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Planescape - Torment Game Walkthrough

Planescape - Torment

*** Planescape: torment - FAQs for beginners by Orion79 ***

Planescape: Torment (P:T) is one of the best PC RPGs ever, and is worthy of
being playerd despite of its age.

Still, it has some sides that are not very intuitive so that this document
provides essential hints for the best game experience, starting a new game
in the best way, ...


This guide is made to give the best starting hints, and may be used together
with other walkthrough made by other players.

First of all, P:T is an interpretation game. It is better if you enjoy
it SLOWLY, playing one quest per time. Read the dialogues, very beautiful,
and take your time to explore all possible situations, missions and so on.

Always remember: together with Nameless One's memories, you are trying to
recover even his virtue.

Before starting, special thanks to Dan Simpson for many details about
party members and alignment changes. Download his guide for a complete
walkthrough, if needed.


Chapter 1 - ability scores & enhancements
Chapter 2 - how to improve your character - fighter or mage? AD&D rules
Chapter 3 - how to choose party members
Chapter 4 - the importance of being Lawful
Chapter 5 - how to enhance Armor Class without armors nor shields
Chapter 6 - notes, hints & tips; about spells. VERY IMPORTANT - NO SPOIL!
Chapter 7 - Spoil-less quests list.


Chapter 1 - ability scores (often known as "stats"):

In PT, Wisdom rules. It is the most important value, since it allows better
dialogue options, that are rewarded with higher experience points and or items,
and every point above 12 increases by 2-5% the Experience points (XPs) gained
by defeated monsters.

PT is a game extremely based on dialogues and talking, and doing so allows to
earn much more experience than killing monsters or moping up
the whole area.

After wisdom, there is intelligence and, then, charisma, which are both very
useful in dialogues.

Some guides suggest the following initial distribution:
STR 9, DEX 11, CON 9, Int 15, WIS 18, Car 13.
I suggest to keep DEX 9 and rise INT to 17, so that you should be ready to
obtain all the best dialogues with the game.

Stats may be even increased in two other ways:
- at level up, since Nameless One gains an extra ability point to enhance any
of the previous ones
- with special items that permanently boost stats, or by special non-playing
characters (NPC).
- with equipment, including tattoos.

About specialization, those are the effects:

Fighter: (total: +3 to STR, +1 to con, up to 5 proficiency)
7th + 1 STR, able to have 4 proficiency in a weapon
12th + 1 STR, + 1 CON, + 3 HP, able to have 5 proficiency

Mage: (+3 to Int, +2 to wis, +5 lore)
7th + 1 INT
12th + 2 INT, + 1 WIS, + 5 Lore

Thief: (+3 dex, +1 luck).
7th + 1 DEX
12th + 2 DEX, + 1 Luck

Other Places the Nameless One Can Gain Extra Stats:

Mortuary, Starting Level -- Ei-Vene -- MaxHP +1
Smoldering Corpse Tavern -- O -- WISDOM +1
Drowned Nations, Tomb -- Tear of Salieru Dei -- CONSTITUTION +1
Lower Ward -- Sebastian -- CHARISMA +2
Mortuary, after Dead Nations -- Xachariah's Heart -- DEXTERITY +1
Clerk's Ward -- Nemelle -- MaxHP +3
Clerk's Ward, Brothel -- Vivian -- CHARISMA +1
Clerk's Ward, Vrischika's Shop -- Tear of Salieru Dei -- CONSTITUTION +1
Clerk's Ward, Festhall -- Qui-Sai -- AC +1
Godsmen Foundry -- Sarossa -- WISDOM +1
Ravel's Maze -- Ravel -- WISDOM +1
MaxHP +3
WISDOM +1 or 2
Curst Prison -- Vhailor -- STR +1,2 or 3
DMG +1,2 or 3
Carceri Warehouse -- Ancient Scroll -- Any STAT +2
Fortress of Regrets -- Practical Incarnation -- WISDOM +1
Fortress of Regrets -- Paranoid Incarnation -- STRENGTH +1
Fortress of Regrets -- Good Incarnation -- WISDOM +1

Max Total Possible: (ancient scroll can give a +2 anywhere)
Strength +4 (6)
Dexterity +1 (3)
Constitution +3 (5)
Intelligence +1 (3)
Wisdom +7 (9)
Charisma +3 (5)
AC +1
MaxHP +7

Remember that you will enter Fortress of Regrets nearly at the end of the
game, when those bonuses will be almost useless except for the final fight.

Even more, if you can have Ignus (see below for party members) to join your
party, you may trade up to 7 HPS for spells and fire resistance.

Later in the game, you may even find a nice whip that grants a permanent +2
to charisma and -1 to wisdom, when used by a fighter, and several items
that can boost a character attributes, like tattoos, belts or rings.
So, succeeding in all missions and ignoring scrolls and the whip, a player may
obtain the following "base" stats (accordingly with my suggested ones):

Fighter* mage thief
Strength 15 Strength 13 Strength 13
Dexterity 10 Dexterity 10 Dexterity 13
Constitution 13 Constitution 12 Constitution 12
Intelligence 18 Intelligence 21 Intelligence 18
Wisdom 25 Wisdom 25(+1) Wisdom 25
Charisma 16 Charisma 16 Charisma 16

Few words must now be spent about AD&D rules, which are broken and obsolete.

In AD&D, in fact, stats usually grant some kind of bonus only from a score
of 15+ and it is important to know how to invest ability points to obtain
the best results.
Programmers have been wise enough to add many items in the game that boost
each character stats, like belts, ring, tattoos, spells and so on.

Remember that you are starting as a level 3 fighter and, even multiclassing,
you just will gain only 1 stat point at every new level above 4th, regardless
of your class.
Now, considering that there is no limit to how many levels you may gain, it
is clear that it is easy and possible to greatly customize your Nameless One,
obtaining very good scores at the end of the game.

*Hints about every single stat:*

- Strength: every advancement above a score of 15 will give you some bonus do
deal damage and/or to hit foes.

Those bonuses may be huge but there is a bad "trick".
When you reach a score equal to 18, you gain +1/+2 (hit/damage), and for
every further point that you spend to increase your strength, you DO NOT
reach the score of 19, but will gain the benefits of extraordinary strength
(like when you roll the % die to determine it), so 18/01 18/51, 18/76, 18/91
and 18/100, and only THEN Nameless One will reach the score of 19.

It is not a great deal to invest more points in strength over pure 18, because
you have to spend a lot of points for minor bonuses and it is just better to
wait for some greater power that will boost it to 19+.
Vhailor or the Ancient Scroll can do it, otherwise you'll find several items,
like tattoos or belts, that can boost your strength even more.

- Dexterity: it is probably the less important attribute in the game, if your
N.O. is not a rogue/thief.
Even if he is not, you will have no reason to increase it over 18, since at
19 you get a bonus for ranged weapons, that are just missing in the game,
and the next armor class bonus will be at 21.

If you are a rogue instead, every point will increase your thieving skills
and may be important to gain more experience by rogue-only quests.

- Constitution: a very important attribute, that is worthy of being boosted
using the points that N.O. gets each new class level.

Every score between 15 and 19 gives you a bonus, which retroactively
increases your hit points, then again from 21 to 24, but from the score of
20 every character begins to regenerate his/her own life points (higher the
stat, faster the regeneration rate), which means that Nameless One do it even

Note that there is a ring that increases it by +3, so a score equal to 22 would
be a very good goal when planning your character customization, but it even
depends by your class: if you are a mage, you may want to keep hands free
for magic rings that boosts your spellcasting abiltiy.

Note that, with such a constitution, Nameless One is really immortal, since
no foe is strong and fast enough to overcome his regeneration rate.

- Intelligence: a total score of 18 is reccomanded for dialogues only,
otherwise intelligence is important for spellcasting only.
Mages need a score no greater than 19, since 19 allows a mage to write an
unlimited number of spells in his/her spell book and there is no limit to the
spell level that can be mastered by the mage.

- Wisdom: if you start with a score of 18, there is no reason to increase
it even more, since you'll already gain a +7 total bonus while venturing.

You may want to increase it to 19 only if you plan to use that lovely charm,
that permanently reduces your wisdom by 1 to increase your charisma by 2
(fighters only, but you may always ask Dak'kon to multiclass you again).

If you plan to use the charm, boost your wisdom to 19 at 4th level.
Still, it is a very good idea to buy tattoos from Fel, that boost your wisdom,
so that Nameless One may gain experience faster.

Even more, high wisdom grants immunity to some spells, but they are quite rare
in Torment, so don't care about this side effect.

-Charisma: in dialogues, it usually the total score, not the charisma bonus,
that influences available answers. If you care, you get your first "+1" with
a score of 13, then another bonus for every score thereafter. I never have had
troubles with a starting Charisma equal to 13, thanks to tattoos, but it is
really a good idea to go and talk immediately with Sebastion (+2, Lower Ward)
and to Vivian (+1, Clerc's ward) as soon as you can, even because it makes
trading with merchants much easier and will save you a lot of gold.

At last, there is something else that must be known:

- the path of the warrior (and, marginally of the thief) must be lawful,
because the bonus to Strength and to constitution may be obtained only by
lawful characters. That sucks? perhaps... but if you are going to get rid
of a curse that is forcing you to resurrect, it sounds pretty obvious that
you have to fight chaos with law.


Chapter 2 - how to improve your character.

A - What happens when I change class? What about proficiencies and Thac0?

First of all, you must know this: Nameless one can level up only one class per
time, and does not gain the benefits from the "dual class" option, like other
humans do.

In AD&D, when a human chooses a new class, the previous class becomes inactive
as long as the new class level is higher than the previous class level. At this
point, the character re-gains all previous class abilities, like weapon
proficiency or backstab damage.

When Nameless One switches to a new class instead, this does not happen.
For example, if you begin to train as a mage, you won't get back the
fighter's class abilities, like the weapon proficiency, even if Nameless One's
mage level is higher than his fighter level.
The same happens if you train as a rogue.

Still you keep your weapon specialization (that grants extra speed, damage,
attacks per round and so on), but it must match the weapon proficiency owned by
the "active" class.
For example, if the new class is the mage one, you may use daggers made for
mages AND the specialization earned as fighter, but you can't use fist weapons
allowed to fighters only.

About Thac0 (To hit armor class Zero = attack rate. The lower, the better!) and
saving throws, you keep using the ones granted by your best class even when
the class that grant more benefits is inactive. This means that, if you
multiclass to mage, you keep the same Thac0 granted by your fighter levels as
long as it is better than the one granted by the mage class.

For a quick reference, remember that your class Thac0 is...
Fighter: 21 - your fighter level; no lower than 1
Rogue: 21 - 1/2 of your rogue level, rounded down, no lower than 11
Mage: 21 - 1/3 of your mage level, rounded down, no lower than 14.

So, at level 6, before specialization, your fighter class grants you a Thac0 of
15 (21-6), while rogues and mages will grant their fist bonus at level 13 and
at level 19. you may even want to gain a couple of rogue levels just to enhance
your sneaky skills, but then it is such a mess to switch from one class to
another, just to disarm traps or to open doors ONLY if you have a really good
strength score that, in some cases, may just not be enough.


Unlikely AD&D, you may ask Dak'kon or other characters to re-train you into
one of the classes that you already master, assuming that you already found a
teacher that trained you in that class.

Dak'kon can re-train you as a fighter or a mage, Annah as a rogue/thief.
This means that you may become a mage, talk to Ignus and Dak'kon to obtain
enhancements and then come back to your previous fighter class, if you don't
like to be a mage.

Even remember that asking Dak'kon to re-train you to fighter, without spending
your Experience Points acquired when in your second class, will just waste
those XPs, that won't be added to the fighter class.

* cheat *

Dan Simpson, Christopher Leigh Dodd and Aaron Denney spoil that there is a bug
to make The Nameless One a multi-class Fighter/Mage or Thief/Mage.
First, you have to be either a Fighter or Thief with a spell caster in your
party (Dak'kon, Fall-From-Grace or Ignus), then select one of them then bring
up the "Quick Bar" (by right-clicking). Select spells then select the entire
party (Note: must do this while "Quick Bar" is still on screen),the SELECT THE
SPELL AGAIN and you should have the Nameless One's spells, inside the
previously selected spellcaster Quick Bar. The button will be gray, but it will
still work and Nameless One will cast the chosen spell.
Even more, you MUST be trained as a mage and you can still memorize spells if
you are a different class.

This is very helpful especially if you may cast "friend" spell, to enhance your
charisma when talking to very important characters, or other nice spells that
may be cast only on Nameless One, or the caster himself. Mage's armor, Shield,
Friend or Strength are all good choices.

Usually, as long as Dak'kon's (or Ignus') mage level is higher than yours,
there is no reason to use this cheat for the most common spells, while you may
want to switch to mage in some areas with endless foes (Modron's Cube, Curst
revisited, outlands or Sigil undergrounds) to rise even your mage level, to
enable the casting of high-level spells, maybe venturing alone to quickly do it.
Still, remember that every Experience Point that you will gain as mage will not
be earned as fighter, so it may hamper you more than advantaging you.

B - Mage or Fighter?

Know this: being a thief won't give you any effective advantage: do it only if
you really like this class.
In AD&D, Thief are really poor warriors and, even if P:T there traps and locked
containers, there are not enough of them to justify a class change, nor
thief-only missions, except than enhancing Annah a little bit.

If you want to optimize your character, remember this: being a mage will grant
you a bit more experience points, greater powers, and a very, a VERY nice bonus
both to intelligence and to wisdom, making more or less useless your strength
value and enhancing your diplomatic skills, that are absolutely essential in
the game.

Even more, in P:T there are NO ARMORS OR SHIELDS for you. None at all. At the
same time, there is only a very limited set of melee weapons, and very few are
powerful like the ones from Baldur's Gate II. Even more, there are no bows,
slings or crossbows to use, so your character may stay away from battle only
if he uses spells. Even more, being a mage will grant you the use of some
"pretty" kind of equipment, like bracers of armor & co.

At last, some dialogue options are reserved to mages only, like gaining the
fire resistance from Ignus or enhancing Dak'kon and, unlikely 3.5 edition,
"friendship" spell (that enhances your charisma, very useful!) may be cast
by a mage only upon him/herself, so you can't have Dak'kon or Ignus to cast
it for you.

The back draw is that mages get exhausted pretty easily in combat, sucks in
melee fights and can't use many of the nice weapons and equipment pieces
available in the game for fighters (nor your other friends will do, since
none of them can handle axes, clubs or hammers).
Not to name the fact that the Ancient Scroll is a "Wish" scroll that may be
used ony by Nameless One, if he is a level 12+ mage and a good intelligence!

Even more, without considering Ignus, Nameless One may be become the only
true "pure" mage, having access to high-level spells, which have a devasting
power, dealing mass-damage to multiple foes at once.

From the other side, being a fighter grants several advantages, first of
all the fact that all the Experience Points that you'll earn will be added to
only one class, reaching earlier the second specialization level and not
slowing you down while earning experience in new class.

In fact, remember that, as long as your mage or rogue level is equal or lower
to your fighter level, you won't gain any new life point, saving throw or
extra points to increase your stats.

Being a fighter make you more resistant (much more Life points), you will
gain new levels faster (because the fighter has a faster level progression
than the mage) and will allow you to use a lot of very nice items, including
some of the best weapons in the game.

Being a fighter will grant greater improvements for Nordom, more XPs and a
better resistance against monsters, will make fights faster and, matter not
to underestimate, monsters will be slain faster because spells have usually
a slow animation that, even if nice, will become tedious after a while and
high-level mage spells are even worse!

Even more...
there is no way to change Nameless One's position in your current formation,
so that he will always be in the first line and the mage's puny d4 for life
points is not a deal.

NOT being a mage will allow you to keep all the good spells for your primary
spellcaster, that may be Ignus or Dak'kon, instead of being forced to
split them among several spellcasters and, to be honest, I never felt the
missing of "friendship" spell to build up my charisma.

*Not to name that in P:T you just CAN'T REST IN DUNGEONS.*

This is very important, since it will forbid you to rest in the same place to
recover your used spells and, in dungeons, there are really a lot of foes that
will force you to use all of them, being very soon without resources and forced
to enter melee combat.

At the very end, perhaps being a fighter is easier, while playing as a mage is
more challenging.
My suggestion is to play the game once as a fighter, saving the game when you
reach the 6th level as fighter, end it and then start over from that point,
as a mage, using Vhalior and Nordom, but NOT Ignus, just to taste all the
chances offered by this wonderful game.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

C - further stats and weapon optimization.

My advice is that it is really better to be big than strong. A high
constitution allows a fantastic regeneration rate, that will make Nameless
One really hard to kill. After it, it depends from your class.

Strength for fighters (untill pure 18), then dexterity; dexterity for mages,
since you'll hardly need an intelligence higher than the one granted by your

For thieves, dexterity is more important than constitution, while strength is
the last one to increase, only after obtaining a good dexterity and

Strength is not so important since fighter's specialization in weapons already
allows to deal a lot of damage and fighter's Thac0 is so good that you won't
feel the missing of a very good strength, even because both Dak'kon and Ignus
have spells that may greatly boost your strength if you want to.

Even more, if you really want to build up your character, there are some areas
in the game where monsters respawn constantly and that you may fight to level
up and to enhance furthermore your character.

Sadly, until level 10, you will have to save & re-roll for your life points
until you get a decent score, since P:T has a weird tendency to roll 1 a bit
too often....
With "decent", I mean a score that goes next to half of the top score that
a die may roll for that charactre class. In other words...

Class: Die Average score
Fighter d10 5-6
cleric d8 4-5
mage d4 2-3
thief d6 3-4

Saving & leveling up to obtain almost the top (10, 6 or 4) is almost cheating.
If you want to do so, just download a save editor and use it.

About weapons, hammers are usually too slow and uneffective.
If you plan to be a fighter, fists and axes are the best choice while, if you
plan to become a mage, remember that mages can use only edged weapons like
daggers and almost nothing more.

For rogues, it is a bit different: fist weapons are always very important, but
even clubs should not be underestimated and neither daggers.

Just for the records, I spent a lot of time with a "fist" weapon, called
the Dagger of Morin, that is a +2 weapon, with a +1 luck bonus and a -2 bonus
to Armor Class, and that is just great.


Chapter 3 - how to choose party members

You can have only 5 extra fellows, while you'll meet 7 characters in the game.
the choice depends even by your main class. In fact, if you have chosen to be
a thief, you won't need Annah while, if you have chosen to be a mage, you
won't need Ignus (but you may be trained by him) and, at last, if you have
chosen the path of the fighter, you may be interested in Vhailor only to build
up your strength and for training, but not as a party member.

Here are described useful information about your allies, taken by D.Simpson's
guide, Version 1.81

Morale Note: Every character that joins you has what the game calls "Morale."
This reflects how happy they are. Mostly this just affects their
conversations, however, in some cases (Dak'kon being the most notable) it
affects more tangible items, such as weaponry and skills. Morale is an
integer value, the nicer you are to the person in question, the higher this
value will rise.

Chaotic Good

Stats: HP AC THAC0 Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
20/20 4 19 12 16 16 13 9 6

Upgraded 16 18 18 13 9 6

How to get: You start the game with Morte. Just don't misplace him

How to Upgrade: Talk to him after that he has been "kidnaped" in the
upper wards and he will have a new spell-like ability.

Once you have Fall-from-Grace talk to her about Morte.
Baatorian smell. Confront Morte about this and you will
recover a memory and upgrade Morte.
She tells you that he isn't a Mimir and that he has a
Baatorian smell. Confront Morte about this and you will
recover a memory and upgrade Morte.
This must happen after meeting the pillar of skulls.

personal note: Morte is a very nice character: funny, really part of the game.
It is even a very powerful character, since he (it?) has an outstanding damage
resistance, that makes him really hard to kill. Sadly, he can't equip any gear
except extra, magical teeth, but he is really worthy of.

Lawful Neutral

Stats: HP AC THAC0 Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
33/33 6 18 17 16 16 13 13 13

Upgraded 18 18 18 13 13 13

How to get: You will find Dak'kon coolin' his heels in the Smoldering
Corpse tavern, which is one area south of the Mortuary area.

How to upgrade: Once you have become a Mage, talk to Dak'kon about
learning the Way of Zerthimon from him. You must be a mage, then complete
all 8 circles (requires a high intelligence and wisdom) and then Dak'kon
will be upgraded.
Most likely, you must wait to meet a spellcaster that may train you in the

personal note: Dak'kon is very effective, a nice and interesting character and
has a strong interaction with the adventure.
Even if he is a multiclass character, that in AD&D are quite weak, Dak'kon
is a great melee character and a great aid to you, thanks to the spells that
he may cast, boosting party's strength and your armor class.

Even more, it gives you spells and XPs when you upgrade him and his blade
is morale-dependand, becoming really a great weapon (-6 BONUS to Armor Class!)
if you talk to him wisely, bringing his morale to the top.

Tip: Once Dak'kon is upgraded, give him a tattoo that gives at least +2 CON.
This will enable him to regenerate Hit Points, just like the Nameless One,
though not as fast.
Chaotic Neutral

Stats: HP AC THAC0 Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
38/38 4 17 14 18 16 12 10 13

How to get: You gain Annah after you have found Pharod and given him the
Bronze Sphere

How to upgrade: Not as dramatic as the others, but you can teach Annah a
few thieving tricks. If your main character is a Thief,
and has a thieving stat over 50, then you can teach Annah
a thing or two about thieving. Each time you do that she
gains +3 in that thieving skill.

Personal note: Annah is a very good character, but difficult to use in combat,
since you need to hide her in shadows each time. This grants her a nice bonus
to hit and her backstab damage does its job more than fine.

The main problem is that she is a multi-class character and, for this reason,
she is pretty slow to level-up.From the other side, her fighter skills allow
her to be more useful in battle, and, as thief, she may use a lot of nice
thief-only items.

She is useful, since it is always better to have a thief in the party than to
bash all locked items in the game ( pretty tedious ).
If your Nameless One is a thief too, it is still worthy of to travel with her
for a while, just the time to reach the Wards and to be trained by her.

Even more, if you are a good enough thief, you may obtain a pretty nice dagger
talking with her about thieving.
Unlikely many other characters, Anna's may equiped and enhanced with Fel's
tattoos but, sadly, she can't use anything else than fist weapons.

Lawful Neutral

Stats: HP AC THAC0 Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
42/42 2 16 13 16 16 16 16 19

How to get: Once you get access to the Clerk's Ward, visit the Brothel,
talk to Grace and she'll have you talk to her 9 students.
Return when you've done that to get her.

Ppersonal note: Grace is an essential but weak character. You just need
somebody that heals wounds in your party, but her succubus racial bonuses,
including some nice special ability, won't be so useful when fighting foes:
the lack of shields lowers her Armor Class, while the fact that she can't
handle any weapon forces her to rely only upon spells for dealing damage,
making her not very effective.

She says that she can't hold metal items for a long time, but I wonder why
she can't hold at least wooden clubs!

For some unknown reason, she won't wear any tattoo and, for some unknown
reason, when using Dak'kon to boost her strength, sometimes his spells may
just have no effect on her. Maybe a game bug?

Still, her spells are essential for a balanced party and she is a nice aid
with her bolts, to deal damage to multiple foes at once.

Her Sensory Touch will heal up to ten points on whomever is the subject, at a
cost of transferring that much damage to the person who uses the ability.
Chaotic Neutral

Stats: HP AC THAC0 Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
28/42 5 18 13 16 20 19 8 3

How to Get: You can find Ignus in the Smoldering Corpse Bar (SE Hive).
Getting him into the party is a little more work. First you
need the Decanter of Endless Water (Drowned Nations), then
you get the Word from Nemelle (Clerk's Ward). Finally you
can use it on Ignus to free him.

Personal note: Ignus is POWERFUL, really. Not only he has outstanding stats,
but several resistances to elements, and very useful spells. He even has a
natural ranged attack with little fire spheres but don't get too excited for
this: he uses his normal mage attack rate, that is pretty low, preventing
him from striking enemies both with those spheres, both with ranged touch
attack spells, like Ice Dagger.

He is the character that looks most evil among all the ones that you may meet.
You may want him only if you really like pure "spellcasters" and/or flames,
otherwise, imho, he is just boring.
Chaotic Neutral

Stats: HP AC THAC0 Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
60/60 4 15 16 16 16 16 8 8

Upgraded Stats: 2 18 17 18 18 8 8

How to Get: You'll find Nordom in the Hard level (somewhere) in the
Modron Cube.

How to Upgrade: Once you have Nordom, you must clear the mage Construct
out of the Modron Cube. Then you tell Nordom that you
are the new Director for his first upgrade. You get his
second upgrade by pointing out that his separation from
the Source is what makes him loopy. His final upgrades
come when you give him direct orders as the Creative
Director. Beyond what is listed above, there are also
class specific upgrades (depending on the Nameless One's
class). If you're having trouble getting the upgrades,
kick Morte and Fall-From-Grace from the party.

1st Upgrade Tell him that you are a new director
+1 INT +1 INT
+1 CON +1 DEX

Now it's time to give Nordom some orders. Once you've figured out that
he must do what you tell him to do you can make him a better fighter: (the
Nameless One must be a fighter and have 17 STR, even magical, or better)

36,000 experience
-2 INT
+1 DEX
+1 CON
+2 AC

Or, you can order him to do a "memory dump" (if you are a mage and have a
17 INT or higher):

36,000 experience
+2 INT
Creates the Twisted Gear of Enoll Eva (spell)

There is also the sneakiness upgrade (if you are a thief with at least
17 DEX):

36,000 experience
-2 STR
+2 DEX

And finally if you have a CHA of 17 or higher there is the motivational

+2 AC
+2 STR
+1 CON
+1 Luck

Personal note: Nordom is really a funny character, very nice and useful. Not
only he can detect portals, but it is the only sniper in the game.

In fact, it is equipped with two crossbows and, even if it doesn't have such
a great range, it is still very useful to deal a "first strike" to foes AND
to keep striking them without the mess that happens quite often, when too many
characters are involved into a melee fight and some of them don't "find" the
space to reach & hit a foe.

It may be equipped with lens and rings, but nothing else.

Nordom has the only back draw that it is not so easy to find a great
quantity of special ammos for its crossbows, useful only against foes
with damage reduction, but Coaxmetal sells some.

Lawful Neutral

Stats: HP AC THAC0 Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
100/100 2 12 18/51 13 18 10 10 10

How to Get: After Trias tells you of the Portal out of the Curst prison,
instead of entering the portal, go around it to find Vhailor.
As long as you don't remind Vhailor that he wanted to kill
you, he'll join just fine.

Personal note: Vhalior is a weird character.
It is strong and he starts with a decent armor class, since it *IS* an armor.
he may be equiped only with rings but he has a great magic axe and is a very
effective fighter.

Vhailor may train you if you are lawful, will increase your experience points
against Trias, and may be a great aid if you choose to fight the last foe in
the game.

Still, you have to be very careful when talking to him and to other NPCs when
he is in your party, since his blind quest as punisher against chaos may make
him to attack you.

What follows are the benefits that you may gain from his training, if you are

90,000 experience
120,000 experience
150,000 experience

At the very end, the only character that you really need is Morte, and Grace
too, for healing. I like very much Nordom, for tactical reasons and fun,
while you may get Ignus if you want, or need, a main spellcaster and Vhailor
if you miss a pure fighter.

Just remember this: high-level spells are not so essential even at the end of
the game, while Dak'kon's ability to cast nice enhanced magic missiles and a
better version of strength spell, together with mage's armor, is very useful.

All those characteristics made him to be really a great deal, with a greater
endurance in fights where Ignus would have been less useful, especially later
in the game where fights last longer, without any chance to rest.


Chapter 4 - the importance of being Lawful.

This is something that power-players may NOT like. Except Vhalior, I don't
understand why Tear of Salieru Dei may be used only by lawful good characters.

Still, if you, reader, gain satisfaction from succeeding in all quests and
completing the game under every point of view, including obtaining the best
weapon in the game ever, you must be VERY careful to choose the lawful path
whenever you'll have the chance.

Being good is pretty easy, but being lawful is NOT.
Of course, you'll be more lawful every time that you can tell the truth, and
chaotic when you lie, but there are other actions that may change your
alignment without that you may understand it.
Here are some samples...

*spoiler warning*

-if you lie or taunt anybody, including Morte, especially about being a simple
- generally bluffing, acting as a crazy person (barking, telling bad jokes),
breaking previous vows you made and so on.
-Bugging the skeletons will make you more Chaotic. By bugging, I mean asking
them stupid questions about their smock, and whatnot.
-If you lie to Deinoarra and say that her name sounds familiar, then you
become both more Evil and more Chaotic.
- Pestering the corpse with cobblestone about how much worse it looks than
you makes you more Chaotic
-signing more than one dustman contract
- If you tell Emoric the Truth after promising Pharod that you wouldn't tell,
then you become more Chaotic, otherwise you become more Lawful. If you lie
to Emoric you also become more Chaotic.
-If Awaiting Death asks why you signed the Contract you say 'Truth: "Well,
considering that death and I aren't on speaking terms anymore, I considered
it a no-lose proposition."', then you become more Chaotic.
- When Sere asks 'what do you see' in the bar, if you answer 'a bunch of
fun-loving dustmen'; If you 'Lie out of kindness' you are more CHAOTIC and
more GOOD.
- Doing pretty much anything with Barking Wilder will make you VERY, VERY
- If you start howling with the Barking Dog Thugs then you become more
- If you reply that 'it doesn't really matter' to Moruns-4-trees, or say any
other bad thing, then you become more CHAOTIC.
- If you 'throw your voice' with Marta you become more CHAOTIC
- Telling around that your name is Adan.
- Revealing that the Silent King is TRULY silent makes you more CHAOTIC and
EVIL, IF you promised Hargrimm that you would keep their secret, otherwise
nothing happens.
-After that you have to TRUTH or BLUFF him into getting your items, and most of
these make you more CHAOTIC or EVIL. If you didn't promise not to tell anyone
about his secret earlier, then you can safely threaten to Karina, in the
market, that you think she isn't a bad person makes you more GOOD. Saying "well
I can understand why" makes you more CHAOTIC.
-Eating Quell's candies (I wonder why!?)
- in the foundry, if you left Saros alive, go talk to him, ask him about the
Anarchists. Then if you have 14 INT or more, you can tell him this: "That
defeats the entire point of anarchy, Saros. You're supposed to be your own
person." Which gets you 200 exp. Wow. This also makes you more CHAOTIC.
Not a good deal.
-Bedai wants to know if you are up for sticking it to the Godsmen by
sabotaging that war machine they are building. Saying "I'll do it" makes you a
little more CHAOTIC and EVIL.
-If you play with the mini-modron cube like a child, or with the lady of
pain's doll.
- At pillar of skulls, giving up Fhjull makes you more EVIL. Lying about his
location makes you more CHAOTIC (and can only be pulled off if you have an 18
CHA anyway). I found Lying about Fhjull to be the easiest price to pay.
- Killing trias after the Vow of not killing him (but Vhalior may do it for
you at no price).


Chapter 5 - how an hell may I increase my AC (Armor class), if I can't find
neither armors nor shields?

It is easier of what you may think: yes, in AD&D IIed there are not spells like
"cat's grace", that will increase your armor class, but mage's armor, even if
it is destroyed after X damages, lasts for really a LOT of time, while
shield and similar spells/effects will help you to increase your AC against
the strongest monsters.

Even more, there are a lot of items in the game, like tattoos, charms, rings
and even weapons, that may enhance your armor class.
But, over all, remember that Nameless One regenerates so, if you are in danger,
just send More ahead with his strong damage reduction and give time to N.O.
to heal by himself.

Chapter 5 - notes, hints & tips

This part gives generic hints about the game or helps to deal with specific
situations, where the answers are not intuitive or where it is easy to do
the wrong thing. Feel free to read (and remember!) the spoil-less strings,
while read at your own risk the "spoiler" ones. "light spoiler" strings give
you precious hints about specific moments, while "spoiler" strings have a
heavier impact about the game plot and exploration, but may be very useful in
completing some sub-quests in the best way.

ALWAYS save before important dialogues with NPCs. Especially with Nordom,
Vhalior and the Which Ravel (a very difficult dialogue, that may earn you A
LOT of experience points).

Talk really with everybody that has a name, without missing ANY dialogue
string. Talk once even to harlots and dabus.

Whenever a new person joins your party, engage them in conversation at the
earliest opportunity, and grill them about everything. You learn a lot of new
things this way, and sometimes acquire valuable items.
More, talk to your companions whenever something happens to them in the game or
when you learn something news about them (by object or because another
character gives you hints about your companions).
If you need more specific examples, talk to Morte about his special skills
after that you save him when he is kidnaped, to Annah when Pharod is killed
and so on. The reward may be important.

ALWAYS remember that AD&D is NOT D&D 3.5 and so many items with similar effects
will stack together. for example, you may use at the same time Strength spell,
Tattoo of might and Tattoo of Greater might to boost your strength at the same

Switch tattos accordingly with the situation: when fighting, use the ones that
may increase your fighting skills or armor class, when in a city use the ones
that increase your charisma and/or intelligence (if needed). But always wear
the items that increase your wisdom.

The Sensory Touch will heal up to ten points on whomever is the subject, at a
cost of transferring that much damage to the person who uses the ability.
Of course, when it's the Nameless One who's using sensory touch, health
returns very quickly.

*** light spoiler ***
Don't miss to talk to Deinoharra in the mortuary. She will give you your
first special ability, that will be very useful even at the very end of the

when you get the cursed box, get rid of it as soon as you can, since it may
drain your HPs.

Soon or later, you may (or even may not) face a unique demon. Know that it
may be hit succesfully only by +2 weapons or better, and that it CAN be
defeated. It is just very strong, but an exciting fight.

Absolutely remember to talk with Mebbeth, Ei-Vene and Marta. Ei-vene is in
the mortuary, while you'll find the others in the Buried Village and in
Ragpicker's Square. They are essential to obtain furhter bonuses, later in the

The Grimoire of Pestilential Thought makes you more evil even if you just keep
reading its advices. Just don't buy it.

Cranium Rat charms are very useful for two reasons: they may enhance
Dak'kon's intelligence, used together with tattoos, to allow him to learn more
spells OR you may use them to increase Nameless One's Intelligence, granting
him better dialogue's options when talking with very important characters.
A small hint is to rise it to 18 when talking to Puzzled Skeleton.

Note that when you or your party members use Thief skills to steal something,
you can't subsequently sell it to anyone because all the merchants will know
it's stolen goods. So, don't bother to steal anything you're not going to use.

** very light spoiler **
Feel free to join any faction inside the game: you may always change it later.
Even if there are more factions, you are allowed to join only Dustmen,
chaosmen (NOT reccomended), Sensates, Godsmen and Anarchist (NOT reccomended)
but not the Harmonium. The best choice is to join in order Dustmen, Sensates
and Godsmen. Selling your body to dustmen has no consequence for you.
Note that, even if you are no longer a Sensate, you just miss the Sensory Touch
but you will still have access to the services offered by that faction.
The main, and only, advantage of becoming a Godsman after a Sensate is that
Godsmen sell godsmen-only weapons, that can be used only by their faction
Even dustmen are a good faction for the same reason. More, they buy even old
Tatoos while nobodyelse does.

When you reach the Lower Ward, it is NOT a good idea to sell your stuff to the
trader just outside the market building. Seek instead the couple of old
traders inside the huge, round building at the bottom of the screen.

The Vrok's feather found in the Maze does not call any Vrok. Just sell it.

If you forgot, the one with which you have to talk to enter in the Tower, is
Lazlo, inside the Market Area.

If you really can't find Modron's cube combination, it is:
extend the Left Wing, extend the Right Wing, rotate the Right Arm.

The best way to identify items is with Charms of Infinite Recall. When you
completed the exploration of an area, or a mission, put all unidentified items
in a single character's inventory and a Charm in his/her quick Item Slot,
then use it from the round, right-click menĂ¹.
If you have few items, you may use "identify" scrolls, or change your mage's
spells to identify as many items as you need, but it is a bit slower.

To speed up healing, if you have Grace in your party, use all her spells to
heal your party members. They will be back after resting for 8 hours, saving
your time and moneys.

** very light spoiler **
When you are in the catacombs, don't enter the cranium rats area (top north
est) BEFORE entering the undead area. If you discover Soego's secret first,
then you'll obtain free access to that area and a talk with many-as-one with
less efforts, less tedious fighting and more XPs as rewards.

After exploring the catacombs, you should have found your arm. In order to
activate new dialogue options for Dak'kon, you must ask him to translate for
you, when in Fell's shop. If you talk directly to Fell, nothing will happen.

** light spoiler **
When you reach the wards, after Morte's sub-quest, don't forget to visit
Pharaod again, to discover what happened to him and take back the sphere.

When you enter the wards, buy all items in Vrischika's Curiosities Shop,
except the Grimorie, the cheat-related items and the container: you will need
all of them, and it is worthy of to get all of them soon, instead than moving
from a side of the city to another to pick them up for every single quest.

There is no way to interact with the super lim-lim and there is only one use
for the lim-lim that you may buy, and it is to turn it into stone to sell it.
It is a pretty cruel and sad fate, even pretty useless, but I don't know
if it makes Nameless One to be more evil or chaotic.

** light spoiler **
Dealing with the Godsmen, if you accept to betray them you become a bit more
chaotic and evil, even if all this is a bit confusing, because, if from one
side you are doing something against demons, you are even killing the workers
that, by fact, are not guilty.
Since your goal may be to be as much lawful as possible, you can do that
quest (that changes only lightly your alignment) when you come BACK from
Carceri, so that you may be sure to obtain the best boost from Vhailor.

Talking to Ravel is relaly difficult since, to maximize the Wisdom bonus, to
get all the items and to obtain the best XPs reward, you must flatter her as
much as you can, sometimes even lieing to her. Dan Simpson's guide is really
useful about this point.

The Ancient Scroll is in Carceri Warehouse. It is inside a really small spot,
inside some wooden branches on the very left of the door so you have to look
very carefully to find it, but it is really worthy of.
It can be used only by a mage with very high intelligence (19 for me was fine)
and grants different choices: healing, gold, spells, better stats or a magic
item. Gold and healing should not even be considered, the spells are nothing
special and you should have already found almost all of them.

Then it is between +2 to any stat of yours or a magic ring. The ring is very
powerful, but can be used by mages only (so Nameless One IF mage, Dak'kon or

The ring grants a -4 to Armor class and a -4 to saving throws (lower =
better) but remember that you can't reduce your armor class less by -10 and,
considering all the good items that you got along the game, including a ring
that grants -3 to AC and +3 to Constitution and and Enhanced Deinoharra's ring,
that grants another -3 to your AC and Saving throws, you may be probably more
interested in boosting one of your stats, but this depends even by your
party formation.

****Spoiler**** Vhailor and Trias:
If you really want the top of the top, there is an hint to both obtain the
celestial sword and kill Tias. Help Tiras to open his heart and seek for
redemption but, if Vhailor is in your party, he'll kill Trias before he can
leave. And once again this is worth 375,000 experience. Therefore, you can
Redeem AND Kill him!
The only problem is that Vhailor would be your 6th party member, but you may
have only five in your party. Honestly, I would feel remorse in dismissing
one of my party members in the lonely prison where Vhailor is met, since there
is no way to come back later to take back that character, not even with the
Modron cube, and that character would be lost forever.
If you really want Vhailor, the only choice is to travel to Ravel's maze with
only 4 characters in your party, keeping one free slot for Vhailor.
Otherwise, another good solution is to talk to Vhailor, obtain the Strength
bonus, persuade him to rest in peace forever and then kill trias yourself, if
you really want the celestial sword (great weapon, really!).
Doing so will give you the same experience of redempting him, won't make you
more evil and, probably, you should be already "good" enough that the
"redemption" option may be pretty useless except if for your personal
The matter is that Celestial Sword may become any weapon of your choice and
even a mage may like to use it as defensive weapon! Usually, if you are a mage,
you may like more to leave Nordom in Sigil and to take Vhailor in your party.

****spoiler***: back to Coaxmetal
When you come back to Sigil, after completing the Modron cube sub-quest,
Coaxmetal will ask you to free him. He will give you a powerful blade, that is
powerful but nothing if compared with the celestial sword. Still, it may be
used by any character, with no alignment restriction, but freeing Coaxmetal
will make you MUCH MORE evil and chaotic. Save the game before talking to him,
buy a lot of ammos for Nordom if you need to, then see if the new weapon is
worthy of for you. For me was not.

When venturing outside Sigil, looting for rings & stuff is still worthy on,
since you'll soon have the chanche to buy more tattoos and magic ammos for
Nodrom, see Coaxmetal.

When you come back to Sigil, be sure to visit Fell for the last tattoos and
Sigil underground, since there will be new, rare demons with a lot of very
nice items tha you can loot. They spawn rarely and randomly, but it is
really worthy of to hunt them down.

Back to Sigil, Nameless One should be strong enough to venture in Sigil
underground completely alone. If you move around killing only larval worms
(8000 exp each + wisdom bonus to XPs), Nameless One may level up damn quickly,
boosting his stats as much as you want. He should be so strong to kill alone
even one of the new demons lurking in the underground.

Inside Sigil underground, move stealthy and seek for the demons: they can

*** spoiler ***
At the very end of the game you may obtain a further enhancement for Vhalior
and Dak'kon and, if you always disliked him, there is a chanche to deal with

*** spoiler ***
At the end of the game, the portal for the Fortress of Regrets is near the
table where you've started the game.

Remember to bring the golden sphere with you: to use it, you must
discover the true identity of the good incarnation, when you meet all 3 of
them. Save before taking with him and the paranoid one.


Warning about dilution of XP. Remember that you split any XP gained among
all the members of your party. While having a bigger party is more fun, it
definitely makes the going tougher, as characters will gain new levels at a
much slower rate.

********** spells **********

Let's start with Grace's spells, since she is the only available cleric.

She has a limited number of spells, but even few of them are useful, including
the healing ones.

In addition, remember this:
blessing, bane and prayer may be useful against large bounch of monsters or
against very strong enemies, but are useless when exploring dangerous areas,
like Sigil underground, since they won't last enough.
Memorize them only once and then use all of your other spell slots for
healing spells.

Spiritual hammer will eventually become a +3 magic weapon and, even if its
damage is limited, it always strikes foes and may be a nice aid.

Lightning bolt is a "double-cut" spell: it deals really A LOT of damage to
multiple foes (there is no fireball spell in this game), but it is pretty slow
to cast and, since in P:T there is no graphic icon at all, that clearly marks
the area of a spell effect, you may harm your party members by mistake.

Still, it is VERY useful against foes that won't move, like spellcasters, or
when you ambush large monster packs or gangs (sending Annah as scout).
So, you can eventually send Grace to cast the spell, dealing a lot of damages
before that the real battle begins.

About arcane spells for mages...
it depends from your party formation.
Usually, the spells with a short persistence in time are useful only against
very strong foes, but not when exploring or venturing.

If you have used a walkthrough, you will already know when those fights occur,
but you may just image when they will be if you carefully read dialogues in
the game.

The advice, then, is to ready those spells that last for several hours, like
Strength or Mage's armor, and to cast them right before entering dangeours

About damage spells, Magic missile and Reign of Anger are very powerful
spells, while you must be a bit careful with spells that deal mass damage
(check casting time to understand where and when you may
cast them), like fire and ice, since you may hurt even your party members.
Read carefully the spell description, because some of them deal damage
ONLY to foes, leaving your friends unharmed.

One last note is about Insect swarm: it is one of the few, truly working
2nd level spells: it deals mice mass damage delayed in time and it prevents
spellcasters from casting any spell.

At last, if your spellcaster is a primary spellcaster like Ignus, just ignore
all spells that force your spellcaster to roll the 20-faces die to hit foes,
since their attack rate is so low that they probably will always miss foes.

Even more, mages just have more spells than Grace and it is a good idea to
often change them accordingly with the situation. For example, when you come
back to a city after a mission, delete all 1st-level spells and replace them
with "identify", to identify all your new magic items. Then, select again
your spells for venturing and rest again to be ready for battle.

Chapter 7 - Spoil-less quests list.

What follows is just a printable quests list, to be sure of NOT missing
anything, without the need of a guide or walkthrough.

•Find "Pharod"
LOCATION: X=1500 Y=2350 (The Mortuary, 2nd Floor)
•Find your missing journal
LOCATION: X=1500 Y=2350 (The Mortuary, 2nd Floor)
•Fetch Embalming Fluid and Needle for Ei-Vene
LOCATION: X=3150 Y=790 (The Mortuary, 2nd Floor)
•Fetch Embalming Key for Vaxis
LOCATION: X=3550 Y=1530 (The Mortuary, 2nd Floor)
•Find Craddock for Baen the Sender
LOCATION: X=1000 Y=2340 (The Hive, NE Area)
•Find a way to help Ingress
LOCATION: Varies (The Hive, NE Area)
•Help Sev'Tai get her revenge
LOCATION: X=980 Y=1450 (The Hive, NE Area)
•Free Angyar from his Dead Contract and return it to him and his wife
LOCATION: X=440 Y=320 (Angyar's House)
•Find the "source" of Pharod's bodies for Emoric
LOCATION: X=610 Y=570 (Gathering Dust Bar)
•Talk to Norochj for Emoric, and do what Norochj asks of you
LOCATION: X=610 Y=570 (Gathering Dust Bar)
•Look into the matter of the mausoleum's walking dead
LOCATION: X=1130 Y=860 (Gathering Dust Bar)
•Track down a thief disguised as a Dustman
LOCATION: X=1130 Y=860 (Gathering Dust Bar)
•Speak to Awaiting Death on behalf of Emoric
LOCATION: X=610 Y=570 (Gathering Dust Bar)
•Speak to Sere on behalf of Emoric
LOCATION: X=610 Y=570 (Gathering Dust Bar)
•Find Soego for Emoric
LOCATION: X=610 Y=570 (Gathering Dust Bar)
•Defeat the intruder in the Mausoleum for the Guardian Spirit
LOCATION: X=980 Y=580 (Mausoleum)
•Resolve a bar tab
LOCATION: X=500 Y=880 (Smoldering Corpse Bar)
•Find Jhelai for Craddock
LOCATION: X=2090 Y=1040 (The Hive, SW Area)
•Remove Reekwind's "curse of stench"
LOCATION: X=2660 Y=1000 (The Hive, SW Area)
•Find a tombstone for the Crier of Es-Annon
LOCATION: X=530 Y=1860 (The Hive, SW Area)
•Deliver box to Ku'atraa
LOCATION: X=1110 Y=1440 (The Hive, NW Area)
•Retrieve Porphiron's necklace
LOCATION: X=1970 Y=880 (The Hive, NW Area)
•Get rid of Nestor for Arlo, the Flophouse Slumlord
LOCATION: X=520 Y=470 (The Flophouse)
•Find Nestor's fork
LOCATION: X=200 Y=310 (The Flophouse)
•Deliver box to Brasken
LOCATION: X=500 Y=500 (Ku'atraa's Warehouse)
•Deliver box to Shilandra
LOCATION: X=290 Y=410 (Brasken's Kip)
•Go to cathedral located at the center of the Hive
LOCATION: X=350 Y=430 (Shilandra's Kip)
•Blackrose wants Krystall dead
LOCATION: X=1330 Y=480 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
•Blackrose wants Rotten William dead
LOCATION: X=1330 Y=480 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
•Rotten William wants Krystall dead
LOCATION: X=2460 Y=1870 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
•Rotten William wants Blackrose dead
LOCATION: X=2460 Y=1870 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
•Krystall wants Rotten William dead
LOCATION: X=670 Y=650 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
•Krystall wants Blackrose dead
LOCATION: X=670 Y=650 (Alley of Dangerous Angles)
•Rauk needs you to fetch three rings from his tent
LOCATION: X=650 Y=700 (Burnt Building)
•Talk to Mar about the box
LOCATION: X=420 Y=360 (Ruined Cathedral)
•Find Amarysse for Nodd
LOCATION: X=1710 Y=2300 (Ragpicker's Square)
•Find out where Pharod's corpses are coming from for the man in Ragpicker's
LOCATION: X=600 Y=250 (Sharegrave's Kip)
•Find a spell ruby for Jarym
LOCATION: X=300 Y=270 (Jarym's Hut)
•Learn the ways of the Art from Mebbeth
LOCATION: X=230 Y=240 (Midwife's Hut)
•Find the herbs that Mebbeth needs
LOCATION: X=230 Y=240 (Midwife's Hut)
•Get Mebbeth's wash from Giscorl
LOCATION: X=230 Y=240 (Midwife's Hut)
•Get ink for Mebbeth from Kossah-Jai
LOCATION: X=230 Y=240 (Midwife's Hut)
•Find Meir'am, get the ink for Mebbeth
LOCATION: X=1600 Y=1190 (The Hive, SW Area)
•Deliver ink to Mebbeth
LOCATION: X=1970 Y=1980 (The Hive, SW Area)
•Find and return Uhir's 'lucky knife.'
LOCATION: X=3510 Y=1910 (Buried Village)
•Recover Ku'u Yin's number from Radine
LOCATION: X=2020 Y=1490 (Buried Village)
•Get Quint's poison charm from the body of Gris
LOCATION: X=300 Y=420 (Quint's Shop)
•Find bronze sphere for Pharod
LOCATION: X=2090 Y=950 (Pharod's Court)
•Find the Decanter of Endless Water
LOCATION: X=1100 Y=1600 (Weeping Stone Catacombs)
•Discover the weakness of the Silent King for Many-as-One
LOCATION: X=1180 Y=1070 (Cranium Rat Collective)
•Seek out and slay any cranium rats in the Dead Nations
LOCATION: X=700 Y=720 (Dead Nations)
•Give Hargrimm a reason to remove Soego from the Dead Nations
LOCATION: X=700 Y=720 (Dead Nations)
•Find the Nameless Zombie her name
LOCATION: X=1840 Y=1940 (Dead Nations)


Mattia Loy, known as Orion79
Mail me at if you have questions related to the game.
Other guides & products:

- guide to Genghis Khan II, clan of the gray wolf (SEGA Genesis/MegaDrive, PC,
Super NES/Nintendo/FAMICOM)
- Unofficial patch for Temple of Elemental Evil (ATARI)
- MOD for Neverwinter Nights
- Revised Animal Compendium & New base rules for D&D 3.5 (Pen & paper game),
available at

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