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Project IGI 2 Game Walkthrough

Project IGI 2

___________________ C O V E R T S T R I K E _____________________

/::::::::::::SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH ver 0.75:::::::::::\

_____________ ______________________________________
faq title / / IGI 2 - Single Player Walktrough |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
_____________ ______________________________________
system / / PC - Windows |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
_____________ ______________________________________
faq ver:date/ / ver. 0.75 / June, 2003 |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
_____________ ______________________________________
author:email/ / eRvN : |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
/ disclaimer achuchuchu |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
This document is free and may be distributed or reproduced in any way, |
shape or form whether it may be electronical or not providing the content of |
this document may not be altered in any way. This document should not be used |
for profitable purposes. IGI 2 is copyright© Codemasters/Innerloop. All other |
trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their |
respective trademark and copyright holders. |
This faq is Copyright© 2003 Ervin Tapas. All rights reserved. |

Do the dots below line up with the numbers?


If so, then we're cool... (if not this txt file isn't good in the eyes)

::: Table of Contents :::
A. Intro / Revision History
B. Quick Tips
c. Walkthrough
19.THE LAUNCH PAD (no walkthrough yet)
D. Cheats
E. Credits/Final Notes

A. Intro / Revision History
June 11,2003
Welcome to my very first walkthrough... I did this because Gamefaqs doesn't
have one (yet). I've been playing IGI2 for one week now after almost 2 months
of desperately finding a way to install it and avoid crashing the game
during it's intro sequence. And after that looking at Gamefaqs I found out
no one have created a guide yet so here's the first attempt and hopefully
other gamers will contribute or make their own as well. I must tell you that
if you want the exact way on how to get the highest rank - AGENT for every
mission... I don't really know if this walkthrough can provide you that. In
my experience most of the time I get Desk Officer or Operative ranks, this
is because there's always an enemy that spots me and sometimes I can't
reach the fastest target time to complete the mission. I don't have the
time to repeat a finished mission because loading one is like waiting for
eternity on my low end system, and I hate that (restarting a mission is
faster though). The only missions where I got an Agent rank are Missions
9,10,11 and 13.

For your questions, opinions, contributions (I still need more help for this
faq) e-mail me at Don't worry I'll give credit to you.
Last note, please forgive my english... i'm an Asian. (c",)

::: Revision History :::::::::::::
ver 0.75 = June 11,2003
= Walkthrough submitted, you can also find this file at
= No walkthrough yet for Mission 19 - The Lauch Pad
= No official cheats (yet)
B. Quick Tips
1. Always check your map/objectives everytime a mission starts. It's
important so you'll get familiar with the place, guard positions etc.
2. Use your silenced weapons as much as possible to avoid noise. Always aim
at the head so they won't react and call for help or sound the alarm.
3. Always look for security cameras around. You can either shoot them with
a silenced pistol or just sneak with it while it's rotating at the
opposite direction. If you get caught by one of these it will start the
siren and lots of guards will go out and hunt you down.
4. Make good use of your binoculars / thermal goggles. Thermal goggles can
see through most surfaces (wooden walls/boxes/crates). Binoculars are
good for long range peeping.
5. The most obvious way is not always the safest way. Look for other routes
like backdoors, ventilations, sewers etc.
6. Don't always run. Learn when to crouch, crawl, and walk. The peek command
is also useful.
7. Move in the shadows. Guards might not notice you even if your close as
long as your in a dark place. Stay away from the lights as much as
8. SAVE your game, when in doubt... SAVE. It's accessible through the map
(IGI HQ - upload for save; download for load).
***Warning*** Saving (uploading) takes almost 5 seconds. So frequent
saving will really affect if your aiming for an AGENT rank.
9. What's important here is your patience, strategy, keen eye (gamma
correction will help) and proper timing for your actions. Of course at
some point you really have to use brute force (kill-em-all-as-if-youre-
playing-deathmatch) so you're Counter-Strike/Quake skills are still
useful here.
c. Walkthrough
|1.1. infiltrate main compound |
You'll start outside the enemy compound, don't go to the main gate as
guards will sound the alarm when they see you (you don't wanna mess with
lots of bad guys at the start of the game). Instead go a little bit to
the right from starting position where there is a gate with camera, shoot
that cam w/ your silenced pistol before you get close. Picklock the gate
(when you get close to the lock a key icon will appear) and go inside the
building. There are just 3 guys here, so you can handle them one by one
even with your pistol, or shoot the first guy and sneak past the other
two (you can turn around the cargo containers and jump to the crates
avoiding the 2nd guy and and the guard at the top walkway). Now go to
the back door and head to the huge cargo containers.
main gate |
| |* | <-- gate (*=>camera)
|warehouse |__|
|building |
| |
back door

|1.2. cross the river to gain access to upper compound |
There's a space between the two cargo containers ahead of you (near the
2 big water tanks). Walk inside the gap so the guards to your right won't
notice you. You'll notice the camera at the leg of the water tower in
front of you, shoot it with your SD (pistol). On your map check the
southern house with the two guards standing at the front. Go behind the
house (don't run for they might hear you). Quietly kill them (or ignore
them) and head to the factory (south of your map). While getting close
you'll notice through the window a camera so shoot it before you enter.
There are two guys here so you can kill them (sneak behind) easily. Get
up the ladder (you'll know it when you see it) and before climbing the
second ladder press the switch somewhere on your left (this will reverse
the direction of the conveyor belt at the top). After that climb again,
but before jumping the conveyor belt use your binoculars and zoom forward,
you'll notice a camera ahead, get your shooting skills ready and jump to
the belt. This moves fast so you really should aim at the camera before
if gets a closer look at your face.

**NOTE** Sometimes when I play this level even if I did not shoot the
camera it doesn't notice me (the cam light will go red and blink but
only once and the alarm will not sound) maybe the movement of the belt
is fast and I arrived when the cam is rotating at the sides.

| |* | <-- gate (*=>camera)
|warehouse |__|
|building |
| |
| __
| <__>
\ tanks(?)
_ s _| __ /
| |p| | <__>
| |a| |
| |c| | <- cargo containers

*<_> <-- water tank w/ camera

/ @ | |
guards- @ |__| <- southern building

* |
/ =
factory|= stairs (*=> camera)

|1.3. Activate, and use lift down to mines |
Now we're inside the next factory building turn left until you
reach the back door. Move quietly so the guard won't notice you then
shoot him (take note of the camera stuck on the wall). Use your action
key on the panel to open the door and head to the bunker.
Use your thermal goggles so you can see the last two guys of this
level. Before you get trigger happy check the camera at the left side
of the wall. Shoot it first then finish the two guards. Now to get down
you must activate the power by picking the gate lock and turning the
generator on (it's near the camera to your left). Press the button on
the wall near the generator (the one with the up arrow) then when the
lift goes up, press the button on the other wall (the one with the
down arrow) and stand on the lift to complete the mission.

|2.1. gain access to lower cave system |
Once the lift lands be careful and move forward quietly so you won't
be noticed by the guard that walks back and forth. Crouch and hide
behind the rocks. You'll notice there are two guards on your way, one
that is patrolling and the other is guarding the elevator to your left.
You'll also see a camera w/c FYI cannot be destroyed. Do not worry for
you won't be using that elevator, there's a metal door at the front of
the truck ahead of you... that's where you're going. In order to get
there though you have to shoot the guy near the elevator while the
patrolling guy is going the other side or you can also shoot them
both (quietly and fast). There are some guards far to your right and
also inside the near building and they'll come if they hear some
shouting or gun fires. After that go to the metal panel and open it,
this will lead you inside the ventilation shafts all the way down to
the mines.
|2.2. disable security system |
Your objective here is to go to the office on the left part of the
cave where the security system must be deactivated. It's the elevated
room on the left side. You'll see two guards moving back and forth just
in front of you. I suggest not to shoot them because there are other
guards who might notice some ugly bodies on the floor. Wait till they
turn their backs then move slowly (crouch mode) to the stone outcrops
(shadow of the stones to your right). While the 2 guards are still
moving far from you go straight to the space between the crates and the
small house/shack a little to your left. After that cross the tracks
and the train silently and hide behind the crates. There are 3 guards
talking to each other here, but they won't notice you if you crawl up
to the stairs. What you have to be careful with is the single guard that
patrols near the office. Use your thermal goggles to see the guard's
movement. When the area is clear quietly crawl/crouch to the office and
disable the security system. Don't run coz there's a guy hiding on the
other door.

{ ------ }
== ==G *2 |
== == | S = starting position
D = = == | L = lights
____ _ ==|¯|== | r = rocks
| | | == |_|== | # = crates
*1|- |_| == |t|== | G = guards
____|- # == |r|== |
- == |a|== ___ G G |suggested way:
# c == |i|== | | | A = rock outcrops
## ## == |n|== |___| | B = space bet. crate & shack
#### == |_|== B | c = behind the crates
G G @ == == ### | D = side of the north shack
G @@ | (after you disabled
@@@@ L rr A | security system)
G @@@@@@ ___|
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@( S )
G G | | *1 = security system office
| | *2 = tunnel switch

|2.3. open doors to tunnel |
Go back and still check the patrolling guard on your way down. Your
next target is the guy guarding the switch that opens the tunnel doors.
Move around the small shack near the tunnel doors and wait for the pair
of patrolling guys on the other side to move away. Now silently sneak
behind the guard and pop him once in the head with your SD. Turn the
switch and run (that's right RUN) back to the train and activate it.
|2.4. ride the train to the ventilation shaft |
Once the train moves jump to the middle coaches of the train and duck
or crawl because you will be joined by another train with 2 guys in its
cabin. Wait till the train stops, jump and move back along the tracks
till you see the ventilation shaft to your left.
|2.5. use ventilation shaft to gain access to the weather station |
I think this is the hardest objective in this mission :)

|3.1. pick up laser cutter from air drop |
Check you map and run to the air drop location. There are two
guards here, equip your weapon of choice (SD for silent killing or SMG
for quick kill) and shoot them both. You must be quick here because
there are 5 patrolling guards going to your location. After you picked
the laser cutter (and the sniper rifle) go find some place to hide, or
move around far to your right to avoid encounter. My suggestion is to
kill them all with your rifle (you have 15 ammo anyway).
|3.3. disable the security system & override airlock... |
***Note*** This is the 3rd objective but I suggest to get this one
first because it will be more easier if the security alarm is
deactivated first. And the guards on the 2nd objective building have
Now check your map again, there's only one way to get to the
next place... and there are lots of guards on that direction.But there's
a way to avoid passing that house over the hill and even the 2 guards
on the mountain ridge. Walk on the sides of the hill, that's the left
side on your map. If you decided to kill the guys on the house you'll
be rewarded with a dragunov (from the guy at the balcony) and some
grenades. But if you don't want to waste your rifle's ammo (& your
health) then move on the slopes of the hill. Continue moving around the
sides until you reach the weather station. Be careful though coz you
might fall if you stray too much on the sides.
Position yourself on the southwest part of the weather station
(E on the map below) and wait for the two patrolling guards to walk near
the ridge. Shoot them down with your sniper rifle so you only have 4
guards left patrolling the area of the station. Get a little closer and
wait for them to walk far from the compound (they usually go to the
southern part) and shoot them with your rifle as fast as you can so
they won't react or shout or do anything stupid that might get attention
from the men in the buildings. If you do it right you won't hear the
sound of the alarm. Now go near Building 3 (building with #3 in it, duh)
and crawl as much as possible. Don't crawl on the side where the camera
is, coz there's also a guy on the balcony at that side. Crawl on the left
side of the generator. Now when you're inside continue crawling until
you reach the room with the security system and a security camera on
the side of the stairs. Position yourself under the camera and time its
rotation. Go into crouch mode and wait for the camera above you to
rotate right into the door then move forward to the computer. The
camera will beep but only once and will not sound the alarm, by the
time it rotates back you've already deactivated the security system.

| 1
| |
| |
/ \___
/ \
| G |¯¯| \ 1 = objective 1
| G |__| -> house 2,3,4,5 = objectives 2 to 5
h >| / G = guards
i | /
l ->| _/¯
l | |
--> | |
s | |
i ---> |GG|
d | |
e ----> | |
s | \__/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
\ \
| 4 2 |
| 3 5 |
\ |
|E_ __/

|3.2. steal papers from the safe |
Still move quietly and crawl your way outside and head to Building 2.
Check the guy at the balcony of Building 3 using your thermal goggles
before moving. You can't do the same thing that you did with Building 3
coz there's a guard on the other side of the room here. And what I hate
here is that if you're wearing your thermal goggles and JUST switch your
weapons he will quickly stare at your direction. That means if you open
the door he will definitely see you. So just continue switching your
weapons and wait for him to shout and go up to tell the other guys then
run to the corner of the room (the space below the stairs). Equip your
pistol (by now you already spent most of your sniper's ammo) and wait for
them to go down one by one. They will be staring and throwing grenades
at the previous room so you can shoot them at the back. Once all of them
are dead, get the papers and head to Building 4.
|3.4. steal prototype EMP chip from the lab |
Head to the lab and open the door. Still on crouch mode open
the first panel of the air lock door and close it with the switch at the
back of that same panel. Then hack the second panel and quickly pop the
2 researchers in the head with your SD. Open the safe room and get the
EMP chip and head outside.
|3.5. raise the weather balloon & await evacuation |
Check your map (sometimes there's one guard left outside
looking for you) then head to the weather balloon and raise it.
|4.1. infiltrate warehouse & acquire four C4 charges |
Head to the warehouse up north, there are two ways to get inside the
compound. One is the obvious way w/c is the gate while the 2nd is an
opening in the fence in the south part (check the map below). There are
four guards in the first warehouse area, sneak in to them one by one by
hiding behind the trucks or below the trucks. Shoot them in a manner
that will not create too much noise. Once the other guy reacts blow his
head and do the same with the others... fast. Now on to the next area,
study the movement of the 2 patrols here and notice they move up and
down almost at the same time. Sneak behind the truck then unto the
first cargo container and wait for the mid guard to pass and stop at
the bushes. Pop his head once and if you're far enough from the 2nd
guard he will not hear you. Crawl your way to the bushes on the south-
east part and wait for the 2nd guy to get close and shoot his head too.
If you're lucky the two remaining guards will only stare but not
approach your area. When that happens you can also try two ways here:
1) crawl again until your reach the 2 guards and hide under the nearest
truck,destroy the camera first and quickly shoot the two guys; or 2)
Head back and hide to the left side of the first cargo container and
aim at the camera from long range (use your pistol). After the camera's
shut aim for the guards shoot any of them and wait for the remaining
guy to run and sound the alarm button, he will get close so you can
shoot him easily before he presses the alarm. Once the area is clear
head to the warehouse and still crouch your way inside. Hide behind the
crates and shoot the closest guard. Then before shooting the two far
guards aim for the camera first. After that kill the remaining guards
including the guy at the top walkway. Unlock the gate, pick the C4 and
use the backdoor to get out. There's still a guard here but he has his
back on you so quietly approach and shoot him in the head. Use the
eastern gate and position yourself on the hill.

| | | G | G G G |
| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |________|
| | | | | T = truck
| T G| warehouse | | G = guard
| | | T T | -|- ccc = cargo container
| T |_____________|*___GG_____| |gate * = camera
| G G | a -|- a = alarm button
| T -|- b | b = bushes
| G | T b|
| T T -|- ccccc cccccc bb |
fence hole

|4.2. acquire the timers & fuses from a patrol near the bridge |
Observe the area here and check the location of the timer/fuse.
Quietly crawl on the side of the hill and hide from the bushes.
Most of the guards here are facing the river side so you can sneak
behind them and you only have to worry about the two patrolling guards
so better check their movements. Once you get the timer/fuse crawl
until you reach the road and get ready to dodge some bullets.
|4.3. set a C4 on each on of the 4 supporting pillars of the bridge |
Run (that's right RUN!!!) to the pillars and shoot the patrolling
guard on the bridge while dodging the bullets from the previous camp.
Set the C4 on each pillars run around the other side of the bridge
and do the same. Then head to the 4th objective location.
|4.4. get to safety before the bridge explodes... |
Just wait for the bombs to explode... the timer is set to 20 seconds
so better have at least a minute or more left when your planting the
C4s so the bridge will fall before the convoy arrives.

|5.1. destroy the APC using the rocker launcher found in the convoy |
I did this mission the fast way so I can avoid those guys unloaded by
the APC and the baddies from the choppers. When the mission starts run
to the convoy and massacre all those who breathe (except you). Use your
m16 grenades before getting close and kill the rest. Quickly pick the
rocket launcher at the back of the 2nd truck and aim at the APC before
it unloads more soldiers.
|5.2. pick up the EMP chips from the trucks in the convoy |
After that run to the first truck where the chips are and activate
the panel on the back to open the door. Pick the EMP chips and you'll
notice two choppers landing on your starting point. That's a No No,
because that's not your chopper.
|5.3. await the helicopter for evacuation |
Head far north before more enemies approach you, I ran on the hill
north of the first objective compound. Check your map and look for your
helicopter (the chopper with #3 in it) and wait for it to pick you up.
|6.1. disable the security cameras |
This is one difficult mission I must say, you must have enough PATIENCE
and careful study of the patrol routes here. It took me hours to find the
best way w/o sounding the alarm and fighting the monsters (i mean guards).
Use your SAVE slots wisely. You'll be in crouch mode most of the time and
the PEEK command will be very useful here too, so better configure it
near your directional buttons.
When the mission starts check your map and run to the nearest guard on
the hill. Approach from the back and when you get close shift to crouch
mode. To save your ammo break his neck(Damn! It was only in this mission
when I found out you can snap you enemy's neck from behind). Pick his
dragunov and from where you're standing locate the other guy whose out
of the compound (in the trees), use thermal goggles to trace him easily.
Aim from here so the nearby guards won't hear or know where the shot
came from. Move to the hill on your left and aim for the guard whose
patrolling the northern wall (the wall closest to you). I suggest shooting
the guard on the north-east corner first because he sometimes shoots back.
After that snipe the patrolling guard on the wall, I must say it's
important that you take care of him early coz you'll be passing that wall
on your way to objective 4.
Now using your binoculars check if the rest of the guards we're
alarmed... if not then you did the right way. Head to the trees on the
west and locate the body of the guard you just shot, he also has a
dragunov so you'll have more rifle ammo (actually after the guards on
the wall, I never used my primary weapon on this mission). Your next move
is to get inside the parking area. Study the movement of the two guards
here and when both of them are walking far from the main gate run and
lock pick it. Head to the truck on your right and time your movement
again. When they're going the same way as before run to the main door
and avoid being caught by the camera. I suggest saving here.
Now activate the panel and switch to crouch mode, enter the building
quietly. Move to the left side of the building, just accross the stairs
going up. You'll notice the camera on the top (opposite the outside
camera), don't worry coz the cam will not rotate to your direction. What
you have to time right is the camera just above you. The security system
by the way is located on the left room in the 2nd floor from where you're
standing. Still on crouch mode move a little on the first steps of the
stairs facing the location of the cam above. Peek to see where its
rotating, and crouch your way to the top of the stairs. There's also a
post here so you can hide behind it. Peek again so you'll know when to
move then crouch to the security room. Most of the times one cam will
see you and beep once but after you get inside the room they'll stop.
Disable the security system.
|6.2. steal the blueprints for the EMP chips |
Before you get out peek outside because the room across you is now open
and there's a guard walking back and forth. Time his movement once again,
crouch and head back down and into the basement where the blueprints are
located. Make your way up again to the security room and check the
movement of the guy in the 2nd floor.I suggest saving again here.
|6.3. turn off the power for the electrical fences |
Your next target is the switch for the electrical fences, head to the
door next to the security room (not the door leading to the balcony).
Here study the guards patrol routes again. Check your map, when the 2
ground guards start walking north-east and the guard at the balcony is
turning back south... that's your time to crouch the walkway up to the
end post. Don't kill the poor guy coz the nearby guard will see, instead
just turn the switch off while his busy over-looking the forest. Check
your map again and wait for the same opportunity and jump the walkway
(that's right JUMP!).
|6.4. Turn on the power for the factory machinery |
The purpose of objective 3 is for you to be able to climb the fence to
the main facility compound (you can now climb the fence left of the mid
gate), but I find it difficult to run forward w/o being detected. What I
did is I moved around and climbed the northern wall, thus my suggestion
of killing the patrolling guard earlier on the mission.
Check the map below so you'll know where to go. From your landing spot
move slowly to the crates and cargo container a bit north. Still on
crouch mode jump the crates and also on the container, once above crawl
to the end and let yourself fall. If you're fast enough your already
crouching to the next cargo container before one of the guards see you.
If you prefer to wait, he'll move around and you will be seen but before
he make some noise shoot him in the head with a pistol.
Check if the other guard notices... if not then we're still cool.
Crouch to the next cargo container and climb the ladder behind the
building. Still crouch and head to the next compound, climb down and
head to the door behind the factory. Hey have you been saving your game

|| 4 | 5 ||
|| c |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ||
||3 |_______| | C ||
||c | C c 6 C ||
||2 | C ||
[G] | ____________________ ||
| | | | 7 ||
| | | backdoor->|_ ||
[G] | | | ||
||1 | | | ||
|| | | factory | ||
|| | | | ||
|| | |____________________| ||
|| | ||

[G]= guard posts
c = containers
1 = jump here
2 = jump over container
3 = hide behind crates
4 = climb ladder
5 = go down

Watch out for the patrolling guard on the eastern wall, there are cargo
containers here so you can hide and wait while he passes. Go to the back
door and still on crouch mode enter the factory. Hide behind the crates,
you'll see a camera just ahead and if you peek above the crates you'll
notice the two guards beside the truck. Equip your SD and shoot the
camera, crawl to the left near the conveyor belt and from here you can:
1) jump the crates quietly and open the door; or 2) crawl under the truck
and shoot the 2 guards fast before heading the next room. Open the door
and shoot the camera on the wall. Crawl your way to the stairs far ahead
and turn on the power for the factory machinery.

|6.5. Hack the computer controlling the assembly line machinery |
Crawl your way back, cross the conveyor belt and sneak past the two
scientists/factory workers. If you get caught shoot both of them and
hope that the guards across don't hear you. Crawl up and do some hacking.
|6.6. Get to the helicopter for evacuation |
After that you'll hear the alarm (just when you thought you finished the
mission w/o that sound). Run (that's right RUN) the hell out of this
place, climb the wall and jump wherever you want (outside the compound
or to the parking area). Run to the trees while swaying left and right
to avoid "friendly" fires and wait until the chopper lands for a big

|7.1. ambush the communications vehicle guards |
Actually I already have the gut feeling that this will happen, and I
miss Anya since the first game so it's good to hear her again.
Run straight to the truck and move slowly when you get close to the
first guard. Break his neck, get the rifle and move under the truck. Aim
at the two guards in a way that both of them will be shot by just one
|7.2. send radio signal for rescue helicopter |
After you killed the three guards activate the radio signal and head to
the extraction zone.
|7.3. move to extraction zone |
This is the hard part, after you activated the signal the place ahead
will be swarming with enemies/choppers/APCs. I found two ways for this
1) After you've sent the signal face right, cross back to the
other side of the road and crawl to the south. When you think your far
enough from the communications vehicle run (that's right RUN) south until
you reach the land mines.
2) After you've sent the signal face left and run (that's right RUN
again) straight to the open space until you can see the lake. Don't go
further coz there are APCs on the lake side, instead head to the trees
south and either shoot or sneak the enemies there (about 3 I think).
Then head to the land mines.

There's only one way to the extraction point and there's LOTS of baddies
here. I assume you already saved your game, hide under the bushes and
wait for them to leave the south area. Most will leave while some will
stay and patrol the area (most of the time 5 enemies). When that happens
aim your rifle on the 5 guards and also the guard on the southern tower.
When the south is clear (sometimes a group of guards still go back) crouch
your way to the tower and climb the fence. Head to the chopper.

|8.1. meet the bribed local militia man to be guided... |
Sneak the guard on the docks, hide behind the crate and when he's
returning back follow and break his neck.Before approaching your contact,
I suggest killing the rest of the nearby guards first. Your contact has
the habit of running all the way to the surveilance room even if there
are guards ahead, thus shooting him and restarting your mission. Run
straight to the front road. Then move slowly and turn left, you'll see
a guard on his back. Approach and kill then shoot the guy on the balcony
with your SOCOM.
After that you can shoot the two guys on the road ahead but most of the
time they will react and return fire causing the three guards far south
to approach your area or worse sound the alarm. What I did here is I
climbed first the ladder on the nearby building, then crouched and turned
left, till I have a close view of the guard on the balcony. I shot his
head alerting the nearby guards (just the guards not the alarm). Then I
ran (that's right RAN) back the ladder (so one of the guards will get
close) and hide behind the drum. I shot him on the head with my SOCOM and
when the other guy gets close I did the same way. After that move to the
alley where the remaining nearby guard is standing. Climb the crates to
have a closer look, use your SOCOM and pop him in the head. Go back to
the local militia man and head to the surveilance room.
|8.2. shut down the surveillance cameras for the hotel |
There's is still one guy inside the room, so shoot the camera on the
wall first then kill the guard and get to the computer.
|8.3. pick up explosive charge |
Check your map and now the rest of the objectives can be seen. Head
to the balcony where you shot one of the guards. That's where the
explosive charge is.
|8.1. blow up refueling vehicle in the market place |
From where you're standing head to the balcony of the next building and
jump to the ground. If you are on crouch mode and jumped you won't loose
health. Head to the vehicle in the market place while crouching to avoid
any sound, place the explosives at the back of the truck then run to the
crates on the south west corner of the market place and hide. Wait till
all of the guards get close to the bon fire then run (that's right RUN)
to the west exit and move along the wall sides so the guard on the
balcony can't see you.
|8.1. neutralise the intelligence operatives guarding priboi |
Move along the alleys till you get close to the hotel. There are two
snipers on the roof, if you picked the sniper rifle from the guard at
objective 3 then get some nice position and shoot the snipers or just
run ahead to the wide open doors of the hotel.
|8.1. get to the hotel and rescue priboi |
Once inside, turn left and find the room where Priboi is held.

|9.1. escape from your cell |
Once the mission starts crouch and sneak behind the guard outside your
cell and break his neck.
|9.2. get your map computer and lockpicks back |
Head to the place where your map computer and lockpicks are. There is a
guard ahead and a camera at the top of the stairs. Wait for the camera to
rotate and sneak behind the guard then break his neck. Get your things
and head back.
|9.3. locate priboi in main prison building |
Open the room just across, and climb up the stairs. There's also a
security camera here so peek first before heading to Priboi's room. After
you checked Priboi's cell, head to the room near the stairs to pick your
SOCOM. Then get down and go back to the place where you got your
|9.4. get to the security control building and hack the terminal...|
Shoot the camera on top of the stairs, and head outside. Hide behind
the crates and you'll see an opening on the fence. Head behind the second
crates, sneak past the guard/s and enter the nearby hut. There's a ladder
here going down the sewers. There are four guards here which you can kill
w/o them noticing you. Find your way on the other end of the tunnel and
climb up. If your fast on doing the previous objectives you'll enter this
area without guards patrolling outside the hut.
Climb the watch tower and kill the guard atop. Get the sniper rifle
down the wire. After that move around to the walls and into the security
control building. Sneak past the camera outside the building and get
|9.5. open gates to the inner and outer yards and the main gates |
Head to objective 5 building and kill the guards inside using your
SOCOM. Climb up the roof and kill the sniper. Pick up the rifles and
from here shoot all guards that you can see. Just avoid any guard
running to the alarm button. Once your done showing off your sniping
skills, head back down and press the buttons to the inner,outer yard and
main gates.
|9.6. take down the 2 guards covering the gate |
If you did objective 5 (sniping all guards on the ground) you definitely
killed the 2 guards whoever they are. Head back to the top of objective 5
building and just wait for Priboi to come out.

|10.1. take backup of Priboi's computer records |
From where you're standing aim at the 3 guards outside the villa and
kill them with your sniper rifle. Head to the front wooden gate, shoot
the guard that patrols the roof and open the gate. Crouch and check
the guards on your map. Destroy the camera on one of the buildings
and shoot the patrolling guards using your SOCOM, shoot also the
remaining guards on both building roofs. Crouch your way to the
building on your right. Head to the roof, use the wire to get to the
other building, then slide on the other wire down to Priboi's main
house. Hide behind the posts and check the 2 security cameras rotation.
Shoot them if you like, open the door panel and head inside.
Still on crouch mode close the door behind and check the guards
patrolling the northern side of the house. They'll see you through
the glass windows if you're not careful so time their movement then
jump down on the middle and head to the kitchen at the back. There's
a guard here but he won't notice you if your crouching. Snap his neck
then head down to Priboi's room. Don't forget to close the middle door
you just passed for guards might still see you.
The left door leads to the computer records, open the door and peek
through the window. You'll see a security camera and 2 guards as well.
crawl to the corner and close the door behind. Peek again to see the
camera's rotation then crawl to the back of the sofa. Move around to
the computer and take the backup, pick the SPAS if you like then
head out the same way you entered.
|10.2. pick up the envelope located in the safe in Priboi's bedroom |
Go to the right door, and simply crouch to the safe. The guard here
has his back on you and there's no security camera around. If you
still prefer to kill the guards outside like I do then crawl near the
door to Priboi's computer. Shoot the camera outside with your sniper
rifle and quickly shoot one of the guards below it. Crouch back to the
door corner, wait for one of the guards to enter and sound the alarm,
but before he presses that you should be able to kill him with your
SOCOM. If no one enters then good, if you peeked and they seemed not
alarmed then better... shoot the one behind the window and silently
approach the other and break his neck. Don't kill the guard patrolling
on the other side of the pool coz lots of guards can see him both above
and below.
|10.3. get out of there in Priboi's limousine...|
See the map below to know where you're going. Crouch to the left side
of the pool area and head down to the lower level of the compound. Crawl
on the left side of the railing, to avoid being seen. Jump down to the
south east room of the garage and use the ladder to get inside. Hide
behind the truck and move behind the northern buildings to avoid enemies.
Check the patrolling guards and head to the limousine.

| _____ _____ |
| |___*_| |_____| |
| |
|____ G G T____|
| | | |
| | | L |<-climb down here G = guards
| | | | L = ladder
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ T = truck
| G G * = limousine
crawl here-> |
| G
| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
crouch here->| | pool |
| |______________|
| |¯¯¯¯¯G¯¯G¯¯¯G¯|
| |(balcony) G |

|11.1. infiltrate compound |
Run to the main gate, you can climb the fence on the left part of
the gate but before that check the patrolling guard and when straying
to your left sneak closely and shoot him once in the head with your
SOCOM. Climb the fence and crouch your way to the truck near the
|11.2. sabotage radio |
I just hope you still have some ammo left for your sniper rifle...
I have one left myself. If you don't have any ammo or if you brought
the wrong gun (AK47?! who told you to bring that?!) then head to the
guard house at the main gate, there's a rifle inside along with two
guards as well. Snipe the guy standing at the radio tower, there are
3 guards patrolling around the house and they also get inside so
better enter while they're out. Head up and sabotage the radio.
Climb down the stairs and wait for one of the 3 guards to stop below
the tower. Snap his neck from behind, head to the guard at the kitchen
and snap his neck too. You probably noticed a computer on the other
room, use it to disable the security cameras for 2 minutes. Nevermind
the guard inside the comfort room and go out.
|11.3. acquire ammunition for helicopter's gun |
Use the backdoor of the southern warehouse, if you disabled the security
system on objective 2 then just get in... if not then just shoot it before
it sounds the alarm. Enter the warehouse (still crouching of course) and
jump to the crates on your right. This will take you up to your chopper's
ammunition and some ammo for your SOCOM, proximity mines and other guns as
well. Head back down the and leave the same way you got in.
|11.4. power up fuel pumps |
Run around left of the helipad and to the fuel pumps. Shoot the guard
while his standing at the front gate, shoot the other guard inside and
then the camera. Activate the panel to open the gate and power up the
fuel pumps.
|11.5. activate the fuel pump |
Activate the fuel pump and wait for less than 3 minutes. Anya will
report that 2 enemy helicopters are going to your location so better
get some place to hide. You can hide inside the guard house near the
fuel pumps so you can activate it again in case an enemy turns it off.
If in case an enemy enters your hiding place, just shoot with your

After objective 2 do objectives 4 and 5. This way the enemy will
approach the compound while your heading to the warehouse for the
ammo. You don't have to wait and hide to a place nearby for almost 3
minutes, besides this is a big building and you can hide behind
the crates on the upper section. You won't be noticed and in my
experience in this mission if you hide at the warehouse enemies outside
will not turn the fuel pumps off. I almost got an Agent rank here,
I finished it 9:34 while the target time is 9:00 minutes. Maybe you can
do better by moving a little bit fast.
|12.1. exterminate the enemies heading for the radio station |
This is a hard one. When you get close to the first enemy compound
shoot those enemies on the roofs especially those with RPGs followed
by the enemies on the ground. There's also some enemies near the first
truck so you might as well shoot that.
|12.2. get Priboi's briefcase, and eliminate Zaleb |
You'll pass another convoy with RPG armed men, just shoot the barrels
beside the trucks and they will explode along with the enemies near them.
You'll pass another building shoot the barrels at the front door and
kill the enemy on the roof. After that is Zaleb's Compound, shoot the
guards at the watchtowers and the enemies on the roofs. Shoot the vehicles
as well.
After you land shoot the rest of enemies on the ground and enter Zaleb's
building. Zaleb and Priboi's briefcase is on the second floor. Use your
thermal googles to know where guards are located in each rooms.
|12.3. get back to the helicopter with the briefcase |
After you killed Zaleb and his posse get the briefcase and climb up
coz other guards are advancing below. Once on the rooftop jump on the
southern side of the building and run around far from the compound leading
back to the road and your Helicopter. (see the map below)

| | | H | | |
|_________| |___| |r| H = helicopter
|o| ^ G = guards
G |¯| |a| |
________ GG _______ |_| |d| |
|Zaleb's|_ G | | | | |
|bldg. | | | | / / |
|_______|__| |_______| / / |
jump |
here |
| /

|13.1. search database for information on secure area |
Follow the guard to your left, when he turns around the truck continue
forward until you reach the building with a security camera on top of the
door. Sneak while the camera is rotating on the other side and pick the
lock of the door. Sneak behind the single guard and break his neck. Head
to the other room and do the same on the other guard. Go to the room
with the computer and kill the guard inside.
|13.2. turn on power to crane |
Go out the same way you entered and head to the northern area with lots
of cargo containers in it. Check your map, you'll see that the southern
section has a gap between two containers where you can get in. Sneak
behind the three patrols and head to the space. Move around until you
reach the guard house, from here you can kill the guards without them
noticing you. Peek then pop out to kill each guards. You might start with
the guy inside the guard house. When the three patrols see their dead
bodies they will run to the alarm, you can shoot them one by one if your
hiding beside the guard house.
Head to objective 2 building, activate the panel on the gate while the
camera is facing the other side. Move not directly to the generator for
you'll be seen by the sniper on the roof. Walk around far right and along
the wall. Get behind the building and climb the ladder up. Sneak behind
the guard on the roof and snap his neck. Pick his sniper rifle and jump
down to the generator (you'll only loose a little health anyway). Turn on
the power and head out while watching the patrolling guards outside. Exit
the compound the same way you got in.
|13.3. destroy secure compound wall |
Get close to the crane by moving along the wall and around the crane.
Sneak behind and (as usual) break his neck. Climb up and operate the
crane. Before you get down and enter the secured compound I suggest that
drop your rifles/Socom here. You won't be needing them yet but they will
be useful on the last part of the mission. SO BETTER LEAVE THEM HERE.
|13.4. search offices in secure warehouse |
Climb down, enter the secured compound and sneak past the patrolling
guards. There's a door on the southern side of the warehouse so head
there. Crouch your way to the office and operate the computer.
After the cutscene slash the guard on your front and jump (that's right
JUMP!) to the water and swim back to the crane (there's a ladder on the
side). If you're following this walkthrough then you still have your
stuffs on the crane. Pick it up and if you want you can aim at Quest and
his men from here. The problem is when you climb down the crane there'll
be more enemies below because of the noise you just created. So you can
enter the secured compound first and kill Quest and the others.
|14.1. turn off the power supply for the radar facility |
Spratley Islands... actually we Filipinos are also claiming this place
and is in fact very near our territory (check your map... oh sorry not
that map, I mean a real map).
At the start swim to the left until you reach the hill with barbed
wires. If you crouch/crawl along the barbed wire you'll see that it ends
on the top of the hill and you can continue crawling until you're near
the power supply compound. Crawl down, approach the guard hut and break
his neck, get his dragunov if you like. Check the movement of the 2
patrolling guards here then move to the nearby shack. Hide first then
jump on the *** cement *** and over the wired fence to your left. Go
get some nice position where you have a view of the three guards inside
power supply area (check the map below). Shoot them with your silenced
SMG and when all are dead move around to the entrance. Still check the
movement of the nearby guards and activate the panel to the gate. You
have to turn off the two power supplies to complete the objective.

| |__ G____| |_____|
| G
| ___ ___
h | __|GG| | |f |\
i \ a | | G 1 | | \ to objective 2
l | | b| |c_|_______| / \
l | |_G| ___|d / \
| /¯¯\e/¯¯
\ hill
| G

suggested way:
a = crawl down the hill
b = kill the guy on the guard hut
c = head into the nearby shack
d = climb to the wired fence
e = shoot the 3 guards from this position (use SMG)
f = move around to the gate

G = guards
1 = objective 1

|14.2. disable radar terminal |
To avoid the baddies on the next area just crawl on the right side of
the cliff. You can jump over the wires and then crawl, move close to the
wires but not close that you'll hurt yourself... just enough to avoid
falling/sliding down. You won't be noticed if you crawl on the right time.
If the guy near the satellite dish is approaching just stop or shoot him
with your SMG. Continue crawling until you reach the area past objective
2 with lots of trees in it, you can easily jump the wires from here.
Head to the radar terminal camp, crouch while inside to avoid enemies'
attention and when you reach the end shoot the guy with your SMG while
he's looking at the window. Disable radar terminal and exit the camp.
|14.3. disable communications terminal |
After you finished objective 2 a chopper will land near objective 3
unloading enemies to make the mission a little bit harder for you of
course. Just leave it to the crawling expert:)
Once the chopper's finished unloading, get close and climb the nearby
slope (see map below). Crawl your way up and avoid being seen by the
guards. Check your map for enemy movoment, then continue crawling around
the hill. There's still one guard standing here, but you can shoot him
with your SMG. when you reach the last compound, crouch inside and break
the neck of the first guard. Before you snap the next guy's neck check
the guard to your left, he'll see you if you crouch so crawl instead and
finish the 2nd guy. Open the last door but hide coz there's still one
guard left. Peek to see if he's not facing the door anymore then kill him.
Disable the communications terminal.

| | ^
\_ \ G |
| G | objective 3
| \
\ \ G G
hill->\ \____ G G G = guards
\ \
|______ \ G
\ \
^ |__\
climb here __| [chopper landing]

<-objective 2
/ \

|15.1. get in range & tag 1st SAM launcher |
Get down and hide behind the crates down the hill. Use your laser
designator and aim at the SAM launcher, wait for the counter to reach
zero and the friendly fighter will drop bomb on it.
|15.2. get in range of 2nd SAM launcher before friendly... |
From here crawl your way under the trees, and avoid getting close
to other enemies on the ground. When you think you're far from the
1st compound and no one can see you, quickly run down the hill until
you reach the road below. Cross the road and run on the other side,
check your map if your getting close to a group of guards. When this
happens jump into the ocean (that's right JUMP!) and swim to the
other side of the 2nd area. (see map below)

objective 1
| | |
\ \ \ _______
jump here-> *| | | | G |
\ G |r| |G G |
| G |o| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ G = guards
(ocean) | |a| 3,2 = objectives 3 & 2
| |d|
\ | |
go here |
tag here->* \ 3 2
{hill} \ \_____/

Go up the hill, check your map and get close to the 2nd SAM site.
|15.3. tag 2nd SAM launcher |
Use again your laser designator to tag the SAM launcher, then continue
going up the hill.
|15.4. move to dropzone & collect equipment canister |
You can avoid the enemies up the hill if you always check your map
and just move around to reach the dropzone.

|16.1. neutralise enemy snipers |
Run to your left, go a bit closer to the front gate and the snipers.
Aim and shoot all 7 of the snipers, I suggest hitting the guards in the
middle (one of them sounds the alarm). From here if you can snipe the 2
patrolling guards on the left and right side of the wall (RPG armed) then
shoot them so you'll have no problem once inside. Just restart if your
hear the siren.
|16.2. gain access to main gate |
Head to the main gate and open it. Crouch and climb the stairs to where
the previous snipers are. If you killed the patrolling RPG armed guards
along the wall then just crawl to the west side of the courtyard. If not
sneak and kill them with your SMG when they get close. There's a wire here
where you can slide down to the guard hut on the next area.(see map below)

3 || T T T [¯¯¯¯]\ |===========||
/\ c ¯¯¯¯ \ /\ /\ G = guards
|| c G ^ || || c = crates
|| G G | || G G 2 || T = trees
\/ wire \/ \/
|| |===========|| 2 = objective 2
||____________________|===========|/ 3 = objective 3

Once on the next area... crouch, jump and move around the trees and
the crates coz there are 3 guards patrolling this area. Open the west
gate to gain access to the next courtyard.
|16.3. disable security cameras |
Still check the movement of the guards on the walls. Crouch near the
truck and crawl behind the house. There's a security camera on the
nearby building so hide on the posts or the crates to avoid detection.
Enter the house and sneak behind the guard inside. Snap his neck and
disable security cameras.
|16.4. re-align satellite dish |
Head to objective 4 building, still crouch to avoid the enemies near
the communications tower. Get inside and re-align satellite dish.
|16.5. gain access to main temple building |
Get out, and head to the large communications tower near you. Activate
the panel and climb up. Before you slide, snipe first the 2 guards
standing on the 2nd floor of the main temple. Slide down the wire to reach
the western gate, climb down the ladder, sneak behind the 2 guards in the
middle and use your Silenced SMG. Check the other patrolling guards and
head to the next ladder, climb up, and slide down the wire. Move around
and find the door to the temple building.

|17.1. get blueprints of laboratory |
Crouch and follow the 2 guards on your front. Turn left to the filing
cabinets (see map below) and find the blueprints.

| | | |
| 2 | 1 = objective 1
| __|_, ,__|__, ,__*| 2 = objective 2
| |* | G = guards
|_, ,_| |stairs | * = security camera
| G ¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
| 1 G | |
| | |
|_, ,_ | |
| | |______________|
| | |
| | [start] |

|17.2. customize transmitter |
Move to the room on your right and head to the transmitter. Watch for
the guards walking near the stairs and also for the camera near the
transmitter. Once you're done with the transmitter move back to the
previous room and prepare to go down the stairs. Wait for the 2 guards
to move on the other side and also check the camera facing the stairs.
|17.3. Upload data on EMP weapons |
Head down and jump to the right side of the stairs to avoid being
noticed by the nearby guards. Move around the stairs, jump the crates
near the huge Buddha (is that a Buddha?) and jump on the other side into
the tunnel. Check your map, you'll see a red pipe like structure going
down, that's the ventilation shaft and that's where you're going. To
get there though you have to picklock the gate while the camera is
rotating on the other side. Do the same to open the ventilation shaft and
get inside.
After that, crouch to your right. This leads you down the white pipe,
follow that pipe until you reach the kichen side of the laboratory. Get
inside, move right to the dining room and into the main lab. Look for
guards patrolling the area. (see map below)

| | G G | GG G | |
|_______|_, ,____|__________, ,| |
| | |
| | |
| e \ |
| e 3 | |
| [main lab 2] | | G - guards
| \ G | e - enemies (white dressed)
|_________, ,______________| G | = - white pipe
| |_____ | | 3 - objective 3
| cubicles |gate_|
| cubicles | = |

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