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Psychonauts Game Walkthrough


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V1.10 2005-06-16

Copyright 2005 by Barry Scott Will

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to
Creative Commons
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Psychonauts is Copyright 2005 by Double Fine Productions.

This FAQ/Walkthrough is not endorsed by, nor is the author associated with,
Double Fine Productions.

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[1] Game Overview
[2] Gameplay
[2.1] Controls & Moves
[2.2] Psi Powers
[2.3] Items
[3] Item Collecting
[3.1] Psi Markers
[3.2] Psi Cards
[3.3] Scavenger Hunt
[3.4] Brains
[4] Walkthrough
[4.1] Kid's Cabins
[4.2] Basic Braining
- Obstacle Course 1
- Obstacle Course 2
- Obstacle Course Finale
[4.3] Main Campgrounds & Parking Lot
[4.4] Sasha's Shooting Gallery
- Brain Tumbler Experiment Pt. 1
- Sasha's Shooting Gallery
- Brain Tumbler Experiment Pt. 2
[4.5] Milla's Dance Party
- The Lounge
- The Race
- The Party
[4.6] Scavenger Hunt
- Boathouse & Beach
- GPC & Wilderness
- Reception
- Main Campgrounds & Kid's Cabins
- Brain Tumbler Experiment Pt. 3
[4.7] Lungfishopolis
[4.8] Milkman Conspiracy
- The Neighborhood
- The Book Depository
- Return to the Neighborhood
- The Milkman
[4.9] Gloria's Theater
- Asylum Grounds
- The Stage
- The Catwalks
[4.10] Waterloo World
- Asylum Lower Floors
- Waterloo World
[4.11] Black Velvetopia
- Running Against the Bull
- Edgar's Sanctuary
[4.12] Asylum Upper Floors
- Upper Floors
- Dr. Loboto's Lab
[4.13] Meat Circus
- Psychoblaster Death Tank
- Tent City
- Tunnel of Love
- Butcher Battle #1
- The Big Top
- Final Boss Battles
[5] Version History & Credits

To jump to a specific topic, open the Edit menu and choose Find in this
Page (or just press Control-F) and enter the bracketed number, including
the brackets. For example, enter [4.2] as the search text to jump straight
to the walkthrough for Sasha's Shooting Gallery.

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Welcome to the twisted world of Psychonauts. The hero of this game is a boy
named Razputin, or Raz. A natural psychic, Raz escaped the circus and his
abusive father to journey to a camp for psychic children: Whispering Rock
Psychic Summer Camp. At Whispering Rock, young psychics are trained to
become Psychonauts--secret agents in charge of cleaning up the world's
mental mishaps.

But, something sinister is afoot, as campers turn up missing their brains.
It's up to Raz--with a little help from an assorted cast of strange people
and even stranger creatures--to find the missing brains and restore mental
peace and order to Whispering Rock.

You control Raz through the environs of Whispering Rock--the real world--
and through the minds of various denizens of Whispering Rock--the dream
worlds. Most gameplay takes place in the dream worlds, as you use Psycho-
Portals to project your astral self into minds. If you think the real world
is strange, wait until you get a look at some of the literally twisted
dream worlds.

Each dream world is completely unique: from an orderly, cubist mind to the
varicolored world of a painter of black velvet. Each level has its own
challenges and puzzles and requires a mixture of skillful control and
strategic thinking. No two worlds are alike, and the game will in turn
challenge and amaze you.

Your health is measured in two ways: mental health and astral projection
layers. Your mental health is represented by a series of brains shown in
the upper left of your screen. Each brain represents 4 points of health,
and various enemies will remove one or more points of health on each hit.
As you progress through the game, you will increase the maximum number of
health points you have.

You also have astral projection layers, which are analogous to lives in
most games. Each time you lose all your mental health, you lose one astral
projection layer. When you lose all your mental health and you have no more
astral projection layers, the game either ends (if you are in the real
world); or, you are kicked out of the mind you were in and you must start
over again from the beginning. As you play, you can pick up additional
astral projection layers (new lives) as well as increase the number of
layers you can have at once.

Pressing the JOURNAL key opens up a set of menus where you can view your
current progress. The first page of your journal is the game menu, and
contains Options, Load, Save and Quit. On the second page you can view the
number of items you have collected in the current area and the total number
that are available. The third page shows your overall progress in the game,
including your rank, how many items you have collected, etc.

Page four of the journal is your To Do list showing your current task(s).
Page five allows you to watch unlocked cinematic scenes and slideshows;
and, page six contains the map (real world only). When in Whispering Rock
camp, you can view the area you are in and the location of your next

Like any game of this type, there are numerous items to collect as well as
enemies to defeat. And, like most games, you should break as many items as
you can to collect power-ups. Read on, then, for a full description of
everything you need to know about Psychonauts...

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Psychonauts is a "platformer"--i.e. an arcade-style game that features lots
of jumping, floating, sliding and other acrobatic moves. Unless you are
very comfortable using a keyboard for this type of game, a gamepad with two
analog joysticks, a D-pad and at least 10 buttons is recommended. You will
most likely have to remap certain functions on your gamepad.

In this guide, controls will be referred to by their primary function.
Those functions are listed here along with the default key when using the
keyboard and mouse, and a recommended button/stick for your gamepad.

JUMP Raz jumps; pressing again in mid-air
Key: SPACE causes a double-jump; also used as the
Gamepad: Left shoulder ENTER key in menus

ATTACK On the ground, performs a punch; while
Key: Left mouse in the air, performs a Psi Bomb; an upgrade
Gamepad: Right shoulder received at rank 35 increases the power of
the bomb if you repeatedly press ATTACK
while in the air

USE Uses an item currently held in Raz's
Key: F hand, activates switches, opens doors,
Gamepad: Button 4 talks to other characters, etc.

MOVE Moves Raz; in menus, selects different
Keys: W (forward/up), options
S (back/down)
A (left), D (right)
Gamepad: Left joystick

CAMERA Zooms (up/down) and rotates (left/right)
Keys: Numpad the camera
8 (up), 2 (down)
4 (left), 6 (right)
Gamepad: Right joystick

CANCEL Cancels a power (such as levitation),
Key: X breaks cutscenes, exits menus, etc.
Gamepad: Left trigger

LOCK/FLOAT Locks targeting onto an enemy, or,
Key: Left shift in mid-air, activates the Levitation
Gamepad: Right trigger Balloon (once you've obtained the
Levitation power)

INVENTORY Opens your items inventory so you can
Key: Left bracket [ select an item to USE; select the item
Gamepad: Left D-pad with your MOVE keys, then press USE to
equip the item; your inventory may contain
more than one page of items--press the
right bracket ] or right D-pad while on
the first page to view the second page

PSI POWERS Opens your Psi Powers menu so you can
Key: Right bracket ] select a Power for slot 1, 2 or 3; select
Gamepad: Right D-pad the power with your MOVE keys and then
press the key corresponding to the slot
where you want to place the power

PSI POWER 1 Activates the Psi Power in slot 1
Key: Right mouse
Gamepad: Button 1

PSI POWER 2 Activates the Psi Power in slot 2
Key: Q
Gamepad: Button 2

PSI POWER 3 Activates the Psi Power in slot 3
Key: E
Gamepad: Button 3

JOURNAL Pauses the game and opens your journal
Key: ESC where you can view menu options, your
Gamepad: Button 9 To-Do List, number of items collected,
a map (real world only), etc.

FREE LOOK Activates First Person look mode,
Key: Middle mouse use the CAMERA controls to look around
Gamepad: Button 10

STATS Displays Raz's mental health, number of
Key: TAB Astral Projections, rank, figments,
Gamepad: Button 11 Psi Cards, and arrowheads

Raz, as a refugee circus performer, has a number of acrobatic moves.

Raz can jump very well. When in mid-air, Raz can summon a blast of psychic
energy to propel himself higher. Press JUMP to jump once; press JUMP again
in mid-air to double-jump. (Note: the double-jump does not work when riding
the Levitation Ball.)

Raz can swing from various objects.

From stationary objects, such as poles or ropes, Raz can swing around the
object and then jump off. To grab a stationary object, jump toward it. To
swing from a stationary object, press and hold MOVE in the direction Raz is
facing. When Raz is fully swinging around the object, press JUMP to

Raz can also swing from moving objects, such as a trapeze. To swing from a
moving object, jump toward the object to grab it. Press MOVE in the
direction Raz is facing to start swinging, then press MOVE in the opposite
direction to swing back. Continue using MOVE in a back-and-forth motion
until you've achieved maximum height and then press JUMP to release.

On any type of swinging object, you can press CANCEL to simply let go and
drop off.

Raz can slide (also known as "grind") down various objects, including
ropes, banisters, logs, etc. Simply jump on the object and Raz will begin
sliding. You can jump and double-jump while on the slide, just be sure to
land on the slide again. You can also jump from one slide to another if
there are two or more slides running parallel. Press JUMP and left/right
MOVE keys to switch tracks.

To control your speed on slides, use the forward/up MOVE key to speed up
and the back/down MOVE key to slow down. This comes in very handy for
picking up figments and jumping gaps on the long rail grinds in Basic
Braining and Meat Circus.

Raz can balance himself well enough to walk over various ropes. Simply MOVE
across the rope. To drop down so you are holding the rope with your hands,
press CANCEL. To get back on top of the rope, press JUMP. Tightrope walking
is actually pretty easy as you can't fall off once you are on the rope. The
difficult part can be getting on the rope, especially if you are jumping
onto it. Also, you can be knocked off the rope by strong attacks,
especially if you are hanging by your hands. If a tightrope is under fire,
use Invisibility to avoid enemy attacks while you cross the rope.

Raz can hand-walk along ledges, ropes, poles, etc. For ledges, carefully
step off the ledge and Raz will drop down and grab the ledge with his
hands. When on top of a rope, press CANCEL to drop and hold the rope with
your hands. Then press MOVE left or right to shimmy along. Press JUMP to
get back on top of the object, or press CANCEL to let go.


As Raz advances (gains rank), he will learn various Psychic Powers or
receive upgrades to his current powers. The ranks at which you earn powers
or upgrades are:

Rank Power
10 Pyrokinesis

20 Telekinesis

30 Invisibility

35 Palm Megabomb--press ATTACK repeatedly to increase the power
of your Palm Bomb

40 Chain Blast--hit up to three enemies with one Psi Blast

45 Thermal Detonation--Pyrokinesis causes an explosion

50 Wrecking Ball--when you're at full speed on the Levitation Ball,
you damage any enemies you hit

55 Offensive Shield--melee attackers bounce off your Shield

60 Advanced Invisibility--Invisibility lasts twice as long

65 TK Extension--range of Telekinesis is extended

70 Super Chain Blast--hit up to six enemies with one Psi Blast

75 Rolling Havoc--your Levitation Ball is a weapon as soon as
you begin rolling

80 Ferocious Aura--melee attackers bounce off your Shield and are
damaged by the Shield

85 Sensory Scramble--Confusion lasts twice as long

90 Regeneration--mental health regenerates*

95 Unlimited Ammo

100 Bonus movie**

Other powers and upgrades are earned as part of gameplay and are not based
on rank. When you earn a Power at ranks 10, 20 and 30, you have to visit
Ford Cruller in his secret sanctuary to receive the merit badge allowing
you to use the power.

* This is the last really useful upgrade, and should be your goal. You can
easily reach this rank by collecting all baggage, cobwebs, Psi Cards and
Challenge Markers and making a reasonable effort to get figments. The
Unlimited Ammo upgrade at rank 95 is not really necessary, as there is
plenty of ammo that can be collected from enemies and broken scenery.

** If you just want to watch the 60 second bonus movie without spending
five hours trying to collect figments, download the free Bink video player

Use it to open and play ASAH.bik from:


Obtained: Boyd's refrigerator at the beginning of the Milkman Conspiracy

This power allows you to see through another character's eyes. You can also
use it on objects. Objects in your inventory that will reveal something
with Clairvoyance will show an eye icon. Equip the item and use
Clairvoyance to receive special cutscenes or get a hint about how to use
the object. There are also a few situations where you must use Clairvoyance
to see in an otherwise pitch black area.

Obtained: From Dingo the matador in Black Velvetopia

Raz can throw Confusion bombs that stun enemies. Your bombs are limited and
you have to collect more, just like aggression clusters for your Psi
Blasts. Raz also takes a couple of seconds to pull out the Confusion bomb
and throw it, so don't use them against moving opponents. This power is
mainly used for a few boss battles near the end of the game.

Upgrade: Sensory Scramble
Obtained: Rank 85

Confusion lasts twice as long.

Obtained: Rank 30

When invisible, you can still see the outline of Raz's goggles; but,
enemies can't see you. You can use this power to slip through guarded doors
or sneak up on enemies. Invisibility is limited in duration; you can watch
the Invisibility icon on screen to see time running out. Once used, you
have to wait for it to recharge before using it again. Watch the icon to
see when the power is recharged.

Upgrade: Advanced Invisibility
Obtained: Rank 60

Invisibility lasts twice as long.

Obtained: Complete Milla's Dance Party

This power doesn't actually allow you to fly, but it comes close. On the
ground, activating Levitation puts you on top of a ball that moves you
along at great speed and allows very high jumps. In mid-air, you can press
LOCK/FLOAT to float a short distance while hanging from the ball (like
floating from a helium balloon). You can activate the Levitation Balloon
any time you are in the air, even if you are not using the Levitation Ball
to jump. The Balloon also allows you to ride moving air, for example,
floating upward in chimney smoke. You should set Levitation to one of your
Psi Power slots (2 or 3) and leave it there for all but a select few boss

Upgrade: Wrecking Ball
Obtained: Rank 50

This upgrade turns your Levitation Ball into a weapon. When rolling at full
speed on the Ball, hitting an enemy or object does as much damage as one of
your Psi Punches.

Upgrade: Rolling Havoc
Obtained: Rank 75

Rolling Havoc is an upgrade to your Levitation power that turns your
Levitation Ball into a Wrecking Ball as soon as you start rolling--you no
longer have to be going full speed in order to use your Ball as a weapon.

Obtained: Complete Sasha's Shooting Gallery

Set this to Psi Power slot 1 and leave it there, you'll use it frequently.
Marksmanship allows you to shoot blasts of psychic energy at your foes (Psi
Blasts). You can use the LOCK/FLOAT button to target and lock on to a
specific enemy and then blast it.

In order to fire Psi Blasts, you must be aggressive. You can collect
aggression clusters that act like bullets. You can increase the number of
shots you can hold at one time by collecting Ammo Up trophies in various

Upgrade: Chain Blast
Obtained: Rank 40

Your Psi Blasts ricochet and hit up to three enemies.

Upgrade: Super Chain Blast
Obtained: Rank 70

Your Psi Blasts ricochet and hit up to six enemies.

Obtained: Rank 10

With Pyrokinesis, you can set certain objects and enemies on fire. When
looking at an object (the object is highlighted), or with an enemy LOCKED
ON, press and hold the Pyrokinesis button. A temperature gauge will show on
screen; when it is full, the object will catch fire. Pyro is slow and only
useful in limited situations.

Upgrade: Thermal Detonation
Obtained: Rank 45

When using Pyro on an object, there will be an explosion of fire that sets
surrounding objects on fire as well.

Obtained: From a freedom fighter in Lungfishopolis

At its most basic level, the Psychic Shield prevents Raz from being
damaged. Certain types of energy attacks will be deflected back to the
attacker. The Shield is limited in duration, you cannot hold it up forever.

Upgrade: Offensive Shield
Obtained: Rank 55

Enemies that use a melee attack against you while you are shielded will be
thrown back.

Upgrade: Ferocious Aura
Obtained: Rank 80

Enemies that use a melee attack against you while you are shielded will be
thrown back and damaged.

Obtained: Rank 20

Raz can grab objects with his mind and either pull them toward himself or
fling them away.

Upgrade: TK Extension
Obtained: Rank 65

Increases the range of your TK power.

[2.3] ITEMS

Item: Arrowhead
Usefulness: Necessary
Obtained: Everywhere

Arrowheads are the currency of Psychonauts. You need arrowheads to buy
items at Ford Cruller's camp store (located in the main lodge). You'll need
arrowheads in the Black Velvetopia level to buy paintings.

In the real world, arrowheads are buried in the ground. Those close to the
surface release a glowing, purple Psitanium gas. Stand near the gas and
press USE to dig up the arrowhead. More valuable arrowheads are buried deep
beneath the surface and require the dousing rod to find.

In dream worlds, arrowheads are released by broken objects and defeated

Item: Cobweb Duster
Usefulness: Necessary
Obtained: Camp Store (800 arrowheads, rank 20)

The cobweb duster travels with you from the real world to the various dream
worlds you visit, While in the dream worlds, you can clear the mind of
cobwebs. Take these cobwebs to Ford Cruller's sanctuary and turn them into
Psi Cards, which can then be turned into Challenge Markers. Certain dream
worlds require the cobweb duster in order to advance.

Early in the game, you'll be given a task to buy the cobweb duster. You
first have to buy the dousing rod so you can collect enough arrowheads to
purchase the duster.

Item: Dousing Rod
Usefulness: Necessary
Obtained: Camp Store (50 arrowheads, rank 10)

The dousing rod is used to find and extract deeply buried arrowheads. The
deep arrowheads are purer Psitanium and much more valuable. Run around the
campgrounds with the dousing rod equipped listening to the sound. It will
become very high-pitched when near a deep arrowhead. Triangulate near the
exact spot where the arrowhead is buried and rapidly press USE to extract
the arrowhead.


1) Turn the music and voice off (Options>Sound) and leave the Sound FX
volume at the highest level.

2) Use headphones, to more easily hear the changes in pitch of the sound.

3) Use the F key instead of your gamepad as it is easier to rapidly press a
key than a gamepad button (unless you have a Turbo setting for your

4) Move around while tapping USE and watch the meter. The closer you are to
the arrowhead, the higher the meter will rise.

The dousing rod is frustrating to use at first, but once you get the hang
of it you can rapidly rack up cash.

Item: Figments
Usefulness: Necessary
Obtained: Various spots in the dream worlds

As you travel through dream worlds, you can collect figments of the
person's imagination. Each 100 figment points is worth one Psi Cadet rank
(each figment is worth from one to ten points, depending on the world).
There are thousands of figment points to be found and dozens of ranks to be
gained. While you only need to go after every figment if you intend to get
to rank 100, you should not skimp on collecting at least the more obvious
figments scattered along your path.

This guide will not detail the location of every figment in the game. Most
are quite obvious. Certain hidden figments will be mentioned in the
walkthrough, if they are difficult to find.

For a full list of the location of every figment in Psychonauts, refer to
this guide:

Item: Bacon
Usefulness: Essential
Obtained: From Ford Cruller

Using the bacon allows you to summon an astral projection of Ford Cruller.
You can get advice from him on beating certain enemies, achieving your
goals or return to his lab so you can make item collection runs or turn in
campers' brains. After regrouping at HQ, Ford will send you back to the
starting point of the area you were in when he extracted you.

Item: Baggage
Usefulness: Essential
Obtained: Various spots in the dream worlds

Within each mind you visit you will find five pieces of baggage: 50 in all
through the course of the game. Each level has a dufflebag, hatbox, steamer
trunk, purse and suitcase. Each bag has an associated tag. You must find
each tag and bring it to the matching bag; this is called "sorting mental
baggage". Sorting all the baggage in a mind will gain you one cadet rank
and unlock some concept art.

Item: Psi Challenge Marker
Usefulness: Essential
Obtained: Various spots in the real world

Each Psi Challenge Marker is worth one rank. You don't have to collect all
of them; but, you should make an effort to pick up as many as you can in
order to have the strength to complete the game.

Item: Psi Card
Usefulness: Essential
Obtained: Various spots in the real world

You don't have to collect all the Psi Cards; but, like Challenge Markers,
you need to pick up as many as you can. Each nine Psi Cards is worth one
Challenge Marker (or one rank) when you combine the nine cards with a Psi
Core. You combine the Cards and Core in Ford Cruller's sanctuary.

Item: Psi Core
Usefulness: Essential
Obtained: Camp Store (10 arrowheads)

You need to buy Psi Cores in order to turn Psi Cards into Challenge Markers
(worth one rank).

Item: Smelling Salts
Usefulness: Essential
Obtained: From Maloof right before Basic Braining

Smelling Salts allow you to exit a dream world. Late in the game, once the
real world is closed to you, Smelling Salts or teleport worms are the only
means of leaving a dream world and returning to the Collective Unconscious.
Prior to that point, you can also use the Bacon to leave dream worlds.

Item: Crow Feather
Usefulness: Convenient
Obtained: From GPC & Wilderness area next to the exit to the Beach
Or by punching crows

When you equip the crow feather and cast Clairvoyance, you can see through
the eyes of nearby crows. This makes finding some items a bit easier, but
thorough searching serves just as well. (Or using this guide...)

Item: Dream Fluff
Usefulness: Convenient
Obtained: Camp Store (50 arrowheads)

Dream fluffs are candy that fully restore your mental health. If you ever
run out of health and have at least one dream fluff in inventory, you will
automatically use it to restore your health. You can hold up to three
fluffs in inventory at one time. While not essential to beating the game,
having an instant save-from-death candy in your pocket is quite handy.

Item: Mental Magnet
Usefulness: Convenient
Obtained: Camp Store (400 arrowheads, rank 15)

The Mental Magnet attracts power-up items dropped by enemies or broken
scenery: mental health increases, aggression clusters, arrowheads and
confusion grenades. While you don't need the Magnet, it makes collecting
power-ups much easier and more efficient.

Item: Psi Colorizer
Usefulness: Useless
Obtained: Camp Store (250 arrowheads, rank 30)

Allows you to change the color of your levitation ball, in case you don't
like the default orange-red color. A waste of arrowheads unless you've
nothing else to buy and you're vain. To change the color of your levitation
ball, you must talk to Ford Cruller by using the Bacon when not in
Cruller's sanctuary.

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* Use the trampoline to reach the roof of a cabin. Walk halfway across the
tightrope, then drop down to grab the tightrope with your hands (CANCEL
button). Swing to the trapeze, then to the high trampoline. Jump up to
the ladder and climb to get the Marker.

* The Challenge Marker is on the roof of the lodge. There are three
speaker platforms that have tightropes over to the lodge roof.
Just climb a pole and walk across.

* On top of a tree to the southeast of the center geodesic dome. From the
top of the center dome, Levitate jump and float to it and climb the

* Inside the old shack near Ranger Cruller. Levitate jump into the hole
in the roof.

* On top of a large rock near the water. Levitate jump from the nearby

* Inside a small cave near the waterfall. Levitate jump from the top of
the waterfall or try jumping across the old track supports after
riding the rails out of the opposite mining tunnel.

* Outside the main gates, on a ledge to the left of the gates

* On the rafters of Edgar's room. Levitate jump up to it.

* Over some pipes at the top of the green sludge room. Double-jump
and float from the end of the curving hallway.


* Right beside Raz's cabin
* In the outhouse next to Raz's cabin
* On the roof of Raz's cabin
* On the roof of the cabin next to the trampoline
* Under the ramp to Coach Oleander's classroom
* In front of the cave entrance
* Two in the side tunnel of the cave
* On top of the speaker tower
* Among the roots of the big tree
* On the trampoline leading to the Challenge Marker
* On a tightrope above the cave entrance (requires Levitation)

* Beneath the ramp to the main lodge
* Past a gap in the fence on the path to the Kid's Cabins area
* On top of the southeast speaker platform
* On top of the northeast speaker platform
* On top of the southwest speaker platform
* On the roof of the lodge
* On the sub-roof of the lodge
* On the tightrope between the eastern speaker platforms
* Behind a tree in the southeastern corner of the map
* In the outhouse next to the parking lot
* On the curb of one of the parking spaces
* On top of the large stump in the center of the parking lot
(requires Levitation)
* On top of the Jeep in the parking lot
* On top of the basketball goal in the parking lot
* On a rock near the broken bridge
* On a platform that is reached from the broken bridge
* On top of the big entrance sign
* On top of a rock along the path between parking and the lodge

* On top of the hollow-log bridge
* Under the geodesic domes
* On top of the center geodesic dome--the one leading to Sasha's lab
* Three on tree branches surrounding the geodesic domes
* On top of the cave entrance leading to the Boathouse & Beach
* Behind a tree on the hill east of the cave entrance
* Four on the ground around the outside of the GPC fence
* Two on rocks outside the northwest corner of the GPC fence
* On a large rock near the old shack
* On a ledge above the old shack
* In a hollow log leading down from the ledge above the old shack
* On the bank of the river southwest of the old shack

* Two under the walkway leading to the main campgrounds
* Behind some plants next to the boathouse entrance
* On a cave ledge behind and above the boathouse
* On the large mast above the boathouse
* On a rope leading to the small mast above the boathouse
* On the roof of the boathouse dock
* On the roof of the bathysphere dock
* On the small dock next to the large rock in the middle of the lake
* On a small rock in the lake
* On the floating pier
* On the beach behind a rock outcropping
* On a ledge above the beach
* On a higher ledge above the beach
* Two located in the trees, swing from the high ledge above the beach

* Two on the hill in the middle of the swamp
* Next to the tree surrounding an old truck, east of the swamp
* In a cave behind the waterfall
* Two on rocks above the waterfall
* Three on the supports of the broken mine track
* On the large tree with a cold campfire beneath
* Two on rocks to either side of the cold campfire
* At the entrance to the mine tunnel
* Three in the mine tunnel
* On tope of the mine tunnel upper exit
* Two on a rope stretching across the middle of the area
* On the ground near the janitor's trailer
* Behind a gravestone, west of the janitor's trailer

* On a ledge leading up to the tower gates
* On a column inside the main gates
* To the left of the main entrance into the tower
* At one end of the side passage around the tower

* On a rock next to the top of the elevator
* Two on ledges against the outer wall
* In Edgar's room

* At the end of the first hallway
* In a bedroom at the top of the first set of stairs
* At the bottom of the elevator shaft
* Two on the floor before reaching the first set of open-air rooms
* Three on the outside wall of the open-air rooms
* Bedroom at the top of the twisted stairs
* Floor of the green sludge room
* At the top of the rebar ladder near the floor of the sludge room
* First set of wood platforms in the sludge room
* On the inside ledge after you get Dogen's brain
* On the rebar that you climb to reach the circular hallway
* On a wood platform next to Crystal's brain
* At the end of the rail near the top of the level

* At the foot of the ladder leading into the lab
* In the lab
* Two on the circular walkway outside the lab


Upon entering the Main Campgrounds for the first time, you'll be given a
scavenger hunt list by Ranger Ford Cruller. There are sixteen items on the
list. For each eight items you find and turn in to Ranger Cruller, you will
receive four ranks. Ranger Cruller spends his time in the GPC & Wilderness
area, next to the old shack. Specific information on how to reach each item
is given in the Walkthrough.

* Cherry Wood Pipe: near a tree in the southeastern corner of the
Reception area; the tree is growing around an old truck

* Condor Egg: in a nest in the swamp in the Reception area

* Dinosaur Bone: up a tree in the Reception area, the tree is just
east of the janitor's trailer and has a cold campfire beneath it

* Diver's Helmet: in a cave above the boathouse, requires Levitation

* Eagle Claw: on a platform reached from a broken bridge just east of
the parking lot

* Fertility Idol: in a beehive near the janitor's trailer in Reception;
use Psi Blast to break open the beehive

* Fossil: on a ledge in Sasha Nein's lab

* Glass Eye: behind a grate at the end of the river in the Wilderness,
requires Telekinesis

* Gold Doubloon: under the main lodge, on the south side

* Gold Watch: over the fountain in the Asylum courtyard, available only
after you've completed the Milkman Conspiracy

* Golden Acorn: guarded by a squirrel on the ground just below the
Pirate Scope, requires Invisibility

* Miner's Skull: stuck in a geyser in the Wilderness, requires Shield

* Pirate Scope: on a high rock east of the cave entrance from the GPC
to the Boathouse & Beach

* Psychonauts Comic #1: on a ledge above the beach

* Turkey Sandwich: in a freezer in the cave in the Kid's Cabins area,
requires Pyrokinesis

* Voodoo Doll: inside the main lodge, on the rafters over the stage

[3.4] BRAINS

By the time you reach the Thorney Towers Home for the Disturbed, all the
brains of the campers have been stolen. You will find them lying around the
Asylum areas. Return them to Ford Cruller in his secret sanctuary for
increases to your maximum mental health.

* Benny: Asylum Upper Floors, in a bathroom at the top of the first set
of stairs

* Bobby: Asylum Upper Floors, in a room beside the first pipe you grind

* Chloe: Asylum Lower Floors, on a ledge above a broken wheelchair

* Chops: Asylum Lower Floors, on a ledge on the outer wall

* Clem: Asylum Upper Floors, in the locked room next to the room blocked
by a chair, drop down through the ceiling to get the brain

* Crystal: Asylum Upper Floors, on a wood platform below the curving

* Dogen & Phoebe: Asylum Upper Floors, on ledges on the outside of the
wall of the green sludge room

* Elka: Asylum Upper Floors, on the outside wall of the first set of
open air rooms

* Elton & Mikhail: circular walkway around Dr. Loboto's lab

* Franke: to the right of the main entrance into the Asylum

* J. T.: just inside the main gates into the Asylum,
nestled in the hedge

* Kitty: on a ledge outside Gloria's arbor

* Maloof: Asylum Lower Floors, on a ledge against the back wall

* Milka: Asylum Lower Floors, carried in a basket by crows

* Nils: Asylum Upper Floors, on the wood beam at the end of the level

* Quentin: Asylum Upper Floors, in a window near the floor of the
green sludge room

* Vernon: foot of the ladder leading into Dr. Loboto's lab

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Psi Cards: 12
Challenge Markers: 1
Scavenger Hunt: 1

Start a new game. After an extended cutscene introducing the story, you
have to create a profile for yourself. Each profile has five savegame
slots, plus an autosave. After you have created your profile, you'll meet
Ford Cruller in a dream and be introduced to the camera controls and the
concept of Psi Challenge Markers and Psi Cards. You then wake outside your

Before heading off to Coach Oleander's Basic Braining class, explore the
area. You'll find arrowheads scattered about. Stand next to the purple gas
emission and press USE to dig up an arrowhead. You can find a Psi Card
right next to your cabin, as well as in the outhouse close by. (USE the
door to open the outhouse.) There's also a Psi Card underneath the ramp
leading to the classroom and another among the roots of the big tree on
which the classroom is built.

Beside a another cabin, you'll meet Dogen and find a trampoline. Double-
jump on to the trampoline to get to the roof of the cabin (Psi Card), then
walk across the tightrope to the roof of your cabin (another Psi Card).

From your roof, swing from the branches across to some netting on a tree,
then climb up to reach a ledge leading into a cave (Psi Card). Enter the
cave and explore, learning about sliding in the process. At the bottom is a
freezer with a Turkey Sandwich frozen in a block of ice. This is one of the
scavenger hunt items. You can't get it now, but note its location so you
can come back and pick it up later.

Use the netting to climb halfway up the cave and use the side tunnel to
exit, picking up two more Psi Cards in the process. Go back and trampoline
up to the roof of the first cabin again. This time, walk only halfway along
the tightrope, then press CANCEL to drop and grab the rope with your hands.
Swing to the trapeze hanging from the nearby tree, then swing to a high
trampoline. Pick up another Psi Card, then jump up to the ladder and climb
up to get a Psi Challenge Marker.

Drop back down and find the pole near the big tree and climb it to a
speaker platform. There's another Psi Card here. That makes 11 of the 12
Cards; you can't get the 12th until you have Levitation. Jump to the
trapeze and swing across to the ladder and climb to the platform leading
into Basic Braining class. It's time to learn the rules of the game.



Figments: 73
Cobwebs: 0
Vaults: 0

Enter the classroom and talk to Oleander. Tell him you're ready to go and
enter his mind. After the short cutscene, ATTACK the wall where the picture
is being shown and enter the first phase of the Basic Braining Obstacle
Course. Follow the path, jumping or double-jumping as necessary. You'll
soon find your first figment and receive a description of how they work.

Just beyond that figment is a steamer trunk. The tag is just over the next
gap, so go grab it and return to sort your first baggage. Proceed to the
ladder and climb over the tower. On the other side, pick up the suitcase
tag and climb the pole to the top of the wall. Climb another pole to the
top of the tower, then head down the ladder on the opposite side.

There are fire vents on this side of the tower, so time dropping down the
ladder with the fire coming from the vents. At the bottom is a broken
bridge and a cutscene with your favorite bully. Drop down the ladder on
this side of the bridge, then choose one of two routes:

1) Climb the ladder to the other half of the bridge.

2) Go around behind the tower you just descended to find a Classified Route
through a hole in the ground.

It doesn't matter which way you go, but to collect all figments, you must
take both routes. You will have to come back here later to collect cobwebs,
so just take either route now and remember to use the other route when you
return. Route #1 is easier once you have Levitation, so you might want to
use the Classified Route the first time through this level.

Whichever route you take, you'll eventually find yourself at a set of
stairs leading up to a gun emplacement. Jump up to the ledge where the guns
are, but hang from your hands rather than jump all the way up. Shimmy
across and jump up onto the ledge after you've passed the guns.

From this point, drop down to your left and go through a hollow rocket to
reach the suitcase. Then climb back up and use the trampolines to reach a
wall covered with netting. Climb the wall slowly, as sections of it are
blown out by artillery fire.

At the top of the wall is a minefield with Dogen standing nearby. Don't
talk to Dogen yet, just step carefully through the minefield collecting
figments--each mine here is instant death if you trigger it. After you have
the figments, return to Dogen and talk to him.

He wants you to lead him through the minefield. Agree and slowly lead him
through the largest gaps on the right side of the field. Every time he gets
nervous, talk to him to keep him following you. Once you get him safely
through, he'll give you five arrowheads.

Now climb the flagpole, pushing the flag to the top, to open the door into
an airplane. Enter the plane, collect the figments, then punch open the
side door and jump.


Figments: 79
Cobwebs: 3
Vaults: 2

Course 2 begins with a game. Psi Bomb the large button in the center and
watch for enemy targets to pop up. Punch 20 targets within the 60-second
time limit and the gate will open, allowing you to continue. As you rack up
points, the targets start showing for shorter lengths of time. When this
happens, just stand in one spot near the inner circle and punch anything
that comes near you. You should score 20 points with a few seconds to

NOTE: You can keep playing this game at harder and harder difficulties,
receiving greater rewards--up to a bonus rank.

Beyond the gate is your first vault. Punch it to unlock one of Oleander's
memories. Then punch the large wooden enemy target to form a bridge and
advance to an open field with a large gun at the end. The gun fires
continuously, but you are protected by a brick wall. You have to punch this
wall to knock it down and cause another to pop up. Quickly run/jump to the
other wall and repeat the procedure until you punch the last wall and
disable the gun.

Return through the field picking up anything you missed, including the
hatbox tag and the hatbox. Then climb to the top of the gun turret, pick up
the dufflebag tag and Psi Bomb the boards to drop into a hole and continue
through the course.

Climb the flag pole to open the door, then slide through the tunnel. Swing
from pole to pole to climb the next wall and find the dufflebag. Then climb
the next wall. Once you reach the platform, punch the cracked wall and step
through. You find your first cobweb, but you can't do anything with it now,
so jump to the lowest tightrope and jump from rope to rope to get to the
next platform.

Punch the cracked wall, then drop down below the trapeze to pick up some
figments. There's also another cobweb here with a vault behind it; you'll
return later to get this. Jump back up to the trapeze and swing across to
the first platform. Pick up the purse tag, climb the ladder, jump to the
piece of airplane tail to your right and continue jumping over the pieces
of plane to get to the purse. Congratulations, you've unlocked some concept
art and gained a rank.

From the purse, jump back to the platform above where you got the tag, then
walk the rope to another platform. Jump to the right side of the trapeze,
then swing to another trapeze, switch directions and jump to a platform.
You can see the third cobweb below you; when you return later you can float
down to it, then float down to the middle of the rails. Continue climbing,
swinging and jumping until you reach the rails. Ride the rails downward,
jumping from one to another to collect figments and avoid the enemy

You should be riding the center rail as you reach the end. Make sure you
jump over Bobby Zilch to reach the exit.


Figments: 11
Cobwebs: 2
Vaults: 0

After a short walk you arrive at a fiendishly tricky sequence in which you
must travel along a series of platforms (logs) that are rotating. Stay on a
platform too long and you'll slide off. Run onto the next platform too
quickly, and you'll slide off. You get the idea. Just take it easy, keep
moving and wait for the platforms to rotate underneath you before

As you come off the logs, there's a cobweb for later collecting, then ride
the rail to reach the end of the course. The final cobweb is in front of
the white door. Go through the door into the white hallway and advance
toward the curtain to trigger the cutscene where you earn your Basic
Braining Merit Badge.


Psi Cards: 18
Challenge Markers: 1
Scavenger Hunt: 3*

* One of the scavenger hunt items is inside the lodge, which is considered
a separate area in the game. So you will only see two scavenger hunt items
reported in your journal for the Main Campgrounds.

After the cutscenes, press CANCEL to stow the button Sasha gave you in your
backpack. You can now enter the main campgrounds, so do so (after paying a
one-time toll of one arrowhead). As you enter, you'll get your scavenger
hunt list. Collect any eight items and turn them in to earn four ranks.
Collect and return the other eight to earn four more ranks.

Just past the entrance, pick up a Psi Card on the other side of a gap in
the fence. You can pick up the Gold Doubloon scavenger item from a nook
underneath the south side of the lodge. There's also a Psi Card under the
ramp that leads up to the lodge. Go to the southeastern corner of the lodge
and look south of the speakers to find another Psi Card behind a tree. Then
climb the pole to the southeastern speaker platform.

Get the Psi Card from the platform, then walk the tightrope to the
northeastern speaker platform, picking up a Psi Card on the way. Get
another Psi Card from the other platform, jump over to the roof of the
lodge and get the Challenge Marker from the peak. Down the other side of
the roof is a small platform with another Psi Card and a tightrope. Turn
around and face east and double-jump to the brown wood sub-roof. Walk under
the green roof for another Psi Card. Jump down and head for the
southwestern speaker platform to get your eighth Psi Card.

From the platform, look down on the west side to see a chain of rocks
leading up to a piece of broken bridge. Jump down to these rocks and jump
your way to the bridge. Just past the bridge is another Psi Card, then use
the trapeze at the end of the bridge to swing across to another platform.
Here you'll get another Psi Card and the Eagle Claw scavenger hunt item.

Walk the tightrope to the large entrance sign at the front of the parking
lot and get another Psi Card. There are five more Psi Cards in the parking
area, but one--on top of the big stump in the center of the lot--is only
accessible after you have Levitation. Go ahead and pick up the one sitting
on the log at the front of a parking space, the one on top of the Jeep
(double-jump from the wood post behind the Jeep), the one on top of the
basketball goal (double-jump from the yellow rock) and the one in the
outhouse. Then head up the path back toward the main lodge.

Along the way, pick up a Psi Card from a rock beside the path. You should
now have at least 27 Psi Cards, enough for three Challenge Markers (and
three ranks). If you don't have at least 30 arrowheads, dig around until
you have at least 30.

Head up to the main lodge and enter. Inside the lodge, jump on the frame
over the main door, then jump to the awning over Ford Cruller's shop, then
up to the rafters. Jump across the rafters to collect a scavenger hunt
item: the Voodoo Doll. Drop down and go shopping by talking to the cook.
Buy three Psi Cores.

Leave the lodge and find the big hollow stump near the ramp leading up to
the main lodge. Jump inside. Welcome to the Whispering Rocket Rapid Transit
system. You can only go places you've already visited, so your choices now
are limited to the Kid's Cabins, the parking lot or Ford Cruller's secret
sanctuary. Head for Cruller's sanctuary.

Once you've talked to Cruller and received your Bacon--a very useful device
with which you can communicate with Cruller at any time--drop to the bottom
of the area and make yourself three Challenge Markers with the Psi Cores
you bought and the Psi Cards you have collected. There are also two Psi
Cards in the lab--one on the floor level and another on a platform near the
top of the lab above the Rapid Transit stump.

If you were diligent in collecting figments and sorting baggage in Basic
Braining, you should reach rank 10 and earn a new Psi Power. Jump to the
top platform and speak to Cruller to receive Pyrokinesis. After your
training, jump back into the hollow stump in the lab and return to the main

To the east of the lodge, at ground level, head north to enter the GPC &
Wilderness area. You will explore this area in greater detail later; for
now, move on to Sasha Nein's lab.


Once in the GPC area, head straight down the path, through a couple of
cutscenes, and then through the large hollow log. Enter the fenced-in area
with geodesic domes and climb the ramps to the highest, center dome. Punch
the door and let out the camper. After the cutscene, climb back up to the
open dome and enter. Open your inventory, select the button, equip it (USE
key) and USE it on the "threads". Jump into the hole to enter Agent Nein's

There are two Psi Cards and a scavenger hunt item (Fossil) in the lab. The
Fossil is on a high ledge you can see after you've turned the first corner
on the stairway. From the large landing opposite the Fossil, double-jump to
the nearest ledge and from there you can get to the Fossil. Jump back to
the stairway and from the highest landing, the first Psi Card is just below
you, so jump down to it and then jump down to floor level; the other Psi
Card is behind one of the metal screens. Go talk to Sasha.


Figments: 92
Cobwebs: 5
Vaults: 2

Following Sasha's instructions, enter the Brain Tumbler and the Collective
Unconscious. Walk through the one open door and enter Raz's psyche. Collect
the figments and vault in this area, then jump into the caravan. Start
punching the walls to break out of an egg.

Leaving the egg, search around for the purse tag and then follow the white
rabbit. Collect figments and the steamer trunk tag before being accosted by
a monster. Sasha will pull you out and tell you he will teach you to fight.
Find the Rapid Transit stump in the corner of the lab and go see Ford
Cruller to get your Marksmanship Learner's Permit. Then it's back to Sasha
to learn about Psi Blasts.


Figments: 69
Cobwebs: 5
Vaults: 2

Follow Sasha's instructions to begin learning how to use Psi Blasts. Use
LOCK/FLOAT to lock onto a target and press the Psi Power key for the slot
where Psi Blast is located (it defaults to slot 1, which is a good place to
leave it). When locked on to a target, use the CAMERA left/right controls
to change the target.

You reach a point where you have to shoot 1,000 censors in order to earn
your actual merit badge. Once you are comfortable with the way Psi Blasts
work, USE the large controller to increase the rate censors are produced
until it reaches the red danger spot.

Uh oh.

After the cutscene, run toward the large bedroom set. Your goal is to shut
down the censor valves; however, you want to collect all the goodies on the
set first. A vault and the dufflebag tag are on the bed. You'll find the
dufflebag beside the bed. On one of the large blocks is an astral
projection layer replacement.

On another block is the hatbox tag; the hatbox is on one of the bedposts.
From the block where you get the tag, jump onto the block that looks a
little like a steamboat. The funnel is a trampoline, use it to bounce up to
a high platform, then jump to the headboard of the bed and run across to
get the hatbox.

There are also two cobwebs under arched blocks, but you can't get them now.
Once you're confident you've collected everything, take out the first
censor valve by locking on to it and using Psi Blast, then blast the second
valve that springs up.

Now a set of columns and circular platforms springs up. The censors are
tougher here, taking two shots to destroy and having a ranged attack of
their own. Collect everything you can find, including the purse tag and the
purse. There's also another astral layer projection replacement. Then take
out the censor valves.

On to the shoebox set. You meet walking bombs for the first time. They will
get close to you and explode, for lots of damage. The steamer trunk tag is
on the ground level, while the steamer trunk itself is located on one of
the columns of shoe polish cans. There are two cobwebs on the main pile of
shoeboxes. You can find the second vault on this stage, roaming around the
cube. It can be on any face of the cube, so you're going to have to search
for it.

Once the censor valves are destroyed, you move to the fire stage. The fifth
cobweb is at the base of one of the stairways. Head up the central pillar,
collecting the suitcase tag on the way. At the top of the central tower is
the suitcase and an astral projection layer replacement. There's only one
censor valve this time. Once it is destroyed, you proceed to the boss

You've got a very large and very angry censor to destroy; however, you
can't touch it until you get rid of the censor valves at the center of each
of five faces of the cube. Start running.

Once the censor valves are destroyed, you can hurt the monster censor. LOCK
ON to it and keep blasting while strafing/jumping to avoid attacks. It
doesn't take much to put the monster down. Once defeated, you get your
Marksmanship Merit Badge so you can shoot more stuff.

Time to face your own demons.

Note about returning to Sasha's Shooting Gallery:
You will have to return here to collect cobwebs, since you don't have the
duster right now. It is better to wait until you are rank 40 or higher, so
you can get full use from the Chain Blast upgrade.


Figments: 92
Cobwebs: 5
Vaults: 2

Back into the Brain Tumbler with you. Follow the same path as before. This
time, when confronted by the monster, blast it. Once it's gone, look to the
right to find the purse (you should have collected the tag on your previous
run) and note your first cobweb for later collecting.

Continue by ascending a large, thorny vine to a ledge. Defeat the censors,
then double-jump to another ledge to get the steamer trunk. Just past this
area, you will drop down again. Turn around to pick up the dufflebag tag,
then continue down the path. Once you pick up the suitcase tag, turn around
and backtrack to the ledge where you found the steamer trunk.

From that ledge, face forward along the path and jump to the pole. Swing to
the next pole, then to the vine. Position yourself on the vine so you are
opposite the long, thin stalagmite. Swing to the stalagmite, then climb to
the top and around to the other side. Jump out to catch another vine and
swing to a ledge. Double jump to the next vine, swing to the huge, vine-
covered stalagmite, crawl around and jump to a large ledge. Pick up the
dufflebag and note the cobweb, then jump from ledge to ledge to reach the
suitcase. Drop down and backtrack along the lower level to pick up
additional figments.

Continue after the rabbit. Pick up the hatbox tag and additional figments
before arriving at a cutscene of Dogen losing his brain. Enter the large
room surrounding the thorn tower and search for the hatbox, a maximum
projection layer increase and the second vault. Then start climbing the
vines around the tower until your way is blocked.

At that point, Sasha pulls you out and tells you to learn Levitation from
Milla. Sounds like a good idea.


By now you should have reached rank 20 and be able to learn a new Psi
Power. Go to Cruller's sanctuary and learn TK (Telekinesis). Leave his lab
and return to the main lodge. Go to the camp store and buy the dousing rod.
If you don't have 50 arrowheads yet, wander around and dig some up.

Now, take the dousing rod and thoroughly search everywhere around the whole
camp until you have 1200 arrowheads. The Beach, Wilderness and Reception
areas seem to have the richest deposits. Don't neglect higher ledges and
the tops of rocks; some of the most valuable arrowheads are in out-of-the-
way places.

You want to buy both the Cobweb Duster and the Mental Magnet. The duster is
necessary to continue in later levels. The magnet will make your life much
easier by helping you collect all the power-ups dropped by enemies and
breakable scenery.

Once you have both items, head for the Boathouse and Beach area and find
the "Admiral" (another Ford Cruller projection) in the boathouse. Talk to
him to get your canoe. Jump on the canoe, stand on the middle seat and
press USE to take control of the canoe. Paddle out to the floating platform
where Levitation class is taking place and pull up directly beside one of
the docks to automatically disembark.

After the cutscene, talk to Milla to begin learning Levitation.


Figments: 79
Cobwebs: 3
Vaults: 2

Follow Milla's instructions to jump on your Levitation Ball and "bubble
bounce" across the first gap, then bounce and float (use LOCK/FLOAT in mid-
air) through the rings. After getting through the rings, pick up the
dufflebag tag from the top of the wall and your first cobweb from the lower
floor. Jump back up to the carpet ramp and head through to a large, bowl-
shaped room.

Roll on your Ball around the room, picking up the speed you need to jump up
through the rings. Once all three are spinning, flower-shaped platforms
will descend. Pick up speed to get on the first platform, then bubble
bounce up to the first large platform. Pick up the dufflebag here.

Jump on the nearest flower platform, then jump and float down through the
rings to a target platform. You'll be carried upward. Bounce up to the
platform that is within the wind stream and look back toward the fan. To
the left and lower down is a small platform with a figment on it. Bounce
down to the platform and enter the small room to get some figments and the
first vault. The chest in the corner leads to Milla's nightmares, which is
informative, but doesn't have anything of value.

Jump back up into the wind and float to be carried across to the ladder and
the steamer trunk tag. Climb the ladder to reach a pinball-style plunger
that will propel you up to some spring platforms. Before rolling in front
of the plunger, get a cobweb from right behind the entrance you came
through and the hatbox tag directly across from the entrance. There are
also some figments on the floor to either side of the plunger path.

Let the plunger throw you up; but, float down onto the side platforms to
pick up some figments and find the steamer trunk. Once you've got
everything you want, use the plunger to propel yourself to the spring
platforms and bounce to a floating flower platform. Ride it up and jump
across to the balcony. Run around the balcony, collecting figments, the
third cobweb and the hatbox. Then grind the rail to set the rings spinning
and start another flower platform moving.

Jump on the moving platform and ride it up to the large central platform.
Collect the figments here, then jump/float down to the doorway and punch it
open. Pick up the purse tag from the hallway, then use the bowl room to
launch yourself up to the fence. Climb up and jump to the central platform,
where you learn you can levitate over certain damaging environments (but
still not water). Jump over the spikes and climb the pole to another flower

From this platform, jump to one of the rotating platforms and ride it
around, making sure you jump over the bar in the center of the room. Once
over the bar, jump to the slightly higher flower platform and then to the
spring to be bounced to the purse. From the purse, you can bounce/float to
the highest flower platform and then to the door. Punch open the door and
get ready to race.


Figments: 97
Cobwebs: 0
Vaults: 0

The object is simple: beat Bobby Zilch in a Levitation Ball race. There are
no cobwebs, baggage or vaults here and the figments are worth only one
point each, so concentrate on racing and avoiding obstacles. If you lose,
you can retry the race as many times as you like, so deliberately lose if
you are trying for a perfect game and need the figments.

There are booster gates located throughout the course (identified by a
large white symbol hanging within the gate and repeated on the course floor
in front of the gate), as well as ramps that can propel you up into tubes
running over the course. The race is easily won as long as you don't hit
any obstacles, which brings you to a dead stop.

For a quick head start, begin the race by going through the first booster
and then immediately going left to hit a booster gate that leads into a
long tube.


Figments: 57
Cobwebs: 2
Vaults: 0

After winning the race, you have to find Milla at the top of the next room.
Getting up to her requires floating from bubble-stream to bubble-stream.
Before floating up, explore the bottom of the room for figments, a cobweb
and the suitcase tag that's sitting in the middle of the floor.

From the platform where you came in, there's a bubble vent directly to your
right and another ahead and a bit to your left. Jump to the vent directly
to your right and float up to a platform with an Ammo Up trophy. While on
the platform, look down between the pipes leading to the bubble vents you
just came through. There's a figment here that floats in a circular path
between the pipes; you'll have to time its movement and then jump down on

Jump/float your way through the other set of bubble vents to a switch
platform and punch the switch to turn on the large fan in the center of the
room. Your job, once again, is to get the rings spinning. It's easier to
float above each ring and then drop through it--you can turn your
Levitation Balloon on-and-off while in mid-air. Just use CANCEL to turn it
off and LOCK/FLOAT to turn it back on. Once all three rings are spinning,
the door will open. Float over to it and get the purse from the platform.

Through the door, the final cobweb is on the floor of the next room. Get it
and as many figments as you want, before jumping/floating to Milla's
platform. After class is over, paddle your canoe back to the boathouse

Note about figments in The Party:
There are several figments in this room that are easier to get after you've
completed the course. If you come back later through the Collective
Unconscious, Milla won't be in the room and you can land on her platform
without ending the level. This makes it easier to get some of the floating

Also, there is one figment that is on the highest set of floating flower
platforms. Get up on the highest platform along the wall--the one directly
behind Milla's platform. Jump on top of the speaker, then bounce to the
nearest high flower platform. You can see the figment to the left. You'll
need to get what little running start you can to succeed with the
bounce/float to the figment.


You now have just about everything you need to collect all the items in the
main camp areas. It is much easier to collect these items in the day, since
certain nasty beasties only come out at night. If you go back to Sasha's
lab now and complete the Brain Tumbler Experiment, it will be night when
you come out, so go item hunting now. Since you're already on the beach,
this is a good place to start.


Psi Cards: 16
Challenge Markers: 1
Scavenger Hunt: 2

Start by bubble bouncing onto the top of the boathouse roof, onto the
corner that is closest to the water. On the other side is a small platform.
From the platform, bounce up to the ledge then to another ledge that leads
to a small cave. There's a Psi Card outside the cave and the Diver's Helmet
scavenger hunt item inside the cave.

If you have trouble getting onto the roof of the boathouse, you can come
back and do this part later. But then, there will be a psi-cougar in the
cave, so prepare Invisibility in order to sneak up on him and punch him

From the ledge outside the cave, bounce/float down to the large ship mast
on top of the boathouse. There's a Psi Card there, and a trapeze you can
use to swing down to the shorter mast. Another Psi Card awaits on one of
the ropes leading down to the dock roof and there's a Psi Card on the roof
as well.

If you try to walk out on the dock, Bobby Zilch will throw you back. But he
won't stop you if you go over his head. Head out to the large, covered dock
in the center of the lake and get Psi Cards from the roof of the dock and
the small dock next to the big rock.

From the roof of the dock, you can bounce/float down to the small rock with
a Psi Card, then bubble bounce to the pier that extends from the beach.
From this pier, bounce/float to the floating pier and the Psi Card there,
then bounce/float to the beach. Standing on the beach, facing the water,
head left around the rock outcropping to get another Psi Card.

Head inland from here until you see a ledge with a path on it above you.
Jump up, then jump up to a higher ledge to get another Psi Card. From the
Card, look out toward the lake to see the Challenge Marker floating above a
big rock. Bounce/float out to it, then bounce/float back to this same path.
Continue on the path to pick up the Psychonauts Comic #1 scavenger hunt

From the comic, jump up to the tree branch and swing across to a higher
ledge. Pick up another Psi Card. Now climb up on the small rock that's on
the path and look toward the boathouse. You should see a line of tree
branches. Swing across them to a small platform, picking up two more Psi
Cards in the process.

The remaining three Psi Cards are on the beach: two are under the walkway
leading to the main campgrounds and one is behind some plants right next to
the boathouse door. Find the Rapid Transit stump near the walkway to the
main campgrounds and use it to return to Cruller's sanctuary. By now, you
should have 30 ranks, and you will receive the Invisibility power.

From Cruller's sanctuary, head for the GPC area.


Psi Cards: 18
Challenge Markers: 2
Scavenger Hunt: 4

From the Rapid Transit stump, bounce on top of the hollow-log bridge and
pick up the Psi Card. From the bridge, jump downstream and follow the river
to a grate (not far) and use TK on the Glass Eye behind the grate to pull
it to you.

Head in to the GPC area. There's a Psi Card underneath the domes, and
another on top of the center dome (the one that leads to Sasha's lab). From
the top of the dome, bounce/float to the western tree branch that has a Psi
Card. Walk to the end of the branch and swing to the next branch. Slide
along the branch to the tree, climb the vines and walk out on the next
branch containing a Psi Card.

From that branch, jump to the next tree and climb it to get a Challenge
Marker. Climb down to the branch that slopes downward and slide down,
jumping to another branch to your right about halfway down. You'll land on
another tree with a Psi Card on the branch. Drop down to the top of the
cave that takes you to the Boathouse & Beach area to get a Psi Card.

Just to the left of the cave entrance is the crow feather, floating over a
rock. From the rock where you got the feather, jump up the yellow rocks
until you can't seem to go any higher. Then levitate-jump to some vines you
can use to climb up. The Pirate Scope is up here, and, just below it,
behind a tree, is another Psi Card.

Down at ground level, just below the Pirate Scope rock, a squirrel is
guarding the Golden Acorn. Use Invisibility to sneak up and steal it from
him. North of here, you'll find two Psi Cards near the geysers. The Miner's
Skull is stuck in one of the geysers; but, you cannot retrieve it yet.
You'll need the Shield power first.

Continue past the geysers, picking up two more Psi Cards near the GPC
fence. You'll also have to fight a psi-bear. LOCK ON and blast it while
dodging it's TK claw. Three blasts should take care of it. Beyond the bear
is a group of small rocks with two more Psi Cards. Continuing around the
GPC, you should find a very large rock with smaller rocks forming a
staircase up to it.

Climb to the top of the rock and pick up a Psi Card. Turn around and swing
from branches until you reach a ledge with another Psi Card. There's also
the end of a hollow log up here. Jump in the log and slide down, picking up
another Psi Card in the process.

From the end of the log, go left to the dilapidated hut and Ranger Cruller.
Turn in eight of your scavenger hunt items by talking to Cruller. You'll
get four ranks as a reward. Then bounce up to the roof of the old shack and
drop through the hole for a Challenge Marker. Bounce back out of the hut
and head downriver, collecting the last Psi Card from the bank, to the
Reception area.


Psi Cards: 21
Challenge Markers: 1
Scavenger Hunt: 4

After entering Reception, head right up the circular ramp to a hilltop.
There's a Psi Card up here. From the card, look down to see a small ledge
with another Card. Look out from the small ledge to see a Psi Card floating
near a tree that has grown around an old truck. Jump down to get the Card
and the Cherry Wood Pipe scavenger hunt item that is nearby.

Continue upriver to the waterfall. There is a Psi Card in a cave behind the
waterfall. Then jump up the rocks to the right of the waterfall for another
Psi Card. Jump over the top of the waterfall and down a couple of rocks to
get your sixth Psi Card. Now jump across to the cave ledge in the cliff
face to get the Challenge Marker.

Bounce/float along the broken track supports to get two more Psi Cards.
From the beam where you get the second Card, look down into the swamp to
see the Condor Egg in its nest; bounce/float down to it. Jump back toward
the cliff face and climb the slope to a large tree with a cold campfire
beneath it.

Bounce up the tree to get a Psi Card and the Dinosaur Bone scavenger hunt
item. There are Psi Cards on rocks to both the left and right of the base
of the tree. Going over the rocks toward the janitor's trailer to the west,
look down to see a rope stretched from a tree. Float down to the rope and
walk across it, picking up two Psi Cards.

Jump down from the platform to the cave entrance and enter, getting another
Psi Card. Prepare to fight a psi-bear. Once the bear is down, climb through
the cave to pick up two more Psi Cards. When you reach the rails at the top
of the cave, ride the right rail out to get the Psi Card. At the first
platform, turn back and bounce back to the cave exit and then on top for
the Psi Card. Then ride the left rail out to the other Psi Card.

Head for the janitor's trailer and look for the Psi Card on the ground
nearby. Grab it, then Psi Blast the beehive--either double-jump and shoot
at the height of your jump or get higher up the slope behind it. The
Fertility Idol scavenger hunt item falls out of the hive. Watch out for the
bear in this area! Continue past the beehive to some gravestones for the
final Psi Card.


Leave the Reception area via the campfire stage to enter the parking lot.
You can now levitate up to the Psi Card on the big stump in the center of
the lot. Then head for the Kid's Cabins area.

Get back up to the cave entrance above your cabin, then look to your left
to see some netting on the rocks. Bounce/float over to the netting, climb
up, jump to some more netting, climb up then jump to a tightrope to get the
last Psi Card. Float back down to the cave entrance and slide down to the
freezer. Use Pyro to melt the ice and get the Turkey Sandwich.

Go back to the lodge and count your Psi Cards and Cobwebs. Divide by nine
and buy enough Psi Cores to cover the result. Go to Cruller's sanctuary and
convert your cobwebs to Psi Cards and your Psi Cards to Challenge Markers.
Then return to Sasha's lab.


Figments: 92
Cobwebs: 5
Vaults: 2

Talk to Sasha to send yourself back to the Collective Unconscious and re-
enter the Brain Tumbler Experiment. Now that you have the cobweb duster,
you may wish to backtrack and collect cobwebs. One web is in the drain hole
of a large bathtub overhanging the path. Punch the rotten steak next to the
tub and float up in its gas emissions to enter the tub and clear the drain.

Once you reach the tower, head up the vine path until you reach the rotten
meat obstacle that stopped you earlier. Punch it and float up in it's
gasses to enter the tower and start the cutscene. Afterwards, USE the
garbage chute to follow Dogen's brain and start your battle against the
Psychoblaster Death Tank.

LOCK ON to the tank and dodge its shots until it rears back, then Blast its
underbelly. It will roll over, so blast it some more until it rights
itself. Rinse and repeat until it is defeated. The tank fires confusion
grenades; avoid the fumes or you will not be able to control yourself or
your powers for a few seconds. If the tank gets a lock on you (the target
surrounding you turns red), jump for cover fast.

After defeating the tank, you have to fight the brain itself. Get on your
Levitation Ball and dodge the confusion grenades and laser beam. When the
beam slows down, quickly roll in and perform a Palm Megabomb--jump so you
are over the brain, then repeatedly press ATTACK to slam down on it. It
should only take three or four successful Megabombs to put the brain out of
commission and end the experiment.

After the cutscene you will have a useful new item, the Psycho-Portal. You
will use this frequently from now on. You can also use the Brain Tumbler at
any time to return to any previously completed level. You may wish to go
back and collect cobwebs from Basic Braining and Sasha's Shooting Gallery

Once you're ready to move on, head for the Beach and your meeting with


Upon entering the beach area, you'll get a cutscene in which Lili is
captured. Follow the instructions you get from Ford by heading out to the
bathysphere and USE the hatch to open it and start the next cutscene. You
end up inside an air bubble on the bottom of the lake.

Search the lake floor for arrowheads; make note of the bright yellow boxes,
they're full of nails. There are no collectible items in this area, so
climb the cliff face until you reach a bell tower. You'll have to break
some coral walls to make the climb. Jump on the rope to ring the bell and
summon your boss fight against the mutant lungfish.

The lungfish will alternately suck things in and spit them back out.
Whenever it sucks in, start punching the boxes of nails to break them open
and pepper the fish with sharp, pointy things. After you've done this a
time or two, the fish will push the air bubble around.

Prepare to be highly annoyed.

There's no adequate way to describe the jumps and swings you have to make.
It all happens very quickly and you have no control over the camera and the
view is from a fair distance, so Raz appears quite tiny on the screen. Just
stay inside the bubble and move in the direction in which the bubble is
moving. Jump, swing, climb or whatever as seems appropriate. One thing to
note is there should not be a need to use Levitation while doing this.
Normal jumps and double-jumps will suffice.

Repeat the previous fight involving boxes of nails.

Repeat running inside the bubble.

This time, your bubble trip ends in a rail slide, followed by a more
personal encounter with the lungfish. Note the clams scattered around.
Stand next to one and wait for the fish to swing its antenna at you, then
jump back. The antenna will catch inside a clam and you can run up and use
the mutant as a punching bag for a bit. Three rounds of punching should
subdue it.

Equip the Psycho-Portal you "borrowed" from Sasha and USE it on the


Figments: 113
Cobwebs: 5
Vaults: 2

Look! It's Godzilla in Tokyo! OK, actually, it's Goggalor in
Lungfishopolis; but, the idea is the same. This is actually a pretty short
level, but it seems like it takes forever because you move more slowly (as
befits a giant beast) and you can't use Levitation.

The first thing you should know is you will need to smash the buildings.
With the exception of the skyscrapers, which you can climb like King Kong,
all the buildings are highly breakable. They are the main source for power-
ups--and you will need a lot of power-ups in this mind. Also, on this lower
level of the city, some figments are sunk half-way in the water, keep an
eye out for those. You can get in the water here and retrieve them.

Begin by climbing the skyscraper next to you for an astral projection layer
replacement. Continue until you meet some freedom fighters. They will ask
you to free some of their number from a nearby prison. Break open the
building with the exclamation points hovering over it and receive the
Shield power. This handy power is a necessity in Lungfishopolis.

Set Shield to a Psi Power slot and Invisibility to another slot. Leave Psi
Blast where it's at. Remember, no Levitation in this world. Advance down
the left side of the town, destroying buildings and collecting figments. At
some point, the Navy will unleash tanks. Either shield yourself from the
rockets and then Psi Blast them from a distance (requires two Blasts), or
go Invisible and walk up and punch them (requires one punch).

Go past the big tunnel leading to the large prison, and continue to the
next skyscraper, which has the purse tag on top of it and a cobweb beside
it. Backtrack to the prison. As you enter the tunnel, Shield yourself. The
laser grid will blow itself up.

Enter the prison area, defeat the tanks and lay waste the buildings. Then
collect a second cobweb, the purse, the dufflebag tag and a vault. The
vaults in this level are as tiny as the lungfish, so you'll have to search
carefully to find it.

Head back out to the city and back track over the bridge to a side area you
passed by earlier. You'll find the dufflebag here, as well as several
figments. Return to your rampaging. You now have to deal with electric
beams from a new type of cannon the Navy has let loose. Shield yourself
from the electric beams and hold the shield until the cannon blows itself
up with the reflected beam.

Before you reach the dam, the Navy will set up a more powerful cannon next
to the blimp you released from the prison. Shield yourself every time the
cannon locks on to you, and advance this way until you are next to the
cannon--one punch takes it out. Make sure you have finished collecting
figments in this lower city, then jump to the top of the blimp and bounce
up to a crane hanging over the dam. Shimmy across and drop down on top of
the dam.

NOTE: Up here, you cannot enter the water!

Get the hatbox tag nearby, then walk across the dam to get the hatbox, a
cobweb and an astral projection layer replacement. As you advance, offshore
ships will begin firing at you. LOCK ON and Psi Blast them; if you jump
across and punch the gun turret, the ship will sink, leaving you to try to
get back to shore before the water curse gets you.

Continue mowing down buildings until you reach a fork in the path. At the
fork, you should find the steamer trunk tag in the street; and, the
skyscraper to your left has an Ammo Up trophy on top.

To fully complete this level, you will need to travel both paths. For now,
head right and take out the ships offshore by jumping to the ship without a
gun turret and LOCKING ON from there. When you reach the bridge, tightrope
walk over the wires until you get the astral projection layer replacement
on top of the second bridge support.

Now, go back to the fork and take the left path. You'll find another cobweb
along this path, which ends at a monorail. Ride the rail through a tunnel,
picking up the suitcase tag in the process. The monorail takes you straight
to skyscraper island, where you really get to play King Kong for a while.

To defeat the planes, climb to the top of one of the skyscrapers. When you
get near the top, watch to be sure no planes are near before going over the
edge. At the top, LOCK ON to a plane and Psi Blast it. You should have the
Chain Blast upgrade by now, which means you can take out three planes at
once. You should have no problem. If a plane hits you, you'll take a bit of
damage, but the plane will be destroyed, so it's all good.

Once the planes are down, thoroughly loot--that is, explore--the island.
You'll find a max projection layer increase and the suitcase on top of
different skyscrapers. Once this island is finished, face out toward the
water and go right, over a ship, to the part of the city you skipped by
coming around on the monorail.

On this small island you will find the second vault, the fifth cobweb and
the steamer trunk. Just be sure to thoroughly lay waste to the city. Once
you are sure you have collected everything--if you are going for
completion, you should have 111 of 113 figments by now--go back to
skyscraper island and head for the other end. Jump over the ships, getting
the last two figments, to Kochamara Island and prepare for the boss fight.

You can't use Psi Blasts against Kochamara, but you can use the Shield
effectively. Kochamara has four basic attacks. Each attack is preceded by a
description of the attack shouted by Kochamara himself. Nice of him to let
you know what he's going to do. The four attacks are:

"Miiiiiiiiiiightyyyyyyyyyyyyy......RAM!" - Performed from the air,
Kochamara races to you and hits you.

"Deeeeeeaaaadlyyyyyyyyy......TRIANGLE BEAM!" - An energy ray shot from the

"Miiiiightyyy Raaaaam......GROUND VERSION!" - Same as the ram from the air,
but performed from the ground.

"Ooooverrrrrlyyyyy Innnnn-triiiiii-cate......COMBINATION!" - A whirlwind of
melee attacks performed on the ground.

"Haaaarrrrrrd tooooo aaaaavoooid......AREA ATTACK!" - A blast of energy
performed on the ground.

The same basic strategy applies to all attacks: wait until he finishes the
long, drawn-out part of his announcement, then Shield yourself. If you are
having trouble timing it, turn on subtitles. You can damage Kochamara in
two ways:

1) Your Shield will deflect his triangle beam back on to him.

2) When he unleashes the area attack, he is helpless for a couple of
seconds afterward. If you are standing right next to him when it goes off,
you can drop your Shield and pound him a few times.

Once you get the timing of the attacks down, Kochamara is cake. After he's
beaten, climb the radio tower to initiate the end-of-level cutscenes. You
then find yourself on the shores of the Thorney Towers Home for the


Linda gives you a fish skeleton, which you can use to call her to take you
across the lake any time you wish. Handy, right? You'll never use it. If
you ever want to get back to camp, just use the Bacon and tell Ford you
want to regroup at HQ. You'll go straight back to his lab. Do what you need
to do, including exploring the real world, re-entering the Collective
Unconscious with the Brain Tumbler, etc. Then return and talk to Cruller
again to be sent back. This works even inside the dream worlds. Just
remember: consult the Oracle of Bacon.

NOTE: When you get sent back, it's just like loading from a savegame. You
go back to the beginning of the area from which you were extracted. For
example, if you use the Bacon to leave Lungfishopolis right before going to
Kochamara Island, you'll come back to the very beginning of the city and
have to fight your way through again. On the other hand, using the Bacon
right after landing on Kochamara Island will cause you to come back to
Kochamara Island. Just be careful where you use the Bacon.

Your first task is to climb the cliff face to the asylum gates. Jump to the
low ledge with Lili's Bracelet, then to the next ledge with a Psi Card.
Climb the ladder and watch the cutscene with Boyd, the asylum guard. To the
left of the gates, on a ledge, is a Challenge Marker. Get it with a
Levitation bounce. Now use the Psycho-Portal on Boyd to enter...The Milkman


Figments: 165
Cobwebs: 4
Vaults: 2

After the cutscene with Boyd, open the refrigerator to get the Clairvoyance
power. Run around the room and collect all the figments, then use
Clairvoyance on Boyd to find the Milkman is dead and to get the door to the
outside to appear. Head for the door and you will be sent outside.

Welcome to Mr. Roger's Neighborhood as imagined by M. C. Escher. When
people tell you Psychonauts is twisted, this is the level they are thinking
about. The Neighborhood is full of secret agents "in disguise". Each group
of agents is surrounded by a dashed, yellow line. In order to pass through
the line, you must have a disguise just like the agents.

Start by bouncing to the top of Boyd's house and exploring the back yard--
inside and outside the fence. Consider this to be Standard Operating
Procedure on every house in the neighborhood. In order to collect figments,
you'll want to go into every house and explore the roof and yard of every
house. Make sure, when inside the house, you jump/walk on every piece of
furniture as some figments are hidden by placement on furniture of the same
color. You can also get power-ups by bashing objects in the houses and
opening the refrigerators.

Go to the first house on the street, ignoring the black helicopters, spying
trash cans, etc. After exploring the house, head for the next house down
the street. Parked beside the house is a large, black sedan with a
satellite on the roof. The trunk is open, and there is a Stop Sign in the
trunk. Jump into the trunk to get the sign; this is your first disguise. Be
sure to thoroughly check around all the black sedans, as there are some
dark-colored figments hiding near these cars.

Go down the street to where the "road crew" is working. The house to the
right has your first cobweb. Equip the Stop Sign and enter the road crew
area. Jump across the broken road and go to the first house on the left.
Get the purse tag from the roof.

Avoid the phone man and hedge trimmers and bash the black sedan next to the
hedge trimmers for some power-ups. From the light pole across from the
phone man, jump to the next twisted street; don't worry, the streets will
re-orient themselves as you jump. At the second house on this street, the
black sedan contains the hedge trimmers. The steamer trunk tag is in the
back yard of this same house. Make a quick trip back to the hedge trimmers
house and get the suitcase tag from the back yard.

Continue in the original direction, sidling around the sewer workers. The
next house after the sewers has your second cobweb and the hatbox (but you
don't have the tag yet). Pass up the cemetery for now, and jump to the next
street. Pass by the watering-can house, and enter the Arboretum to your
right. Go right and walk through the small gate. Collect the figments, then
bounce over the gate and walk through the large gate in the middle of the
Arboretum. Collect your flowers for the cemetery disguise. Don't forget to
walk around the small ledge surrounding the outside of the Arboretum.
There's a figment hidden behind the gardens.

Continue in the direction you were going. The second house you come to has
the dufflebag tag. Get your third cobweb from the next house up the street.
Continue to the post office, and collect the watering can from the trunk of
the black sedan. Get figments and an astral projection layer replacement
from the roof of the post office.

Walk up to the door of the post office and USE the keypad. Enter any number
you like; it will set off an alarm. Back away from the door and wait for
the agent to come out. Use Clairvoyance on the agent to get the correct
code for opening the door. (The code is randomly generated each time you

USE the keypad again to open the door and enter the post office. The
suitcase is here in the lobby. Use the cobweb duster to get your fourth
cobweb and enter the storeroom. This area is completely black. Use
Clairvoyance on the security cameras in order to see where you are going.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: users of ATI Radeon video cards have reported problems
with the security cameras not showing anything. This problem is apparently
caused by outdated video drivers. The newer versions of the ATI Catalyst
drivers (version 5.4 or later) fix this problem.

There's nothing in the storeroom to collect other than the plunger. Run to
the end of the room, get the plunger and run back out. When you exit the
post office, you'll be grabbed by a nightmare and have a mini-boss battle
on your hands.

Psi Blast the worm until its head explodes, then use TK to lob one of the
bombs that fly out back into the open neck. The worm will turn to stone and
one punch will take it out. Jump into the blue, glowing hole to return to
the Neighborhood.

Now it's time to backtrack. Head back to the watering can house and equip
your watering can to get in. Inside the house is the rolling pin. Be sure
to re-equip your watering can before leaving the house.

Next stop is the cemetery. Before entering the cemetery, explore all around
the outside grounds to find the first vault, an astral projection layer
replacement and the dufflebag. Equip your flowers and enter the cemetery.

After collecting all the figments, use PK on the vines in front of the
mausoleum and then punch down the door. Grab the book inside to trigger the
cutscene that ends with you back outside Boyd's house, with a fake rifle.

Head down the street, passing through the road crew area, and enter the
hedge trimmers house. Grab the purse, and use the rolling pin to get to the
Ammo Up trophy; be sure to re-equip your trimmers before leaving the house.
Head down the street and equip the plunger to get into the sewers.


Figments: 48
Cobwebs: 1
Vaults: 0

Equip the rifle and prepare your Shield. Walk into the area with the
assassins and Shield yourself when the sniper locks on to you.

Remove the cobweb from the door of the book depository. Collect figments
from the ground floor, then head up the stairs to start a cutscene. After
the cutscene, grab the helicopter pilot's helmet and use Clairvoyance to
see the Milkman's secret hideout.

After the cutscene, pick up the phone. This is your final disguise. Re-
equip the rifle, then collect everything you can find in and around the
book depository--the steamer trunk is behind the building. If you just want
to finish this level, skip the next section...


To get the final piece of luggage, the second vault and the remaining
figments from the neighborhood, go back through the sewers. Return to the
hedge trimmer house and find the telephone worker nearby. Equip the phone,
climb the pole and ride the wires to a park.

Pick up a maximum projection layer increase, the second vault and the
hatbox tag. Return to the "mainland", find the hatbox in a house across
from the cemetery, then re-enter the sewers to face down the Milkman.


Equip your phone and head for the pole near the corner of the book
depository area. You'll be sucked into another nightmare. Defeat it, then
climb the pole and ride the wires. You have to jump over the telephone
poles or be knocked off to your death. In order to get 100% of the figments
in this area, you'll have to ride both wires.

Once you've obtained all the figments you desire and are ready for the
final boss, prepare Invisibility. Knock on the door of the house, step back
and activate Invisibility. Wait for the girl to come out of the door, then
jump over her to trigger the cutscenes leading to the boss fight.

The Den Mother tosses two items: exploding boxes of cookies and knitting
needles. The cookies never get further than the last stair of the staircase
on which she is standing and are easy to dodge. The knitting needles can go
further, and are harder to dodge, but you can Shield yourself.

There's two ways to do this:

1) The hard way: Dodge the cookies, Shield yourself from the needles, then
TK the boxes of cookies back at the Den Mother. This is tough and takes a
lot of coordination and luck, but the cookies do a lot of damage.

2) The easy way: Stand at the bottom of the stairs and Psi Blast her. You
don't have to worry about the cookies as they won't reach you. Shield
yourself from any needles she throws. The Psi Blasts aren't as damaging as
the cookies, but it's a lot easier to hit her--you don't even have to LOCK
ON to her. The big disadvantage is there are no power-ups to be had, so if
you run low on ammo, you'll have to revert to method #1.

After the Den Mother takes about 50% damage, things get really interesting.
She turns out all the lights, leaving you blind. Conveniently, she leaves
some knitting for you to grab--it's glowing right in front of you and is
called "God's Eye" in your inventory. Pick it up and use Clairvoyance to
see through the Den Mother's eyes. Use the same strategy as before, though
it will be a bit harder as your perspective has changed. Keep at it until
she is defeated and the Milkman Conspiracy comes to its explosive end.



Psi Cards: 4
Challenge Markers: 1
Scavenger Hunt: 1
Brains: 3

You're back in the real world and the Asylum gates are now open. You
already have the Challenge Marker and one Psi Card.

BONUS MOVIE: Equip Lili's bracelet that you retrieved earlier and use
Clairvoyance for a scene between her and Dr. Loboto.

As you go through the gates, turn around and bounce up to a Psi Card over
the left column. To the right you'll find J. T.'s brain in a jar, nestled
in the hedge. Collect brains and return them to Ford for increases to your
maximum mental health.

Get the Gold Watch scavenger hunt item by bouncing over the fountain. To
the left of the main entrance to the Asylum is a Psi Card. To the right of
the entrance is Franke's brain. Punch through the rubble on the right side
of the fountain to reveal a side passage.

Through the tunnel, turn right to get the last Psi Card, then go the other
way and look for Kitty's brain on a ledge to your left. Now that you have
all the Psi Cards and brains from this area, it's time to return to Ford
Cruller for a little ranking up.

Use your Bacon. Regroup at HQ and give the three brains to Cruller. Count
your Psi Cards and Cobwebs and return to the main lodge and get enough Psi
Cores to make Challenge Markers from your items. Get some Dream Fluffs
while you're there. Leave the lodge and head for the GPC & Wilderness area.

Now that it's night, you'll encounter psi-cougars for the first time. These
beasts like to set your world on fire. The easiest way to deal with them is
to go Invisible as soon as you hear their roar, then run up to them and
punch them. Three blows is all it takes to give them a permanent catnap.

In the Wilderness area, go to the northeast side of the GPC and find the
geysers. Stand on the open geyser and activate your Shield. The Miner's
Skull will pop out of the other geyser. Pick it up and head for the
Ranger's shack and receive four ranks for finishing the scavenger hunt.

Return to Cruller's sanctuary via Rapid Transit, convert your cobwebs and
Psi Cards to ranks and tell Cruller you're ready to go back into the field
to get back to the Asylum Grounds. Make your way back to the arbor where
Gloria awaits...


Figments: 111
Cobwebs: 7
Vaults: 1

Talk to Gloria if you wish, and try to take her trophy, just to see what
happens. When you're done having fun, use the Psycho-Portal on Gloria to
start her dream level. After the cutscenes, bounce around collecting
figments and such. There are a lot of figments in the seats, so be sure to
explore those areas well, including the upper levels. To reach the higher
seats, climb the ladder that leads to the spotlight and bounce up from

On the ground level (below the stage) you can get two cobwebs, below
Jasper, the critic; and, the steamer trunk tag, near the ladder to the
spotlight. Backstage you can find the purse tag, and the suitcase (no tag
yet) behind a cobweb. On the platform below Jasper is the purse. In the
upper seats is another cobweb and an Ammo Up trophy.

When you've finished your collecting run, go backstage, up the ramp and
remove the cobweb (#5) from the door. Activate Invisibility and run down
the hall into Bonita's dressing room. Get the figments, then talk to
Bonita. She'll agree to come out if you can light the spotlight, which
requires a candle.

Go down the hall to the storeroom, and get the vault from the back, left
corner. Climb the ladder and get the cobweb, then jump up to get the
steamer trunk. Swing across to a platform, then jump to a higher platform
and rope-walk across to the candle. Ride the banister down, then jump up to
the bell-pull and climb to the suitcase tag and the last cobweb.

Get the suitcase from the backstage area, then climb up to the spotlight
and USE the candle on it. Then light the candle with Pyrokinesis. Sit
through the cutscene.

OK, time to play director. Go talk to Becky, then climb up to Jasper and
talk to him. He'll give you a play called "Knight of Joy". Take the script
to Becky.

There are three sets in this segment of the world: a main set with water
(water set), a water set used during the mail boat play (mail set) and a
set without water (land set). Each set has two moods: happy and sad. This
gives you a total of six scenes: water/happy, water/sad, land/happy,
land/sad, mail/happy and mail/sad.

To change between the water set and the land set, walk through the
sparkling portal on each set. (The water set has two portals, using either
portal will change to the land set). You only get the mail set when you run
a specific play.

The mood of the scene remains when you change the set. To change the mood,
punch the spotlight. Note that, in the sad mood, the little actors turn
into enemies and will attack you; you can fight back, which causes laughter
in the audience as you destroy the actors.

Tough crowd.

You begin on the land/happy scene, without figments. Each of the six scenes
has its own set of figments. You'll get the figments from the land/happy
scene later. For now, explore land/sad, water/happy and water/sad.

With the scene set to water/sad, use the megaphone Becky gave you to run
Knight of Joy. The Knight comes out and kills the dragon, allowing you to
get to the higher level of the set and pick up another script: "The Day the
Mail Boat Finally Came".

Give the new script to Becky and run it. Jump on the mail boat to be taken
to the mail/sad scene. Collect the figments and the script, "Goodbye
Hagatha Home". Change the mood to happy and collect the figments from the
mail/happy scene, then use the sparkling portal to change the set. This
switches to the water/happy scene and you can get the figment from the
upper level.

Use either portal in the water/happy scene to change to land/happy and
collect your figments. Then change the mood to sad and run the "Goodbye
Hagatha Home" script. The balloon will come down. Use the poles on Hagatha
Home to swing up to the balloon and be carried up to the catwalks.


Figments: 46
Cobwebs: 0
Vaults: 1

Basically, a lot of "platforming". Jump, swing, bounce or slide as needed.
Keep an eye out for figments floating through the air and time your jumps
to catch them. Every so often, the Phantom will drop sandbags on you. You
can tell when the sandbags are coming by a bright green spotlight that
locks on to you. Go Invisible when you see the spotlight coming to prevent
an attack.

Eventually you will reach a fight with a censor. Just past this is the
dufflebag tag. Beyond a set of trampolines, you will swing across a long
set of light poles ending in a sandbag rope. Jump from the rope to the
catwalk and head downward to get the hatbox tag, the hatbox and the vault.
Then turn back and take the upward sloping path. You'll have to fight
censors in both directions.

Past a set of "chompers" you'll find the dufflebag on a large circular
platform, and a teleport worm if you want to go back and search for missing
figments. At this point, you should have 43 of the 46 figments in the stage
if you are shooting for a complete game.

Continue down to a small elevator, fight the censor, talk smack with the
Phantom and pick up the candle. Run around the catwalk to the large
spotlight, insert the candle and light it with PK. Use Levitation to follow
the Phantom through the door. Now it's time to battle the Phantom!
Otherwise known as Jasper, the critic.

What? You hadn't figured that out by now?

Start by running to the back of the stage and picking up three candles. Now
jump into the music notes coming from the orchestra pit and use your
Levitation Balloon to float up to the catwalk. You'll need to sway back and
forth in the music stream to avoid Jasper's barbed pen.

On the catwalk, go ahead and place a candle in each spotlight, then light
one with PK. Jasper will fall and call out some cronies. Jump down to the
stage and LOCK ON to Jasper and start blasting. Your Chain Blast (or Super
Chain Blast if you've been good about ranking up) will take care of the
little guys.

You'll have to repeat this sequence at least three times--more if you fail
to do much damage to him when he's down. At one-third damage, he'll destroy
one of your spotlights. At two-thirds, he'll destroy another. Keep at him
until he goes down for good.

Watch all the nice cutscenes, which end with Gloria going home and you
gaining her trophy. One "disturbed" person down, two more to go. Head
through the tunnel to get into the Asylum.



Psi Cards: 4
Challenge Markers: 1
Brains: 4

As you enter the Asylum, head to your right and look up to see a brain on a
platform above the broken wheelchair. Bounce up to free Chloe's brain.
Swing across the bars sticking out of the wall to get Maloof's brain.

Looking back toward the front of the Asylum, you'll see two Psi Cards.
Bounce/float to them. From the second Card, you can swing across to a
small, broken ledge with a Psi Card and Chops' brain. Standing where you
freed Chops' brain, wait for some crows to fly down with a basket. Go
Invisible, drop down and punch the basket to free Milka's brain.

Bounce back up to the large ledge above you and tightrope walk across to
Edgar's art room. After your conversation with Ed, get the Psi Card
floating nearby and bounce up to the rafters to get the Challenge Marker.

Drop back down to ground level and talk to Fred and USE the Psycho-Portal
on him.


Figments: 243
Cobwebs: 7
Vaults: 2

You're in a small room where Fred and his diminutive genetic memory are
engaged in a game that looks sort of like Risk. Your mission, should you
choose to accept it, is to help Fred win the game by moving a knight into
Napoleon's castle.

First, talk to either Fred or Napoleon to get the Hatbox tag. Collect
figments from around the room, then jump into the game board.

How to Use the Game Board
You have two sizes while on the game board: large and small. When large,
you'll be like Goggalor in Lungfishopolis, except you can't crush anything.
You can walk all around the board, including in the water tiles. It's in
large mode that you use TK to move your pieces. When small, you're down in
the game, interacting with it and it will seem like you're in a medieval
town. Down here, you can't go in the water and the world is full of censors
and cannon.

To go from large to small, focus on any building and press USE. To go from
small to large, pop a champagne cork (punch it) and float up in the gasses.
To exit the game board while large, find the hanging tapestry near one end
of the river and climb it.

Ready? Alright, after jumping into the game and watching the cutscenes,
explore the board for figments and the suitcase tag. Talk to Napoleon and
ask how to play the game.

Note the position of the first peasant's hut: it has dancing exclamation
points over it and a revolving sign on the roof depicting a peasant. Nearby
is the carpenter's house: same dancing exclamation points and a revolving
sign with tools on it. Focus on the carpenter's house and press USE to go

Down here, in addition to censors, you have to deal with cannon. Cannon
walk around on two legs, and have a metal shell that protects them from Psi
Blasts. They will lock on to you and hit you with very painful explosives.
There are two ways to deal with them:

1) The easiest way is to get close enough to grab them with TK and fling
them away. If you drop them in the river, they will sink and be destroyed.

2) You can also sneak up on a cannon by using Invisibility. When its legs
are retracted, use PK to light its fuse and blow it up.

OK, go to the carpenter's door and talk to him to find out about the
thieves on his roof. You have to get up there and take them out in order to
get the carpenter to come out. Pick up a cobweb from just outside the
carpenter's work area, then head for the peasant's hut.

On the way, stop by the large guillotine platform, remove the cobweb from
the entrance to the lower part of the platform and pick up the suitcase.
Knock on the peasant's door to find out his problem: he doesn't think Fred
cares any more.

Now, climb the ladder to the peasant's roof and float up his chimney smoke
to the guillotine platform nearby. Turn Invisible to evade the guillotine
blade and quickly run across the tightrope and take out the censor. Bash
through the wood planks of the attic doorway and defeat the censors inside.
The dufflebag is here, but you don't have the tag yet.

Go through the attic, activate Invisibility, then tightrope walk across to
the carpenter's house and defeat the censor. Jump up to the roof and defeat
the large censor and collect the first vault. Once that's done, drop back
down and talk to the carpenter to get him to come out.

Pop a cork to go large and use TK to move the carpenter piece over to the
broken bridge. He'll repair it. Then climb out of the game board and talk
to Fred to get a letter to give the hopeless peasant. While you're up here,
look in the fire and notice a coin floating near the back. Use TK to pull
it to you. Drop back down into the game and go small at the peasant's hut.

Give the letter to the peasant. Go large and move the peasant over to a
space next to Napoleon's soldier. They will destroy each other. Now another
soldier comes out and destroys another bridge. For some reason, a large
salt shaker is blocking the bridge. Use TK to hurl it out of the way.

Move your carpenter over to the other broken bridge and he'll repair it.
Now focus on the second peasant's hut and go small to talk to him. He'll
only come out if you pay him, so equip your gold coin and he'll come out.
Before leaving, search the hills behind his house for a figment that's
fairly well hidden beneath a tree.

Go large again. Repeat mutually assured destruction between the peasant and
Napoleon's soldier.

Another soldier now appears to guard the castle. Go small and talk to the
third peasant, This one wants a weapon. The weapon is located in the
castle. This would be a good time to thoroughly explore the "small" world
of Waterloo, picking up the musket in the process.

There are figments everywhere (243 in all in this world), so spend some
time tracking them down. Quite a few require you to get up in the air
(float from chimney smoke or bounce off a roof) and float to get them.
There's one set that is only reachable from the first peasant's house if
you climb the revolving sign pole and double-jump off it. This is a very
tricky maneuver, so don't waste time on it unless you insist on a perfect

On the roof of peasant #2's house is the dufflebag tag. You can then go
back to the attic where the dufflebag is located. Next to this building is
a large, grey palace with a blue roof. Drop down and walk around the palace
looking for a ladder. Climb the ladder to get a figment and a cool view.

Drop down off the ledge and look for stairs going down. At the bottom of
the stairs is a cobweb and the hatbox. Head for the restaurant next (it has
a revolving sign of a spoon and fork). Bounce up to the roof and use the
chimney smoke to collect figments and get across the river.

You'll be at an arched structure over a small pond. Get the purse tag and a
cobweb underneath the arch and a max projection level increase from the top
of the arch. Next to peasant #3's house is a waterwheel. Ride the
waterwheel up and swing across some poles to fling yourself into the
chimney smoke. Float up to the flagpole and grab an Ammo Up.

Now head for the castle, specifically to the left guardhouse, which has a
cobweb blocking the entrance. Defeat the censors and collect figments. Use
the poles on the left side of the room to swing up to a tightrope. Walk
across to the beam, then jump to the platform with the purse.

Carefully drop off the platform so you grab the edge with your hands and
shimmy across to another platform. Walk across the tightrope to a flagpole,
climb up and jump to the roof of the guardhouse. Defeat the censors, then
get a good, fast roll going on your Levitation Ball and jump to the gate
pole. Swing across to the opposite tower, which is covered with netting.
Climb around and drop down on the roof of the other guardhouse.

Get rid of the censors, then remove the cobweb from the door. Inside, drop
down one level to get the steamer trunk tag. The large haystack here hides
a figment. Drop down to ground level and PK the haystack to get the musket.
Use PK on the door for an easy exit.

To make things easier for yourself, advance into the castle now while the
drawbridge is down. Get the final cobweb from the side of the right-hand
guardhouse--just climb the ladder. Use Invisibility to sneak down the
drawbridge and into the center area of the castle. Blast the censors and
then TK the cannon into the river. Collect the second vault while you're up

Now return to peasant #3 and give him the musket. Use him to get rid of the
guard and the castle is open!

Not so fast. Napoleon raises the drawbridge and throws something in the
gears to jam it. Now you have to get into the castle and remove the jamming
piece. Getting in is much easier now that you have removed the two cannon.
Use the tightrope on the right side, then float down to the left side rope
to get to the main castle. Go around the left side and grab the steamer
trunk from the low platform.

Just beyond the trunk is a ladder; bounce up to it and proceed through a
rather tricky bit of platforming. From the first platform, the next is a
double-jump away. Then there's some tightrope walking between the next two
platforms. Finally, you have to make a very precise bounce/float: bounce
out toward the tower that protrudes from the wall, when you reach it, begin
floating to slide under the tower support and reach a sword blade.

Tightrope walk to the spear and jump over it to the next rope, which takes
you to another sword blade, this one turned on edge. Jump up over the
blade, then perform a double-jump as you pass over the blade and float down
to the cannon tower. Bounce/float to the other cannon tower and remove the
jammed piece with TK.

Time to get your knight into the castle. If you wish to go talk to the
knight first, he's located in the restaurant across the river. He's hungry
and likes to eat escargot. There's a snail farm behind and a bit to the
right of the castle, so go there and collect at least ten snails by using
TK to draw them to you.

Once you have the snail piece, start punching trees in the snail farm and
orchard. They are full of figments, and punching trees will knock them to
the ground. Once you are satisfied you have everything you can get from the
small game world, punch a cork and go large. Move the snail piece to the
tavern, the knight comes out and you can revert to large size and fling him
into the castle to win the game and end this world.


Back in the Asylum, receive Fred's straightjacket as a reward for defeating
Napoleon. Make sure you have some cash (arrowheads) in your pockets, then,
head up to see Edgar again. Use the Psycho-Portal on him and enter the
colorful world of an Alannah Myles song...


Figments: 142
Cobwebs: 7
Vaults: 2

After all the cutscenes are through, pick yourself up, dust yourself off
and go shopping. You need to buy the rose painting (5 arrowheads) and the
archway painting (no cost) being sold by the dog nearby. Find the nail hook
on the wall you fell through on your way in and hang the rose painting to
receive a rose. Then hang the archway painting to open an archway to the
main street.

The main gameplay in this world is to work your way up the street, avoiding
the bull, El Odio, who comes steaming along about once every five seconds
or so. There are alleys, like the one you are in, scattered about. Some you
can reach with a quick run-and-jump, others require a bit more work. If you
get hit by the bull, you don't get hurt, but you do get thrown back to a
previous alley.

NOTE ON ROSES: You can use roses to gain entrance to windows along the
street. You'll see shutters thrown open and feminine hands waving fans. Run
up to a window with a rose in your hand and you'll be welcomed inside with
hugs and kisses while the bull runs past. You can then return to that same
window any time--with or without a rose. The main use is to skip some of
the longer acrobatic sequences; it's quite possible to fully complete this
world without ever using a rose.

Along the way, you will pick up four Queen cards--each one requiring a
mini-boss fight. Once you have all the cards, you will face down El Odio
himself. Finally, figments in this world not only blend in very well (due
to the bright, fluorescent colors of the whole world), but they are
frequently hanging on walls where they look like paintings. Keep a sharp
eye out if you're gunning for 100%.

Once you have opened the alley, step into the entrance and note the
frequency with which El Odio runs his route. Wait for him to pass and then
grab the two figments in the street (one stationary, one moving) and duck
back into the alley. Your goal is another alley across and just up (towards
El Odio) the street. Wait for the bull to pass, and run over there.

The steamer trunk is on the ground, but you don't have the tag yet. Jump up
on the awnings and use them as trampolines to get to the high ledge. Jump
to another high ledge across the street, jump back across to a balcony,
then jump/float down into the next alley up the street. Collect some
figments, then jump over the small fence and wait right next to it for the
bull to pass.

Run up and across the street to a gated alley. You can stand just outside
the gates and avoid El Odio. On the other side of the gates is a yellow
button. Use TK on the trashcan to hit the button and open the gates.
Collect the steamer trunk tag, then hoof it back down the street to sort
the trunk. Make your way back to the gated alley.

Next is another alley with a small fence that is almost directly across the
street. This time, there is not enough room to stand outside the fence, so,
as soon as the bull is past, run across and jump the fence. Fight off the
censors, then go down the alley to a gate. Again, TK the trashcan against
the yellow button to open the gate.

This alley turns and goes back to the street, directly opposite your first
card: the Queen of Clubs (Tiger). Before jumping across to the card, jump
on top of the fence and then bounce up to a balcony across and just down
the street. Pick up the dufflebag tag, and then float down to the card.
After the tiger grabs it, jump into the picture for the mini-boss fight.

Queen of Clubs
The first three mini-boss fights all follow the same pattern: bad dude has
a special attack that can be avoided either with Levitation or Shield (or
both). All are susceptible to Palm Megabombs. Tiger has a fast rushing
melee attack that is quite vulnerable to your Offensive or Ferocious Aura
Shield and a Tiger Pounce that rolls you quite a distance.

Best strategy is to stay on your Levitation Ball to avoid his quick rush
and pounce and Palm Megabomb him when he pauses. Afterwards, give your card
to Edgar so he can build his tower. Then jump back into the Queen of Clubs
painting to return to the alley.

Climb the ladder next to the card and jump to the bar and shimmy about
halfway across the street. Start swinging and time your jumps over the two
poles to the next bar so you avoid El Odio. Shimmy across the second bar
and again time your swing across a pole to another bar. Swing to the next
bar and then into an alley to your left. The Queen of Hearts (Dragon) is
right across from you, but don't pick it up yet.

Head up the alley to another artist dog. Buy a rose painting (20 arrow-
heads) and a guitar painting (40 arrowheads). Talk to the dog to learn
about the famous matador, Dingo Inflagrante. You'll note a gate nearby,
through which you can see the dufflebag. You can't get through this gate
now, so don't worry about it.

Head back to the street and cross to the Queen of Hearts. Note the nail
hook on the wall beside the card. First hang your rose painting to receive
a rose, then the guitar painting to form a ladder. Enter the card painting
to begin the next mini-boss match.

Queen of Hearts
The Dragon is even easier than the Tiger. The main special attack is the
Dragon Roar. Bounce around raining Palm Megabombs on the Dragon's head
until he gets ready to Roar. Then Shield yourself until the attack is over,
then Megabomb him some more. He should go down quickly. Give the card to
Edgar and jump back into the Queen of Hearts painting.

Climb the guitar ladder and get your first cobweb. You'll pass through a
small room to a balcony overlooking the street. Ignore the One Way sign and
head left, over some ledges and a tightrope until you reach a fire escape.
Climb the ladder and then lower it to the street by USING the crank. You
can now use this method of advancing past this portion of the street rather
than the guitar ladder.

Before going back up the street, look down the street to see a high ledge
with an Ammo Up trophy on it. From this high fire escape, a fast roll-
bounce-and-float can get you there. Pick up the trophy and a figment.

Head back up the street until you reach a low ledge on the right side with
some bars beyond it. The first, lower bar here is too low so you must jump
to it and then to the next bar between passages of the bull. (Alternately,
you can bounce/float directly to the second bar.) At the second, higher
bar, wait for El Odio to pass, then drop and run to the manhole and drop
down into the sewers.

Explore this first tunnel thoroughly for figments (one is inside a
basketball goal). Remove the cobweb from the side tunnel and head through.
Climb this second ladder to come out near another dog artist. Buy his vine
painting (75 arrowheads) and window painting (55 arrowheads).

Go back down into the sewers and explore this second main tunnel. You'll
find a vault and a cobweb. At one end is a gate with the familiar yellow
button and trashcan. Open it and climb the ladder to another alley.

If you follow the upward slope of the alley, you'll be blocked by some
vines. Pyro them out of the way to reach the dufflebag. The gate to dog
artist #2 will open. Go through and head back to the Queen of Hearts card.
Remove the guitar painting and hang the window painting on the hook. A
window with a hidden figment will open. Get the figment, take down the
window and go back the way you just came, passing by the sewer entrance.

At the other end of the alley is a hook. Hang the window for another hidden
figment, then hang the vine painting and climb it. Jump to a ledge, then
swing and jump across to a roof garden. Collect the second vault and a lot
of figments, then drop down the other side to return to dog artist #2.

Go back down the alley where you found the dufflebag and drop into the
sewers. Head back through the tunnel and climb the ladder to find dog
artist #3 (where you purchased the vine and window paintings). Climb the
pole, and jump to the ledge. When you reach the corner, bounce/float across
to the opposite ledge and continue until you see a ladder.

Drop to the balcony below and USE the crank to lower the ladder to the
street. Drop down and enter the Queen of Diamonds (Eagle) painting for your
third mini-boss fight.

Queen of Diamonds
Eagle has a dive-bombing attack that is easy to avoid using your Levitation
Ball. Palm Megabomb him when he's on the ground and he'll go down quickly
enough. Give the card to Edgar and re-enter the street through the Queen of
Diamonds painting.

Climb the ladder you lowered before the fight and bounce up to the ledge.
Bounce across the main street to a ledge with a cat figment. Then
bounce/float to another ledge further up the street with several figments.
Now return to the ledge above the Queen of Diamonds, and this time walk
around the corner and jump/swing your way to the end of the alley. You'll
find the hatbox tag and a picture hook. Hang the window painting here to
open a passage to the next portion of the street.

When you come out of the window, pick up a cobweb and a max projection
layer increase. Float down from this ledge to an alley across the street
where dog artist #4 and the fourth card await. The dog will tell you a tale
of woe, how he is supposed to be painting an ad for the great Dingo, but
the bull keeps interrupting.

Climb the ladder to reach the matador's apartment (you must do this before
the final mini-boss fight). Remove the cobweb from the door and collect
figments and the suitcase tag from Dingo's bedroom. Go down the stairs and
talk to Dingo to get the Confusion power.

Go back up to the bedroom and take the cobweb out of the fireplace and step
through to a secret passage. Follow it to the end, where you get your last
cobweb. Ride the rail across to the suitcase. On the way back, jump off the
rail to the right and find a balcony with a Confusion Ammo Up trophy. (This
trophy will only be here if you have the Confusion power.) Bounce back up
to the rail and return to the apartment. Search the apartment for the

Go back to the street where the Queen of Spades (Cobra) is waiting. For a
max projection layer increase, help the bulldog paint the ad. Wait for El
Odio to pass, then throw a Confusion grenade up the street. As soon as the
bull is stunned by the fumes, press USE to tell the bulldog "Go boy!" He
will paint the ad and you will get your reward from Dingo.

Now enter the ring against Cobra.

Queen of Spades
Cobra is impossible to touch unless you hit him with a Confusion grenade
first. Wait until he's moving slowly, then LOCK ON and use your Confusion
power. As soon as he's stunned, move in and pummel him. Then Shield
yourself against his attacks. Rinse and repeat until Cobra goes down and
you return to Edgar with the fourth card.


Figments: 18
Cobwebs: 0
Vaults: 0

The tower has been built, so it is time to bounce around collecting
figments. You can also get the purse tag from one of the balconies and the
purse from ground level. When your collecting is finished, climb the tower
to begin the final battle against Edgar the bull.

First, it's you against Edgar. Throw a confusion grenade in front of you
and wait for the bull to charge into the fumes. Then grab a nearby
banderilla (barbed spear used in bullfighting) and throw it at the bull.
Once you've driven four spears into Edgar's hide, Dingo/El Odio comes down
to join the fight.

Your mission now is to destroy Dingo while keeping Edgar alive. Pull the
banderillas out of Edgar using TK and throw them on the ground. Dingo will
teleport around the area, trying to attack you. Stand next to one of the
spears and wait for him to teleport in, then dodge his attack.

While he's posing for the crowd, hit him with a Confusion grenade and then
use TK to stick him with a spear. If, during the fight, you run out of
Confusion grenades, break open the roses being thrown into the arena. While
you're attacking Dingo, Dingo might stick Edgar with a spear; pull it out
before you go back to fighting the matador. Stick Dingo with four spears
and Edgar's mind is cleansed.

Back in the real world, Edgar gives you his painting of Dr. Loboto. Your
disguise is complete and it's time to put an end to all this.



Psi Cards: 16
Challenge Markers: 1
Brains: 9

Talk to Crispin, the orderly in front of the elevator, to find out how to
disguise yourself as Dr. Loboto. You already have the items, so equip the
straightjacket, the painting and Gloria's trophy and Crispin will let you
ride the elevator to the upper floors. Thus begins a long platforming
sequence through another twisted reality, where you will be dancing on the

The main enemies here, besides falling, are kamikaze psi-rats that run up
to you and explode, doing not only serious damage but confusing you as
well. If you can't see them fast enough to Blast them from a distance,
Shield yourself from their explosions--you'll still be confused, but at
least you won't be hurt. If you do Blast them at a distance, make sure you
avoid the fumes or you'll still end up confused.

Go to then end of the hall, over the pile of mattresses, for your first Psi
Card. Up the stairs, go right, over the hole in the floor to find Benny's
brain in the bathroom and your second Psi Card in the bedroom.

Go back over the hole in the floor and continue down the hall until you can
turn left. Swing over the gap in the floor and then drop down the elevator
shaft to your left; there's a Psi Card at the bottom.

Climb the fallen piece of floor nearby and start grinding the pipe over the
gap. Halfway across, jump to the room on the left and free Bobby's brain.
Then finish riding the pipe to the other side of the gap. Climb the pile of
rubble to get up one floor, collecting two Psi Cards in the process.

Jump back over the hole and climb the stairs. The building now begins to
get literally twisted. Exit to the open-air rooms, turn left and jump
through the gap in the wall to collect a Psi Card. Return and jump up on
the outside wall. Look up for the nearby Psi Card and bounce up to it. Then
jump over to the jar to free Elka's brain. Jump back and swing across to
another piece of wall.

Bounce up to the overhanging piece of floor to get another Psi Card and
then jump over to the floor against the inside wall. Jump/float around the
piece of wall and go through the door. Going up the stairs, about halfway
up, you'll have to jump over onto the edge of the stairway as it twists. At
the top, go left into the bedroom to get a Psi Card, then jump up through
the hole in the ceiling that is just outside the bedroom.

You are now, technically speaking, standing on the wall with the floor to
your right and the ceiling to your left. Continue until you reach a large
room with green sludge sloshing around on the floor. Needless to say, you
don't want to fall into the sludge.

Bounce/float across the sludge and collect a Psi Card from the floor. Climb
the rebar sticking out of the wall and get another Psi Card. Walk out on
the checked bridge and bounce/float over to the high checked ledge. Head
left and look down to see a brain jar in a window. Float down to it and
free Quentin's brain.

Get back up to the checked ledge and walk left along the top of the outside
wall, then climb the pole to the wooden platforms. Run around the
platforms, picking up a Psi Card, and swing across the rebar to a small
ledge. Climb the rebar ladder to a higher wood platform.

Run across the platform and tightrope walk across to the roof. Look back at
the platform you came from and look at the outside wall. Float down to the
lower ledge you see here and free Dogen's brain. Step through a window and
jump down to a ledge with a pole. Pick up the Psi Card, then climb the pole
to the small platform you were on earlier.

Repeat climbing the ladder and using the tightrope to get to the roof. This
time, jump and float to the higher outside ledge. Free Phoebe's brain, then
begin climbing the rebar in the wall. You'll pick up a Psi Card on the way.
When you reach the top of the rebar, go right and bounce up to the wood
platform. Pick up a Psi Card and Crystal's brain.

Go back the other way and follow the curving hallway up. When you reach the
top, stand on the little bit of broken wall next to the bed and double-
jump/float to get the Challenge Marker. You'll float back down into the
hall, so climb back up and bounce up to the next level.

Peer into the room on your right to see the chair blocking the door. Grab
it with TK and fling it away. Bounce up through the hole into the ceiling
into a room full of wheelchairs. Look for the other hole and drop down into
the room to find Clem's brain. Bounce back up again and climb the pole.

Walk the tightrope and then grind the rail to pick up your last Psi Card.
Climb the rebar and get Nils' brain from the beam. Walk along the beam to
reach the staircase that takes you to the elevator to Dr. Loboto's Lab.


Psi Cards: 4
Challenge Markers: 0
Brains: 3

As you reach the top of the stairs, you will see a crow in a cage next to a
red button. If you walk onto the platform, the crow pushes the button and
you take a slide. Either TK the crow away from the button or use
Invisibility to sneak past it.

Pick up the Psi Card and Vernon's brain, then climb the ladder. After the
cutscenes, exit the lab and walk around the circular balcony. You'll pick
up the last two Psi Cards and last two brains: Mikhail and Elton. Around
the opposite side from Dr. Loboto's lab is the room where Lili is held
prisoner. Enter and speak to Lili and Sheegor and pick up the birthday

Go back to the lab and hold out the birthday cake to tempt Mr. Pokeylope to
walk to the other end of his cage. Then TK him out and return with him to


You are about to pass the Point of No Return. Once you help Mr. Pokelope
kill Dr. Loboto, you start a series of cutscenes that end with you facing a
Psychoblaster Death Tank. After that battle, you are directly sent to the
Meat Circus level and you can no longer return to the real world.


If you have any items left to collect in the real world, do it now. Once
you reach the Meat Circus, you will still be able to turn in Psi Cards and
cobwebs for ranks (no Psi Cores needed) and brains for mental health
increases. You will also still be able to access the Collective Unconscious
through a teleport worm, so you can still finish up other dream worlds.

The only thing you must do now is finish up all real world items. One thing
you should definitely do is return to the camp store and stock up on Dream


Enter Dr. Loboto's lab and TK Mr. Pokelope's brain into the tank. Then
you'll need to free Lili by Psi Blasting her bonds. After all the shouting
is done, you have to square off against the Psychoblaster Death Tank of



Prepare the following Psi Powers: Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis and Shield.
Damaging the tank is a three step process:

1) Use TK to grab one of the small blocks on the outer ring and fling it at
one of the large blocks to break it.

2) Step into the gap and use PK on the wooden fence.

3) Fling one of the small blocks, using TK, at the "cockpit" of the tank.

While you're performing the three steps, you'll need to Shield yourself
against the large blocks being thrown at you. You have to open large gaps
by repeating steps one and two several times before you can perform step
three. Once you've hit the tank three times, it is broken.

Walk toward the tank to start the next cutscene. Now grab your bodiless
brain with TK and fling yourself into the brine with Oleander. After the
cutscene with the bunnies and little Oly, jump into the caravan.


Figments: 94
Cobwebs: 3
Vaults: 1

Advance down the hall, removing two cobwebs as you go. You exit into a
circus set--a circus made of meat. Fascinating. The bunny and Oly run into
a large tent. Before you follow, clear the area of figments. To the right
of the tent entrance is a mechanical fortune teller. You can redeem brains
(for max mental health increases) and cobwebs and Psi Cards for ranks (no
Psi Cores needed) by talking to the fortune teller.

To one side of this main platform is the steamer trunk--get the tag from
the top of the awning over the tent entrance. Look beyond and down to see a
Confusion Ammo Up trophy and the hatbox tag. Float down to get them, then
bounce back up. Head inside the tent.

Your goal in this area is to prevent Oly from dying while getting him to
move upward.

1) Don't try to collect figments now. You can come back later, using a
teleport worm, and clear this area without having to worry about keeping
Oly alive.

2) Don't rush yourself. While you shouldn't dawdle or spend time collecting
things, don't rush your jumps or swings. Oly regenerates full health each
time he flies up, so you have plenty of time.

3) If Oly does die, you have to start all over from the beginning; however,
you don't lose a life; so, if it comes to a choice between saving Oly or
saving yourself, save yourself.

Protect Oly from the meat bunnies. Pryo works especially well on them; you
can also punch or Blast them. Use TK to grab Oly's bunny and hold it until
Oly can grab him. That will trigger Oly to move up. If a meat bunny gets
too close, release the real bunny and deal with the creature, then grab the
real bunny again.

Alternately, you can use a Confusion grenade to stun the bunny and run over
and pick it up yourself; but that isn't any quicker than just using TK on

At ground level, do a quick search for the suitcase tag, which is floating
around in the open. Grab the bunny to force Oly up. Follow him by climbing
one of the ladders in the center of the tent. Jump from the ladder platform
to the round floating platform nearby. Jump to a slab of meat, then jump on
the fat woman to be propelled up to Oly. Repeat saving Oly and the rabbit.

Now, to follow Oly, jump to the trapeze near one end of the platform (near
the hatbox, which you should pick up). Swing to the ribcage and swing your
way to the top. Swing to the nearest slab of meat, and find the rails.
Grind your way across to another slab of meat with a large, rotating
target. There's an armless knife-thrower nearby.

Stand in front of the target and wait for the knife-thrower to cock his
foot, then jump up. The knife will stick in the target and you can use it
for a swing. Ride the target up and swing across to the platform where Oly
waits. Save him and his bunny again.

Now jump across the small, round pieces of meat to another knife-thrower
and target. Repeat the swinging process to get to a large meat platform.
Run to the other end and find the rope. Jump up on top of it and walk out
to where another rope crosses. Jump on the other rope and walk over to
where Oly is under attack. Save him and his bunny and he will fly to the
exit. He is not in danger here, so you can easily follow him with a
Levitation jump and float.

Pick up the purse tag and vault from this platform before leaving.


Grab the third, and last, cobweb from beside the exit from the tent. Before
entering the Tunnel of Love, pick up both the purse and suitcase from this
platform. Then prepare for a grinding exercise. Jump on the rail and start
sliding. This is pretty basic, but can be tricky, so you might want to save
your game first. There are gaps in the rail you will have to jump.

Here, near the beginning of the course, you need to have a decent amount of
speed to make the jumps. After you pick up the dufflebag tag, start slowing
down as you have some very short segments ahead of you. It is easy to jump
a gap and overshoot the next piece of rail and fall through the second gap,
so take it easy. When you land, pick up the dufflebag.

There's a teleport worm on this platform, the last one available in the
game. If you haven't cleaned up all the other dream worlds, now is the time
to enter the Collective Unconscious and track down all remaining figments,
cobwebs and baggage. This is also the time you need to return to the
beginning of the Meat Circus so you can clean out the first tent and turn
in your cobwebs and Psi Cards for your remaining rank(s).

When you're ready, enter the tent for the first boss battle...


Oly's dad, the butcher, comes at you with a couple of very big cleavers.
Prepare Shield and Levitation. Keep ahead of the butcher on your Levitation
Ball. When he gets close, Shield yourself. When his cleaver sticks in the
ground, Levitate jump up toward his shoulder, floating in to get near his
head (this is faster than trying to run up the arm). Punch him in the head,
jump down and continue running.

Hit him three times to defeat him. He throws you and a small package out
the side of the tent...


This stage is a true test of the skills you have learned playing this game.
You will need every bit of control you can muster to perform all the
acrobatics and keep ahead of the rising water. There are no items to
collect. One thing to remember: if you fall in the water, you start back at
the last major skill you were attempting and you don't lose any lives. So
falling is not that big a deal.

Start simply enough by climbing the ladder. Swing across to the trampoline
and bounce up to the knife target (knives already in place). Grab a knife
and swing to the closest platform, then walk across the tightrope.

You'll be introduced to your father's flaming, spiked bowling pins of
death. Except, they're really not all that dangerous. They do a small bit
of damage, but can't knock you down, so just ignore them (and hope you have
either plenty of Dream Fluffs or have reached rank 90 and have

Bounce on the trampoline until you are able to reach the trapeze. Swing
across to a platform with two poles and three ropes strung between the
poles. Go Invisible to avoid your father's clubs while you climb up the
ropes and then tightrope walk across one platform to another platform next
to some floating fences--with fire shooting out of them.

This is, perhaps, the most difficult section of the entire Meat Circus. To
make things easier on yourself, once you are on the first fence, try to
jump to the inside of the second fence and then stay on the inside of the
fences. You'll need to use double-jumps and a bit of floating to get
between each fence. Be sure to constantly rotate your camera to allow
yourself the most direct view of each jump.

After the final fence, jump to the slab of meat, then Levitate jump through
the ring of fire and float up in the bubble stream. Float from stream to
stream, trying to avoid your father's missiles. This is the one place where
they are truly annoying, since being hit cancels your Balloon and forces
you to start this segment over.

Once you reach the meat platform, swing across through the swinging
cleavers to a tightrope. Walk across to a platform with a very curvy ladder
coming out of it. Before getting on the ladder, check the water levels. The
ladder initially goes down, and part of it may already be underwater. If
so, Levitate jump over to the higher part and start climbing.

If the water is still low, you can get on the "top" of the ladder and slide
all the way along it by simply holding the down MOVE key. This is the
easiest way to end this stage, so try to get to the ladder before the


It's the butcher again, but this time he's wreathed in flame, so you aren't
going to be running up his arms. Instead, use TK to fling your father's
spiked, flaming clubs at him. Hit a knee and he'll collapse from the pain.
Run in and punch him in the face. Hit him three times to defeat him.

After the reunion between Raz and his real dad, you have to face the
butcher/fake-father conglomeration. Raz's real dad will give you a special
power that turns you into a giant, flaming Raz. This power only lasts a
short while and then has to recharge. Watch the icon in the upper right of
your screen to see when it's about to run down and when it's about to turn

Strategy here is pretty simple: when powered up, pummel the monster. While
waiting for a recharge, run and Shield yourself from the monster's attacks.
Three sessions of pummeling should finally end this once and for all.

Really. That's the end of the game. Enjoy all the final cutscenes that wrap
everything up, and be sure to watch the credits for cast photos.

________ ________
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| | ___ | VERSION |
| [5] |-/ \-| HISTORY |
| | | & CREDITS |
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v1.10 2005-06-16
- Black Velvetopia: added locations of some figments and two
Ammo Up trophies
- Sasha's Shooting Gallery: added locations of last three cobwebs
- Meat Circus: added location of third cobweb
- Added notes on hard-to-find figments in Milla's Dance Party
and Waterloo World
- Lots of clarification and added hints throughout
- This is likely the final version of this guide unless blatant
mistakes are found

v1.00 2005-06-07
- Finished walkthrough and item lists

v0.70 2005-06-06
- Added Waterloo World and Black Velvetopia to the Walkthrough

v0.60 2005-06-05
- Added Lungfishopolis, Milkman Conspiracy and Gloria's Theater
to the Walkthrough
- Finished the list of scavenger hunt items
- Began the list of brains

v0.50 2005-06-02
- Everything complete but Walkthrough


* Wayne Bodie for pointing out the SLIDE move information (section 2.1)
could use some advice on how to control speed when grinding

* Sid for suggesting including the information about getting Confusion
grenades by breaking the roses in the final bullfight of Black

Written and Copyright 2005 by Barry Scott Will

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to
Creative Commons
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305, USA.

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