it can serve as a quick snack.
it is most popular with adult males.

Pretzles - also not exactly a desert, it is more of a quick snack. this is
most popular with the adult females.

Restaurants work a little different than stands and carts. first of all
they are much bigger, they are also more expensive and require a high
fame level to acquire. the benefit of a restaurant is that it can satisfy
hunger, thirst and rest and it provides desert as well all for one simple cost
to the guest. the restaurant does not satisfy the bathroom need.
also, there is never a line for a restaurant as there is for a
stand or cart, restaurants can service an unlimited number of guests at the
same time. when they become available I like to make a large guest area
with all three restaurants, a gift shop, an ATM and a family restroom.
Restaurants do not come in different themes.

Restaurant - this is the cheapest option for your guests serving bottled water,
hot dogs, and a fruit cup.

Family Restaurant - this is also a good option for cheap dinning serving
soda, ice cream and a hamburger.

Fancy Restaurant - this is a more pricey and exotic dining experience which
is popular with the adults. it serves shish kebab, coffee and cheesecake.

- Thirst

Just like with hunger there are various stands for getting drinks. however,
the choices are fewer here. there are no drink carts only stalls.

Soda - available at the beginning. this is most popular with kids but adults
like it too.

Coffee - more popular with adults, but, kids will give it go too from time to

Water - most popular with adults. the water bottle is recycleable which if
put into a recycling bin will net you $1 in recycling income. I use water
stands every where when they become availabe.

- Rest

This is most easily satisfied by providing benches and tables for your
guests to sit down and relax on. benches and tables have no maintenance cost
and can be moved after purchase. other than taking up a square of space,
you can't have enough of these.

both tables and benches can be purchased in any theme available. themed
versions will cost more than the regular ones.

tables are best used in guest areas so that guests can buy food and drink and
then sit at a table to enjoy it. benches are best used near exhibits so that
guests can sit and watch animals while they relax. if you don't provide tables
near food and water, guests will complain that they have no where to sit and
eat. this does not directly make them unhappy, but it is more efficient to
have them fulfill three needs all at the same time; hunger, thirst, and rest.

staff members will occasionally sit on a bench or table if they have no work
to do which can take space away from your guests.

Gazebos can also provide relaxation for your guests but are expensive and
take up a lot of room.

- Amusement

this is one of the most expensive needs to satisfy but can be done rather easily
if you know how it works. decorations are the key to affecting a guests
amusement rating. guests are also entertained by animals that are playing
with toys, but, animals are not always playing with toys so decorations will
be your number one entertainment choice.

the best decorations are arches. if you build your paths with an odd number
of tiles wide (3 or 5 are the best). arches are generally 3 tiles wide with
1 tile in the middle for guests to pass underneath (the extinct themed arch is
4 tiles which makes it difficult to use). every guest that passes under
an arch will be entertained by it. when you place them at all major
intersections and along well used paths, you will be entertaining a lot of
guests with very little cost.

another great decoration idea is to put a fountain or some thing large near
the front gate. this will cause most new arrivals to be entertained right
as they walk in. statues also work well at intersections when you have the

Themed areas also promote entertainment. if you have any themes available
it is recommended to use them as opposed to using the default. this is a
good idea for both entertainment and saving money in the short term.

other forms of entertainment are playgrounds. Kids will require more
entertainment than adults as they get bored faster. bouncy rides, trampolines,
gorilla bars and other equipment really make the difference. you don't need to
create a single play ground area (unless you want to). putting one or
two bouncy rides here or there is really all you need to keep the kids happy.

- Bathroom

This is can be difficult for a small or new zoo, more famous zoos (2 stars)
will have no trouble in this arena. when you first start out you will only
have access to the small restroom. this can only serve one guest at a time.
if you have a lot of guests then this can lead to long lines. long lines
make guests angry (since they are not satisfying any of their needs while they
wait). they are also not spending money (like with donations). if the lines
get too long you will get people complaining and eventually overall
guest happiness will fall.

to prevent long lines with a small restroom just build more of them. I always
plop down at least two small restrooms for a new zoo. this seems to help long
enough for my zoo to acquire a family restroom.

the family restroom is one of the best buildings in the game. it costs more
to purchase and maintain than a small restroom but it can serve an unlimited
number of people at once; no more lines at the restroom. I put one of these
at every guest area and any where I think I might have some space.

both bathroom sizes are available in different themes.

- Miscellaneous

one of the reasons guests are harder to keep happy than animals is that their
happiness is not all about keeping their needs satisfied. here is a small list
of some of the things that make guests unhappy:

- Seeing trash, a full trash can, or animal poo.
- Not being able to find an ATM when they run out of money
- Not being able to find a donation box when they want to donate money
- Not being able to see any animals
- Standing in a line for too long
- seeing an unhappy or sick animal

There are other things which displease guests, but you get the idea. If you
want to know more about what a guest is thinking or why they are not happy
you can click on a guest and select the thought bubble tab to the far right.
this will give an idea of what they are thinking and what they want.

once a guest has made the decision to leave there is no stopping them. the
idea is to keep them in the zoo for as long as possible and give them
every opportunity to spend their money. if you have a decent zoo then a
new guest will arrive shortly after the current guest has left, but, the
current guest must completely leave the zoo before a new one can arrive.

other than happiness a guest will leave the zoo if they have no money left.
that is where ATMs come in to play. I put ATMs in guest areas and near
restrooms. ATMs are expensive to buy and maintain, although they are available
from the very beginning. they can be moved but the upkeep is steep, be cautious
about buying too many. if you need to get rid of a few expenses click on
all of your ATMs and look at its Lifetime Users stat. if this number seems low
either move it or recycle it.

remember it is better to keep a guest in your zoo once they have arrived then
to let a guest leave and be replaced by another. this is because a guest that
is leaving must walk all the way through your zoo to get out and all the while
he is not spending money and bringing down your zoo guest happiness score.
the new guest will also not have any idea where anything is and will spend
some time trying to find what it is they want (all the while not spending

next to animal happiness, guest happiness is your number one priority.

Even if you feel you have provided for all of your guests needs and you are
certain that there is nothing more you can do you may still get a few guests
who just can't be happy. this is normal. you can't expect to keep everyone
happy all the time. in a large zoo you will inevitably get messages such as
"guest cannot find a place to sit and eat" or "guests are starving" or
"guests need more restrooms". well all I can say about that is "guests are
dumb." what you really need know about guest happiness is in the fame
section. if your overall guest happiness is 75% or higher then don't worry
about it unless you really want to.


This section will be dedicated to listing and talking about all the different
kinds of awards you can achieve during the game. there are two kinds of
awards; persistant and current game awards.

persistant awards are those that are unlocked for an entire profile. this
means that once you achieve them, they are unlocked for all future games
under the same profile. any new buildings or objects that come as part of
that will also be available during any other future games.

most persistant awards are achieved by completing scenarios, but, a few of them
are gained by completing challenges which encourages you to play both modes.
persistant awards are useful in that the buildings and objects they unlock
are not even available in FF mode until you acquire them. if you want to play
FF mode (or any mode) with all the available content then you must finish all
scenarios and most challenges in the game.

Current game awards are only available in challenge and FF modes. some
awards can only be achieved in challenge mode, however. those awards will
be noted below in the listing.

your awards can be seen by clicking on the front gate and selecting the Zoo
Awards Tab (picture of a trophy). here there are two subscreens; current game
awards and persistant awards. there are no current game awards available for
a scenario game, but, persistant awards are available in all games.

only current game awards count towards your fame metric. awards are not
counted as part of your fame during a scenario.

the awards below will be listed in the same order they appear in the game and
by the item you unlock when you achieve the award.


Flower Arch - Complete the Troubled Zoos campaign. this is one of my favorite
arches for decoration. very much worth the effort.

Desert Theme - Complete the African Adventure campaign. I love themes and
this is my favorite one.

Sundial - Complete the Prevent Animal Abuse Campaign. This is an interesting
decoration which can be nice to have.

Globe - Complete the Globe Campaign. another interesting decoration.

Gilded Panda Statue - Complete the Mysterious Panda Campaign. this is a little
anti-climactic. you actually have to complete the Conservation Programs
campaign in order to unlock the Mysterious Panda Campaign and even then its
just a statue.

Flower Post - Complete the Zoo Keeper in Training campaign. I don't use
posts much in this game, they are expensive and very small, although this one
is a nice looking one.

Extinct Theme - Complete the Extinct Campaign. yep, its another theme to
decorate your zoo with. I dont like the 4 tile wide arch but other wise it
is nice to have more themes.

Cat Climber - Complete the photo safari campaign. this is a nice object for
to keep your cats happy and engaged.

Conservation Breeding Center - Complete the Endangered Species campaign. This
is a very nice building which increases the likelyhood of endangered species
breeding. this can be very helpful in other campaigns that require baby
animals to be bred.

Decorated Tour Gate - complete the Transportation campaign. this award is
rather small. a tour gate is a gate that is created when a jeep tour route
crosses through an exhibit fence. it has very little impact on your game.
I think it is rather dissapointing.

Blue Whale Hall - Complete the Marine Animals campaign. this is a great
guest entertainment object. it is big but very cool I think.

Upgraded Show Platform - Complete the Marine Shows Campaign. this is nice
if you intend to create a lot of marine shows. otherwise it is not very

Brachiosaurus Slide - Complete the Extinct Exploration campaign. This is
one of the biggest items you can build. it is a playground slide the size of
a brachiosaurus! very cool I think.

Quagga - Release one of each extinct animal to the wild. This can be done
very easily an quickly in Free Form mode. it seems like cheating but I think
they intended it to be that way. this is the only award that gives you a
new animal. Quagga is adoptable once your zoo reaches 1.5 fame stars. one of
the best persistant awards in the game.

Jungle Theme - complete 5 Photo Challenges in challenge mode. what else can
I say, its another cool theme set.

Safari Theme - complete 5 Game Challenges in challenge mode. wow, even more
themed buildings and objects.

Endangered Species Theme - Complete 2 endangered species challenges...and
the themes keep on comming.

Tuna Live Food - Complete 2 Marine Animal Challenges. this is an interesting
item as it is one of three animals in the game which are not counted as an
exhibitable animal. the other two are koi and live lizard food. this fish
along with the koi and the lizard will live for a time before being eaten or
die of old age.

Big Screen TV - Complete 2 Marine Show Challenges. this is an addition
to your marine shows which adds to their star rating. this is a great addition
to marine shows, but, if you are not a show person, then it is pretty useless.


Current game awards are only offered in FF mode and challenge games. these
awards will count toward your fame level. some awards are only available
in challenge mode as they will unlock certain buildings and objects which
are already unlocked in FF mode. this list is in the order they appear in the
game under the rewards tab of the Zoo Status subscreen. awards which are not
available in FF mode will be noted in the description.

Africa Tycoon Award
- Have more than 10 african species in your zoo
- unlocks new jeep vehicle skin
- challenge mode only
Conservation Effort Award
- release 1 animal to the wild
- increases award fame
Conservation Achievement Award
- release 10 animals to the wild
- maxes out released animal fame
Conservation Excellence Award
- release 25 animals to the wild
- increases award fame
Anniversary Awards
- these happen at 1, 5, 10 and 20 years
- each award increases award fame
Alfred Windsor Photography Award of Merit
- complete the appropriate photo challenge
- increases award fame, helps unlock jungle theme persistant award
- only availabe in challenge mode
Animal Conservation Image Award
- complete the appropriate photo challenge
- increases award fame, helps unlock jungle theme persistant award
- only availabe in challenge mode
Beckenspot Charitable Foundation Photographic Portfolio Award
- complete the appropriate photo challenge
- increases award fame, helps unlock jungle theme persistant award
- only availabe in challenge mode
Wildlife Magazine Amature Photographer Award
- complete the appropriate photo challenge
- increases award fame, helps unlock jungle theme persistant award
- only availabe in challenge mode
Crafty Creation Award
- complete the appropriate challenge
- increases award fame
- only available in challenge mode
Dino Saftey Award
- stop a Dino rampage by yourself
- increases award fame
Scholars Achievement Award
- raise $25,000 in education donations
- increases award fame
- only available in challenge mode
Educational Donation Award
- raise $125,000 in education donations
- increases award fame and unlocks headset kiosk
- only available in challenge mode
Endangered Babies Award
- breed 10 different endangered, critical species
- increases award fame, unlock endangered babies statue
Endangered Species release effort
- release 10 different endangered or critical species to the wild
- increases award fame, unlocks decorative zoo wall caps
Endangered Species Photographer Award
- complete 4 ES photo challenges
- increases award fame, unlocks the photo kiosk
- only available in challenge mode
Endangered Species Award
- have 20 different endangered species in your zoo
- increases award fame, unlocks decorative zoo wall columns
Exemplary Entertainment Award
- raise $100,000 in donations
- increases zoo fame
- only available in challenge mode
Entertainment Donation Achievement award
- raise $250,000 in donations
- increase award fame, unlocks the face painting kiosk
- only available in challenge mode
Novice Fossil Builder
- put together one fossile puzzle
- increase award fame
Expert Fossil Builder
- put together 10 fossile puzzle
- increase award fame
Master Fossil Builder
- put together 25 fossile puzzle
- increase award fame
Extinct Education Center Awards
- must have the play dig pit and Extinct Education Center in your zoo
then you must wait for the guests to build each complete animal
- increase award fame, each complete fossil will give you a statue of
the completed fossile which you can place anywhere in the zoo.
you can complete each fossil statue more than once.
Pail and Shovel Award
- find all level 1 fossils
- increase award fame
Durable Digger Award
- find all level 2 and level 3 fossils
- increase award fame
Perfect Paleontologist Award
- find all the fossils
- increase award fame
My First Super Award
- create 1 super animal (perfect score on DNA minigame)
- increase award fame
Red Hot Research Award
- create 10 super animals (they can all be the same animal)
- increase award fame
Super Scientist award
- create 25 super animals (they can all be the same animal)
_ increase award fame
Habitat Achievement Award
- represent all the biomes (MM biomes dont count) in your zoo (each
exhibit must have an appropriate animal
- increases award fame
Global Achievement Award
- have an animal from North America, Asia, Africa and Australia in your
- increases award fame
Zoo Attendance Awards
- these are awarded at 100, 1000, 5000, and 10000 guests. the number
of guests is cumulative so if a guest leaves it still counts.
- increases award fame
Zoo Attendance Award
- 20,000 total guests
- increases award fame, unlocks Zoo Attendance Statue
Jeep Tycoon Award
- $25,000 in tour donations
- increase award fame, unlock the Jeep Liberty for your jeep tours
- only availabe in challenge mode
Marine Animal Tycoon Award level 1
- $5000 in donations for MM animals specifically
- increase award fame, unlock dolphin arch
- only available in challenge mode
Marine Animal Tycoon Award level 2
- $20000 in donations for MM animals specifically
- increase award fame, unlock sea horsey bouncy ride
- only available in challenge mode
Marine Animal Tycoon Award level 3
- $100000 in donations for MM animals specifically
- increase award fame, unlock marine fountain
- only available in challenge mode
Marine Animal Tycoon Award level 4
- $200000 in donations for MM animals specifically
- increase award fame, unlock marine zoo entrance
- only available in challenge mode
Marine Show Tycoon level 1
- $25000 in donations for MM shows specifically
- increase award fame, unlock medium upgraded grandstand
- only available in challenge mode
Marine Show Tycoon level 2
- $100000 in donations for MM shows specifically
- increase award fame, unlock large upgraded grandstand
- only available in challenge mode
Marine Star Tycoon level 1
- make a 1 star marine show
- increase award fame, unlock the tank light
- only available in challenge mode
Marine Star Tycoon level 2
- make a 3 star marine show
- increase award fame, unlock the show fence
- only available in challenge mode
Marine Star Tycoon level 3
- make a 5 star marine show
- increase award fame, unlock the marine themed tank wall
- only available in challenge mode
Marine Training Tycoon level 1
- get one 100% score on training
- increase award fame
Marine Training Tycoon level 2
- get 10 100% score on training (can be for the same trick)
- increase award fame
Marine Training Tycoon level 3
- get 100 100% score on training (can be for the same trick)
- increase award fame, unlock marine training statue
Medical Marvel Award
- cure 3 extinct diseases
- increase award fame
Childrens Reader Photo Award
- complete the appropriate photo challenge
- increases award fame, helps unlock jungle theme persistant award
- only availabe in challenge mode
Jeep Vehicle Tour Achievment Rating Award
- run a 5 Star vehicle tour
- Increase award fame
- only availabe in challenge mode
Sky Tour Achievement Rating award
- run a 5 star sky tram tour
- increase award fame
- only availabe in challenge mode
Tour Rating Achievement Award
- have both a 5 star sky tram and a 5 star jeep tour in your zoo
- increase award fame, unlock sky tower building
- only available in challenge mode
Tour Tycoon Level 1
- $25,000 in tour donations
- increase award fame, unlock Jeep Commanders for vehicle tours
- only available in challenge mode
Tour Tycoon Level 2
- $250,000 in tour donations
- increase award fame, unlock Jeep vehicle skins
- only available in challenge mode
Transportation Tycoon level 1
- move 100 guests on any tour
- increase award fame, unlock 2 seater sky tram seat
- only available in challenge mode
Transportation Tycoon level 2
- move 500 guests on any tour
- increase award fame, unlock 4 seater sky tram seat
- only available in challenge mode
Transportation Tycoon level 3
- move 1000 guests on any tour
- increase award fame, unlock decorated sky tram seat
- only available in challenge mode
Zoo Tycoon Award
- have $1,000,000 in your bank account
- increase zoo award fame, unlock best zoo front entrance. this can
be achieved automatically if you start the challenge game with
1 million dollars.
- only available in challenge mode


The marine show is one of the unique features added by MM XP. it allows you
train animals to do tricks and then create shows to entertain guests.
marine shows can be one of your zoos most lucrative additions but it also
costs a lot of time and money to get it set up. a 4-5 star show can rake in
an average donation of $150 per guest with as many as 10-30 donations per
show going off about every 5-7 minuets!!!

Please refer to the Mini Games section below about Training for more
information about training your animals. also make sure that you play through
the marine show tutorial for basic information about what buttons are where.

What you will need for a decent show:

1. Exhibit tank with a trainable show animal:
Califonia Sea Lion
Sea Otter
Pacific Walrus
False Killer Whale
Short Finned Pilot Whale
Bottlenosed Dolphin

This exhibit can be a regular tank exhibit or a hybrid exhibit. make sure the
exhibit is large enough for a training area and preferably more than one
animal and more than one trainable species.

all of these animals can live happily in the coastal biome, but a
tundra exhibit can also hold other non-marine aniamls for a very attractive

2. Show Tank which is at least 20x20 in size which is connected to the
tank mentioned in step one above.

You want a large show tank because the props for each trick will take up
quite a bit of room. each animal will need its own prop for each act. the
more animals you have in a show, the more props and thus the more room you
will need. 20x20 is plenty of room for a 5 star show with 3+ animals.

3. bleachers which are on a path next to and facing the show tank no more
than 1 tile away.

The bleachers can be anywhere near the tank so long as they are facing the
tank. there does not seem to be any distance limitation between the bleachers
and the trick areas during the show. once the show starts the people in the
bleachers will react to all tricks that take place in the show tank they are

You can even put extra bleachers above the first set by using elevated paths.
not all the guests will use all the bleachers. some will just stand near the
show tank and watch from the sides. this still counts as a guest in the show
and the more bleachers you have the higher the show capacity. I have had
shows with 4 levels of elevated paths full of bleachers and even though the
bleachers were not being fully used, the crowds were huge!

4. Show platform. you can put this anywhere on the show tank wall and it will
have no effect on the shows outcome or the peoples enjoyment of the show.
be warned though, that once you place a show platform you will not be able
to move it. any shows you have commited to this platform will be deleted
if you recycle the platform. my suggestion is to place it off to the side
as far from the bleachers as possible. this will allow you to place more
trick areas in front of the bleachers which will maximize show tank space.

you can only have 1 show platform per show tank, but you can have multiple
show tanks in your zoo. each show platform can only have one show going
at one time, but, can have multiple shows queued up to perform one after the
after. if you have mulitple show tanks you can have multiple shows going
at the same time. multiple shows at the same time is not always a good idea.
my suggestion is to have a single show tank and connect multiple exhibits to
it for lots of shows running in sequence. this will give your animals more
of a chance to rest between thier own performances and you guests will not
be forced to choose between mulitple shows thus allowing for maximum
attendance per show.

5. tank portal which will connect the show tank to the exhibit tank. when
you connect a show tank to an exhibit tank it will automatically average out
the height of the water between them, unless the exhibit is a hybrid exhibit.
if you are connecting to a hybrid you will first need to use the flattening
terrain tool and make sure that the ground around the shared wall between the
two tanks is at the same hieght on both sides. then use the portal to connect
the two tanks. if you dont do this then your animals may not be able to
get to the show and the show will be cancelled.

You only need one portal to connect one exhibit to a show tank. however, you
can use multiple portals to connect multiple exhibits to one show tank or
multiple show tanks to one exhibit. remember though, only one portal will
open per show so you must make sure that all animals in the show are all from
the same exhibit.

6. A trained animal. Please refer to the Mini Games section about training.

Some other things to consider about the animals are that they must be happy
or they will not perform. also if they are pregnant or in the middle of an
important action (like sleeping) there is a chance that they will not be
able to make the curtain call. if all of your animals in the show are unable
to make it to the show in time then the show will be cancelled. so long as
one of your animals shows up then the show will go on, it just might not be
as entertianing with fewer performers.

Now that you have everything set up for a show you have to design your show.
Click on the show platform. on the first tab you will see the "create show"
button (plus sign with a seal head and red ball). then the edit show window
will pop up.

first you must add an animal to the show. you can only add trainable animals
to the show which are in exhibits connected to the show tank with a portal. if
you don't see the animal you are looking for then you might have forgotton
to connect its exhibit with a portal. all trainable animals will appear
in this list regaurdless of how well trained they are. I like to rename
my animals from the default to something that helps me pick them out from
the list so I don't cast the wrong one in the show.

if you pick the wrong one you can always remove it from the show lineup.

once you have your animal you can start assigning tricks for it to perform. you
can only assign a trick for an animal to perform if you have done at least one
training session with the animal (or the trainer has done one). the only
exception is the "jump in trick area" trick which is always set as the default.

each time you assign a trick it will be set up as an act. you can assign
as many tricks as you like in any order you wish. you can even assign the
same trick multiple times. each time you assign a trick you will need
to place the props associated with the trick in the tank. each prop will
have a number assinged to it which will be displayed in the upper right corner
of the trick in the show window. the first prop is number 1, the second prop
is number 2 and so on. if you reuse props you may see the same number
displayed multiple times to indicate that the same prop is being reused over and

if there are multiple tricks that use the same prop (like the trick area for
example) you can reuse the prop to save space. you will know if you can
reuse a prop becuase there will be a small blue arrow next to the trick you
wish to select. when you mouse over the trick a pop up window will
show you a list of choices. each choice will have a number. if you think you
should be able to reuse a prop but it is not being displayed then it might
already be in use by another animal during that act. remember that two
aniamls can't use the same prop in the same act.

example: set up 2 dolphins to do a jump in trick area for the first act.
Each trick will have a number assigned (1 for the first animals prop and 2
for the second animals prop)
then select the same trick for act 2 and the pop up box will have two jump in
trick area pictures; one with a 1 on it and one with a 2 on it. these
selections represent your ability to reuse props from previous acts and from
previous animals.

When you are using multiple animals it is very wise to reuse props from other
animals and other acts. if you dont reuse props you will run out of space very
quickly. if you do reuse props you can have as many as 5 animals doing 7 acts
in a very small space. at this point it is all up to you to figure out
which animals you will want to use and which tricks to teach them in order
to maximize space and make an entertaining show.

some tips I will pass on to you:
- The trick area is very versitle and widely used. learn as many trick area
tricks as possible. see the training section for a list of all tricks and
what props they use.
- only aniamls of the same species can share props. a dolphin cannot share
a trick area with an orca due to size difference for example.
- for many animals males cannot share props with females (again due to size
- you can have animals of the same species do tricks out of order. for example
you can have one sea lion do a sit on bench trick for act 1 and the second
sea lion can play basketball on act 1 (this would require 2 props). on
act 2 you can switch their props so that sea lion 1 does the basketball and
sea lion 2 does the bench thus reusing each others props.

There is also an option to set an animal to wait for an act. this is useful
when you mix animals with different numbers of tricks available. the
walrus for example only has 3 tricks while dolphins have many more. you
set up a 6 act show and the walrus can wait in between acts to spread out
his performance.

if you need to redo the order of the acts you must delete each act one by
one from the last act. this is a little annoying since you can't just
remove an act from the middle of the line up. it gets really tricky when
you have a complex show that shares a lot of props between lots of animals.

you can have as many animals in the show as you can fit and as many acts
as you want. remember that each act takes time to perform and your
guests will sit and watch the entire show without moving. this means
that long shows may cause unhappy guests due to bathroom and hunger issues.
try to keep your shows to 8 acts or less.

once you have your acts set up and props figured out you can name your show
in the lower left corner of the edit window and then select the green check
mark on the lower right to confirm your new show. upon doing this you show
will begin almost immediatley (in about 30 seconds). the tank portal will
open and your animals will swim for the show tank.

on the first tab of the show platform you can see all the different shows that
you have created for this tank and what order they are in. you can change this
order and you can add breaks between shows.

Breaks are very useful as a way to give your animals time to rest and
relax between their own performances and for your guests to do the same.
remember that when a show is about to start your guests will begin to
head for the show from all over you zoo. if you have shows going off every
minute then guests will have little time to eat, rest, use the toilet or
donate to your other animals. try to set up multiple breaks per show: 2-3
is a good number.

If, for any reason, you wish to stop a show from playing but you don't want
to delete it then you can click the green checkmark next to the show in the
show platforms first tab. this will turn the show off without deleting it.
you can use this to further train some of the animals without them being called
away to the show or if an animal is sick or one of the performers has died and
needs to be replaced.


Guests that witness the show will donate automatically to the show. you do
not need any donations boxes near the bleachers or access to the show platform,
it just happens. I have noticed that there is a very annoying bug with shows
where sometimes your guests will not be able to donate to the show and you
will get messages that say your guests can't find donation boxes. I have not
been able to determine the exact cause of this error or a sure fire way to fix
it, however, I have discovered that it will fix itself over time. just keep
playing and your guests will figure it out eventually. even with the bug
some of your guests will be able to donate and you will make money.


I have done lots of research on shows and determined that there is no easy way
to create a perfect formula for a 5 star show. There are many factors that
determine a show's success:
- training level of the animal for the trick they are performing
- total training level of animal (total number of tricks mastered)
- popularity of the animal
- popularity of the trick they are performing
- number of animals performing in the show
- number of different species in the show
- number of acts
- number of tricks a single animal repeats in the show

as a general rule you want each animal to perform only those tricks which
they have mastered. try to use animals which have high popularity tricks.
the more popualar the animal the more popular its tricks will be. try not
to have the same animal do the same trick twice, although if you have multiple
animals they can each do the same trick (like synchronous jumping). 5-8 acts
is optimal; fewer acts will be less popular, more acts will make your guests

one 5 star show I created had 2 sea otters, 1 dolphin and 2 sea lions doing 5
acts and sharing props. this just barely gave me a 5 star show. 1 sea lion
less and I was at a solid 4.5 stars.

when you create a new show let it play out a few times before judging its
success. it could take more than one viewing before it reaches its full
potential. each viewing of the show will give it at most 1 star until it
maxes out on fame.

Try experimenting with the different tabs once you have a show up and running.
you can see the donations you are getting for the show, how profitable the
platform is, what some of the guests are thinking about the most recent show,
and how famous the show is. the final tab allows you buy additional items for
the platform to make it more interesting. these are locked items which must
be earned through scenarios and challenge games. I am unsure how much they
affect the outcome of the show or the donations but they are neat to have.

Some final thoughts about shows and aniamls:
- The life span on most trainable animals is 2 game years. which is more than
enough time to train them fully and get lots of great performances out of them.
there is an idea going around the internet that trained animals performing in
shows will live longer than their untrained counterparts and mates. I have
not had the patience to test this myself but if anyone has any solid testing
evidence to support any significant life extending through training, please
let me know.
- california sea lions and sea otters are the shortest lived performers (about
1.5 game years)
- when one of your trainable aniamls is getting old, you will be notified
before they die. this gives you the ability to replace them before they go.
- Sea lions and walruses are very slow to train because their trick animations
are very long. this also affects the length of their shows.
- one of the sea otters tricks is to look cute.
- the walrus only has 3 tricks which it can learn, but some of them are of
4 star popularity.
- the false killer whale and the orca are the only ones with 5 star popularity
tricks, they are also the most expensive marine animals.
- The dolphin has the most tricks which it can learn and has some very cool
unique tricks which it can unlock through training.
- when training multiple animals for a large show you should hire a trainer
for each animal in the show minus 1. train that animal yourself to full mastery
then fire a trainer and pick up where they left off. since time does not
stop while you train, your trainers can give your animals a bit of experience
while you do your training. for large shows with lots of animals (or for
multiple shows) this can save a lot of time, but can also be expensive (high
staff salaries). using this trick can cut your total training time by as much
as half or more depending on how many animals you are training.
- try to use only males in the shows. if a female gets pregnant then they
will not be able to perform in the show. also, females cannot reuse the
props of males due to size different.
- the best place to experiment with shows is FF mode. I suggest setting up a
large city zoo, with a large tank and all the trainable animals. and save the
game as a show training zoo. this way you will always have a training zoo which
you can use to test out new shows before you make one in a challenge or scenario
- set up your show tank in the middle of the zoo and put multiple tanks around
it. you can put bleachers on different sides of the show tank so that guests
from all over the zoo will always have an easy way to get to the show.
- all the trainable animals can live very happily in the coastal biome, however,
tundra is also a viable biome for a great hybrid exhibit. in tundra you can
have musk ox, caribou, polar bear, beluga, orca, and penguin for a very
attractive exhibit (just make sure your exhibits are big!)
- renaming show animals is useful so you dont spend a lot time training the
wrong ones or casting the wrong animal in a show.


What can be said about tours? apparently quite a bit. so much so that I will
actually tell you to read someone elses guide on the subject.

There is a ZT2 fansite called Zoo Tycoon Unleashed which is just full of great
ideas and lots of specific research. one of the members has done an amazing
job of researching the tour system in ZT2. why should I redo this person's
efforts when I could not do it better myself.

the member's name is Anyajoy and the guide comes in 4 parts.

Tour Guide Part 1:
Tour Guide Part 2:
Tour Guide part 3
Tour Guide Part 4:

I will not attempt to summarize this detailed work. it comes complete with
pictures and examples. and while you are on the forums why not register to
become a memeber and contribute to the community.

I do apologize to my readers for not providing any direct information about
tours in this guide. however, this information is only a click away and you
wont regret reading it.


This section is for random thoughts and ideas which just don't seem to fit
in other sections or that I feel are worth repeating.

- 2 Fame Stars is a very important milestone. it gives you access to the
pursuit ball, family restroom and compost building. don't forget them!

- The quick stats button (lower left corner, picture of a paper with a green
check mark) is very handy. you can use this to find lost staff members,
see how many animals you have and what their needs are and to see what your
guests are complaining about the most. it is not very helpful for a new zoo
but, once your zoo grows a bit it can be an invaluable tool.

- when breeding animals you should have at minimum 1 male and 2 females. this
is because the game records family trees and relatives will not mate with
each other. if you have at least 2 females then you can have two family trees
and breeding can go on indefinately. when you start to run out of space
you should release to the wild your oldest males first. keep your females
for as long as possible but always release your oldest ones before releasing
your youngest ones, just make sure to always have at least 1 male.

- animals have a percentage change to get pregnant at each mating. it is very
possible that a mating pair will not get pregnant and it could take many
chances for pregnancy to occur. use of the conservation breeding center will
increase this chance for endangered animals.

- Fennec Foxes, Common Peafowls, Thompson's Gazelles and Dodos all tend to
breed rather quickly so make sure you have plenty of room and watch their
numbers frequently to prevent overcrowding. in fact most of the early animals
which are easy to keep happy will be the easiest to breed.

- Breeding for Fun and Profit. When you first start your zoo you want to
increase your zoo fame and to do that you want lots of animals. this is
the primary reason to breed. however, once you have maxed out your number
of animals fame and release to the wild fame why continue to breed?
the first answer is the maintain your populations since older animals will
die. the less obvious answer is to make money! if you want to make a little
extra cash from your fornicating friends then concentrate your breeding on
extinct, endangered and critcal species. when they successfully give birth
you will get some balloons at the front gate which are worth $250!

- Another, more sinister way to earn money from breeding is to breed for the
purpose of food. concentrate your breeding on small, herbivores that breed
quickly (gazelles, dodos, peafowls, etc) and then place the older animals
in an exhibit with a carnivore. when the carnivore attacks the feed animal
the prey will become a carcass with meat. you can use this just like a
purchased carcass of meat and use it to keep your other carnivores fed. Guests
love to see carnivores feed from a carcass. or, you can sell it for $860!
so this means that if you breed Dodo's in this way you can make $1110 per Dodo;
$860 for the carcass and $250 for the balloons. just don't let the guests see
you do this, they might get upset.

- when you are running low on space you should always release to the wild
before you put up for adoption. releasing will give you fame points and in
challenge mode will get you awards, adoption gives you nothing but more space.
Of course you could also just feed the animal to a carnivore if you were
feeling evil and greedy.

- unless you have a very good memory, you should keep your animals named via
the default numbering system. this will help you keep track of which animals
are your oldest ones and which ones may be getting ready to die of old age.
the lower the number the older the animal.

- another naming convention for trainable animals is to add a character of
somekind to the end of the name so you can recognize the animal faster.
it is very useful to help prevent traning the wrong animal (which can waste
a lot of time)

- if you keep your animals happy and well fed then you can keep one carnivore
species in an exhibit with other herbivores. two carnivores will cause trouble
and carnivores will tend to eat the eggs of other animals just out of curiosity.

- carnivores that tend to hunt in packs (velociraptors and wolves for example)
will hunt and kill other animals in the exhibit just for fun even if they are
well fed.

- FROM Eriorguez_4Ever
"I'd just like to point you a thing: Some species of carnivores will live
happily together, but they have to be more or less the same size. For
example, Ethiopian and grey wolves, tiger and lion, Velociraptor and
Stripped hyena, or Utahraptor, Stokesosaurus and Carnotaurus. However,
you should look after the babies, as they are likely to be hunted. Also,
in my whole experience, I've never seen a marine animal killing other,
despite the conditions being the proper..."

- birds tend to poo quite a bit and can make messy exhibits. they also tend
to breed quickly which offsets their short life expectancy (flamingos have a
very short life span).

- Educators with a podium will help increase your educational exhibit fame,
Discovery Kiosks will help increase your educational donations.

- when placing food and drink stands don't forget the desert carts and make
sure there is some place for guests to sit and a place for their trash.

- if you find that you need a quick fame boost and you have a decent income
then build a small exhibit with low chain fence and adopt a cheap .5 star
animal and immediately release it to the wild. most animals are perfectly
happy when you adopt them so long as you plop them into a good exhibit. this
can be expensive but it can raise your fame really quick. remember you can't
lose your release to wild fame. I call this my "peafowl trick".

- Green Sea Turtles, Leatherback Turtles and penguins require land to lay eggs
remember this if you are going to breed them and put them in a hybrid exhibit.
you can also keep them in a full tank exhibit and just move them to land
for a breif time so they can lay their eggs. when the eggs hatch, move the
babies to the tank.

- Eventhough baby animals take up the same space as adults of the same species,
eggs take up no space. Eggs are also nearly indestructable to everything except
a curious carnivore. you can also click on an egg (if you can find them, they
can be very small and hard to spot) to see its "hatch timer" which will tell
you how long they have before they hatch.

- If you place a rock or any building or object over a square that
contains a bush or flower then the smaller flora will be deleted (not
recycled). however, if you place a tree or some objects first, you can place
some flowers under the tree or object (like small statues) and combine them to
make very interesting and complex landscaping patterns. I have even been able
to place some trees over some flowers without losing the flowers.

- Guests do not seem to notice landscaping (trees, flowers and rocks that are
not part of an exhibit). although landscaping can be nice if you wish to
show your zoo to others.


This section is for responses from my readers. it is a section in which I
will post quotes from others that have something to add to this guide. I
will also comment on their comments. this section is always being updated.

- FROM platypus77
"On the Marine Show Mogul Campaign walkthrough, you said that you had tried
to beat the scenario with 5 belugas and only got up to 4.5 stars of show
fame. Well, I tried the scenario with 6 fully trained belugas, 7 acts, each
beluga using every trick once and won the scenario after 4 or 5 shows. I just
wanted to point this out for you whenever you update your FAQ again."

- My Response:
argh! just one more Beluga!

- FROM Pedro Carvalho
"P.S. At least on the Scenario: "North American Foreign Content" from
"The Globe" campaign, Arctic animals count as NA. That's no news, of course,
since the game says it. What was a surprise to me was find out that the
Beluga, being a marine animal, also counted as NA because it belongs in the
Arctic Sea!"

-My Response:
yes, it is true that things from the arctic also count as North American.
The Beluga is a good animal to use as it is cheap and available early on.

- FROM Eriorguez_4Ever
"I'd just like to point you a thing: Some species of carnivores will live
happily together, but they have to be more or less the same size. For
example, Ethiopian and grey wolves, tiger and lion, Velociraptor and
Stripped hyena, or Utahraptor, Stokesosaurus and Carnotaurus. However,
you should look after the babies, as they are likely to be hunted. Also,
in my whole experience, I've never seen a marine animal killing other,
despite the conditions being the proper...

Otherwise, your FAQ is pretty good. If you want to update the FAQ with
this and credit me, I'm Eriorguez_4Ever on GameFAQs."

- My response:
Apparently I have more to research about animal behavior. when I do I will
add my findings in a new section. this would explain why my crocs were
attacking my monitors and my lions were attacking my cheetahs.

- FROM Eriorguez_4Ever
"Apart of the predator issue I send you via PM at ZTU, I'd like to point
you another thing: The gender of the lab animals is not randomly selected.
Instead, it depends of what you have hightlighted in the adoption menu: If
you have female animals selected, you will create female animals, until you
change it."

- My response:
I tested this in a freeform game and I saw no relationship between the sex
selected in the animal selection menu and the sex of the created animals
from the lab. I am still convinced that it is random.

- FROM Sakura Haruno
"By the way, are you sure that there is no time limit in
'Smuggling Ring Exposed'? Because I can't finish it for that same reason.
And by the way, Nice FAQ ^^"

- My response:
This scenario can actually be lost if you do not instantly satisfy your animals
when you get them. there is also a hidden time limit between each animal
delivery. if you do not satisfy the last animal delivered before the next one
arrives then you can lose the scenario. the best way to handle this map is
to build all your exhibits first while the game is on pause. then when a new
animals arrives you can uncrate it in its exhibit right away and be ready for
the next one

- FROM Megan Nordyke
Please indicate in the guide (since I was unable to find this on the website -
I was frantically searching the forums to see if it was a bug) that
occasionally animals will mate and the female will not become pregnant.
This has happened to me 2 times at least, and when it happened with my giant
pandas I freaked out! One successful attempt later and a panda cub was on
the way, however! :)

-My response:
yes it is true that animals don't always get pregnant every time they mate.
the more endangered an animal is the less likely this is going to happen.
this is what makes the ES Conservation Breeding Center such a useful building.
it increases the chance that an endangered animal will become pregnant.


This section is for things in the game that are hidden that have no real
impact on game play but could be considered interesting or funny. I look
forward to any reader responses on strange things you all find in the game.

- Research Lab Mistakes. it is no secret that you can fail to make a
creature in the research lab. what is a small secret is that if you fail
enough times you will get a Killer Penguin. many people have already
unlocked this bizzar animal so it is not much of a secret. however, what is
even more of a secret is that once you have a Killer Penguin in your zoo the
scientist in the lab where you make new animals will sometimes be replaced
by a killer penguin! the KP may do different things. sometimes it is just
standing there, other times it is facing the opposite direction and I have even
seen it just wandering around in the lab. strange stuff.

- Even though it does not show up in the Zookeeper recomendations section, you
can give a painting canvas to a utahraptor and a stokesasaurus. if they use
the easle they will put on giant glasses while they paint. it is very amusing
to see them looking so intellectual while they make their art.

- One bug I have found is that if you place a sky tram tour station on an
elevated path and there is not enough space for a passenger to disembark the
ride they may sometimes fall off the path and down below. if there is an
exhibit below then they will panic and run around scared. if other
people see this happen they will get scared. I had an entire zoo full
of scared people once. they all got angry and left which then caused my 4 star
zoo to drop suddenly to a 2 star zoo due to a loss of guest happiness. yikes.

- another bug I saw with elevated path is that if you do not keep a guest area
on an elevated path clean then the litter that guests throw down may "fall
through the cracks" of the elevated path to the area below. this will then
cause your worker to walk around all day trying to get to the litter but
not be able to, thus neglecting all his other duties. keep your elevated paths

- Some animal species can interbreed. Quagga can breed with Zebra. Masai
giraffe can breed with reticulated giraffe. If you know of any others that
can interbreed let me know.

- I have noticed on occasion that sometimes aniamls will inbreed with members of
their own family. I have also seen rare posts on some forums about this
occuring in other peoples games. I am not sure if this is a bug or if this is
part of the code, but, I would not count on inbreeding to occur. just make
sure to provide more than 1 female when you want to breed and you should have
no trouble. what is more interesting is that I have only read about and seen it
happen with the EA species bluebuck.

- after riding a 5 star tour with lots of animals, biomes, and objects people
will still complain about not seeing any objects, aniamls or a certain biome.
I guess some people are just never satisfied.

- I saw a guest with my own two eyes, walk up to the hamburger stand with $0
and buy a hamburger. she did not get the food for free as I saw the hamburger
stands money go up at the time of the transaction. I guess some guests use
credit cards!

- If you place enough glaciers (animal enrichment objects from EA XP) you may
get a special visitor. some glaciers have cave men frozen inside. the
small area where the caveman is frozen at will melt over time and then you
will have a caveman wandering around your zoo as guest. they have money,
likes and dislikes and will pretty much be like all the other guests.

- sometimes a guest will go into the "wrong" restroom and another guest will
notice this and make a comment in their thought box.

- sometimes after a marine show I will get a bunch of guests that complain
about "not begin able to find a donation box". this is a very frustrating
bug as it means that even a top rank show is not getting any income. I have
not been able to figure out what causes this but I have noticed that if you
keep playing the bug fixes itself over time. I have also noticed that it
seems to happen more often after you load a saved game with a marine show
already running.



Except for the Curing Diseases mini game all of these parts of ZT2 are optional.
however, if you choose to partake in these games you will undoubtedly reap
quite a few benefits. most of these mini games were added by EA XP.


With MM XP came marine shows. but, to put on a show you must have a marine
animal capable of performing tricks. in order for animals to perform tricks
they must be trained.

before I begin there is another excellent guide written by Anyajoy (the same
great author who brought us the Tour Guides). you can see it here:

but the guide is short, so, I will also provide some input.

There are two ways you can train your animals, with trainers or you can do it
yourself! Trainers are covered in the staff section above. They are slow to
train and are not very accurate and cost a lot of money. however, if you have
a large show zoo going on with lots of different show animals they can help
train your animals while you do other things.

if you choose to train animals yourself you will need a few things.
1. First you need a trainable animal in a well maintained exhibit with all
of its basic needs met:
Sea Otter
California Sea Lion
False Killer Whale
Pacific Walrus
Bottlenosed Dolphin
Short Finned Pilot Whale
2. You need a Training Area which must fit in your animals exhibit. the
training area is standard sized for all animals: 10x3. in order to fit it, you
must have a tank that is 12x5 in size and you cannot have any other object
within the 10x3 area including flora, toys or food.
3. You do not need to have a show tank connected to the exhibit to start
training your animal. although for an animal to participate in a show
it must live in a tank that is connected to the show tank.
4. you will need a really good mouse and a steady hand as well as smooth
graphics. if your mouse cursor is jumpy or your game is choppy then
you will not do well in the training minigame.

once you have all of this set up you can begin training your animal. to begin
you must select the animal you wish to train. then select the training tab
(picture of a red ball). This will bring up the training sub menu. if you
do not already have a training area, clicking the training tab will turn
your cursor into a training area so you can place one for $200.

here you will see a grid of pictures. each picture is a trick that your
animal already knows. to the left of each picture are 5 dots. this tells you
how experienced this animal is with this particular trick. 5 full dots means
that the animal is a master of this trick.

Below each picture you will see Lock Icons. these are tricks which must be
unlocked before you can start to train your animal in them. to unlock an new
trick you must first master one of the current tricks. you either do this
with a trainer (slowly) or you can do it yourself (much faster and free).

when you are ready to start training click on a trick and you will be taken
to the training area. at this point you must wait for your animal to swim
over to the training area, this could take a few seconds depending on what
they were doing and where they were when you decided to start, just be

When your animal arrives you will be asked to "click your tracer to start the
training." at the far left of the yellow line you will see a circle with a
picture of your animal in it. click your mouse in the circle and then
follow along as the circle moves along the yellow line. at certain points
along the yellow line you may be required to click the mouse button or
hit the arrow keys on certain spots. these spots will be shown on the
yellow line. if you follow along with the circle and hit the buttons at just
the right time then you will gain a score up to 100% depending on how accurate
you were with the minigame.

the more accurate you are the better your animal learns the trick. after you
have completed the game, your animal will then perform the trick and then
you must reward your animal with a fish by pressing the space bar (when
the game prompts you to do so). if you do not reward your animal it will not
learn. obviously, higher scores will result in faster learning. it is
interesting to note that your animal will perform the trick as well as you
played the minigame. if you score high you animal will perform very well
if you score low or even score below 60% then your animal will still
try to perform the trick but will screw it up in some way.

90-100% - this will get you 1.5 dots and your animal will perform the trick
with some extra flare.
60-89% - This will get you .5 dots and your animal will perform the trick
30-59% - This is a failure but your animal will still try to perform
0-29% - this is a failure and your animal will not even try

each time you successfully complete the minigame and your aniaml learns the
trick better the game will get harder. it will get faster, the circle will
get smaller and the number of buttons needed will increase. don't
worry if you don't get a perfect score. 60% or higher is all that is needed for
your animal to learn from the session. Be warned, some of the more advanced
tricks get very tough, they curve in on themselves and have multiple
button presses. if you get less than 60% your animal will get angry and may
splash around and pout. this has no lasting effect on your animals true
happiness, it is just a temporary result of giving bad training.

I have yet to see any permanent results from continuous failure. if you just
can't seem to succeed at a certain training game then just take a break
and come back to it later. you need to rest and take a break just as much
as your animal does.

you can continue to train your animal until your animal has mastered the
trick, you get tired or you choose to train a different animal or a different
trick. once an animal has mastered a trick you can no longer train that
animal in that trick. each animal must learn its own tricks. you can
train your animal in a different trick at any time, you do not need to
master any trick unless you want to unlock the advanced tricks.

my best advice for this minigame is to practice it in FF mode. In order to
understand a tricks impact on a show you should consult the SHOW section above.

please note that while you are in a mini game time is still flowing
in your zoo (the game does not pause). don't lose yourself in a minigame
at the expense of your zoo.

Here is a list of all the tricks listed by animal.

Some abbreviations are:
ITA - In Trick Area
OTP - On Trick Platform
OBP - On Beaching Platform

The format here will be
Trick Name (Popularity) -> Unlocked Trick (Pop) -> Unlocked Trick (Pop)

Jump ITA (2) -> Flipper Splash ITA (2) -> Tail splash ITA (3)
Squirt ITA (3) -> Spyhop ITA (3)
Swipe Ball (2.5) -> Ram Ball (3.5)

@Pacific Walrus:
Jump ITA (3) -> Bellow OTP (3.5) -> Sit On Seat (4)

Sea Otter:
Jump ITA (2.5) -> Open Shaker Toy (3) -> Forage in Pile of Rocks (3.5)
Look Cute (2.5) -> Play Basketball (3)

Short Finned Pilot Whale:
Hoop Jump (3) -> Vertical Jump ITA (3) -> Spyhop ITA (3.5)
Bar Jump (2.5) -> Flipper Splash ITA (2.5) -> Tail Splash ITA (4)
Jump ITA (2) -> Fall Sideways ITA (3.5)
Swipe Ball (3) -> Ram Ball (4)

#False Killer Whale:
Hoop Jump (4) -> Fall Sideways ITA (4.5)
Bar Jump (3.5) -> Spyhop ITA (4.5)
Jump ITA (3) -> Vertical Jump ITA (3.5) -> Dive Jump ITA (4.5)
Slide OBP (3.5)-> Flipper Splash ITA (3.5)-> Tail Splash ITA (4.5)
Swipe Ball (3.5) -> Ram Ball (5)

Jump ITA (3.5) -> Fall Sideways ITA (5) -> Front Flip ITA (5)
Slide OBP (3) -> Flipper Splash ITA (4) -> Tail Splash ITA (5)
Swipe Ball (4.5) -> Ram Ball (5)
Vertical Jump ITA (5) -> Spyhop ITA (5)

*California Sea Lion:
Balance Ball (3) -> Play Basket Ball (3.5)
Jump ITA (2) -> Jump On Trampoline (3)
Sit on Seat (2.5) -> Play Horns (3)
Slide on Slide (3) -> Swing on Swing (3.5)

^Bottlenosed Dolphin:
Hoop Jump (3.5) -> Twist ITA (4) -> Fall Sideways ITA (4)
Bar Jump (3) -> Front Flip ITA (4) -> Backflip ITA (4.5)
Jump ITA (2.5) -> Vert Jump ITA (3) -> Dive Jump ITA (4)
Slide OBP (2) -> Flipper Splash ITA (3) -> Tail Splash ITA (4)
Swipe Ball (3.5) -> Ram Ball (4)
Swipe Tether Ball (3.5) -> Ram Tether Ball (4.5)
Water Walk ITA (3) -> Spyhop ITA (4)

*California Sea Lions have very long trick animations and take a much longer
time to train than other animals, although, some of their tricks seem to be
the classic marine show tricks that most people see when they go to Sea World.

^Bottlenosed Dolphins have the most tricks which makes it time consuming
to train them fully. they are easy to train, however, and have some unique
tricks that no other animals can learn.

#Except for 1 False Killer Whale trick the Orca is the only one with multiple
5 star popularity tricks. this is due in large part to the Orca's popularity
and its massive size.

@Pacific Walrus has the fewest tricks and is thus the fastest to train. this
makes for short shows and its tricks are moderately popular. they can make
for an excellent filler in a beluga or orca show.


This is a game that was added by EA XP. like with the training game you don't
have to find the fossils on your own, you can hire a paleontologist to do this
for you. unlike the trainer, a paleontologist is actually worth the money
when it comes to finding fossils, however, for those of you that wish to
get your hands dirty then read on.

In order to find fossils at all you must first purchase and maintain an Extinct
Research Lab. once you have one of these (they are expensive so be prepared),
you go into zoo guest mode and click the right mouse button. here you can
select fossil finding from the right side of the screen. when you do you will
be given a red fossil finding radar gun!

at this point you just need to start walking around. when a fossil is nearby
in front of you, your radar gun will begin to beep and you will see a set of
colored bars build up on the fossil guns miniscreen. the closer you
get the more bars there are and the faster it beeps. if you turn too much to
one side the fossil finder will not see the fossil. you need proximity and
direction to find fossils.

continue to move in the direction that gives you more bars or gives you more
beeps. eventually a fossil dig area will show up, its big and orange.
when this happens you can approach the area and press the space bar. this will
allow you to dig in the area.

most of the time you will find a fossil piece. the game will give a short
message to tell you that you have found a fossil and to what animal the
fossil goes to. sometimes however, you will find other things such as food,
animal toys or even hats and t-shirts. some fossil gun huh? the food and toys
can be recycled or they can be used by your animals, the other stuff will be
automatically recycled for a few lousy bucks.

when you find a fossil it will be taken to the Extinct Research lab
automatically. when you have found all the pieces of a particular animal
you can then play the Fossil Puzzle mini game (see below).

The fossil gun has 5 levels of power. each level can only detect certain
fossils. once you have found all the fossils at the current level it will
be ready for an upgrade. to upgrade your gun you must increase the fame level
of your zoo. if your zoo is already at a high fame level then the gun will
upgrade automatically when you have found all the fossils.

There is absolutely no way to fail this game, just walk around and search for
dig sites. the game does get challenging near the end of each level though.
each dig site seems to be determined randomly every time you find a new site.
this means that you can pass over one area and not find anything and later
in the same level you can pass over that area again and this time there will
be a fossil, or the fossil gun is more sensitive to direction then I thought.
be warned.

the dig sites pop up fairly quickly when a level begins because
there are so many fossils to find, however, when you only have a few fossils
left it can be very difficult to locate them.

remember that any area of ground is fair game for a fossil. it could be
on a path, in an exhibit, shallow water, deep water, the edge of a steep
cliff or out in the middle of nowhere. don't rule anything out.
I have never found a fossile under a building or object, however, so don't
tear apart your zoo if you are having no luck because fossils don't hide under
rocks or anything else for that matter.

if you are having trouble you can always hire a paleontologist to help out.
so long as you do not have an extinct education center then the paleontologist
will prefer to search for fossils. he will mark some dig sites or he may
randomly dig them up for you, so, make sure to zoom out every once in a while
and look for any marked dig sites you may have missed.

There is a fossil for each extinct animal from EA XP and Dino Danger Pack.
even the elusive Quagga can be temporarily unlocked for the current game
if you find its fossils.

It is interesting to note that the paleontologist will still search for fossils
even if you do not have a Research Lab. but to play the game yourself, you
will need the lab. If you recycle your Lab for any reason you will not lose
the fossils you found. your staff can even continue looking for fossils if
you lose your lab (which can make searching for fossils much cheaper).

another interesting note is that the paleontologist always knows exactly where
to look for the next fossil. if you want to find fossils quickly then hire
a paleontolgist and wait for him to pull out his fossil finder. when he starts
walking you should go in the direction he is facing and search for the fossil.
just keeping in a straight line and you will find it. since you can move much
faster than the staff this will speed up fossil finding immensely and it
pretty much takes all the guess work out of the minigame.

also, if you zoom in on the paleontologist you will see
that he is using a fully upgraded fossil finder! those guys are good!

LEVEL 1 - There are 7 animals each with 6 fossil pieces for a total of
42 fossils, .5 stars needed.
LEVEL 2 - There are 7 animals each with 9 fossil pieces for a total of
63 fossils, 1.5 stars needed
Giant Camel
Bush Antlered Deer
LEVEL 3 - 6 animals, 12 pieces each, 72 fossils, 2.5 stars.
Dwarf Sicillian Elephant
Elephant Bird
LEVEL 4 - 9 animals, 15 pieces each, 135 fossils, 3.5 stars.
Giant Warthog
Sabertoothed Cat
Cave Lion
Wooly Rhino
Short Faced Bear
LEVEL 5 - 6 animals, 24 pieces each, 144 fossils, 4.5 stars.
American Mastodon
Utah Raptor
Giant Ground Sloth
Tyrannosaurus Rex


This mini game requires two things: A completed set of fossils of any animal
and an extinct research lab.

once you have played the Fossil Finding mini game and found a complete fossil
you can click on the research lab where you can find the Build Fossils tab
(Picture of a T-Rex Skull).

Here you will see list of all the complete fossils you have found. ones listed
with a red icon are not yet put together, ones with a green icon are complete.

simply double click on any animal and you will be transported to a small
indoor workshop with a giant fossil puzzle hanging on a wall in front of you
and all the individual pieces of the fossil lying all over the place.

here you must click on a fossil piece to pick it up and you can rotate the
piece by right clicking or using the < and > keys. place the piece in the
puzzle where you think it should go. if you are right it will turn green
and be frozen in place. once you have found the locations for all the
pieces you are done and can move on to the DNA mini game.

at first the puzzles are laughably easy with only 6 pieces. but the higher
level animals have 15-24 pieces each and they can get pretty small. my best
advice is start on the larger pieces and try to find the ones on the outer
edge first. there is no way to fail this game unless you give up.

please note that while you are in a mini game time is still flowing
in your zoo (the game does not pause). don't lose yourself in a minigame
at the expense of your zoo.


Like the last game you will need two things for this one: a completed fossil
puzzle and a research lab. click on the lab and find the Create Extinct Animals
tab (picture of a strange green ... thing.)

on this tab you will see another list of animals which is a list of
completed fossil puzzles. double click on one of these animals and you will
be taken to the DNA manipulation lab.

Here you will be asked to click the mouse button or press space bar. when
you do the screen will contain a set of buttons against a background picture
of a DNA strand. a timer will go off counting down from 3. when the counter
goes to 0 a bar will begin scanning across the screen. when the bar lines up
with one of the buttons you must press it. if you get it right the button
will become a star. the more stars you get the higher your accuracy.

if you get 50% or better accuracy then you will create the animal. it will be
in a crate outside the lab after you are done. if you get 100% then you will
create a super version of the animal which is healthier and lives longer than
a normal version of the animal. the sex of the animal is randomly determined.

if you get below 50% but higher than 0% you will gain any one of a set of
special creatures. These creatures are not normal animals which means they
do not need to be kept in exhibits and guests will ignore them. they will
eventually dissapear over time.

some of the strange animals I have gotten:
Giant Bullfrog
Spring Hare
Giant Butterfly

The one exception to this is the Killer Penguin. if you fail enough times
you will get an egg. if you keep the egg long enough it will hatch into a
killer penguin. this is no ordinary penguin mind you it is very large, with
glowing eyes and rows of razor sharp teeth.

for some reason, many people think the KP is a bad animal. on the contrary, if
you keep the killer penguin happy in an exhibit like any other animal it can
be a very nice addition to any zoo. I had a KP in a tundra exhibit with two
polar bears and they lived quite happily for as long as I played that game.

once the KP grows up to an adult you can put it up for adoption, release it to
the wild or just keep it around if you like.

the one bad thing about the KP is that it will kill all other penguins in its
exhibit regaurdless of how well fed it is. just think of a KP as a psychotic
version of a normal penguin. treat it well and it will treat you well.

getting the KP is rare. I have yet to get two of them in the same game so I
do not even know if it is possible to get more than one through this minigame.

regardless of how well you do in the game the research lab will need time to
clean up the mess and restock its supplies. when it is ready for another go
you will be notified and you can go in and attempt another creation. you can
make another of the same animal or a different animal.

the difficulty of the game is determined by the level of the fossil (see
the fossil minigame above for a list of aniamls and their level). level 1
animals are fairly simple. the scanner will move slowly from left to right and
then again from right to left. you will have 4 buttons each way.

on higher level animals the scanner will move faster, the number of buttons
will increase, the number of scans will increase and some of the buttons
will be blacked out so you must memorize them before the timer goes to zero.

for the first two levels the minigame can be useful as a source for free
extinct animals. for the higher levels it would problably be a lot easier to
just save up the money and buy one. its up to you though. if you get
discouraged just take a break and come back to it later.

for practice I again suggest FF mode. first you should hire a bunch of
paleontologists and find all the fossils really quick, then put together
all the puzzles that you want to practice on. then build about 4 or
5 research labs and practice, practice, practice.

please note that while you are in the research lab time is still flowing
in your zoo (the game does not pause). don't lose yourself in a minigame
at the expense of your zoo.


This mini game is not just for any old disease, it is for the rare extinct
diseases that come with extinct animals. These diseases require more than
just a shot from a zookeeper. in fact, this is the only minigame which cannot
be avoided and you must perform yourself.

essentially when you start dealing with extinct animals there is a chance that
one of them will come down with some kind of strange disease. when this happens
you will be notified. in order to cure the disease you must have an Extinct
Research Lab in your zoo. go into zoo guest mode and then approach your animal.

the first thing you will need to do is right click and select Cure Disease from
the right side of the screen. then approach your sick animal (it should be
surrounded with a strange aura) and press space bar to take a sample.

once you have a sample, now you need to find what the cause is by taking samples
of the things around your animal. it could be anything, a building, a fence,
a plant, a piece of food, a toy, a pile of poo, another animal a guest or even
a piece of litter. if you are having trouble finding it, just ask for a hint by
pressing the "H" key. sometimes the object you need is not even in your zoo
yet, so, use the hint and scroll through your inventory of items to see what
might be the cause, then buy it and take a sample of it.

once you have the cause of the disease you must find a cure. again start
taking samples. you can always get a hint if you need one. the best hint
though is just the name of the disease which is usually a fair descriptor of
the disease.

Once you have cured a disease your zoo keepers will have the cure on hand
at all times there after but only for that game. as far as I can tell, these
super diseases only affect extinct animals.

I would like to note here that I have recieved cash grants of varying amounts
for finding the cures to various diseases; I have recieved between $2300 and

I would like to list all the diseases in the game, but, since they pop up
fairly randomly and rarely this list will have to grow over time. if anyone
out there has encountered a disease that is not on this list and remembers
what they sampled to cure it please send me an update and I will give you

Cause - Bananas
Cure - Big Pink Ball

Cause - Scratching Post
Cure - Aloe Vera (desert bush)

Cause - Trash Can with Trash
Cure - Boxelder (grassland tree from EA XP)

Cause - Poo
Cure - Compost Building with compost in it


Whenever you deal with dinos in your zoo, eventually one of them will go
on a rampage. unless you put them in a cliff/ditch exhibit, a rampaging dino
will break through any fencing even the big dino fencing. if they do they will
rampage through your zoo frightening your guests and destroying things along
the way.

if you like you can purchase a Dino Capture Team Bunker. this will look like
a mild mannered dino statue until a dino goes berserk. then the statue will
lift up and a team of highly trained experts will come out of a secret
underground bunker and get to work. it can be quite entertaining to watch
the team in action, however, if the team is far away it could take them
some time to reach the dino and in that time the dino can do quite a bit
of damage. if you are having trouble with lots of rampages then a the
bunker could be a useful investment, but, if you are doing well with your
dinos, I would say to skip these guys, unless of course you just want the
cool looking statue.

If you dont want to pay the price for the upkeep or you just like doing things
yourself then this is the mini game for you. when a dino begins to rampage
you will be warned and a big red symbol will pop up in the upper right corner.
click the symbol and you will be taken to the rampaging dino. go into guest
mode and right click to select the Rampaging Dino mode on the right side of the
screen. this will bring out the dino tranquillizer gun.

with the gun in hand you must target the dino and let the gun charge up. the
gun will lose its charge if you lose targeting on the dino, which can be
difficult if the dino is running around. when the gun is fully charged and
the crosshairs are green you can fire the tranquillizer. the dino will
immediately fall asleep (assuming you don't miss) and then you must put the
dino into a crate.

while in the crate you can repair whatever damage was done (especially to the
fencing) and then put you dino back in its cage. after a short time your
guests should relax and all will be well again.

All dinos can rampage. unhappy dinos will rampage much more often than happy
ones but even the best cared for dinos will rampage on occasion. even if the
dino does not break out of the exhibit it will still scare off your guests
so you need to act quickly to cull the savage beast or risk loosing all of
your guests.


Although not a true mini game it can offer some benefits if you spend some
time roaming your zoo in this mode. to enter Zoo Guest mode simply click the
button with the picture of the tree and path on the left side of the screen.
now you are in a first person mode where you can walk around your zoo as if you
were a guest. you can look at the pretty decorations and even view your
animals through the fencing and see what kinds of fencing offer the best view.

while in this mode you can access the camera by right clicking and selecting the
button with the camera on it to the left. or you can return to the
overview mode by selecting the magnifying glass. if you have EA XP and a
research center you can switch over to fossil finding mode on the right hand
side, or dino rampage mode if you have a rampaging dino or cure disease mode
if you have a sick animal.

while you are walking around there are lots of things to do. you can:
- clean up trash on the ground
- empty trash and recycling bins
- clean up animal poo
- groom/clean/cure animals
- refill food and water dishes
- play with some animal toys (like balls)
- clean marine tanks
- sit in marine show bleachers
- repair/clean water filters
- swim with marine animals
- ride on a jeep/sky tram tour
- sell the compost in the compost building

The best part of this mode is that you can do all of those things just as fast
as you can press the space bar. your staff members do these things but it
takes them time to do each task. for example if there is a ton of
litter on the ground a maintenance worker will have to go through a one or
two second animation for each piece while he tries to clean it all up.
you on the other hand can clean up the entire mess in just under a second by
pressing the space bar really fast!

while in an exhibit you can walk around and fill up water and food piles while
also cleaning up your animals all in the same time that it takes a zookeeper
to refill one dish!

one way to save a ton of money in the beginning is to do everything yourself.
this has some disadvantages though. the zoo does not pause while you are in
zoo guest mode, so, things might be happening somewhere that needs your
attention while you are trying to clean up after the guests. or if you are
building a new exhibit you guests might be getting angry at all the litter that
is pilling up.

it really is best if you hire a few staff members to handle the minor work when
you can afford it. your job is to build the zoo, not clean it, but, zoo guest
mode can be fun sometimes so give it a try. I like to go into zoo guest mode
every once in a while to help out my staff especially if I am trying to save
some money for a new exhibit.

if you want to move faster while in zoo guest mode hold down the Shift key and
you can run. if you scroll your mouse wheel you can do a little jump. I have
not found a purpose for the jump, but, I find it amusing anyway.


Again this not really a true mini game but it has its purposes. mainly, photo
mode is used to complete certain challenges or scenarios so it is a good
idea to know how it works.

you can enter photo mode by clicking on the button with a camera in the lower
left of the screen or you can enter photo mode through zoo guest mode
by right clicking and selecting the camer button.

when in photo mode you will see your zoo through a camera view finder. you
will have reduced visibility but you will also have a small white circle
in the center of the camera to help you center your pictures. when taking
a picture for a challenge or scenario you should try to center your subject
in the circle to help ensure that the picture registers for the challenge.

to take a picture simply press the space key and you will get a quick view
of the true image which was captured. a small picture-in-picture will also
appear in the upper left corner for a few more seconds. if the picture
registers for a challenge or scenario goal you will hear a tone and
you will be notified of the accomplishment. you can refresh you memory of
what pics you need by right clicking and the goals will drop down from
the top.

don't be surprised if your movement and turning speed are reduced while in
photo mode. you need to be more careful when you have the camera out as you
would not want to trip and break it now would you?

you can zoom in and out by scrolling the mouse wheel. the zoom is actually
quite good on this camera and it does not seem to distort or blur the image
in any way. some scenarios require you to take pictures from a distance so
the zoom comes in handy.

your camera is a digital and waterproof camera. it can hold up to 24 images at
a time before filling the memory (very high megapixel camera here!). you can
see your current number of pics at the top right in small green numbers.
To clear the memory or save some pics you can right click and select
the photo album (red book button on the left).

in the photo album you will see you cameras currently stored pics at the top
in thumbnail form. you can either clear the whole camera or you can delete
them one at a time. the bottom of the camera will be your album which can
store up to 40 pictures. you can turn the page by clicking on the bottom
right or left of the photo album page.

If you press the red book with a yellow plus sign you can even create new
photo albums to store more pictures, or, load up a previous album.

the great thing about the camera is that you can take it with you to other
zoos within the same profile. for example, if you take a picture in one zoo
and then exit (even if you don't save that zoo) and then enter another zoo,
your camera will still have that previous picture stored in it. this way
you can have pictures from multiple zoos all within in the same photo album.

to find your pictures outside of the game (for example if you want to post
them to the internet or a forum site) you can find them by searching this
directory path in Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Application Data\Microsoft Games\
Zoo Tycoon 2\Profile Name

one of the disadvantages of this photo method is that you cant take
overhead shots of your zoo. if you want to know how to take screen shots
of any game at any time and post them professionally to the internet then
read my guide located in APPENDIX c below.



This section is all about learning the basics and details of the terrain
manipulation tools in Zoo Tycoon 2. there are 6 terrain tools plus 2 water
tools and the fence (yes the fence is a very useful terrain tool).

For the most part, terraforming is free unless you want to be professional and
use fencing to get things looking the way want and then there is a small fee
to buy the fencing and recycle it later.

Remember that for every click of the mouse you will have the opportunity to
undo your last changes. if you click the mouse twice then only your most
recent change can be undone.

first we will talk about the 6 basic tools. in the lower left hand corner of
the screen you will see your main menu which contins a button with a picture of
a pine tree and a shovel. this is the landscaping button.


clicking on the landscaping button will bring up two subscreens. the middle
screen has 5 tabs. the terraforming tools are on the second tab (picture of
a hill). clicking on this will bring up the 6 basic terraforming tools.
Create Hill
Create Valley
Create Cliff
Create Ditch
Smooth Terrain
Flatten Terrain

The second subscreen further to the right is the size and magnitude control
panel. the bigger the circle the larger the area affected and the greater
the magnitude of the effect. use 100% for large changes and 37% for detailed

Create Hill will cause the area in the circle to rise up where the center of
the circle will rise faster than the outer edges thus creating a sloping hill.
by clicking on an area and holding the mouse button you can create tall, thin
peaks at the center of the circle. if you hold down the button and move the
mouse you can create long, flowing hills or mounds along the ground. this
tool is excellent for creating small hills in rocky areas (tundra, alpine) or
dunes (desert, scrubland) for a more natural looking exhibit.

Create valley will work just like the Create Hill tool, only in reverse, by
causing the ground to go down instead of up. This can be used in conjunction
with the hill tool to create rolling hills and valleys to give animals private
areas to rest and make for very realistic exhibits.

Create Cliff will also raise the ground up, but instead of raising the
ground smoothly from outside to inside this tool will raise the entire area
under the circle up to the same elevation. if you click and hold
this tool it will raise up to a specfic point instantly and stop there. there
are 4 levels that a cliff can be risen to. if you click, hold and move the
mouse all land in the path of the circle will be leveled to the cursors current
height. this can be used to create elevated plateaus so you could have one
section of your zoo at one elevation and another section at a higher elevation.

Create Ditch is just like create cliff but it goes down, not up. There two
levels down that the ditch tool can bring the ground to.

Smooth Terrain is very similar to the valley tool only it is much slower to
work and it only functions on hillsides and cliff faces. this tool is used
to (no surprisingly) smooth out the elevations differences between to levels of
land thus making the angle between them more gradual. this is an excellent
tool when you want to build pathways between two areas of different elevation.
paths will not work if the slope is too steep so the smoothing tool can
make the slope more gradual and allow your guests to access different areas of
the zoo. this tool can also be used to get rid of any sheer cliff faces if
you would prefer a less rocky cliff side.

Flatten Terrain is basically a way to "erase" your terrain changes and start
over, or to "copy" a particular elevation and "paste" it over large areas.
this tool will record the height at the center of the circle and then force
everything in the circle to be at that height. so you can click on an area
whose height you like and then drag that height to other parts of your zoo
so that your terrain is even. another use of this tool is to "average out" the
height of a steep cliff. simply select a smaller size tool and then center the
tool on the edge of the cliff. whatever height happens to be at that point is
the height that the tool will level things off to. this can be used to create
the illusion of steps or as a prelude to using the smoothing tool.


The advanced tools include shallow water, deep water, fencing and tanks walls.

Shallow and Deep water tools can be found on the biome brush tab of the
landscaping section. no matter what level you are at you can always lay down
shallow water and deep water. the water tools have a minimum size of 50%.

The water tools will always lay down their water with the surface equal to the
level of the land at the center of the tool. thus if you want an elevated
pond then you can raise the ground with either the cliff or hill tool and
then use the shallow or deep water tool to create a pond at the higher
elevation. if you click and hold the mouse then you can expand the higher
elevation water to create a larger pond.

Water has a very interesting feature; the surface of the water acts like
an elevation lock. once water is layed down in an area the surface of the
water will always remain at that height no matter what tools you use on it.
the only way to raise the surface of water is to paint over it with a biome
brush of dirt, grass or mix, and then use the terrain tools to raise or lower
the ground and then reapply the water.

you can affect the depth of the water by using the terrain tools inside the
pond. you cannot raise the land in the water to a height greater than
the default shallow water, but, you can go much deeper than the default deep
water. the only real difference between the deep and shallow water tools is
the default height of the land under the water when the tool is used.

When making hybrid exhibts you can use all the basic tools under the water
to create interesting underwater areas with hills and valleys and even islands.

Fencing also acts like an elevation lock. when fencing is placed down between
two sections of land the fence will not move from its current elevation.
this has the benefit of begin able to lock certian terrain features like a
cliff, exhibit walls or an angled pathway by surrounding it with fencing and
then you can manipulate the terrain on one side of the fence and not affect the
other side. the tool will only affect the side of the fence that the center of
the tool is on, so, be careful not to allow the center of the terrain tool
to crossover the fence or you may have to use the undo button.

Tank Walls are little different than normal fencing. tank walls do not lock
the terrain at the point where they are placed. the thing about tank walls
is that when a tank is fully enclosed it will have the ability to lower
the floor of the tank even further than a ditch or valley tool, so you can
create a tank at any level and not have to worry about having enough room
for your marine animals.

- Waterfalls

Everyone loves to make waterfalls. the tools in ZT2 make waterfalls very easy
to create. one thing to remember is that a waterfall can only be made
on a cliff that is paralell or at right angles to the zoo walls. sorry, you
can't make diagonal waterfalls.

Start off by creating a dry mountain complex of your waterfall vision using
the cliff, ditch and flattening tools.

once you have all the levels flattened
and planned out you can use fencing to lock in the cliff edges.
without the fencing you might inadvertantly affect the shape and size of your
mountain plan when you place the water since the water tool can overwrite
cliffs and hills.

once your fencing is in place begin placing either shallow or deep water at each
level of your complex and ensure that there is water above and below the
areas you want a waterfall to be placed at. also make sure that the water
line is right up against the cliff edge. also make sure that you have enough
water above and below. you need at least 2-3 tiles width of water before
a waterfall can be placed.

now recycle the fence and paint the cliff edge with more water and a waterfall
should appear automatically so long as the cliff face is at the right angle.

You do not need to use fencing in order to create a waterfall, you just need
two levels of water and a right angle cliff and the waterfall will form. the
fencing is used to ensure that the waterfall vision you have will work out
the way you intended.


It is important to talk about paths when talking about terraforming.
paths are the only way that your guests have of reaching different areas of
your zoo. if they can't find a path or the path is not complete then they are
unable to use it. another problem to consider is that paths must be at
the proper slope. if the path is too steep then guests will have a hard
time getting around. remember that guests can always fall down a hill
no matter how steep it is, but they can't always climb back up.

you will know if a path is too steep when it turns yellow. there is no way
to turn this off and if you ignore it, it can make your zoo rather unattractive
as well as cause problems. guests are not that smart and they will attempt to
use the shortest path to get from one section of the zoo to the other even if
that path is too steep for them to climb (it wont stop them from trying).

the best tool to use in order to make sure you have no yellow paths is the
smooth terrain tool. it will shift the ground in small increments until the
path is at a decent angle and the yellow coloration dissapears.

when you are building paths from one elevation to the other a good rule of
thumb is to build a sloping path that goes out 2 tiles times the
elevation difference between the top and the bottom. this will help to create
a sloping path that is not too steep and not too long thus conserving space and
making things look nice. you can tell the elevation of the terrain by using
the ditch or cliff tool and counting the number of clicks it takes to bring
one side to the level of the other.

for example, on the higher side, if it takes 3 clicks to bring the cliff
equal to the lower side then you have an elevation of 3 and thus you would
want a sloping path that goes from the cliff edge 6 tiles out.

Once you have this path set up place fencing at the top of the cliff edge and
at the end of the last tile in order to lock in the highest and lowest
points on the path.

then use the hill tool on its lowest setting and use
quick mouse clicks on the path in order to raise the middle of the path
to a slope.

you can use the smoothing tool to make the slope smoother.

once you have your path at a nice even slope with no yellow path areas then
you can surround the entire path with fencing to lock it in place and use
the smoothing tool on the path and the flattening tool on the outside of
the path in order to make things look nice.

it can take some practice but it can make your aquariums and hybrid viewing
areas look very professional for very little cost or effort.

some things to remember about slopes and objects are that if an object is
1 tile in size or larger then it will auto flatten the tile that it is on.
this means that things like benches and shops will make your pretty gradual
paths into a terrible mess. the only things you can place on a slope without
messing up the slope are those objects which are only half a tile in size such
as lamp posts, flower posts, trash cans and other such objects.



This section will discuss the various scenarios and challenges in the game
and what strategy I used to complete them. you can of course play the game
however you like, but, if you are reading this then I assume you are here for
a little advise or perhaps a different point of view.

what I will not do is rehash what the game has to say about each scenario. you
can easily read all the in game text yourself. I will simply list the
scenarios goals and what I think is the best way to achieve them and any
pitfalls you might want to watch for.

I will not cover the tutorial scenarios as they are all very easy and the
game itself will tell you exactly what to do to finish each one. in fact,
I remember quite clearly saying at the start of this guide that I assume
you have already completed the tutorials, so, on we go with the rest of the

many times during the discussion of the following scenarios I will make
mention of a "sell and smooth" technique. what this means is you should put the
game on pause and recycle everything you can on the map. then you should
use the terrain tools to flatten the entire area. this can net you anywhere
from $5000 or more of extra income before the game even starts. for scenarios
this can be quite a big boost and make winning that much easier.

another point of advice for scenarios is that your goal in each scenario is to
win and move on. don't worry about making the perfect zoo. all we are
concerned about in each scenario is attaining whatever goal the game gives us.
once we have done that we will move on to the next goal and so on.

This pretty much means that we don't need pretty zoos, just, efficient zoos.
I use the grid layout on most of my scenarios along with chain fencing for
most exhibits. I also try to only buy one animal of each species and I try
to put multiple animals into each exhibit. I use males when I do 1 animal at a
time as males tend to look more impressive than females (IMHO), although, it
has no impact on the game as far I can tell. these techniques will help increase
your zoo fame by increasing number of species and educational exhibit ratings
while at the same time reducing overall cost. Increased zoo fame will increase
the number of guests and thus increase the amount of donations (income).

when creating zoo guest areas try using the themed food stands and carts
as the default stands will need to be researched. eventhough themed buildings
cost more to maintain you will actually save money on most of the scenarios
since the games don't last long enough for the research cost to be worth it.
Tundra theme is the best as it is a free download and will be available from
the very beginning.

NOTE: some scenarios will have optional goals. these goals are not required
for you to complete the scenario but they can offer you extra money if
income is tight. it is important to note that the grant money offered from
optional goals is not available after you have completed the main goals of
the scenario. if you want the money from an optional goal you must complete
it before you win the scenario.


A. ZOOKEEPER IN TRAINING - Reward: Flower Post

- New Animal Arrivals
Ok this one is the easiest one in the game (aside from the tutorials). put
the polar bear in the tundra exhibit, the lion in the savannah exhibit and the
hippo in the wetlands exhibit. put down some meat for the bear and lion and
some hay for the hippo, then, wait one game month and, poof, you are done.

the zoo starts out closed, but, you can open it if you want to. if you do
you should place some donation boxes and hire a zoo keeper.

- Start Up
The first thing you should do here is to put your zebras in the exhibit
provided after you have painted a savannah biome and recycled all the trees
inside. you can keep the trees if you want but they are not native to the
savannah biome. it is good practice to get into making educational exhibits.
after you have placed your zebras put down some hay and water.

the next step is to do as the instructions say, buy a hot dog stand and a soda
stand. this is pretty easy so far.

the next step is a bit tricky. here you are introduced to the photographic
feature of the game. some people say that taking photos for challenges is
difficult. My advise is to first make sure your zoo is running well without
your immediate involvement and then go into photo mode and stalk your prey!

what I mean is you are trying to take a picture of something specific, in this
case a zebra using a scratching post and a zebra running around. so while you
are in photo mode pick one zebra and keep that zebra in the middle of the
camera (the circle). when the zebra even remotly seems like it is doing
what you want it to do then take your picture. heck, take a few pictures.
your camera is a digital camera. it can only hold 24 pictures at a time, but,
you can always clear some pictures out to make room for more. once you have
the picture for the challenge you will be immediately notified.

hint: the scratching post is an enrichement item which requires research.
while you are waiting for research to finish you can hunt for that running
zebra photo. also, you can tell when a zebra is dirty because its color will
become more grey, as the in game tip suggests a dirty zebra will be more likely
to use the post, so, stalk a grey zebra and wait for that kodak moment.

alright after the second pic is taken you will have one final challenge; taking
care of a pair of jaguars. build a simple chain exhibit 10x10 squares in size.
paint in the tropical biome and put in your cats. you should immediately
meet their basic needs as most animals are in a happy state when they are first
adopted. to meet their basic needs you should immediately go into guest mode
and groom your cats. this should then win you the scenario as their hygene
stat is what is keeping you from meeting thier advanced needs. if this does
not work then you should offer them a scratching post, a shelter, food and
water and just wait, you should win this in no time.

- Beyond Start Up
Ah ha! Your first open ended zoo. this means you get to build your zoo
your way. your only goal is $5,000 in donations. this means you will need
exhibits, donation boxes and happy guests.

now go and perform a sell and smooth. this should net you about $9500 of free
money which is good for at least two or three decent exhibits. at this point
you can build your zoo your way, but, I will go ahead and describe my
technique just in case you are looking for some extra advice.

I started my zoo with a sell and smooth. then I built 3 minimum sized
exhibits all 10 tiles deep; 1 exhibit with a peafowl, 1 exhibit with a moose
and 1 exhibit with a bongo and a dodo (both tropical animals). then I placed
three donation boxes (10 tiles apart) with some benches on the path. I created
a small guest area near the entrance with a hot dog and soda stand and two
small restrooms. I then put staff gates to connect my three exhibits and
hired 1 zookeeper and assigned him to all three areas. I also hired one
maintenance worker for the guest area. I also began research on the scrathing
post as it is one of the most useful enrichment items in the game.
then I unpaused the game.

I then continued to expand while the game was running by adding in an
american bison, velociraptor and an african buffalo. At this point I had $9000
left over and 1 fame star. now just sit back and relax and wait for the win.

B. TROUBLED ZOOS - Reward: Flower Arch

- Waltham Animal Park Redevelopment Effort

Thist zoo is a mess. you need to clean it up. first thing to do is hire 2
zookeepers and 2 maintenance workers. then go into zoo guest mode and begin
cleaning up everything and anything. also make sure to visit your animals as
they are all filthy and sick. refill the food and water. you can also help
out your janitors with the clean up. I would also reapply the biomes in each
exhibit as they are all very poorly done. this part should take you about
5 minutes. dont worry about the bad looking path it is not important, although
you can lay new path over it if you like.

the next part is easy as well. place one donation box next to each exhibit.
then try to get a Thompson's Gazelle so you can add it to the zebra exhibit
(both savannah animals). then buy shelters for your zebra/gazelle and tiger.
the elephant will be a little difficult though, you will have to surround the
exhibit with solid fencing and only leave a little area for viewing. buying a
shade structure can work well too.

now just sit back and wait for all the animals to get some privacy. I think
this map took me a total of 10 minutes (with time spent writing this).

- Raintree Cooperative Animal Park

For this map I suggest a modified sell and smooth. recycle everything except
the path, the stands, the benches and donation boxes. make sure to crate your
animals before you sell off their fencing. also make sure to sell off the
picket fencing and the ATM. this should get you about $13,000 of recycling

then build 10x10 exhibits with chain link for each set of animals and fill in
each biome. after that you should win pretty quick. now that I think of it,
you really don't need to sell everything, but, it is a good habit to get into.

- Wolverton Animal Rehabilitation Center

To start off with this one go into zoo guest mode and start refilling all
the food and water areas. while you are there clean and heal all of your
animals. this should only take a minute. the problem is waiting for the
animals to realize that there is food available.

while you are waiting for the animals to feed, you can perform a modified
sell and smooth on the rest of zoo. I sold the gazebo, the ATM and trimmed
the path near the entrance a bit. I got about $5000 for recycling.

our next task is to get a 3 star zoo. this will require more exhibits with
more animals to help increase the fame level. you can get a zookeeper now if
you like or you can take care of things yourself.

I added a desert exhibit with a camel and a temperate exhibit with a peafowl.
I put an african buffalo in with the beaver (both wetlands). by this time
I was running low on cash so I just let the zoo run for a while.

over time your educational and animal happiness ratings should max out. the
biggest hurdle here is guest happiness. I would place an arch at the entrance
and a fountain in front of the moose exhibit. remember to hire a janitor and
place a few benches when you can afford it.

when you reach two stars upgrade to a family restroom and put scratching posts
into the zebra, camel and moose exhibits. that should help increase the
entertaining animals fame. as time passes your moose and zebras should give
birth. you may need to expand the exhibits to contain them which should add
to your number of animals fame.

C. PREVENT ANIMAL ABUSE - Reward: Sundial Decoration

- African Elephant Rescue

in this one you start off with a decent zoo. I started by recycling the two
staff centers and any paths leading up to them as well as all the flora in
the back part of the zoo. I also go rid of the ATM and the fencing around the
crated elephant. if an animal is in a crate they don't need fencing. this got
me about $5000 extra. also make sure to smooth out the terrain if you like in
the back part of the zoo.

take a look at the wetlands exhibit, its a great example of a ditch exhibit.

Where you put the elephant is up to you but remember that it needs space. also,
the next task is to care for a total of 4 African Elephants so make sure you
can house them all in the same exhibit. check APPENDIX A below of space

once they are all happy in their exhibits you can sit back and relax for 3
game months.

- Combatting Cruelty

This next scenario will require some planning. I chose to do a complete
sell and smooth of the entire zoo. crate up your lemurs, red pandas and beaver
before you begin and sell everything. you only start with $7500. after my
sell and smooth I had an entire open map and $30,000 extra dollars to do with
as I pleased.

After you have all your animals neatly tucked away in nice habitats make sure
to go in a clean and cure all of your new animals. many of them are dirty and
sick. once all the basic needs of the animals are met you will get $8000 and
a pack of chimps. This might be a good time to design one of those ditch
exhibits I was talking about before because chimps can climb chain link.
however, as soon as you place them in a nice exhibit and tend to their needs
you will win, so, it is up to you as to how you want to proceed.

- Smuggling Ring Exposed

Ok you have a big open lot with no time to spare. well, actually don't have
a time limit, but, it sounded good. sell and smooth everything. I got
about $13000 from recycling.

one the biggest challenges here is that you will be given all of your animals
and will not be able to adopt any extra.

You will get new animals one at a time in the following order:
Red Kangaroo
Bengal Tiger
Grizzly Bear
Moutain Gorilla
Black Rhinoceros
African Elephant
Snow Leopard

after you have put them all in their exhibits you will be given another of each
animal and then you must release one of each back to the wild. this means you
will need to satisfy all of the animals needs. this will be easy except for
the snow leopard. as soon as this phase of the game begins put the game on
pause and distribute the other animals. also check all of your animals
and see if any of them can be release right away.

Your biggest challenges will be entertainment for the snow leopards and
elephants. if you can get to 2 stars of fame you can research the
big pink ball, everyone loves the big pink ball. apples are worthless for
entertainment. the scratching post is also a good idea for the snow leopard.

This scenario is quite easy really. I have completed this one as early as
January year 1 and on average by the middle of February.

- FROM Sakura Haruno
"By the way, are you sure that there is no time limit in
'Smuggling Ring Exposed'? Because I can't finish it for that same reason.
And by the way, Nice FAQ ^^"

- My response:
This scenario can actually be lost if you do not instantly satisfy your animals
when you get them. there is also a hidden time limit between each animal
delivery. if you do not satisfy the last animal delivered before the next one
arrives then you can lose the scenario. the best way to handle this map is
to build all your exhibits first while the game is on pause. then when a new
animal arrives you can uncrate it in its exhibit right away and be ready for
the next one. each exhibit should be 10x10. you will need 1 scrub,
2 tropical, 2 savannah, 1 boreal, and 1 alpine.

D. THE GLOBE - Reward: The Globe Statue decoration

- The World's Biomes

This one sounds easy; create one exhibit with an animal from each biome. start
off with a sell and smooth and start building. I got about $7000 from
recycling. also note that MM biomes and grassland do not count in this
scenario, although, extinct animals do.

with the limited funds I was able to start off with a camel, gazelle, musk ox
and a small guest area with a few flower arches for decoration. I then expanded
with an african buffalo, peafowl, moose, ibex, bongo and gemsbok when I had
the funds. I was able to complete this by July of year 1. it just takes
patience when you have a new zoo with limited funds

- African Animal Empire

(NOTE: sometimes animals that come from madagascar do not count as african
animals for the purposes of winning scenarios. be careful)

OK, new map, new challenges. this one is actually faily easy especially since
you have this guide to help you. after a quick sell and smooth I was able to
raise about $7,000 from recycling which will really come in handy.

my best piece of advice for this map is to go big. make large exhibits for
savannah, scrub,tropical and wetlands as those are going to be your main African
biomes. AA XP really helps out with this scenario. the premis is really fairly
simple, just get 12 different african animals in your zoo and have 0 animals
from other countries. simply take the chart from appendix A below and filter
it for region of Africa and only use those animals. don't even bother with
animals from other countries. try to use savannah as much as possible as it
has the most african animals.

one thing nice about this scenario is that you will get $1,500 cash for each
new african animal that you put in which is a good way to let you know if the
animal you choose is correct. also, for the really early animals you can make
a profit since they only cost $1250 to adopt! the key here is that if you
adopt an animal into an appropriate exhibit and you do not get the $1500
right away then it does not count. when that happens just undo the adoption
and save your money. I have noticed that animals from Madagascar sometimes do
not count towards this scenario (such as the Dodo) so be warned.

just use the ideas presented in this guide and make use of the animal chart and
you should have no problems with this one.

- North American Foreign Content

Wow, such nice waterfalls, too bad they are in the way. sell and smooth
everything for a paultry $5000, including the nice little path with fencing.

in this scenario we will need to pay a little bit closer attention to what we
want in our zoo. we need a total of 11 different animals but only 3 of them
can be from North America, the rest can come from any where. One problem we
have with this scenario is that we will not get an grants for correct animals,
so, be careful about what animals you place.

This scenario was much more difficult before the expansion packs were released
as most of the North American animals were expensive ($10,000 or more).

the problem with North American animals is that most of them are fairly
expensive and have a moderate fame requirement. my recommendations are to start
with the American Bison and Moose and then when you reach 1.5 stars go for a
styracosaurus or Giant Camel. California Sea Lion might also be a possibility
but it has need of the Coastal Biome which makes it more difficult to share
an exhibit with other animals.

I have to admit though, that this scerio is very picky about what it considers
from North America and what it does not. if you find that you cannot win
this scenario by following my animal chart below let me know what you used and
why you think you should have won and I will update my chart. I have not
fully tested every animal which is listed as comming from North America so some
of my information may not be entirely accurate.

-Alex Writes:
"When I try to put The Musk Ox in the Globe North
American campaign it
doesn't count as a North American Animal but the
game says that animals from
the Artic count and the Musk Ox is one of them...
In my zoo I have a Moose (North American), musk ox (Artic), Thomson's
gazelle, Dromedary Camel, Styracosaurus (North American), Common
Emperor Penguin, Flamingo, Gemsbok, Dodo, and Bluebuck."

-My Response
His zoo should have been a winner. I suggested releasing the Musk Ox
to the wild and then replacing it with an American Bison. the
Musk Ox may not count since it was a download and not from an
expansion pack.

- Scarce Aisian Animals

Ok we have a rare opportunity here. they start you off with 5 animals with
paths, exhibit fencing and other nice stuff. I think the design for this zoo
is terrible and I did a sell and smooth on everything. I released the free
animals to the wild for some quick fame points and the aniamls that did not
meet the requirement for release I put in a crate and placed near the entrance.

the sell and smooth netted me about $20,000! half of that was from the exhibit
fencing alone. be careful while selling as you can pick up and reuse many
objects such as benches, carts, food troughs, and donation boxes. also note
that you start with 3 zoo keepers. I would keep two and fire one.

Our biggest challenge here is that we have a time limit of 1 game year,
although if you follow my advice you should be done by about March or April.
Even with the expansions Asian animals are in short supply, but, thanks to
EA XP we have a few early and cheap options.

My suggestions for a quick win are common peafowl, velociraptor, markhor,
and protacheaopteryx. you will need 2 stars for the markhor, but, if you
add in a few other animals you should have no trouble getting it quickly.
if the markhor does not want to come up then you can use the komodo dragon as
an equal substitute.


- Animal Adoption Program

Now the scenarios start getting tricky. first, perform a sell and smooth for a
nice $3000 in recycling income.

In this scenario you will not be able to adopt any animals yourself, you must
work with what you are given which means that your number of species and
number of animals fame will be limited. the good news is that you are given
quite a few animals and they are very popular which means lots of good

our goal here is to breed the animals we are given which are: Ibex, Cheetah,
American Beaver and Hippo. more good news is the hippo and beaver can share
a biome - wetlands. at this point just build three exhibits, give the animals
all they need and want and let them have fun. since you are limited on the
number of animals you dont need to worry about expanding your zoo. keep your
zoo small and try to keep your guests all in one place.

I would suggest building a modified grid zoo where you only have the center
walk way from the entrance. this way you can make big exhibits that extend
from the path to the back wall. this is fine since you want your animals to
have plenty of privacy so they can breed. research the binoculars as well.

once your aniamls breed you can put the baby up for adoption. do not put your
originals up for adoption or you will instantly lose the scenario. save your
game before you do this just in case you make a mistake. when you successfully
put an animal up for adoption you will get a $2000 cash grant.

as you go, if you are doing well, another zoo may give you another animal. I
got a free red kangaroo and later a gemsbok which was great since they are both
scrubland biome.

as soon as you put the fourth animal up for adoption you win. piece of cake!

- Animal Conservation

In this scenario we are given three pairs of species and told to mate them...
wait, didn't we just do that? well yes, but, in this scenario the aniamls
we have to breed are more difficult to work with; mountain gorilla, snow
leopard and red panda. all three of these animals are very sensitive and
require more care and privacy than the animals in the adoption scenario.
another problem with these animals is that even if you see them mate, there
is no guarentee that they will get pregnant. just be patient.

also, as an added challenge, we are asked to raise a significant amount of
donations for each species to the tune of $7500. this will happen over time
and there is really nothing you need to do about it except offer donation
boxes, but, you should be doing that anyway.

I think the best thing to do is to provide as much privacy as possible. use
limited viewing areas and the best shelters possible. do not put extra animals
in with your breeders as this may cause a little extra stress and make things

do a sell and smooth and gain a whopping $10000 from recycling.

just like in the last scenario if you are doing well you will be offered
extra aniamls which are not required for the scenario. I got a total of 3
African Elephants for my efforts. I think these extra animals are random so
if you have a story to tell just let me know.

use the same zoo layout as the adoption scenario and you should be done around
June or so (like I said these animals take time to breed).

- Second Generation Animals

here we go again, more breeding. this time you will need to breed a species
twice in order to win. its actually going to be much easier than the last
one since the animals they give you this time are much easier to breed.

start off with your usual sell and smooth which should net you about $17000.

the three animals you start with are zebras, chimps and lemurs. thats good
news since chimps and lemurs are both tropical and they are both climbers so
make a large ditch exhibit for both of them. obviously make a seperate
savannah exhibit for the zebras.

while you are waiting for your animals to breed you will get a few extra
animals donations for your efforts. I was given a polar bear and an emperor
penguin which was lucky since they are both tundra biome and lived quite
happily together.

when the first pair finally give birth you will be given another animal donation
to help you breed your second generation (since children cannot breed with thier
parents). if you want to make sure that your older female does not get
pregnant again then you can simply put the new couple in a seperate exhibit
to help speed things up. if by some strange chance your second donation is the
same sex as your new animal then let your original pair breed again and hope
that you get an opposite sex. or you can just take your luck with the other
two species.

once the second generation has arrived you win. very easy.


- The Mysterious Panda

This scenario was the end of the line for the original game. this was the big
bad scenario which forced you to use every bit of your zoo tycoon talents
in order to finish. even with the other expansion packs this task is still
not that easy. what we need to do is build a stable 5 star zoo and then
raise $50,000 for a MALE panda. notice I put male in all caps. this is because
you must get a male panda for the win. if you adopt a female by mistake
then you just spent $50,000 for nothing (well, almost nothing since you can
still use the panda to attract more guests).

start off like always with a sell and smooth to add $10,000 to your already
large coffers. remember you need a 5 star zoo before you can adopt a panda.
no one said the zoo had to look pretty, it just needs to be famous. another
thing to keep in mind here is that you are given a medium sized zoo, so space
will be a concern. since we want a nice famous zoo don't rush into playing.
take some time before you begin and plan out your zoo layout before hand.
I actually went into FF mode and used the medium city zoo to plan my layout.

to recap: we need 35 total animals, 20 different species and 10 animals
released to the wild in order to max those fame points. this will not happen
in the first month and it might not even happen in the first year.

educational and entertaining animals scores will raise slowly over time as will
guest and animal happiness. these scores should not be a problem for your if
you have gotten this far.

what we want to concentrate on first is getting people into your zoo and start
working on income. my suggestion is to make large exhibits with multiple
animals in each. some good ones to start with are savannah, desert, wetlands,
and tundra.

we also want to think about breeding in the scenario to help raise our number
of animals score as well as giving us free animals to release to the wild.
to breed effectively you will want 1 male and 2 females at a minimum and make
sure to plan your exhibit size to accomodate a fair sized family as well as
room for other families of other species (when I say large exhibits I meant it).

also keep in mind that you will want to maintain the guest view distance of 10
tiles or remember to add binoculars every so often so guests can see further.
this scenario was designed without jeep vehicle tours although if you want to
start using them you are more than welcome. the same goes for marine shows.

Once you get your 5 stars and your male panda you must also have room for
the female. place them both in a nice quite exhibit (no carnivores) with lots
of privacy (small viewing areas). now you must wait for them to mate. once
the female gives birth that should net you the win.

and what do you get for all your trouble? a statue... yep, thats it, just a
statue... oh well I guess you also get membership into the 5 star club and
all the great experience of managing a large zoo. congratulations, now on to
the expansions!


- A Mob of Meerkats

This one is easy. don't change a thing. well, thats not true, you should
take the scrub exhibit and use the terrain tool to lower it all the way to
the ground and make it a ditch exhibit. then do what the games tells you to
do and take care of your meerkats.

First you will have 2 meerkats. then when they are happy you will get 6 more.
don't worry there is plenty of space in the premade scurb exhibit, meerkats
and kangaroos don't take up that much space. then sit back and wait for the
evaluation in 2 game months. easy as pie.

soon after the game starts (mid january), or, after you have satisfied your
8 meerkats, you will get your first optional goal. just raise $3500 in
donations for your meerkats. easy as pie if you have plenty of donation boxes.

after you get the donations you will get a sentry post delivered to you
in a crate near the entrance. rearrange your scrub exhibit and place the sentry
post in. you should not need any more room. then go into photo mode and stake
out the sentry post. when you see a meerkat going into it snap a few photos
until the game registers a successfull photo. this is also optional.

remember that you don't need to complete the optional challenges in order to
win, that's why they are optional!

- The Secretary Bird

This is another easy one. you start off with a nicely built zoo. you don't
need to change a thing. the money you start with is plenty.

First, take the secretary bird from the entrance and you can either build
a grassland exhibit for it or you can put it in to the savannah exhibit.
If you build a separate grassland exhibit then you can make it smaller and
have a better chance to take your photos.

once the bird is settled you need to go into photo mode and take two pics:
1. the bird preening (cleaning itself)
2. the bird flapping its wings. this one is the hard one as it does this
rarely. make sure the exhibit is extra large so it has space to run and flap.

when the first two pics are taken successfully you will need to take two more.
1. the bird playing with a big pink ball. this requires 2 fame stars. the
bird likes to run, a lot. so whenever you see the bird running toward the
ball, take the pic. if it does not work, then it must have just been
running and not playing with ball.
2. the bird playing with a live lizard. this requires 1.5 fame stars. this
one is tricky. when the bird is walking around with its head down is when
to snap the photo, this means that it is in stalking mode. if you put the
bird in the savannah exhibit it might be stalking the gazelles. just keep
taking your shots and eventually it will be stalking the lizard.

the best way to do the two photos above is one at a time. put in one object
and wait for the photo. when you get it then replace the object with the other

your final photo is to take a pic of a secretary bird egg. this means you will
need a 3 star zoo and then by another secretary bird and breed them. once
the egg is laid you just simply snap the photo. I got lucky on my game.
my birds mated immediately upon adoption of the new male (I guess she was in

you should have no trouble getting the fame. if you do use some of your cash
to adopt some new species. I added both types of giraffe, a quagga, and an
african buffalo to get to three stars.

The optional goal here is pretty much a given. all you need is a total guest
count of 75. this includes guests that have left already. the only way you
wont get this is if you are lucky enough to get all your photos really fast.

- The African Diversity Zoo

(NOTE: sometimes animals that come from madagascar do not count as african
animals for the purposes of winning scenarios. be careful)

On this map we are going back to the basics. I got about $3500 from a
standard sell and smooth.

This is just like the African Animal Empire zoo from above with a twist.
we are only allowed 4 species from the savannah. not a big deal though as
I know you have AA installed or you would not be playing this scenario!
also we will have some bonus money we can earn if we adopt certain animals.

my recommondations for this map are:
1. Modified Grid Layout. make a single path about 12 tiles wide from the
entrance to the back of the zoo. just FYI, my path cost me about $7500.
2. Make large exhibits that extend from the path to the zoo wall. I
recommend you use savannah, scrubland, tropical, wetlands, desert and grassland.
3. animals of note: gazelle, african buffalo, bongo, camel, fennec fox,
okapi, masai giraffe, zebra, flamingo, gemsbok, gerenuk, bluebuck, ratel,
african spurred tortoise. with these 14 species you can get all the bonuses
as well as win the scenario.

remember that you only need 14 species, so you don't need to breed to increase
your number of animals score. however, in order to get some animals you might
want to breed a little to increase your fame. I would breed gazelle, bongo,
african buffalo, and camel because they are inexpensive to adopt.

to get the scrubland bonus you can get a gemsbok at 1 star and a gerenuk at 2
stars. after you do this you will have another bonus to get 2 animals from
the african grasslands. there are only 3 options for this; ratel, secretary
bird and bluebuck.

you will also get bonus grants at 4 animal species and 8 animals
species. with these bonus grants you should have no trouble winning this
scenario in a short amount of time.


- Bridging the Gap

The maps are starting to get a little tricky now. this map has a conservation
area that splits the zoo area in half. your first goal is to have 8 species
in your zoo, but, you will be hard pressed to do that in what little space
they give you start off with.

the first I did was to crate all my animals and then move them, the benches,
the donation boxes and the food to the entrance. I then did a sell and smooth
on everything I could. you can not affect the stuff in the conservation area
so don't worry about it. this should net you about $13,000.

If you kept your animals then you only need 5 more to reach the first goal
of 8. if you build your exhibits to minimum specs you should be able to
do this in the first area. just remember to leave a little room to build
an elevated path. you will need to use the elevated path in order to
bridge the gap to the other side of your zoo.

some interesting things to note about elevated paths are that you cannot build
fencing right up against an elevated path. you can put buildings on an
elevated path so what I did was I put my guest area on the elevated path
over looking the waterfall area.

Once you plop down your 8th animal you will be rewarded with $4000 and new goal.
now we need 4 more animals for a total of 12 species. when that is done you
will be given $10000 and your last goal. the final hurdle is to get 4 more
species for a total of 16.

I used all the .5 star animals for this one, they are cheap and readily

- The Great Savannah

You would be lucky to get $1000 for a sell and smooth on this map. about 90%
of it is in a conservation area. this is not bad though as it means that you
do not need to build any exhibits for yourself. we can use the conservation
area as a huge exhibit and just plop in aniamls.

this map is very unique and will require some creative thinking. my
approach was to go completely with elevated paths over the conservation area.
remember that you can put buildings on an elevated path so you can pretty
much put your zoo on top of the conservation area.

our biggest challenge with the aniamls is that this conservation area is a
mixed biome exhibit with savannah as the primary biome and areas of wetlands
and scrubland thrown in here and there. we already start with a few
flamingos, gemsbok, gazelles and giraffe which should start attracting some
guests once we build our path.

I added in the following:
Giant Sable Antelope
Masi Giraffe
African Buffalo

you might also want to make sure that you are breeding your gazelles and
especially your flamingos. flamingos die quickly so you will want to breed
them a lot. Quagga and Zebra can interbreed as can both giraffe species.

our first goal is to build a two station sky tram tour which will require
2 stars of fame. use the transportation guide above to learn how to set
one of these up.

once you get your sky tram up and running you will be tasked with your second
goal of getting a 4 star zoo. just keep adding new animals to your area
and you should get this eventually.

around June you may get tasked with an optional goal to get two giant sable
antelopes in one month. unless you plan on doing this anyway don't bother.
there is no reward for acheiving this goal other than the added fame of
adding a new species to your zoo.

- Five Star Sensation

This one is quite tricky we have two goals, a 4 star tour and a 5 star zoo both
within one game year.

we start with a prebuilt zoo and $20,000. the zoo is only mediocre but some of
the animals are very nice and will attract a nice crowd. crate the animals,
start moving the movable objects to the entryway and begin your sell and smooth.
note though, that there are some small conservation areas in the zoo. you may
need to keep the large hill in the center because of them. I actually flattened
the center area and used it as an enclosed guest area which worked out rather
well in the end.

my sell and smooth netted me nearly $30,000 in recycling which brought my
starting cash to about $50,000.

basically I went big. big exhibits that is. I had 1 exhibit each of tundra,
savannah, scrub, grassland, desert and wetlands. I also had a small temperate
exhibit for the peafowls. I then drew out a nice winding path through all the
exhibits with the jeep tour. I placed at least one animal in each exhibit and
when the first person was done with the tour I got my 4 stars and one goal
was complete.

the tour stayed at 5 stars all the way till the end. I just kept adding
animals and put in a few tour objects when I had the extra cash.

when I got to a 3 star zoo fame I was awarded a cash grant of $10,000 which
came in handy while I was trying to buy more species to increase zoo fame
even further. At 4 stars I recieved $20,000 more. I achieved a 5 star zoo
by July.

the best advice I can give is to breed peafowls, gazelles, musk ox and any
thing else you can get. this will give you number of animals fame and a good
potential for release to the wild fame. use your income to buy new species
when you can and try to get the cheap ones first (african buffalo, american
bison, gazelle, ox, caribou, gemsbok, camel, flamingo, etc...)

really I think the biggest hurdle on this map is comming up with a decent
layout which takes into account a nice sized tour.


- The VIP's

This scenario is different from most others. what we need here is to take
a bunch of pictures. not just any pictures but specific subject matter.
you won't need much money in this scenario so don't bother with a sell and

Our first goal is take three pictures:
1. Person immitating an animal.
2. Child playing on gorilla climbing bars.
3. person using the binoculars.

before we can do any of these we need people. if you like you can make the
first one a little easier by spending your time waiting for guests building
a moose exhibit which is one of the most commonly immitated animals in the
game. then just go into photo mode and stake out the moose exhibit.
keep your focus on children mostly and wait for them to put thier hands to their
heads which means they are immitating antlears. Of course if you can catch
someone immitating something else that will work too.

after you have that pic, go to the elevated paths near the savannah exhibit and
stake out the binoculars in photo mode. when a person steps up to look out you
snap one off.

our final pic will take some time as our fame rating rises. we should have
no problem getting 2 stars, it will just take some time for the animal
and guest happiness ratings to rise up. then research and buy a set of
gorilla climbing bars and set them near a high traffic area. eventually
a kid will come by and play on them, when they do take your pic. once you have
your pic you can keep the gorilla bars or recycle them.

after this, our next goal is a 3 star rating. just buy a few more cheap
animals (african buffalo, camel, dodo, etc) to help raise the fame faster.

as soon as we reach 3 stars our next goal arrives. we need to take two more
pics. 1 of a wealthy business man eating or drinking (his name is Billy
Siles and he wears a blue suit and red tie). the next is of a scientist viewing
any animal (his name is Alvin Einhiem and he wears a white lab coat).

just pick your target and stick with them in photo mode. when they begin
doing the appropriate action click your pic. my suggestion here is to stick
to the billionaire first. once he has satisfied his hunger and thirst
he may not be ready again for quite a while. the scientist will be looking at
animals all day.

after we get these photos our next and last photo is of the famous pop star
dancing. for this we will need music rocks. my suggestion is to place music
rocks (any of them) at all corners and intersections. sell off the statues and
lamp posts if you have to. we want plenty of opportunities for the VIP to
do a little dance for us. she is unmistakable, wearing a pink two piece number
with white tennis shoes and pink tinted shades.

this scenario is just a matter of patience, waiting for that one person to do
that one thing. keep at it and you should win this one without problems.

- The Javan Rhinoceros

Now our photo skills are put to the test. we need to capture images of the
elusive and skittish javan rhino doing...well...things. the problem with the
javan rhino is that it really really really does not like to be disturbed.
this means that we must take all of our pics from an elevated path and use
the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

(a NOTE of caution, unlike previous prebuilt zoos, this one does not come
with any staff. you will want at least 1 zookeeper and 1 worker before you
start working on the goals)

you build a small section of elevated path right in the middle of the exhibit.
no one said that the path needs to be accessible by guests. this should give
you a nice quite little perch to watch your rhino from a distance.

out first goal is to take two snap shots; the javan rhino eating or drinking,
and the javan sleeping.

sleeping is unmistakable. when it sits down on the ground take your shot.
eating is little more questionable. the javan rhino likes to graze on the
grass in the exhibit. this counts as eating both for the photo and for his
hunger rating. don't bother staking out his food pile as he might never
actually eat from it. wait until his head bobs down slightly then snap your
photo. hopefully you caught him when he was grazing. don't be afraid to
take lots of shots and just clear out your camera every now and again if it
gets full.

you may some money on this map later on so go ahead and do a modified
sell and smooth. only sell the surrounding flora. keep the zoo as it is.
I got about $5000 doing this. but for now just worry about the photos.

our next set of goals is to take some photos of the rhino playing. one with
a salt like (1 star of fame) and one with a big pink ball (2 stars, everyone
loves the big pink ball!). when you place these things in the exhibit put
them in a spot that you can see easily from your perch.

the salt lick is easy photo to take. you will have ample time to realize that
he is using the salt lick to take your photo. the pursuit ball is a little
tricky. when rhinos use the ball they run up to it and hit really hard.
however, by the time they hit it they are done playing with it so you
need to take the pic before they hit the ball. this is difficult since they
like to run around the exhibit a lot and it does not always mean that they
are playing with the ball. so, everytime you see the rhino running, take a
few pics and hope you get lucky. it also might be wise to recycle or remove
the salt lick once you have that picture. if both the salt lick and the
ball are in the exhibit the rhino could satisfy its needs with the lick and
never use the ball so hedge your bet by giving it only one choice.

with the second photo taken you will be given $10,000 and two now goals.
the 3.5 fame level is no big deal, you have the skills to do that by now.
When you get there you will be given another $10,000.

breeding the rhino pup will be another matter entirely. basically you just
need to uncrate the female in the exhibit and hope they hit it off. remember,
endangered species take longer to mate then your average pair and this rhino
is even worse. just be patient and tend to your zoo while your javans get
to know each other.

When the baby is born snap your photo and move on to the next scenario.

- The Cat Sanctuary

Keeping with the photo theme our first goal is to get some pictures of happy
cats. as luck would have it the animals that are already in this zoo
are already happy. just go into photo mode and take pics of each animal. its
a quick $2000.

our next goal is 75 guests, but, before we work on attracting guests I suggest
a full sell and smooth. crate your aniamls and save whatever food and flora
you want. the current layout is just not going to work for our future needs.
becareful, though, there is a compost building sitting in a corner on this map.
this is very beneficial for us as it can bring in a decent amount of money and
if we recycle it now, we wont get another one until we reach 2 fame stars.

my sell and smooth got me nearly $19,000! that's nearly double my starting

I went with a grid layout for this one. I would suggest keeping your cheetahs
and lions in seperate exhibits as lions tend to chase and kill cheetahs when
they have the chance. once you get 75 guests you will be awarded a $15000
grant and a new objective.

now you must acquire a spanish lynx and take a photo of it playing with a
beef shank. the lynx is available at 3.5 stars and costs $15,000 to adopt!
just build you zoo with the skills you have gained so far and you should have
no troubles.

once you have the lynx pic you will then need a picture of a florida panther
sleeping on a wetlands rock. sounds easy right? well the Florida panther is
a 5 star animal and costs $45000! what did you expect? a walk in the
zoological park?


- Baird's Tapir

The focus of this scenario is the Baird's Tapir, an endangered species from
South America. The tapirs are located in a conservation area in the back of
the zoo. first things first make sure your tapirs have food and water.

our next task is to raise $3000 in overall donations. pretty simple I guess.
if you want to expand a little a modified sell and smooth will net you about
$4000 in cash. I added an American Bison, Peafowl, Bluebuck and Dodo.

after you get your $3000 in donations you will need 5 total tapirs in the
conservation exhibit. if you get 1.5 stars of fame before you get the $3000
then you can start populating the tapirs early.

Tapirs can be a little expensive ($3000) so you could also just wait for then
to breed.

- Endangered Species Breeding Program

Keeping with the theme of endagered species this scenario wants you to breed
a galapagos giant tortoise, a scimitar horned oryx and a markhor.

we can start by doing a sell and smooth. crate your animals, save your
benches, food, tables and donation boxes, sell everything else. I got about
$20000 from recycling.

in the end we are going to want a minimum 2 star zoo: 1 for the Oryx, 1.5 for
the tortoise and 2 for the markhor. not only do we need these ceratin animals
but we need 2 of each so we can breed them. 2 stars is not that hard to get.
it just takes patience and planning.

once you have 1 of each kind and meet their needs then you will be awarded
with $10000. I would use this money to buy a second one of each animal so
you can work on the second part of the challenge which is to breed them.

remember endangered species are harder to breed than others. don't be afraid
to adopt more than one female for a single male to encourage breeding. Finally,
after months of waiting when your last animal is born (or hatches in the case of
the tortoise) then you must release one of each to the wild which at this point
should not be too difficult.

- The Endangered Species Zoo

Oh Boy, another 5 star zoo challenge. well, if you have done all the other
scenarios up to this point then building a 5 star zoo should be no trouble at
all. But, wait, what's this? it has a twist. in order to complete this
scenario your zoo can only contain endangered or critical animals...ok, that
puts a bit of a kink into the standard plan. also, as if that was not enough,
we have a conservation area in our zoo. its a small area, but, I just think
they are annoying. what's worse is that the conservation biome is one which
we will not be able to use...can it get any worse?

Unfortunately, I was not able to win this scenario with extinct animals in my
zoo. so you are forced to use only endangered and critical animals. you can
build up your zoo with other animals, but, for the win, you must only have
those two threat levels present, no others.

IMHO, this is one of the most difficult scenarios to win.

first of all, lets start out with a sell and smooth. this got me about $7,000.

Just start building your zoo like you would any other 5 star zoo.

my suggestions for getting this zoo going are the following:
1. single entry path - keep your guests in one spot to maximize their spending.
when you get to 3.5 stars you will have only the really expensive animals left
to adopt. you will want your income to come in fast.
2. research the compost building as soon as you hit 2 stars and replace all
your restrooms with family restrooms.
3. replace all of your food stands with a restaurant at 3 stars and fire all
of your maintenance workers. replace all of your gift carts with gift shops.
4. start with an alpine exhibit and a desert exhibit. in the alpine put in
a moose, musk ox and caribou. in the desert place a gazelle and a camel. then
sit back and wait for the fame to rise to 1 star and follow the list below.

the list of early acceptable animals is small so I will list them here:
1 Star: Scimitar Horned Oryx, Green Sea Turtle ($2000@)
1.5 Star: Bairds Tapir, Galapagos Tortoise ($3000@)
2 Star: Addax, Markhor, Giant Sable Antelope ($5500@)
2.5 Star: Leatherback Sea Turtle, Sea Otter ($7500@)
3 Star: Przewalski's Wild Horse, Black Rhino ($10000@)

After 3 stars the list widens and so does the cost ($15,000 and up for
each new animal). One good thing is that the three endangered marine animals
can all live comfortably in the coastal biome so you only need one marine

around June I got a pop up that my Board of Directors bought a Scimitar Horned
Oryx without my permission and they deducted the cost of the animal
automatically from my funds. however, if you can raise $300 in guest donations
for the oryx you will get a cash grant of $2000. the game calls this
significant, I call it paultry especially since they deducted $2000 when they
gave me the oryx in the first place.

The timming and species of this event are random. I played the scenario a
second time and got a green sea turtle instead. it also happened again in the
same game but it was for a baird's tapir. On my third game I got a
galapagos tortoise and then a wild horse.

at 4 endangered species I was given a $10,000 grant. At 7 species
I was given $20,000. these grants might also be time driven. just keep
building your zoo and you can count on these grants eventually.

once you hit 1 star try not to adopt any more animals that are not on the list
above. once you hit 5 stars you will need to release your non-endangered and
non-critical animals to the wild (or put up for adoption) so you can win the
scenario. if you are too dependant on these other animals then releasing too
many will drop your fame below 5 stars, so, be careful. I suggest releasing
one non endangered animal for each new endangered animal you adopt until
you have no more non-endagnered left. this will help increase your fame as
you play and will help ensure that you are no longer dependant on the extra
animals for fame points.

I am man enough to admit that this scenario took me three separate tries to get
right. it is all about being able to afford the more expensive animals near the
end and doing it before your early animals start to die off. breeding can help
but since they are all endangered and critical they don't breed nearly as well
as other animals. just keep at it. if you can win this one, then the other
scenarios don't stand a chance.

when I finally won I had all the animals listed above plus an Asian Elephant,
red panda, javan rhino, bengal tiger, and an african wild dog. I also had
two restaurants and two gift shops going strong with a gift cart and a compost
building to help with income. I had 4 discovery kiosks to help pad out my
donation income. I had 4 zookeepers and no maintence workers which helped
reduce costs. The final date was June of year 2.


- The Marine Diversity Zoo

Back to the basics. all we have to do is get a few animals and make them happy.
the catch here is that we need certain types of animals; marine animals to be
exact. You can do a sell and smooth but you really don't need to. I got about
$4000 recycling random stuff.

We need 5 kinds of marine animals 1 from a different order or class of marine
Order Carnivora
Class Chondrichthyes
Order Testundines
Order Perciformes
Order Cetacea

What you are supposed to do is look at each marine animal in the zoopediea and
learn its order and class in order to make your decisions. however, learning
is not what you want a guide for, so, I will just tell you what will win this
for you!

Get the following:
Manta Ray (.5 stars)
Beluga (.5 stars)
Blue Marlin (1 star)
Green Sea Turtle (1 star)
California Sea Lion (1.5 star)

once they are all happily in their exhibits you should win. along the way
your board of directors will award you with a $5000 grant for each one of
these you add. There is also an optional goal of raising $1000 in donations
for your marine animals which will get you a pair of penguins. really, though,
you should be done with this scenario before that even happens.

the hardest part of this of the scenario is waiting for your
zoo to get to 1.5 stars. I had this scenario done in the first week of

- Take the Plunge

This scenario is also an easy one for the avid zoo tycoon such yourself.
we just need 10 different marine animals. as an added bonus for this scenario
any animal which has marine tank walls listed in its zookeeper recomendations
menu will count toward this goal. I will not list all such animals since you
will not need more than 2.5 stars to win this scenario.

we also have an optional goal of getting 50 guests into the zoo which will
get us $20,000. I love goals like that since it is going to happen no matter
what we do (unless you close the zoo of course). after that your next optional
goal is 75 guests for another $20,000. And to seal the deal you will get
another $30,000 for a total of 100 guests. this is such a great map!

Also if we can display 3 marine animals we will get a free seahorsey bouncy
ride; What Fun! At 6 animals we will get a free marine gift cart. at 10
animals we win!

a simple sell and smooth will net you about $3500. the nice thing here is that
this zoo already starts with three very attractive animals and 1.5 stars of

Here are the marine animals I choose for the win:
manta ray
california sea lion
green sea turtle
blue marlin
west indian manatee
short finned pilot whale
rockhopper penguin
sea otter
emperor penguin (not a MM animal but still counts)

- The Ocean's Biomes

Now things are getting interesting. we need to represent all of the MM biomes
to get the win here. there are two caveats; 1) tundra is considered a MM biome
2) there are only 3 Benthic animals and the first one is available at 4 stars.

lets start off with a modified sell and smooth. I got about $18000 from
recycling. most of it came from selling off the decorative fencing and
replacing the rainforest and wetlands fencing with chainlink.

one nice thing about this scenario is that for each new biome you fulfill you
get a $15000 cash grant! this makes the scenario very quick.

Very early on in my game the zoo owner "Pirate Parker" came for a visit and
wanted to see three different marine animals in three different exhibits. I
already had a manta ray and green sea turtle in two exhibits. so I just built
a quick west indian manatee exhibit to satisfy him eventhough I already had
a coastal exhibit with the turtles. my "Pirate Booty" was a third Jaguar to
add to my rainforest exhibit.

Since I had a decent amount of money and good income I decided to use my
"peafowl" trick and adopt some cheap animals and immediately release them
to the wild for a quick fame boost. we only need to get up to 4 stars to
get the last animal though so don't over do it.

The animals I choose for this scenario were:
manta ray (reef)
green sea turtle (coastal)
blue marlin (pelagic)
goblin shark (benthic)
beluga (tundra)

because of the cash grants I was done by middle of February.

- Arluq the Orca

This one seems easy. just raise $5000 in marine donations and you will get
a free Orca! this is made even easier with a very nice pre built zoo. there
is even a very nice example of a hybrid exhibit. I did a small sell and smooth
and got about $5000.

If you like you can add to the exhibits with more species or add new exhibits.
don't spend too much though as you will need the money later.

once you get the $5000 you will get Arluq delivered to the usual place
(near the entrance). then you just need to make her happy. you can actually
build the exhibit before you get the whale. I built a 20x10 tundra marine
exhibt and put in a beluga. you will also want some kelp beds, and a lure bouy
with fish. if you get to 2 stars early research the big pink ball and the
clam bubbler as well.

when Arluq is happy you will get a $25,000 grant and a new goal to satisfy
her stimulation need with a clam bubbler and a big pink ball. once you have
done this you will be told that you must keep her happy for three game months
and then an inspector will come by to evalute her condition. you do not
need to get to 5 stars as the game suggests, thats why it is just a suggestion,
although you will need those stars later.

After the three months pass, and assuming you pass the inspection, you will be
told that you must raise another $20,000 in donations and then release Arluq
to the wild. once you have the additional $20000 you get the final kicker:
release Arluq to the wild. well in order to do that you will need to satisfy
her social need. yep, you need to adopt another orca and they are not cheap!
yeah, it was smooth sailing up until now wasn't it? you will need 5 stars and
$50,000. good luck!


- Marine Show Photographer

This scenario is about the photos. we wont need a sell and smooth here as we
have everything we need right from the start.

our first goal is to take a picture of a Pacific Walrus bellowing and a picture
of a pacific walrus jumping. lucky for us we start off look right at the
walrus show tank. you have about 1 minute to look around the zoo before the
show begins. The order of the acts is; Bellow, Jump, Bellow, Jump. so you will
have two chances for each photo during each show. the bellowing will occur
right in front of the stands, the jumping is off to the right.
if you miss either photo just wait for the show to restart.

our second set of goals is to photograph dolphins. the dolphins have a show
in the same tank as the walruses which makes things easier. here we want a
dolphin doing a corkscrew twist and a dolphin jumping through a hoop. just
like the walruses, the dolphin show is Hoop, Twist, Hoop, Twist.

guess what our next goal is. yep, two photos of california sea lions. one
where they are using the horns and another where they are sliding. can you
guess the order of the acts in their show? Slide, Horn, Slide, Horn.

our last goal is to photograph an orca jumping and doing a spyhop. and,
what do you know, those are exactly what the orca show has lined up for us;
Jump, Spyhop, Jump, Spyhop.

as soon as you snap the last photo the win is yours.

our only optional goal in the map is to attract 80 guests. this will just
happen over time so don't worry about it.

- Starmaker

Now we get to make a show of our own. in this scenario we are given a fresh
new dolphin (with a funny name) and we asked to not only care for this
dolphin but to train him up to three stars in the following tricks:
Jump in Trick Area
Swipe Ball
Swipe Tether Ball Bouy

you could hire a trainer and just let the game run over night, but, the dolphin
might die of old age before you win the scenario, so, you will need to get your
hands wet and start playing the mini game.

if you can get two scores in a row of 90% or higher you can get 3 dots, or, just
keep training and you will reach 3 dots eventually. once you reach 3 dots
in one of the required tricks you will get a $10,000 grant. once all 3 tricks
are at 3 dots our final goal will be unlocked.

the final goal is to train our dolphin up to a level 2 trick which means
training him in one trick up to 5 full dots. remember the minigames get more
difficult the more dots you acquire. don't worry if you are not getting high
scores each time, you will never lose your progress so each time you play
you are getting just a little further ahead. keep at it and you will win
eventually. if you are really having trouble you can always go into FF mode
and practice.

An optional goal here is to attract 100 guests for a nice $20,000 grant. this
will happen eventually over time so don't worry about it.

- Double Feature

our main goal here is to put on 2 marine shows at the same time. the catch is
that one must feature a dolphin or whale and the other must feature a seal,
sea lion or walrus. right away they start us off with two very large tanks,
one with some blue martins and one with some dolphins (so the dolphin show will
be easy to start).

a sell and smooth will not get you much, but, every dollar counts so go crazy.
I decided to keep all the stuff they start you out with since you are going to
need all that stuff anyways.

try to keep focused on this map, all we need are two shows, thats it. the
california sea lion will become available at 1.5 stars and no one said our
shows had to be any good. something interesting to note here is that the
pelagic exhibit with the blue martins is actually built with show tank walls.
what you can do is create a seperate tank for the pelagic animals and move them
over. this will give you a free show tank.

you will get a $15000 grant for each show you start.

once you start a show you will have another goal to attract 150 guests to each
show. this is not as bad as it seems since 1 guest in your zoo can watch the
show multiple times. of course higher star rated shows will attract more
guest, but this number should increase steadily over time.

here are some tips:
- try not to use females in the shows. if they ever get pregnant then
they might not be able to make it to the show which would cause the show
to be cancelled (if they are the only ones in it).
- keep training your stars, the better they perform the more guests they will
- keep changing the shows around, dont let a show go stale, keep adding new
- never sell off the show platform, this will result in an instant loss.
- remember to add 1-2 breaks in between shows to allow for your stars to rest
and relax.
- don't neglect the rest of your zoo.

after a while you will get an optional goal to pop up. apparently a world
famous wildlife photographer has entered your zoo and you are now tasked
to photograph the photographer taking a photo and eating or drinking. if you
can pull those off you will be awarded a $20,000 grant. you have to be quick
with this one, she takes her photos fast so be ready. also, drinking from
the water fountian counts as her drinking so be on the look out.

- Fine Tuning

Our goal here is to revitalize a dying show featuring Waldo to Walrus. Walruses
are not the best animals for shows as they only know 3 tricks which makes
great shows with them very difficult. we can, however, add new animals to the
show which should spice things up quite a bit. luckily we have two pilot whales
right behind the show tank.

we do not need to do a sell and smooth here as we have everything we need.

I would suggest starting off by training Waldo up to maximum which should help
him overall, and then start training a pilot whale to join him. once we get to
1 star in the show we will be given a $20,000 grant. at 2 stars you will get
an additional $40,000.

at some point you will get a special visitor, a world famous marine life
explorer. your goal, for a $10000 reward is to to photograph him watching
your marine show. this guy has white hair and beard with a blue hat and shirt.

an optional goal we have here is to gather $7500 dollars in show donations. if
we can do that we will be given a free pilot whale.

here are some tips:
- if you are going to have multiple aniamls in the same show then they must
both live in the same exhibit.
- using more than one animal in a show is a sure way to raise the shows fame.
- the more highly trained an animal is the better it will perform overall
- do not use females if you can avoid it, if they become pregnant then they
will often miss show calls.
- try to reuse props for shows with a lot of acts to help conserve space.

There is a known glitch with this scenario that happens to everyone. as soon as
you begin you will get notices that the manatees need more land!?! manatees
don't use land...the only thing you can do is to put them up for adoption and
adopt new manatees or adopt whatever you want.

- Marine Show Mogul

This is a variation on the 5 star zoo challenge. instead of a 5 star zoo, we
need a 5 star show. we start with a blank map and $80,000 plus about $3000
from a sell and smooth.

I started off with a hybrid Tundra exhibit. I filled it with musk ox, caribou,
emperor penguin, polar bear and of course beluga. believe it or not, the sea
otter and the california sea lion can also live very comfortably in the tundra
biome which can give us the makings of quite the 5 star show! if you have the
fame and the money, Orca and walrus can also live in the tundra.

if you don't like tundra (or want to go completely aquarium) then you can
make a large coastal tank. every traninable animal in the game can live happily
in the coastal biome. heck why not have both a tundra and a coastal tank!

before you actually start up any shows make sure you have plenty of well
trained performers. you don't want to interrupt your shows because you are
busy training.

another good tip is that you should first concentrate on building up your zoo
and making sure that it is self sustaining so that you can spend long stretches
of time training your animals and working on fine tuning your shows.

once you reach your first star of show fame you will be given a $10000 cash
grant. 2 stars of show fame will give you $20000 cash. 3 stars will net you
$40000. 4 stars will net you $60,000. at 5 show stars you win the scenario.

My winning show had a Dolphin, 2 sea otters fully trained, 2 california sea
lions fully trained there were 5 acts. to conserve space all of the dolphins
tricks were done in a "trick area" so I was able to reuse the same prop for all
of the dolphins tricks. I had the sea lions do their tricks in a different
order so I could reuse thier props as well.

another show idea I had was to run 5 fully trained belugas through 7 acts.
this got me 4.5 stars and lots of frustration. I was never able to get that
last .5 star. although, the show was very profitable and all of my belugas
lived for the entire scenario (almost 2 game years).

- FROM platypus77
"On the Marine Show Mogul Campaign walkthrough, you said that you had tried
to beat the scenario with 5 belugas and only got up to 4.5 stars of show
fame. Well, I tried the scenario with 6 fully trained belugas, 7 acts, each
beluga using every trick once and won the scenario after 4 or 5 shows. I just
wanted to point this out for you whenever you update your FAQ again."

- My Response:
argh! just one more Beluga!

- show fame has to have time to raise up. when you first start a show it
might only have 1 star. after a few showings it might rise to 3 or 4 depending
on what you have in the show. If you edit a show let it run for a few showings
before judging your changes.
- more animals means more stars, more species are even better.
- more tricks are more stars but also means longer shows which can make people
mad if they are forced to wait for too long. keep shows no longer than 7 or 8
- use male animals in the shows as pregnant females are not able to participate.
- when trying to train multiple animals for a show pick one animal to train
yourself and set up trainers to train the others. when you are done training
your animal fire one trainer and pick up where they left off. this will save
you lots of time over the course of training many animals
- make the show tank at least 20x20 tiles or bigger and put the platform off
to the side, this will give you ample space to place props for multiple animals.
- for multiple animals to perform in a show they all need to come from the same
exhibit tank.
- california sea lions take a very long time to train because thier trick
animations are very long


- Paleo Island

This is a simple adopt and release scenario. there will be no need for a sell
and smooth here as it will be over quickly.

The first task is to adopt a bluebuck and meet its basic needs. when you do
this you will get a $5000 grant.

our next task is to purchase an extinct research center. once this is done you
will get an additional $5000 and a new goal.

the new goal is to collect enough fossils for one complete species. for more
detailed help on this activity refer to the fossil hunting mini game section
above. when you have enough pieces you will get yet another $5000 grant.

now go to the lab and assemble the fossil. Doing this will net you a $10000

now that you have a complete fossil the directors want a super animal. if you
can do this they will give you $15000.

our final goal here is to release 5 different extinct species to the wild. if
we can do this we will win (plus we will get $50000 but that is only useful if
you want to keep playing this map.) you can release adopted animals as well as
created ones, however, created ones will be too young to release right away so
you are better off adopting and releasing.

as an aside, there are some optional goals here:
1. Charlie Stoneberg wants to see three extinct animals. This is a no brainer,
just have three extinct animals in your zoo and he will see them eventually.
all this does is attract more guests to you zoo. (you can't miss him, he looks
like a caveman!)

2. You need to breed three extinct animals for a grant from the directors.
the easiest ones to breed would be the velociraptor, blue buck and dodo. I
bred all of these animals but I had already won the scenario before I finished
so I did not get the grant.

- All In A Day's Work

OUr first goal here is to simple adopt three extinct animals of different
species. to start off I did a complete sell and smooth which got me a grand
total of $20000! I also released as many of the peafowl to the wild as I could.
Do not sell your resarch center. you will need this to complete the scenario.
if you so sell it you will need to rebuild it later.

once we plop the thrid species in we will get $2500 and a new goal. we need
to raise $1500 in donations for our extinct animals and we will be given a
free warrah.

When you get your warrah, plop into a grasslands exhibit with some water, fish
and a shelter. if you still have your research center then you will soon get
a message that there is a disease occuring in your zoo and you need to go
through a few steps to get it cured. Every time I played this scenario the
disease was always "The Litter Bug".

the first step is to take a picture of you diseased animal. once you have done
this you will get a $5000 grant. now you must cure the disease. for details
about the disease minigame please refer to the minigames section above. when
have found the cure for the disease you will get $2500.

when all of your animals are disease free you will get $10000 and your final
goal which is to raise $2000 in donations for your extinct animals. at the
end you will get a $20,000 grant if you want to keep playing, or, you just go
on to the next scenario.

There is also an optional goal for this scenario which involves taking pictures.
you need to take a picture of an entertainer telling a joke, a child in the
play dig pit and a completed statue at the eductation center. this will net
you $20,000. make sure to watch the statue being built and take the picture
before it gets crated or you might have to wait for the next statue to finish.

a second optional goal is to take a picture of an elephant bird and diprotodon
together in the same exhibit (they are both wetlands). this will also earn you
a respecatble $20,000.

- Back to the Ice Age

This is yet another 5 star challenge (well, almost). our main goal on this map
is to recreate the Ice Age. we start off with a 2.5 star zoo and a rather nice
grid layout.

you can begin here by doing a modified sell and smooth. only sell off that
which you do not need (like decorative fencing). keep all of your animals and
exhibits as is. also, begin research on the compost building right away and for
gosh sakes sell that terrible staff center! I got nearly $10,000 from doing

our first main goal is to acquire a woolly rhino. these are available at
3.5 stars. since we are already at 2.5 stars it should not be too difficult
to get one more star. if you look at the fame menu you should see that
animal and guest happiness, educational and entertaining animals fame is
near max. the fame that is left for us is number of species and release to
wild. we have plenty of room to expand, but, I suggest using some of the
starting funds for the "peafowl trick" and release 10 cheap animals to the

once you achive 3.5 stars you will get a $5000 cash grant. at this point I
would start concentrating on the big Ice Age Exhibit you will need. you should
make this exhibit big. no...bigger. I said BIG! well, I guess you can always
expand it later...ultimately we are going to need 4 large extinct animals in
this exhibit plus we can throw in some caribou, musk ox, and emperor penguins.
(like I said, big!)

At 4 stars you will earn an $8000 grant. you will need the money as the
woolly rhino is $35,000. once you acquire this beast and meet its basic
needs you will be given a $5000 grant and your second set of goals which is
to adopt (or create) a short faced bear and a saber toothed cat both of which
are unlocked at 4 stars. the saber cat is only $20,000, but the bear is

to help get a decent flow of income you should replace your center food
stands with restaurants and a gift shop. you can also then fire your
maintenance worker as there will no longer be any trash to clean up. another
way to make great money on this map is with a sky tram tour. the exhibits are
big enough and there is plent of room near the guest area for the station.
My sky tram was an instant success at 5 stars and was making money faster than
any other building in the zoo.

once the game finally gets around to realizing that you have both animals
and they are happy then you will get a $10,000 grant for each one and your final
goal which is to adopt an American Mastadon (4.5 stars $60,000). as soon as
the mastadon is plopped in you get the win and you get a $20,000 grant in case
you wish to continue playing.

There is also a long chain of optional goals which are all focused on creating
a super woolly rhino. basically you will get small grants at every milestone
such as finding a woolly rhino fossil, building the fossil, and finally
creating the super rhino. I did all the optional goals except create
the super rhino. I just did not see the point since the mini game gets so
difficult at that stage it is just easier to adopt a woolly rhino.


- The Hard Way

The developers were vengeful when they made this scenario apparently. we need
to make a 4-star zoo with 8 different extinct animals and the only way we
are allowed to do it is by creating them all in the lab.

A modified sell and smooth got me about $13000 in profit; mostly from replacing
the fencing with chain link. the good thing here is that we start with a
decently designed zoo and 1.5 stars. they were also nice enough to give us
some prebuilt exhibits which will save us some money later.

your first sub goal is to build an extinct research lab, and then you must
find at least 1 complete set of fossils by playing the fossile finding mini game
or you could hire a bunch of paleontologists (but we need to conserve our cash).

once you have your first complete set of fossils you will be asked to make
the creature and then display it in your zoo. if you can get 4 species in your
zoo this way you will get $20000 and your next goal. continue to make new
species and you will get another $20,000. remember, we need 8 different
species and 4 stars of fame for the win. you will have the opportunity to
keep playing and recieve a $50000 grant if you like. if you keep playing
they will unlock the animal adoption menu (so you are not forced to keep
making new animals all the time.)

here is a neat trick you can use for this scenario: even if an animal is in
a crate it still counts toward your number of species and number of animals
fame scores. so if you use up all your available exhibit space just keep
making new animals and just leave them in a crate. as long as you are
displaying 8 different extinct aniamls in exhibits then it is all good.

There is an optional goal in this scenario which is to photograph all of the
statues of completed skeletons created at the Extinct Education Center. you
will need to buy the education center and a play dig pit for your guests to
make use of. once each of the statues is actually placed in your zoo you can
take pictures of them for the $15,000 grant bonus prize. you can take these
pics as the statues become available or you can wait until you have them all
and then take one pic.

- Living in Harmony

The developers vengence knows no bounds. we need a zoo with 15 different
animals 8 of which must be extinct and 5 of which must be non-extinct.
in addition to that they give us a zoo with nothing in it.
a sell and smooth only got me about $2000.

At least they give us some milestones to get us going. our first goal is
to display 3 different species. doing this will net us $15,000, a new goal
and an optional goal.

the new goal is to acquire 6 different species. this will get us $25000 and
our next goal.

the third goal is to have 8 extinct species. this will get us another $25,000.

our final goal is to have a total of 15 different animals, 8 of which must be
extinct and 5 must be non-extinct. if we can do this we will win the scenario.
this last goal will also get you $50000 if you wish to keep playing.

the optional goal is to represent 4 different biomes. completing this will
get us an additional $10000 and a new optional goal. the new goal is not
surprisingly to represent 8 different biomes which will get you $25000.

most of these goals can be accomplished by just adopting one of each of evey
animals at .5 and 1 star. when I was done I had the following:

Gazelle - Savannah
Camel, Velociraptor, Tortoise, Scimitar Horned Oryx - Desert
Bongo, Styracosarus, Dodo - Tropical
Giant Camel, Bluebuck - Grassland
Aurochs, Bush-Antleared Deer - Temperate
Protarchaeopteryx - Wetlands
Red Kangaroo - Scrub
Ibex - Alpine

- T. Rex Trouble

Ah, Yes, the mighty T-Rex. apparently another zoo can't handle the monster...
so what makes them think we can? anyway, this is a nice zoo set up and we
start out with 2.5 stars. be careful during your sell and smooth as there
is a pursuit ball hidden in the jungle to the right of the entrance. I got
$3000 from recycling.

this is a pretty nice zoo btw. we have a red panda and an elephant bird to help
attract lots of guests. there are also two educators and podiums in the zoo.
it is up to you if you want to keep them, but, both podiums are right next
to each other and they are off in a low traffic area. if you want to keep
the educators then I suggest repositioning the podiums.

The first things I did were to research the compost building and start my
"peafowl trick" to release 10 cheap animals to the wild. this then got me
to 3 stars when I researched the family restaurant and the gift shop. I then
proceeded to replace the guest area in the center of the zoo with a single
restaurant. this was a little tricky due to the all the guests and litter
but the pause button works wonders.

To get to 4 stars I concentrated on increasing the number of species. I
built a large tundra exhibit and put in musk ox, caribou, emperor penguin and
a polar bear. upon reaching 4 stars you are awarded $20,000 a new goal and an
optional goal.

the next goal is to acquire any dinosaur (not just an extinct animal) and
meet its basic needs. I adopted a stokesosaurus because I could expand the
moose exhibit (boreal biome). when the dino is happy you get another $20,000
and the next goal.

our next goal is to purchase a Dino Capture Team. I don't use them normally
but we need it here to proceed. when this is done we get a $5000 refund and a
new goal.

next on our agenda is to display 4 different dinos in the zoo. I already had
a stokesosaurus so I then got a velociraptor, protarcheaopteryx and
kentrosaurus. they gave me $20,000 and the next goal which is to reach
a 5 star zoo.

at 5 stars all heck will break loose. two of my dinos went on a rampage at the
same time. luckily no one was hurt. when the dust settled I found out that
I also got a $75000 grant for reaching 5 stars. out last goal is to adopt
a T-Rex and then release it to the wild.

in order to release it to the wild everything has to be in the green. for
most people the hardest stat is going to be the social stat. to increase
this you can either save up another $80,000 for a second T-Rex or you can
plop in a bongo for $1250 and let the T-Rex stalk it. stalking counts as both
social and entertainment for all carnivores.

once the T-Rex is released to the wild you will win the scenario and get $50000
just incase you want to keep playing.

the optional goal is to take some pics of your newly acquired dino doing
the following things: sleeping, eating, and playing with a prey dummy. if you
get these pics then you get a $15000 reward.

O. THE DINOSAUR ZOO (EA XP and Dino Danger Pack premium download)

- The Dinosaur Zoo

Our ultimate goal here is to adopt a T-Rex. The problem with this goal is that
a T-Rex is a 5 star animal and is one of the most expensive animals you can
adopt. luckily for us, we have a few milestones with cash grants along the way
to help us out.

you can try to do a sell and smooth on this map but you have to be careful.
there is a large hill in the center of the map which is where the large
styracosaurus exhibit is located. I would suggest leveling the back of the
zoo to this height. also, there is not too much sell. you can replace some
of the fencing with chain link. don't replace all of it though. when you
overlap the chain link with the fencing already placed, if the number is
contained in parenthesis () then this indicates a cost, not a gain in money.

if you are careful you can get about 5,000 net profit from recycling this way.

some good points about this pre built zoo are that it is already rated at 1
star. there is a huge savannah exhibit with 2 gazelles, 2 ostrich and 2 zebra.
1 large tundra exhibit with two penguins and of course the huge styracosaurus
exhibit with only 4 dinos in it. On top of all that some of our animals are
already pregnant from the start. all of these exhibits can hold plenty more
animals which should make getting to 3 stars much easier.

once you get to 3 stars you will get a nice fat $10,000 bonus and a new
incentive to reach 4 stars. at 4 stars you will get $20,000. At 5 stars
you will recieve a $35,000 grant. that seems like a lot until you realize that
a T-Rex costs $80,000! The good news is that the T-Rex is tropical so you can
shack him up with the Styracosaur's in the middle. just add some food and you
will be all set.

after some time and good progress, you will recieve an optional goal of
attracting 100 guests (easy to do). the reward is a free carnotaurus. this
is a double edged sword. these guys are big (125 space minimum) and live in
boreal. You could actually put this guy in with the moose but you will have
to upgrade the fencing. on the plus side these things are 3 star animals and
can attract a lot of donations. if you don't want it, just release it to the
wild for a small fame boost.

After 100 guests you will get a second optional goal to attract 150 guests.
this time the reward is the great Triceratops!

Finally at the very end when you have your 5 stars and $80,000 you will win
the scenerio when you plop in your T-Rex and all of his basic stats are
green. it is interesting to note that my T-Rex when into a rampage right
before I won the scenerio.

- Gift Cart Donation
Get 20 guests in the first month and get a free gift cart. Tip: pause the game
to build you zoo up a bit before attracting guests.

- Worldwide Rays wants you to adopt 3 manta rays in one month and they will give
you more publicity (which means more guests). Tip: Manta rays are cheap and
don't take up much space. they can live in reef or coastal with equal

-Aquatic Amusments Inc wants you to gain $500 in marine donations in 2 months
and they will give you a free marine gift cart. Tip: pause the game and build
some marine tanks with lots of donation boxes around, when you are ready,
unpause the game and make the most of your two months.

- Local Mayor wants you to adopt a Beluga (or peafowl) in
one month. if you succeed the city will donate $750, if you fail you will
have reduced guest attendance. Tip: this is really easy; build a small tank
with tundra biome and spend $1250 on a beluga. you wont get profit, but it
does count as a challenge met.

- The Vargas Cheesecake company will give you a free cheesecake cart if you
can raise $250 of revenue from food and drink sales. Tip: for this challenge
put a food stand, drink stand and dessert cart near the entrance of the zoo
so that you can get the revenue quickly. there is no time limit, but, why wait?

- Ancient Animals Monthly wants a photo of a dodo playing with a dodo rock and
they will give you $750. Tip: you will not get any profit from this but
it does count as a photo challenge. Also, the dodo will eat the dodo rock
so you have to be quick with the photo or you will need to buy another rock.

- The local historical society wants a picture of an aurochs and a bluebuck
and they will give your zoo $2500. Tip: The Aurochs is 1 star the bluebuck is
.5 stars.

- The Aurochs Recovery Association wants you to raise $1500 in extinct animal
donations in 2 months and they will donate an Aurochs to your zoo. Tip: Free
animals are always a good thing. Pause your game and build up your extinct
animals exhibits in order to raise the money effectively.

- Ancient Animals Monthly wants you to adopt and care for 4 different extinct
animal species in two months and they will increase your guest attendance.
Tip: there are no restrictions on this so go for the cheap ones.

- Acme Amusements Inc will donate a free rhino bouncy ride if you can earn
$1000 in donations in one month. Tip: bouncy rides are good for guest
entertainment but you can also recycle it for cash when you get it.

- Migration Motors wants a photo of a gazelle running around and they will
pay you $1500. Tip: gazelles love to run. you can actually get a profit from
this challenge and it is a photo challenge.

- Global Cartographer wants a photo of a caribou in the tundra and a camel in
the desert and they will give you $2000. Tip: easy money and a photo
challenge met.

- Animal Care Quarterly wants a picture of a guest viewing an African Buffalo
and they will give you $1500. Tip: these are wetlands animals and they are
cheap. this will get you a small profit and a photo challenge.

- Ungulate Unlimited wants you to adopt 3 african buffalo in 1 month and they
will give you a thompsons gazelle. Tip: The buffalo is wetlands but does not
require much space, and free animals are always good.

- the Cetacean Training Association wants a beluga trained to 3 dots in the
jump in trick area trick within two months and they will give you $2500. Tip:
train the beluga yourself and do this in a matter of days.

- Zoo News Monthly wants a picture of a guest viewing a beluga and they will
give you $750. Tip: another photo challenge done!

- Marine Oceanic University wants a photo of a manta ray breaching and they
will give you $1250. Tip: be patient, mantas breach on occasion, not common
but not rare either.

- The Axel Charitable Foundation will give you $1500 if you can raise $1500
in dontaions in 30 days from the day you accept the challenge. Tip: if this is
for a newer zoo, then you may be hard pressed to get the funds in the 30 days.

- The Alternate Transport Alliance wants you to build a sky tram and they will
give you $5000. if you can transport 50 guests on that system in 2 months
then they will give you another $5000, but, if you fail to move 50 guests in
60 days then you will lose some publicity. Tip: only accept this if you have
a thriving zoo going, otherwise you will not make it.

- Elanor Avus is comming to your zoo and wants to see 3 marine species;
manatee, rockhopper penguin and sea otter. if she sees them your zoo will
gain an increase in publicity. Tip: you can pick her up and place her in
front of each exhibit to help maximize the chances that she will see them.
(Marine Animal Challenge)

- The Marsupial Madness photo contest requires a photo of a diprotodon near
a misty spring and a thylacine gaping to win $6000. Tip: Gaping means yawning.

- Zoo Fan Quaterly wants you to raise $1000 in jeep vehicle tour donations in 2
months. if you can do this you will be given extra publicity otherwise you
will lose publicity. Tip: only accept this if you vehicle tour is already
up and running.

- The Animal Hygene Association wants to see if you can go 30 days without any
of your animals having a pressing or critical hygene need. they will give
you an amount of money proportional to the number of animals you have
in your zoo. Tip: do not accept this if you have lots of animals as it will
be nearly impossible to keep them all clean for 30 days.

- The African Conservation Consortium is offering $8000 if you can raise
$8000 in donations for African Animals in the next 30 days. Tip: this is
a good idea if you already have a lot of african animals in zoo.

- Executives from Compuglobal want to see 3 endangered species during their
visit, if they do they will give you $10,000. Tip: you can pick them up
and put them in front of the exhibits if you want to speed things up.
(Endagered Species Challenge)

- An international conservation group wants you to breed an animal. you must
pay for the animal initially but if you can breed it you will be given a
refund and you get to keep the animals. if you fail then you will not get a
refund and you will not keep the animals. if the animal is hurt during the
two months then you will be fined $24000. Tip: make sure you have adequate
space and a mate for the animal to breed with.

- The Marine Oceanic University has rescued a manatee and wants you to care for
it and release it to the wild within 2 months. if you can do that they will
donate a pilot whale to your zoo. Tip: pause the game and build a nice coastal
exhibit for your manatee. you should have no problem making it happy. you
may need to adopt a mate for it if its social gets too low however.
(Marine Animal Challenge)

- Travel World travel agency would like to promote your zoo but only if you can
prove that your zoo is entertaining. to do this you must ensure that no more
than 5 guests have a critical amusement need for two months. Tip: this is
best done when your zoo is very small and you have a lot of decorations and/or

- Cetacean Digest Magazine wants three photos of any dolphin or whale
perfoming a Jump in trick area, spyhop in trick area and flipper splash in
trick area. you will get at least $2000 but you can earn more if the
star power of the animal is higher. Tip: completion of a challenge is more
important than a few lousy dollars so train a beluga and get this challenge
over with ASAP. (Marine Show Challenge)

- Pinniped Trainers Quaterly is looking for three photos of any sea lion or
walrus perfoming a balance ball on nose trick, sliding trick and horn trick.
they will pay at minimum $2000 but will pay more if you can get a more
attractive animal. Tip: go for the sea lion, it is cheaper and is available
much earlier on than the walrus. (Marine Show Challenge)

- As part of your zoos advertising campaign you have decieded that taking photos
of animal families is just what you need. specifically you need pics of a
dodo family, shivatherium family and bush antlered deer family. Tip: a family
is nothing more than three animals all in one shot, for example, 3 dodos. so,
you do not need to breed these animals to get good photos.

- Zoo Architecture Magazine wants you to photograph at least 4 people using
an elevated path. Tip: this is very easy, just give your guests a reason
to use one and just wait!

- Scientists have been able to clone an dinosaur and want to give it to your zoo
but it will cost you $12000. there is no way to know ahead of time what it
might be. Tip: this is a big gamble, if you have a lot of extra cash then
go for it, otherwise, just decline.

- A local benefactor is willing to sell you a rare species for $16000 but
will not tell you what it is. Tip: this is another gamble, only go for it
if you have money to spare.

- The Zoological Cooperative Association wants to do a study on rotating
animal exhibits between zoos and wants you to donate one of your species to the
study. in exchange you will get another random animal and must display it
for one month and earn $500 in donations. if you successful you will get your
original aniaml back and a nice grant. Tip: There is no way to know what the
traded animal will be so you may need to build a new exhibit or re-paint a new
biome over the old exhibit, also, the animal you trade to the study will be
chosen for you by the computer at random.

- Dallas Samson is comming to your zoo and you want some photos to help beef up
your zoos attendance. you need a photo of Dallas eating or drinking, a photo
of Dallas viewing an animal and a photo or Dallas on a sky tram. Tip: if you
do not have a sky tram set up and ready don't bother with this challenge,
remember, you can always decline without any bad press.

- Another zoo is looking to adopt one of your animals and is willing to
give you a donation in return. the animal will be chosen at random but
they will tell you what they want upfront and they will tell you beforehand
what they are willing to give you for it. Tip: use the animal chart in this
guide if you forgot what the adoption costs for the animal are. if the
offer is good then take it otherwise just decline.

- You zoo's webmaster is looking for some fresh photos to post on your zoos
site. they want photos of an animal, eating from a food dish, sleeping and
chasing another animal (playfully if possible). Tip: animals like to play
chase others of their own species, especially herd animals.

- The Alfred Windsor School of photography wants you to take a photo which
contains two different animals and they will pay you a fee of $2000. Tip:
do you really need a tip for this one?

- You are approached by some scientists that want you to assemble a fossil
puzzle. if you can do this in one month or less they will let you create
the animal in your lab. there is a $2000 deposit just incase you fail but
you will get your money back when you suceed. Tip: if you do not plan on using
fossils or the extinct research lab then just decline.

- a small earthquake has hit your zoo and damaged many of your fences. your
animals and guests are unharmed. if you can replace all your damaged fences
then you will get a reimbursement package from Disaster Relief Fund. This
challenge is not declineable. Tip: put the game on pause and replace all your

- The Rainforest Preservation Society wants you to build 6 jungle themed
buildings within 2 months and they will give you a free jungle biome animal that
you do not already have. I am unsure if this challenge will even appear if you
do not already have the jungle theme unlocked. Tip: you can build 6 jungle
themed buildings, get the animal and then recycle the buildings or just keep
them if you think you can use them.

- Your marketing department wants a photo of a guest holding a soda and a photo
of a guest resting on a bench. with these you can get increased zoo attendance.
Tip: no tips here, its that easy.

- Marine Oceanic University wants you to hire two educators (college interns
no doubt) for two months (with podiums). if you fire either educator then you
will lose this challenge. if you succeed then you will be given a baby whale
shark. tip: The educators are given to you at the start of the challenge
(and your account is deducted by $500).

- Stephane Baleine is visiting your zoo and he wants to see a scalloped
hammerhead and a goblin shark. if you can photograph him viewing these animals
then you will get greater guest attendance. Tip: pick him up and place him
infront of the tanks for these animals to increase the chances that he will
view them. (Marine Animal Challenge)

- When the Crafty Creations Prize comes available you will need a research
lab and some fossils in order to win it. you will need to create three animals
of 90% or better quality to win. Tip: make level animals to ensure that you
can win, there is not bonus for making more complex animals.

- The African Conservation Consortium is offering a $20,000 grant if you can
breed three different african species in 3 months. Tip: if you already have
a breeding program in place for you zoo then go for it, otherwise, it might
be a bit of challenge to accomplish, also, try breeding the easy ones like
gazelles, zebras and fennec foxes.

- Stress Management Associates wants to do a study on stress levels of guests.
to do this they want you to go for two months without any more than 5 guests
having a critical rest need. if you succeed you will be given a grant. Tip:
this is much easier for a small zoo, if you have a large established zoo then
you are better off declining.

- Feline Fan Magazine wants you to adopt one species of big cat in 30 days
and they will give you a grant and increased guest attendance. Tip: adopt
the cat, wait for the success screen then undo the adoption (if you want to).

- your marketing department wants some photos of the guests doing certain
things: talking to a hand puppet gift item, dancing next to a sound rock and
mimmicking one of the animals. this will increase guest attendance. Tip:
buy a sound rock and wait for a dancer to show up, scroll through your guests
and look at their inventory to see if they have a hand puppet.

- You are asked to participate in a panel on psycological stimulus in animals.
to do this you will need 4 photographs: polar bear playing with car tire,
African Elephant using the easle, Bengal Tiger laying on heated rock, Black
rhino playing with a big pink ball. if you do this you will get $20,000.
Tip: if you are planning on having these animals in your zoo anyway then
go for it otherwise the prize money is not worth the investment.

- The Gardening Society is interested in seeing 4 photographs of plants
in their native biomes. you will want a plant in an exhibit from Tropical
Rainforest, Savannah, Boreal and Alpine. The actual foliage you need a pic
of will be told to you after you accept. these trees may be different each
time. Tip: if you already have these
exhibits then this is as easy as hitting the space bar, if you don't have
these exhibits then you can create a small one and just add a single tree
each time. its easy money.

- To gain the Children's Reader Photo Award you will need photos of the
following: Giant Panda Marking scent on a tree, two beavers with a beaver
lodge, and a red panda resting in a tree. Tip: A beaver lodge requires
that a strip of water "flow" through the exhibit and a pile of sticks be
added to the exhibit (an enrichment item).

- International Oceanographer Magazine wants three photos: two blue marlins
underwater, a pilot whale underwater, and a leather back sea turtle eating
jellyfish underwater. if you succeed you will be given higher guest attendance.
Tip: all of these pics must be taken while you are inside the tank underwater.

- A local high school is studying the food chain and is wanting your help.
you will need to photograph a carnivore hunting its prey. Tip: don't let the
guests see this happen as they might get scared or angry.

- The Animal Assisstance Association wants you to breed three endangered
species in two months. they will pay you a grant for your efforts based
on the species you decied to breed. Tip: If you have the conservation breeding
center unlocked this is the time to use it. (Endangered Species Challenge)

- An international group wants you to release a red panda to the wild. they
will pay 60,000 if you do with 12,000 up front. Tip: no tips really, there is
no time limit so just get a red panda and immediately release it to the wild.

- Wildlife Magazine is looking for some photographs which it will pay $2000
apiece for: A nile crocodile in the water, a red kangaroo thumping it's tail,
three zebras, and 2 flamingos with a hippo. you only have two months to get
all the photos. Tip: if you already have some or all of these animals then
go for it otherwise you might be strapped for time or cash.

- The Residential Family Society wants you to research and use 6 new
enrichment items in your zoo. you have one month to do so or you will lose
publicity. succeed and you will gain publicity. Tip: put the game on pause
and research the 6 cheapest items you have left then unpause. when they are
ready to use pause again. this will help you achieve the goal in the time

- Pirate Parker is in your zoo and you want to get some photos of his visit.
photograph the Pirate sitting in a Lighthouse Gazebo, playing in a splash
fountain, and looking at an aquarium. Tip: pick him up and put him infront
of these objects to encourage him to use them.

- A powersurge hits your zoo and damages your water filters. you only have
two options: wait two months for new filters and a $5000 insurance check or
buy filters now and skip the insurance. if you choose to wait then you must
clean your tanks by hand until the insurance company replaces them or the
deal is off. Tip: if you have a large aquarium then you might want to skip
the insurance wait, but if you are low on cash then getting your feet wet
might be the best choice.

- Extinct Animal Restoration Society wants to donate some cash to your zoo
but they need to know that you can take care of the extinct animals. you will
need a photo of a wooly rhino next to a glacier, a giant warthog near a tar
pit, and a gigantopithicus eating bamboo. Tip: unless you already have these
animals or want to get them then I suggest declining as these are all very
expensive animals.

- The Endangered Animals Alliance is offering your zoo a free endangered species
that you don't currently have but they need to know that you can handle
endangered species. simply snap three photos of three different endangered
animals and you will get your free animal. Tip: the aniamls must be happy
for the photos to count, but, what kind of zoo are you running where your
animals are not happy? (Endangered Species Challenge)



The following list will not be easy to read. this is because the original
list is a .xls spreadsheet with color coding and lots of nice filters and
sorting abilities. Gamefaqs does not allow .xls spreadsheets on their site.


I have finally broken down and created an account on FileFront. its not that
I don't like getting all these great emails asking for the spreadsheet
it's just I don't have a lot of time to respond in a reasonable timeframe.

you can get the original excel spreadsheet at this site:;12449898;/fileinfo.html

for those that can't download the file or can't use excel I will keep the
text version of the list in the guide below


if you want to view the following list in a much better way then copy the
list and paste it into a blank .txt file. rename the file as a .csv extension.
this will make the computer see it as a comma seperated value list which is
recognized by microsoft excel. when excel reads the .csv file it will
put each value into its own column and then all of a sudden the list will
be nice and easy to read with the ability to sort and filter for much easier

if you want a copy of the original file which is color coded and much nicer
looking then drop me a line at:
with the subject specifying Zoo Tycoon 2 and just ask for the spreadsheet.
while your at it you can also tell me how great my guide is or tell me
how much you hate it.

in order to make this list fit in the 80 character width limit for Gamefaqs
I had to abbreviate a few things.

first of all are the column headers:
NAME - this is the name of the animal
GR - grassland biome
PE - pelagic biome
RE - reef biome
SA - savannah biome
SC - scrub biome
TE - temperate forest
TR - tropical
TU - tundra
WE - wetlands
AL - alpine
BE - benthic
BO - boreal forest
CO - coastal
DE - desert
SWIM? - can the animal swim or is it a marine animal
TL - Threat Level
S1 - the amount of space required for the first animal of that species in an
exhibit (number of squares)
S2+ - the amount of space required for each subsequent animal of the same
species in the exhibit (number of squares)
AREA - the area of the world where the animal is native to
FAME - how much fame your zoo needs before you can adopt this animal
COST - how much money it takes to adopt this animal

Biome Notes - under each biome there will be a number; 0, 1, 2, 3. 0 indicates
that this biome is a native biome for this animal. 1 indicates a green biome
box (happy but not native). 2 indicates the animal will tolerate the biome
but will not be happy. 3 indicates that the animal will not tolerate the biome.

For SWIM? the values are:
S - animal can swim
N - animal cannot swim
M - aniaml is a marine animal
T - animal is a marine show aniaml (trainable)

for Threat Level the levels are:
LR - Low Risk
V - Vulnerable
E - Endangered
C - Critical
X - Extinct

for S1 and S2+ I spent many an hour putting aniamls into various sized
exhibits and seeing how their biome need reacted. to get a perfectly accurate
measure would have made me insane so I rounded up to the nearest 5 tiles. so
you may find out that some animals only need 3 tiles or perhaps even 6.5 tiles.
if so then great, but, I will keep my list as it is. the more space the
merrier the animals.

For AREA the values are:
AF - Africa
NA - North America
AS - Asia
EA - Eurasia
AR - Arctic
WO - Warm Ocean
CO - Cold Ocean
AU - Australia
AN - Antarctic
SA - South America
EU - Europe

AFn Buffalo,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,0,3,1,3,1,3,S,LR,40,10,AF,0.5,1250
AFn Elephant,2,3,3,0,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,S,E,80,20,AF,4,20000
AFn Spurred Tortoise,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,2,2,1,1,1,0,S,V,40,15,AF,1,2000
AFn Wild Dog,2,3,3,0,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,S,E,45,10,AF,3.5,15000
American Beaver,1,3,3,1,1,1,2,3,0,2,3,1,3,1,S,V,70,10,NA,3,10000
American Bison,0,3,3,2,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,3,3,S,LR,40,10,NA,0.5,1250
American Mastodon,1,3,3,3,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,0,3,3,S,X,80,20,NA,4.5,60000
ASn Elephant,1,1,1,1,0,1,2,3,2,2,1,1,1,1,S,E,80,20,AS,3.5,15000
Baird's Tapir,2,3,3,3,3,2,0,3,2,3,3,2,3,3,S,E,70,10,SA,1.5,3000
Barbary Ape,1,1,1,1,2,0,3,3,2,1,1,2,1,3,N,V,50,5,AF,2.5,7500
Bengal Tiger,2,3,3,3,3,2,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,S,E,70,20,AS,3.5,15000
Black Leopard,1,1,1,1,2,1,0,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,S,LR,80,25,AF,3,10000
Black Rhinoceros,2,3,3,0,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,S,C,80,20,AF,3,10000
Blacktip Reef Shark,2,1,0,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,2,M,LR,60,15,WO,3,10000
Blue Marlin,2,0,1,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,2,M,LR,50,15,WO,1,2000
Bottlenosed Dolphin,2,1,1,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,T,V,50,15,WO,3.5,15000
Bush-Antlered Deer,1,3,3,1,1,0,3,3,2,2,3,1,3,3,S,X,70,20,EA,1.5,7500
California Sea Lion,2,1,2,2,2,3,3,1,2,2,1,2,0,2,T,LR,80,20,NA,1.5,3000
Cave Lion,2,3,3,3,2,1,3,1,3,0,3,1,3,3,S,X,50,15,EU,3.5,35000
Common Peafowl,1,3,3,2,2,0,1,3,2,1,3,1,3,2,N,LR,25,10,AS,0.5,1250
Common Zebra,1,3,3,0,1,1,1,3,2,2,3,1,3,1,N,LR,50,5,AF,1.5,3000
Crested Gibbon,2,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,2,3,3,2,3,3,N,E,50,5,AS,4,20000
Dromedary Camel,1,3,3,1,1,1,2,3,2,2,3,1,3,0,N,LR,70,10,AF,0.5,1250
Dwarf Sicilian Elephant,0,3,3,1,1,0,3,3,2,1,3,0,3,3,S,X,30,10,EU,3,20000
Elephant Bird,1,3,3,1,1,2,2,3,0,2,3,2,3,2,N,X,40,5,AF,2.5,15000
Emperor Penguin,2,1,1,2,2,2,2,0,2,1,1,2,1,3,S,LR,50,5,AN,1,2000
Ethiopian Wolf,1,1,1,2,2,1,2,1,2,0,1,1,1,3,S,C,45,10,AF,5,45000
False Killer Whale,2,1,1,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,2,T,LR,50,15,WO,4,20000
Fennec Fox,2,3,3,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,2,3,0,N,LR,20,5,AF,2,5500
Florida Panther,2,3,3,2,3,2,3,3,0,3,3,3,3,3,S,C,70,20,NA,5,45000
Galapagos Giant Tortoise,2,3,3,2,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,2,S,E,40,15,SA,1.5,3000
Giant Camel,0,3,3,1,2,2,3,3,2,3,3,2,3,3,N,X,110,20,NA,1.5,7500
Giant Ground Sloth,1,3,3,1,0,2,3,3,2,3,3,3,3,2,S,X,120,30,SA,5,80000
Giant Panda,2,3,3,3,3,0,3,3,3,2,3,2,3,3,S,E,80,20,AS,5,50000
Giant Sable Antelope,2,3,3,0,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,2,3,2,N,C,70,10,AF,2,5500
Giant Warthog,2,1,1,0,2,3,3,3,3,3,1,3,1,3,S,X,60,10,AF,3.5,35000
Goblin Shark,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,0,3,M,LR,50,15,WO,4,20000
Gray Wolf,1,3,3,3,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,0,3,3,S,LR,45,10,NA,2.5,7500
Greater Flamingo,1,3,3,1,1,1,1,3,0,2,3,1,3,3,S,LR,50,5,AF,1,2000
Green Sea Turtle,2,0,0,2,2,3,3,3,1,3,3,3,0,3,M,E,15,10,WO,1,2000
Grizzly Bear,2,3,3,3,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,0,3,3,S,E,80,20,NA,3.5,15000
Javan Rhinoceros,2,3,3,3,3,2,0,3,2,3,3,3,3,3,S,C,90,25,AS,3.5,15000
Killer Penguin,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,1,1,1,3,3,S,X,100,N/A,AF,Unlock,FREE
Komodo Dragon,1,3,3,1,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,S,V,40,15,AS,2,5500
Leatherback Sea Turtle,1,0,1,3,2,3,3,2,2,3,1,3,1,3,M,C,20,10,WO,2.5,7500
Manta Ray,3,0,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,M,LR,35,10,WO,0.5,1250
Masai Giraffe,1,1,1,0,1,1,2,3,2,2,1,2,1,1,N,LR,50,10,AF,1,2000
Mountain Gorilla,2,3,3,3,3,2,0,3,2,3,3,3,3,3,N,E,70,10,AF,4,20000
Musk Ox,2,1,1,2,2,2,3,0,2,0,1,1,1,3,S,LR,40,10,AR,0.5,1500
Nile Crocodile,1,3,3,1,1,1,2,3,0,2,3,1,3,1,S,LR,40,15,AF,1.5,3000
Nile Monitor,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,0,2,1,1,1,3,S,LR,40,15,AF,1.5,3000
Pacific Walrus,3,1,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,1,1,2,1,3,T,V,80,20,AR,4.5,35000
Polar Bear,1,3,3,2,2,1,3,0,1,1,3,1,3,3,S,LR,80,20,AR,3,10000
Przewalski's Wild Horse,0,3,3,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,3,2,3,2,N,C,50,5,AS,3,10000
Pygmy Hippopotamus,2,1,1,3,3,2,0,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,S,C,70,20,AF,4,20000
Red Kangaroo,2,3,3,2,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,N,LR,70,5,AU,2,3000
Red Panda,2,3,3,3,3,0,3,3,3,2,3,2,3,3,N,E,50,5,AS,4,20000
Reticulated Giraffe,1,3,3,0,1,1,2,3,2,2,3,2,3,1,N,LR,50,10,AF,2.5,7500
Ring Tailed Lemur,1,3,3,1,2,1,0,2,1,3,3,2,3,3,N,V,50,5,AF,3,10000
Rockhopper Penguin,1,2,3,1,2,3,3,1,3,1,1,2,0,3,M,V,50,5,AN,2,5500
Saber-toothed Cat,1,3,3,3,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,0,3,3,S,X,50,15,NA,4,20000
Scalloped Hammerhead,2,0,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,3,1,2,M,LR,75,15,WO,3,15000
Scimitar Horned Oryx,2,3,3,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,N,C,70,10,AF,1,2000
Sea Otter,2,1,2,2,2,3,3,0,2,2,1,2,0,3,T,E,30,15,NA,2.5,7500
Secretary Bird,0,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,2,1,1,2,1,2,N,LR,65,30,AF,3,10000
Short Faced Bear,1,3,3,2,2,1,3,0,2,1,3,1,3,3,S,X,80,20,NA,4,45000
Short Finned Pilot Whale,2,0,1,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,2,T,LR,50,15,WO,2,5500
Snow Leopard,2,3,3,3,3,2,3,3,3,0,3,2,3,3,S,E,80,25,AS,4,20000
Spanish Lynx,2,3,3,3,3,0,3,3,3,2,3,2,3,3,S,C,70,20,EU,3.5,15000
Spectacled Bear,1,3,3,3,3,0,3,3,3,1,3,1,3,3,S,V,80,20,SA,4,20000
Striped Hyena,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,2,2,1,1,1,0,S,LR,30,10,AF,4,20000
Thomsons Gazelle,1,3,3,0,1,1,2,3,2,2,3,1,2,1,N,LR,40,10,AF,0.5,1250
West Indian Manatee,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,0,2,1,2,0,3,M,V,80,20,WO,1.5,3000
Whale Shark,2,1,1,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,2,2,M,V,100,25,WO,4.5,35000
White Rhinoceros,2,1,1,2,0,3,3,3,3,3,1,3,1,2,S,LR,80,20,AF,2.5,7500
White Shark,2,1,0,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,1,2,M,V,75,25,WO,5,45000
Woolly Rhinoceros,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,1,3,1,3,3,S,X,90,20,EA,3.5,35000



(To come in a much, much later release. this list will take a long time
to create. actually, at the moment I have no plans to complete this, sorry.)


I thought it best to create a little tutorial for all those people out there
who want to know how to post pics on forums. This guide is not the only
way to post pics and I am sure that there are plenty of people out there who do
things differently, but, I am the one writing the FAQ and this is how I do it.

Step 1: Take the Picture!

there are many ways to capture a screen shot. the obvious way is to use
the in game photo feature. this however has its drawbacks such as not being
able to take an overview shot and not being able to take pictures of in game
charts and graphs (which people like to do for various reasons). another
drawback is that the in game pics you take are notoriously difficult to find
outside of the game. some people have said that it is in your profile folder,
but, no one seems to know where this profile folder is. I went searching for
mine and came up empty handed...

The best way to take screenshots is to use third party screen capture software.
there are many programs which will accomplish this task but I use FRAPS which
is a great free piece of software which will also take short videos and even
display your current frames per second (which is great for on line games).

to get your free version of FRAPS go to:
and follow the instructions to download and install.

while you are playing the game FRAPS runs quitely in the background until you
press the magic button (my settings have F7 as the pic button, your settings
can be set as per the sites instructions).

Step 2: Prepare the Pic!

Now that you have captured your wonderful moment in time you have to prepare
the pic. most forums have restrictions about picture type, size, shape, and
dimensions so it is good to get into the habit of preparing your pics for

before you can prepare your pic you must find it. if you use FRAPS your pic
will be located neatly in the FRAPS directory (where ever you installed it
to). however, if you are using the free version it will be created as a
.bmp file. .bmp files are notoriously large and the pic itself will be of
rather large resolution which is good because it will have the best detail.
however, we need to make the pic forum worthy before we move on.

the next piece of software you will need is a picture editing program. I use
IrfanView (dont ask what the name means, I have no idea) which is available
free at this site:

again follow the directions to download and install. you could also use
photoshop or any other photo editing software if you already have it.

what we need to do is to first make the picture 800x600 pixels in dimensions.
with IrfanView you will load your pic and then select Image-resize/reshape
and select the radio button for 800x600 and select OK. don't worry about
the other stuff unless you know what you are doing or want to experiment.
then select file-save as-save as type JPG (at the bottom) then name your file
something easy to remember and click save.

now you should have a .jpg file of your pic which is 800x600 pixels in size
and less than 1MB.

Step 3: Hosting the Pic!

now that you have a forum ready pic you need to find an image hosting website.
there are many out there but only two that I would trust; and
Photobucket. I use (do not go to that is a
completely different website about cameras).

One of the reasons we reduced the size of the pic and the file type was to
reduce the memory size of the file. Imageshack will not host pics which are
larger than 1.5 MB. a jpg image is very compressed and most of your images
if done using the steps above should never be more than 1MB.

for go to:
and register yourself a free account. with this account you will be able to
host unlimited numbers of images for an indefinite period of time. I have
over 500 pics hosted on imageshack that date back to 2005 with no problems
to report.

when you start out, you should be in "Modern View". in modern view you
should see a thumnails of your pics on the left hand side with small
icons/buttons next to them. on the right hand side there will be a box
that says "*Action", below that "My Tags" and below that "Calendar".

if you are in "classic view" you will see thumbnails of your pics on the left
followed by 6 text boxes containing various forms of url on the right.
the top of the page will be image tools and image uploader.

I prefer the modern view but to each their own i guess.

Step 4: Posting the Pic!

once you have your pic uploaded to an offsite hosting center it is now time
to post it to the forums.

first we should discuss forum picture posting etiquette. when you are
posting pics it can be hard to remember that many people still do not have
highspeed internet connections. each picture in a thread reduces the ability
of the reader to load the thread and could cause problems for many people.
also remember that if you post a pic then the person after you may quote you
which will post the pic again and if that person is quoted your pic will be
posted three times. this gets even worse if those other people also post
pics or if you posted more than 1 pic.

the best thing to do to keep a thread readable and easily accessible is to not
post an image directly to the thread but instead post a link to the image so
that people can click on the link and download it seperatly from the thread
at their own leisure. this also lets people open the thread quickly and skip
images they have already seen. of course it is up to you as to how you post
your pics, but, remember this is a public forum and you should be mindful of

yes I am guilty of posting images directly on forums, but, we all make
mistakes. I am trying to post links more often though.

with that said:

For users:
In Modern View:
click on your pics thumbnail or all the pics you want to post to the forum
and then select "get code for email" under "*Action". this will give you a
set of URLs you can then cut and paste into the topic. DO NOT use the Get
code for Forums or Get Code for Websites as this will give you a ton of extra
stuff which will make things more complicated then they need to be. you can
experiment if you like of course.

In Classic View:
Copy and Paste the URL offered in the 3rd (Friends link) or 6th (Direct link)
text box for the picture you want to display. they both start with
"http:..." either one will work, you can experiment and see which you like

at this point I suggest at least downloading the free stuff and playing around
with things. you can learn a lot by experimenting. I have been using these
programs for years with no ill effects. however, always be mindful when
downloading from the internet and make sure to ask permission from others
if you are sharing the computer at home.


Copyright all rights reserved
If you don't beleive me then check out the Copyright Act of 1976
Version 1.00 November 2007
Version 2.00 January 2008
Version 3.00 January 2008
Version 4.00 February 2008
version 4.01 November 2008

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