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Pajama Sam 2 - Thunder and lightning Game Walkthrough

Pajama Sam 2 - Thunder and lightning

In this game the character must solve a dilemma. To do so, certain
items must be collected. Most of the time you must get other items
first. But the connections between items can be quite hard to
understand. That's why I made these tips to tell you what to do. All
games have either different items, or items in different places.

Pajama Sam is watching a TV show with his favorite superhero,
Pajama Man. Then some lightning scares him and he vows to go to
his attic and stop all the thunder and lightning. First find his red cape.
It can be behind the curtain, in a drawer, under the chair, or under the
sofa. Once you've got it, go upstairs and pull the thing hanging from
the ceiling to reveal a stairway. Go up it and you find yourself in the

After the logo appears, go up to WWW (World Wide Weather) and
then go right. Get the crowbar on the clouds in front of Sam and
continue up/left. Use the crowbar to pry open the crate and get inside.
Now a weird car-like forklift picks up the box and goes through the
gate to the main area. For the rest of the game, collect puzzle pieces
when you find them.

Get the WWW ID card on the bottom right. Then go up/left into the
building. Use the ID card on the left door to open it. Now go into the
control room with Thunder and Lightning (!) working at the controls.
Yes, Thunder and Lightning are the weird-looking sisters who control
weather. But then whoops! Pajama Sam inadvertently hit the button
then sends all the weather machines out of control! Now there are
sandstorms in the south pole and hurricanes in Egypt! That's because
the most important pieces Wingnut, Inspector, Velocimomometer
and Y-pipe have been shaken loose in the turmoil. Thunder and
lightning need to stay in the control room so it's up to you to find
them and fix the weather machines. Here's how to get the parts.


From the control room go left, then up/left to the rain/sun junction.
Go left to the sun machine. Then up a ladder to the UV filter. There
may be a drain on the left below the tube. Use the crowbar on it to pry
it open. (Wingnut is inside). Then go up through the tube to a big
radar dish. Go up/left and you find yourself in the snow machine. Go
down the conveyor belt (move the mouse to the left next to the
Shrink-O and wait for an arrow) to shrink yourself.

Now go down the drain and you find yourself in a maze. Here's
the directions: up, up/right, right, up, up/left, to the opening below
you, then through the pipe to the left and down until you reach
Wingnut. Once you've got him, return to the snow machine. Push the
green arrow to make the conveyor belt go the other way and go
through the Shrink-O from the left. Now you're regular size and can
use Wingnut on the radar dish at the top of the sun machine to fix it.

But he also can be stuck in the mixing tank of the rain machine,
and then you have an ordeal ahead. First gain access to the offices. In
the control room next to the door leading to the weather machines is a
clipboard. Click it and remember the number that it tells you to dial
for appointments. Now go right to the lobby and click on the
telephone. Dial the number from the clipboard and Sam calls the
receptionist upstairs and schedules an appointment.

Now go up the steps behind Sam and you meet the receptionist.
Go right through the door (only possible with an appointment) to find
several rooms, most of which are offices. Go to the supply room (the
middle door on the left) and click on the box of rubber bands. The
manager (a stapler) says you can't have one because you don't have a
P76/Z form. He gives you a supply form which has to be signed by
the Vice President of paper clips and rubber bands.

Now go to the rain/sun junction and go up through a red tube to
the wind/snow junction. Between the two machines are a room
shaped like a treasure chest. This is the test lab. Go inside and click
on the screen on the right to see the formulas. You can click the icons
on the right to change the growing conditions and the arrows to see
other formulas (duh!). Make a rainbow (3 suns and 3 clouds) and the
pot of gold that appears will drop two coins, which get picked up and
dropped onto the receiving panel where you can get them.

Once they're yours head back to WWW and use them on the
vending machine in the kitchen to get some cheese giblets. The
kitchen is the room on the right with the red door and a knife and fork
above it.

Now go into the V.P. office, one door down from the kitchen.
Use the cheese giblets on the paperweight in the "In" box. He loves
them, so he jumps off to get one. Quickly put your supply form into
the box before he comes back. Then all the forms get signed and
dumped in the "Out" box. Pick your form up and give it to the supply
manager for a rubber band.

Now go to the mixing tank (go left from the rain/sun junction).
See the broken rubber band near the top? Replace it with your rubber
band. Then click the wheel at the bottom and everything starts
working and that means Wingnut gets dumped into a rain bottle!
Follow him left to where the rain is shipped into boxes and Wingnut's
bottle will be placed in front of you. Click it to take it with you and
take it to the kitchen. On the bottom right attached to a table is a can
and bottle opener. Use it to finally get Wingnut and repair the sun
machine. Each time a machine is fixed, Thunder and Lightning
appear on a monitor and say you're doing a good job. Note: Unless
Wingnut is in the mixing tank the V.P. office will not appear.

Automated Snowflake Inspector

It's his job to check all the snowflakes. One place the Inspector can
be is on top of the warehouse. But first you have to get in. The
warehouse is the building up/right of where you come out of the box
and find the ID card. Then there's the matter of the hail room.

Go to the receptionist's office. There's an umbrella stand on the
left with a crank handle in it. Take the crank handle and go to the
wind machine. It is to the right at the wind/snow junction. On the
bottom of the funnel are two buttons, one red and one green. Click the
red one to turn off the fan. It is now possible to go up/left and attach
the crank handle to the fan. Now click the attached crank handle to
turn the fan around. Go down to the funnel and hit the green button to
turn on the fan and blow away the clouds to the right.

Go up the path the clouds were blocking to a place with some
lockers and a hard hat. Pick up the hard hat. Return to the place
where you got the ID card, put on the hard hat, and go through the
hail room into the warehouse. Now go into the elevator and go to the
third floor (the roof) and you find the Inspector, but a dust devil keeps
sucking him up and he can't get past it.

Go to the test lab and get the white bag of soil on the left. Then go
to the first floor of the warehouse. See the red vacuum cleaner? Use
the bag of soil on the elevator and the vacuum will go into the
elevator to suck it up. Quickly jump into the elevator and go to the
roof. Now use the bag of dirt on the dust devil. Both the vacuum
cleaner and the dust devil go for the dirt, and the vacuum sucks up the
whole dust devil! The Inspector will then come with you. But if he's
not there things are a wee bit more complicated.

Get the can of liquid sunshine from the bottom of the sun machine
and go to the kitchen. Use it on the can and bottle opener on the
bottom left. Once it's open, look for SID (Snowflake Inspector
Detector). He is either up/right of the mixing tank in the rain machine
or in the bottom of the wind machine. He's small, yellow and with a
detector on the top like a small red ball.

Give him the liquid sunshine to power him up and he comes with
you. When you click him in one screen and click in another, he says
"warmer" which means you're getting closer to the Inspector,
"colder" which means you're going farther away, or that he's in the
same screen you're in. Use SID's clues to find out where the
Inspector is. If it's the latter, you can move SID around until his
detector blinks, then leave him there and the Inspector comes out.

He either is in the bathroom, (the room one door up from the
supply room, he's in the toilet) the place where the rain bottles are put
in boxes (then he's in the place where the boxes go into) or the first
floor of the warehouse (he's in one of the bottom crates, use the
crowbar to open it, see above for getting into the warehouse). So
simply go to each place until you find him.

When he comes out he refuses to go back because he thinks he is
unappreciated. Now go to the supply room and click the thing with
lots of blue ribbons (they're employee of the month awards) behind
Sam and the manager gives you one. Give it to the Inspector and he
comes with you. Once you have him, go to the snow machine
(up/right of the wind/snow junction) and go up/left to Langston the
snowman. Use the Inspector on him. Only two machines to go!

Velocimomometer (shortened to Velo)

Velo sometimes is in the bathroom. But the door is locked. Okay, first
go to Langston (see Inspector section) Click him a few times and he
explains that he doesn't like his nose because it doesn't match one of
his clothes. Once you know that, go to the test room and grow a
banana, eggplant, or cucumber.

Choose the one that is the same color as the clothing Langston
wanted it to match. So eggplant hat, cucumber vest and
banana tie. Once he has the right nose, he gives you his old nose a
carrot. Now go to the board room (the room two doors down from the
supply room) and click on the stool and Pajama Sam asks if he can be
on the board. The chairman says only if you answer four questions

A hat appears and you must choose a question, then its correct
answer. For one question, the carrot appears and answers the question
for you if you click him. If you're wrong, a new question is put in.
Once all the questions are answered, you can be on the board. Then
click the key (only accessible by board members) and you leave, and
the carrot stays on the board. Use the key on the door to the bathroom
and get Velo! Other times she may be at the bottom of the warehouse.

If that's the case, go to the second floor and click on the computer.
The plus and minus buttons change the number of crates. Make it so
that the left column has only one crate, the second two, and so on
until the far right column has six. Then go to the basement and jump
onto the far left column, and go from column to column. If you did it
right, you should be able to get to the top.

Then click Velo to get her down. Use her on the big fan on the
wind machine. When Thunder and Lightning appear, the congratulate
you and then get called by none other than Mother Nature, their boss!
She has noticed the crazy weather and is coming up for an inspection.
If everything isn't perfect, Thunder and lightning get fired. Here's
the last one.


One place the Y-Pipe can be is inside the vending machine in the
kitchen. If that's the case, go to the test room and grow a rainbow.
When the coins appear, get them and go to the bottom of the
warehouse. There will be some blue cans there. Collect one (it has an
earthquake inside it) and then go to the vending machine. Use the
coins to buy the Y-Pipe, but he gets stuck. Use the earthquake can on
the can opener in the bottom right to open it. Use the open can on the
vending machine. It shakes so much the Y-Pipe comes out. But if
he's not in the vending machine he's in a locker where the hard hat is.

Get the apple core from the trash can in the kitchen and go to the
test room. Use the apple core on the receiving panel and its seeds will
fall in to the machine. Then you can grow an apple with the seeds
(four suns and four clouds plus and apple seed).

Take the apple an go to the personnel office, the door between the
board room and supply room and give it to the personnel manager. He
craves apples, so he goes off to the kitchen to eat it. Now click the file
cabinet and you get descriptions of all the staff. The file third from
the front, Foster Boondoggles, has his birth date on a yellow card.
You collect it.

Now go to the locker room in the wind machine (after clearing the
clouds) and click the locker with the lock. You hear a voice the
Y-Pipe's asking to be let out. Another locker tells you that Foster
Boondoggle always uses his birth date as the combination. Use the
yellow card and hit the arrows to change the numbers until they
match. Then the locker opens, the Y-Pipe comes out, and is yours.
Use him on the place up/right of the mixing tank.

Wow! You fixed the last machine just in time Mother Nature is
arriving and will find everything perfect. To thank Pajama Sam for
fixing the weather and saving their jobs, they let him take the controls
for a little while all thanks to you! Congratulations!

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