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Wartimes Game Walkthrough


It started in Poland.
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Where will it end?

Copyright 2004, 2005 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host
any of my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the
guide(s), as I like to know where they're being used.

I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most
current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs.
If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any site, please contact
me, and I will contact the site to get it updated.

All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my
site here:

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon).

Note: I'm just writing about the methods that I personally used to win these
missions. Don't be surprised if you find a strategy for some missions that is
far better than the ones I've written down. Hey, at least I tried, right?




0.00) A Few Notes Before You Get Started

1.00) Axis Campaign
1.01) Into Poland
1.02) The Three Bridges Will Be Ours
1.03) The Meuse Pass
1.04) The Battle of England
1.05) Eagle Day
1.06) Operation Mercury
1.07) Operation Barbarossa
1.08) Tobruk
1.09) The Retreat of the Afrika Corps
1.10) Operation Market Garden

2.00) Allied Campaign - British
2.01) Operation Dynamo
2.02) The Battle of England
2.03) Protect Tobruk
2.04) Target: The Bismarck
2.05) Alamein, The Last Initiative
2.06) Staving Off Defeat

3.00) Allied Campaign - Soviet
3.01) Operation Moscow
3.02) Operation Barbarosa - Stalingrad
3.03) Kursk - The Ponyri Conflict
3.04) Kursk - Prokhorovka Will Be Smashed
3.05) Koniev Hammer Blow
3.06) Leopold Must Fall

4.00) Allied Campaign - America
4.01) Palermo Awaits
4.02) Montecassino Abbey
4.03) The Normandy Landing
4.04) Something Terrible Lies In Wait
4.05) The Battle of Hurtgen Forest
4.06) Panzers Emerge Through the Fog
4.07) We Will Not Forsake You
4.08) Onwards to the Rhine

5.00) Allied Campaign - The Final March On Germany
5.01) The Seelow Hills
5.02) The Fall of Berlin

6.00) Buildings
6.01) Buildings - Germany
6.02) Buildings - Britain
6.03) Buildings - Soviet Union
6.04) Buildings - America

7.00) Units
7.01) Units - Germany
7.02) Units - Britain
7.03) Units - Soviet Union
7.04) Units - America

8.00) Other
8.01) Nation Comparisons
8.02) Patches
8.03) Version History
8.04) Ending




I) The game starts your camera at an angle for every mission. I always switch
it so that the larger part of the cone is facing directly north. I suggest you
do this too, seeing as my directions will be slightly confusing if your screen
isn't the same as mine. (Right click and hold it on the map, and then move the
mouse to adjust the camera. Let go to fix it in place.)

II) The game will start your camera about half way zoomed in. I have a lot of
trouble playing like that, so I always zoomed all the way out as soon as I got
the chance. (Roll your mouse wheel towards yourself to zoom out.)

III) The "hold position" button is your friend. Units will run out to attack
things that get in range, and then they'll move to the spot where the enemy
got destroyed. This can be extremely bad for your units, so always make sure
to keep the Hold Position button clicked if you need units to defend something.

IV) This game uses a "Supply Store" system that most mainstream RTS players
have never seen before. Each unit takes a certain number of Supply Points.
You must build Supply Stores to increase the amount of points you're allowed
to have on the screen in a certain mission. You won't be able to start
building a new unit if you don't have any available supply points. You will be
able to keep what you already have if they get destroyed during the mission
though. Also, the limit is 200, so you can never go far beyond that.

V) Be careful as you select things. The game has a tendency to select
something different than what you intended to select if you are still moving
your mouse when you select it. This can be very frustrating and annoying.
Also, be VERY careful when you adjust the speed setting of your game. If you
try to do it too fast, there is a good possibility that a nasty little glitch
will cause the speed selection box to vanish completely for the rest of that
game. That really sucks if you end up stuck playing on 1X speed for the rest
of a long mission.







Take the Polish Town.

1) Obtain Reinforcements.
2) Get to the Town.
3) Eliminate Polish General.
4) Your General Must Survive.


Start off by heading due East towards the flashing goal marker. Eliminate any
infantry you might come across along the way. Your General is fairly
powerful, so don't be afraid to use him.

After you get to the reinforcements, add them to your group and backtrack to
the spot where the game zoomed in on the tank. Destroy it and head East,
following the railroad tracks North until you can head West above the hills.
Continue heading West, eliminating any soldiers that get in your way.

Once you get to the town, head directly to the General and kill him. Once he's
dead, you'll win the mission.





Take the Bridge.

1) Retake the Base.
2) Train 6 Paratroopers.
3) Release Paratroopers.
4) Eliminate Bridge Troops.


To achieve the first goal, simply grab your troops and slaughter the few
infantry guys to the East. Don't worry about the guard towers in the area.
They're yours. My first time through, I was like, "How the hell am I supposed
to take out two guard towers with a few guys?" So (being the sensible person
that I am) I ran at them suicidally, and what do you know? Nothing happened.
Anyway, send your troops to the flashing mark on the ground to finish the first

There are four guys in front of the building where the marker used to be.
Select them all and send them to collect Minerals from the mine to the West of
the building they start in front of. This is how you collect money in War
Times. Once you've got them mining, select your Barracks (two rectangular
brown buildings with a flag between them) and build six Paratrooper units.
Once the sixth Paratrooper is finished, you'll get a warning about Supply
Stores. Feel free to ignore this warning for this mission, seeing as you can
easily finish it with only these six paratroopers. And if you do manage to
get them killed, the problem will solve itself. So just don't worry about it.

Select your six Paratroopers and Right click with them on the Airfield. They
will automatically board the plane. Now select the Airfield. Left click on
the plane icon to launch the Paratroop Plane. Highlight the plane as it's
leaving the runway. Left click on the DROP_TROOPS button, and then LEFT CLICK
on the flashing spot to the South. I'm emphasizing the Left Click part because
deploying things is one of the few times where you'll need your Left button to
do anything, and I kept getting frustrated because I would cancel stuff on

Now that you've got your troops landed, start heading West and follow the paths
between the trees. There are a few AA guns along here, but you don't need to
destroy them if you don't want to. Just keep your six guys close together and
kill the Belgian troops as they appear. Once you make it to the bridge, kill
the last three guards and you will win the mission.





Take Frontier Point.

1) Locate General Guderian.
2) Establish a Base.
3) Take the Hill.
4) Your General Must Survive.


Start by highlighting all of your troops and your Sidecar. Head West between
the tree lines a toast the troops you run into, including the light tank.
After you've gone South for a bit, head North to the flashing objective symbol.
One of the four tanks in this group is your General. There's a visible
difference, and you can also tell by highlighting each tank and seeing which
one says Guderian.

Take whatever forces you have left and head South again. I recommend leaving
the tanks behind for now, seeing as I got some of them quite destroyed by a
group of grenade guys right after I started heading South. But if you have
plenty of infantry left over, you can sacrifice them to kill the grenade guys
and keep your tanks for later. Once you take out the grenade guy pile, head
farther South. Take your tanks this time, seeing as you're going to run into
three light tanks. Once you destroy them, head East. Take out the infantry
you run into, then head North to the flashing mission objective symbol.
Destroy the tank and the infantry here. Now Left click on the terrain so you
won't have any forces selected. Left click on the Headquarters icon, then Left
click it on the terrain to start building it. Try to keep it as close to the
Mines as possible. Once it is completed, you will need to build several Supply
Stores. Start off with three. Be careful not to build too much stuff, or you
will run out of funds, and I haven't been able to find a way to sell buildings
yet. Once the supply stores are done, highlight the Headquarters and train at
least six Workers. Send them to the Mines as they are ready.

Next, build a Pump Jack on the oil spot. If you have extra Minerals, start
building a Barracks and a Defensive Quarters building. Once the Defensive
Quarters building is done, you will be able to build Defensive Towers. I
suggest building several of them along the Southern edge of your base, just so
the random rushes of enemy units don't run in and kill your workers. You will
need to build a Power Plant, then a Light Vehicles Factory, and then a Light
Tanks factory. Once the light tanks factory is done, you can produce Panzer II
tanks. I simply built about eight of them.

Tank your new Panzer II's and any of the old ones that are left (it's best to
leave Guderian behind, just in case something unfortunate were to happen).
Head South to the Right of the flashing mission objective. Take out the forces
you encounter on the road. Now head up the hill to the left where the
objective is. Take out the tanks first, and then take out the Guard Towers.
Destroy the remaining buildings and you will win this mission.





Neutralize Enemy Harbor.

1) Take Enemy Base.
2) Establish a Base.
3) Build an Airfield.
4) Destroy Enemy Convoy.
5) Destroy 6 AntiAircraft Guns.
6) Sink the Destroyer.


Rather than attack those two pillboxes from the same direction as the beginning
forces did, highlight your five Panzer II's and head South. There is a second
entrance to the base that is unguarded. Destroy the enemy buildings and the
pillboxes using the Panzers. Don't bother using the infantry, since they'll
just get killed anyway, and the Panzers are more than enough. Once the base is
destroyed, you can move your other forces into the area. Now build a
Headquarters building.

Once the Headquarters is done, start constructing your base. Build a Pump Jack
or two, several Supply Stores, a Barracks, Defensive Quarters, and so forth.
You start this mission with plenty of Minerals, so you should be able to build
everything very quickly. As soon as possible, place a few Defensive Towers at
both entrances to your base. The enemy will land forces and rush at you many
times. You will need a Laboratory, but you will not need either of the vehicle
buildings. Once the Laboratory is done, build an Airfield or two.

Once you have an Airfield, build four Messerschmitt 109's. When they are
ready, launch them from the Airfield and send them to attack the truck near the
flashing mission objective symbol. Once the truck is destroyed, some
Paratroopers will arrive. You can easily win the mission with these forces

Take your troops and head East along the road. Wipe out any infantry you might
happen to encounter. Once you reach the water, head North along the edge of
the City. Continue killing infantry along the way. (Either avoid the two
Guard Towers to the West of the City, or simply destroy them with your planes.)
Once you are at the far Northern edge of the city, head directly West until you
can head North again. Continue heading North, and kill the tank you come by.
Now turn East and destroy the AntiAircraft guns. There are three above the
Destroyer and three below it, and the only things guarding them are a few
infantry men. Once the guns are destroyed, some Stukas will automatically
fly in and sink the Destroyer.





Neutralize the RAF.

1) Destroy 2 Radars.
2) Destroy 2 Airfields.
3) You Cannot Lose 30 Aircraft.


Start by selecting all four planes and flying North-East, so you are South-East
of the first radar tower. Then simply target the tower and let the planes
destroy it, which they will. Once it blows, send the survivors down to the
rest of your planes. Now it's best to wait for the next four planes to arrive.
Once you have at least eight planes, fly them North-West so they are South-West
of the second radar tower. Then simply target all of them on the tower. Fly
any survivors down to the new planes at the bottom of the map.

Highlight as many planes as you can. Fly them directly East to the edge of the
map. Now fly them North until they are North-East of the flashing mission
objective symbol. Target one of the airfields and send all of the planes at
it. Once it's destroyed, target them on the second Airfield. If it survives,
repeat this attack pattern with the reinforcements that appear at the Southern
edge of the map. If done correctly, you shouldn't lose more than fifteen





Settle in Crete.

1) Destroy the Enemy Base.


If you're anything like me, you've been starting to wonder if this game will
ever get difficult. Well, this mission sure was for me. It took me a dozen or
so attempts to win, mostly because I was actually trying to listen to the
game's advice about the additional resources in the South-East. Just ignore
that advice, seeing as it's unnecessary (and damn hard) to get those resources.

You'll start off with an intro event that will leave you with thirty-six
infantry guys. Make them into three groups for easy access, and move them all
North. Now head due West across the top of the map. See the flashing mission
objective symbol? To the left of the oil field, there is a Guard Tower.
Position your troops above this point, and then rush at the guard tower to
destroy it. Then eliminate the enemy troops in the area, and finally the

Place your Headquarters as close to the mine as possible. While that's
building, take what's left of your infantry and head to the Northern edge of
the gap in the mountains below your base (the gap is about in the center of the
mountains). Once they're all there, rush them to the opposite end of the gap.
As soon as you can see the massive stationary gun, target all of your men at
it. If you destroy it, you're lucky. But the point isn't necessarily to
destroy it, just to weaken it as much as possible. Plus, those infantry were
taking up valuable space in your supply stores. That space will be badly
needed for tanks later.

Your Headquarters should be close to being done by now. When it is done,
build about six workers to start raking in some Minerals. Then build a
Barracks, a Pump Jack, and as many Supply Stores as you can afford (you will
need nine of them in all). You will also need to build a Power Plant, a Light
Vehicles Plant, a Light Tanks Plant, and a Laboratory. Upgrade both the Light
Vehicles Plant and the Light Tank Plant once you have the money. You will want
to build at least two Sdk 7's and station them on each side of the mine for air
protection. I suggest four of them. (Also, make sure you select the Hold
Position button [bottom left button on the bar] on all of your Sdk 7's. This
will keep them from foolishly chasing after planes as they fly overhead.)

Once you've got all of that done, you should be able to start building Panzer
IV tanks. If you've followed my instructions carefully, you should be able to
build nine of them before you run out of Minerals. Once the first one is
ready, take it down to that big gun near the South part of the mountain pass
and destroy it and anything else that might be left down there. The Panzer
will get damaged, so once that stuff is destroyed, take the Panzer back to your
base and let it sit there to repair itself.

Once all nine Panzer IV's are ready, take them all through the mountain pass.
Head West so that your tanks are positioned directly North of the entrance to
your target. Now, simply rush your Panzer IV's down through this base,
destroying anything that gets in your way. Priority goes to those big
defensive guns, if they have any. Then take out guy hordes if there are any,
and then Guard Towers. Destroy the buildings too. If you managed to do
everything fast enough, you will win the mission. If you got all of your tanks
destroyed somehow, you might as well start over. You'll be ran over within a
few minutes anyway, especially since there's hardly any source of funds.





Break Through The Soviet Front.

1) Build 2 Pump Jacks.
2) Destroy Enemy Base.


Start the mission off by making sure you have six Workers mining in each of the
two mines. Now group your six Panzer II's together and position them on the
West side of the bridges to the North-East of your base. Move the Leopold to
the shore below those bridges and deploy it (bottom-right button in its menu).
It will lob shells at the enemy units on the other side. Once an enemy unit is
hit, it will run to cross the bridge. Use the Panzer II's to crush anything
that makes it over the bridge.

Quickly take all six of your Panzer II's all the way to the North-East corner
of the map. As soon as you get there, start building a Headquarters building
and let the tanks destroy the Soviet oil rigs. While this is building, start
placing Defensive Towers in a line at the edge of your reach by the bridge
where the Leopold is. Then deploy the Leopold behind the wall of Defensive
Towers. This is a very effective defensive stance, and the enemy will be
sending hoards of crap over those bridges. Also, build a row of Defensive
Towers on the South edge of your base, by the other bridges. This one won't
have the luxury of a Leopold though.

Once the North-Eastern Headquarters is done, build Pump Jacks on all eight oil
fields. Don't bother building any other buildings, since you're not likely to
be able to defend this area. The goal is simply to absorb enough of it to use
for the rest of the mission, which should be easy.

Run your Panzer II's back to your other base if they're still alive. Now
simply use your hoards of supplies to construct ten or so Panzer IV's. This
should be enough to finish the mission with, but make sure that you don't let
your base get destroyed.

Once you've got the Panzer IV's ready, head over the Southern set of bridges.
If you still have the Dirigible, you can use it as a scout. Simply use the
Panzer IV's to crush the Soviet base. Once the Headquarters building is
destroyed, you will win the mission.


1.08) TOBRUK



Take the Enemy Base.

1) Destroy Enemy Headquarters.
*30 Minute Time Limit.


Start by building two more Workers and sending all six of them into the mine.
Then build a Pump Jack on the oil next to your Headquarters. Next, build a
Light Tanks factory. Place two more Defensive Towers on the East side of your
base. You'll need several more Supply Stores too. Once the tank factory is
ready, crank out five more Panzer II's. When they're done, group them with the
other three and head North toward the other mine and oil field. There's an
enemy tank up there. Make sure all eight of your Panzers attack it at the
same time, or it will single handedly destroy all eight of them. Seriously.

Once the tank is destroyed, build another Headquarters next to the mine. Make
sure you remember to build six more Workers when it's done, and send them into
the mine. It's not necessary to build another Pump Jack, seeing as you most
likely already have enough oil to finish the mission. Also, don't worry about
defending this base. The enemy has never attacked it before in any of my times
through this game.

Now upgrade your tank factory and build more supply stores. Once you can start
building Panzer IV's, do so. About ten to twelve of them should suffice. You
might also want to consider building the Improved Medium Tank Speed technology
from the Military Laboratory.

Ignore the fighter that flies over your base. It can't really hurt you unless
it starts killing your Workers. If it does, simply replace them. Make sure
you keep your Defensive Towers repaired.

Once you have twelve or so Panzer IV's, group them together with any surviving
Panzer II's from earlier. Now run them all through the North-West gap in the
mountains. Any defensive guns you come across should get your first priority.
Destroy any tanks you run into next, and then any Defensive Towers. Once
you're done with that, simply blast the Headquarters from the West side so you
can avoid the rest of the enemy's stuff. Once the Headquarters is destroyed,
you will win the mission.

Don't try to be smart and attack through the South-East entrance to the base.
The path is mined, and it will devastate your tanks. It's also fairly narrow,
and it will cause your tanks to do really stupid things.





Flee to Tripoli.

1) Find General Rommel.
[1.5) Liberate Trapped Forces.]
2) Rommel Must Survive.


Use your tanks to destroy the Matilda to the West. It's a flame Matilda, so be
careful, and definitely don't take the infantry with you. Send the Panzer IV
at it first, and then send the three Panzer II's. You might take some damage
on the IV, but you will lose a II if you send them first. Now head West along
the mountains, and be careful not to go North at all. There's a crapload of
enemy stuff up there that you will never be able to destroy. Continue West
until you get a message on the screen about a Leopold to the South. Head down
through the gap in the mountains and destroy the light tank. Then head East
across the bottom of the screen and kill all of the infantry. Get close enough
to the Leopold and it will become part of your team.

Head back West until the next passage through the mountains. Creep towards the
gap in the mountains until you can see some enemy infantry. Place your tanks
in front of the Leopold and then deploy it. Defend the Leopold from anything
that rushes you. Once everything's destroyed, head through the gap and turn
South, following the edge of the mountains. When you get to the bottom of the
screen, head West. There are some German infantry and a pair of Panzer II's
waiting for you there. Add them to your groups.

There is a group of enemies near the third pile of rocks under the power lines,
counting from the bottom of the screen. Head over there and destroy everything
with your tanks. Now turn West again. Position your tanks in front of your
Leopold just like before, and deploy the Leopold. Now just blast anything you
see and defend the Leopold at all cost. Be especially careful when dealing
with the Matilda that's up there. Once everything is destroyed, head towards
the flashing mission objective symbol, which is where Rommel is.

You will be warned about a mine field, and they're not kidding. Head East and
go through the second gap in the mountains. (You want to end up ABOVE the
lake, not below it.) Clear out the infantry and light tanks you come across.
Be careful as you head North, since there are several Defensive Guns on the
hills that will promptly destroy your tanks. Use the Leopold to eliminate the
ones on the edge of the hills, but ignore the others. It's too risky to mess
with them. There's a mine field blocking the paths to the East, so take the
path through the West instead. Don't head South, seeing as that's where the
other mine field is. Even though your next objective is to liberate your
forces in this area, don't do it. Instead, use your Leopold to destroy three
of the four enemy defensive structures (and the destroyed bunker thing), and
purposely leave the fourth target standing. This will prevent you from
achieving the next goal immediately.

Now, take your tanks and infantry North and start to wrap East above the
mountains. Mow down the infantry and light tanks that you encounter, and be
very careful with your Leopold. Stay away from the edge of the mountains.
There are still several defensive guns that will rip you up if you get too
close. Once you're all the way to the East mountains, head South. But be
careful. There are two defensive guns that can reach this path. Make sure to
use the Leopold to blast them before they do any serious damage to your

Continue heading South. There are two tanks down here, as well as many
infantry. Use your forces to destroy everything in this area, all the way from
the bottom to the top. Once there's nothing left, leave Rommel next to the
sign in the ground. Take the Leopold (or your other tanks, if you have enough
of them left) back to the flashing mission objective. Destroy the fourth
target that you purposely left behind earlier. Now simply go back to Rommel
and send him to the West a little where the flashing mission objective symbol
is. This will end the mission.

Why the indirect way of finishing this mission? Well, it's easier this way.
Once you free your forces in that base, a large group of British forces start
to chase you down. If you haven't already cleared the path to Rommel's
evacuation point, you'll most likely find yourself losing several times in a
row. Instead, this little bypass maneuver eliminates that problem.





Protect the Rhine Pass.

1) Defend Arhen.
2) Destroy British Troops.


Start by building six Workers and send them to one of the mines. While those
six are building, build your Light Vehicles factory. Build a Laboratory too.
Once the first six Workers are done, build and send another six to the other
mine. If you are ready to build a Light Tanks factory, start doing so. While
it's building, scroll around the map and set all of your base defense
structures to auto-repair by clicking on the wrench icon in their menus. (You
can skip all of the ones to the East of the bridge. They will never come into
play.) Don't worry about your defensive structures on the other side of the
bridge. There's not much you can do to keep them from being destroyed. But if
you keep the second one set on auto-repair, it can last for quite a while.

Upgrade your tank factory. Once it's done, build two Panzer IV's and two
Jagdpanzers. When they're done, take them North of your base and head East to
the spot where the oil fields are. You'll encounter a few light piles of
enemy troops, but there won't be anything too troublesome until you get to the
oil fields. Directly South of the hill they are on, there is a tank. Destroy
it. If the Jagdpanzers are still in good shape, send them up the West side of
the hill and send the Panzer IV's all the way back to your base. Wrap around
the hill with your Jagdpanzers and destroy the tank you saw up here earlier.
Now start a Headquarters building here. Send the Jagdpanzers back to your base
once the Headquarters has been started.

If you haven't already been attacked at your base, you will be soon. Many,
many, many times in a row, too. Continue building Jadgpanzers and Panzer IV's.
Position them at the North-West entrance to your base, seeing as that's where
the enemy likes to attack from. When the headquarters is done, build two Pump
Jacks on the oil fields.

This is where things can get frustrating. All you can do now is defend your
base. I just used piles of well-positioned Panzer IV's and Jadgpanzers.
Once I had some extra cash, I upgraded my tank factory to a Heavy Tanks
factory. I built three Leopolds - I stuck two behind the North-West wall of
the base and one behind my line of Jadgpanzers at the North-West entrance.
This should be a tremendous help. Then, I built an Airfield and two
Dirigibles. Once those were done, I built three V2 factories. Then I used the
Dirigibles and the V2's to devastate the enemy units around the flashing
mission objective symbol. With three of them, it didn't take long.

Just remember to build some Tiger tanks to keep your defenses strong, and
remember to keep the Dirigibles a safe distance from the V2 explosions. Also,
it seemed like the American rushes from the West kept getting bigger and
bigger as the game went on. So make sure that you don't get overly confident
in your defenses.

All you have to do is destroy all of the enemy forces near the flashing mission
objective symbol. Once you've done that, congratulations. You've finished the
Axis Campaign.







Evacuate British Troops.

1) Defend the Harbor.
2) Embark 180 Soldiers.


Simple mission. Start off by building two more Workers and sending all six to
the mine. Now place your Barrack's rally point to the North of the hill East
of your base. Begin building normal Infantry when you have the funds to do so.
Go around the map and set all of your defensive structures to auto-repair by
clicking on the wrench icon in each of their menus.

Now just sit back and wait for 180 soldiers to embark. You'll get attacked
from the East, so send a pile of Infantry over there next to water. The only
other place that you should get attacked is right where your rally point is.
As long as you keep building Infantry and make sure your defensive structures
are auto-repairing, you will win this mission easily.





Keep Your Defensive Lines.

1) Rescue 2 Radars.
2) Destroy the German Air Force.
3) No Radar Can Be Destroyed.


Start by building two more Workers, and make sure all six are headed for the
mine. Build an Oil Rig once you have enough Minerals. Once it's completed,
build four more Workers and send them to it.

Now construct a Defensive Quarters building. Once it's done, place three
Defensive Towers on the East side of your base. Set them (and the Northern
one) to auto-repair. This will be all of the defense you will need for this

Build a Barracks and a Vehicles Factory. Once the factory is ready, build
about ten MK I's. Attack the enemy units around the North-West Radar first.
(Always target vehicles first when you fight.) Once it's been liberated, head
for the other one and destroy everything around it. Now some planes will come
onto the screen and take care of the rest for you. Just make sure nothing
sneaks up and destroys one of the two liberated Radar towers while you're
waiting for the planes to finish.





Resist In Tobruk.

1) Defend Your Base For 26 Minutes.


This map will look familiar if you have already played the Axis Campaign.
Start by sending the four Workers to the mine, and build two more to send up
there too. Build an Oil Rig, a Barracks, and a Defensive Quarters building.

Build four more Workers and send them to the Oil Rig once it's ready. Build a
Laboratory, and go around to all of your defensive structures to set them to
auto-repair. Deploy the truck that appears West of your base and be ready to
use the Infantry that come out of it to defend the closest Tower. As you get
more Minerals, build two Defensive Towers and two Defensive Cannons near the
West entrance of your base. (Make sure the Towers are as far West as possible
so they can gun down troops as they try to get through the wire.)

Build two Defensive Towers at the East entrance to your base, and another two
at the South entrance. Now start building mass amounts of Defensive Cannons
along the mountains West of your oil field. Also build a few behind the
Eastern Defensive Towers. Build several AntiAircraft guns as soon as you can.
Planes will destroy you extremely quickly if you're not ready to stop them.

The enemy will send insane amounts of crap at you in the last five minutes.
Just keep building defensive structures around your Headquarters with any
Minerals you get. Also, remember to have all of your structures set to
auto-repair. If you have the time and Minerals, you might also consider
getting the Defensive Structures Health improvement from the Laboratory.

This mission is all about speed and effective placement of structures. I never
even bothered building a unit during this mission, I just used defensive





Locate The Bismarck.

1) Rescue Your General.
2) Reach The Hydroplane.
3) Your General Must Survive.


There are tons of ways to win this mission. I will describe a way that can
allow you to win it without a single casualty if you're good enough at it.
You'll need some patience though...

Group the Mortar and Rifle troops together and send them to the South-West
corner of the map. Send the Spy and Sappers to the North-West, and then head
East through the trees just below the mountain. There's a group of enemy
infantry between the first mountain and the trees, which is why you're
bypassing that gap. Or, if you want to, you can use the same method I'm about
to describe to get rid of them.

Use the Spy's invisibility feature to scout ahead and find the group of enemy
infantry at the entrance to the mountain pass to the East. Once you know where
they are, retreat the Spy to a safe distance (remember to turn his invisibility
skill off too). Now use your Sappers to plant a mine field West of the
infantry pile. The trick is, your infantry can walk through the mine field,
but enemy infantry will blow up if they walk on it. So, highlight your spy and
approach the enemy infantry. Get close enough so they start to chase you, and
then run to the other side of your mine field. Do this trick enough times
until all of them are blow up.

GO back and highlight the Rifle and Mortar troops now. If you eliminated the
first pile of infantry between the mountain and trees, then you can just send
them directly to your Sappers and Spy. If not, then use the same bypass route
through the trees to the North. Position these guys at the entrance to the
mountain pass. Send the Spy and Sappers a little farther to the East, but not
too far. Send the Sappers East slowly until you can see the flashing red signs
of a mine field. Use the Sappers to defuse the mine field. Now send all of
your infantry East to the next junction of mountains.

The screen should automatically pan to the East and show you a Mark IV tank.
Take this tank West to the mountain pass. Below your infantry pile, there are
two Panzer II's and a Panzer IV. The Mark IV can easily handle these three.
Just make sure you don't charge right into the middle of them. Stay on the
Eastern edge of their range and pick them of one by one if possible.

Once those three are destroyed, send the Mark IV, the Sappers, and the Spy to
the flashing mission objective symbol. Leave the Mortar and Rifle troops
behind so they can pick off the enemy infantry that will appear from the West.
Once the Mark IV gets to the flashing symbol, use its bridge feature to launch
a bridge over the river. Send the Sappers and the Spy over the bridge. You
can send the other infantry over too if you want, but they will not be
necessary to finish the mission.

Use the Spy's invisibility feature to locate the pile of enemy troops and tanks
at the gap in the mountains to the North. Deploy a mine field East of this
pile, and make sure it's fairly big. Now use the same trick with your Spy that
I described before, and make all of the infantry and tanks destroy themselves
on the mine field. Once they're all destroyed, make your Spy invisible and
him all the way to the flashing mission objective symbol. Then send him to the
West side of this base to take control of the Panzer IV, and then to the East
side to take over the four Panzer II's. Use the Panzer IV to slaughter the
Defensive Tower and the infantry, and then send the tanks, Spy, and General
to your Sapper pile.

Send everything West, and make sure that you keep close to the water. If you
get too close to the mountains, Defensive Cannons will slaughter you. Also,
make sure to head slightly North when you get the chance. There is a pile of
enemy forces at the West side of the water, but you can avoid them entirely if
you're careful. Use your Spy's invisibility to see exactly where they are.

Once everything you have is West of the next gap in the mountains (just South
of the flashing mission objective symbol), deploy a mine field. Use your Spy
to get the infantry guarding the pass to chance him over the field. Then head
to the objective symbol and get the Panzer to follow you to its doom as well.
Make sure you don't go too far East in this area, or those Defensive Cannons
will kill you. Send your General to the flashing symbol, and the mission is





Control the Alamein.

1) Destroy Enemy Headquarters.


So many options on this mission...I'll describe the way that I've beaten it the
fastest, since I doubt too many people have the patience to sit around and wait
for Minerals to collect.

Immediately send your four Workers to the mine. Then build a Supply Store, an
Oil Rig, and a Defensive Quarters building. Once the Supply Store is done,
build two more Workers for the mine, and build another four to send to the oil
rig. Now build four or five Defensive Towers on the northern edge of your
reach, just above the mine and palm tree. If you were too slow, the enemy will
crush you instantly, and you will have to start over already.

Make sure your Defensive Towers are set to auto-repair. Build them along the
perimeter, and make each one touch another one. The enemy will be attacking
that spot in large numbers, so they will be ineffective if you spread them out.
Make sure you stick two more towers to the East of your oil field too, or
you'll have some serious problems.

Build a Laboratory and a Resource Center next. Once the Laboratory is done,
build four or five Defensive Cannons directly below your line of towers. You
might want to consider a few more towers, too. Once you've got these placed,
build a Barracks, a Vehicles Factory, and a Tanks Factory. Once the Tanks
Factory is done, build six regular Matildas. Just keep an eye on your defenses
during this time to make sure the enemy doesn't cause a hole to form.

Once the tanks are ready, take them to the far East of the map. Now head up to
the flashing mission objective symbol. Take out any tanks you encounter first,
especially Panzer IV's. Then just hammer the Headquarters. Once it's gone,
you win the mission.

If you need or want to, you can invest in the Defensive Structures Health and
the Medium Tank Speed upgrades before you attack the base. Even though the
game suggests going after the other mines and oil fields, it's really not that
beneficial. The enemy will immediately attack you at your new locations, so
you'll have to waste a lot of money and time defending them. You can win the
mission easily with what you start with, so only go out of your way if you're
bored and want something to do.

Interesting Note: Four Lancasters can take out that Headquarters by
themselves, even with all of the AntiAircraft the enemy has.





Force Rommel to Retreat.

1) Take the Enemy's Base.
2) Destroy the Enemy.


Load all of your infantry into the trucks. Now take all four of your units
North, and send them above the enemy Headquarters, completely ignoring the
Defensive Towers along the way. Start building a Headquarters above the enemy
one, as close to it as possible. Now deploy the infantry from your trucks and
destroy all of the enemy's buildings, but be careful of the Defensive Towers.

Build four Supply Stores as soon as you can. Once they are done, send six
Workers to the mine. In the mean time, use all of your units to attack the
South-East Defensive Tower, and then the one directly to the West of it. You
should be able to kill them both. Now place an Oil Rig in both oil fields,
and send six Workers to each one.

Build a Barracks, a Defensive Quarters building, and a Resource Center. When
you can, build a Laboratory, upgrade it, build a Vehicles Factory, build a
Tanks Factory, and then build the Medium Tanks Speed ability if you want to.
Once these buildings are all done, you should be able to build Flame Matildas.
Make sure you have enough Supply Stores, and start cranking out Flame Matildas
in large numbers.

Put the first two up by the North-Western oil field to protect your base. Take
the next seven down to the other two mines, and eliminate any opposition on the
way. Build another Headquarters directly between these two mines, and send six
Workers to each of them when it's done. Continue building Flame Matildas until
you have sixteen of them, not counting the ones guarding your oil field.

Now, simply take the sixteen Flame Matildas West to the enemy base and level
the place. It should be simple, as long as you're not careless. Avoid the
mountain area completely, because there are a lot of heavy vehicles up there
waiting for you. Once you destroy all of the buildings around the flashing
mission objective symbol, you will win the mission.








Defend the Soviet Line.

1) Defeat the German General.


If you haven't experienced any frustration by the stupidity of your units
when you tell them to go somewhere, I'd prepare myself if I were you. The
paths on this mission are tiny, and your idiot infantry can sometimes get stuck
or go to stupid locations.

Start off by selecting the six infantry on your screen at the beginning of the
mission. Send them slightly East to that clearing. Now go down and send the
infantry below you to that same spot. Also go around the entire map and send
every last infantry unit you can find to that spot. There are some in the town
areas, many in the hills, and a few by some of your guard towers. Eventually,
you'll get a notice saying reinforcements have arrived to the north. Go up to
them and send them down to the pile of infantry.

By now you should have enough to make two groups of sixteen and a few extras.
Make them into three teams and send them to the gap in the mountains to the
South. Send them through carefully, one group at a time, or they will get
stuck and confused. Also, don't send them too far past the West part of the
end of the mountains. You don't want to draw too much attention to yourself.

A tank and a group of infantry should attack you. Destroy it all, and be
especially careful of the flame infantry, as they can cause serious damage to
your guys. Once all of that stuff is destroyed, make sure you still have your
groups set and send them all up to the flashing mission objective symbol.
Immediately target all of your groups on the General. You should be able to
win using just those infantry, since all you need to do is kill the General.

Although if you want, you can sit back and wait for more reinforcements to show
up to the North. You'll even get some light vehicles. But they are not needed
to win the mission.





Cut German Army Supplies.

1) Rescue Soviet General (In the First 15 Minutes).
2) Destroy All Oil Rigs.


Start by moving your infantry to the West a little, towards the two mines.
Build your Command Center there as soon as possible, directly between and
slightly to the East of the mines. Once you place it, send the infantry up
North to the oil field. As soon as the Command Center is done, build a Pump
Jack on the oil field. The good things about the Soviets is that they do not
need to build buildings close to a Command Center. All they need is a unit.

While that's building, go suicide your infantry on a Defensive Tower. They're
taking up valuable Supply Store space. Build six workers for one mine, then
build a Supply Store. Once you've got the money and Supply Store space, get
another six workers ready for the other mine.

Once you have the funds, build a Power Plant, a Barracks, a Light Tanks
Factory, and a Laboratory. Build three SU76's once all of these buildings are
done. Take them to the North-East and take out the Defensive Towers there.
There is just enough room above that bridge to take units between the bridge
and the water. Do so, and go free your General by killing the guards and then
getting close enough to him.

Take your units back to your base. Continue building SU76's, and put up a few
Defensive Towers around your Eastern perimeter to deal with the infantry
they'll be sending at you. Once you get sixteen SU76's, take them to the spot
where you rescued your General. Carefully cross the bridge, and eliminate
anything that gets in your way. Once you level the place, you win. Keep
building more SU76's if you need them, which you most likely will.





Defend Ponyri.

1) Protect Indicated Points.


Start by using some infantry to wipe out the German paratroopers that land near
the warehouses. Now spend some time gathering all of your troops and piling
them in the center of the town. GO around the north edge of your base and set
all of your bunkers to auto-repair.

Take one infantry guy down to the mines in the south-west and start building a
Headquarters. Once it's started, run him east to the oil field. Once the
Headquarters is done, start building Supply Stores until you have enough to be
able to put six Workers in each mine. Keep in mind that you will have to fend
off attacks on the town while you continue to build your base.

The first attack will come from the north-west, and will be a large group of
infantry. It's best to sit your infantry behind your bunkers, and simply let
the Germans destroy that first group of buildings. Then, when they get closer
to the rest of the town, your bunkers will shoot at them. Run your guys up
there and attack the Germans to protect the bunkers. Make sure you target the
flamethrower guys first.

The next attack will be from the east. They'll hit your farm animals with some
infantry. This should be a fairly small group, so don't worry too much. The
third attack will be an SDK 251 and two Panzer II's. They will come down from
the north-east and attack your bunkers. Be ready for it, and destroy the SDK
first, then the Panzers. (Note: These two attacks can sometimes happen at the
same time, and sometimes the tanks will be first, then the guys.) I recommend
keeping one group of your infantry stationed near your bunkers, and the other
a little bit east of the warehouses.

You will have a decent amount of time before the next attack. You should
already have your twelve Workers going, and you should have already started
your Pump Jack. Build a Barracks, a Power Plant, an Academy, a Laboratory,
and a Light Tanks Factory. You might have to fend off a few more small rushes
while you're building your base.

As soon as you get your Lank Tanks Factory built, start mass-producing T37's.
The Germans are going to land a rather large paratroop group right on top of
your Headquarters, and you'll need the machine gun capabilities of the T37's to
stop the attack. Plus, they'll be useful for the rest of the mission too.

A few big rushes are going to come from the north-west. You'll most likely
what's left of your northern infantry in these attacks, but that's OK. It'll
give you more room in your Supply Stores. Once you have eight or so T37's,
send them down to protect your Headquarters. Continue building about ten more
of them, and then switch to SU76's. Once the paratroopers are dealt with, send
that group of T37's to the east side of the town to defend against future
attacks. If you want, now is a good time to invest in the Improved Tank Health
technology from your laboratory.

Use your other group to fend off attacks from the north and west. Your base
should not be in danger of being attacked, so don't bother keeping anything
down there. Eventually you will have to deal with Panzer IV's and a Leopold,
so make sure you've got plenty of SU76's.

Continue building a fairly balanced amount of T37's and SU76's, and split them
up to protect the three victory objectives. All three of them have to be
destroyed before you lose, not just one. Continue fighting, and after a while
the mission will end on its own.





Free Prokhorovka.

1) Protect the North Base.
2) Destroy Enemy Base.


You start with seven infantry, four of which are Workers. Send all four of the
Workers to the mine in the south-east corner. Send the soldiers up to the blue
base. Start a Headquarters at both locations. Build six Workers for the one
in the north, and two for the one in the south (don't forget to use the four
you started with). Build Pump Jacks on all three of the oil fields.

Concentrate all of your buildings around the southern base, as the northern one
will be attacked soon anyway. You'll most likely lose your Headquarters and
Pump Jack too, but that's OK. The purpose was just to get as much money and
oil from them as possible. If you can, run the six Workers down to your
southern base when the northern one attacks.

The blue Soviets will have already built a new Headquarters in your base,
luckily. They're very annoying though, as they take up your space and jam
ridiculous amounts of Workers into your mine.

Build pretty much everything you can by the southern base. You'll need most of
the buildings before you can upgrade your Tank Factory, including an upgraded
Laboratory. Once you can, start pumping out T34 medium tanks. When you get
five or six of them done, head back up to the northern base and retake it.
Build a new Headquarters, and send your six Workers back up there if you still
have them. Don't worry about the Pump Jack, you shouldn't need any more oil
than you're already getting from the other two.

Continue mass-producing T34's. Keep an eye out for a message about
reinforcements. A group of T34's will appear for you, but they'll run directly
at the enemy if you don't stop them first. Group them with your others at the
southern base and prepare to fight off a huge German attack. It'll come from
the west, and there will be many Panzer IV's and tank destroyers.

Once you've beaten that rush back, you can attack the enemy base. It's barely
defended, so you might have enough to take it out already. If not, just build
some more.





Siege Brody.

1) K II Tank Must Resist.
2) Lead the K II Tank to the Indicated Point.


Start by sending all of your stuff to the two oil fields in the south-east.
Use the K II to destroy the Panzer II's and infantry around them. Leave your
infantry unit near the oil fields, and now take the K II and BT5's over to the
mines in the west. Use the K II to destroy the Panzer IV's and infantry here.

Build a Headquarters, and then build some Supply Depots so you can get six
Workers into each of the mines. Also build a Pump Jack on both of the oil
fields where you left your infantry unit. All of the enemy attacks will come
the north, right along the water's edge. Set up your BT5's in a line, and
stick the K II behind them. Build a Defensive Tower or two next to your line.

Now start building your base until you can build T34's. You might want to
invest in both of the tank upgrades from your Military Laboratory, as well as
the K II AntiTank Gun upgrade from the Research Laboratory. You can build
repair vehicles, so use them to keep your defensive line of tanks in good

Build an Airfield, and then build four bombers for it. There are two AA Guns
and a Leopold on each side of the mountain pass up north. Use the bombers to
get rid of this stuff. Once you've done that, take a group of T34's, your
K II, and some repair trucks (just in case) up to the mountain pass. Use the
K II to bust down the gate thing in front of the pass, and then go clear out
the town. It should be easy, but remember not to get the K II destroyed.





Protect Allied Conference.

1) Destroy the Leopold.


Don't worry about the timer, it shouldn't be a factor. Start by loading your
infantry into the transport ship and heading west towards the flashing mission
objective symbol. Disembark on the shore, and head to the small group of
structures. take out the German infantry unit you run into, and then take out
the destroyed bunker at the top of the group of buildings. Walk up next to the
Workers to get control of them, and then send them to the ship.

Take the rest of your infantry north to the V2 facility. Take out the two
German infantry units, and then destroy the facility. If you want, you can use
a Detonator unit (you should have two of them with you) to plant a bomb on the
V2 facility to make short work of it. When it is destroyed, load all of your
infantry onto the transport with your Workers. You'll have to leave a unit
behind if you didn't lose one yet. I suggest leaving a Detonator behind, as
they will not be much help for the rest of the mission.

Take the transport back to your base, unload the Workers, and have them start
mining. Build a sixth worker and send it to the mine too. Now load your
infantry back onto the ship and send it to the center of the island with the
oil field. Once the boat is close enough to the oil field, place a Pump Jack
on it. Now take the transport all the way to the east. Keep away from the
shore though, because there are a lot of bunkers that will destroy you.

Unload the transport on the far eastern part of the shore. Take out the German
infantry unit, and then head up to the right. Walk around the small bricked
area, heading west when you can. Head south when you get to the end of it, and
take out the two German soldiers there. Head inside the bricked area and take
out the third German guard. Get close enough to the tanks to take them over,
and then move them and your infantry outside of the base. Don't go west, or
you will have to deal with an assload of bunkers.

Build a Power Plant, a Laboratory, and then upgrade the Laboratory to a
Research Laboratory. As soon as it's done, build two Air Fields inside the
bricked area. Build as many bombers as you can from now until the counter
reaches zero. (You should be able to build six.)

When the counter reaches zero, take all of your bombers all the way west to the
conference building you're supposed to be defending. Head north from here
until you see a Leopold making its way south. Bomb it until it's destroyed to
win the mission.

You can try using the Mass Production Facility like the mission suggests, but
it's extremely hard to do. There's a huge mine field in the way, and you have
to go through a bunch of tight valleys. There's also a huge group of Panzer
IV's and tank destroyers to deal with. So instead, I just went the cheap-ass
way and used bombers.








Arrive at Palermo.

1) Locate British Spy.*
2) Lead General to the Indicated Point.
3) Your General Must Survive.

*The crap about the Spy and so forth is completely optional. You don't need to
do it to win. It's not hard to go up there and rescue him or anything, but it
is time consuming and annoying.


Start by taking your eight infantry down through the valley. Carefully take
out the German infantry you encounter. There is a bunker in the clearing at
the end of the valley, so don't go too far south. The key to this mission is
going to be patience. If any of your infantry are injured, set the battle
speed to maximum and let them heal.

When they're ready, send them to the clearing south-east of the bunker. Three
of them are likely to be killed, but I haven't been able to find a way around
that yet. Allow them to heal again if necessary. Now take them south through
the valley under the bunker. This isn't what you're supposed to do, but it's

This part has to be done quickly and with as few errors as possible. There are
two German fighter planes above the valley to the far south, and they'll attack
your infantry immediately when they see them. Just do a mad dash east along
the north side of the valley until you find an alcove in the hills, which is
where you saw the General's convoy at the beginning of the mission. Get close
enough to the units, and you'll take them over. Quickly stick all of your
infantry into the ATV's (especially the General). Now select all of the ATV's
and take them all the way back to the spot east of the first bunker, where
they should be safe from the fighters. Allow at least one of them to heal

Put the General in a completely healed ATV, and then edge slowly eastward until
you can see a Defensive Tower. Hug the hills to the south, and move east until
you can see another one. Then run directly north between them, up against the
next set of hills. Don't go too far east, or the next set of two Defensive
Towers will destroy you.

Allow the ATV to heal again. Then send it directly east to the other side of
the second set of Defensive Towers. Take the General out of the ATV. You
should be able to hear and see explosions to the east. Watch the pattern of
the explosions, and run the General south through them when they start to hit
the rocks on the west side of the path. He shouldn't even get hurt if you do
this correctly.

Continue south and then east. Go slow as you approach the town. There is
another Defensive Tower at the entrance. If the General is completely healed,
run him towards the safe middle section of the town, ignoring damage taken from
the tower. Walk the General to the flashing mission objective symbol, and you
will win the mission.





Escape from the Bombardment.

1) Lead the Soldiers to the Indicated Point.
2) Rescue at Least 7 Soldiers.

*Don't worry about the time limit. You have tons of time for this mission.


This is by far the worst mission yet. You have to be quick to react, or you'll
get killed. A few spots require you to be just plain lucky, too. Start by
making your Elite Soldier into a group. I use Group 1 just for easy reference.
Head to the west above the hills. Just target the Elite on the open area in
the far north-west corner of the map. Stay on that spot so you can keep
telling the Elite to go to that corner. Now watch your radar closely. When
the green dot shows up, click on the Fury command in your Elite's menu, and
then tell him to go to the far north-west corner again (where your screen
should still be). If you do it correctly, he will outrun the SDK.

If he's badly hurt, let him heal. There are two infantry units guarding an
entrance to the hills directly to your east and a tiny bit to the south. Have
the Elite get close enough to see them. Then walk into range, and click on his
Prone skill. He should kill both of the enemies easily. If he's damaged, let
him heal to full energy.

Proceed through the hills. Stop before you get to a small clearing between two
of your trapped soldiers. There is a bunker between them. Make each of them
a Group (2 and 3) for easy access later. NOW SAVE YOUR GAME. You can get
screwed over and over doing this next part.

Click on your Fury command, and then on your Smoke Bomb command. Target the
bunker. As soon as the smoke goes up, take all three groups west as fast as
possible. If any of them gets killed, reload from the save and try again.

Take your guys south once you get back on the outside of the hills. At the
next entrance to the hills, use your Fury command to take out the German guys.
Send your two Rifle Infantry down to the ATV's by the flashing mission
objective symbol.

Head into the hills with the Elite. You'll walk past a soldier, so send him to
the ATV's as well. Be careful when you come to a clearing with four paths
branching off of it. There's a bunker in the center of it. Stop the Elite
there, and then scroll along the two paths on the east and the path on the
south until you find the infantry units along them (south has one, the two on
the east have to and three). Send these six guys to the bunker, and keep them
just far enough away to where they won't get shot. Make them into three groups
(2, 3, and 4. I reuse 2 and 3 so I don't accidentally send the already-safe
infantry somewhere unfortunate). Now SAVE YOUR GAME AGAIN.

Same as before, click on Fury and then on Smoke Bomb, targeting the bunker. Be
ready to send all of your units down the path where your Elite is as soon as
the smoke bomb goes off. (If the Elite or more than one of the soldiers gets
killed, reload.) Now carefully walk all of your guys back down the path all
the way to the ATV's. They have a tendency to get stuck and turn around, so
watch them closely.

Once they all make it to the ATV's, the mission is over.





Take Normandy.

1) Lead 100 Soldiers Into Enemy Territory.


This mission is chaos. I suggest ignoring all of the beach heads except the
two on the far right. The one farthest to the right will get M8's along with
infantry, so it's the easiest to break out of. I simply broke out there, and
then used those forces to break out the one to the left of it.

The entire top of the place is lined with Leopolds and machine gun bunkers.
You can just rush three groups of sixteen units at the Leopolds until they're
all destroyed, and then do the same thing to get rid of the machine gun
bunkers. Don't worry about units, you will get more and more reinforcements as
the mission goes on.

You can free some tank destroyers from the bricked area too. They can be quite
helpful. Other than that, just smash your way to the far east flashing
mission objective symbol. Once you get a hundred infantry units there, you
will win. It is not necessary to get a hundred onto each of the symbols.

Don't worry too much about the time limit either. You should have plenty of
time, even if you frequently sit and wait for new reinforcements to land.





Protect the Town.

1) Rescue the American Base.
2) Destroy the First V2 Factory.
3) Destroy the Second V2 Factory.
4) Destroy the Third V2 Factory.
5) The Town Cannot Fall.


If you don't like to suicide massive numbers of infantry, then you might want
to develop your own strategy for this mission. However, if you don't mind,
then be prepared to send about two hundred infantry to their doom. >_>

You start with eight Amphibious Elites. Take them slowly south towards the two
mines. Approach them carefully from the top, and a little to the east. You
should see a Defensive Tower. Make sure all eight of them are together, and
then rush the tower. Once it's destroyed, move a little west, and then proceed
farther south a little until you can see the Headquarters. Destroy it and any
German Workers that attack you, but be careful not to engage any more towers or

Now head straight north, to the shallow water on the left side of the bridge.
You should have two to four Amphibious Elites left. They can cross the shallow
water, so have them do so. Approach the American Headquarters from the west
and deal with any soldiers you encounter. Make sure you take out the one on
the east side of the Headquarters too.

Build six Workers for each mine, and build a few Supply Stores. Build a
Barracks and a Shipyard, too. Build a single Landing Craft and eight Rifle
Infantry to put inside it. When it's loaded, land the infantry on the western
beach of the island east of the one you're on. Immediately run the infantry to
the small place where a few allied soldiers are kept. Put any survivors right
up against the V2 Facility to keep from getting shot by the bunkers. Then
destroy it with anything you can. A Detonator will do nicely.

Back at your base, build enough Supply Stores to have about 120 units. Also
build two more Barracks to make mass-training of infantry easier. Pump out 32
Rifle Infantry, make them into two groups, and destroy both of the towers
blocking the bridge to your south. From this point, I just set all three of
the Barracks' rally points to the south end of the bridge. Start training
huge amounts of infantry.

Take three groups of sixteen back down to the southern mines. Take out that
Defensive Tower on the east side first, and then edge slowly west until you see
a bunker. take it out, and then go farther west past the V2 Facility to take
out another bunker. Then destroy the V2 Facility. Run all of your survivors
back up to the pile below the bridge.

Form six groups of sixteen and send them all the way out of the town through
the south-east exit. Be careful not to group them too close together, or a V2
Rocket could wipe them out in a single hit. Once you have your groups in
position, take them north towards the gap in the mountains to the east. There
is a Panzer IV guarding it. Don't bother trying to attack it. You won't win,
even if you have nine groups of infantry. Instead, run them all into the path
through the hills, ignoring the Panzer IV completely. You only need a few to
make it through to the V2 Facility. Let them kill the German Soldiers around
it, and then destroy the facility.





Cross Hurtgen Forest.

1) Destroy Enemy Base.


Take your group of units east to the oil field. Build a Headquarters right
between the two mines. As soon as it's done, build an Oil Rig. Build some
Supply Stores, and then put six Workers in each of the mines and the oil rig.
Build a Barracks and a Defensive Quarters building. Stick to Watch Towers on
the east side of the oil field, and another two by the south entrance to your
base. Upgrade all four of them to Defensive Towers, and set them to

Upgrade your Defensive Quarters, build a Laboratory, and build a Vehicles
Factory. Build the Sherman Cannon upgrade from the Laboratory, and upgrade
the Vehicles Factory as soon as possible. Start building Shermans as fast as
you can. Also build an Allied Resource Center, which will supply you with tons
of free fuel.

Make sure you have plenty of Supply Stores, and keep building Shermans. A
group of Panzer II's will attack from the south part of your base, but a few
Shermans will deal with them easily. When you get ten of them, take them south
through the forest. There's really not that much stuff around to block you.
Just a couple Leopolds and some infantry. Occasionally, you might run into
some Panzer II's, but they're no match for Shermans.

When you get farther south, you'll run into some Tigers. Those are a good
match for your Shermans, so make sure all of your tanks stay close together.
There should only be three Tigers on the path to the enemy base if you've done
everything fast enough. Make sure you're still building more Shermans though,
just in case you end up needing them.

When you get down near the flashing mission objective symbol, use the Shermans
to blast the bunkers along the small valley. They can crush the tank traps, so
don't worry about that. When you get inside the town's perimeter, just blast
that large civilian house section to win the mission.

You can explore the forest more if you want to get the most of this mission.
There are a few Elites up in the north-east corner, and a Sherman near the
center. Other than that, exploring isn't really necessary. And if you let
that column of Tigers the game warned you about show up, you WILL lose. They
send about twelve of them at once, and no amount of Shermans can save you from
that many Tigers, especially with the 200 supply point limit.





Life Or Death In The Ardennes.

1) Destroy All Enemy Units.


Send the FT17's to the mines in the south-west. Send all of the other units to
the mines in the south-east. Build a Headquarters at both of these locations.
You're going to lose the west one, so don't place any other buildings around
it. The only point in building it is to get as much out of the mines and oil
field as possible before losing it, and to keep the Germans from getting that
money and oil for as long as possible.

Build Supply Stores in the far south-east corner, and get six Workers going in
each of the four mines. Also, send something north-east to the third set of
mines, and start a Headquarters there. Get Oil Rigs going at all three spots,
and remember to send six Workers to each of them as well.

Make sure the Defensive Towers around your two eastern bases are set to
auto-repair. Build a Barracks, a Defensive Quarters, and a Laboratory. Build
a few more Defensive Towers near the others at both bases, and remember to
upgrade them and set them to auto-repair.

Build a Factory at both eastern bases, and upgrade them both as soon as you
can. Build an Allied Resource Center, and build the Sherman Cannon upgrade.
Now simply build Shermans at both bases, along with enough Supply Stores. Be
careful when the Leopold comes to you. It can cause some serious damage. But
remember: it can't attack stuff if you get close enough to it. One Worker can
take it out, but it'll take forever. If you've done everything fast enough,
you should have a Sherman by the time it gets to you anyway.

Defend your two eastern bases until you get eight Shermans at each base. Then
form them into two groups, and attack the center base from two sides. If you
did it fast enough, they won't really even be able to defend themselves much.
Once everything there is destroyed, regroup if necessary and send new Shermans
to replace any that got destroyed.

Take your groups south-west and deal with the new stuff the Germans will have
re-built down here. Then take one group straight north along the west edge of
the map, and send the other group back to the center. Now attack the last
German base from those two sides. It shouldn't be much trouble either, but you
should have tons of minerals and fuel to build more Shermans if necessary.

The key to this mission is speed. Once you're fast enough, you can win this
mission in about 30 minutes with the game speed set on fastest. The other key
to this mission is to make sure you get at least two Headquarters started in
the three corners. If you don't, you won't be able to build as fast, and the
Germans will be able to build faster.





The Importance of the General.

1) Rescue Your General.
2) Defeat the Enemy.
3) Your General Must Survive.


Start by sending the four Workers into a mine, and build two more to go to that
mine too. Then build two Supply Stores, and send six more Workers to the other
mine. Build an Oil Rig as soon as you can, and send six more Workers into it.
Build a close group of five Watch Towers north of your Headquarters, build a
Defensive Quarters building, and then upgrade the towers and set them to
auto-repair. Upgrade the Defensive Quarters building.

Build a Barracks, an Academy, and a Laboratory. Then build a Factory and an
Allied Resource Center. Then upgrade the Factory, and build six DD Shermans.
Build the Sherman Cannon upgrade from the Laboratory. Make sure you replace
any Defensive Towers that get destroyed from the attacks up north.

Once you've got the six DD's ready, switch to building normal Shermans, and set
the rally point of the factory to a position slightly south of your Defensive
Tower group. Take the DD's to the shore to the west. Head south and enter the
island from the bottom entrance. Target the Leopold first, and then the

Now go back into the water, head a little north, and enter the island from the
center entrance. Take out the Leopold first, and then the bunkers. Head back
into the water, and go north around the island. Enter the top entrance, take
out the Leopold first, and then take out the bunkers. Now head into the center
of the island and deal with any infantry and dogs that might be there. Use a
tank to knock down the stuff around the General to free him.

Meanwhile, back at your base, a large group of German crap is likely to be
attacking from the north. You should have three or four Shermans there by now,
so they shouldn't be able to do too much damage. Continue building Shermans
until you get ten or so of them. Then make a group with them and head north to
the German base. It will be poorly defended, so just wipe it our to finish the

Your base might get attacked during this, so build more Shermans while you're
attacking their base. It's not really that important though, since you will
win the mission as soon as you destroy their base, regardless of how many units
they have in yours.





Take the Rhine.

1) Destroy the Enemy.


Send the four Workers you have to one mine, and build two more to send to it as
well. Build two Supply Stores, and build another six Workers for the other
mine. Then let enough money build up so you can build another Headquarters
by the mine in the south-west. Build an Oil Rig on both oil fields, and send
six Workers to each of them.

Build five Watch Towers north-east of that new Headquarters, and build two on
each side of both of your Defensive Guns (eight altogether). Upgrade them all,
and set them all to auto-repair. Build a Barracks and a Defensive Quarters
building. Upgrade the Defensive Quarters, and build a Laboratory. Build a
Factory behind the Defensive Towers by your south-western base, and build an
Allied Resource center near your northern base. Build another Factory near the
northern base, and upgrade the southern one first, then the northern one.

Build the Sherman Cannon upgrade, and then build three Shermans at the southern
base. Position them behind the Defensive Towers to protect that base. Don't
build any other buildings down there except for the Factory, as it's possible
that you'll lose that base.

Keep your defenses along the bridge repaired, and quickly replace anything that
gets destroyed. I'd suggest putting six Defensive Towers along the western
bridge, since it will be the one that gets attacked the most. Build six or so
Shermans at the northern base to use in case something makes it through the
bridge defenses. Place them right behind the Defensive Towers and click the
Hold Position button. Keep a close eye on them.

Build two Airfields on the eastern side of the northern base. Upgrade one of
them, but not both. At the normal one, build four P51's. Build four
Superbombers at the upgraded one. Build the Fuel upgrade from the Laboratory.

Have the P51's fly above your northern Headquarters, since there will be enemy
fighters and bombers attacking you. Use the Superbombers to head south and
level the enemy base there. Use them to level the western enemy base too. The
Germans shouldn't have anything that can shoot you down, so it should be easy.
The trick is that they rebuild just about as fast as you can bomb them. But
keep doing it anyway, because if you don't, they'll end up building Tigers, and
there's not much you can do to defend against those. Continue building as many
Shermans as possible during this time, just in case you need them.

When you get the time, use the Superbombers to destroy the German defenses
along the river. Then cross the river with a group of eight or so Shermans.
Use them to completely destroy one of the two German bases, and then use the
Superbombers to take out the other one. Once they're both destroyed, split the
Shermans into two groups of four to defend both of the spots where they had
bases to prevent them from rebuilding. If there's anything left on the map,
find it with your P51's and destroy it with either your Superbombers or another
group of Shermans.








Take Seelow Hills.

1) Destroy V2 Factories.
2) Destroy the Enemy Forces.


Start by sending one of your four Workers west towards the flashing mission
objective symbol, which is where the V2 Factories are. Your goal is to have
the Worker stand between the two oil fields east of the V2 Rockets. Meanwhile,
send the other three Workers into a mine. Build three more and send them to
that mine. Build a Supply Store as far to the south-east as possible, and then
build six more Workers for the second mine.

Allow your minerals to collect until you have enough to build a Pump Jack.
Build it on one of the two western oil fields where you sent your Worker. Then
allow enough minerals to collect for a second Pump Jack, and build it on the
other western oil field. Run the Worker back to your base and send him to one
of the mines. You won't be holding those oil fields for long. The purpose is
just to get as much oil from them as possible. Set them to auto-repair and
forget about them.

Build a Defensive Quarters building as far to the south-east as possible. You
should build a Pump Jack on the eastern oil field now too. Then let your funds
collect for a little while. When you hear the announcement that V2 Rockets
have been launched, quickly highlight all of your Workers and send them east to
avoid getting them killed. When the explosion is gone, send them back to the
mines, replace any that got killed, and remember to set your Headquarters to

When you have 350 minerals, build a second Headquarters building as far to the
south-WEST as possible. The computer will target the V2 Rockets on the closest
Headquarters, so this will draw off the pressure on your poor Workers. Make
sure that you start construction right after the V2's drop though, or they will
drop while it's under construction and destroy it. Remember to set this one to
auto-repair too.

Now you need to get some Defensive Towers in place. Start by building a line
of them across the top of your base where the path starts. Six should do.
Build another six (maybe even more) along the western side of your base. Set
them all to auto-repair. Build a Barracks and a Power Plant. When the Power
Plant is completed, build a Vehicles Factory and a Light Tanks Factory.
Remember to stay away from your south-western Headquarters. Build two
Laboratories too.

Upgrade both Laboratories, the first one to a Military Laboratory and the
second one to a Research Laboratory. Upgrade the Tanks Factory as soon as the
Vehicle Factory and Military Laboratory are completed. Build the Tank Armor
upgrade from the Research Laboratory and the KII upgrade from the Military
Laboratory. Remember to come back and build the Tank Health upgrade when the
Tank Armor upgrade is complete.

Build a KII as soon as the Tank Factory is upgraded. If you've done everything
fast enough, you should get it just in time to use it to fight off a large
attack on your Defensive Tower lines. Send it up there immediately. If the
south-western Headquarters gets destroyed somehow, don't forget to replace it.
You really don't want those V2 Rockets landing on the other one.

Continue defending your base and building KII's until you have six of them.
Leave two behind to defend your base, and take the other four along the south
part of the map to the enemy base. Level it, but be careful with your KII's,
especially when it comes to infantry rushes. They can destroy you quickly if
you're not paying attention.

Once you've cleared the area out, build a Headquarters here, and a Pump Jack on
the oil field. Set them both to auto-repair. The computer will always launch
the V2 Rockets at the Headquarters closest to it, so now this one will take all
of the shots for you.

Take the four KII's north and then head for the center oil fields that you used
to have control of. Destroy everything here, and build Pump Jacks on the oil
fields (even if you don't really need the oil, you should have plenty of money,
so do it anyway). Take the KII's back east a little and then head north to
destroy the enemy base there.

Build an Airfield and four bombers. Fly over to the V2 Factories and destroy
them both. You can do it in a single trip with four of them. Once they're
gone, you should win the mission. If not, then there's most likely an enemy
stuck on a hill somewhere or something. Use your bombers to scout around and
find it.





Berlin Must Fall.

1) Eliminate First German General.
2) Eliminate Second German General.
3) Resist German Attack.
4) Destroy the Train Station.
5) Destroy Enemy Headquarters.


Send the four Workers to a mine, and build two more for that mine. Build a
Supply Store, and build six more Workers for the second mine. Build a Pump
Jack. Once you have the oil, build a Power Plant.

Build a Light Vehicles Factory and then a Laboratory. Build a Light Tanks
Factory, and upgrade the Laboratory to a Military Laboratory as soon as
possible. When the Military Laboratory and Vehicles Factory are complete,
upgrade the Tanks Factory. Build a second Laboratory while you're waiting for
the Tanks Factory to upgrade. Build six or seven Supply Stores now too.

Build a T34 one the Tanks Factory is upgraded. As soon as it's built, take it
north towards the flashing mission objective symbol. You have no time to
spare, so make it snappy. Enter the concrete area from the entrance on the
right. Head a little bit left, then up, then right, then up, and then approach
the General from the right (ignore all enemies along the way). Target him
immediately and kill him.

Now the second count down will start. Let your fuel accumulate until you have
enough to build a KII. Build it, and upgrade your second Laboratory to a
Research Laboratory while that KII is building. Build the Tank Armor upgrade
from the Military Laboratory once it's complete. Start building a second KII
when you get the necessary fuel. Build the Tank Health upgrade as soon as the
Tank Armor upgrade finishes.

Take the two KII's north into Berlin. Approach the flashing mission objective
symbol from the west, destroying the SDK's and Panzer II's you encounter along
the way. When you get to the small group of buildings where the General is,
you should have enough fuel to build another KII. Start building it, and then
kill the General.

Immediately run your KII's back to your base. A huge rush of German infantry
will approach your base from the west. Use the KII's to defend this. The two
you already have are plenty to do it, especially since you should have a third
one under construction. So, build the KII Cannon upgrade from the Military
Laboratory when you get enough fuel. Then build another KII.

The fourth KII should be completed close to the same time as when the assault
stops. Build three more of them, since you have plenty of time. When you have
all seven of them, take them north through the city. Approach the flashing
mission objective symbol from the south-west. Take out the Leopold first, and
then take out the Defensive Towers. Finally, destroy the train station.

Take your KII's north through the center of the city again. Crush the tank
destroyers you encounter, and head towards the flashing mission objective
symbol. Target the Leopolds first, and then drive over the walls and get in
the base. Destroy the Headquarters, and you're done with this mission.




The following is the general format/key of each entry. Note that not every
category is used for every entry:


Minerals: The amount of minerals required to construct the building.
Fuel: The amount of fuel required to construct the building.
Time: The amount of time it takes to construct the building.
Armor: The armor rating of the building.
HP: How much health the building has.
Allows: The units and other buildings that need this as a prerequisite.
Stuff in parenthesis requires something else before you can build
it there.
Attack: Attack strength.
AA: Attack strength versus airborne targets.
DR: The damage radius of attack.

General comments about the structure will go here.





Minerals: 100
Fuel: 50
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Flamethrower, (Paratroopers), allows for Flamethrower Vest upgrade:


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 175

This building lets you train Flamethrowers and Paratroopers (once you get an
Airport). The Flamethrower Vest upgrade will add one Armor and ten HP to your
Flamethrower units.


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 200
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 1500
Allows: Paratroopers, Messerschmitt 109's, Dirigibles, can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 2000
Allows: Stuka, Junker 52

This allows you to build aircraft. Since the Germans have no defensive
structure with AntiAircraft capabilities, your only defenses against air units
are SDK 7's and fighters. Remember that you can only have four aircraft on an
Airport at one time. Also, an Airport can hold Paratroopers. Paratroopers can
be loaded onto Junker 52's twelve at a time and dropped anywhere on the map.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 0
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Academy, Soldier, (Flamethrower), (Paratrooper)

This is where you train infantry units. It is also required before you can
build an Academy.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Defensive Towers

This is required before you can build Defensive Towers.


Minerals: 125
Fuel: 0
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 450
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 10

This is a highly effective defensive structure against infantry and light
vehicles. It's most effective when placed in tight groups and in rows along
well-traveled paths.


Minerals: 300
Fuel: 0
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 2500
Allows: Workers, other buildings.

This building is where you train Workers. It's how you get minerals to build
other buildings and units. It adds ten points to your Supply Rating. When
playing as the Germans, you must place new structures within a circle a set
distance away from the Headquarters.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Smokescreen, Improved Vehicle Armor, Airport, can be upgraded to


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 150
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1300
Allows: Improve Panzerwerfer Energy, Improve Medium Tanks Speed, (Improved


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1300
Allows: Improve Sub-Machine Guns, Improve Panzer II Cannon, (Heavy Tanks


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 100

This allows Panzerwerfer units to deploy a smokescreen. Units inside the smoke
will receive half of the normal damage.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 150
Time: 225

This gives anything built from a Vehicles Factory or a Medium Sized Vehicles
Factory an extra Armor point.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 100

This adds 100 points to your Panzerwerfers' energy.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 150
Time: 225

This makes Panzer IV and Jagdpanzer units faster.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 175

This improves the rate of fire for Soldiers and Paratroopers.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 175

Contrary to what the game manual says, this does not add to your Panzer II's
fire rate. It does, however, add three points to your Panzer II's attack


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 100
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 1500
Allows: Panzer II's, can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 100
Time: 75
HP: 2000
Allows: Panzer IV's, Jagdpanzers, can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 150
Time: 75
Allows: Tigers, Leopolds

This is where you build all of your tanks and heavy vehicles.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 50
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Vehicles Factory, (Light Tanks Factory), Laboratory.

This is required before you can build a Vehicles Factory, a Light Tanks
Factory, and a Laboratory.


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 0
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 750
Allows: Collection of fuel.

This is how the Germans get fuel. It will pump out fuel on its own at a rate
of six per time period. Once the oil field runs out, it will continue to pump
out one fuel unit per time period.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1250
Allows: Troop Transport

This will allow you to build boats to take infantry units over water.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 600
Allows: Increased unit count.

This building adds ten points to your Supply Rating. Remember that you can
never have a Supply Rating higher than 200.


Minerals: 700
Fuel: 900
Time: 100
Armor: 2
HP: 1200
Allows: A V2 Rocket to charge.

This building will slowly build up a counter to 200. When it reaches 200, you
can launch a highly destructive V2 Rocket anywhere on the map. The counter
starts over every time you use it. You can build several V2 Factories to use
more than one V2 Rocket in the same attack.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1250
Allows: Light Tanks Factory, Sidecar, can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 75
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 1500
Allows: SDK 251, SDK 7, Panzerwerfer 42

You build support vehicles from this structure. It is also needed to build a
Light Tanks Factory.






Minerals: 100
Fuel: 50
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: (Spy), Mortar Soldier, Sapper, Hide upgrade, Counterespionage
upgrade, Physical Training upgrade, Improve Spy Energy upgrade


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 150
Time: 100

This is an ability for your Spy units. It allows them to temporarily make
other units invisible to the enemy.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 100

Another ability for your Spy units. This one will allow a Spy to share his
view with other invisible units, allowing them to see things that would
normally be out of their vision.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 150
Time: 175

Infantry units become faster.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 175

Boosts the Spy's special energy by fifty percent.

Allows you to build more advanced infantry units from your Barracks, and allows
several upgrades to be built.


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 200
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 1500
Allows: SpitFire, can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 2000
Allows: Hawker Hurricane, Avro Lancaster

All aircraft are built here. The Avro Lancaster is an effective bomber,
especially when used in groups.


Minerals: 125
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 250
Attack: 0
AA: 10
DR: 10

AntiAircraft Guns are very valuable for defending against air attacks.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 0
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Vehicles Factory, Soldier, (Spy), (Mortar Soldier), (Sapper)

Allows you to train infantry units.


Minerals: 325
Fuel: 125
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 500
Attack: 140
AA: 0
DR: 21

Very good defense against heavier vehicles. Their rate of fire is slow, and
they can't shoot at targets that are too close. These are best used when put
behind groups of Defensive Towers or behind ridges or walls that the enemy
can't cross.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Resource Center, (Spy), Radar Station, Defensive Tower, AntiAircraft

This allows you to build defensive structures, as well as the very valuable
Resource Center.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 350
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 10

Very effective against infantry and light vehicles, especially in groups and
well-placed lines. Helpless against heavier vehicles.


Minerals: 300
Fuel: 0
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 2500
Allows: Workers, other buildings

This building is where you train Workers. It's how you get minerals to build
other buildings and units. Workers must dump fuel here from the Oil Rigs. It
adds ten points to your Supply Rating. When playing as the British, you must
place new structures within a circle a set distance away from the Headquarters.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Bridge upgrade, Defensive Structure Health upgrade, Improve Medium
Tank Speed upgrade, can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1300
Allows: Airport, Place Mine upgrade, Improve Rifle upgrade


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 100

This allows Mark IV tanks to deploy a small bridge across water to allow
infantry units to cross it.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 150
Time: 175

Adds twenty five percent more health to Defensive Towers, Defensive Cannons,
and AntiAircraft Guns.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 150
Time: 225

All types of Matilda tanks will be faster.


Minerals: 50
Fuel: 150
Time: 100

Allows the Sapper unit to drop landmines.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 175

Adds a point of attack power to Soldiers.

Allows you to build other buildings and many different technologies.


Minerals: 125
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 750
Allows: Collection of fuel

This structure differs from the German and Soviet Pump Jack. You must send
Workers to Oil Rigs just like you send them to mines. They will bring back six
units of fuel per trip as long as the oil field has oil, and one unit of fuel
per trip once the field is dry.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 150
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: A shroud clearing ability, Improved Airport

This structure has a shroud-clearing ability that will charge. You can use it
to see what is under the shroud at any place on the map. Additionally, any
enemy air units that are attacked near a Radar Station will receive twice as
much damage as usual.


Minerals: 300
Fuel: 300
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: An endless stream of mineral intake.

You'll gain minerals at a constant rate once you build one of these. Building
more than one will not result in a faster intake.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1250
Allows: Troop Transport

Use this building to make Troop Transports to transport land units across the


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 600
Allows: Increased unit count.

This building adds ten points to your Supply Rating. Remember that you can
never have a Supply Rating higher than 200.


Minerals: 350
Fuel: 250
Time: 100
Armor: 2
HP: 2000
Allows: Matilda, Matilda With Spotlight, Matilda With Flamethrower, can be
upgraded to:


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 100
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 2500
Allows: Mk IV

This will allow you to build the Mark IV heavy tank.


Minerals: 250
Fuel: 175
Time: 100
Armor: 2
HP: 1250
Allows: Tanks Factory, Humber Mk I, Ambulance, Transport Truck

This structure let's you build all or your light vehicles.






Minerals: 100
Fuel: 50
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Detonator, SU76, Amphibious Elite, Detonator Bombs upgrade,
Amphibious Elite Bombs upgrade, Improve Troops Health upgrade


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 100

This gives Detonator units the ability to place bombs.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 100

This allows Amphibious Elite units to place bombs.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 75

This improves the health of your infantry units by ten points.

This allows you to build more advanced infantry, and it allows you to develop a
few upgrades for your infantry.


Minerals: 250
Fuel: 250
Time: 100
Armor: 2
HP: 1500
Allows: Yakovlev, Petlyakov

The Soviets don't have much in the way of air power, but you can still use them
effectively in groups.


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 0
Time: 50
HP: 350
Armor: 2
Attack: 0
AA: 13
DR: 10

These will defend against air attacks. They have a slightly higher attack
rating than the British variety.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 0
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Academy, Soldier, (Detonator), (Amphibious Elite)

This is where you train your infantry units.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Defensive Tower, AntiAircraft Gun

You have to build this before you can build defensive structures.


Minerals: 160
Fuel: 0
Time: 50
HP: 450
Armor: 2
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 10

Very effective against infantry. They are helpless against anything larger
than a light tank though. Most effective when placed in groups or in lines
across well-traveled paths.


Minerals: 350
Fuel: 0
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 2500
Allows: Workers, other buildings.

This building is where you train Workers. It's how you get minerals to build
other buildings and units. It adds ten points to your Supply Rating. When
playing as the Soviets, it is not necessary to place new buildings near a
Headquarters. You can place new buildings anywhere on the map as long as you
have a unit nearby.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Repairing Truck, BT5, can be upgraded to both:


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 150
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1300
Allows: Mass Production Facility, Airport, Improve Repairing Truck Energy
upgrade, Improve Tank Health upgrade, Improve Tank Armor upgrade


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1300
Allows: Heavy Tanks Factory, Improve Katiuska Rockets Range upgrade,
AntiTank Cannon for K II upgrade


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 175

This will double the special energy level of the Repairing Truck to 400 points.


Minerals: 250
Fuel: 250
Time: 225

This will give all tanks a twenty percent health bonus.


Minerals: 250
Fuel: 250
Time: 225

Despite the name of this, it actually gives one point of Armor to ALL Soviet


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 150
Time: 175

This will increase the range of the rockets fired by Katiuska units.


Minerals: 700
Fuel: 700
Time: 225

This will make K II tanks do twice as much damage to other tanks.

These structures are required to build some of the advanced structures, and
they are used to develop technologies.


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 150
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 2000
Allows: T37, (BT5), (SU76), can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 150
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 2000
Allows: T34, K II

This is where you build all of the Soviet light tanks, machine gun tanks,
artillery, and heavy tanks.


Minerals: 350
Fuel: 250
Time: 100
Armor: 2
HP: 2500
Allows: Fast, economical production of T34 tanks

It would normally take you 3500 minerals, 1600 fuel, and 370 time to build ten
T34 tanks. Using the Mass Production facility, you can shave that down to 2100
minerals, 1000 fuel, and 225 time. That's a pretty good deal. Also, you can
build them even if you only have one available supply unit, and they'll still
come out fine. Of course, you'll need to build some Supply Stores if you want
to build anything else after that...


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 50
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Laboratory, Vehicles Factory, Light Tanks Factory

You need this to build factories and Laboratories.


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 0
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 750
Allows: Collection of fuel.

This is how the Germans get fuel. It will pump out fuel on its own at a rate
of six per time period. Once the oil field runs out, it will continue to pump
out one fuel unit per time period.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1250
Allows: Troop Transport

You can build Troop Transports here in order to move land units across water.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 600
Allows: Increased unit count.

This building adds ten points to your Supply Rating. Remember that you can
never have a Supply Rating higher than 200.


Minerals: 225
Fuel: 150
Time: 100
Armor: 2
HP: 1500
Allows: Heavy Tanks Factory, Katiuska, (Repairing Truck)

This is where you build the support vehicles for the Soviets.






Minerals: 100
Fuel: 50
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Grenadier, (Elite Soldier), (DD Sherman), M3 Grant, Elite First Aid


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 175

This gives the Elite Soldier the ability to heal itself.

You need this before you can build some units.


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 200
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 1500
Allows: P47 Thunderbolt, P51, can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 2000
Allows: Superbomber

You can build aircraft here. Elite Soldiers can enter the Airport and board
Superbombers to be used as paratroopers.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 0
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Academy, Hospital, Laboratory, (M3 Halftrack), Soldier, (Grenadier),
(Elite Soldier)

This is where you build your infantry units.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Defensive Tower, (DD Sherman), can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 50
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1250
Allows: Resources Center, Elite Soldier, Improved Airport, Fury upgrade


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 100

This is an ability for the Elite Soldier. While in Fury, the Elite will move
and shoot at twice the normal speed.

You need this to build a few units and a couple buildings.


Minerals: 300
Fuel: 200
Time: 100
Armor: 2
HP: 1500
Allows: ATV, (M8), (M3 Halftrack), can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 150
Time: 125
Armor: 2
HP: 2500
Allows: Sherman, DD Sherman, M3 Grant

You build all of your vehicles here.


Minerals: 350
Fuel: 0
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 2500
Allows: Workers, other buildings

This building is where you train Workers. It's how you get minerals to build
other buildings and units. Workers must dump fuel here from the Oil Rigs. It
adds ten points to your Supply Rating. When playing as the Soviets, it is not
necessary to place new buildings near a Headquarters. You can place new
buildings anywhere on the map as long as you have a unit nearby.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 50
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Nurse

This building has a special energy level of 200 points. You can send infantry
here to be healed quickly. Once the special energy level is down to zero, it
must recharge before it can heal more infantry.


Minerals: 300
Fuel: 150
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 1300
Allows: M8, Improved Factory, Smokescreen upgrade, M8 Health upgrade,
Bulletproof Vest upgrade, Sherman Cannon upgrade, Airplane Armor
upgrade, Airplane Fuel Tank upgrade


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 100

This gives the Elite Soldier the ability to throw a smoke grenade. Things in
the smoke will be unable to fire while the smoke is up.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 175

This adds forty points to the M8's health.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 175

This gives all infantry units a point of armor.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 150
Time: 175

Sherman and DD Sherman tanks will have twenty five percent more fire power.


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 200
Time: 225

All of the aircraft will receive an extra point of armor.


Minerals: 200
Fuel: 200
Time: 225

This doubles the efficiency of all aircraft fuel, meaning they lose less
special energy as they fly and attack. It does not actually alter the level
shown on the unit's information screen.

The Laboratory is needed to build several buildings, units, and technologies.


Minerals: 125
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 750
Allows: Collection of fuel

This structure differs from the German and Soviet Pump Jack. You must send
Workers to Oil Rigs just like you send them to mines. They will bring back six
units of fuel per trip as long as the oil field has oil, and one unit of fuel
per trip once the field is dry.


Minerals: 300
Fuel: 300
Time: 75
Armor: 2
HP: 1000
Allows: Steady fuel intake

You will get a stream of fuel from this building as soon as it is completed.
Building more than one of these will not increase the speed at which you get


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 100
Time: 50
Armor: 2
HP: 1250
Allows: Troop Transport, Landing Craft

This is where you build boats to transport land units across the water.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 0
Time: 37
Armor: 2
HP: 600
Allows: Increased unit count.

This building adds ten points to your Supply Rating. Remember that you can
never have a Supply Rating higher than 200.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 0
Time: 25
Armor: 2
HP: 300
Allows: can be upgraded to:


Minerals: 50
Fuel: 0
Time: 25
Armor: 2
HP: 350
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 10

The Watchtower is just a tower. It doesn't do anything. The Defensive Tower
is armed with a machine gun and is highly effective against infantry and light
vehicles. It is best used in groups or well-placed lines.



7.00) UNITS


The following is the general format/key of each entry. Note that not every
category is used for every entry:


Minerals: Amount of minerals needed to construct the unit.
Fuel: Amount of fuel needed to construct the unit.
Time: Amount of time required to build the unit.
Supply: Amount of Supply Points the unit will take up.
HP: Amount of health the unit has.
Armor: Armor rating for the unit.
Attack: Attack power of the unit.
AA: AntiAircraft attack power of the unit.
DR: Radius of the unit's fire.
Transport: Space taken up on a Troop Transport. Note that every unit's
transport number is the same as their supply number.
Build From: The structure where the unit can be built.
Upgrades: Information about any upgrades the unit can get.

General comments about the unit go here.






Minerals: 200
Fuel: 200
Time: 31
Supply: 4
HP: 800
Armor: 0
Attack: NA
Transport: NA
Built From: Airport

This is an airborne scout unit. It cannot attack. The good thing is that it
has no restriction on how long it can stay in the air before it has to land.
In fact, once it's airborne, it can't land again. But it will still take up
the space at your Airport.


Minerals: 30
Fuel: 20
Time: 11
Supply: 1
HP: 60
Armor: 0
Attack: 1
AA: 0
DR: 2
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: Flamethrower Vest upgrade can be built from the Academy. It adds
a point of armor and ten points of health to all Flamethrower

These are more effective against structures and vehicles than normal machine
gun fire is.


Minerals: 400
Fuel: 140
Time: 37
Supply: 8
HP: 500
Armor: 3
Attack: 55
AA: 0
DR: 10
Transport: 8
Built From: Medium Tanks Factory
Upgrades: The Medium Tank Speed upgrade from the Research Laboratory will
increase the speed of this unit.

This is an anti-tank weapon. It has good armor, but it's slower than a Panzer
IV. On the plus side, it does twice the usual damage if its target is a tank.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 150
Time: 31
Supply: 4
HP: 600
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: NA
Built From: Improved Airport

This is only used for dropping Paratroopers. It can't attack. It can hold 12
Paratrooper units at a time. It has a charge energy of 300. It must land at
an Airport when that number reaches zero, or it will be unable to do anything.


Minerals: 600
Fuel: 500
Time: 62
Supply: 12
HP: 650
Armor: 3
Attack: 250
AA: 0
DR: 25
Transport: As far as I can tell, this unit cannot be transported.
Built From: Heavy Tanks Factory

This is the defensive artillery unit for the Germans. It has to be deployed
before it can fire, but it can be undeployed and moved at any time. It has
incredible range and destructive power.


Minerals: 140
Fuel: 140
Time: 18
Supply: 4
HP: 225
Armor: 0
Attack: 5
AA: 5
DR: 10
Transport: NA
Built From: Airport

A basic fighter. It has a charge energy of 300. It can only attack while this
number is above zero. When it reaches zero, it must land at the Airport before
it can begin firing again.


Minerals: 125
Fuel: 65
Time: 18
Supply: 4
HP: 250
Armor: 2
Attack: 12
AA: 0
DR: 7
Transport: 4
Built From: Light Tanks Factory
Upgrades: The Panzer II Cannon upgrade at the Military Laboratory will add
three points to the Attack rating for this unit.

Just a basic light tank. Not really worth building except during missions when
you can't build anything heavier.


Minerals: 350
Fuel: 160
Time: 37
Supply: 8
HP: 550
Armor: 3
Attack: 70
AA: 0
DR: 10
Transport: 8
Built From: Medium Tanks Factory
Upgrades: The Medium Tank Speed upgrade from the Research Laboratory will
increase the speed of this unit.

A very good medium tank. It can slaughter infantry, and it is more than a
match for other medium tanks.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 40
Time: 20
Supply: 4
HP: 250
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: 4
Built From: Medium Sized Vehicles Factory
Upgrades: Smokescreen can be developed at a Laboratory. It allows the unit
to spread a smokescreen that will reduce damage taken by units in
the smoke by half. It also has an energy upgrade that can be
built from a Research Laboratory. That will add 100 points to the
unit's charge energy. The Improved Vehicle Armor upgrade from the
Laboratory will add one point to the unit's armor rating.

This thing has no normal attacks. It can launch rockets though, and it can
deploy a smokescreen. I've never found it to be very useful...


Minerals: 30
Fuel: 0
Time: 10
Supply: 1
HP: 48
Armor: 0
Attack: 4
AA: 0
DR: 4
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks

This unit is exactly the same as a Soldier as far as stats are concerned. The
only difference is that you can send Paratroopers to an Airport to load them
onto a Junker 52 twelve at a time to be dropped elsewhere on the map.

SDK 251

Minerals: 135
Fuel: 25
Time: 20
Supply: 4
HP: 300
Armor: 1
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 5
Transport: 4
Built From: Medium Sized Vehicle Factory
Upgrades: The Improved Vehicle Armor upgrade from the Laboratory will add
one point to the unit's armor rating.

This is a machine gun vehicle. It's very useful against infantry, but pretty
useless against anything else.


Minerals: 150
Fuel: 25
Time: 20
Supply: 4
HP: 275
Armor: 1
Attack: 0
AA: 10
DR: 10
Transport: 4
Built From: Medium Sized Vehicle Factory
Upgrades: The Improved Vehicle Armor upgrade from the Laboratory will add
one point to the unit's armor rating.

This is an AntiAircraft vehicle. You can position them throughout your base to
help deal with air attacks. Just remember to click the "hold position" button,
or they'll chase after every plane that goes over them.


Minerals: 40
Fuel: 10
Time: 8
Supply: 2
HP: 90
Armor: 1
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 5
Transport: 2
Built From: Vehicles Factory
Upgrades: The Improved Vehicle Armor upgrade from the Laboratory will add
one point to the unit's armor rating.

A fast scouting unit that isn't really useful for anything else. When it gets
damaged, the sidecar will break off, leaving only the motorcycle part.


Minerals: 30
Fuel: 0
Time: 10
Supply: 1
HP: 48
Armor: 0
Attack: 4
AA: 0
DR: 4
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks

Just a basic machine gun infantry unit.


Minerals: 240
Fuel: 240
Time: 30
Supply: 4
HP: 350
Armor: 1
Attack: 60
AA: 0
DR: 6
Transport: NA
Built From: Improved Airport

The German bomber unit. It can't defend itself against fighters. It has a
charge energy of 300. It can only attack while this number is above zero.
When it reaches zero, it must land at the Airport before it can begin dropping
bombs again.

NOTE: Patch 1.01 altered the mineral and fuel requirements for this unit from
300 to 240.


Minerals: 1000
Fuel: 600
Time: 75
Supply: 12
HP: 1350
Armor: 4
Attack: 190
AA: 0
DR: 14
Transport: 12
Built From: Heavy tanks Factory

A really heavy tank. It can handle four or five medium tanks at the same time
if you're using it carefully. It's still not really a match for a fully
upgraded KII though.


Minerals: 250
Fuel: 150
Time: 25
Supply: 4
HP: 550
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: NA
Built From: Shipyard

This is used to transport land units across water. It has a capacity of 12
transport units. Each unit put in the transport takes up the same amount of
transport units as it does Supply Points. So, a unit that takes up 8 supply
points to build will occupy 8 transport units when it is loaded onto the
Troop Transport. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to load a
Leopold onto a Troop Transport.


Minerals: 25
Fuel: 0
Time: 7
Supply: 1
HP: 40
Armor: 0
Attack: 4
AA: 0
DR: 3
Transport: 1 (every unit's transport rate is the same as their supply rate)
Build From: Headquarters

This unit is used to bring minerals in from the mines to the Headquarters. It
will bring six minerals back per trip as long as there are minerals left in the
mine, and one mineral back per trip once the mine is empty.






Minerals: 50
Fuel: 25
Time: 10
Supply: 3
HP: 110
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: 3
Built From: Vehicles Factory

They have a special energy level of 200 points. Use them to heal injured
infantry units.


Minerals: 600
Fuel: 600
Time: 62
Supply: 8
HP: 825
Armor: 1
Attack: 85
AA: 0
DR: 6
Transport: NA
Built From: Improved Airport

A very effective bomber, especially when used in groups. It has a special
energy level of 350 points. It will not be able to attack any more if the
energy level reaches zero. It must return to an Airport to recharge before it
can be used to attack again.


Minerals: 160
Fuel: 160
Time: 22
Supply: 4
HP: 260
Armor: 0
Attack: 10
AA: 10
DR: 11
Transport: NA
Built From: Improved Airport

This fighter has slightly less armor than a SpitFire, but it has greater fire
power. It also has less special energy at only 300. It will not be able to
attack if the energy level goes to zero. Land it at an Airport to recharge.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 25
Time: 15
Supply: 3
HP: 160
Armor: 1
Attack: 10
AA: 0
DR: 7
Transport: 3
Built From: Vehicles Factory

A very light tank. Not very good for anything but scouting.


Minerals: 325
Fuel: 140
Time: 37
Supply: 7
HP: 600
Armor: 3
Attack: 45
AA: 0
DR: 10
Transport: 7
Built From: Tanks Factory

This is the standard medium tank for the British.


Minerals: 300
Fuel: 250
Time: 37
Supply: 7
HP: 600
Armor: 3
Attack: 1
AA: 0
DR: 4
Transport: 7
Built From: Tanks Factory

Don't let the low attack power fool you. These things are a force to be afraid
of. They're absolutely devastating to buildings, infantry, and tanks. The
down side is that they have extremely short range, so they will be destroyed
quickly if they're approaching something alone.


Minerals: 400
Fuel: 140
Time: 37
Supply: 7
HP: 600
Armor: 3
Attack: 45
AA: 0
DR: 10
Transport: 7
Built From: Tanks Factory

This Matilda has a spotlight on its turret. It has better visual range than a
normal Matilda. I really see no reason to build these...


Minerals: 775
Fuel: 500
Time: 75
Supply: 10
HP: 1000
Armor: 4
Attack: 140
AA: 0
DR: 10
Transport: 10
Built From: Heavy Tanks Factory
Upgrades: The Bridge upgrade from the Laboratory allows the MK IV to deploy
a small bridge. Infantry can cross the bridge to get over small
rivers and such.

The British heavy tank. It can do some serious damage.


Minerals: 30
Fuel: 10
Time: 11
Supply: 1
HP: 55
Armor: 0
Attack: 9
AA: 0
DR: 6
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: Physical Training from the Academy will increase their speed.

It takes these guys a while to fire, but they are much more effective against
vehicles and structures than Soldiers.


Minerals: 15
Fuel: 15
Time: 11
Supply: 1
HP: 48
Armor: 0
Attack: NA
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: Place Mines from the Weapons Laboratory will allow the Sappers to
put landmines on the ground.

Sappers can be used to remove enemy landmines and plant mine fields of your
own. A well-placed, dense minefield can devastate just about anything. They
have a special energy level of 200 points. You'll need points to place or
remove mines.


Minerals: 25
Fuel: 0
Time: 7
Supply: 1
HP: 48
Armor: 0
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 4
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: Improve Rifle upgrade from the Weapons Laboratory will increase
the attack rating of Soldiers by one point. Physical Training
from the Academy will increase their speed.

Basic infantry unit. Pretty useless against anything bigger than a light tank.


Minerals: 180
Fuel: 180
Time: 22
Supply: 5
HP: 300
Armor: 0
Attack: 5
AA: 5
DR: 11
Transport: NA
Built From: Airport

A basic fighter unit. It has a special energy level of 350 points. It will
only be able to attack if that number is above zero. If it falls below zero,
the unit must return to the Airport before it can attack anything again.


Minerals: 20
Fuel: 40
Time: 13
Supply: 1
HP: 48
Armor: 0
Attack: NA
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: Hide allows Spy units to make other infantry invisible to enemy
units for a short period (tanks and vehicles can't be turned
invisible). Counterespionage allows other invisible units to
share the Spy's visibility. Physical Training increases the speed
of the Spy. Improve Spy Energy increases the Spy's special energy
level to 300. All of these are developed from the Academy.

The Spy can be used to do special missions. It has a special energy level of
200, which is used to perform various skills. When the energy is too low, the
Spy will be unable to continue the skills. He will recharge slowly if you let
him sit there.


Minerals: 50
Fuel: 25
Time: 10
Supply: 3
HP: 300
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: 3
Built From: Vehicles Factory

These can transport twelve infantry at a time. Pretty useless except in a few
situations. But remember that infantry do heal a lot faster if they are in a
building or unit.


Minerals: 250
Fuel: 150
Time: 25
Supply: 4
HP: 550
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: NA
Built From: Shipyard

This is used to transport land units across water. It has a capacity of 12
transport units. Each unit put in the transport takes up the same amount of
transport units as it does Supply Points. So, a unit that takes up 8 supply
points to build will occupy 8 transport units when it is loaded onto the
Troop Transport.


Minerals: 25
Fuel: 0
Time: 7
Supply: 1
HP: 40
Armor: 0
Attack: 4
AA: 0
DR: 3
Transport: 1
Built From: Headquarters
Upgrades: Physical Training from the Academy will increase their speed.

This unit is used to bring minerals in from the mines to the Headquarters. It
will bring six minerals back per trip as long as there are minerals left in the
mine, and one mineral back per trip once the mine is empty. It is also used to
bring in fuel from the Oil Rig. It will bring six in per trip while there is
fuel left in the field, and one per trip after the field is empty.






Minerals: 60
Fuel: 60
Time: 17
Supply: 1
HP: 90
Armor: 0
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 7
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: The Improve Troop Health upgrade from the Academy will add ten HP
to this unit. The Amphibious Elite Bombs upgrade from the Academy
will allow the unit to place highly effective bombs.

This unit has a special energy level of 200 points. It can only place bombs if
the energy level is above 125. If it's not, the unit must sit and recharge
before it can place another bomb. Also note that this unit is amphibious,
meaning that it can swim across shallow water.


Minerals: 125
Fuel: 55
Time: 18
Supply: 3
HP: 225
Armor: 2
Attack: 12
AA: 0
DR: 7
Transport: 3
Built From: Light Tanks Factory
Upgrades: The Improve Tank Armor upgrade from the Research Laboratory will
add one point to this unit's armor rating. The Improve Tank
Health upgrade from the Research Laboratory will add twenty
percent to the unit's HP.

The Soviet light tank. It's pretty useless except during missions when you
don't have anything better to use.


Minerals: 20
Fuel: 40
Time: 13
Supply: 1
HP: 48
Armor: 0
Attack: NA
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: The Improve Troop Health upgrade from the Academy will add ten HP
to this unit. The Detonator Bombs upgrade from the Academy will
allow the unit to place highly effective bombs.

This unit has a special energy level of 200 points. It can only place bombs if
the energy level is above 125. If it's not, the unit must sit and recharge
before it can place another bomb.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 65
Time: 20
Supply: 3
HP: 200
Armor: 1
Attack: 50
AA: 0
DR: 10
Transport: 4
Built From: Vehicles Factory
Upgrades: The Improve Tank Armor upgrade from the Research Laboratory will
add one point to this unit's armor rating. The Katiuska Rockets
Range upgrade from the Military Laboratory will add four points to
the unit's range.

This thing launches rockets. They fire very slowly, and the rockets are
nothing special, so I haven't found it to be very useful.

NOTE: Patch 1.01 altered the supply requirement from 4 to 3. It also made the
unit fire faster, so I take back my previous evaluation of this unit. It's
much more useful now.


Minerals: 950
Fuel: 575
Time: 75
Supply: 11
HP: 1200
Armor: 4
Attack: 160
AA: 0
DR: 14
Transport: 11
Built From: Heavy Tanks Factory
Upgrades: The Improve Tank Armor upgrade from the Research Laboratory will
add one point to this unit's armor rating. The Improve Tank
Health upgrade from the Research Laboratory will add twenty
percent to the unit's HP. The K II cannon upgrade from the
Military Laboratory will make the K II have anti-tank
capabilities, meaning that it will do double damage when it
attacks another tank.

By far the best tank in the game. Once it has the armor, health, and cannon
upgrade, this thing can handle Tigers and Mark IV's like they're not even
a threat.


Minerals: 300
Fuel: 300
Time: 37
Supply: 5
HP: 350
Armor: 1
Attack: 65
AA: 0
DR: 6
Transport: NA
Built From: Airport

This is the Soviet bomber. It has a special energy level of 350 points. It
can only attack when this level is above zero. It must land at an Airport to
recharge before it can fire again.

NOTE: Patch 1.01 altered the mineral and fuel requirements for this unit, both
from 350 to 300.


Minerals: 175
Fuel: 50
Time: 20
Supply: 4
HP: 250
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: 4
Built From: Vehicles Factory
Upgrades: The Improve Tank Armor upgrade from the Research Laboratory will
add one point to this unit's armor rating. The Improve Repairing
Truck Energy upgrade from the Research Laboratory will double the
unit's special energy points to 400.

This unit can be used to repair other vehicles. It has a special energy level
of 200 points. It can only repair other units if this level is above zero. It
will constantly charge itself.


Minerals: 25
Fuel: 0
Time: 7
Supply: 1
HP: 48
Armor: 0
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 4
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: The Improve Troop Health upgrade from the Academy will add ten HP
to this unit.

The basic Soviet infantry unit.


Minerals: 175
Fuel: 125
Time: 25
Supply: 4
HP: 190
Armor: 1
Attack: 45
AA: 0
DR: 14
Transport: 4
Built From: Light Tanks Factory
Upgrades: The Improve Tank Armor upgrade from the Research Laboratory will
add one point to this unit's armor rating. The Improve Tank
Health upgrade from the Research Laboratory will add twenty
percent to the unit's HP.

This is an artillery piece that has longer range than most vehicles. It's no
match for most vehicles though, due to its low health and slow rate of fire.

NOTE: Patch 1.01 altered the mineral requirement for this unit from 200 to
175. It also altered the HP from 160 to 190.


Minerals: 350
Fuel: 160
Time: 37
Supply: 7
HP: 500
Armor: 3
Attack: 70
AA: 0
DR: 10
Transport: 7
Built From: Heavy Tanks Factory, Mass Production facility
Upgrades: The Improve Tank Armor upgrade from the Research Laboratory will
add one point to this unit's armor rating. The Improve Tank
Health upgrade from the Research Laboratory will add twenty
percent to the unit's HP.

This is a good medium tank, especially after it has both upgrades. It can also
be mass-produced ten at a time from the Mass production Factory at a reduced
mineral, fuel, and time cost.


Minerals: 125
Fuel: 50
Time: 18
Supply: 3
HP: 200
Armor: 2
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 5
Transport: 3
Built From: Light Tanks Factory
Upgrades: The Improve Tank Armor upgrade from the Research Laboratory will
add one point to this unit's armor rating. The Improve Tank
Health upgrade from the Research Laboratory will add twenty
percent to the unit's HP.

This is a machine gun tank. It is also amphibious, which means it can cross
shallow water.


Minerals: 250
Fuel: 150
Time: 25
Supply: 4
HP: 550
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: NA
Built From: Shipyard

This is used to transport land units across water. It has a capacity of 12
transport units. Each unit put in the transport takes up the same amount of
transport units as it does Supply Points. So, a unit that takes up 8 supply
points to build will occupy 8 transport units when it is loaded onto the
Troop Transport.


Minerals: 25
Fuel: 0
Time: 7
Supply: 1
HP: 40
Armor: 0
Attack: 4
AA: 0
DR: 3
Transport: 1
Built From: Headquarters

This unit is used to bring minerals in from the mines to the Headquarters. It
will bring six minerals back per trip as long as there are minerals left in the
mine, and one mineral back per trip once the mine is empty.


Minerals: 160
Fuel: 160
Time: 22
Supply: 4
HP: 230
Armor: 0
Attack: 5
AA: 5
DR: 10
Transport: NA
Built From: Airport

This is a standard fighter. It has a special energy level of 300 points. It
can only attack when this level is above zero. It must land at an Airport to
recharge before it can fire again.






Minerals: 25
Fuel: 0
Time: 7
Supply: 1
HP: 40
Armor: 0
Attack: 4
AA: 0
DR: 3
Transport: 1
Built From: Headquarters
Upgrades: The Bulletproof Vest upgrade from the Laboratory will add one
point to this unit's armor rating.

This unit is used to bring minerals in from the mines to the Headquarters. It
will bring six minerals back per trip as long as there are minerals left in the
mine, and one mineral back per trip once the mine is empty. It is also used to
bring in fuel from the Oil Rig. It will bring six in per trip while there is
fuel left in the field, and one per trip after the field is empty.


Minerals: 25
Fuel: 0
Time: 7
Supply: 1
HP: 48
Armor: 0
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 4
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: The Bulletproof Vest upgrade from the Laboratory will add one
point to this unit's armor rating.

This is the standard infantry unit.


Minerals: 25
Fuel: 5
Time: 10
Supply: 1
HP: 48
Armor: 0
Attack: 7
AA: 0
DR: 4
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: The Bulletproof Vest upgrade from the Laboratory will add one
point to this unit's armor rating.

This is a soldier that throws grenades. They're much more effective against
buildings and vehicles than normal infantry are.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 75
Time: 20
Supply: 1
HP: 90
Armor: 0
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 7
Transport: 1
Built From: Barracks
Upgrades: The Bulletproof Vest upgrade from the Laboratory will add one
point to this unit's armor rating. The Smokescreen upgrade from
the Laboratory will allow this unit to throw smoke grenades. The
Fury upgrade from the Laboratory will allow this unit to use the
Fury ability.

This is a skilled soldier. He is faster and better equipped than a normal
soldier. He can also be sent to the Airport and board a Superbomber to be used
as a paratrooper. He has a special energy level of 200 points. Some of his
special skills require points to use, and he will be unable to use the skill
until he recharges those points. A short description of his three abilities:

Smoke Grenade: This takes 100 special energy points to execute. Things hit by
a smoke grenade will be unable to fire until the smoke goes away.

Fury: This takes 100 special energy points to execute. While in the Fury
status, the soldier will move and fire faster.

Crouch: This does not take any special energy points. When crouched, the unit
will only receive half of the damage it would normally receive.


Minerals: 15
Fuel: 5
Time: 7
Supply: 1
HP: 48
Armor: 0
Attack: NA
Transport: 1
Built From: Hospital
Upgrades: The Bulletproof Vest upgrade from the Laboratory will add one
point to this unit's armor rating.

This unit can heal other infantry units. It has a special energy level of 200
points, and must have at least one point of energy to heal another unit. It
will recharge on its own.


Minerals: 35
Fuel: 15
Time: 7
Supply: 1
HP: 130
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: 1
Built From: Factory

This is a small transport vehicle. It can carry three infantry units at once.


Supply: 3
HP: 170
Armor: 1
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 5
Transport: Most likely 3, but I haven't found a way to test it yet.

*This unit can't be built, as far as I know. It's unique to the "Panzers
Emerge Through the Fog" mission for the Americans. It was most likely either
forgotten about, or pulled out of the game for some reason. It's a light
machine gun vehicle, and is fairly slow.


Minerals: 100
Fuel: 40
Time: 17
Supply: 3
HP: 170
Armor: 1
Attack: 10
AA: 5
DR: 7
Transport: 3
Built From: Factory
Upgrades: The M8 Health upgrade from the Laboratory will add forty points to
the M8's HP rating.

This is a light tank. It has anti-aircraft abilities.


Minerals: 110
Fuel: 35
Time: 20
Supply: 4
HP: 250
Armor: 1
Attack: 5
AA: 0
DR: 5
Transport: 4
Built From: Factory

This is another transport vehicle. It can hold six infantry units at once. It
also has a machine gun.


Minerals: 400
Fuel: 140
Time: 37
Supply: 8
HP: 550
Armor: 3
Attack: 60
AA: 0
DR: 10
Transport: 8
Built From: Improved Factory
Upgrades: The Sherman Cannon upgrade from the Laboratory will add twenty
five percent more to this unit's attack rating.

This is the standard medium tank for the Americans.


Minerals: 500
Fuel: 140
Time: 37
Supply: 8
HP: 550
Armor: 3
Attack: 60
AA: 0
DR: 10
Transport: 8
Built From: Improved Factory
Upgrades: The Sherman Cannon upgrade from the Laboratory will add twenty
five percent more to this unit's attack rating.

This is identical to the Sherman except for the fact that it is amphibious, so
it can cross shallow water.


Minerals: 300
Fuel: 150
Time: 37
Supply: 7
HP: 500
Armor: 3
Attack: 9
AA: 7
DR: 7
Transport: 7
Built From: Improved Factory

This is a machine gun tank. It is highly effective against infantry, and can
also be used against air targets.

NOTE: Patch 1.01 altered the construction time on this unit from 37 to 33, NOT
from 50 to 44 as the readme file claims.


Minerals: 180
Fuel: 180
Time: 27
Supply: 6
HP: 340
Armor: 0
Attack: 5
AA: 5
DR: 11
Transport: NA
Built From: Airport
Upgrades: The Airplane Armor upgrade from the Laboratory will add one point
to this unit's armor rating. The Airplane Fuel Tank upgrade from
the Laboratory will double the efficiency of the special energy
level, meaning it will take less energy to fly and attack. It
does not actually alter the level shown on the screen.

This is a good fighter for the Americans. It has a special energy level of 350
points. It can only attack if this level is above zero. It must land at an
Airport to recharge before it can attack again.


Minerals: 155
Fuel: 155
Time: 22
Supply: 5
HP: 300
Armor: 0
Attack: 5
AA: 5
DR: 11
Transport: NA
Built From: Airport
Upgrades: The Airplane Armor upgrade from the Laboratory will add one point
to this unit's armor rating. The Airplane Fuel Tank upgrade will
double the efficiency of the special energy level, meaning it will
take less energy to fly and attack. It does not actually alter
the level shown on the screen.

This is another fighter. While it is slightly weaker than a P47, the manual
says that it does double damage to bomber units. I haven't been able to test
this as well as I'd like to, but I'll update it if I can ever find out more
about it. It has a special energy level of 350 points. It can only attack if
this level is above zero. It must land at an Airport to recharge before it can
attack again.


Minerals: 800
Fuel: 800
Time: 75
Supply: 12
HP: 1200
Armor: 1
Attack: 130
AA: 0
DR: 6
Transport: NA
Built From: Improved Airport
Upgrades: The Airplane Armor upgrade from the Laboratory will add one point
to this unit's armor rating. The Airplane Fuel Tank upgrade will
double the efficiency of the special energy level, meaning it will
take less energy to fly and attack. It does not actually alter
the level shown on the screen.

This is an extremely heavy bomber. It's absolutely devastating once it's been
fully upgraded, especially if it's used in groups. It has a special energy
level of 400 points. It can only attack if this level is above zero. It must
land at an Airport to recharge before it can attack again.

Superbombers can also hold twelve Elite Soldiers at a time. They can be used
as paratroop planes, so they can drop the Elite Soldiers anywhere on the map.


Minerals: 250
Fuel: 150
Time: 25
Supply: 4
HP: 550
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: NA
Built From: Shipyard

This is used to transport land units across water. It has a capacity of 12
transport units. Each unit put in the transport takes up the same amount of
transport units as it does Supply Points. So, a unit that takes up 8 supply
points to build will occupy 8 transport units when it is loaded onto the
Troop Transport.


Minerals: 75
Fuel: 50
Time: 10
Supply: 4
HP: 180
Armor: 1
Attack: NA
Transport: NA
Built From: Shipyard

This is something special that only the Americans can build. It is much faster
than the Troop Transport unit, and much less expensive. The downside is that
it only has 8 transport capacity points instead of 12, and it can only hold
infantry units.



8.00) OTHER





In this section, I'm just going to say what I think are the main strengths,
weaknesses, and general differences of the four nations. All of this is
obviously just my opinion based on my preferred style of play, so please, try
to keep the hate mail at a minimum if I say anything bad about your personal
preferences or favorite units.

(Everything is listed in no particular order.)



I) The Leopold is a big advantage. No other nation has a mobile artillery
piece like this, and only Britain has a similar structure to use for defense.

II) Jagdpanzers are great to use all around. They're basically the same as
a medium tank, only they do much more damage against other tanks. Very good to
use both offensively and defensively.

III) Tiger tanks. Heavy tanks are my personal favorite way of fighting, and
these are no slouch. They can deal with four or more medium tanks on their
own, especially if the opponent isn't paying too much attention.

IV) Pump Jack. I consider this to be better than Oil Rigs, since you don't
need Workers to collect the fuel. On the other hand, the Worker approach can
take in fuel faster if you're close enough with the Headquarters.

V) V2 Factories. If your opponent lets the game drag on too long, they're
history. Especially since you can have multiple ones charging at once.


I) Air power. The German units are nothing special, although they can still
be effective if used correctly. Still, they are nothing compared to Allied
aircraft, especially British and American.

II) Lack of AntiAircraft Guns. Germans must rely on the SDK for air defense,
which sucks. They're not nearly as powerful as an AntiAircraft Gun, and they
can't be fixed like an AntiAircraft Gun can.

III) Headquarters limitation. You can only place buildings in areas that are
within a certain distance from a Headquarters building. That means that you
have to build a new Headquarters whenever you want to spread out to a new oil
field, and often times when you want to make a Shipyard, too.



I) Sapper. It takes a little skill and time to set up a mine field, but they
are very effective when used properly. Especially against a computer or an
opponent that's too stupid to learn their lesson.

II) Matilda With a Flamethrower. These things are unbelievably destructive,
especially in groups. And you can just forget about using infantry against
an opponent that's got some of these things.

III) Mark IV tanks. Again, I'm a huge fan of brute force. These things can
out gun any medium tanks three or so to one with little difficulty.

IV) Avro Lancaster. These things can be horribly effective when properly
used. They're much more effective than German and Soviet bombers.

V) AntiAircraft Gun. These can be repaired, and tend to take a lot more
damage before getting destroyed than vehicles that serve this function. Not to
mention that they are more effective as far as damage goes.

VI) Resource Center. Come on, an endless supply of minerals has to count as a


I) Headquarters limitation. You can only place buildings in areas that are
within a certain distance from a Headquarters building. That means that you
have to build a new Headquarters whenever you want to spread out to a new oil
field. Of course, that isn't quite as important as it was with the Germans,
since you have to man the Oil Rigs anyway. It will also be necessary to build
a new Headquarters when you want to build a Shipyard most of the time.

II) Lack of upgrades for tanks. Sure, they have the speed upgrade, but they
don't have any armor, HP, or fire power upgrades, which leaves them behind in
the brute force category.

III) Oil Rigs. The main reason that I don't like these is because they have
to be manned like a mine. Although, they can bring in fuel faster than a Pump
Jack if the Headquarters is close enough to the oil field.

Soviet Union

I) Detonator/Amphibious Elite. These guys can place bombs. Better yet, the
Elites can swim in shallow water.

II) Repairing Truck. Very useful, especially in some missions where you need
to defend yourself with only a single vehicle or something.

III) Mass Production Factory. Medium tanks usually take up seven or eight
supply points, so you usually can't have more than twenty or so of them at a
time (when you factor in Workers and such). But, using this, you can have one
available supply point and still build another ten T34's. That can be a very
big advantage. Not only that, but you can build them faster, for less fuel,
and for less minerals than you would normally be able to.

IV) K II. The heaviest of all tanks. These are even better when you factor
in the health, armor, and cannon improvements. Since I'm such a fan of tanks,
this is a huge plus in my view.

V) Pump Jack. I consider this to be better than Oil Rigs, since you don't
need Workers to collect the fuel. On the other hand, the Worker approach can
take in fuel faster if you're close enough with the Headquarters.

VI) AntiAircraft Gun. These can be repaired, and tend to take a lot more
damage before getting destroyed than vehicles that serve this function. Not to
mention that they are more effective as far as damage goes.

VII) No Headquarters restriction. Soviets can build a new building anywhere
on the map as long as they have a unit nearby. This saves a lot of time and
minerals that would normally be wasted building new Headquarters buildings.


I) Air power. The Soviets really got screwed when it comes to air units.
The bombers can still do some damage, but not nearly as much as other bombers.

II) Lack of a Resource Center. The British and Americans get a building that
provides a stream of minerals and fuel respectively, but the Soviets don't get
either of those.


I) Nurse. It took me a while to realize just how useful these are. Infantry
are more or less useless in this game, but when you combine them with a few
Nurses, they become an annoying little force to be reckoned with.

II) DD Sherman. Since these are the only medium tank that can cross shallow
water, they are very valuable. There's no need to worry about crossing bridges
or anything with these. You can just cross anywhere, which makes the enemy
have to keep an eye on the entire shoreline.

III) Superbomber. These are by far the best bombers in the game. They're
insanely destructive, and they can get the armor and fuel upgrades to make them
even more crazily powerful.

IV) No Headquarters restriction. Americans can build a new building anywhere
on the map as long as they have a unit nearby. This saves a lot of time and
minerals that would normally be wasted building new Headquarters buildings.

V) Resource Center. This gives you a stream of fuel as soon as you build it.
This is a huge help if there's only one oil field on the map or something.


I) Oil Rigs. The main reason that I don't like these is because they have
to be manned like a mine. Although, they can bring in fuel faster than a Pump
Jack if the Headquarters is close enough to the oil field.

II) Lack of AntiAircraft Guns. Americans must rely on the M8 and M3 for air
protection. Neither of those is as effective, and you can't repair them like
you can repair an AntiAircraft Gun.

III) Lack of heavy tanks. Yeah, I'm a fan of heavy tanks, so I really don't
like the fact that the Americans or horribly outgunned in this department.

IV) Watchtower. It's so annoying to upgrade every damn Watchtower into a
Defensive Tower... Not only that, but they're fairly weak, too.




There are patches for this game available from the makers. The rest of this
FAQ already reflects any changes that I'm aware of to the game. (Some of what
is said is easier to test than other parts of it.) Here is what the readme
files said about the patches (Note that all of the poor grammar is not my
fault, that's how the author of the readme wrote it):

Patch 1.01:

Fixed Bugs:
- Server: problems in games with AI players.


- Security improved to avoid overload in ports used by the game.
- Server address can be either an ip or a domain name.

Unit balance:


- Supply used reduced from 4 to 3
- Fire speed 25% faster.


- Mineral and Oil required reduced from 200 to 175
- Health points raised from 160 to 190

M3 Grant:

- Construction time reduced from 50 to 44


- Mineral and Oil required reduced from 300 to 240


- Mineral and Oil required reduced from 350 to 300

Patch 1.02:

NOTE: Old saved games and replays does not work with this patch.

Bug Fixes:

- When joining a multiplayer game and the change the nation or teams, they does
not "jump" anymore.
- "New Map" option bug in Map Editor now fixed.
- Problem in (02) map fixed


New version of 3D Engine:

- Units are affected by lighting and have specular lighting.
- Scenarios now uses more vivid colors. The community asked for this feature.
- 3D engine is 10% faster with units with no lighting. To turn off Units
lighting you have to choose low quality in "Objects quality" from Options Menu
and restart the game.

- Major improvements in Pathfining.
- Now you can change the destination aiport for airplanes. If you have
airplanes selected and right click on an aiport, the plane will go to that
airport. If the aiport is full, the plane will choose another one.
- Security Improvement: If a player changes units values file, he won't be able
to join a multiplayer game, he will be kicked before joining the game.
- Version shown in upper left corner.
- Now you can TAB between fields when creating an account.
- You can activate several options using double mouse click.
- In Server Ladder, when selecting a player in player info, you can see the
points in his/her account.

- WarTimes.exe
- Unidades.txt
- Servidores.txt
- condiciones.txt
- sp.txt
- sdk7.lws
- sdk7_level1.lws
- sdk7_level2.lws
- sdk7_level3.lws
- (02)

(NOTE: I'm not sure why the 'files to update' thing lists several files with
SDK 7 in the name. As far as I can tell, none of the unit features have been
altered for either SDK unit.)




July 11th, 2004:

I submitted the walktrhough, the building list, the unit list, and the nation

July 13th, 2004:

I found a couple patches for the game, so I updated the FAQ. I updated all of
the changes that I noticed to the gameplay. I added a section about the
patches, and gave the information that was provided from the readme files. I
also changed the dividers between the units and buildings from underscores to
hyphens, simply because GameFAQs made the underscore dividers look like crap
compared to how they looked on my document.

November 23rd, 2004:

Corrected some minor typing mistakes, including the lack of a header for Hawker

January 27th, 2005:

Fixed a few small things and updated the copyright section.

July 9th, 2005:

Completely restructured the headers, then went through and gave the unit and
building lists a much, much better format. >_>


8.04) ENDING


That's all for now. In the future, I intend on adding more information for
multiplayer, as well as some information on the map editor.

As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help,
feel free to contact me on my site, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with a
quick screenshot or two to help out.

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Thanks for checking
out the guide, and enjoy the game.

I hope at least someone will find this guide somewhat useful. So hey, even if
you just look at it for the hell of it, I'd love to know what you think.


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