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Prince of Persia Warrior within Game Walkthrough

Prince of Persia Warrior within

Final Version :

This walkthrough is for the PC version basically but i suppose that it can be
used for the console version.

Site :
E mail :

Version 1.0 : The walkthrough is up to the sixth stage for now. Other section
will come later.

Version 1.1 : I have begun the clock tower. It is complete in the past, i am
now in the present. It's useless to ask me if i went further, the answer is no.
This guide will be upgraded asap. As i am doing a walkthrough for spellforce
shadow of the phoenix too, both guides will advance slowly.

Version 1.2 : A long awaited update, the walkthrough is up to the library of
the empress. Other section has appeared too so the walkthrough can become a
complete one.

Final Version : Sorry for this late update, hard drive crash... The walkthrough
is complete at least. Enjoy the final version.

1 Review
2 The about section
3 Walkthrough
4 Credits

1 Review :

Another multi machine game. I am playing it on a PC but i receive essentially
questions from the PS2 owners. Xbox players are not interested in this game
maybe.Warrior Within is the direct sequel to Sand Of Time, which i have only
played 5 minutes (the tutorial). I will probably finish it after i complete
this one just to know how the prince interfere with the fate. The story is
mysterious and dark in this game. The prince tries to escape from a dark
creature, the Dahaka, and wishes to reach the isle of time where he can stop
the creation of the sand of time.

The presentation is surprisingly good with some movies which developped the
story. The action is good in them. The cinematics are very long. That's not
obviously a good thing, because you can see them many time due to game over.

The graphics are very different of what you have seen in sand of time. The fact
is that i feel as if i was in painkiller. They are dark as if you visit the hell
in the present and they are "blurry" and colorful as in a dream when you visit
the past. The sprite of the hero is curiously dimensioned. He looks like a half
ling and is different from the one of sand of time. His postures are various
and he can do lots of things with a sword. The battles are interessant because
of the moves he can perform. The enemies are various but they have all the same
animation, pirates and upgrades, ninjas and upgrades, hunters and boss. All
could be perfect if there wasn't graphical bugs like "invisible" crow, no
textured ninjas and rain of purple textured ninja during the game on the PC

The animation is excellent, smooth and fast. The game doesn't run at 60 fps but
runs well. Walking on the wall as in matrix is really entertaining and fighting
a horde of pirates is fun. The prince can do various jump, can rebound on the
wall to ascend or to descend to a place. The originality is here but lots of
moves seems to come from Tomb Raider. To be exact Tomb Raider was the 3D
version of the original POP, same controls and calculation for a jump but now
POP reprises his right. However, doing the monkey, jump from a pole to another
or jumping in the void, the prince is not the only one to do it now. Lara,
Catwoman and many other tried this sport. What's really awful are the camera
angle. The rotation is not completely free. I mean you can turn at 360 degree
but not endlessly, the camera will stop at 400 to 520 degree and even less
sometimes. In other scene you begin with an awful angle and you must turn in
the opposite direction because the camera is blocked. During some jump also,
the colisions are suspicious. The bugs are masked, it's not as in Tomb Raider
but they exist and are really annoying.

The sound is dynamic. During action scene you will feel again as in painkiller
which is not obviously the best atmosphere and during some phase you will hear
some good musics. The musics changes also according to the time you explore,
present or past. The real bad point is the voice acting. I haven't tried in
english but in french, it's not in french, it's in canadian and it makes a
huge difference. The voices are globally terrible and the tons are always false
in each of the dialogue. I don't know if they are responsible of the english
voices too, but it wasn't a good work at all. Why not using the same actors as
in sand of time ? and if by any chance they were let me say that they do a
better work during the 5 minutes i played sand of time than in the whole WW
game... Amongst this, you can add various bug like unadapted sentence during a
fight like a ninja saying "i'm not here to hurt you" while she performs a death
combo and in some scenes (especially near the library) the sound completely
disappear (on the PC version). Well the game sold well and without any patch so
why bothering doing a good job on the voice acting after all. I am the only one

The controls can be good like during the fight and can disappoint the players
during some plateforme phases because fo the camera used. Also if you don't play
this game with an analogic stick on a PC it could reach the nightmare stage.
Unfortunately, using a pad won't help more or maybe for the control of a run as
the camera will stay a problem. Honestly i don't know if it was possible to do
best as it depends of other factors. Most of the time you can progress and
during some phases you will experiment game over on game over and later you will
pass them.

In overall the game is interessant but not as interessant as Sand of time was.
As i say the previous game was based on a more intriguing story and more in the
style of old POP games. What's really amazing is being stucked because you are
looking for a way to the next plateforme. That's the strong point of the game.
The boss battle are also very good and difficult. Running from the Dahaka is
sometime annoying but is always a fast and oppressive action phase. Despite the
classic 3D bugs in this kind of game that the programmers can't avoid (or seem
to not to... Tomb Raider Chronicles and Tomb Raider Angel of darkness weren't
bugged on Dreamcast and PC each) you will want to finish the game. I think that
this one is less good than sand of time but maybe i am wrong. However it's a
difficult and long game for the winter nights that are arriving.

GRAPHICS : 18/20
SOUND : 14/20
CONTROLS : 14/20
INTEREST : 16/20

ADK, Warrior Within.

2 The about section :

This section will be in each guide i will produce from now on.

I know it's an awful one, but it's the only one i have. Correct me if you wish
that's the best you can do. I am kind enough to warn you so don't expect i
answer to hate mails or to a question like : "Is this your first language ?".
Correct me if you wish that's the best you can do.

Please write to me only for true questions. Most of the time, i know it by the
poor questions i received, you write to me just because you have seen my name
near the faq. You don't want to read my faq but you want a quick advice. Sorry
to say this but i'm tired of these mails.

This faq is basically dedicated to my own site and to gamefaqs. If you wish to
download it for your site, ask for the permission but it's not all misters and
misses webmasters. Think to update my faq because when i correct my english or
post an update with more informations, it's on gamefaqs but never on YOUR sites.

I receive questions about things that are in an update and some people continue
to ask me when i will complete the faq of Skies Of Arkadia...
Conclusion : if you download my faqs, be sure to download the updates as you do
for an emulator. It will work better for everyone.

3 Walkthrough :


1) You're under attack. Begin to kill approximatively 9 or 10 pirates. Go left.
The hero falls downstairs after a scene.

2) You can drink water to heal yourself and each time to drink you can save
your game. Run and learn how to use a pole to kill pirates during a fight. Now
use the corridor on the right. After the scene you are outisde again.

3) You'll have to kill 6 pirates. Then you can kill the one who is battling
with a sailor. Now run to the boss.


This boss is really hard when you don't know how to fight her. First of all
when you attack, hit her one or two times then stop. She will counterattack and
you must defend yourself. When she shows her 2 swords up and begins to yiel,
it's time to hit her again one or 2 times. Sometimes you can fall back and then
begin your combo with your sword so at least you can hither 3 times. When in
sword duel, press Both Attack button and second attack button. After a second
scene during the battle it will stop.


1) After the scene you awake on the beach. Beat the crows. Go left and up the
ledge. Use the stairs and jump until you reach a saving fountain. Now you'll
learn to grab a wall and to use the monkey skill. Follow the way, jump to the
next ledge. Use again the monkey skill and jump. You'll have to learn how to
run on the wall and then how to use a pillar to jump to the next destination.
Open the chest to unlock a secret.

2) Enter the fortress by using the jump function. Kill the 2 pirates here.
Advance. Do a wall run to pass the gap here. Do a second wall run and kill 2
pirates. Pass the door. Follow the way. To pass the metallic door, jump on the
ledge and un on the wall. Advance to watch a scene. Kill the pirates and follow
the black woman. You have earned the arachnid sword.

3) Advance and you watch a scene. A death gardian appear.

This one is easy. You can run to him, press E (second attack) and then left
mouse button twice (defend) then hit the attack button, right mouse. You will
have to do this until he teleports himself.

4) Now run to the right and jump on the ledge. Run on the wall and jump to the
other ledge. Now run on the wall and when you walk on a green plant which is on
the wall, jump to the pillar on the right. Jump to the other pillar and join
the death guardian for a second fight.

5) You must now run on the wall to join a ledge. Turn back and wall run again
to another ledge. Now jump up and then on a ledge on the right. You can now
kill the guardian. To open the door, simply run to the button as indicated in
the tutorial advices.

6) Pass the door quickly. You are inside the fortress. Descend and kill the
pirates here. You will see a ledge you can use. Run straight and grab the other
ledge. use the monkey skill. Kill a pirate. Do a wall run to reach a ledge on
the opposite of the room. Advance carefully by using the monkey skill and go
down. Do a wall run to pass the gap and follow the way. Save here. Enter the
room to jump to the past. You have earned the skill recall to avoid a game
over. Now each time you use this power you use a time circle (top left of the
screen). You can earn time circle by eprforming combos on the foes.


1) You must follow the black woman. Run after her. Kill the monster after a
wall run. Avoid the spike towers and enter a room heavily guarded. You arrive
in a room guarded by 3 pirates. Kill them all by using the pole. Jump on a
pillar and then to a ledge. Open the chest for a secret. Walk on the right,
jump, walk and jump. Now run to the button, use the curtain to go down and pass
the door before it closes. Run to the next room, avois the spike towers and
then save.

2) You must beat 2 shadows and then go up the stairs. Kill then 3 pirates and a
shadow. Now do a wall run above the cutter and then jump to the ledge. Go up
twice and use the monkey skill. then go down and jump. Do a wall run, kill the
pirates and do another wall run. You arrive in a room heavily guarded.

3) You must fight 3 pirates. Then jump on the left and climb the ledge. Jump on
a pillar and go to the right part of the room. Last do a wall run and jump to
the balcony to exit. Follow the way, jump between the spike towers and use a
ladder. Kill a guy. Do a wall run and then use a ladder. Go down between the
spikes and then jump. Walk and jump on the second ladder. You can run to a
corridor. Do a wall run to avoid the spikes on the floor and save your game.

4) You need to pass some traps to arrive to the next room. You must fight a
shadow, 2 pirates and a ninja girl. You can use the wall and the pole here.
Don't forget to do some combos to earn the time power "recall". If you
remember the scene, you must go up to pull a lever. From where you are, use a
ledge and then a pole to jump on other pole. Then jump on the right of the
room. Kill the guy here. You will learn how to walk on a plank. Do it and go to
the next ledge. Kill 2 guys then. Use the pole to jump to the next one, then
jump on the wal and to the plank. Jump to the balcony and kill a ninja.

5) Jump to the border and then a to a plank. Go on the other ledge and jump to
a curtain, before the end, jump to a ledge. Now you'll have to walk on a plank
guarded by a ninja girl. You can throw a weapon to her and she falls or avoid
her attack by doing a jump and then a hit. Walk on the plank anyway. Jump to a
plank and then to another. Jump on the wall and rebound to take the last plank.
Jump on the balcony and kill the ninja and the shadow. Jump to the border and
go to the plank. Kill the last ninja and pull the lever. Go down using the
curtain and pass the doors.

6) Go down the curtain and jump to a plank. Jump from plank to plank to the
other side of the room. Now pass last traps (spike towers and spike on the
ground) and save your game before the boss.

Now this is the final battle. The difference is that she can kick you heavily.
She also do lots of sword duel to throw you on the ground. You must protect the
red girl meaning if you don't fight the black woman, the black woman will run
to her to kill her. Use the same technique and help you by using a second
weapon. The black woman will eventually die.

6) After the scene you enter the third chapter of the story.


1) Jump on the right and then on a ledge. Do a wall mode until you can jump.
You must find your way to 2 poles to go up. Now on a ledge, do a wall run to
reach the save fountain. Now run to the end of this ledge and fall on a plank.
Jump to another one and do a wall mode until you can walk on another plank.
Jump to another ledge.

2) Walk and jump to a pole, jump on the next ledge. Now it's time to use a rope
and grab the lever. The door closes and you must know turn back. Jump to the
rope. Descend and do a wall run. Enter a room with 4 ninjas in it. Kill them
and run to a wall. Go up and use some pole to reach a ledge. Grab a ledge and
go up. Jump to a pole and then jump to the wall and rebound on it to grab the
next pole higher. Now jump to the ledge. Use your monkey skill to advance.
Jumlp to the other side and monkey again. At least go up.

3) In the next room, do a wall run to grab a rope. Jump to the next rope. Now,
use the rope to advance and do a wall run to reach the other side. Last pass
between 4 spike towers. You can save at least. Activate the portal by pressing
the button in the correct order and pass it. You gain a new power, Eye storm.

THE FORTRESS PART 3 (present) :

1) Pass the 2 towers and go down. Go down until you reach a button. Use your
new power to pass the door. Go down. You watch a scene of the Dahaka breaking a
wall. Now wall run to a plank, jump to another plank and then to a rope. Wall
run with the rope to a ledge. Use the plank to jump to another one. Jump now to
a pillar and then use the curtain and jump at the end of it to reach a plank.
Jump from this plank to a pole. Use your monkey skill and then jump from the
pole to a ledge. Go down and kill 3 pirates and 4 ninjas.

2) Now climb the ledge and jump on the between the 2 walls and rebound to go
higher. When you are at the top of the pillar near the plank jump to it. Jump
to the broken wall and go up to save your game. Do a wall run and then it's
time for a boss.

Run and do a wall run, then jump from a pole to another and last escape. Scene.

Once outisde, do a wall run and jump to a pillar. Go up and jump to a ledge.
Enter. You recognize the room. Use the curtain to go down and go to the portal
asap to escape from the dahaka.


1) Redo the same way and watch the scene with the evil soldier. Go to the first
room and exit of here. You have probably notice a ledge on the left before the
next corridor (you are outside). Go to it and go up by jumping and rebounding
on the wall. Now do a wall run and kill some pirates. You find a button near a
barrel, use it and use the slow motion to reach the little fence. Inside do
lots of wall run to pass the traps. You find a life bonus. Exit of here. Go
straight and unlock a secret in the chest. Now proceed to the next corridor and
to the next room.

2) You notice now a new door has opened. Kill the guy and jump to the fountain.
Use the stairs and avoid the numerous traps. Pass between the 2 spike towers
when they reach the middle of their course and then do a wall run and jump to
grab a ledge. Pass the spike logs and avoid the traps. You reach a ladder. Use
it and jump to a lever. Go down and pass the door. You can save here. Talk to
the girl. She explains you how to open the huge door. You receive a serpent

3) In a scene you have seen where to input the sword. It is also a key, simply
go back to the previous room and input the key. You can push the lever now to
change the configuration of the room. Push this lever 2 twice and kill some


Note : "Hop the prince" = sorry i know it's not good english = i refer to the
hop movement of Lara Croft in any of the Tomb Raider. If someone know a better
way to describe the movement, i invite him or her to tell me.

1) The first thing is how to enter. Jump to the other exit of this room. Look
left and do a wall run. Do a second one and go up. Look around and open the
chest. Now ind your way to the entrance near.

2) Jump to use the lever, use the slow motion power and run to the door. Pass
it. Jump between the 2 walls to go up. Continue and pass between wheels and
spike towers. Use a ladder. Jump to the ledge. Save your game.

3) You will fight red pirates and a golem. To beat the golem, hit his feet and
when he crouches, jump on his back to hit his head. You can count 6 or 7 sword
hit and then jump, else he will hit you. When he is dead, continue. Open the
chest here. Find a button, touch it and use the slow motion to go up a ledge on
the right. You can save your game here.

4) Use again the slow motion to jump between the wooden wheel. You are in the
middle lift. I will refer to it like this from this moment on. Kill the
pirates. Jump to the middle pillar. Jump to the right, then on the board and
then to the guard. Kill him and use a button. Do a wall run and use your monkey
skill. Jump to a pole and wait till you can jump to the next. Jump to the next
ledge. Kill some hunters and go to the middle lift.

5) You meet the hunters. They explose before they die so avoid being near them.
Now use the plank, walk and jump to the other plank you see. Use the monkey
skill to go right. Go up, use the monkey skill to the left and fall to the next
ledge. Hop the prince and kill the pirate. Open the chest. Use the ladder and
use the monkey skill to arrive to a plank. Jump to a pole. Use the lever.

6) The deal here is to be near the wall, do a wall run so the prince will end
to the wheel that's moving. In fact you will avoid using the pole here. From
the wheel, jump to the ledge. Throw a weapon to the hunter and then push the
button. Use the slow motion power to do a wall run and jump to the board. Hop
the prince and jump to the ledge. Run to the wall and use a lever. Now you
return to the middle plateforme.

7) Kill the hunters. Use the plank. Use again the slow motion and jump to the
ledge. Advance along the wall and go up. Use the monkey skill to join the guard
and open the chest, then go to the exit.

8) Use the slow motion to pass the first trap and run to a wall to grab a ledge
and do a hop. Jump and do the monkey till the next ledge. Jump above the trap.
Use the stairs. You see a button, grab the border of the closed door, hop
yourself and go to the button. Pass the door. Save your game.

9) Use the stairs and kill the red pirates. Use the button a first time. You
watch a scene. Now use it and then the slow motion power. Go to the ledge and
run to the wall to grab a rope. Use it. Kill the red pirates and you will see
agaiin the sand wraith. He uses a lever and disappear. Go left and pass a serie
of traps, go under a spike tower, use the wall run to avoid the spike wheels
and enter a small room. You find a ladder to a chest. Go all the way back
(sorry, but it's a secret after all).

10) Now use the slow motion to pass between the wooden plank of the wheel. Do a
wall run and kill 2 red hunters. Do again a wall run and jump to a pillar. Jump
from a pillar to another until you can use a lever. It moves a lift. Wall run
to this lift without falling. Turn back and wall to the right, jump from a wall
to another to find yourself in a room with a golem. Beat it. Behind this room
is a chest, then go to the entrance and jump to the bridge. Kill the hunter and
find the other chest. Go back to the room and use the second exit. You see a
hunter. Throw a weapon to him and he falls, else, do a wall run and he will
fall. Grab the rope and use it. Heal yourself.

11) Now you are in a mill like. Your goal is to pas under each wooden barrier
to reach a lever to pull and then to reach a pole. Jump from a pole to another
and kill the red pirates that appear from behind the door you just opened.
You'll have to pass between traps you have already seen. Then you arrive in the
time room. Use the 4 buttons in the correct order and use the sand time to go
to the present. You earn a new power the wind of the fate (sorry i play the
game in french) power.

THE CLOCK TOWER PART 2 (present) :

1) I suggest you save the game. Now go all the way back. Avoid the wheel and
then do a large wall run to pass above the next spike wheel. You are back in
the clock tower room. You watch a scene about what to do.

2) Use the curtain to go down. Do a wall run and jump to the pillar and go back
to the room of the golem. It is now guarded by red pirates and a shadow. Kill
them all. Then a serie of hunters will attack you. Use one of them to open the
way (the wooden plank are blocking the way, the hunter must explode on them).

3) Do a wall run and grab the rope. Jump and rebound to the fountain to heal
yourself. Now follow the way and jump the small gap. Jump to the guard and then
descend. Jump to the other side of the bridge to join the exit of this area. In
fact you're back in the bonus area mentioned earlier. Follow the way to the
room, but in the present, after you open the door, kill 2 red pirates and 2

4) Use the ladder, go up when possible. Now your goal is to go to the top of
the mecanism. Run to grab a ledge and jump to the wood central pillar. Do this
until the top, jump to a button and rebound to the wood central pillar, use the
slow motion power to reach the door before it closed. Save your game.

5) Pass the small wall and use the hunter to break the false wall. After one of
them explode on the wall, jump to the middle plateforme and watch the scene.
Run to the wall, jump and rebound. Kill 2 pirates and 1 ninja. Run to the wall
on the right. Jump to the middle plateforme and then jump to a ledge. Go up.
Next do a wall run to a first plateforme and then to a ladder. Use this ladder.
At the top, kill a pirate and a ninja.

6) Jump to the other side of the border. Fall to the ledge down. Do the monkey
to go left and at the end jump to the ground. Fight 4 ninjas here. You will see
a ladder on the right, use it. Turn around (on the ladder) and jump twice to
the ground. Now do a wall run to a rope and use this rope to reach a ledge and
go up. Do a wall run and descend the ladder. Kill 4 ninjas and 3 red pirates.
Run to the wall on the left and grab the ledge. Using your monkey skill, you
reach a plateforme.


You will have to run, as usual. Begin with a wall run then run to a button and
rebound on the wall to go up. Kill some pirates and hunters and then jump to
the other side. Again do a wall run to a rope, jump and do a wall run twice
then run to the room of time.Here activate the buttons in the correct order to
go to the past. Save your game. You earn a supplementary sand tank.


1) You'll have to go back on your step. In the past it's a little different but
you know where to go at least. Do a wall run to avoid the spike towers and then
a rolling movement to pass under the wood. Wall run again and kill 2 hunters.
Do another rolling movement, jump and kill 3 pirates. To descend you will have
to rebound on the wall carefully (it's very unusual to rebound to descend,
great idea, i like it). Do a wall run to the rope then and jump to the other
side. Use the button to kill the 2pirates.

2) Run to the large room. You will see a golem throwing hunters on you. Kill
the pirates quickly. Now there is 2 wall to destroy here. On the left is a wall
that opens a way to a life bonus and on the right is the save room. Be sure to
explore the left way and then the right one. Near the fountain is a lever.
Press it and go out of the save room. Do a wall run to a lift before it goes up

3) Go up and kill the pirate. Use the ladder and jump to the big stone. Go to
the toher side. The golem will throw a hunter to the stone. You go up and can
jump to another plateforme. Do a wall run until you can reach a ladder. Use it.
Push (or pull) the lever. A scene shows a new plateforme. Do a wall run to
reach it. Jump to the clock device and go down. Jump to a pole. you will see 3
poles, jump to the third and then to a ledge. Do the monkey to reach another
pole and fall to the pole just down. Now jump to the final plateforme.

4) The next sequence is the same but in reverse as the one you complete. Kill,
use the ladder to reach the stone and go up. Wall run to a ladder and use it.
Push the lever and kill the 3 hunters. Do a wall run to another lever and reach
a plateforme. On the wall you see an opening, use it. You find a chest here.
Then jump to the pirate and kill him. Descend the ladder. Jump to a plateforme
and do the monkey. You are back in the large room. Go to the golem.


After you kill it, you can save and then reach the other side of the room. Run
to a wall and rebound to grab and plank. Then jump to a pole and rebound to
grab another pole up. From this one jump to a plank and from the plank jump to
a ladder (be careful to not fall). Use the ladder and kill the hunters. Push
the lever to unlock a movie. You can now pass the door you see.

5) The goal is to go back to the configuration room. Follow the way, do a wall
run and fall from a curtain to another. You are back in the middle plateforme.
Jump to it and use the ladder. Use the plank and with the slow motion, jump to
the save point. Now go down and fight a golem. After you kill it, goto the left
and try to go up using the ledge and your monkey skill. You can go back safely
to the configuration room and talk to the lady in red, Kaileena. She gives you
the lion sword.

6) Push the lever to configure the room. You must reach of course the other
door. climb a rock and on the left do a wall run to grab a ledge. Go up and be
sure to open the chest. Then go to the pirate and kill them. Advance carefully
to the button. Run to it and when you press it, use the slow motion to pass the
trap. if you fall here, you will discover a chest, go back and restart. Next
grab a pole and jump to a button, after you press it, use the slow motion and
be quick to reach the save point.

THE GARDEN PART 1 (past) :

1) Kill everyone including the crows. You see a ladder next the entrance (on
the left). Run to a wall to grab it. On the top, fight a shadow, he disappears.
Jump to the left and do a wall run to a rope. Then jump to a ledge. Open the
chest. Jump to the curtain and fall. Now go all the way back to the ladder.
This time use a ladder on the right. Fight again the shadow. Do a wall run and
then another one to grab a rope and jump to a pole. from the pole jump to the
window and then jump to a ledge to go down. Kill the pirate and go up the next
door. You can save here.

2) Watch the scene. Kill the pirate and push the lever. Use the stairs and in
the central plateforme fight lots of pirates and shadows. There is a lever
here, grab it and use the slow motion to reach the plateforme and go up. Jump
to a "plank". Advance and jump to a pole. Jump and do the monkey. Fight the
shadow. You can go up to a button. Now jump to the shadow and kill it. Use the
lever to lower a bridge to a box. Go to this box and pull it to the button. Now
you can go down and push the lever behind the door.

3) Walk to the left and do the monkey until a plateforme. Advance and jump to a
rope using the plank in the middle of the way. Descend. Push the lever to reach
the save point. Go back to the garden. Once at the window, do the monkey to
reach a curtain and then the ground safely. You will see now 4 new levers in
the garden. Push the 2 in front of you so the water falls from the mouth of the
statue (try different combination until you watch a scene) and do the same with
the 2 on the left. Ater the second scene, the main door opens. Pass it and go
up using the ledge. You arrive in a time room. You earn the time havoc power.

THE GARDEN PART 2 (present) :

1) Save your game and go down to the garden. Kill the pirates on the way. You
will see a rock on the left. Go up by doing a rebound. Walk on the plank and
jump to the other one. Kill the pirates on the way. Use again the border as a
plank and go up. Kill the pirates here. Do a wall run to the plank and jump
then descend. From the plank follow a border that leads to the window. Go down
to the next door and then go up as in the past. You can save here.

2) You will watch a scene showing where to go. Go to the right and descend. You
can use some ledge and your monkey skill to reach new part of this room. You
eventually come to a rock with a small broken bridge. Walk on it, do a wall run
and jump to reach the central part of this room. Kill the ninjas here. Go up by
using the "plank" here and then a tree as a pillar. Jump to a plank and then to
a pole. You can reach a plateforme with pirates on it. Kill them. Do a wall run
and save your game.

3) Grab the wall and then jump to some wood pillars. Follow the way by jumping
from one to the other and you arrive on a plank. Do a wall run and you enter
the corridor (your goal). Using the slow motion pass the next trap. Do a wall
run and save. Jump twice and do a wall run. Jump to a pillar. Jump to a ledge
then do another wall run and jump to a pillar. Jump to a room. Kill the ninja
here. Go outside useing the stairs.

4) After the scene, doa wall run. You canuse the pillars in 2 different ways.
From the first pillar go left to a chest hiddenin a room and then come back to
this pillar and jump to the right in order to reach the shadow. Once you land
on the same plateforme as the shadow (after a pole) the Dahaka appears.


It's ok for another run. Do a wall run to grab a ladder. Go down and to a pole,
jump to another one and reach a plateforme. Go up and the ground falls. Do a
wall run and inside the room do two more. You emerge outside. Quickly do a wall
run to the left to reach the ladder and descend it. Do a wall run to the ledge
and kill the pirate here. Enter. Follow the corridor avoiding or destroying the
barrels. You are outside on a bridge, turn left and do a wall run to a rope and
jump. Jump to a ladder descend it and run tothe time room. You earn a
suuplementary sand tank.

THE GARDEN PART 3 (past) :

1) Save your game. Go all the way back to the bridge. Kill the pirates on the
way. Back in the garden, go right to 3 poles. You reach 2 pirates. Use a ladder
then and go under the door. Kill again 2 pirates and pass in wall mode to go
up. Use the ladder, then do a wall run and jump. You can save here. You arrive
in a new garden.

Note : In this garden there is a locked door with a button behind it. I wasn't
able to open it. I suppose you will come back to it later.

2) Kill everyone and open the chest. Now you must use the lever so the plank of
the moving pillar point toward the west. Climb the pillar and use this plank to
jump to a wodd pillar. Jump to a ledge and do the monkey to reach the ground.
Do a wall run to rech the next lever. Now the plank of the secon moving pillar
must point toward the way on the right. Then jump to this way and reach the
third moving pillar. Jump to the third lever. Move the fourth pillar so the
plank on it point toward the balcony. Now do a wall run and grab the rope, jump
to a wood pillar and then to the moving pillar. Use the plank to reach the
balcony, open the chest here and pass under the door. Push the lever and the
water fills the room. You can use a way to a life bonus here. Go bakc to the
lever and go outside.

3) Do the reverse way and be sure when you move the pillar to see the water
falling on the metallic ground. The goal is that the water touches all four
pillars. In fact when you are back to the third lever, move it to its initial
position, go to the second lever and do the same and then reach the first lever
to complete the chain. You have unlocked the room of time. You must go all the
way back to there now.

4) In fact go back to the balcony after the 3 poles. A scene will show you what
to do. Go right and do a wall run to a rope and then jump to a pirate. Kill
him. Now press the button and after you did this use the slow motion power to
go back to the balcony. Run to a moving ledge and then to the wall to grab a
pole. From this pole jump and use the monkey skill to go up. Advance from a
wall to another until you reach a ladder. Go down. Leave the garden and save
your game. Go back to the configuration room. You will watch a scene where the
Dahaka eats the Sandwraith. Last go to the sand room you have opened.

Scene. save your game. Scene.


This one is hard to kill. You can defend yourself and then hit her but during
her combo she can hit your feet even if you are in defense. At 1/3 of her life
she summons 2 spirits. Even if they are annoying this is the opportunity to
earn 2 sand power and then continue the fight with the empress. At 2/3 she
summons again the spirits and then you will kill her. You fall after the scene.

The Dahaka appears again. Escape of course dy doing wall run. You reach a
bridge, jump to a lever and using it as a pole you reach theother side of the
bridge. You eventually arrive in the tomb.

THE TOMB (present) :

Go left to a pillar and pull a huge white rock. Go down and open the chest. Now
use the stairs. Do a wall run, jump to a pole and jump again. You arrive to a
fork. Go right and jump to a pole and then to the other side of the bridge.
Pull the second white rock. Go down and go all the way back to the fork. Go
left this time and pass under the rocks. The way will be long to the third
white rock. You will have to do wall runs to a rope and rebound 2 times on the
walls to reach it. The timing is very small. You will watch a scene showing new
ledge on the central pillar. Jump to them and go up. Once on the top, jump to a
lever and pass the door. You can open a chest and save here.

TO THE TIME ROOM (present) :

1) Do wall run, kill 2 pirates, do another wall run and kill 2 pirates again.
Do the monkey then jump from a plank to another. You will fight 4 pirates.
Rebound on the wall to climb a ladder. Jump to another ladder and ascend it. Do
the monkey and go up. You will watch a scene. You must try to reach the sword.

2) You will meet the new ninja but they are really strong and even invincible
for now. I suggest you zap them and go directly to the plank way. Advance
carefully because the plank falls to indicate the good way. You will meet the
ninja again on the plank and you must jump and hit them before they hit you.
After the plank you will have to do a wall run and during the run hit the ninja
before she hits you. Fall using the curtains. Just before you take the sword,
the Dahaka appears.


Run to the time machine. The way is easy. Activate the buttons and you earn the
Fate Of Blow. Save your game.


1) Pass the traps and run to a room. You receive the scorpion sword. With it
you can break false wall. You can exit using the open door (after you kill some
pirates). Avoid the traps again and you arrive in a room with a lever. Use it
and you will see the white pirates (hard to beat). Use the lever and push the
box on the button.

2) Go to the next room and descend the ladder. Now push the lever and in one of
the room that appears, press the button and run to the door (in slow motion).
Kill the pirates here and use a lever. Save your game. Do a wall run and
rebound. You arrive in a huge room with a boss.


The technique is the same as for a golem. Kill it quickly.

3) Exit and use the ladder on the left. Jump and kill 3 pirates. Break a wall
and press a button. Pass the door. Run to a wall to reach a plank. Jump to the
wall and rebound to reach a higher plank and go up. Save your game. Use the
next plank to reach the library. Kill some pirates before you can enter it.

THE LIBRARY (past) :

1) Pass the stairs and climb up the table. Fight the white pirates.Run to the
second lever and move it. A new way with new pirates appear. You see a lever on
the wall. Grab it. Now use the slow motion power 2 times to run to the door
that opens. You need to move again the second lever of the library and then run
to the door. Use the ladder. Go to the other side of the balcony. Kill the

2) On the other side you must pull 2 walls. Rebound on them to go to the top.
Look at your right. Do a wall run to the pole. Then grab a plank. Jump from a
plank to another and follow the way. Jump on the left to other poles. Use your
monkey skill to advance. You can go up the plank and follow the way it offers.
Advance and find a way to the ground on the left. Come back to where the Dahaka
was and go right (wall mode). Go up. Avoid the ninja. Jump to the ledge and
then to the plank. You eventually arrive at your destination. Advance on the
plank and go down. Save.

3) Do a wall run and kill te ninja. Use the stairs. Break the door with the
sword. You are back in the clocktower. You can now return to the hall and then
to the throne room by using the way you know. Once in the sand room you will see
a new way. You can use the lever to close the wall, not an obligation.Do a wall
run and jump to the ledge. Follow the way to the throne room. Scene. Break the
wall and activate the time room. You earn a sand tank.

THE THRONE ROOM (present) :

1) Follow the way and go up. You will fight some strange lions here. You arrive
in a new corridor. You can jump in the water, it's safe. Use the border and your
monkey skill to join the other side. Advance and jump to the main plateforme.
Kill the pirates and ninja. Jump to the other door and save. Pass under the door
and do a wall run to the other side. Kill the lions here.

2) Press the button and do a wall run to the ledge. Do a wall run to a pillar.
Go up and rebound to reach the top. Jump to the pole. Now jump to a button and
rebound on it and grab the plank. Use the slow motion power and go to the east.
Jump to a plateforme. Do a wall run to a pole. Jump to a button and rebound on
it to grab another pole. Use again the slow motion to reach the plateforme and
then the plank. Jump and rebound on a button. Use again the slow motion and
jump to the plateforme. Do a wall run and grab the pole. Jump and rebound to
the curtain and then jump at the end of the curtain to reach the ground.

3) Advance and do a wall run on the right. Use your monkey skill and go up. Do
a wall run and go down with the curtain. Scene. You become at least the sand

4) Kill the lions. Run to the wall and rebound to reach the pole. Jump to the
other pole and then to the wall. Rebound on it and grab a pillar. Jump to the
border, use your monkey skill andgo down. Jump to the plank and then roll under
the spike tower. Advance and do a wall run and jump to another plank. Use the
slow motion and advance to the time room. Activate it and use it. You earn the
storm of fate power. Save your game.


1) Advance with the slow motion pwoer to avoid the first trap. Jump to the
other plank and then to the second. Go to the wall on the left. Use your monkey
skill and go to the second room. Pass under the wheel. Use again your monkey
skill and go up. Run to the wall and grab the border. Jump to the other side and
avoid the wheel. Go to the ground and save. Open the chest. Advance.

To beat him you need to hit its legs. When he flies roll to the ground to avoid
him. You must always circle around him and hit its legs.

2) Jump to the locked door. Use you monkey skill and go to the left then rebound
on the wall to go up to the exit. In the next room, do a wall run and jump to a
pole. Jump to a curtain, fall and jump to the pole and again to a curtain. In
the next room use the slow motion power to do a wall run and pass the traps. Pass
the spike towers and spike wheels. You are in the garden. Use the plank and jump
to the second one. Then Go to the end of the way and open the chest. Then press
the button and reach the known part of the garden. From here, go back to the hall.
Scene. You must know travel back to the time room of the balcony in the garden.
The ladders are here so it will be easier for you to reach it.


1) Advance. The dahaka throw you in an unknown place. Do a wall run and grab a
rope. Jump to a plateforme and then to the curtain. Jump to the ground. Now you
know the way to reach the other exit. Kill, go to the plank and follow the way
instead of grabin the pole. At the end of the way you jump to a pillar and then
to a box. Go up and press the button. pass the door. You can go to the time room.


2) Follow the way and kill the ninjas. Save. Press the button, run to the exit
and watch the scene. Do a wall run to a rope, jump to another rope. Do 2 wall
run then. Pass under the blade and do a wall run to reach the save point.

3) Pass under the stone. Go down using the curtain. Jump to a pole. Go down to
the pole. Jump from a mast to another using them as pillars. Don't waste time.
Jump to the ground. Kill the pirates and the ninjas. Run to the wall near the
tree. Rebound and grab the pole. Jump to the wall. Do a wall run to a rope and
grab a curtain then. You must rebound from a wall to another. Kill the ninjas.
Go down using the curtain and rebound on the last to grab a mast. Jump to the
other masts. You arrive on a bridge but it falls because of your weight. Run
and jump to a pole, don't stop, jump to another bridge. Run to jump to the wall,
rebound on it and grab the next bridge. Do a wall run to reach the end (kill the
ninja on the way). Use the slow motion power, open the chest and break the wall.

4) Do a wall run and kill the ninja. Rebound on the wall to jump over the spike
wheels. Go up. Pass between the spike towers. Do a wall run and then use the
monkey skill to reach the other border. Advance. Scene. Come back few steps to
open the chest you saw in the scene. Jump to the pillar to reach the other exit.
Save. Do a wall run between the 2 spike wheels. Avoid the blade and go down. Do
a wall run above the hole.

5) In this room, youmust move the pipe so the lava reach the cauldron. Kill the
pirates here and use the ladder to go up. Move the 2 last levers at the end of
the room once each and then (the room is a square) come back to move the 2 first
you saw earlier. The lava do its job. You can now see the next exit. Go down and
use it. Save. Pull the lever. Run to the wall on the left. Grab the border. Jump
to the plank. Go down to the ground and in the basement avoid the wheels.

6) Back near the library, kill the pirates and follow the same way. Run to the wall
with a face on it. Grab the plank. Go to the top and save your game. You know now
haow to go to the library. Use the same way you used as the prince to go to the
tower. The Dahaka arrives and breaks a wall. Go up using the plank. At the end of
the plank do a wall run. Do another wall run and jump to the ledge. Wall run again
and jump to a pole. Run and then watch a scene. save your game.


1) Advance in the fog. Kill the enemies. After the scene you understand that you
need to reach the button. Begin with a wall run at the end of the way and jump to
a pillar. Jump to another pillar and reach a plateforme near the button. Now Press
te button and use the slow motion power. Don't use the same way. Now wall run and
jump to a pillar in front of you. Jump to the way and beat the crow master. In any
case run as fast as possible to the door. It closes very fast. Using 2 times the
slow motion you will have the good timing.

2) Pass under the door and advance. Fall, use the button you see and go up to the
next room. Kill the enemies on the way. At the end of the fork, beware of the
wheels. Do a wall run and then use the monkey skill to reach the ground. Advance
and do many wall run to reach the save point.

3) Do a wall run. Grab the rope. Climb the rope to grab the ledge. Now use do the
monkey to reach the other rope. Use this rope as usual to reach the border on the
other side. Advance. You are in the clocktower. Pass the room with the golem, jump
to the bridge and activate the lever (as in the old scene you saw). Watch the scene.


1) After you awake, use the exit on your left to run to the mill. Pass the mill trap.
Watch the scene and go back to the hall. You will use again a known path.

2) Watch the scene and this time, the prince dies and you become normal again. Note
that's it is quite illogic. As you are the future of the prince who dies, if he dies,
you cannot exist. On the other hand, some people will consider that it only breaks
the cycle and don't alter event that are occuring. Anyway i don't really agree with
what happens.

3) You have just to run to the save point. Follow the way to the throne room and later
jump to the central plateforme where you fought the griffin.

This time she is more powerful. Instead of summoning red spirit, she will use storms
that will follow you. If you have the water sword you will spare her life, else she
is the final boss.

If you have the water sword, meaning that you have unlock all the secrets life bonus
and chests, you will fight the Dahaka.


The ending won't be the same according to the fact you have the water sword or not.

4 Credits :

This walkthrough is copyrighted 2004. Ask for my permission to use it on your


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