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Wall-E Game Walkthrough


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Written by ChaosDemon (chaosdemonn[at]gmail[dot]com)
Version 1.01
Last updated on August 6, 2008
Latest revisions of this document can always be located at:


Please rest assured that there are no plot spoilers in this FAQ. The
walkthrough is comprised of gameplay content only.

--- [ Table of Contents ] ---

1. Introduction.............................................[IN00]
2. Version History..........................................[VH00]
3. Game Basics..............................................[GB00]
3a. Default Controls.....................................[GB01]
3b. Items................................................[GB02]
3c. Reject Bots..........................................[GB03]
3d. Enemies .............................................[GB04]
4. Walkthrough..............................................[WK00]
4a. BnL Tune-Up..........................................[WK01]
4b. Sandstorm Sprint.....................................[WK02]
4c. Home Sweet Home......................................[WK03]
4d. Work Day.............................................[WK04]
4e. Hidden Treasure......................................[WK05]
4f. Truck Sweet Truck....................................[WK06]
4g. Shipyard.............................................[WK07]
4h. Taking Flight........................................[WK08]
4i. Surprise Departure...................................[WK09]
4j. Stowaway to Space....................................[WK10]
4k. EVE Pursuit..........................................[WK11]
4l. Clean Getaway........................................[WK12]
4m. Life on the Axiom....................................[WK13]
4n. Robot Rescue.........................................[WK14]
4o. Human Highway........................................[WK15]
4p. Pod Blaster..........................................[WK16]
4q. Cosmic Getaway.......................................[WK17]
4r. Rogue Robots.........................................[WK18]
4s. Trash Shoot..........................................[WK19]
4t. Fixing EVE...........................................[WK20]
4u. Holo-dector Dash.....................................[WK21]
4v. A Robot's Last Stand.................................[WK22]
4w. Homecoming...........................................[WK23]
5. Cheat Codes..............................................[CH00]
6. Credits..................................................[CR00]
7. Legal Disclaimer.........................................[LE00]

To find what you're looking for, press CTRL+F and type in the 4
characters on the right. For example, if you are looking for "EVE
Pursuit", you would type in "WK11".

--- [ 1. Introduction ] --- [IN00]

Hello everyone, I'm ChaosDemon, and welcome to my WALL-E FAQ/Walkthrough! My
idea to write this came shortly after picking up two copies of the WALL-E PC
Versions for my two young cousins. They told me they were stuck on the game,
and of course I thought this was just kids not being able to play video games
as well as a teenager. To my surprise, the part of the game where one of my
cousins got stick in was legitimately perplexing. The exact location I will
point out later in the walkthrough, for minor spoiler protection. This was when
I decided that a FAQ was in order for this game. After watching my cousins play
this game through and through, who better to write this FAQ than me?

There are actually 23 playable chapters in this game, which is extraordinarily
deep for a so-called kid's game. Despite having some mechanical quirks, it is
still a fairly enjoyable experience. If you are looking for a break from some
of the more demanding games like MGS4 or GTAIV, then WALL-E just might be the
game for you.

In this FAQ, you are going to find a complete a walkthrough from beginning to
end. I will also have some appropriate lists and explanations of items,
enemies, and reject bots. Finally, I will list the cheat codes in this game as
well. This was a little project I took up before I attempted a Grand Theft Auto
IV FAQ, so keep posted for that! Enjoy the rest of this FAQ, everyone.

--- [ 2. Version History ] --- [VH00]

Version 1.01 - August 6, 2008 - Nothing big here. Just fixed up some formatting
and typos that I couldn't stand.

Version 1.00 - July 30, 2008 - First release of the FAQ. The walkthrough and
everything else in the table of contents is complete. I plan to add some more
revisions to the file later, probably after final exams.

--- [ 3. Game Basics ] --- [GB00]

3a. Controls [GB01]
W Button: Move Forward
A Button: Move Left
D Button: Move Right
S Button: Reverse

E Button: Action Button
F Button: Laser Button
Space: Jump Button
C Button: Box Form
V Button: First Person View
Y Button: Charm Reject Bots
Q Button: Display how many crates/energy charges/artefacts you have
Tab: See map/mission briefing

Quick Notes
* The Action Button is the all-purpose button, use it to pick up crates and
activate doors
* You can only use the Laser Button after you've reached the point in the game
where you can fill up your Laser Meter.
* Box Form will allow you to procure Blue Crates and Energy Charge Crates.
* WALL-E is largely safe when he's in Box Form, and perfectly still. Enemies
cannot spot him.
* Use the Jump Button after reaching the top of ramps to get to higher terrain
* You can fire the Laser from the First Person View, this will help you procure
Red Crates that are far away.

EVE Controls

EVE is a character that you will take control later in the game. She is
exclusively used in the "race" levels, where there is very little exploring to

G Button: Accelerate Forwards
W Button: Move upwards
D Button: Move right
S Button: Slow down
A Button: Move left

F Button: Laser

--- [ 3b. Items ] --- [GB02]

Cubes are pretty much the most used items in the entire game. It is important
for you to know about them so you can use them to their maximum potential.

Regular Cube
The regular cube is just that -- regular. There is nothing special about
it. All it does is help you set off BnL "triggers", or buttons, basically. You
can get cubes in a variety of ways. First, you can grab an unlimited amount if
you are able to find a junk pile. Junk piles are most prevalent in the early
areas of the game. As you progress a little deeper into the chapters though,
your primary source of cubes will become the dispensers. Most of the time you
won't have to search very far for a dispenser or junk pile if a cube is needed.

Explosive Cube
Explosive cubes are pretty rare throughout the game, but they are very
powerful. Their primary function is to help you takedown dented doors. On top
of that, any enemy that gets hit by an Explosive Cube is about as good as done.
This includes those pesky GO4 bots (more on them later). Also, its explosion
damages an entire radius, so any enemy that is even close to the blast will be
destroyed. Explosive Cubes are only found through their dispensers.

Magnetic Cube
These are probably the coolest cubes in the game. Their primary function is for
manuevering purposes. They are going to help you advance deeper into the level,
often by being the key item that will get you through some sort of puzzle. You
can use them to guide other stationary Magnetic Cubes out of your way, or
towards your way, whichever is beneficiary to you at the time. They of course
help you press BnL triggers. Finally, you can use them to stun any of the G04
bots. Magnetic cubes can only be obtained through the Magnetic Cube dispensers,
similar to its explosive counterpart.

=BnL Crates=
BnL Crates are predominately for 100% completion purposes. They are scattered
across most of the levels. I would say about 99% of them. You can pretty much
go through the entire game without procuring any, if you wish. Energy Charges
are required for actually beating the game however.

Blue Crates
These can only be procured by driving into them while in Box Form, or by
throwing any of the above cubes at them. They usually also have either Health
or Laser Charges inside (more on those below).

Red Crates
You can only be credited with Red Crates if you hit them with your Laser. Note
that Red Crates that appear to be too high of reach can be probably still be
procured by your Laser in First Person Mode. Again, Red Crates usually contain
some health and laser charges inside.

Energy Charges
Energy Charge crates (blue) can be procured through a variety of methods.
These include, lasering, driving into them in Box Form, and throwing a cube at
them. Basically any of the methods that would work for both Blue and Red cubes
would work for Energy Charges. You are supposed to "deposit" them into the
security panels in order to either unlock a door (most of the time) or activate
a machinery.

=Regen Items=

The Sunbeam isn't actually an "item" per se, because you don't procure it.
Instead, they are locations in the various chapters that will keep regenerating
WALL-E's health as long as he standing under the beam. When you are within the
confines of the Sunbeam, you are vulnerable and cannot possibly lose all your
health points. I will point out most of the locations of the Sunbeams in the

Laser Machine
The Laser Machine is once again not an "item", for the same reasons above.
However, a Laser Machine has the ability to regenerate your entire Laser Meter.
In order to use the Laser Machine's effects, you have to successfully play a
"roulette" game. What you do is try and obtain 3 columns of the same thing. I'm
sure you know what I'm talking about. If not, just Google "roulette".

Health Charge
These are the yellow charges that are found in Blue and Red BnL Crates. Each
Health Charge that you procure will heal the equivalent of one health bar.

Laser Charge
Laser charges are the Red Charges found in the BnL Crates. Each Laser Charge
that you procure will recover a sliver of your Laser Meter. The good thing
about it though is there are plenty of laser charges, so you won't really
have to worry about running out.

--- [ 3c. Reject Robots ] --- [GB03]

Reject Robots are the robots found in later parts of the game. They are
literally your best friends. There are 4 main types of Reject Bots that will be
able to help you just about whenever you are stuck. You must press and hold the
"Y" Button to make the Reject Bots follow you around. This is the primary way
of how you are going to utilize their abilities.

Security Bot
The security bot is the one with the square head, small arms, no body, and is
always floating. He is used strictly to open the doors with his image on them.
He has a rather limited range, so you have to be pretty close to him in order
to keep him to follow you.

Dispenser Bot
The dispenser bot is really awesome, because it's a mobile cube dispenser. It
has the ability to crate an unlimited amount of junk cubes for your needs. This
one is really easy to identify because it's the one with the big square on its
belly that is constantly dishing out cubes.

Flashlight Bot
These guys are strictly for lighting up the dark tunnels. Whenever you are
about to approach pitch black area, there is always a flashlight bot around to
help you out. They almost always get stuck in corners though, so your movement
should be geared towards preventing that as much as possible. You can do this
by steering clear of corners whenever you turn. When they do get stuck, you
have to go backwards to retrieve them.

Crusher Bot
Crusher bots resemble the Security Bots, but they have massive arms to perform
their function. If you lead these guys to any big cube, they will crush it
instantly with their large arms. They are primarily used for clearing the way
for you to reveal some sort of ramp.

Umbrella Bot
This is arguably an example of saving the best for last. The Umbrella Bot will
allow WALL-E to reach high up areas that he normally would have no chance of.
To use it, you have place it beside a platform that is the same level of height
as the platform you are trying to reach. Once you do that, you have to make a
jump down on to the Umbrella Bot and you will be able to bounce over to your
target. You can control where the Umbrella goes with the directional buttons.
Once you reach your target terrain, hit the space button to jump over.

--- [ 3d. Enemies ] --- [GB04]

These are the primary enemies in the WALL-E adventure. Most of the time, they
will only appear if you get spotted by a G04 Bot. This is not always the case.
Their attacks are fairly basic. If they get close enough they will shock you.
Their most annoying attack however, is if they are close to cube dispensers,
because they throw them at you constantly. When this happens they become
extremely hard to deal with because they are often out of reach, and the cubes
keep coming rapidly.

You have three ways to take them out. I will list them effectiveness by my
estimation. First method is by crashing into them in Box Form. This is the most
effective way because you can eliminate a bunch of them in very little time. It
is also very effective because of how the Stewards attack. They will all
converge on your position and get bunched up together. This is why the ability
to take out many at the same time is ideal. The second way is to use your
laser. This takes quite a bit longer than the Box Form method. It is only
recommended if you have to face Stewards that are on an elevated surface
without any cubes to throw at them. This is the final method to take them out.
This more effective the laser because a single cube throw will be enough to
handle them.

G04 Bots
These bots are pretty much invulnerable to your attacks. G04 Bots are those
little bots that are attempting to spot you for their really mean friends, the
Stewards. You can neutralize them and "stall them" by using your laser,
crashing into them in Box Form, or throwing a Magnetic Cube at them. The only
two ways to actually eliminate them for good is first by throwing an Explosive
Cube at them, and second by using Box Form to push them off the edge of any

There are also the type of G04 Bot that has the ability to harm you. These are
the ones with the red heads. If you get close to those they will shock you and
deal a significant amount of damage.

Black Mice
These are only found in the dark tunnels. They look like mice with laser tails
and red eyes. They can be big trouble if you turn the corner with your
flashlight bot and run into a swarm of them. That is almost always a certain
death. Luckily for you though, they are afraid of light, so as long as you have
your flashlight bot with you you are safe.

--- [ 4. Walkthrough ] --- [WK00]

There are no plot spoilers in this walkthrough! I have focused only on the
gameplay content. Enjoy.

--- [ 4a. BnL Tune-Up ] --- [WK01]

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: None
BnL Crates: None

Phase 1
Begin by collecting the blue Energy Charges along the right hand side. Then,
move down the hill and grab the ones to the left. Go up to the door and hit the
Action Button (E button by default). This should allow you to gain access to
the next area.

Phase 2
Now you have to run up to the cubes (that sort of look like bricks) in the
middle of the area. Stand next to one and grab it with the Action Button. Once
WALL-e grabs a cube, he will immediately throw it out. If you can pick up that
cube you will now be able to launch it at the target of your choice. There are
also two cubes that are throw-ready conveniently placed near the pile. Take aim
at the target to the left of the door and launch a cube at it. This should
cause a bunch of Energy Charges to explode out of the crate. Do the same with
the target to the left of the one you just threw at to collect the rest of the
charges. Now go up to the door and hit the Action Button to progress to the
next phase.

Phase 3
This phase is for you to get used to the Box Form. It's useful when you have to
manuever under objects with a little crack. Anyway, the best way to get through
this phase is to get a good start with the regular forward movement button (W
by default), and just press and hold the Box Form button (C on keyboard by
default) every time you are about to get blocked by one of those railings.
There are three of them in total so just press and hold the C button while
going forward to pass through them. Proceed up the hill to the BnL Security
door to finish this phase.

Phase 4
This phase is designed for you to get used to the idea of charging through BnL
crates using your Box Form. There are two sets of crates in the centre of the
area. There are actually four of them because of how they are stacked. Anyway,
just get yourself a moving start with the W button and press hold C as you
drive through the crates. This should knock the bottom crate of each set out.
You need to drive through the two remaining crates to get to the Energy Charges
inside of them. As you Box Form through the crates, the charges should be
automatically credited it to you so you don't have to worry about collecting
them. Once you've grabbed all 10, open the BnL security door with the Action

Phase 5
Phase 5 is designed to help you get used to the jumping action. The Jump Button
is the Space Bar. Get a moving start directly forward with the W button and
make a jump just as you are about to reach the edge. This should help you clear
the first jump. Proceed down the hill a bit and press the Jump Button on the
next gap to clear that one as well. It should come up rather quickly so you
have to be fast. That should be enough to get you through this phase so head
through the security door to the next one.

Phase 6
This is going to be a quick one so let's not waste any time. Proceed right down
to the Half Quarter turn pike and hit the Space Bar just as you are about to
reach the top of the pike. Head through the door to the next phase.

Phase 7
This one is pretty much the same as the previous phase but with an added twist.
You just need to gain enough momentum and speed to be able to get to the
platform at the end of the turn pike on the left. To do so, head down to the
turn pike area first. Then, drive towards the turn pike on the right first.
WALL-e will reach the top of the hill and fall back towards the other way. Keep
going and you should notice that you are going at a pretty fast speed. Once you
reach the top of the turn pike on the left, press and hold the Spacebar for the
Box Form and you should be able to get to the platform.

If not, make another run to the turn pike on the right for even more speed.
Once you do get on the platform though, charge through the crate with the C
Button to grab the Energy Charges, similar to what you did during Phase 4. Grab
the Energy Charges on this turnpike and get on to the turnpike on the other
side to obtain the 10 Energy Charges required to do open the door.

Phase 8
This one another turn pike challenge but it shouldn't be too difficult. Begin
by speeding down the slope and jumping through to the fenced off area. Now move
up the wall just by pressing the W button and then move across the wall to the
area on the other side. Proceed down the hill to gain maximum speed. Once you
are on the edge and you see the huge "tube" up ahead, press and hold the Space
Bar button to jump through to complete this phase.

Phase 9
This next phase is to get you used to the Laser ability. First you need to head
over to the Laser Machine on the right and hit the Action Button. This is
similar to a roulette kind of game you would find at the casino, all you have
to do is match the three pictures to obtain some Laser Charges. To stop each
column, you need to press the Jump Button. Once you managed to do this, get
over to the crate and hit the Laser Button, F by default to blast the crate to
get through to the door.

Phase 10
This one is terribly simple and easy. Just move over to the sparkles and where
the high concentration of the sun is to recharge. Wait for the bar that shows
up to be completely full before moving to the door to the next phase.

Phase 11
This one is essentially a combination of the Box Form and Laser abilities.
First, you have to use the Laser on the red BL crates to blow past them. Next,
you have to use the Box Form to charge through the next set of crates. Finally,
use your Laser on the final set to get to the door at the end of the path.

Phase 12
Phase 12 is a cube throwing exercise, similar to Phase 2. Pick up the cubes
with the Action Button and position yourself until you hear the little "tick",
this means that you have taken aim at the target, and if you hit the Action
Button a cube will be launched at the correct location. Do this three times or
so and proceed to the end of the path to complete this chapter.

--- [ 4b. Sandstorm Sprint ] --- [WK02]

=Mission Objective=
* Rush down the slope as fast as you can to avoid the sandstorm!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: None
BnL Crates: 30

Begin by going straight down the slope and into the path. This is a straight-
forward path so there aren't going to be any directional obstacles here.
Remember to use the Box Form button to crash through any crates that you come
across. Your goal is to crash through 30 to obtain some bonus points at the
end. Remember, you have to Box Form through the blue crates, but can you use
your Laser on the red ones, and that's a little easier. If you fall off the
path any point, not to worry because you will not have to start over from the
beginning. There are various checkpoints scattered across the path. The first
one is right before the area where you make the jump into the big tube.

After you've made that jump, continue along and be careful of the upcoming gap
on the ground. You will need to make a jump over that gap as well. Shortly
after that gap, you should reach the ramp. Get on the ramp and launch yourself
to the other side. You should be at maximum speed now so you to maintain,
remember not to miss any jumps. Keep following this path down and making jumps
along the way finish the chapter.

--- [ 4c. Home Sweet Home ] --- [WK03]

=Mission Objective=
* Obtain the Hidden Artifact

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 1
BnL Crates: 30

The level begins with a little message to tell you to look out for Hidden
Artifacts. You might have noticed that there is a measure for Hidden Artifacts
completed after a finishing a level. Anyway Go into the first person mode by
hitting the V button. There should be an "Unknown Object Detected" directly
ahead. Get out of the first person mode and go over to the Unknown Object,
which is under a pile of dirt. Press the Action Button over it to uncover a set
of binoculars. Before continuing on, let's grab the 30 crates located in this

After collecting the Artifact, a brief cut scene should follow. Before going
through the door, let's take the time to collect all 30 crates in this area.
Turn to your left and there is a crate right on the floor. Next, grab the
nearby cube on the pile of rubble and throw it to the crates on the platform
directly above. You should have 6/30 now. Now proceed down the hill to the area
behind the platform for two more crates. Head up the hill and take a right at
the platform that had the crates on top of it. Down the hill in this area are 4
more crates. Two blue ones and two red ones. You will notice a red crate
stacked on the truck, out of reach. You get it, go into first person mode with
the V Button. Then, using the circle in the middle as a crosshair, position it
on to the crate and hit the F button for the Laser. That should do the trick.
Pretty cool, huh?

All right, now let's turn our attention to the yellow truck in the centre of
the area. There are a bunch of crates here. Begin by using the Laser from First
Person Mode and picking off all the red crates. Then, use the ramp and the Jump
Button to actually get on to the truck, where the red crates originally were.
Now move on to the back end of the truck and Box Form through the crates here.
Now let's turn our attention to the crates near the beginning. Get up the hill
to the area where you started, with the storage truck. Collect the crates
around this area.

They are kind of very much in the opening so they are pretty hard to miss. Now
you have to head to the area behind the truck and head up the pile of rubble to
the top of the truck. There's a single crate right there. The other is on the
side of it, you will have to use the Jump Button to get on to the brown part of
the truck in order to reach it. Remember to get the red crate that is out of
reach to the left. You will need to use your laser to procure it. That should
do it folk. 30/30 BnL Crates have been secured. Now all you have to do is head
down to the bottom of the hill and head through the door to the right and to
the next level.

--- [ 4d. Work Day ] --- [WK04]

=Mission Objective=
* Go inside the building and find a way to access the upper floors to reach the
other WALL-E unit.

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 3
BnL Crates: 40

All right. Let us begin by Box Forming through the railing to the left and down
the hill. Don't hold on to the C Button for too long because you want to be
able to maintain some speed. Work your way to the ramp and hold on to the Jump
Button to reach the platform. As soon as you do, tap the Jump Button one more
time to perform a "Double Jump" of sorts on to the other side. Now let's turn
our attention to the crates on placed on the fork lift kind of thing. Just
throw the cubes at those. Once the weight of the crates is lifted off the
forklift, it will allow you to pass through. Proceed deeper into this area here
and you will soon see the word "BUY" spelt out. Use the ramp and use the Jump
Button to get on top of the B. You might need to get a pretty good start before
you are able to get on the B. Once are though, use the Box Form Button to
procure this crate.

Now make your way to the left of the fork lift and get on to the sand area.
Move up the ramp and across the fork lift to the other side of the area. You
should now receive a warning that the cyclone is blocking your way. Go into
first person mode and take aim at the crate swirling in the cyclone. Blast it
to eliminate the threat. Now follow the catwalk down to this area. You can run
around and procure any of the crates that you see. There is a Laser Roulette
machine under the initial catwalk. Once you are ready, drive on to the long,
skinny ramp and on to the next wider ramp. Now accelerate up this ramp and
stick to the right side, use the Jump Button to land on the platform in the
centre of the area. Now you have to accelerate towards the big tube and use the
Jump Button to get in there. Accelerate towards the next area now. Turn your
attention to all the crates in this area and collect the 30 Energy Charges
required for you to open the door.

Proceed down the ramp and begin by procuring all the accessible crates to you.
Next, head over to the cube stack on the right and go to work on the BnL
trigger in the middle. It's one of those triggers you handled in Phase 12 of
the BnL Tune-up. After you hit the trigger twice, the crane will lift the plank
that is blocking your progression. Move through to the other side and begin by
turning your attention to the BL Security door to your right. Go up to it and
hit the Action Button. You must now correctly follow the colour combinations
that the screen presents 3 times in order to unlock the door. Once you do so,
collect the Energy Charges.

Let's turn our attention over to the explosive crate dispenser. Pick one up
like any other crate and head back over to the beginning area. Look for the
dented security door (the game will display a little message once you find it).
Throw the explosive crate at the door and collect the Energy Charges. Before
moving on, let us now turn our attention to the structure in the centre of this
area. Use the First Person Laser mode to procure the red crates. Now move up
ramp and on to the structure. Procure the various crates and items on this
structure, and then take note of the plank that kind of sticks out of the
structure. Look down from here and you will notice a little catwalk on the
bottom. This was the catwalk that was blocking you earlier, and now it has been
lifted. Jump down there and make another jump at the end of the catwalk and
into the little pen with the Energy Charges. Secure these and use the Box Form
to get through the little door and out of the pen. Now let's grab another
explosive crate and throw it through the dented door to the left of the

Immediately to your left are some health bars and a red crate as well. Spend
some time procuring some more crates that are accessible to you on the ground
level, and then turn your attention to the turnpikes in the centre of the area.
Gain some speed and launch yourself on to the area with all the crates. Procure
the ones immediately in front of you and then proceed on to the ramp on the
right, and procuring any crates within your reach. Proceed along the ramp and
jump on to the platform to your right. Secure the crates here as well and jump
over to the platform on the other side and a little below. Be sure to actually
use the Jump Button here, or you will fall through. Secure the crates on
this side as well.

Now let's head back over to the turnpikes. This time, make a jump on to the
platform on the side opposite of the one you did last time. Secure the two
crates on the far end of the platform first. Then turn your attention to the
plank to the right. Proceed along the plank and remember to make a jump in the
middle of it. After the following the plank, you will find yourself inside
another pen. Procure the crates in this area. Then, leave the pen and laser the
crane clamping on to the Energy Charge crate. Don't forget about the red crate
lodged under the crate you were just driving on. Time to turn your attention to
the nearby security door.

Go up to it and the Action Button. This one isn't a memory game like last time.
All you have to do is match the colour set on the left to the one on the right
to gain access. Procure the crates in here. Use the small turnpikes in the
pen to reach the pen beside this one. You don't need to use the Jump Button to
do so, just get yourself really high and use the movement buddies to position
yourself to land in the neighbouring pen. You should now have 50 Energy
Charges. Get back to the structure on the other side of the dented door and go
up its ramp. Press the Action Button on the plate with the 50 energy charge
requirement to activate the electricity.

Now it's time to make your way up towards the building. Begin by jumping on to
the elevating platform. Wait until the next platform is below yours and then
make a jump over. Do the same for the final elevating platform. Turn your
attention now to the turnpikes ahead. They looked like stairs from afar. You
need to basically gain enough momentum to clear each turn pike. Soon you reach
the ramp in a sand pit. Proceed up the ramp slowly and a brief scene should

You have reached a checkpoint, so it is safe to stop playing for now if you
wish. All right, begin by heading up the ramp and taking a right. Keep going in
this direction until you see another ramp towards your right leading down. Gain
some speed and accelerate towards the propelling ramp just ahead, and hit the
Jump Button just as you are on the ramp to launch yourself on to the platform
with the crates. Secure everything here. You should be able to see the red
crate in the top right of the screen. Go over there and secure those. Now head
back up the ramp you came from and take a right. You have to make a jump
between the two areas so remember to do that.

After moving forward a bit, you should be able to see a bunch of crates to your
right. You should also be able to see the ramp leading to it. Go up the hill
and accelerate towards the ramp and jump towards the crates. Procure all the
ones you can. You should notice a single crate on an island that is out of
reach. You will have to launch yourself from the same ramp, but this time aim
towards that single crate and you should be able to make it there if you are at
full speed. Get back to where the ramp you just jumped off was and take note of
the ramp that reads "A Brighter Future". Go up the nearby hill and accelerate
towards that ramp, and hit the Jump Button to leap across towards the crates.
Secure the Energy Charges here.

Time to head back up to the hill you were just on. This time, take a left and
you should see the machine that needs 30 Energy Charges to operate. Drive right
past it towards the wall on the other side. Now make a turn towards the crates
out of reach. Accelerate towards them and make a jump to reach them. You should
be using the little paved road behind the machine. Now time to go back to that
machine and go to the far end wall, on the right. You should notice some more
crates that are out of reach. No worries though, just move back a bit,
accelerate towards them and hit the Jump Button to reach the platform. You
should now have secured all 30 Energy Charges. Head over to the machine and
activate it.

--- [ 4e. Hidden Treasure ] --- [WK05]

=Mission Objective=
* Make your way to the tower and the other WALL-E unit.

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 4
BnL Crates: 40

Begin by securing all the crates on this floor. Use your Laser, Box Form, etc
as necessary. Next, use your Laser in First Person Mode to blast the crate in
the cyclone. Use the ramp at the end of the room to reach the Energy Charges.
Now head towards the blue laser that is blocking your path. You will receive a
warning to clear it out of the way before continuing. So head over to the cube
pile and throw one at the blue BnL trigger. Now make a turn over to the
security machine to the right. Hit the Action Button activate the matching
game. At first glance, you might think this one is pretty difficult. It is
actually not. There are two of each colour and you have to figure out where
they are on the screen. The trick is to try the spaces immediately beside the
one you are trying to match. For example, if you clicked a red square on the
far left as your first choice, try the square to the right or the bottom.
Similarly, if you try a square that's on the top right, the matching one is
either directly below it or to the left, etc. Either way, this should not be
too difficult because you get plenty of time and there are only nine squares to

Once you've matched all the squares, the security door will open. Head inside
and use the Box Form to avoid the steam. Begin by securing the crate directly
ahead. Use the nearby cube pile to do so. Time to head up the nearby ramp. It's
kind of thin so try not to fall down. Once you reach the top, make a right over
to the security door and the cube piles. Grab a cube and proceed over to the
catwalk below. You should see a trigger just above it. Don't throw your cube
yet, but hang on to it and jump on to the catwalk first. Once you are on it,
throw the cube at the BnL trigger and the catwalk should be raised. Make a jump
over to the Energy Charges on the island. Head over to the security door now
that has the 10 charge requirement, which you should have reached after
grabbing the ones on the island.

All right, now it's time to pick up a cube and proceed to the next room. You
should be able to see a BnL trigger above a catwalk. You might have seen it
when you first entered the area. Anyway, get on to the catwalk and you should
be able to hit the BnL trigger from here. Once you do so, the catwalk will once
again be raised. Now drive up the ramp and procure the crates on the end of it.
Continue along the path and take care of the crates on this level. You should
see a Blue Crate stacked up on a pile of cubes. You can find a cube pile a
little further right, where the Red Crate is. Don't forget about the Red Crate
just above the cube pile. You can pick it off from First Person Laser Mode.

Time to head up the hill now and head towards the Explosive Crate Machine. Pick
it up and throw it at the Blue Crate nearby. You are going to take some damage,
but don't worry because there's an area to use your Solar Panels to recover
health nearby. There is another Red Crate above, so don't forget about that
one. Once you're ready, grab an Explosive Crate and continue past the Sun Beam
area to see a dented door. Throw the explosive crate at it. Follow the path up
the hill here and at the end is a pile of dirt. Take a look at it from First
Person Mode and you will see that there is another Unknown Device Detected. Go
over to it and hit the Action Button to grab the Artifact. Grab a cube from the
junk pile on your way down back to the Explosive Crate Machine area. Stand
right beside the Explosive Cube and you should still be able to target the BnL
trigger. Throw launch your cube at the trigger then immediately grab the
Explosive Crate and use the raised platform to get across to the dented door.
Throw your explosive crate at it to create the opening to the next area.

Grab a cube from the nearby stack and throw it at the BnL trigger. You have now
reached another checkpoint, by the way. This will create a path for you to
cross. Take the first plank across and secure the crate on the bridge. You will
have to accelerate and make a jump across to the next ramp. There's another
blue crate here. Secure it, and make use the ramp to jump over to the next
platform. Accelerate ahead and laser the red crate ahead, try not to stop when
you do so. Jump at the very end of the catwalk to the next platform. Don't
attempt the jump if you had to stop to Laser the crate. Continue full speed
ahead and make the jump over to the next platform. There is Red Crate on this
side. You will have to make a series of jumps on to the next few platforms. You
might need to attempt this a few times. The key is to never let go of the W
Button (forward movement) as you do this. The good news is once you reach the
end of it, you will reach another checkpoint.

Just follow the next few bridges and procure the Red Crates along the way. Once
you see the Blue Crate lodged in a corner, grab a cube from the nearby junk
pile and throw it at the Blue Crate. This should create another path to you
ahead. Make the jump over to the next platform. Accelerate your way up the ramp
to get to the platform after that. Cross the next two bridges to the left.
Remember to use your Box Form to avoid any damage from the blockages. Box Form
through the Blue Crate up ahead, don't bother to stop and accelerate straight
ahead and use the ramp to leap over to the next platform. There should be a Red
Crate right here. Laser it and make the jump over to the next the platform.
There's nothing on this platform, but there's a Blue Crate directly ahead.
Maintain your speed and jump towards the Blue Crate, just as you are about to
collide with it, go into the Box Form to clear the jump and secure the crate in
one swift motion. Follow the bridges to the next area.

You will notice a bunch of turnpikes here, along with a Blue Crate. You have
reached another checkpoint. The best way to clear the turnpikes in this area is
to not use the Jump Button at all. Just keep using the turnpikes to gain full
speed and using the directional buttons to steer yourself to the next turnpike.
Once you reach the planks, you will have to make some jumps. Make sure to leave
a little distance for yourself to gain some speed before making the jumps.
Follow the bridges to the next area.

Proceed up the mountain a bit and you should soon another Blue Crate. Procure
it, but also turn your attention to the sparkling patch of dirt. Go into First
Person Mode and you should see that there is another Unknown Device Detected.
Use the ramp to make the jump to the next platform. Continue ahead until you
come to a junk pile. Grab a cube and move forward a bit. Throw the cube at the
Blue Crate to the right. Grab another cube and launch it at the other Blue
Crate lodged under the bridge. Once you hit this one, the bridge should fall
down and crate a path for you to walk across. Continue ahead and you should see
another crate just up ahead. Grab a cube and launch it at the one. Proceed
ahead to finish the level.

--- [ 4f. Truck Sweet Truck ] --- [WK06]

=Mission Objective=
* Follow the red dot!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 30

There are going to be no surprises in this level. It is actually more like a
mini-level. You might notice that the terrain for this level is exactly the
same as "Home Sweet Home". Your only mission objective is to follow the red
dot. Before you do that though, take the time to procure all 30 crates. They
exactly the same as they were the first time around in "Home Sweet Home". Once
you've done so, track down the red dot on your radar and keep following it. It
might seem like it's going in circles at first, but just be persistent because
eventually it will lead you to the BnL security door to conclude the level.

--- [ 4g. Shipyard ] --- [WK07]

=Mission Objective=
* Follow the white probe and try to make contact!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 4
BnL Crates: 50

Before following the white probe, let's take the time to secure all the Red
Crates in this area. Begin with the two directly in front of you. Next, turn
your attention to the one stacked on top of the crates to the right. There are
two more behind the two initial ones you spotted. There are also two final
reachable ones in this opening area to the left. Once you're ready, get on the
ramp close to the white probe and you should see a turnpike and a propelling
ramp. Get on the turnpike and hit the jump button as you are on the ramp. This
will launch you a pretty far distance. Hit the Jump Button as soon land on each
of the three middle platforms to quickly jump to the next without losing any
speed. Stop once you reach the platform with the Green and Red Energy Charges.
Collect them and grab a cube from the nearby junk pile. Throw it at the nearby
Blue Crate to create a bridge to cross.

Cross the bridge over to the platform with the Red Crates. Before you make your
way to the suspended platforms swinging back and forth, move slightly over to
the platform that is on a slight decline. Use this to position yourself to go
into First Person Mode and Laser the Red Crate below. Now let's jump on to the
first swinging platform. The key is to get on the first one, and wait for the
second to connect. Once it does, accelerate across. The white probe will now be
near a turnpike, to your left. Instead of going there right away, drop down to
the sand level. There should be a Blue Crate right here. Box Form through it
and you should now be able to reach the white probe. But wait, you aren't quite
finished yet. Move under the swinging bridge and there should be a few more
crates to the left of the ramp. Take care of those and head up the ramp.

Make your way to the turnpike where the white probe is now. Use the turnpike to
gain some speed and remember to go into Box Form to avoid getting stopped by
the blockage. Make the jump on to the other side. This one is slightly
challenging. The best tip I can give you is to make sure you are close to the
middle of the turnpike when you make your 180 degrees turn downhill. Once you
clear the jump, follow the skid marks to the next turn pike. Remember, the best
thing to do here is to not hit the Jump Button. Just use your directional
buttons. Procure all the crates on the ground before going up the ramp towards
the white probe. Box Form through the two Blue Crates here to reach a sloped
area. Climb your way up and remember to First Person Laser the Red Crate on top
of some platforms. Continue along on the top of these platforms to reach the
next area. This is also another checkpoint.

Accelerate down the hill, and remember to go into Box Form to avoid the
railings. Once you reach the bottom of the hill, you will notice a door
requiring 70 Energy Charges to work, so let's get right on it. Before we do
that though, take a left to the area under the ramp you just came down of. Go
into First Person Mode and you should be able to see an Unknown Device here.
Secure it with the Action Button. There are two more Blue Crates to your left,
and a Laser Machine inside those walls. Now let's proceed down into the nearby
area and collect all the Energy Charges in the cyclones and on the various
platforms. To reach the island with all the exposed Energy Charges, you should
gain full speed from jumping from platform to platform so you can make a huge
jump on to the island at the end.

Once on the island, laser all the Red Crates ahead and jump over to that
platform. Press the Action Button to activate this security game. All you have
to do is hit the square that appears on the screen, and that's it. Do that
three times to gain access to the pen with the Energy Charges. You should have
60 Energy Charges now. Use the ramp to get yourself back to the 70 Energy
Charge security door. You should notice some Energy Charges out of reach on a
platform. Look closely and you should see a turnpike. Accelerate up on it and
make a jump on to this platform to collect the final 10 charges. Open the door.

Pick up a cube from the nearby junk pile to the right. Head over to the left
where the trigger is. Still standing on the ground, throw a cube at the trigger
on the right. What you want to do is have the cube land on the platform in
front of the trigger so you can use it later. If you managed to throw the cube
on the platform, grab another cube from the junk pile and head up the ramp.
Laser the red crate along the way. Once you reach the trigger, jump down on to
the platform. Position yourself as to make sure you can hit the trigger with
your cube. As soon as you hit this first one, pick up the cube you threw on to
here earlier and throw it at the next trigger. Make sure you are facing the
front of the trigger. Proceed on to the next platform.

Notice the turnpike on the right. Accelerate on to it and make a jump at the
end of the platform to launch yourself to the other side. Don't worry if you
don't clear the jump the first time because you respawn on the turnpike and
won't have to worry about clearing the two triggers again. After you've made
the jump, drive down the ramp and secure the two Red Crates. Go into First
Person Mode and look towards the previous area. You should be able to see
another Hidden Artifact. If you can't, get closer to the edge. When you're
ready, drive up the ramp towards the two crossed off crates. Accelerate down
the ramp and hit the Jump Button on the next ramp to get on to the next
platform. Follow the skid marks to the next platform. You should know by now
that you shouldn't use the Jump Button when moving from turnpike to turnpike.
Maintain full speed and remember to Box Form under the railing. Make the next
series of jumps at full speed to reach the next island.

Go over to the red crate and laser it. Follow the ramp down to the Blue Crate
below. Next, follow the thin ramps over to where the junk pile is. Grab a cube
and launch one at the trigger ahead. This is going to drain out the fluid in
the next room. This room is basically a big turnpike. Gain some speed on one of
the walls and your goal is to hit the Jump Button as soon as you have enough
speed to get on to the platform where the white probe is. If it looks like the
yellow thing is going to hit you, accelerate up the wall to avoid it. You
should be able to clear this after a few practice runs.

Proceed along the next platform and clear the Blue and Red Crates. If you miss
the jump along the way, just jump off the island so you can respawn and avoid
doing the big turnpike room again. Proceed to the junk pile at the end of the
path. Grab a cube and target the black dented spot on the brown structure where
the white probe is. The brown structure should start spinning if you've done it
correctly. Grab another cube and make a jump over to the brown platform when it
spins in your direction. Wait until you are facing the next black spot and
throw the cube at that one to get the next brown structure spinning. Once the
platform is close to you, jump on to the next brown structure.

Once you are in position, make the small jump to the platform where the Red
Crate is. Laser this crate as well as the other one at the far end of the
platform. Follow the skid marks to the next platform. If you can't clear it,
move a little farther back so you can build up some speed. It is best to stay
at maximum speed through the rest of these platforms, just remember to not jump
on the turnpikes, make jumps at the ramps. Once you reach the end of this
platform, you will clear this area and reach the next area/checkpoint.

Begin this area by turning around to clear the two Blue Crates. Next,
accelerate ahead to where the Red Crate is and clear that one out. Proceed into
the tunnel laser the red crates on the other side. There's a ramp to the far
end of this area after the tunnel. Use the ramp to launch yourself at the
swinging platform and then to the platform where the Blue Crate is. Clear it
and proceed to the ledge to jump to the next platform. Proceed a bit and jump
down into the sand area where the Red Crate is. Clear that and don't forget
about the Blue Crate in the corner to your left. After you've done that, drive
over to the top of the hill where the white poe is.

After the brief cut scene, your final task in this area is to use the Laser
button to trace the outline of the white poe. You can do so by holding on to
the Laser Button and using your mouse to follow the white lines. Don't worry
about running out of laser because I don't think it's possible.

White Poe Chase
All right, before continuing let's make sure you understand your goal for this
part. Your goal is not to "catch up" to the white poe or even get ahead of it.
This is not a race. Your only goal is to make sure you do not make any mistakes
and keep up with it. So without further a due, let's get it on. The first area
is straight forward, accelerate on to the speed ramp and use it to make the
jump across the big gap. Note that you can jump over the little oil spills on
the ground to maintain full speed. The next area is a bunch of those yellow
railings where you will have to use the Box Form to clear them. After clearing
those, there's another speed ramp for you to use to make the big jump on to the
thin terrain on the other side. Try to use the middle of the launching ramp to
have the most success.

The next area is slightly challenging, you will have to make jumps on to three
different platforms. Remember to stick to the left for the first jump, the
right on the second, and the left for the third. If you get three rhythmatic
taps with the Jump Button as you clear each platform, you will be able to
maintain full speed. There are some more yellow railings after that so don't
get caught. After that, you will reach the beginning point again. You need to
repeat the obstacle course one more time to complete the mission.

--- [ 4h. Taking Flight ] --- [WK08]

=Mission Objective=
* Get out of the sandstorm as you fast as you can while carrying WALL-E!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 40

All right, begin by lasering the two reachable Red Crates. To go forward, you
have to hit the Speed Up Button, which is the "G" button on your keyboard by
default. Note that the "W" button makes you raise upwards so don't hit it while
you were moving forward. Proceed ahead and remember to all the Red Crates en
route to the interior room. It's best to not stop to laser them, but try and
position yourself so you can hit them while moving forward. There's a little
steam pipe in this room, so be careful of that because it will make you stop.
Clear out the two crates in here. Continue along through the room until you are
outside again. Stick to the path on the left because that's where the first
turn is. Make your way to the wind pipe and just follow the track until you are
able to complete the level.

If you find that it's too difficult to procure all 40 crates, don't worry about
them for now. You can always come back later to grab them. Determining whether
you are able to procure all 40 crates or not is just a matter of practice and
getting used to the different controls with EVE.

--- [ 4i. Surprise Departure] --- [WK09]

=Mission Objective=
* Catch up to EVE's ship before it takes off!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 50

All right, this level is pretty much the same as the Sandstorm one in the
beginning. It is entirely up to you if you want to procure all the crates in
this level or not. If you want to do so, just go into Box Form to crash through
the blue ones, and use your laser to get the red ones. Luckily for you, WALL-
E's laser has an auto-aim so getting the red crates should be easier than it
was in the previous level.

Begin by using the speed ramp to go into maximum speed. After you go downwards
for a bit, two Blue Crates will drop as you enter a tunnel. You have to be
quick to procure them. Right after you emerge from that brief tunnel, you will
have to get ready to send yourself over to the other side with a huge jump. Try
to angle yourself to the left so you can land in front of the three Blue
Crates. Proceed further down and there soon some Red Crates up ahead so get
ready for those. Keep proceeding along and blasting the Red Crates and soon you
will come to a huge propelling ramp. Make the jump over to the other side.
After ducking the big obstacle, stick to the left and get ready for another big
jump. Shortly after this, be careful of the very thin ramps. If you manage to
clear those without falling down, you are well on your way of finishing this
level off. Make the final few jumps to the end of the course.

--- [ 4j. Stowaway to Space ] --- [WK10]

=Mission Objective=
* Watch out! Satellites and space chunks coming!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 20

This level is fairly straight forward. There are going to be no directional
challenges here. In fact, you won't be responsible for any movement. All you
have to focus on is hitting all the space debris with your laser. Remember to
hit all the crates that come down as well. The things to watch out for are the
asteroids and the satellites, as the Mission Briefing stated. Note that there
are also going to be Laser Energy Charges that fall down towards you to refill
your laser. Be warned that if you get hit by a satellite or a rock your health
bar will instantly be depleted. Once you hit about 15/20 BnL Crates you have
reached the level's checkpoint. WALL-E will also go into first person mode to
do some inspection. Hit the final five crates and clear out the asteroids to
complete the level.

--- [ 4k. EVE Pursuit ] --- [WK11]

=Mission Objective=
* Neutralize all the

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 50

Remember that you have to make sure the spaceship remains in your sight
throughout this first area. Begin by using the launch pad to the left and make
the jump over to the next platform. You will see the spaceship use the path to
the left over the several large red squares. Avoid the path because you lose
all your health instantly. Instead, use the railings to the right. You will
soon reach a launch pad. Use it to get over to the other side. It doesn't
really matter where you land, just make sure you can follow the spaceship to
the area with the speed ramps. Try to maintain full speed so you don't get hit
by the little bumper things that move from left to right. Shortly after you
clear those, don't forget to make the jump across the gap to the next launch
pad. Launch yourself towards the stairs.

Jump across to the next platform and Box Form through the Blue Crate. Proceed
down the next speed ramp and use the launch pad to make the huge jump on to the
next platform. In the next part, proceed to the turnpike but don't go all the
way up to the top. Instead, hold the left and forward directional buttons just
as you reach the halfway point of the turnpike (right before the BnL logo) to
get on to the other side. Continue the next few jumps on to the platform with
the Red Crate. Laser the next two Red Crates while maintaining full speed. This
is so you can clear the jump to the platform at the end of the platform, by the
final Red Crate here. Once you clear the next platform you will arrive at
another launching ramp. Use it to launch over to the next platform with the
blue crate under the railing. Make sure to slow down now because you do not
want to fall off any of the next few platforms, which spells a certain death.
You will be able to clear the jumps without going very fast. Jump the next few
platforms and you will find another launching ramp.

Get down there and remember to Box Form the crate. Launch yourself at the stack
of four crates. After clearing the four crates a brief cinematic will ensue and
before the next area begins you have to pass the security game. No biggie, it's
just a memory game where you have to repeat the colour combinations that you
see on screen. Note, this is not a checkpoint just yet.

Begin by turning to your left and launching yourself up the turnpike. Hit the
Jump Button just as you reach the top to land on to the platform. Use the next
turnpike to accelerate on to the launching ramp ahead to get to the next
platform. There's another directional speed pad ahead that you have to use to
get on to the next platform. You should see a Red Crate directly ahead. Procure
it and move past it. Head over to the cube machine and pick up the cube. Move
back a bit and face the two BnL crates stacked on the machine. Once the red
target appears, launch the cube at the crate. Do the same to the other crate.
Now grab another cube from the machine and head to the left, where the distant
BnL trigger is. Throw a cube at the trigger to activate a bridge. Speed across
it and over to the Red Crates. Laser them up and use the speed pad on the
ground to send you over to the other side. Clear the turnpikes and you should
arrive at a point where there are 3 more crates. Procure those and follow the
to the end of the path to initiate a cut scene.

Begin this next area by launching yourself using the ramp to the right. Secure
the Red Crate ahead and jump over to the grey platform. You will notice that
you will be automatically transported for a bit. Use this time to pick off the
Red Crates to your left, and remember to Box Form when you reach the obstacles
with right arrows. As soon as your cart turns right, you need to walk on to the
platform coming from the other direction. It really helps if you just drive on
to it instead of attempting to jump on to it like I did the first time. Get
ready to quickly move over to the big platform coming from the right. Don't get
too comfortable on this one because you will have to go on the next cart to the
right as you approach another blockage. After clearing that blockage, you have
get right back to the big cart. You have to keep alternating between the big
one and the small one for a bit.

Once you make it into the next hallway, stay on your toes because you have to
do some more moving. Once you reach the point with the red crates, quickly move
on to the cart on the far left. Remember the Red Crates in the left hand side
of this room. Make your way to the mobile platform to resume your pursuit. Move
over to the cart on the far left once you can. Duck the obstacle and you will
find some more crates in the next room. Clear those out. Quickly move on to the
platform coming from right to left to continue. You will soon reach the end all
this platform jumping (Thank God). You've reached the end when you see that
EVE's ship goes through a door. Get off your platform and proceed to the
security game on the door.

In this next room, head over to the left wall, where the Sunbeam is. The wall
is a turnpike so you can use it to move past the crates blocking your way.
Don't stop after you've passed the obstacles because you need to maintain full
speed and use the ramp to launch yourself to the other side. Do the same thing
for the rest of this room.

In the next area, take the path to the left. From there, the rest of the level
is pretty straight forward. For the first part, keep using the speed pads to
accelerate, and remember to Box Form when you approach a railing. The next
parts involve using the walls as turnpikes to keep progressing. After all the
platform jumping, the rest of this level is going to be a cake-walk.

--- [ 4l. Clean Getaway ] --- [WK12]

=Mission Objective=
* Neutralize all the Stewards with your Laser

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 20

All right, note that it's going to take more than one laser shot to neutralize
each Steward. You're going to have to hold down on the "F" Button and hit them
for a little bit before they go down. Mechanically this is exactly the same as
the Stowaway Space level. You will not have to do any movement, just focus on
using your laser. Begin by taking out the two initial Stewards. Shortly after
the turn, get ready to take out the next wave of Stewards, and don't forget
about the crates, either. The next part has the Stewards coming out from doors
and charging towards you. Note that if you get hit by one Steward you will lose
all your health points. The best thing to do during this part is to hold down
on your Laser Button and just keep alternating between the Stewards and the Red
Crates. Don't worry about running out of laser, because this is nearly

The next part of the stage begins at the "Middle Class, First Class" sign. Get
ready for two crates to the right. A few more Stewards will also be attacking
at this point. After another turn down a long hallway, WALL-E will jump on to
pedestrian transportation. Just keep shooting at the Stewards and the Red
Crates until the chapter concludes.

--- [ 4m. Life on the Axiom ] --- [WK13]

=Mission Objective=
* Find enough Blue Energy Charges to open the security door and join EVE!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 1
BnL Crates: 40

Head into the first room and procure all the crates here. There is also a
Artifact near the locked door to the left. You will see it by the little shelf.
Once you're ready, head to the next room through the door directly ahead. Begin
by clearing out the crates to your left. Next, head over to the top left part
of the room to grab a Magnetic Cube. Secure the nearby crate first. Next, grab
another Magnetic Cube and throw it at the nearest door in the north part of the
room. Do the same to the door beside it. Go into the door on the right. You
should see a in the hallway ahead. Be very careful because its shocks deal a
fair amount of damage. You need to sneak past it by sticking on the left side
and making your move once it has its back to you.

In the next room you should see a huge generator. Go down the hall a bit and
turn left towards the security door. Play this security game to unlock the
door. All you have to do in this game is to press the button that gets
illuminated. Once the door is opened, it's time to press the "Charm Reject
Robot" Button. This is the Y Button on your keyboard by default. You will
notice that the Reject Robot will come towards you once you press and hold the
button. All right, now let's make to one of the "Axiom" logos on the floor. You
will notice some walkable terrain near the logo leading to the energy core in
this room. Stand between two of the energy tanks and press and hold the "Y"
Button. If you've done it correctly, the Reject Robot should come over and the
two energy tanks you were standing between should discharge. Do the same to the
final two energy tanks and the door to your left should open. Get inside and
procure all the crates in this room. Then, head back to the central hallway
the Magnetic Cubes.

Now time to head into the other door that you opened. There's a red crate in
the proceeding hallway so be sure to secure it. Head into the next room and
grab the Magnetic Cube. Throw it at the BnL trigger to open the door to the
next room. Head over to the security door to the left. There's another security
game, and this time you have to match the colours on the left to the ones on
the right. Do it correctly four times to open the door. This Reject Robot is a
cube dispenser. How cool. All right, get it to follow you by holding down the Y
Button and lead him to the next room. Secure the crates to the left. Grab a
cube from the robot and throw it at the trigger to open the door. Procure all
the crates in this room. To get the Blue Crate out of reach, get a cube from
the robot and throw the cube at it. Head back into the central room again.

Grab another magnetic cube, and this time throw it at the doors to the right,
where the glass door is. Head inside the glass door, remember to Box Form
through the obstacle and laser the Steward as it approaches you. Head over to
the security door and clear the game. It's the same as last time. Procure all
the crates inside. To secure the Blue Crates stacked out of reach, grab a
Magnetic Cube from the dispenser in the corner to the right of the room's
entrance. Now head back to the central room and to the next closest door.

Proceed down the hallway in here, and remember to procure the crates stacked on
each other. Once you reach the room at the end of the hallway, head over to the
security door to the left. This is a memory game, so you will have to match the
coloured squares. You get plenty of time, so it should be pretty easy. Use the
Y Button to get the flashlight robot to follow you. Head to the right wall and
you should see a path leading you over the darkness. Take a left when you are
able to all the way to the wall. Follow the path until the you reach the crates
at the glossy floor. Procure all the crates here and head back to the central
room. What you have to do now is to use a Magnetic Cube and throw it at the
centre of the glass floor. This should cause the huge cube to move back to the
centre. Now you should be able to open the final two doors by throwing cubes at
each of them.

Go into the door on the right first. At the end of the hallway is another room
with a security door. Play the game to open it. This time just press the
squares that light up in a sequence. Do this correctly three times to open the
door. All right, now you have to go as close to the edge as you can without
falling down. Press the Y Button to get the robot here. Now head towards the
Blue Crate and go through the small path here, procuring the Red Crate in the
inside along the way. Now press the Y Button on this side of the room and the
robot should come over. If he's not, then you likely didn't lead him close to
the edge enough. Just limit the distance between you and your robot to get it
working. Procure all the crates in the room and head over to the final room
the central area.

Procure the nearby red crates and head down to the security door. This security
game is the most simple one; just press each button that becomes yellow. Once
you've got the door unlocked, head back to the room's entrance. Call over the
umbrella bot with the Y button from here. Jump on to the umbrella bot and WALL-
E will bounce up. Keep holding the Y Button and moving forward and WALL-E will
be able to bounce all the way to the crates on the other side. You should now
have enough charges to open the security door. Head back to the beginning area
and open the door to complete the chapter.

--- [ 4n. Robot Rescue ] --- [WK14]

=Mission Objective=
* Find the two keycards and free EVE!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 2
BnL Crates: 70

Repair Ward
Begin by turning around and procuring the blue crates over here. After you've
done that, drive down the hallway into the next room. There are some red crates
here. Secure them and hit the Y button to get the attention of the Reject
Robot. Lead it over to the Repair Ward door to the left. Following the brief
cut scene, go around the whole room and secure all the crates. Don't forget
about the Energy Charge in the corner, in the right part of the room. We will
come back for the Blue Crates stacked out of reach later. When you're ready,
head over to the left side of the room and through the door that says "Repair
Ward". There's a security game at the end of the hall. It's the memory game
where you have to find and match two colours.

In the next room, begin by heading up the turnpike to the left and on to the
platform. Secure the two Energy Charge crates here. Don't forget about the one
at the far end of the platform. Secure all the reachable crates in this room,
which aren't many. When you're ready, head into the surgical room to the right
and secure the stacked crates in there. Leave this room, and go to the end of
the hall, where the Security Door with a 30 Energy Charge requirement is. Head
into the surgical room to the right from here. Watch out for the enemy. If he
charges into you, you will take one bar of damage. You can handle it by going
into Box Form when it's near you because you become invulnerable to it.

Anyway, head into the surgical room and grab a Magnetic Cube from the dispenser
on your left. Get back into the main room and hop on to the big cube. Use your
Magnetic Cube and throw it at the red BnL trigger to the left. Wait for WALL-E
to target it. Once you do that, it should cause the big cube you are on to move
down. This should give you access to the middle portion of the surgical room.
You should see the Umbrella Bot in here. Lead it back to the main room, and put
it at the end of the platform that you can reach using the turnpike. Once you
have it there, head up the turnpike and jump on to the umbrella. Use it to
bounce your way to the remaining Energy Charges. You should have procured 40
after using the Umbrella. Now it's time to open the door at the end of the
room. Go inside and a brief cut scene should ensue. You should now see that
part of the glass floor leading to the keycard will now expand a bit. Time to
head back into that room with the keycard.

Go to the opposite end of the room and through the door. If you haven't
already, the crate in the corner I was talking about earlier is to the left in
this area, right before the door. You should also have the 10 Energy Charges to
open the door at the end of the next hallway. Be very careful in this next room
because there are two Stewards in here that throw cubes at you, and it hurts.
Kill them by using your laser. If you get close enough to the edge you will be
able to auto-aim them. As soon as the cube comes towards you, go into the Box
Form. If you get really hurt, there are some health charges in the crates to
the left.

After you've taken care of the Stewards, head down to the right part of the
room, directly in front of the red crates. Before jumping over, go as close as
you can to the edge without falling down and call the Reject Robot over. Lead
it to the middle portion of the room. Just to the other side of the glass. Now
it's time to use the turnpike on the wall and then the ramp to make the jump
over to the other side, where the red crates are. Use the turnpike on this part
of the room to reach the area on the other side of the glass. Time to call your
Reject Bot over. Go over to the door with it now and open it up. Head inside
and now you should see that the floor in the main room is now fully walkable.
Head back in there and to the door on the right. Notice that there is a cube
machine to the left here, so now is the time to procure the two Blue Crates in
this room that were previously out of reach. Once you're done with that, head
over to the security door.

In this game, all you have to do is copy the colour combination that is shown
to you. Do it correctly three times to open the door. This next room is kind of
challenging. The game tells you that you need to stay in Box Form perfectly
still to avoid being spotted by the robot. You need to make your way to the
cube dispenser in the top right part of the room. Remember to keep watching the
little robot. You should only act when it has its back to you. As soon as it
turns around, you need to go into Box Form immediately. Your goal is to throw
cubes at the three triggers at the north end of the room. Some good news I can
tell you is that if you happen to lose all your health, any triggers that you
hit before you died would be saved when you respawn. The best way to handle
this room is to quickly grab a cube, position yourself and throw it at one of
the trigger, then immediately get right out of the room. Repeat this three
times to take care of all three of them.

Now it's time to head over to the door to the right of the entrance. This is a
security game, and all you have to do is click the square that lights up. Do it
4 times. In the next room is another Reject Bot and also some Blue Crates. You
know what to do with those. Lead the bot into the previous room. Bring it over
to the big cubes near the 3 triggers and the bot will break them all. You just
need to get him close enough. If you get under attack at this point, I
recommend going back into the hallway right before this room. Try to "trap" a
Steward with you and you will be able to take him out with your laser with
ease. If you run low on health, go to the Sunbeam in the room with the keycard.
It's a lot easier to manuever the Reject Bot around once those Stewards have
been taken care of.

All right, after your Reject Bot clears out the cubes blocking the ramp, use
the ramp to get up to the platform with the turnpikes. At this time it's best
for you to throw any cubes that may on here out of the way. Begin by using the
turnpike on the right to gain speed to be able to make your jump when you reach
of the turnpike on the left. It's important only to go into Box Form just as
you are about to hit the obstacles. If you hold on to it you will lose some
speed. You should be able to get up to the upper level with very little
problems. Before continuing on, let's take some time to procure the motherload
of crates that were originally unreachable near the entrance. Use the lights to
jump across to that side and jump down to procure them. Do the same to the
crates on the right as well. But to get those crates, you'd have to make your
jump from the middle light. Once you're ready, get back to the upper level and
head through the door. Watch out for the bot here. A brief cinematic will show
WALL-E using the computer to lower the glass to the keycard. We are not quite
finished yet.

You will now have to handle a buttload of Stewards. Begin by immediately making
your way over to the Sunbeam on the other end of the room. The Stewards will
now converge on you. Don't get claustrophobic now. The best way to handle them
is to crash into each of them in your Box Form. It takes one successful
collision with a Steward to bring it down. Do the same for the rest. After you
clear out the final Steward, the first keycard is finally yours. Head back into
the Diagnostic Room, procure all the Energy Charges there, and head through
into the Engine Room.

Engine Room
Begin by procuring all the crates in this room. Next, head over to the other
side of the wall to find the flashlight robot. Lead it over to the dark crack
near the room's entrance. This dark path is going to be pretty tough so it's
time to pay close attention to the walkthrough. Begin by securing the crate to
your left. After that, continue down the path, further into the dark room.
There's a Red Crate stacked on some boxes in the centre of the room, to the
left side. You should notice some enemies that look like mice with lasered
tails. These critters will deal quite a bit of damage if they shock you so be
very weary. When you are close to one, best to go into Box Form. Stick to the
left in this next area and keep going in that direction. After you turn the
corner you should see a another red crate. Blast it.

This next area is kind of tough. Keep an eye on the mice's movement pattern. As
soon as you see some turn their back to you, speed down this path to the next
area. The next area is marked by a path created by boxes. Follow this path of
boxes for a bit and you should soon see some carts. Begin by looking to the
left and taking care of the Red Crate. Hop on the first cart and go to the
island where the Red Crate is. Procure the crate and hop on to the next cart.
Walk over to the final cart and to the final part of the dark room. At the end
of the cart room is another Red Crate. Proceed down this hallway to find
another BnL Crate. Go the rest of the way to emerge back into the light.

You should now be on the other side of the glass wall you saw earlier. Begin by
collecting the 15 energy charges in this room. If the little robot gets in your
way, you can temporarily disable it by lasering it. Or, you can pick up a
Magnetic Cube from the dispenser in the right and throw it at the robot as
well. Anyway, when you're ready, open the door with the 15 charges. Pick up a
Magnetic Cube and bring it over to the other side of the room. Now you have to
throw it at one of the BnL triggers. Once you do so, you should notice the
centre of the structure should start charging with electricity. If not, keep
doing it until that happens.

All right, this next part is going to take some patience. Take note of the huge
cube below the glass. Follow the glass route to the end. You should also notice
that the cube appears to fit in a space below. Your job is to use the Magnetic
Cubes to move the big cube into that space.

Grab a Magnetic Cube and head back over to the opposite side. Throw the cube at
one of the triggers to turn the structure. Grab another Magnetic Cube and do
the same to the other structure. Now head back over to the opposite side and
use the turnpike to get on to a higher ground. Get even higher from this point
and you should now be able to jump across the two structures to the Security
Door. Laser the Red Crate here and play the security game. You have to match
the two sides. Simple. Go through the door and to the next hallway. Box Form
through the blue crates that you see and take a right through the glass doors.
Secure all the crates in this room as well. Use the cubes from the hallway to
get the crates stacked out of reach. You can also use the cube bot to do so.

Lead the cube bot out of this room and up the hallway. Watch out for the
Steward. Lead the cube bot past the enemy at the top of the stairs and into the
next room. Get a cube from him and throw it at the closest trigger. You should
now see a path begin to form. Quickly make your way across the path because it
is only formed temporarily. It is ok to leave your cube bot now. There's a cube
dispenser on this next platform so grab a cube and throw it the next trigger.
Once again, quickly make your way across to the next platform. Do the same to
the trigger to complete the path. Play the security game. This one is very
simple, just press the square that lights up.

Procure all the crates in the hallway en route to the next room. In this room,
if you do not care about the getting all the crates, then just pick up the cube
and throw it at the trigger on the door. If you do care about getting all the
crates, I recommend that you get spotted and commence a fight against all the
Stewards. Just Box Form into them one by one to take care of them all. After
you've taken them down, you can freely use the cube and throw it at the four
crates in this room. Once you're ready, head through the door to the tunnel.
You can't just run straight across. You can only walk on the parts that glow
light blue. Head through the security door.

The final keycard is now in sight. There are also a bunch of Stewards like last
time. Box Form into the ones on the floor. Do not forget about the Sunbeam to
your right. Thanks to that, you can't possibly lose all your health if you are
smart. After you've taken care of the ones on the ground, grab a cube and get
close enough so you can throw it at the Stewards up top. After you clear those
out, WALL-E will grab the final keycard. Phew, that had to be the longest level
in the game thus far.

--- [ 4o. Human Highway ] --- [WK15]

=Mission Objectives=
* Destroy all the Stewards to reach EVE
* Move through the obstacles and reach EVE on the other side
* Use the moving platforms to reach EVE

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 1
BnL Crates: 60

Begin this level by grabbing the Explosive Crate. Use the pillar for cover at
first, and slightly slide to the right. You should be able to target the
Steward without showing yourself. Once you are able to do so, quickly reveal
yourself and throw the explosive crate then quickly take cover behind the
r so you can avoid their cubes. This should take out both of the Stewards at
the same time. The best way to handle these opening Stewards is to first forget
about the crates, because you can procure those later. Second is to be
aggressive. Grab an explosive crate and charge at them, waiting for the target
to show up. As soon as it does, launch it at them. I should note that you do
not have to target the Stewards to take them out. They will also die at the
impact of the explosion. After you've taken care of them, you can now procure
the crates and head over to the security door. This game is just matching two
colours, you've done it before.

The next part of the chapter is simple. Just go through when there is no
traffic. What I did was sped through the first third, then waited in the middle
until the cars passed by before finishing it off. The next room is just
crawling with Stewards. Begin by Box Forming into the Stewards on the floor.
Next, grab a cube and throw it at the one in the centre of the room. If you get
into trouble, there are some Health Charges in the crates in this room. Grab
another cube and rush into the room in the right and take care of that Steward
as well. You might notice a BnL trigger behind the Steward. Anyway, take care
of the final Steward across the hall. Next you have to get some cubes and throw
them at both triggers on either ends of the room. If that little pesky bot is
getting annoying, you can use the Box Form to keep bumping into the big gap
between you and the BnL triggers.

All right, after you've done that you'll notice that EVE is now free. Head over
there and play the security game. This game is just following the colour
combination that they show you. The next room is pretty simple. You want to
jump on each platform as it gets in front of you. Remember you can't stay on
the platform as it goes off the screen so keep moving. Once you reach the
middle you can take a breather for a bit before finishing the rest of the path.

In the next room, procure all the crates that you see, and then take a left
the hall. Some Stewards will attempt to block your path so you can just Box
Form into them. In this small room there are some Blue Crates in here as well
as your friend, the cube bot. Don't forget about the Hidden Artifact in here.
Use him to secure all the crates in here and lead him back down the hallway to
the next room with the electricity in the centre.

Begin by using your friend to throw cubes at the Blue Crates to your left. Do
the same to the single blue crate to the right. Now get another cube and throw
it at the BnL trigger above. Make your way across the room and secure the
remaining crates. Now turn your attention to the security game. I am sure you
know how to handle these by now. For this one, just hit each square that lights
up. In the next room, just smoothly make your way across to EVE. It's pretty
straight forward. Remember you can move sideways as well.

In the following room, immediately procure the crates to your left. Then, turn
your attention to the cube dispenser to your right. Grab a cube and throw it
the BnL trigger above. This will crate a path for you. Keep doing the same
thing until you reach EVE. Instead of going through though, make a left towards
the Blue Crates. Procure these and watch out because there are two Stewards in
this hallway. Just Box Form into them. Procure the rest of the crates in this
hallway. Don't worry about the two blue laser things on the ground because they
can't hurt you. You can walk on them. After you've secured all the crates, grab
a cube and go down to the end of the hallway and throw it at the BnL trigger.
Now go back to EVE and play the security game. This one is just match the two

This next traffic area is a little tougher because of how fast the carts come.
The best advice I can give you here is to not feel rushed. You might feel like
you have to hurry because of how fast the platforms are coming. You really
don't. I find that you are much more likely to jump too early than too late, so
make sure the platform is in front of you before you commit yourself. After you
clear those jumps the chapter is over.

--- [ 4p. Pod Blaster ] --- [WK16]

=Mission Objectives=
* Look out for flying debris

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 0

All right, let's consider this a bit of a "break" level. You don't have to
worry about much here. There are no artifacts or BnL Crates to procure. Yay.
Just use your Laser button to keep the asteroids at bay. Note that if a single
asteroid collides with your space ship, it is all over. Use the movement
buttons aim the Laser, and of course the Laser Button to fire the laser. Note
that there is no Laser Meter on this stage, so you can just hold on to the
Laser Button for the entire level and just use the directional buttons to aim
it. It really makes the stage a little easier. After you've cleared out the
flying debris, WALL-E will turn his attention to the security game. This one is
just selecting the squares that light up. Simple. Complete the security game to
conclude the chapter.

--- [ 4q. Cosmic Getaway ] --- [WK17]

=Mission Objectives=
* Catch up to WALL-E and don't lose sight of him!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 30

You once again take control of EVE in this chapter. All right, begin by heading
straight forward and lasering the crates. You can also drive right into them.
EVE is really fast so you might need a few runs to really get used to the
controls. It is very important that you do not stop for the crates because
WALL-E will fly off. You need to hone your skills so you are able to hit the
crates while you are moving. Luckily, there is some auto-aim so it makes an
otherwise near-impossible task doable. It is entirely up to you if you want to
procure the crates or not. I personally recommend that you grab them in later
playthroughs, because going from WALL-E's controls to EVE's really quite a

Anyway, there aren't any directional challenges in this chapter. Just keep
going forward at first, and go right if you want to grab all the crates when
you reach the fork. You will soon reach outside with a bunch of huge asteroids.
Don't run into them. WALL-E goes upwards at this point, so don't lose him.
After a brief stint outside, you will once again reach another tunnel. There
are plenty of crates in here. Once you reach back outside again, the best thing
to do is accelerate a little bit, but make sure WALL-E stays in front of you.
You are much faster than him so let him get just a bit so you can see where
he's going, and then accelerate right up to him. All right, this is the final
area before the chapter's conclusion.

--- [ 4r. Rogue Robots ] --- [WK18]

=Mission Objectives=
* GO4 has spotted you! Neutralize it with your laser

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 30

All right, there are some crates in this first room so don't forget about
those. The mechanics for this chapter is a little different from the asteroid
one. You are supposed to use the mouse to control the crosshairs. Note that if
you get hit by the bot you will lose all your health, and you will have to
restart the level. All right, so there aren't many directional challenges in
this part of the level, so all you have to do is keep blasting the robot with
your laser and procuring the crates until you reach the finish line. Luckily,
if you do manage to die at any time, there are usually automatic checkpoints so
you won't have to start the level over. This is really another "break" level.

--- [ 4s. Trash Shoot] --- [WK19]

=Mission Objectives=
* Rush down through the trash chute to reach EVE

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 50

This chapter is going to be another high pace speed game. It's kind of like
Mario Kart. All right, so I should let you know that the first set of crates
red ones, and they appear to the left, first. There are some blue crates to the
right after those. There are a bunch of red ones after that. It's worth noting
that you should not bump into the machinery at any time. This will cause the
level to restart. Also, don't hold the W button while you are doing this
because you will go so fast that you can't possibly laser or crash any of the
crates. There are also a few points in this stage where you have to make a big
jump. Again, there are no directional challenges here because it's straight
down forward.

There are some things to look out for, though. Once you reach the point on the
conveyor belt, watch out for those lasers, they will take you out instantly.
After the conveyor part is a tunnel of sorts. Watch out for the leaking steam
at this point. If you go into Box Form as you are passing through the steam you
will be safe. Soon after that you will see a big launching ramp, and also some
Blue Crates to the left. I would recommend that you take the left path here,
because these crates and some more further down in that direction are only
reachable in that direction. That's all about the strategy you are going to
need to complete this level.

--- [ 4t. Fixing EVE ] --- [WK20]

=Mission Objective=
* Explore the surrounding trash area to obtain all necessary parts to repair

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 2
BnL Crates: 50

Begin by immediately tracing the outline of EVE. You have less than 20 seconds
to do so, but you won't need any close to that amount. After you laser her, a
brief cinematic will ensue, and the chapter actually begins. Start by
procuring all the crates in this area, and the single part directly ahead.
Don't let the Steward up on the cliff to the right catch you off-guard. You can
use your laser to make short work of him. After you've collected everything,
head through the tunnel directly ahead. You can use your Solar Panel in the
south end of this room if you need it.

In this next room, procure the immediate blue crate and drive all the way down
to the where the arrows are. There's a Hidden Artifact right in front of the
ramp. You can grab these Energy Charges by following the skid marks on the
turnpike and turning into it. This might take a few tries, but it can be done,
so be persistent. The best way is to hit the jump button right before WALL-E
reaches the top. Getting back to the other side is pretty difficult as well.
Anyway, use the turnpike on the other side to gain speed on to the ramp and
launch yourself towards the next Repair Part. Keep going down this direction
and procure all the crates. Once you reach the end of this path, take a right
into the next area. Use the turnpike to gain access into the pen with the
charges. There's still more in this area. Notice the turnpike on the other side
of the pen. Use that to reach 10 additional Energy Charges. You should now have
40 Energy Charges in total. Head back to the big area where the Hidden Artifact

Go to the floor area where the Steward and the big cube are. Take care of the
Steward first. You know how to use the big cube by now. Use the Magnetic Cube
dispenser in the corner of the room to grab Magnetic Cubes and use them to
lead the big cube to the pink squares under the locked cages. It's best to
stand right beside the big cube when you do this, but make sure the big cube
doesn't run you over because you will lose all health points instantly. As soon
as you open one, use the umbrella bot to reach the caged area. Remember you
need to get on a high enough platform to jump on the umbrella, so you use the
platform where the Magnetic Cubes are. Use the junk pile to throw a cube at the
cage with the "X" barricade, that should do the trick. Note for the cage with
the Red Crates in them you need to use the umbrella to jump on to the crate and
then use the crate as a platform to get into the cage.

After you deposit all 40 charges the big door should open. A bunch of Stewards
are going to spill out so you can take care of them by Box Forming into them.
Head through the big hallway to the other side, where another Repair Part is
sitting just outside the door. Speed down and use the ramp to jump over to the
area on the other side. Take the path right and a Steward should be right in
your face. Take care of him and take a left when you can. You should notice
another Reject Bot here. He's the one who crushes cubes so lead him to each of
the 3 big cubes in this area. Don't forget about the crates. After your bot
clears out the final big cube, you should notice a ramp. Use it to jump
over to the platform and grab your fourth repair piece.

Now time to use the turnpikes and the ramp to launch yourself at the crossed
off areas. WALL-E will crash right through them. Procure the Blue Crates on the
other side. Next, use the turnpikes to get on to the tunnel platform and the
next area. Move up the hill and you should recognize that this is your starting
area. At the top of the hill is another tunnel, and a flashlight bot. There are
also those laser mice you love as well.

All right, begin by getting the flashlight bot to follow you left. Go straight
down this hallway to find 3 Red Crates at the end of it. Then, turn into the
only opening. Immediately to your left is another small hallway with 2 more Red
Crates. I should quickly tell you now that your flashlight bot sometimes get
stuck on the corners, so don't leave him behind. Continue down the hall and
there should be another Red Crate. Move past the single mouse here and don't
forget about another Red Crate in the next immediate hallway leading left. You
should see some arrows on the wall next. Follow those arrows for a bit, and
stick to the left hand side to reach the dark tunnel's exit. A brief cut scene
should follow. I notice there are a bunch of crates in this tunnel in little
hallways to the left hand side.

Keep going up the turnpikes to clear this next area. Trying to clear these
particular turnpikes are very difficult for some reason, which I really believe
is a mechanical error on the developer's part. The best way to do this is to go
at a very wide "J" angle. You'd want to use the left part of the turnpike to
accelerate to the other one, and then make a curve to the other side to clear
it. WALL-E will likely end up in the middle when you do this, so just guide him
over. Hope that made sense. This is what it should look like:

How to Clear the Turnpikes

| ______: Turnpike
| ------: Obstacle
. .
, .

Note that this diagram is wider than the actual turnpikes for easing drawing

After you've cleared it, follow the thing up the ramp and procure everything in
your path. When you reach the top, the left and right paths have some Energy
Charges. To the left is another turnpike but I found this one was a little to
clear than the ones before it. Basically, you have to go from turnpike to
turnpike and then gain enough to speed to jump on to the platform where the
energy charges are. The path to the right is straight forward so just collect
those and head to the energy charge deposit.

After you get lifted to the higher level, just make your way across the
platforms. Watch out for the machinery going back and forth. Once you make it
to the end of this path, play the security game. This one is just matching the
two sides. After taking the lift up, there's another repair part right there.
You have to make your way across again. All you have to do is use the platforms
and go right, left, right, left, etc. Right when you reach about where the Red
Crate is, you will notice the platform on the left will stop moving. Now it's
time to jump up top. Make your way up to find another repair part at the end.
Go to where the arrows are stand there. Wait for a platform to come over to you
and hop on to the other side. Grab the repair part and continue to the arrows
again. You have to switch platforms once, and be careful of the structures that
will knock you off. Otherwise this next part should be easy.

Head on to the stable platform when you see it and follow the path here. Find
another turnpike at the end. Use it to jump down to where the Blue Crates are.
Finish the rest of the turnpikes to go to the launching pad. This pad will
launch you back to the starting point. You should notice that you only have
13/20 parts right now. So let's procure the final 7 now. Don't forget about the
Hidden Artifact to the left of EVE.

Final 7 parts
All right, look for the ramp behind EVE leading to a tunnel. In this next area,
take a right and take care of the Steward that you see here. Follow the path
until you see a security game. You know what to do. After you clear the game,
some garbage trucks are going to operating from below. Hop on to the top of
them to reach the stuff in the centre of the room. The key to using the trucks
is to accelerate quickly across them to the islands, because they will only
serve as the bridge for a split second. After you procure all the stuff you
should have 20 charges and 17 parts. Take out the two Stewards and open the
security door. Secure the final three parts and finish Take the launch pad back
to EVE to complete the chapter.

--- [ 4u. Holo-dector Dash ] --- [WK21]

=Mission Objective=
* Let EVE clear the way and follow her

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 2
BnL Crates: 60

All right, let's begin by crossing the traffic. You've done this before so I
don't think you need a lot of help here. Remember to move sideways a lot.
Procure the crates that you can in the next room. You can't get any of the blue
ones just yet, so ignore those and proceed down the hall. There's a Steward
here so take care of him as well as the three crates to the right. Don't forget
about the other crates on the sand area, as well as the red crate to the left
that you have to laser. After the Steward explodes, it leaves some junk behind
in the form of a cube. Pick it up and use it on the BnL trigger near the
entrance. This should open up the door. There's a Magnetic Cube Dispenser
inside, so use those cubes to procure the crates in the hallway.

Now, get back inside the room and pick up a Magnetic Cube. Go to the edge
without actually falling through. Throw the cube at the wall to your right. The
big cube should now move towards you. Grab another Magnetic Cube, get on the
big cube and throw it as far as you can to move you over to the other side.
There's an annoying bot on this side, as well as a Steward. They shouldn't give
you too many problems, though. When you're ready, go down the hall to the right
and play the security game. You've played this one before; just copy the
combination they show you. Go inside to the computer and you will notice that
some fountains will switch off. Time to head out to the beach area.

To the left, you should notice that you can now use the fountains that were
previously on as platforms. Jump across each platform to the island on the
other side. This place is crawling with Stewards so take care of them first.
Don't forget about the crates on the beach here. Procure the rest of the crates
and grab a cube from the dispenser. Stand next to the railing that you have to
Box Form under. Turn your back to it and hit the Box Form Button. If you did it
correctly, WALL-E should drop the cube behind him, on the other side of the
railing. Now go through and pick up the cube. Throw it at the trigger from here
and quickly make your way across through the door.

You should see a Steward on the other side. You can laser him from here and he
won't be able to see you. Now jump over to the other side and grab a Magnetic
Cube from the dispenser. Go over to the big cube and stand on it. Now throw the
Magnetic Cube as far as you can so you can move across to the isolated room.
Procure all the Energy Charges here and head back across to what we'll call the
main room. Grab another Magnetic Cube and throw it at the BnL trigger. Now use
the turnpike to get over to the other side of the room. Remember, you want to
approach the turnpike at a "J" angle. Once you make it, procure all the crates
stacked to the right with your laser. You should now have enough to deposit 20
energy charges to open the door.

The next room is full of Stewards. Try to make your way across without getting
spotted. If you do get their attention, just Box Form into them. Make your way
to the end of the room and play the security game. This is your standard match
the two colours game. In the next room, make a left down the hall to where the
cube dispenser is. If you get spotted, you already know what to do with the
Stewards. Grab the Magnetic Cube and throw it at the BnL trigger to gain access
to the next room. Go up the ramp to the Magnetic Cube dispenser in this room.
Grab a cube and throw it at one of the Energy Charges in this room. This will
cause the Magnetic Cube to fall off of its platform and no longer block your
way. Now procure all the crates/energy charges in this room. There's also a
Hidden Artifact in here.

Time to head across the hall now. Don't forget about the "tower" of crates to
your right, near the door. Grab one of the Magnetic Cubes and get close to the
door with all the electricity running through it. Throw your Magnetic Cube
anywhere away from the door. Just make sure you don't throw it too far away
from it though because you want to use your cube to attract the cube on top of
the door away from its position. Once you do so, you will discover a BnL
trigger behind that cube. Grab another cube (or the Steward debris) and throw
it at the BnL trigger to gain access to the next room.

In here, immediately take a left when you can to go through the glass doors to
find some more stacked crates. Procure them all and you should now have 16
Energy Charges. Almost there. Now grab a cube from the dispenser and throw it
at the BnL trigger over the railings. As soon as you do so, accelerate towards
its opening and Box Form under the railings/obstacles. In the next room, begin
by grabbing a Magnetic Cube from the left of the room and throwing it towards
the Red Crates. This should cause the big cube to create a path for you. Grab
another Magnetic Cube now and walk across to the other side. Throw this cube
towards the dispenser on the opposite wall and this should create another path
for you. Go over there and procure all the crates. You should now have the 20
Energy Charges you need. Deposit the 20 charges to open the security door you
encountered previously.

Now it's time to head back to the beach area. Use the new intersecting
platforms to reach the next area. Once you jump off the final platform there's
another traffic like game you have to play. This one is a little more
challenging, but just be patient and wait for a platform to come to clear it.
It might take you a few tries. When you are able to clear that part, you will
find yourself on an island with a bunch of Stewards. Your best bet to deal with
them is by throwing cubes at them. Don't forget about the all the crates in on
this island. When you're ready, head over to the bridge on the other side to
find EVE again. From here, you have to accelerate across the bridge to the next

Begin first by taking care of the two Stewards to your right. Best way is to
stay in Box Form at first, and then laser them when they aren't expecting it.
Try not to go into First Person Mode so you can easily switch between Box Form
(to defend from their cubes) and the laser. Once you clear out all the Stewards
here, the force field blocking you from EVE will disperse and you can now go to

Following a brief cinematic you will find yourself in what looks like a huge
empty fountain with a bunch of Stewards converging on your position. You can
handle them easily by Box Forming into each of them. As you clear out each
wave, some crates will drop down into the fountain for you to procure. There
are four waves in total. After you clear them all out, the chapter will

--- [ 4v. A Robot's Last Stand ] --- [WK21]

=Mission Objective=
* The whole Axiom has been tilted! Get to the Holo-detector to help EVE!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 10

All right, begin by going down that huge hill. Procure the crate to the right.
Watch out for the huge structure that's going to fall on the left part of the
path. Head up the hill here and you can procure the remaining crates in this
next part so be sure not to miss them. It's best to go slowly through this path
because there's a lot of structures that are going to drop down. If you get
caught under them you will lose all your health points instantly. As you make
ensuing jump across, stick to the right side because a huge structure is going
to drop on the left. Once you make it to the ramp you will clear this chapter.
Not too difficult, right?

--- [ 4w. Homecoming ] --- [WK22]

=Mission Objective=
* WALL-E is in really bad shape. Bring him to safety!

=Completion Checklist=
Artifacts: 0
BnL Crates: 30

This level is nothing new. You have to take control of EVE and reach the finish
line. You only have one minute to do so, so this level is going to go by very
quickly either way. It is again entirely up to you if you want to procure the
crates or not. You can pause momentarily to blast the crates if you want,
because two minutes are actually more than enough time to complete the chapter.
Anyway, begin by accelerating down the hill. There's a crate right away. At the
bottom of this hill is a very tight space that you have to squish through.
After you change through the crossed off path you will find yourself in the
middle of the canyon. It is very important that you stay low here, because the
openings are all a little lower than where you'd normally be flying.

Soon you will reach the tunnel with the steam. You should focus on avoiding
that because they will hurt you. Watch out for the fans as well. You can
probably take your time and in this stage so don't feel rushed or anything.
Once you begin to see something that resembles a city you have reached the
chapter's (and the game's) conclusion. Congratulations.


Well that's it, everyone. You have now cleared the entire game. There was a lot
more to do than you were expecting, wasn't there? I sure thought so. I hope
this walkthrough helped you out somewhere along the line.

--- [ 5. Cheat Codes ] --- [CH00]

I take no credit for the following codes. All the credit goes to heckknow of
the GameFAQs Message Board for ingeniously discovering the codes after looking
through some of the WALL-E data files. Great work!

Secret Code 1 - BOTOFWAR (kills or stuns everything within range)
Secret Code 2 - STEALTHARMOR (can move undetected/unnoticed by any enemy)
Secret Code 3 - RAINBOWLASER (laser switches color continuously)
Secret Code 4 - EXPLOSIVEWORLD (every cubes are explosive cubes)
Secret Code 5 - GLOWINTHEDARK (lights dark areas)
Secret Code 6 - BOTOFMYSTERY (wears ski goggles)
Secret Code 7 - GOLDENTRACKS (golden tracks)

--->Thanks to heckknow<---

--- [ 6. Credits ] --- [CR00]

heckknow: For being the first on GameFAQs of finding the Cheat Codes!

metapad: For STILL having the best FAQ writing tool possible, after almost a
decade. It really makes my life a lot easier, when formatting can be handled
with two clicks of the mouse button.

--- [ 7. Legal Disclaimer ] --- [LE00]

This FAQ is copyright (c) 2008 ChaosDemon. Please do not post this FAQ on your
website without asking for permission first. However, if I granted you
permission to host one of my FAQs before, feel free to host this one without
asking for my permission again. This applies to all future FAQs written as
well. If I grant you permission to host this FAQ, you now have my permission to
host any FAQ I may write in the future without emailing me for permission
again. I hope this makes life a little easier for you webmasters. Otherwise,
you can email me at chaosdemonN [at]gmail[dot]com to ask for permission.
I will very rarely deny permission but I do have some very reasonable
requirements that I must ask of you when posting this guide:

* Please do not place any ads on the same page as the FAQ
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