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4x4 Evolution 2 Game Cheats

4x4 Evolution 2

9,999,999 dollars:
jordan783, Submitted the following Information:

in 4x4 evo 2 change the
\"cash=(some random letters and #\'s)\"
omit the brackets

Get Money:
Submitted by: nightraider

Start a race, then type "goldfinger". A horn will sound.
Next, type "givememoneyordie" to receive one million

Cheat Method:
First, you must own a vehicle in Career mode. Sell it
and exit the game. Then, open the "metal.ini" file in
the System folder of the game directory (default is
C:\Program Files\Terminal Reality\4x4 Evo2\system).
You can use Notepad to open the file. Scroll to the
bottom of the text and within the final 20 lines or so,
you will see the lines "careerTruckCount=0" and
"curTruckType=0". Change the "0" to a "1" in each line
and save the file. Now restart the game and go to the
Garage in Career mode. You will have the vehicle back
AND the money you sold it for before! Do this whole
process as often as you want and watch the cash add up!

Easy color change:
Use the following trick to change your truck's color without
selling and buying it again. Enter multi-player menu and start
a LAN game, with your PC as the host. At the multi-player game
setup screen, go to the menu bar at the top of the screen and
select the player profile that contains the vehicle to have the
new color. Select that vehicle and a color select menu will appear.
Select the desired color and exit multi-player mode. When you start
career mode again, the color you selected will be on the vehicle.

$1 million:
Type goldfinger during game play. A sound will confirm this portion of the
Then, type givememoneyordie. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit
race and you will have $1 million. Repeating the code will set your current
to $1 million -- you cannot get more than that amount.

Extra money:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of
the file before
proceeding. Sell a truck in career mode, then quit the game. Use a text
editor to edit the
"metal.ini" file in the "\4x4 evo2\system" folder. Locate the following
lines at the bottom of the file.

Change the "0" to a "1" on both lines, then save the file. Restart the game
and you will still have
your truck plus the money that you previously sold it for. Repeat this as
needed for more money.

Change team association:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of
the file before proceeding.
Sell a truck in career mode, then quit the game. Use a text editor to edit
the "metal.ini" file in the
"\4x4 evo2\system" folder. Locate the ''Team='' line and replace that entry
with any team name of your
choice to access their trucks.

Arctic Wasteland: Treasure chest:
From the start, head north until you almost reach water. Then, head east.
Follow the water for a short
distance until it ends, then head north. Go north until you see the American
flag and a building inside a
fenced in area. The treasure chest is in there.

Arizona: Treasure chest:
At the start of the level in roaming or racing mode, go in reverse until you
pass the train tracks. Then,
go to the right until you see a derailed train. Stop at the front of the
train then go right until you reach a
canyon with a piece of road and two hills in the middle. In between the two
hills are two small houses.
The treasure chest is located in between the houses.

Autumn Leaves: Treasure chest:
At the start of the level, follow the road until you get to a church. Behind
it is a treasure chest.

Castle Rock: Treasure chest:
Go back about 100 feet from where you start. There should be a skeleton
guarding a treasure chest.

Costa Rica Rally: Treasure chest:
From the start, head east until you reach a temple. That is where you can
find a treasure chest. If you
cannot find the temple, go to the contour map and look for a small light
gray area.

Crazy 2001: Treasure chest
Go to the southwest corner of the lake near the start to find a treasure
chest with money.

Egypt: Treasure chest:
Go through the first check point and drive northwest until you find the
lake. There is a hill on
the northwest shore. The chest is on top.

Farm Road 109: Shortcut:
When trying to use the shortcut across the railroad tracks, use the Jeep
Liberty Sport. It can
almost always get across before the train crosses if you approach from the
right side of the tracks.

Farm Road 109: Treasure chest:
The treasure chest is located at the center of the lake.

Laguna del Sol: Treasure chest:
After Checkpoint 3, drive onto the large island straight ahead of the
checkpoint to find a treasure

Pikes Peak: Treasure chest:
Go to the lake that is the furthest from the end of the track. The treasure
chest can be found on the
land between the lakes.

Restricted Area: Treasure chest:
Find the hanger with the UFO inside then go to one of the corners to find a
treasure chest with

Thailand Rally: Treasure chest:
Pause game play and go to the contour map. Go to the bottom right corner of
the map and press
R until the map stops. Just to the left of the island is a brown spot. That
is the Temple Of The Dancing
Buddha, which is where a treasure chest is located.

Treasure Bay: Treasure chest:
From the start, follow the road until you see a ship on the beach. Go to the
side of the ship where the
sign is on the beach. The treasure chest is on that side of the ship. Note:
You can only get the treasure
chest by driving your truck alongside the ship. Start towards the back of
the ship, facing towards the front.
Drive slow to get the treasure chest.

Tri Baja 250: Treasure Chest:
From the start, follow the track in the same direction as if you were racing
until you reach the bridge you
drive on. The treasure chest is underneath that bridge.

Unlock All Missions:
Submitted by: Jonathan

Start a race and type in GOLDFINGERMISSIONIMPOSSIBLE then a horn
will sound and it will give you all the missions and you can do
over and over. peace out.

Crazy 2000: Hidden money:
In the last turn before finish line run, go straight into water. A box of money
containing $1495 is under water by the back edge of the pond.

Final Destination: Hidden money:
Go through checkpoint 1 and go left around the airplane. Drive straight until
you see a pack of airplanes. The money chest is next to the far-left. It
contains about $1,345.

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