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World Cup '98 [solve] Game Walkthrough

World Cup '98 [solve]

Here's the walkthough for "World Cup '98"


World Cup '98
Everything you wanted to know about World Cup '98 but were afraid to ask

Keep getting hammered by your mates playing World Cup 98? Our expert guide
will help you bring the trophy back home with style and finesse

WORDS Jeremy Wells

It has to be said that World Cup 98 is not your average arcade football
game. To get good you're going to need to practice. The first thing to
remember is not to smash the buttons! Being cool and deliberate always
yields results - think Bergkamp, not Beckham. Most cool moves require
holding down either the SKILLMODE1 or SKILLMODE2 buttons or a SHIFT key on
the keyboard. Once you've mastered this the game can be played at a really
fast pace! You may want to turn the speed down at first until you become
better at pulling off the special moves.

Tactically Speaking
As someone once said, it's a game of two halves. Tactics are important.
Don't be fooled into thinking that skill alone will enable you to master
this game. In order to duel tactically you'll have to plan ahead somewhat.
Before starting a game, go into 'Team Management' and take a look at your
team's formations and strategy settings. You should reset your three IGM
settings to be IGM1 - super offensive; IGM2 - neutral; IGM3 - super
defensive. For example, IGM1 is 3-4-3 or 3-3-4 with all-out offense, IGM2 is
4-4-2 with attack, and IGM3 is 5-3-2 with all-out defense.
Your CPU opponent will try several strategies to crack your defense, so you
should adapt your formation and strategy accordingly. Keep a close eye on
what the opposing team is doing. You can quickly adapt your team's posture
using the IGM toggle. Depending on how much risk you are willing to take,
you can outnumber your opponent in midfield or up front using IGM1 for a
period of time then quickly reverting back to IGM2. If you are feeling lots
of pressure from the CPU you should toggle to IGM3, which moves players back
to support, and play a counter-attack. If he's backing off, you should move
players up front and try to play the ball in with IGM1 again. Note: be aware
of his star players, as they are likely to be the ones to do damage

When attacking...
If you are having problems moving up the middle of the park, try using a
wing-back run to get the ball into the danger area. Hold
SKILLMODE1+SKILLMODE2 and press SPRINT. Look for the player with tactic
indicator streaking up the wing. Move the ball away from that side to draw
players away. You should hit that player with a through pass or a lob before
he goes offside.
If this fails, then try using the through run. You can channel players
through the middle of the park with simple short passes that will hopefully
catch the defense unawares. Hold SKILLMODE1+SKILLMODE2 and press PASS. Look
for the player with tactic indicator making a diagonal run to the back of
the opposing defense. You should hit that player with a through pass or a
lob before he goes offside.

When defending...
Keep up the defensive pressure - almost one third of goals result from
turnovers in the opponent's end. If you can catch your opponent off guard
you may be able to steal an easy goal. Think Gary Lineker. Use the attacking
press tactic to force him to move the ball upfield more hastily. Hold
SKILLMODE1 + SKILLMODE2 and press SHOOT. You'll notice your forwards
charging down the ball carrier trying to force a mistake. You may intercept
a bad pass or catch him holding onto the ball for too long. Beware: using
this tactic will fatigue your forward players, making them less effective in
the long run.
If all else fails think Arse - Arsenal, that is - and try the offside trap.
It ain't pretty, but it can be effective. Holding SKILLMODE1+SKILLMODE2 and
pressing LOB will activate an offside trap. Beware though: professional
players aren't easily fooled.

Basic strategies
There are certain tactics that you can adopt to create more chances for your
team. Mix it up a bit and the goals will come.
Try probing the wings and the center channel to see where the areas of least
resistance are. Unless you're France and don't have any real target men, the
easiest way to score is by crossing the ball into the box and letting your
forwards do the business. Bear in mind though that although the wings are
generally easier to penetrate, the goalie and defense will be waiting for
your cross. To make headers, hold down the LOB button while the ball is in
the air - you must keep it held until the player makes contact. You can head
the ball back across the net to teammates this way. Pressing PASS heads to a
teammate's feet, and SHOOT tries a header on goal. Time it right to get a
diving header with the SHOOT button (harder to do) for extra power. Use the
D-pad to direct your header - always try and head the ball down to fool the
keeper. You can also do volleys, flying volleys and bicycle kicks to finish
your goals with style and flair. These are much more likely to hit the back
of the net, but require more time and space. But who cares? They look great!
To impress your mates (and even some clued-up girls) tap-hold SHOOT while
the ball is in the air. It's easy, but you must do it properly. As soon as
the ball is in the air, tap SHOOT and as fast as you can press and hold
SHOOT again until the ball reaches the player. It takes practice to do it
right, as the timing of the button presses needs to be quick. This is an
essential skill if you are going to master the game, so it pays to practice
heading and volleying in training mode.
Keeping possession is important and will help frustrate and break down your
opponent. After you've pulled off a double-figure midfield exhibition of
your one-touch pass-to-feet skills, try to work the ball up the middle into
the danger area. Using one-time passes will make it difficult for opponents
to chase you down. Press PASS while the ball is in transit and use the D-pad
for choosing the direction you want to send the one-timer. These require
more skill and a little thinking ahead. If you want to get more advanced
then you can use pass back to get one-twos going. While holding
SKILLMODE1+SKILLMODE2, press THROUGH PASS to pass the ball and reposition
for a return pass. While holding SKILLMODE1+SKILLMODE2, press JUMP to gain
control of another player and ask for a pass.

It's all about pressure, not fouling
Defending is an art, and you'll need to keep a cool head to avoid being sent
off. Remember, clever players will always try and use their forwards to pull
you out of shape and then lay the ball back to a waiting player. Stand your
ground and wait for the right moment. You don't always have to commit to big
slide tackles to gain possession back. By keeping your shape and letting the
opponent come at you, you can force bad turnovers from passes. He'll then be
forced to run through areas of concentrated defense which will make it more
difficult for him to get into a good scoring position. If your opponent does
make it close to your box you are better off to using standing tackles, as
these are less likely to give away dangerous free kicks or penalties.
As a last resort you can always pull down players who have an obvious chance
on goal. Press JUMP and your player will foul the opponent. There are some
cool reactions and falls. Try turning referee strictness down or doing it in
training mode. Remember that players can dive as well, so be careful -
especially when playing against Argentina.

Beating the last line of defense
If you want to get by that last line of defense there is always a cool move
you can use to pull off something spectacular. Paul Scholes is pretty good
at it, but he is a ginger. Yep, it's the flick move. This is great for
beating a player who's rushing at you with hatred in his eyes. To make him
look like a dick, simply hold SKILLMODE2 and press LOB and he'll watch as
the ball sails over his head onto your waiting foot.
Think that's flash? Then try the 360-degree spin move. This is the best way
to shield off standing challenges and keep your momentum. Simply hold
SKILLMODE1 or SKILLMODE2 and press SHOOT and you'll look like Denilson in
that Nike airport ad. A well-timed 360 at the top of the 18 yard box will
give you a great chance on net. Beware though: this move may look pretty,
but you can get hit really hard with a slide tackle. Don't get too cocky or
you'll spoil the effect.
Lastly, there's the lateral, which is excellent for fooling those impatient
defenders who tend to slide right at you, as this move will pull you right
out of the way and into space. There are two ways to do it: tap a SKILLMODE1
or SKILLMODE2 once, or hold SKILLMODE1 or SKILLMODE2 and press PASS. This
move won't work against a standing tackle though. To jump over an impending
slide tackle, simply press JUMP. You can also hop over the goalie if you're
good enough. Think Michael Owen, or Ian Wright when he was good.

Other things
Use your star players. If you have a star player on your team you should use
him as a target man. Taking shots with players who have a good shot
accuracy/power combination means that you will have a better chance of
smacking one in from outside the area. Be sure to use the sprint button
selectively and not use it all the time. If you sprint a player until he can
no longer keep up with the pace, he will take twice as long to recover than
if you'd sprinted twice but for only half the time. The key is letting your
players recover, or going to the options menu and turning fatigue off.
At the end of halves, check the fatigue levels of your players. Tired
players are often the reason you are beaten in a foot race. Turn the
aggression all the way up if you like the CPU team-mates to do slide tackles
more often. If you see an injury, be sure to substitute as soon as possible.
It is often advantageous to kick the ball off yourself so the player can be
replaced. If your opponent is a gent, he may even do it for you. Unless,
that is, he plays for Brazil or you're playing against Chris Sutton.
Use the visual indicators and radar to keep track of where your players are,
as often with close-in cameras your teammates are off-screen. Check the
direction of the off-screen indicator, as this is a signal one of your
players is available to pass to. Finally, playing the game with a gamepad is
obviously a lot easier than with a keyboard. We recommend the Microsoft
pads, as you can daisy-chain them and they don't give you Fifa-thumb.

If at first you don't succeed...cheat!
Go to Customize Player and enter these names. If entered correctly there
will be a confirmation noise.

Zico Opens up first Classic Game
Hurst Opens up first four Classics Games
Kenny Flaming ball

Go back to Match Select and press Scroll Lock. Up comes the Cheats menu. You
tick off the Cheats you want to activate - many of them can be combined for
pretty bizarre effects.

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