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Post Mortem Game Walkthrough

Post Mortem

A Walkthrough
By Catalina Navarro

The game starts out with a scene of a rainy Paris night and a view of
the Hotel Orphee. Then you are taken to a hotel room and a scene inside.
After that you see a murder. Next you are taken to an apartment where you see
a man seating in front of an easel; he is MacPherson, (that is you). He hears
a knock at the door. So you open it and you have a vision, of the murder but
instead of it being like a movie, you just see scenes.
It is a very attractive woman from New York wanting to hire you as a
detective. You try to tell her that you don't do that anymore, that you are
in Paris and are a painter.

You have to remember to always pick the answer that is the most
comprehensive and from there go to the more specific ones and always, always
be polite.

If you are too negative she will go away and you'll just have to look
for her later. So I recommend that you say no with a maybe. The conversation
that worked for me is the following one:
It is just that...,I mean...,I have not...,I do not investigate...,Could you give
me...,I do not get it...,How did they die...,Your sister and her...,These murders
were...,Are the police handling...,To be honest, I am not...,I do not want to...,Your
offer is very...,You would like me...,It is risky...,I hope to have...
After you finish the conversation you will obtain a card from Sophia Blake
and find out that the inspector in charge of the case is named Lebrun and the
last name of her sister and brother in law is Whytes. When the whole scene is
over and she leaves you must start your new job.
So when you first start you are facing the far back of the apartment. Go
to the table that is at the end of the room and take the sketch pad that is
there. Now go to the cabinet and open it, take the camera. Turn around and go
to the telephone that is on the wall and call the post office to send a
message to J. Wells of Pinkerton's National, Detective Agency asking him for
information on a Sophia Blake.
Now exit the apartment. When you exit you are presented with a map of
Paris and it has three sites on it: Hotel Orphee, police station and your
apartment. Click on the hotel.

After the initial scene, talk to the manager. The following conversation
worked for me: are u the manager..., I will come clean..., My client insists...
After that you are shown to the room right next door to the Whytes'
room. After he leaves go to the door that is next to the chimney and click on
it, find out that the key is inside the lock and if you could only find
something to push it with you could get the key. So turn around and exit the
Once in the hallway turn left and go to room 506. An old lady will open
the door follow her inside, her name is Mrs. Loiseau. This is the
conversation that worked for me: Who told you..., A clairvoyant, really?...,
Have you been..., I'm also an artist. (here you will get a magic talisman), I
will remember..., Did you come into..., Can we talk..., What did you..., In concrete
terms..., This evil..., And this force..., Please, be more..., Mrs. Loiseau...
Turn to your left and see the phonograph. You can not do anything with
it right now but keep in mind where it is. Turn around and exit the room.
Once outside turn left to the stairs, go down the stairs. Once you reach
the bottom, turn to your right and see the newspaper on the sofa near the
stairs, take it. Now go to the manager and talk to him. After he doesn't want
to talk to you anymore, turn around and go into the Nantis Cafe and talk to
the bartender.
This is the conversation that worked for me: My name is..., Yeah, a real...,
If you agree..., Tell me about...,What do you..., And bang!..., Just call it..., I
had this..., Can you tell... The conversation ends, but click on him again and
ask for a bottle of red wine. Exit the cafe and go upstairs to room 505.
Enter the room and go straight to the door by the chimney, Click on the
bottom of the door and using the newspaper, click on the crack. Now click on
the doorknob and using the broach Mrs. Loiseau gave click on the keyhole. The
key drops and you pick it up. Unlock the door and go in.
When you enter the room you get some more flashes. How gruesome! YUK!
Well get yourself together and start investigating.
Go to the right side of the bed and see the floor nearest to you. Look
at the powder and broken glass on the floor. Take a sample. Now turn around
and go to the chimney, click on the logs and find a wedding band. Who is Fay?
Now turn around and go to the door on the right side of the bed, it is the
bathroom. Look at the sink and notice the black hair dye. Exit the bathroom
and the room. THE WAY YOU CAME IN. Go to the police station.

When you arrive you over hear a Mrs. Hellouin inquiring about her son.
She is speaking to a Mr. Beauvais. When she leaves, click on the policeman.
The following conversation worked for me: You are..., In fact, I..., A
license...Er..., For the moment..., Just a helping... Click on the policeman again. I
do happen. He hands over the police report for the Orphee murders. After the
scene click on the report and read it. A new location appears on the map, Dr.
Kaufner's office. Go there.

Once inside speak to the doctor. This is the conversation: I am a..., A
person who..., Appearances can..., Which can you..., Is this the..., What do you...,
You are implying... You are now asked to leave so go back to the Nantis Cafe to
speak to the Bartender.

Speak to the bartender and get a description of the man sitting at the
table near the window. Find out about Theo Malet, and where he hangs out, the
Alambic Bistro. A new location appears in your map. So after you are finished
go to the Alambic.

When you first arrive you are greeted by Berenice, seems that you are
old acquaintances. When you are finished speaking to her turn left and click
the back of the cafe, near the bartender. You over hear a conversation
between Hulot, the owner of the cafe and a friend of yours and Theo Malet.
Then you are introduced to Theo and are left alone to speak with him.
In your conversation find out about the man in the window and that he
doesn't want to talk about the murders. Once you are finished go to Hulot who
is standing at the bar. Talk to him too, he won't say much either.

Now, click on your sketch pad and a portrait will appear with different hair,
eyes and glasses, etc. on either side of the portrait.
Using the right hand side arrow draw this picture. Hair= 0 clicks, eyes=1
click, glasses= 2 clicks, ears= 5 clicks, nose= 3 clicks, moustache= 2
clicks, lips= 6 clicks and chin= 6 clicks. Once you are finished click on the
pen point. You will hear pencil scratching. Now go to the hotel.

Speak to Petit and show him the drawing. He identifies it as the
culprit. After his exaggerated reaction go to the Nantis Cafe and show the
drawing to the bartender.
He also positively identifies it, as the man at the window. Now go back
to the bistro.

Go to Malet and show him the drawing, if it is correct a scene will
open. Malet runs off and you see the man in the window at the door. When you
start to run after him you run into a client of the bistro... Looks like Dr.
Franck Kaufner. But you can't stop. He disappears in the Paris alleys. The
scene changes and you are back at your apartment. Looks like you had a nice
and steamy night with Berenice. So now the only place left to go is the
police station.

Talk to Beauvais and try to get everything you can out of him. You might
have to click on him several times. Finally show him your drawing and notice
that he does know him, Jacques Hellouin. He immediately goes to the back to
talk to Lebrun. When he comes back, he shows you part of the way to his
Lebrun's office is the first door on your left, click on it. Talk to
Lebrun, seems he really doesn't like you. But he tells you about Jacques
Hellouin telling you that he is a private detective and that there have been
other murders, Theo Malet, to be precise. Then he asks you to leave.
So now you have another spot on your map, Hellouin's office... well might
as well go there.

After the scene you are left at a hallway. Click on the first door to
your left and find out that nobody is there. Now go to the second on your
left down the hall. The door is locked. Huh? Who could have lock picks handy?
Well my clairvoyant powers tell me it is Hulot. So let's go there.

Go to the bar where Hulot is standing in the same place you left him the
last time you talked to him. So click on him and talk. You must ask all the
questions, even though he really won't tell you much. Ask him if he has
something to open a door for a friend that has mislaid their keys. He says
that he doesn't, but if you insist he'll finally agree if you do him a favor.
He shows you two paintings, one is a forgery and the other the original.
He wants to know which is which. Well, you being a painter and all that
shouldn't be so hard. Click on the paintings in your inventory and even if
you only see one, there are two arrows on the bottom of the screen. When you
click on them, the paintings interchange. (CLUE: the original is the one you
can't circle on).
Look at the paintings and find out which is the fake. You do it by
moving your pointer and clicking on a spot, if a blue circle appears, it is
the fake. To remove the circle just click again. What you are doing is
trying to find what is missing in the fake painting. The subject matter is
really gruesome, but well you are only playing. You can't do anything until
you do this so you might as well do it there. You need to find five
differences. Go on I'll wait...
Finished? Okay I'll help you. Look at the left upper part of the
painting; you are missing a man kneeling waiting to be decapitated by a
skeleton. Now go a little to the left and a little down, to the left side of
a dead tree trunk, you are missing an umbrella-like pole. On top of the cargo
box you are missing 2 wooden round things. Lower to the left where you see
three banners you are missing the cross from the middle banner. And the last
one: Lower middle part of the painting there is a coffin but no body. There,
you're finished. So go back to Hulot and show him your work. He is pleased
and gives you a set of lock picks.
Now armed with the lock picks let's go and visit Jacques.

Go to the second door on your left and click on the doorknob.
Automatically the keyhole will zoom in and a lock pick set with five picks
appears on your right. Which one to use and how? After tinkering with it, I
found that you have to use four of the five picks in the keyhole at the same
time. Boy, you must be an octopus; it doesn't look like any lock pick I've
seen on TV.
Go ahead and try it. If you number the picks from left to right from 1
through 5. First use pick 1 and center it at the bottom of the lock. Pick 2
angle it down in the upper right part of the keyhole. Pick 4, angle it up in
the upper part of the keyhole Pick 5, angle it right in the middle of the
keyhole. If you did it right when you click on the doorknob the door opens.
Walk in and look around, after you finished snooping open the top right
drawer of the desk. It is a letter from a Gregoire de Allepin. At that
point, somebody walks in, it is Hellouin's mother. \
Talk to her politely and after the conversation, she will show you where
her son is, in the attic. So she opens the trapdoor and a chair so you can
climb up. Go up and find Jacques Hellouin. You tell him he is under arrest
and he tells you that he is innocent. You for some reason believe him and sit
by his side to listen to the story.
As he is telling it to you, you suddenly become Hellouin.
He starts out telling you that he receives a letter from Mr. Allepin
wanting to engage his services to look for an American couple surnamed
Easton. Apparently they had stolen some type of priceless object. But before
he could say no, he receives a check for his services so he goes out to
Now your map shows the Easton's apartment, police station and Allepin's
home. Click on the Easton's apartment.
When you get there, there is a woman scrubbing the floors, blocking your
way. So you ask her about the Eastons. She tells you that they are weird;
because they are out of place and that they are not brother and sister, but
something more. She tells you about the Montparnasse gang and that they hang
out at the Alambic Bistro. And also find out that they had left the
apartment. So now go to the Bistro.

When you arrive you are greeted by Berenice. So you go to a table and
engage in conversation. You find out that the Eastons are a strange set and
that they don't act like brother and sister. Also you find out about the
heist and the missing priceless artifact. That Hulot, who is not there, and
they are friends. And that they went to eat at a restaurant. She, by the way,
doesn't know where, but he wrote it down on a pad. So you say your goodbyes.
Now turn around and make your way toward the bar. When you get there,
Click on the pad that is on the counter. Using the pencil that is beside the
pad, rub it on the pad. A name comes into view, it is Alexandre's. And that
location appears on the map. What are you waiting for?

When you get there, the maitre d' receives you and you ask about the
Eastons. He hasn't heard of them or seen them. So you then ask about Hulot,
whom he does know. He also says that the couple with him is not the Easton's
they are the Whytes. You are at a loss. He tells you yes they are the Whytes,
and the bill from their meal was charged to the Orphee Hotel.

You talk to Petit, and he confirms that the Whytes are indeed staying
there, in his own way. So you turn around and a hand stops you and tells you
to meet him at the Nantis Cafe.
When you enter go to the bartender and talk to him. He really doesn't
know anything. You buy a bottle of wine. Turn around and click at the middle
table by the window. When you do that Malet appears and signals you to go to
a table. Both of you talk and you find out that the Whytes are husband and
wife and that their room number is 507.
You go to their room, that's when Hellouin witnesses the murders. He
said he ran away and that there must have been something in the room and he
fainted near the Alambic. When he came to, he went to the bistro and that is
when you (MacPherson) saw him.

At that moment, the police arrive and take Hellouin into custody. Lebrun
tells you that they had followed you and thanks you for your help. The scene
changes and you are back at your apartment.

You are thinking over the case, and you come to the conclusion that
something is off in the case. Go to the Eaton's apartment.

Go upstairs and enter the apartment. Look around and when you get to the
table in the back room, pick-up the piece of paper. On the wall by the desk
is a poster, click on it and then click on the lower left hand corner. You
will see a small key, take it. Look around some more and when you get to the
room that is nearest the entrance, the one that is neat. Go to the closet by
the window and look down, you will see a small chest. Using the key you just
found open it and take a drawing of a weird face and passport.
From all that you obtained, you can confirm that what Sophia told you
about the Whytes is true. Also that there is a secret society and Allepin is
the president and Dr. Kaufner is the second in command. Go back to your
studio and call Ms. Blake.

When you call Ms. Blake, she agrees to meet you at the restaurant. Also
call the post office so you can send a telegram to Pinkerton to ask about the
Johnsons. Now go to the restaurant.

You arrive at the restaurant and ask the maitre d' if you have a
reservation for a Ms Blake. He shows you to her table. You sit down and start
the conversation. She tells you that the Eatons and the Whytes are really Fay
and Jerome Johnson. They were hired by her to get back the famous heirloom,
the Head of Badphomet. You learn that Allepin is a madman that stole the
heirloom from her late husband. She is bound to get it back and avenge her
husband. When you are finished with the conversation go to the police

Go directly to Lebrun's office, because the police sergeant won't help
you. Talk to Lebrun. You try to make him understand that Hellouin is not
guilty, but he doesn't want to listen to you. So leave and go to Dr.
Kaufner's office.

Now you have to get in without anybody seeing you. Go forward and when
you get to the crossway turn left, and click forward 3 times. Turn left and
click forward once, turn left again and pull lever.
Turn around and exit to your left. Click forward once, turn right and
click forward 3 times turn right and click forward 1, turn left and pull
Turn around and exit the little room to your right. Click forward 6
times, turn right and click forward once, turn right and pull lever.
Exit to your right and click forward once. Turn right and click three
times, turn right and click forward once, turn left and click forward once,
turn right and pull lever.
Exit to your left. Click forward three times; turn right and forward
three times. Turn left and forward three times, turn left and forward once,
turn left and pull lever.
Exit to your left. Click forward once. Turn left and forward three
times, turn left and forward once, turn right and forward once, turn left and
pull lever.
Exit to your right. Click forward three times, turn left and click
forward five times.
If you did it right you are in front of the doctor's office door, click
on it and go in. He is not there.
Go forward to the first bookcase on your left. Click on the yellow thing
you see there, it is a crystal. Take it and turn right, go to the sofas in
the corner.
Click on the table that separates them. Take the coin that is on the
chain, which is in and ashtray. Also take the blue crystal. Turn right and go
to the bookcase that is on your left. Click on the blue something and take
the blue crystal star.
Turn around and look at the desk, look down and point around the bottom
drawer of the desk. Click and open the drawer, take the two patient files:
one is of Allepin and the other is of Gracie Eaton.
Now look up and go to the bookcase that is in front of you. Click on the
red thing and take the red crystal star. Now make your way to the front of
the desk.
Click on the green journal and take it. Now click on the large egg and
open it. Take the wax cylinder. You need somewhere to listen to it. Think?!
Yes! Mrs. Louiseau's hotel room. Ok, so you got your next destination.

Go to Mrs. Louiseau's room, 506. Go to the phonograph, she won't mind.
Using the wax cylinder click on the phonograph. Listen to Dr. Kaufner talk
about Mr. Allepin, the cycle of Phoenix, Vienna, the Knights of Templar, its
dissolution and now the camponions. Once you heard everything go to the
Meeting Hall.

Talk to the doorman, he won't let you in, despite what you say. So go to
the Alambic

Ask all the questions, and find out that Hulot is missing. Ask her to
forge a letter. She says to come back later. So go to Allepin's house in the

Once you arrive go to the door and using any of the crystals you found
at Dr. Kaufner's office click on the top part of the doorknob. Watch the
scene and after, you will be let in. Go forward in the middle of the hall
turn right and go to the double doors. You can't go in but look up at the
threshold. See the carvings? It has what looks like waves and a symbol of the
woman, a circle with a cross underneath.
Now turn around and go to the other side of the hall to the other double
doors. Look at its threshold and see the carvings that look like wind, its
symbol is like a curvy 4. Turn around and go to the staircase go up. It
doesn't matter, left or right.
Once upstairs go to the main corridor. There, at the chandelier turn
right. Click forward and then turn left, once you are in the middle of the
pass way turn right to the double doors. Look at the threshold and see
mountains and a symbol like an h with a T.
Click on the doors and go in. It is the bedroom. Look around and after
not finding anything exit the room. Go to your right toward the stained glass
Starting from the left toward your right look at the windows and also
look at the plaque that is at the bottom of the window. The first one says:
January 14, 1128; second: June 24, 1305; third: March 18, 1314. These are
special dates for the Templar Knights history. When the Pope admits them,
when they are thrown out of the Church and when some of them are burned to
the stake. Turn around and go to your right to the next set of double doors.
Before going in look at the threshold, it is what looks like flames and the
symbol is the man's symbol, which is a circle with an arrow at an angle.
Click on the doors and go in.
It is Mr. Allepin's office. Look around, go to his desk and look on top
take the financial statements and the box of matches that are on his desk.
Ok, save your game. Now we are going to see if Berenice is finished with the

Talk to Berenice and obtain the letter. Now go to the meeting place.

Using the letter that Berenice just forged click on the doorman. No
luck. He notices that the letter is a forgery. So go back to Berenice.

Using the financial statement ask Berenice for another letter. She says
to come back later. So now go to Allepin's residence and take up where you
left off.

So... you were in his office. Now go to the bookcase that is on the far
wall to the left of room, in the corner. Click on the second shelve from the
bottom to your left. There is a ring with letters on it, take it. Now turn
around and go to the weird machine. It has planets on top of it.
Now you are presented with a panel that has three rows of numbers and a
lever. Now, think! Looks like they are dates. What dates have you seen
lately? Yes, the ones on the stained glass windows. Ok.
The first row, from top to bottom, is the year, the second is the month
and the third is the day. So enter: 1128, 01, 14, now pull the lever. The
planets begin to move.
Now enter: 1305, 06, 24, pull the lever. The planets move.
Finally enter: 1314, 03, 18, pull the lever. The planets move, but this
time there is another noise. A secret door opens! Wait! Save your game.
Before you go in let's go back to Berenice.

Go to Berenice and obtain the other letter. Now go to the meeting place.

Using this new letter click it on the doorman. Now he lets you in. Look
around. You will see some curtains that look as if it is an entrance to
another room. Well, yes it is, go in. It looks like a chapel. Go to where you
see three chairs. Once you get there, turn left and you will see a door.
Go in, it is a library. Look around. There are three things you need
from here. A gold coin that is in a display box. A Templar history book that
is in one of the shelves. A booklet that is on the reading table. Also look
at one of the bookcases, it tells you that there are a lot of books in
languages that you don't understand. Now go back to Allepin's residence and
to the secret room.

Go up the stairs, across the bridge, down the stairs. Turn right and go
down the stairs. Go in. Look all around, find Allepin's body. See the flashes
as you touch the body. Using your camera, take a picture of him. Look around
at the tombs; find out that all the Templar chiefs are buried there. Go back
to the entrance.
On the pillar that is on the left side of the entrance is a square with
smaller squares and numbers in them. This one is a 3x3 square. If you add the
numbers, diagonally, across or vertically, it comes out to the same number.
In this case: 15. Under the square you see a drawing, write it down, it is of
some mountains. This means that the number 15 is associated with the Earth
and Saturn, whose symbol is the h with a T.
Now turn around and go to the pillar on the right side of the entrance.
This pillar has a 4x4 square. The sum is 34. The drawing is of a sun with
clouds, it means air. It is associated with Jupiter and the curvy four
Now turn to your right and go to the pillar that is on the left side of
a sort of an altar in the far back. This square is 5x5. The sum is 65. The
drawing is of fire. So 65 is associated with Mars and fire and the man's
Now turn to your right and go to the altar. There you will find the
murder weapon, beside the dial book. Take it. Now for the book, remember the
dial you found in the library? Yeah, the one with all the letters. Take it
and click it on the dial part of the book and lower all the levers to lock
the dials in place. Leave this for right now. Turn around and go to the
pillar that is separating the room.
This square is a 7x7 square. The sum of the lines is 175. The drawing
underneath is that of a lighthouse, or in other words the sea. 175 is
associated with water and Venus and the women's symbol. Now go to the little
Look around, and when you get to where you see an alchemist's set, click
on the scroll and take it. Now read it. It talks about the squares and its
sums and that they correspond to one of the four elements, Earth, Water, Air
and Fire.
Ok. Now look at the seven bottles that contain different colored powder.
Starting from your left and going right they are: silver, purple, gold, blue,
red, green and black. Look at the symbols on the bottles. Some are sort of
difficult to read. Now look at the spoons. You have spoons, with measures of
1, 5 10, 25 and 50.
Ok. Want to make the purple substance. Well let's start. The bottles we
will be using are the blur, red, green and black. The black substance has the
Saturn symbol on it so it is associated with Earth. We need 15 measures of
that. So use the 10 and 5 measure spoon. Click on the 10 measure spoon now
take it to the black substance and click on that, now take it to the bottle
on top of the burner and click on that. Now click on the 5 measure spoon and
do the same.
Now go to the red substance using the 50, 10 and 5 measure spoon to
complete 65.
The blue substance using the 25, 5 and 1 measure spoon to complete 34.
The green substance using the 50 and 25 measures to complete 175. Once
you have finished putting the ingredients in using the matchbox light the
burner. If you did it right you will obtain a little bottle of purple
substance. Just look in the inventory. Now save the game and go to Mrs.
Louiseau's hotel room.

Go up to room 506 and talk to Mrs. Louiseau. Find out about the
Templars, the Alchemists, the head of Badphomet and other unimportant stuff.
Now go to Hellouin's office.

Click on the first door to your left and Mrs. Hellouin answers giving
you a key to Jacques' safe box. Now go to his office and look in the bottom
right hand drawer of his desk. Using the key, take the notes he took on the
case. Read it. Now go to the attic and take the lantern that is there. Save
game. Now let's go back to Allepin's residence.

Go to the secret room and to the dial book. Now it is time to decipher
this. On the other page you have planetary system with a line going through
three planets. These planets are: A in the first ring, D in the third ring
and N in the fifth ring. Ok
Now go to the dials. You have three places, where you can insert letters
and numbers. One with letters at twelve O'clock, one with numbers at six
o'clock and one with numbers at nine o'clock.
Let's go to the twelve o'clock one; there you have three rings that if
you click on them they move. Move the outer ring to the A, the middle ring to
the D and the inner ring to the N.
Now go to the six o'clock numbers. These numbers should correspond with
the position of the planet. So starting with the inner ring put it at 5, the
middle ring at 3 and the outer ring at 1. The nine o'clock position should be
blank. If you did it right, the letters at the bottom should move to form a
phrase: "But he could not stop me from joining the Templars".
When that happens you can hear a voice and images start forming on the
right side of MacPherson. Okay wait till the scene ends and go to the Police

Talk to Lebrun, touch all subjects and give him the evidence, but don't
give him the coins. He is bull-headed, isn't he? Well, you might as well
leave and go to the Alambic.

Talk to Berenice, she's the only one left alive. When you touch her, you
get flashes of Hulot being murdered. Touch all subjects and find out about
the mural and that it was very important to Hulot. After you are finished
talking to her, turn right and go to the back room.
On a table you can see a picture of Hulot surrounded by candles. Take
one of the candles. Now go to the right hand side corner, and from there
click on the painting. Automatically, the candle is put in your hand. With
the candle look around the painting. At different points in the painting,
figures appear, and the sketch book in the inventory appears briefly. When
you are finished, click on the sketch book and you should have 8 different
bones and 7 letters.
Now you must put the bones in their place to make an entrance to the
subway. The letters must go in the name plate it should spell MOLITOR. When
you have a bone or a letter in the right place and you click on it you can
drag the part of the drawing that you have completed.
When you have finished with the drawing and it is correct, a new
location appears on the map: Murat Porte Molitor Metro Station. Go there.

You are cut to a scene, where MacPherson is entering a closed subway
station. When the scene finishes you are left at the top of some stairs. Go
down and you find yourself at an abandoned station. Go to the far back. Now
take the left hand side tunnel. When you click on the tunnel you are cut to a
scene where MacPherson is walking through the tunnel and a subway train is
coming. Don't worry there is a door to his left, through which he throws
himself. He is safe.
Once the scene stops, you are left in a place which is pitch black; but
remember the lantern you took from Helloin's hiding place in the attic. Click
on it and voila! You have light. Go down the stairs and around the winding
steel stairs till you get to a... looks like a storage room.
Go in and all the way to the back of the room, where there are some
shelves. On the left side, on the bottom shelf, there is a head. Take it. Now
turn slightly to your left and down. There is a box or a chest that has
another head in it. When you open the box, the eyes begin to light up and you
see flashes. Take that too.
Remember what Berenice told you about making a copy of the head. Well,
if you have two of them, one must be a fake. The only person who knows which
is which is the maker of it, who in this case is Berenice. So go to her.

Show her the heads and she will tell you. Now all these heads and
secrets and murders are tied to Allepin's residence and his secret room so go
there. Save your game!

When you click on the door and enter you hear Dr. Kaufner's voice and
see Sofia Blake hanging upside down in the middle of the foyer. Now you see
Dr. Kaufner coming down the staircase with a gun.
You can take one of two roads. If you choose to call him De Allepin he
will kill you and Sofia. Hellouin will be put to death. But if you choose to
call him Dr. Kaufner, then you will break the false head of Baphomet and save
yourself, Sophia and Hellouin.
Any way you choose the final outcome is the same. Berenice gives Mrs.
Louiseau the head in exchange for some photos or old papers?
So nobody knows whom you are really working for. Huh? In the end it was
Berenice and Mrs. Louiseau.
Hope you had fun.

Copyright May 20, 2003

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