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Oni Game Walkthrough


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For PC
Version 1.0
By Chris Zawada
User: antseezee
Created: 12/9/05
Last Update: 12/16/05
Copyright 2005 Chris Zawada

Author's Note
Third person action games are far and few between. For the most parts,
developers will usually create hit games combining shooting, hand-to-hand
combat, and character navigating skills all into a third-person engine to
create an outer gaming sense. Oni was one of the more original and innovative
third-person action/adventure games to hit the consoles and PC in style.
Originally developed by the ever popular Bungie (for their work with the Halo
series), Oni molds typical "anime" items such as cartoonish graphics, flashy
action scenes, and a feminine hero mixed into a futuristic world. Using elite
skills, marksmanship shots, and a plethora of wrapped attacks, you will bring
your opponents to your knee in mercy. While the game was released slightly back
a few years (2001), Oni still features excellent gameplay items that current
gamers can relate to. Will you do a spinning roundhouse kick to snap the neck
of your opponent, or brutally get gunned down in an attempt to complete your

If you have any contributions, feedback, or strategies you'd like to have
added to the guide, contact me via e-mail or on GameFAQs. I'll be more than
content to add your segment of information, and will also provide credit. If
you have any questions you'd like added to the Common Questions section, ask.
I simply don't have the time to sit around thinking of questions. Provide me
with what you want to know!

=12/14/05= v1.0
Finished the FAQ. I must admit this game was longer than I expected, but it
sort of tapered off in terms of fun. It was a decently fun game, but felt kind
of construed at certain parts.

=12/9/05= v1.0
Started the FAQ. Surprised this game has yet to be FAQed, even after so many
years. This should be a fun project that might take a week or two.

- Table of Contents -
1) Introduction
2) Game Basics
> Controls
3) Walkthrough
> Chapter 00: Combat Training
> Chapter 01: Trial Run
> Chapter 02: Engines of Evil
> Chapter 03: Puzzle Pieces
> Chapter 04: Tiger by the Tail
> Chapter 05: Hot Pursuit
> Chapter 06: Counterattack
> Chapter 07: A Friend in Need
> Chapter 08: An Innocent Life
> Chapter 09: Truth and Consequences
> Chapter 10: Cat and Mouse
> Chapter 11: Dream Diver
> Chapter 12: Sins of the Father
> Chapter 13: Phoenix Rising
> Chapter 14: Dawn of the Chrysalis
4) Special Moves
5) Weapons & Items
6) Codes
7) Common Questions
> Troubleshooting
8) Copyright/Distribution/Reproduction Guidelines
9) Proper Credits


- 1) Introduction -
Very few developers manage to create inspiring third-person action games since
you need numerous elements to involve gamers into the story. Usually, third-
person engines must be refined to the utmost degree in order to maximize
gameplay items to an absolute essential. Bungie decided back in 2001 to release
an anime-style third-person action shooter/fighter which combined all of these
elements, while employing and interesting storyline. Modern graphics, great
presentation values, and a quality product were all combined to make the
ultimate game. Oni provides the ultimate gameplay experience for those looking
for an older classic that's still fun to play from time and time again.

While most gamers do not always prefer third-person games (camera angles and
controls are usually often clunky), Oni does a decent job of molding them into
position. You'll find yourself constantly getting ambushed during levels, and
must find a way out of the fight using your elite skills. The game's main
character features a special woman capable of performing lightning-fast moves
without even flinching. The game focuses extensively on the built-in martial
arts system, but also features shooting, and the ability to gather new

The following excerpt talks about the storyline (credit to

Can you save society from criminals? Play as Konoko, an agent of the Tech
Crimes Task Force, as your make your way through level after stunning level in
pursuit of the bad guys. Taking a page from anime classics and modern day
action movies, Oni presents a rich, involved action/adventure story to keep
your playing for days on end. Featuring full-contact action, the game
emphasizes both gunplay and hand-to-hand fighting. each level has been planned
and executed by architects using the AutoCAD system, resulting in a high degree
of realistic detail and thoughtful design.


##### GAME INFO #####
Player(s): 1
Developer: Bungie
Released: 2001
Rarity: uncommon
Special Features: n/a
ESRB: Teen
Cover Art on box:
- Shows Konoko crouching and looking with a held pistol

> Windows 98 or better
> Pentium III / Celeron 266Mhz or better
> 64MB RAM +
> CD-ROM drive
> 800MB+ free HD space
> OpenGL compatible card - Voodoo 2+, TNT2+, Rage Pro+, Intel i890
(Believe it or not, for as well as the graphics are in Oni,
the requirements are VERY low and it works on many low-end
computers. Video cards are the least essential device,
although you need a decent one capable of rendering the 3D
objects. If anything, I'd worry about the processor the most.)


- 2) Game Basics -
Oni works moderately well with the PC version in terms of controls.
Unfortunately, a gamepad makes gameplay MUCH easier since you have to perform
complex combat moves, and it can be difficult pressing multiple buttons on one
keyboard. The game combines the use of the mouse to rotate the view of the
camera. This is useful since it also guides Konoko to attack in an altered
direction, while you move with the keyboard.

W - Moves forward
W + W - Dashes
S - Moves backward
A - Strafes left
D - Strafes right
Mouse - Rotates view
Right Mouse Click - Kicks
Left Mouse Click - Punches
Left Shift - Crouches
W + Punch - Performs arm throw
W + Kick - Performs kick throw
Direction + Shift - Rolls
Space - Jumps
Tab - Uses hypo ability
R - Reloads
Q - Picks up, holsters, or unleashes weapon
E - Drops weapon
Left Ctrl - Activates an object
F1 - Accesses diary

- The controls for Oni are much simpler than you'd expect. Basically, the mouse
rotates your view, while you physically move Konoko using the keyboard. The
W,S,A,D configuration works well, as the surrounding keys also act as your
interface buttons. Pick up items or interact with the environment using the
appropriate letter key. You will find that the crouching and jumping button can
be used in conjunction with your attack mouse buttons to enforce combos or
special attacks. The diary is a quick way of checking your objectives, what
current items you possess, or how much of the storyline has been progressed.
Some of the more advanced moves are described in a separate section, please
refer to Chapter 4.


- 3) Walkthrough -
Many linear action/adventure games employ complex plots while guiding your
character through several levels. Oni does exactly that, while employing an
objective-to-mission setup. This section will guide you through the full game

/Chapter 00 - Combat Training/
Module: 1-A
Difficulty: *
Objectives: + Get use to basic controls of Konoko

- The first chapter is essentially a training module to orientate you with the
game's interface and control system. You'll start off in an isolated room. Get
use to the movement controls as the AI issues them to you. Make sure to sprint
around the track as ordered, and activate the appropriate control consoles.
Move to the next room. You'll have to perform a few more acrobatic moves,
including somersaults and evasion maneuvers. Eventually, hand-to-hand combat
will be explained along with minor throws. The final room to practice is basic
gun combat. Follow your on-screen instructions to get use to the controls,
aiming, and what not. Once you're finished with tutorial mode, it's on to some
"real" mission.

/Chapter 01 - Trial Run/
Module: Syndicate Warehouse
Difficulty: **
Objectives: + Find Chung
+ Keep investigating
+ Find the loading truck
+ Engage the truck

*Now that you're approved for the battlefield, Griffin (your boss) has
ordered you to assault a nearby corrupt warehouse where drug operations are
supposedly going on. He wants you to bust the place so he can witness your
abilities (while also approving of some downgraded crooks). While the bust
is expected to be easy, we never expect crabcakes for breakfast.*

- You'll start off with Konoko breaching her way through the nearby balcony
window onto an upscale ledge. Your AI will quickly tell you that the characters
fight back on this mission. Anyhow, you'll notice a technician guard down below
by the console. Engage him by dropping down, or walking down via the door to
the left. Use basic punches and/or crouching to eliminate the slow-moving man.
Most of his basic combat attacks can easily be avoided, so use rolls to get out
of the way. Finish him off, then head to the console where he was. Read the

*Apparently, this syndicate was smuggling highly destructive rounds for a
big bad guy, and he threatened their life if they did not cooperate. The
ammunition for the specialty weapon is located in six crates.*

- Turn around, and interact with the diamond red/white console. This will
unlock the nearby door by the base of the steps with a green passcode. Proceed
through this door. Check your diary after the brief tutorial message to
discover that you must locate Chung, one of your field agents. Move to the far
end of the room, and look along the right. Go through the door and head up the
stairs. Once on the second floor, head through this door to the opposite door.
Inside, interact with the console to unlock two sets of doors (one on each
floor). Head back out, and quickly disable the guard with some flying combat
moves. Head back downstairs and head through the first floor unlocked door. In
this new room, move ahead until the third door on the right that is wide open.
Quickly disable the guard, and pick up the hypo spray item he drops. Interact
with the console against the wall. Again, it opens the next room that was
previously locked. Exit the room, and go to the far end where the passcode is
now green. Move on in. If you move around via your compass, you'll notice your
objective is on the second floor. Look along the left side of the room for a
tapered crate. Hop onto it, then hop onto the nearby metal stacked crates, to
the next stack, and finally jump-spin to the second floor. Once there, run over
to the body on the ground. Pick up the datapad.

*Apparently, Chung is dead. The poor fellow never had a chance as the
Syndicate was catching on to his traitorism. Anyhow, if you read Chung's
datapad, it says that he was practically caught. Apparently, BGI and the
Syndicate are joined together at the hip. They're both channeling illegal
operations through front-cover operations to blend in their acts. The
warehouse manager was another man trying to get out of the loop. Chung's
datapad says to rescue him before it's too late.*

- Watch out for the kevlar guard that appears directly in front of you. Try to
fight or push him off the second floor to the left. Move in through the door
where he came from. Engage the two technicians to your right. Again, use combos
and quick punches if they both gang up on you. Lay down powerful blows to count
them down permanently. Move through the right door. Head up the stairs, then
proceed straight ahead. Ignore the door to the left. Head down the hallway and
then watch for the kevlar guard to pop out of a door from the right. There will
be (2) Kevlar Guards to deal with. This one can be fairly tough. Try performing
some grapple moves to do maximum damage to immediately eliminate one. Head into
this room after dealing with the threat. Pick up the dropped hypo spray, and
interact with the console.

*Again, we find out that both companies are smuggling more parts through
hidden shipping crates. They must be building some "destructive" weapon.*

- Head to the far door at the end. Down the stairs, you'll have (2) Kevlar
Guards to deal with. Now would be a good time to make use of your pistol to
save some health. Fire about 5-7 rounds to down each guard. Pick up each hypo
spray, and recover some health since you're probably low at this point. Once in
the new room, interact with the far-side console, then go to the unlocked door.
Once in the new room, a goofy blue-suited technician will retreat once you hit
him a few times. Sprint after him, and knock the bafoon out. He will retreat to
an alarm console. Punch him several times from the rear to knock him out. Turn
around, and activate the symbol console to unlock some new doors. Go down the
stairs, cut the right corner, and head through the unlocked door. Engage the
welder to quickly down him. Go through the next door, and use your pistol to
down the kevlar fool. Talk to the innocent civilian (don't shoot him at all).
He says the manager is upstairs. Cut a quick right, head upstairs, then turn
around the corner. Use your pistol to kill the guard beating up the warehouse
manager. Talk to the manager, and he says the entire complex has been
overtaken. The evil Syndicate is loading up the supplies into an armored truck.
Let him open the doors, then run on through.

- You'll have several generic workers to deal with. Move down the door on the
left, through the stairs, fight a few men, then down the door on the right.
Repeat until you reach the base loading dock. Follow your compass waypoint
towards the loading door. Once inside, watch out for immediate machine gun
fire. Move to the right of the green truck in the distance, and pistol down the
guard. Take his SML3 Plasma Rifle once he's dead. Now, move along the right
side of this room. You should see a red-lit door in the lower right corner.
Move in, then up the stairs. Kill the machine gun guard. On the second floor,
run across to the next red door, then up the stairs. Kill the third floor
guard, then interact with the symbol console against the wall.

*The crane will get operated and moved to Konoko's position. She hops in,
and manages to flip the armored truck just before it leaves. The assault
team comes in to cover her position. Konoko tells Griffin that a nearby
plant is in cahoots with the bad guys. She wants to assault it. Griffin
finally approves the operation, and off we go.*

/Chapter 02 - Engines of Evil/
Module: Manufacturing Plant
Difficulty: ***
Objectives: + Search the Musashi Manufacturing Plant
+ Get out of the Plant
+ Destroy the Brain

*The TCTF and Konoko tell the receptionist that they're taking over the
plant due to the possibility of illegal operations. The receptionist trips
an alarm, in which point we're forwarded to two bad guys. Muro and Barbasa
are talking to each other. Barbasa is suppose to hold off the TCTF while
Mura makes an escape with the goodies. Suddenly, the receptionist let's two
assault guards in to attack Konoko and her agents. It's ambush time!*

- Three guards will ambush your (2) TCTF partners. Take out the two kevlar
guards to your right using a ranged weapon. Focus on taking out the remaining
one. Now, move straight ahead, and enter the right door. Move into the left
room and engage the technicians. If you have any allies left, they should
assist you in taking down the perps. Walk over to the control panel with the
bar graph on it. Interact with it to unlock a door near the main entrance.
You'll also find a neutral console panel in this room. It mentions something
about a bionic organ mixed with a battle drone to create a powerful creature.
Head back to the main room, then move on in. Take out the lone technician for
an easy hypo spray. Now, go back to the room with the bar graph console and
head into the recently unlocked green door. Watch for the machine gun firing
guard. Try to gun him down.

*Konoko tells Griffin that the entire operation is a distraction. She wants
him to scan for any operations the Syndicate may be performing while the
TCTF infiltrate this compound.*

- Go down the new hall. Proceed through the room, cut through the hallway, and
take out the yellow Kevlar Guard. Turn around as there is a computer console
wedged in between the center piece. Interact with it to unlock a second floor
door. Pick up the hypo spray then continue through the door. You'll eventually
reach a room where some blue-suited scientists are getting beaten up by a thug.
Rush in there quickly; engage the lone Static Thug. Be careful for his static
attack, as it does a rush of damage. Roll out of the way when he says the
phrase "Static this!"

- With this man down, talk to the female scientist for an ammo clip. Interact
with the console in the corner of the room. It should open a nearby door. Head
on through, and you'll now be back at the main receptionist area. If you look
to the right, there's a set of stairs that leads to the second floor. Before
heading on up, enter the recently unlocked door to the right of the desk, and
disable the techy for a hypo spray. Now, head up. Watch for plasma rifle
wielding guards on this top walkway. Kill the guard, and switch for his plasma
rifle. Once through the next door, the area will turn into a pseudo-lab
environment. White tiles should surround your position. Proceed ahead until you
reach a large blue room. Go left, and you'll have roughly 5 techies/guards to
deal with. Make use of your plasma rifle until you have to engage the Kevlar
guards. Make sure to reload on your hypo sprays to keep your health
consistently high. Head to the end of the room, then move to the left of the
generator, and enter the small doorway.

*Griffin informs you that Syndicate forces are attacking a nearby research
facility. He has already sent a team to assist the research facility, but
they're going to need your help. You are ordered to get out of there.*

- When you reach the next doorway, crouch, and crawl to the other doorway.
Don't engage the human guards below. Once at the next area, you'll see a bunch
of lasers strafing vertically through the upper railing. You have to avoid
these, otherwise an automatic trip gun gets triggered. Use the slide move by
double tapping forward then pressing shift. If it gets triggered, try to run
forward as quickly as possible to avoid the constant plasma blasts. In the next
room, two Kevlar Guards will be patrolling the bottom area. Crawl forward until
you're forced to engage the man who walks up the stairs. Disable both men using
the Scram Gun (if you still have it). Head below, and look underneath the steps
for a control panel that will turn off the red laser grid. Move to the far end
and interact with the console. You'll learn some information about the master
brain and how it interacts with robotics. Just what we need, futuristic

- Backtrack to the laser grid hallway, and you'll notice a green door is now
lit up to your left. Head on in. You'll have to either slide or roll under the
varying lasers. Once this is done, use the computer to unlock a door. Your AI
informs you that a mechanical brain remains in this compound. If you destroy
it, the TCTF can take over the compound. Now you have to backtrack to the room
where two techies were below, but you did not engage them. Once there, take
them both out and head through the opened door. Talk to the scientist to
receive a hypo. Use the blue computer in the corner of the room to unlock a
door. Now, go back to the laser-filled hallway. Enter the door to your right
before the lasers. You're going to have a Kevlar and Static guard to deal with.
Make use of the remaining ammo in the Scram Gun to give them a treat. Interact
with the console where the downed scientist is.

*Apparently, something went wrong with their beautiful brain. It's purely
evil, and the scientist was killed for the malfunction. Oy.*

- Anyhow, move around the corner and use the computer to open a door. Head past
the lasers to that last dead end room, except, you'll find the newly opened
door on your top railing. Move on in. Sprint up to the guard shooting the
scientist, and disarm him. Shoot him with his own weapon. Talk to the
scientist. You'll receive (2) Hypos, and be told to disable the Brain. Move
down the right stairs until you reach the bottom room. The Brain has activated
itself! Read the console to learn that the scientist tried to override it via
the console panel. Open the nearby sliding door, and wait for the CLOCKWISE
rotating beam to pass. Run lagging behind it until you reach the first computer
panel. Interact with it to disable one braker. Again, repeat this strategy.
Wait for the clockwise laser to pass and follow it to the next panel. The
counter-clockwise rotating laser rotates above Konoko's head, so you don't have
to worry about such treacherous alterations. Once all four brakers are
disabled, you learn that the Brain tries to access the public data networks
another way. Basically, you have to disable all four brakers AGAIN, except with
a different laser pattern rotating. Again, do the same item from before. Follow
the nearest double beam making sure not to tripwire any others. Disable all
four consoles again. The Brain will do one more laser sequence. This time, all
four lasers will be lined up and moving very fast. You will have to disable all
four brakers, however, follow the most recent laser stack by sprinting. If you
don't sprint, the previous rotating column will catch up to you. Sprint to each
panel, disable them, and the Brain will be disabled.

*Konoko escapes, however, we learn that an ensuing saga develops between
Griffin and Konoko's doctor. Both of them treat her like an experiment, and
fight over ownership. She would whip their arse if she heard them
backtalking her like that.*

/Chapter 03 - Puzzle Pieces/
Module: Bio-Research Lab
Difficulty: ****
Objectives: + Fight Barbasa
+ Access the roof
+ Get to the top of the Security Control Tower
+ Clear out the Upper Floors
+ Stop Muro from taking the stolen technology

*Konoko rushes to the scene of the Bio-Research Lab. Using her speedy bike,
she hits a ramp and launches herself into the main courtyard. However,
we're greeted by Barbasa launching large plasmic rays and numerous elements
of the compound. It's boss battle time - already!*

- Right after you vault into the main entrance of the facility, Barbasa will
immediately engage you. Barbasa is a fairly easy opponent, but the boss battle
itself takes a few minutes. Start off by retreating behind the pillar behind
your position. Lure Barbasa down here, and hide behind the pillar whenever he
charges up his wave cannon. Avoid the beams as they do minor damage. Fire back
a few pistol rounds till you are empty. Run towards the 5 glass panels near the
building entrance. Cut a right to the small inlet, and pick up the ammo
cartridge. Reload, and re-engage Barbasa yet again. Once you're fully out of
pistol ammo, charge at him and jump kick him. This should knock his weapon out
of hand. I'm 50% sure you can use the weapon during the match (when I tried to
pick it up, it would not let me - however, you can pick this weapon up after
the battle is complete). Barbasa will keep going for his wave cannon as a
priority. Use mainly jumping attacks, with some close grapple throws to do
damage. Retreat back to the main gate entrance, and cut a left. Go up the
walkway path, and take the Plasma Rifle off of the dead guard. Wield this
against Barbasa to do significant damage. A good strategy is to fire your
rounds, then jump kick him right before his charged shot can fire. After
several hits, Barbasa will retreat.

- You now have to find a way inside via the tower entrance of the building.
Pick up the Wave Motion Cannon off of the ground that Barbasa dropped. Watch
for one Kevlar guard to rush you from the main panel entrance. Try to shoot
him. Since you cannot carry this weapon without moving slowly, drop it by
pressing E, and move to the left. Enter the ground floor unlocked door. Around
the corner will be (2) Kevlar Guards. Do your best to disable the one nearest
to you, then seek shelter behind a wall pillar. Wait for the submachine gun
guard to charge at you. Jump kick him, take his weapon, and knock him out. Pick
up the ammo off of his body. Turn around, and enter the small single-door room.
Use the console to unlock all six doors in this lab area, and one green
sequence on the main door. Get out of the room, and enter any door on the
right. In this main room, take out the submachine gun wielding guard with your
own weapon. Talk to the female scientist for a hypo spray. Read the console at
the end of the room.

*Apparently, the Syndicate has been attempting to create cyborgs to use in
their corrupt effort. This is not a good sign.*

- Back in the main room, take out the Static thug, then head into the left
doors. Again, one armed guard is what you'll have to take out. Talk to the male
scientist for (2) Hypo Sprays. Exit the room and move up the stairs. Three
Kevlar guards will be awaiting up top. Peek your head out, and lure the armed
guard to walk towards the steps. Wait till he turns around, then engage him.
One of the Static guards should assist them. Wield the weapon against them, and
use basic martials arts to take them out. Enter the first door on the left.
Engage the lone Kevlar guard before he harms the scientists. Talk to both
nearby scientists for a force field upgrade & ammo clip. Enter the opposite
doors and repeat the same strategy. Talk to one scientist for a hypo spray.
Check the console panel. Some brief details about the cyborg's initial phase
are described. More techno googoo. Exit and move to the single doorway before
the set of stairs. Use the console once. Move up the stairs, and engage the
Static & Kevlar guard. Again, enter the single door, and use the last console.
All six doors should be unlocked along with the final door fully "sequenced."

- Enter the first door to your left. Take out the lone guard, and check the
bodies for any useful items. Repeat the same strategy for the right room,
except try to gun down the guard with any remaining ammo. Check for more items,
backtrack, and go up the final set of stairs to the ultra door. Move on in to
the roof of the building. Engage the blue Kevlar guard and proceed forth. Two
yellow Kevlar guards will be at the adjacent roof. Try to knock them off the
sides to save some health. Enter the large door near the corner of the segment.
Move up the stairs taking out the lone guard, then the other one in the room
with the downed officer. Move through the next door. You should be in the
control console room now. Suddenly, a kevlar guard with C4 strapped will attack
you. This man is fairly tough since he blocks a lot. Make use of your own
blocking by simply not pressing anything, then counter with a jump kick. Use
the flip stomp when he is downed. Knock him out.

*The TCTF officers are calling in for support. Suddenly, the man you
thought you knocked out rises and triggers his detonation sequence. He's
going to take the tower out with you! Konoko simply tosses him through the
window on top of the bad guys below. They get slaughtered, and the TCTF
officers move in. Konoko heads down an elevator.*

- Once in the lobby, follow your compass to the corner of the room. Interact
with the console against the wall to unlock part 1 of the ultra door. Suddenly,
a few guards will rush out of a back room. Engage them with your TCTF pals, and
take them out. Watch for the C4 thug. Backtrack to the main room, but head up
the stairs. Three to four Kevlar guards will be armed and waiting. Assault
them, then cut the corner, and enter the lone room. Take out any remaining
fellows, and interact with this console. Part two of the door will be disabled.
Cut back to the stairwell, and look to the rear of this area for access to the
third floor. Head up. The last console is located at one of the two ends near
the exterior of these rooms. Interact with it to unlock the door. You'll have
about 5 thugs to deal with in total. Make use of your weapons and martial arts
to down them. With the door unlocked, move to it, and head in. Read the
console. Just another safety warning - boohoo.

- Once in the next room, you'll notice green hazardous liquid at the base of
the floor. Don't fall in here, otherwise it is instantaneous death. Rather,
move down each stairway along the walls to reach the very bottom. You'll come
across 4 guards total, and it would be best to take them down without getting
harmed (you're most likely low on hypo sprays). On the very bottom floor, look
underneath the stairs for a console. Interact with it to unlock the garage
door. If you're having trouble living through this room, supercharge Konoko so
she gets a small force field around her. Use a hypo past full health. Once the
console is activated, go up one floor, and head across directly above the
opened door. Drop down. This saves you the frustration of trying to jump across
the three set blocks next to the bubbling ooze. In the next room, you'll have
two basic guards to take down. Use the Plasma Rifle to blast them away. Head
through the single door.

*Muro and his men escape with the stolen technology in a truck. Konoko isn't
about to give up just yet.*

/Chapter 04 - Tiger by the Tail/
Module: Airport Assault
Difficulty: **
Objectives: + Find a path through the Airport
+ Unlock the access doors

*Your AI informs you that the local airport has reported several casualties.
The Syndicate must be conducting an attack to cover their tracks. Konoko
races to the airport to find Muro catching a plane. He orders his men to
kill her.*

- Start off by charging towards the entrance. Melee down the first Kevlar
guard, then take out the assaulting thug on the interior. Talk to the female
civilian for a hypo spray. Go right. Engage the Static man with your pistol.
Move forth and you'll have a few more armed thugs ahead. Use your own weapon to
take them down, and talk to the nearby civilians for some easy refills. Move
through the fire-stricken door. You'll find a console with a plane symbol on it
against the left wall. Use it, then head through the door. Two men will rush
out of a door around the center pillar. Engage them both, and take the weapon
away from one of them. Fight back using a plethora of moves. Move past the next
door, and the one C4 guard will eventually retreat to a back room. One of the
accessways will also get destroyed.

- Move down the pathway. Engage the men below, but avoid attacking the
engineers as they work at the airport. Move outside via the left ramps and
you'll have roughly 8 guards to deal with in total. If you explore around, try
taking the weapons off of them, and grabbing hypo sprays off of the dead
bodies. Simply move right, and you'll have two more slanted ramps to move down
into. In this next room, it should look similar to the previous one, except a
walkway is smoking from damage. Engage the armed guard via the stairwell, and
talk to the nearby engineer for a hypo. Move up the walkway. Engage the lone
Kevlar guard, then move into the room, and blast away at the armed guard near
the doorway. Grab his Scram Gun, and use the console. You'll read up on some
precautions about this area of the airport. Move on in anyway.

*Muro claims you have potential to be as strong as him, however, your fate
has been decided. He has two thugs prepare to take you out.*

- This next encounter involves two basic kevlar guards, except one is armed
with a Van de Graaff Stun Gun. Your best bet is to nudge the gun out of their
hands, then fire stun rounds at each of the men. Use powerful kicks and stomps
to lower their health. If you get into a jam, try using low sweep kicks to
bring them to the ground. Once they're both dead, check the second side room
for a force field. Go to the first room and use the console to unlock the door.
Move on in. You should reach a large hangar area. Turn around the corner and
take out the guard. If you check this first room, the console will be disabled.
Go down via the right stairs, and move across the holding area to the opposite
walkway. Head up the stairs, then move in and activate the console. Two red
elite guards will be armed and on the scene. Move down the stairs, take out the
kevlar guard, then sprint charge the two elite guards. Jump kick both of them,
and try to take one of the weapons. Wield it against them both and finish them
off. Recover your health, then move to the previously locked keycode. Activate
the console now. Run across the hangar to the door at the base level. Move on
in for a mission complete.

/Chapter 05 - Hot Pursuit/
Module: Airport Cargo Hangars
Difficulty: ***
Objectives: + Continue tracking down Muro
+ Find the Rappelling Harness
+ Reach Muro's Plane

- Check the left hallway for a guard or two. Once they're down, talk to the
nearby engineer for a hypo. Move across the large room to the door on the lower
floor where the windows are. Cut a right and take out the guard beating up the
engineers. Talk to the engy for an easy hypo, then use the console. Some
flights have been tampered with according to the log. Move up the stairs, and
work on taking out the (2) Plasma-armed guards. Watch for a lone Static thug to
assault you. Move across the pathway to the opposite second floor doorway.
You'll a C4 guard near the command console in the right corner. Take him down,
then retreat before he blows up. Use the console to unlock a door. Drop down,
and move to the upper left corner. Go through the door and talk to the
engineer. He'll tell you that some sort of tracker is in the next hangar over.
Read the nearby console. Move to the far end of the room and use the unlocking
computer. Backtrack to the main room, and head for the large door.

- Once inside, move forward and plasma down the red-suited guard. Flank along
the left, and nail down the submachine gun guard. Check near the back portion
of the room for one more guard with a Superball gun. Now, eliminate the
remaining threats by conserving ammo. Move to the back room, but watch for a
Static guard directly right of the door entrance. Knock the stunner out of his
hand, kill him, then activate the console. Look for the unlocked door right
around the corner. Move in.

*Muro and his men will split up. You now have a choice of taking the lower
or upper route.*

- First off though, 3 lower room guards will protrude your way. Many of them
are armed. Try to shoot any of them down using your weapons, otherwise, lure
them one-by-one near the cargo crates along the right portion of the room.
Knock their gun out of hand, and use it against them. Clear out the last guy on
the stairwell, then move left to the rear of the dislodged truck. Move in here,
and you'll have roughly 2-3 rooms to clear out. Various men will be armed. Use
jump kicks to disarm most of them, then wield the gun against their own guys.
Talk to the engineer in the small office for some free hypo sprays. Move up the
next ramp onward. This next part may be fairly tough. Basically, a bunch of
lasers will operate at varying lengths damaging you if you happen to touch
them. Sprint as the first pattern repeats and stay behind the initial lasers.
Interact with the console and now dash forward ensuring to jump, slide, and
roll when necessary. You will take some damage, but try to reach the other end
before the 10-second counter reaches null. Once you hit the door, you'll
encounter a Static and Grapple Guard. I recommend shooting down the Static
thug, then trying to martial arts the Grapple guy. Quick punches seem to do the
most damage since the grappler has fairly slow attacks. Move through the next
door. You'll eventually reach a parking lot. Drop down to the right and disable
the submachine gunning guard. Move ahead and use martial arts to take out the
Scram Gun guard. Move up the railing, then take out the Plasma Guard. Try to
conserve ammo in the weapon. Move up the left area on the roofs. Take out the
plasma guard after the cross-section area, and pick up his hypo spray. Move
down and you may notice an area below that is too far to jump down.

- Look along the left and you will see 3 Engineers running for their lives from
Muro's thugs. There should be a small stairwell. Head down it, then engage the
two thugs in the alley. Watch for two more men to appear. Be careful not to
harm the engineers, otherwise, they'll end up fighting you as well. If they
live, talk to them for some free hypos. Leave the alley. Run down the left
parking lot until you reach the area that you saw before. Charge the nuclear
guard and try to stun him with the Van de Graaf pistol. Otherwise, disarm the
Superball Gun and wield it against them. Watch for the C4 man as well. Use the
console, and the door from the roof will now be unlocked. Backtrack to the
mini-stairs and head up to the roof. Look for a nearby doorway on the roof area
that has stairs leading up to it. Head on in, and talk to the scientist for
some ammo clips. Move down the stairs.

- When you reach the bottom, try to save the scientist from the Kevlar and
Nuclear guards. It can be difficult fighting the ultra-tough nuke guard, so
focus on him over the primitive guard. The Scientist hands out much-needed hypo
sprays. After another flight of stairs, take care of the two enemies below.
You'll find the Rappelling Harness just before the third flight of stairs
entrance, to the left on a table against the wall. Pick it up, then head
downstairs. Take out the Nuclear Guard. Head through the door and chase down
the 3 enemies in this large room. Two will be on the ground floor, with one
patrolling near the alarm on the second floor. Prevent them from sounding the
alarm. Contine up the stairs. Head into the side door before the very top.

*Muro and his men will be seen getting into the cargo plane.*

- Leave the mini-room and head to the roof via the stairs. Once on top, watch
for the ambush of dual-armed thugs to your left. Sprint on the roof to the
center metal railing overlooking the base unit of the plane.

*Konoko will automatically rappell down and plant a tracking device on top
of Muro's Plane. Inside, we see Muro and an associate talking over about
your presence. You're apparently an Android hooked to an SLD. Sounds brutal
and experimental if you ask me. He wants Barbaras to capture you alive.*

/Chapter 06 - Counterattack/
Module: TCTF Headquarters
Difficulty: ****
Objectives: + Reach the Upper area
+ Save Shinatama
+ Repair the damaged elevator
+ Stop Barabas

*Konoko is returning back to TCTF Headquarters when an assault from the
Syndicate strikes the area. She knows that her allies are under attack, and
it's up to her to save them.*

- You should spawn in the lower garage area connected to the TCTF Headquarters.
Proceed straight towards the upper left corner of the room. Two Kevlar guards
should spawn out of the nearby doorway. Engage them both, ensuring to disarm
the submachine gun. Focus on using grapple moves when surrounded by pairs of
enemies. Move in the upper left door, and repeat the same strategy. Try using
the spinning cyclone kick if you cannot get in close enough to perform some
excellent grapple techniques. In the next room, take down the lone Nuclear
guard, then grab the Mercury Bow off of the dead TCTF agent. In the next room,
fire one round at the guard standing on the metal crate. Move into the room to
your left, and watch for a Static & Kevlar Guard to engage you. If possible,
hold on to this Mercury Bow as the weapon is rare. Look for ammo clips, and
always pick it up after the battles simmer down. Check the far end room along
the right door. Save the woman scientist from the two thugs. Check the left
door for a lone Static Guard. Take him down, then use the console to unlock the
previously locked door. Head back out, and check the other end of this long
room for the unlocked door. Go in.

*A brief cutscene shows the Syndicate engaging your allies. They have
managed to cut down the TCTF's security defenses. Here comes their full

- Start rushing up the stairs. Enter through the first unlocked door you see.
Cross the brief hallway, and cut a left across the ceiling pathway. You'll run
into some Heavy Guards. These guys are basically equipped with increased metal
armor, or even if force fields to protect from ranged damage. They have a
dangerous slam attack and cannonball roll. The best way to avoid these attacks
is to roll sideways whenever you hear their indicative phrases. Grapples work
very well on these opponents as they tend to block quite extensively. Do this
to knock them down, and try to save the TCTF agent if possible. The second
floor mainly has weapons, ammo, and hypo sprays to be gained off of the agents.
Head up to the third floor via the stairwell. You'll run into an engagement of
three guys near the main hall. Expend some rounds from your Mercury Bow to
increase your odds of victory, then combat down the remaining souls. Check the
upper left single-door room for a console panel. Use it to unlock the door on
the fourth and final floor. Head up there now and move through the door.

- You'll find a few remaining enemies around, mainly in side adjunct rooms. One
interesting item of note is that you'll find a woman who looks similar to
Konoko. Combat her using similar techniques, but try doing an aerial grab move
to bring her down for the count. Check the upper right room for a lone console
panel. Read it, and you'll learn that Barabas was quite an elite operative.
Exit this room, but check the door opposite of it for a new stairwell. Head on

*Shinatama gets grabbed by Barabas. You have to save your previous AI!*

- Head through the door, and you'll now be fairly close to the heart of the
TCTF Headquarters. There's going to be an initial gunfight between your agents
and the Syndicate. Rush up the side stairwells until you can safely engage the
two Syndicate gunners. Use martial arts to bring them down since they have
heavy armor and/or force fields. Pick up all dropped ammo, health, and
powerups. Now, you'll have to sprint jump between the missing gaps on the
stairwells. Remember to hold down the space bar to reach the peak of your jump.
Do this about two more times till you reach the highest floor possible. Try
shooting down a few of the topside guards with your Mercury Bow. Head into the
upper right room on this top floor, and talk to the Civilian Welder. He'll give
you his welder torch. Exit the room, and go down the pathway. You'll find the
elevator on the same floor against the wall. Jump onto it.

*Oni will weld the cable on the elevator. The natural reaction of the pulley
brings her to the top floor of the complex.*

- You'll now be in a red-alert zone. Charge forward and take out the high-
priority Konoko look-a-like with a force field. Ensure to engage the Kevlar
Guard. Try to hype yourself up with full health and/or a force field, as a
Mercury Bow sniper will be above you on the top floor. This gun does extreme
damage. Go near the wedge sticking out by the control console, and look on the
other side of it for a console panel. Use it to unlock a door in the upper
right corner. Move there, then head up. You'll have to deal with a Heavy Armor
and default guard before doing so. On the top floor, watch out for two armed
guards in the right corner. Make use of a swirl kick and a few grapples to deal
with them quickly. Jump kick charge the Mercury Bow sniper on this center
platform, and take out the remaining troops with your own Mercury Bow.
Crossover to the other side via the central pathway. You'll find a stairwell to
the third section in the upper right room. When you reach the top, check the
right corner of the room for a Phase Cloak. This basically makes you invisible.

- Cross over to the upper right room and ignore both guards if you wish. Move
up the stairs yet again. Your phase cloak should be wearing off by now. Take
out the armed Kevlar Guard up top, then proceed through the door. You'll have
roughly three guards to take care of to your left. Pull out the Mercury Bow and
focus on taking out the armed guard and heavy one. Conserve some ammo, and take
the rest out with your body. Run over to the glass wall and move through the
slide door. Cut the right corner.

*Barabas is seen with Shinatama inside a transport helicopter. They cart off
and Konoko believes she has failed. She turns around to find out that
Barabas is standing right next to her. It's time to take out a corrosive

- The second time with Barabas is only slightly different in that he is
equipped with an Earthquake attack. Basically, you'll see him jump in the air
like a pogo stick. When he slams down, a radiating pool of damage can hurt you.
The best way to avoid this is to jump or somersault out of the radius while it
protrudes outward. Dealing with Barabas is a joke. Use jump kicks, crouch
sweeps, and crouched roundhouse kicks to down him. Jump kick the gun out of his
hand, then use these basic assaults to deal damage to him. The Mercury Bow or
his own weapon don't really do significant damage because Barabas has a
permanent force field on his exoskeleton. Repeat these attacks for the most
part, and ensure to avoid his earthquake attack. Other than that, he'll die
after a few minutes of punishment.

*Konoko gets supercharged after killing Barabas. Perhaps she is gifted after

/Chapter 07 - A Friend in Need/
Module: Atmospheric Conversion Center
Difficulty: **
Objectives: + Navigate towards Shinatama's position

*Griffin and Konoko have an arguement after how to solve the Shinatama
situation. Griffin says he's just going to send a strike team to rescue the
SLD (Shinatama), while you say that you're perfect for the job. Griffin
tells you not to go, but you refuse. Konoko hang glides into the secretive
facility on her own.*

- Start off by charging ahead, then engaging the two basic guards on the right
walkway. Use the Plasma Rifle on the third guard patrolling the round block at
the end. The biggest threat on this level is falling off. Don't be tempted to
knock an enemy off, as you'll threaten your own life as well. Since save points
are far and few between, it's dangerous to attempt such treachery. Check the
small left cubicle for a console. Use it, and look behind the console for a
free hypo spray. Head to the edge of the block for the unlocked door. Go in.
Talk to the engineer for a hypo. Take out the nuclear guard on the left walking

*NOTE: A good strategy, even though I said treacherous, is to face your
opponents against the exposed drop-off points. Try pushing them off
without even landing a blow. The biggest problem with getting tossed
off is if Konoko or an enemy performs a grapple. Often, you'll
automatically slide off when performing the move.*

- Run down to this other end, and try shooting off the two guards on the
topside area. Head through the door at the end of the path. Talk to the
engineer, then use the console. Move through the door. Immediately look above
you, and gun down the armed guard. If you have no gun, crouch against the wall
for utmost secrecy. Rush down the RIGHT ramp (left one leads to a dead end).
Enter the small elevator cubicle and talk to the woman for a Phase Projector
weapon. Use the console. Exit the room, and head right for an elevator.

*The elevator will lower with Konoko aboard. We're forwarded to Shinatama's
position where she is being tortured by Muro in an electric fryer. He
claims that her pain threshold is very realistic to that of a human, even
though she is based off of an SLD computer cyborg program.*

- When you reach the bottom, rush down the pathway. Watch for a topside armed
guard. Ignore him unless you can clearly take a shot. Make a U-turn around the
corner, and rush down the opposite pathway until you reach a right cubicle. Use
the console inside to unlock a door. Backtrack to the U-spot and move through
this unlocked door. You'll find a Konoko look-a-like. Gun her down using the
remaining ammo in your Phase Projector. Pick up the Mercury Bow on the ground.
Keep this weapon for the rest of the level. Move ahead. This next long room
will have four guards, two on the walkways, and two above. Immediately move up
these stairs, and rush to the far end where a console is. Use it to unlock the
door. Turn around and drop down. Move through the door. You will find an
assisting scientist with a hypo. Move through the next door. You'll have to
traverse on the walkways in a giant "U" pattern until you curl around and start
to head for a glass-covered cargo area. Along the way, you'll have to Mercury
Bow snipe a few topside guards. Watch for the dual ambush from (2) Kevlar
Guards about halfway to the room. I found it best to try and forward kick them
off the platform. You'll eventually reach an elevator cubicle. Use the console,
then head to the platform to move down.

- Once you reach the bottom, check the left cubicle for a console panel. Use it
to unlock a door. Move slightly right, and talk to the engineer by the large
cylinder. You'll get a free hypo spray. Backtrack to a red door just before the
electricuting pipes. Inside, you'll find an electrical engineer fighting a lone
guard. Take out the guard, and save the engineer's life. Talk to him. He says
he can recalibrate the capacitors to help delay the shockwave on the grid.
After he uses the console, the pattern will change to three neutral waves and
one shocking wave. Exit the room, then head for the center pipe. Sprint on it,
and jump over every blue-colored wave. Do this until you reach the other side.
Flank along the left and take care of the plasma rifle guard. Move into this
central room. Move through the next door. You will find an engineer at the end
with a providing item. Backtrack before heading into the series of rooms. Go
left now. You'll find a group of guards near the small glass cubicle. Take care
of them, use the console inside, then head through the unlocked door. The
scientist inside will tell you that the Syndicate made numerous modifications
to the atmospheric processor. They must be up to some evil plan.

- Use the console inside and you'll have 18 seconds to get across the next
electrified pipe. Go out the left door, cross out in front, then sprint across
avoiding the blue electric waves. Hop off on the left station platform and take
out the guard. Use the steps to move down below. Save the security guard for a
hypo spray. Use the console against the wall to unlock the door. Move in. Watch
for an immediate armed guard to your left. Your security guard may help you in
killing him. You'll have to pass through (2) Generator rooms with armed guards.
Lure the guards near the entrances where the electric rays don't discharge.
Once they're dead, crouch and move to the other side of the room to duck under
the discharges. The third room will have another Konoko look-a-like with (2)
Kevlar Guards. Expend the remaining Mercury Bow ammo on the two guards, then
focus on using grapple techniques on the force fielded mime.

*Once all three guards are dead, Konoko receives a tremendous surge of
power. Griffin says the operation is getting out of hand.*

/Chapter 08 - An Innocent Life/
Module: Atmospheric Conversion Center
Difficulty: ***
Objectives: + Rescue Shinatama
+ Escape the facility in a Maintenance line

- You're getting closer to Shinatama's position. You should be on a bottom
floor now. Two Kevlar guards will try to jump kick greet you. Evade the kicks
and counter with a rush slide or grapple of your own. Finish them off, move to
the next room, and head down the yellow-lit stairwell. This next large area
will have four enemies to deal with. Most of them are your basic opponents from
before, but you'll need to perform special moves. Try doing the swirl kick,
running swirl grapple, or mobile moves. Staying still in this area will get
your arse beat down. Head through either door to the next room. Two Konoko
wanna-bes will charge at you. I found the best way to deal with them was pure
grapples. They're excellent at blocking and counter-attacking but suck with
grapples. Get in close and use stomps when they're on the ground. Round the
corner, and take out the supercharged Konoko wanna-be using an assortment of
stomps and grapples.

*Shinatama is sitting fatally wounded. Apparently, she spills her guts. The
purpose of Shinatama was to monitor your progress, as you are supposedly a
superb cyborg filled with endless capacity. They tortured her to find out
what you knew. The TCTF was also monitoring Shinatama's position, and
figured that you (Konoko) knew the secrets behind your background. The TCTF
triggered a self-destruct mechanism inside Shinatama. She tells her to run
and that Konoko has 30 seconds.*

- Immediately turn around and sprint up the steps. Ignore any guards that
approach you. Get in the nearby doorway, and save the scientist's life. By now,
the explosion has probably gone off. The scientist will delay the shockwaves on
the pipe. Cross using the usual technique, but reaching the other side will cut
close with the relay time on the shockwaves. Talk to the female scientist on
the other side for a free force field. Head through the door to your left, and
watch for two guards near the right stairwell. Disarm the topside guard, and
take out the remaining troops. Move to the top floor an disarm the Nuclear
guard of his stun pistol. Once he's beat down, move in to this top room. The
scientist will have a hypo. Use the console. Move through the door. This next
room will basically have large lasers that rotate in set patterns. To get past
the first one, wait for it to do one circle rotation. Follow across and knock
the droid into the sewer pit below. Use the console to deactivate the laser for
approximately 10 seconds. Sprint across to the next loop and take down the
droid. Repeat this strategy for the next two loops. Head through the door
against the wall. Watch for a Konoko look-a-like. Use your stun gun to disarm
her, and take her down for the counter. Enter the next stairwell, and proceed
to the bottom floor. You'll have a few armed threats to deal with.

- At the bottom room, you'll have to use the console to modify the electric
waves. As usual, sprint across, hopping over each blue wave. When you reach the
other side, use your stun gun to take care of the two remaining guards (watch
for another Konoko wannabe). The next large cargo area will feature to lower
area guards. Make use of running techniques to lessen their odds of victory.
Use a Phase Projector or Stun Gun to take care of any armed threats on the
second floor. Head up to the second floor. Talk to the scientist in the large
door room on how to get out of the facility. Move to the third floor, and (2)
Konoko wannabes will be attacking a scientist in his room. Engage them both,
and take an ammo clip from the technician. Move to the fourth floor. Repeat the
same strategy to the fifth floor. Check the large left room for a console
panel. Use it, and some TCTF agents will arrive from the top floor. These
agents are now your enemies. Exit the room, and engage one of them to fall off
the railing. Move to the sixth floor. Take out the armed TCTF agent. You'll
find one lone door on the top floor. Proceed in both of them. On the next
floor, watch for an immediate rush of TCTF guys. Take them down, then use the
console to deactivate the power grid - temporarily. Start sprinting on the pipe
as usual, hopping over electrified rays.

*Four TCTF agents will arrive on scene. Two of them chase Konoko on the pipe
while another agent activates a large rotating fan. The fan sucks one of
the poor guys into shreds. Konoko manages to grab on to one of the
railings, and guides herself to safety. She escapes the facility. Griffin
is disappointed and declares Konoko a rogue. She is now a Class B threat.*

/Chapter 09 - Truth and Consequences/
Module: Regional State Building
Difficulty: ***
Objectives: + Access the interior Command Center
+ Find unlocking consoles for the Roof
+ Find the hacker

*Griffin knows that Konoko wants to know more about her background. The only
place she can gain access is via the local state files building. Griffin
plans an ambush at this location since Konoko will most likely go there.
Konoko arrives on scene to notice that two security guards are down.
Reinforcements arrive on scene believing she killed the two guards. She
fights back like the eye of a tiger.*

- Both of these security guards are primitive humans. Disarm the one guard,
then take them both down using advanced moves. Grab the Pistol and reload it
with the ballistic ammo clip. Move through the right door, then cut a left into
the main lobby. Four guards will arrive on scene, and this area looks a lot
like the place from the Matrix. Anyhow, use your pistol ammo to down the armed
TCTF guard, then focus on eliminating the security guards. Enter a room
opposite of you, and look for a white-suited clerk. He'll spill his guts
claiming that the Command Center is the only location where the files could be.
Move in this room, and you'll find a console as well. Use it to unlock a door.
Backtrack to the first entry room you were in. Go up the stairs to the second
floor now. Enter the right door.

- This next area will have roughly (6) TCTF agents to deal with. Use an
assortment of arms and martial arts to down them. Enter the middle right room
on this floor, and look for a console. Use it to unlock the third level floors.
Backtrack to the entry room and rise to the top floor. Move in. The three
consoles to reach the roof are located in the middle right, middle left, and
top central rooms. They're clearly marked, but you'll have lethal threats in
each room. There are usually 2-3 guards protecting each console. Watch for a
Mercury Bow sniper to pelt through the roof. Be quick when accessing the top
central panel. Use either side hall to advance to the roof via the access
stairwells. Take out the sniper on the roof, and hold onto his Mercury Bow from
now on. Enter through the central door where the command console computers are.
Use the Mercury Bow on the lone guard. Use the computer to unlock the basement
doors. Backtrack to the entry room where you first started. Go onto the first
floor, and enter the main lobby. Watch for Black Ops troopers to drop down from
the roof or pop in. Down them, then enter either unlocked side door (they have
ladder diagram emblems on them).

- You'll now have a problem. There are patrolling lasers to your left and
right. Try sprinting past the lasers to the door and rush in before the
sentries can gun you down. You can attempt to evade them, but it's not worth
the trouble. Move into one of the unlocked interior rooms. Take out the (2)
Black Ops, then go to the yellow-marked spot.

*Konoko starts to access her life-long files stacked away in the archives.
Before she can, a hacker steals the data and logs her off the terminal. She
must track down the hacker and make him hack for good.*

- Before leaving this room, check the wall for a now-activateable console. Use
it, then head out to the hall where the two unlocked doors are. This giant room
is basically a stairwell, head up and eliminate both Black Ops guards. Once you
reach the next area, lasers will start rotating from point to point. As before,
if you run over them, plasma sentries will be activates. Either sprint through
and avoid the shots, or avoid the lasers. When you reach the opposite area,
you'll be in a small stairwell. Head up. Cross the next set of lasers, and
enter the unlocked door.

*Konoko greets the mysterious hacker with fists of fury. The hacker ninja
decides to escape by crashing through the window.*

- Follow the hacker, and hop over the gap in the roofs to make sure you reach
the physical rooftop. Sprint down to the left and suddenly two of his Ninja
Guards will interact. These men are formidable foes as they're quick, agile,
and flexible. They lack with a small life bar, but are dangerous foes. To deal
with them, use your punches more often, and focus on a slide attack or moving
grapple. Basic combos work quite well, but avoid repeated jump kicks are
sweeps. These guys seem to have counters for each of them. I found it best to
get close where they could not be as mobile. Use stomps to deplete their health
bar when they're down. Once they're both down, move to the yellow spot.

*Konoko will hop up to where the hacker is. He hops onto a zipline and
escapes. His assisting guard does the same but Konoko hitches a ride on him
following the hacker's position.*

/Chapter 10 - Cat and Mouse/
Module: Rooftops
Difficulty: *****
Objectives: + Track down Mukade
+ Kill Mukade

*Konoko and the Ninja Guard will land on a rooftop. It's nukem time!*

- Fight off the lone Ninja Guard using what you learned before. Go down to the
left, and drop down. Sprint forward strafing as a Mercury Bow sniper will pelt
shots at your position. There will be a Ninja Guard trailing you from the rear,
but focus on disarming the dangerous sniper. Fight them both using the fiery
uppercut and swirl kick. Take the Mercury Bow in case you find ammo clips. Hop
across the two chasyms to prevent dying from a long fall. Once you're on top of
the elevator, do a long jump to the other side. Engage the two ground level
foes, and go up the stairs. Take out the ranged ninja guard using your own
weapon or an assortment of agile techniques. Continue forward across the
rooftops, and three enemies will be waiting for you. Try to disarm the plasma
rifle so you can use it against your Konoko wannabe. Otherwise, you'll have to
waste some health dealing with the threats on ground level. Make use of the
fiery uppercut and some sprint grapples for easy takedowns. Hop over to the
next roof when you're finished at this location.

- Again, two guards will be there to greet you. They're basic enemies, so use
basic combos. Look in the upper left corner for adjunct roof to hop onto. Do
so, then curl around the corner. Two ninja guards will be around the corner,
and extremely dangerous. Focus on the blue one with the stun gun, and try to
use it against them if possible. The Scram Gun does very little damage in this
situation. Head into the green door elevator. Konoko says that she knows the
ninja quite well.

- When you first start out, go left and up the stairs. Take care of the Konoko
wannabe by launching her off the railing. Grab her weapon, then sprint jump
over to the other roof from this heightened position. From there, drop down and
take out the armed man with the Screaming Cannon. Wield it against the gunner
and Ninja Guard that drops down. With both men down, use the stairs to reach
the top, then sprint jump to the new roof. Move ahead, and there will be gaps
in this roofing ventilation area. Jump sprint jump across each large gap. It's
easier to do than attempting to jump to each side segment and short hop to the
other side. When you reach the far end, use the Screaming Cannon on the guard
above you. Look across the pit for a small stairwell. Hop to it, then proceed
up it. When you reach the top, curl around the left, and drop down on the guy
crouching in the corner. Cut a right in towards the interior of this segway.
You should see TV screens channeling in the distance. Go down this path, but
watch for an immediate rush of guards. Try using the Scream Cannon to get a
good laugh.

- Cut a left at the end of the hall, and watch for a Kevlar guard stationed
around the corner. Look for some stairs, and take them up. When you reach the
top, (2) Ninja Guards will try to interfere. Scream them down, or grapple them
off the edge. Hop where the hypo spray is elevated, then jump again to the
yellow marked spot. Pick up the zipline, and drop down to the zipeline where
the Master Ninja just retreated from.

*Konoko will zip to the other side.*

- Once there, rush ahead. Two more Ninjas will greet you. You know what to do.
Scream them down, or slide them off the edge. Move up the mini-stairs, and hop
across. Now, jump flip to reach the highest peak on each of these segments.
Keep jumping till you reach a level floor. This next battle will be tough as
three foes are ready to greet you. Watch for the ultra Konoko wannabe, and the
armed guards. Fire a scream to down their damage while you combat them. Go down
the stairs to your left. You should be on a circling path now. Knock most
guards off the edge if possible, and try to disarm the Mercury sniper quickly
(otherwise he will knock you off). One more Konoko wannabe and a force field
powerup should be right before the lair door. Head into the door.

*Konoko finally hunts Mukade down to an isolated position. He claims that
they're both of the same build, but she dismisses him as a mere thug.
Anyhow, it's time you just downed this cybernetic mess.*

- Mukade is very similar to the Ninja Guards in technique, except slower, but
with special abilities. Basically, he has quick agile attacks, a leech "cell"
attack, and teleportation abilities. The best strategy to defeat him is the use
of grapples. You will never get a chance to stomp on Mukade, so don't even try.
Try to push him into a corner if possible, or do enough damage so he teleports
on one of the top ramps. If he goes invisible, look for his bold outline. Jam
him into the corner and keep laying down combos finishing with grapples.
Everytime he attempts to teleport out, he'll get jammed into one of your
grapple moves. Really, this battle is not that enduring.

*Mukade falls crippled on the ground with a data disc falling out of his
pocket. Konoko knows that he and herself both feel the same feelings, but
she's not sure why. She knows that she is nothing like this corrupt ninja
and snaps his neck with her boot.*

/Chapter 11 - Dream Diver/
Module: Dr. Hasegawa's Lab
Difficulty: ***
Objectives: + Find out what's going on

*Basically, we start off in Konoko's shelter where she inputs the data disc
into her laptop. Apparently, Hasegawa was her father and an excellent
scientist. He fell in love with one of his students (can't blame him, a
blonde) and they ended up joining the resistance against the government's
plans to renovate the planet. They snuck into one of the secret facilities,
and his love got an infected cut inside the facility. She ended up dying.
Hasegawa vowed revenge, and his lover's brother was going to help him as
well. Suddenly, Konoko is startled as Muro is standing over her. She must
be dreaming...I hope.*

- Start off by moving towards Muro. The room will shift into a small dark
cubicle. You'll have to fight off Muro with no powerups. Basically, he'll use
an assortment of moves similar to yours with a leg twister grapple. Try using
basic combos on weakening him. Once his health bar is in the yellow region,
he'll block less and the battle becomes much easier. Simply focus on laying
powerful blows and continue doing grapples. Add in a few stomps until he
eradicates into nothing. The room will morph back to normal. Cut a right down
the hall. Two guards will disappear as ghosts. Move a tad further, and
Shinatama will tell you to follow her. Watch for some midget Kevlar guards to
appear. Use the stomp attack or leg sweep to kill them. Cut a left into the
hallway. Go up the yellow stairs, and two invisible ninjas are ready to greet
you. It can be difficult, but special moves are the only way to victory. Use
the swirl kick, then some grapples. Pick up the dropped hypo. Move through the
next door, and continue ahead until you find (2) Konoko wannabes. Use power
grapples and your strength should prove to be the riding strength. Move ahead
yet again.

*Suddenly, Griffin appears out of nowhere. He claims that he was just a pawn
forced to follow orders. You claim he betrayed you.*

- Disarm Griffin of his stun gun. Some TCTF agents will assist him. I mainly
use rear kicks to knock each man to the ground. Pick up the Stun Gun, and focus
on taking out the grapple hungry TCTF agents. Griffin just has some quick
combos, but really loves his stun gun. Once they're down, pick up the hypos and
check the corner for two blue doors. Move through, and some shock traps will be
waiting for you. Take care of the ninja guard, but avoid the lasers. Move
ahead, and you'll see Shinatama floating past you in the air. Is this like some
sort of freak circus or something?

*In the next room, you see a mirror image of yourself. The mirror image
claims you to be a former murdered, and someone from a ward. You were
signed up as a TCTF pawn. Whatever.*

- Fighting yourself isn't that challenging. Start off by charging forth and
using primary grapples. Your mirror image is quite exposed when downed, so make
use of stomps and leg sweeps. Try to overhype yourself to get supercharged
punches, and roll out of the way of the powerful leg kicks your mirror image
provides. After killing your mirror image, you will awake to find out it was
just a dream.

/Chapter 12 - Sins of the Father/
Module: TCTF Science Prison #112
Difficulty: ****
Objectives: + Find Dr. Kerr
+ Activate the 3 Door Locks
+ Reach the Bio-Matter Disposal Vats

*One of the security guards at a science facility let's the other one in.
Konoko manages to sneak by while they're distracted - undetected.*

- It works best to not get detected for this first portion of the level. If you
do get detected, you will practically get killed by several mercury lasers
instantly. Getting past the lasers is a fair task. Hold down Shift to crouch
but look at where the laser mounts are so you can trace the base positions of
each laser. Crawl under the vertical scaling beams, and hop over the semi-arc
ones that rotate from point to point. Do this three more times until you reach
the door. Move on through.

- You'll be in a minor office complex. Engage the guard to your right, and
prevent him from reaching the nearby alarm console. Watch out for two more TCTF
agents to assist him. Whatever you do, prevent them from sounding the alarm,
otherwise it's like Nam' all over again. Once they're down, head down one
flight of stairs, then move in the large red door. Use the console to unlock
the doors near the alarm console. Head up there and proceed through them. If
the patrolling guard sees you and retreats, hunt him down, and follow him down
a floor. Don't let him interact the console. If you look along the wall, you
should see a large blue door. Move in and use the console. Backtrack to one
floor above the alarm console and go through these unlocked doors.

- You'll have some tougher opponents to deal with, specifically Black Ops.
Focus on nailing the heavy armored ones with your Pistol, and relay the rest
with aerial assault techniques. There's no alarm console in this third room, so
fight them off. On the top level, move right of the lasers and look for a door.
Head into it.

*Kerr is somewhat surprised to see you. Before he can actually help you, he
needs (3) Power Generators activated so he may utilize his equipment.*

- He'll also give you a much-needed Hypo Spray. Use the console in his room to
open the door protected by lasers. Go through this door now that the lasers are
gone as well. Cut a left, and there should be a very long hallway. Move
slightly down, and cut a right down the stairs. Take out this lone TCTF guard.
Then, engage the (2) remaining guards with your Pistol. Once they're downed,
salvage any new weapons, and proceed down the narrow abyss. You will find a
second inlet stairwell. Go down and it take care of the two basic TCTF guards.
Move into the room at the end of this junction and talk to one of the male
scientists for a hypo. You will also find a control panel that disables one of
three locks on the main door. You should also find a new door in this room. Go
through it, and take out the armed guard on the other side. Now, run down to
the next door to your left on this ground level. There's an invisicloak about
halfway down along the right wall. Consoles #2 & #3 are in each of the two
remaining lab rooms. There should be no threats in these rooms, and plenty of
helpful scientists handing out all sorts of samples. Once you're ready to go,
and all three locks have been unlocked, head to the main door.

*Kerr will end up hooking you into an analysis machine to see what's going
on. You seem to be alright. Kerr basically spills his guts. He and Hasegawa
(Konoko's father) joined the Syndicate as they needed a source to fund
their research on how to backfire the poison being released by the
government on Planet Earth. They ended up developing a project called the
Chrysalis, which would sort of cure any damaged systems in a human body.
They managed to implement (2) Chrysalis units into two prototypes, you and
your brother. You end up finding out that your true brother is Muro, the
evil villain all along. One day, the TCTF raided the Syndicate's labs, and
Kerr took you to the TCTF for protection. Meanwhile, Muro and your father
stayed with the Syndicate. You turned out to be molded in a protector of
good, while the influences of the Syndicate molded Muro's character into an
evil person. Both you and Muro possess excremental powers. Originally, Kerr
and your father wanted to take the Chrysalis out of both you and Muro once
the experiment was done. However, both the TCTF (Griffin forced it) &
Syndicate wanted the Chrysalis units molded permanently. They were hoping
both of you would turn into finely tuned weapons. Nonetheless, the
Syndicate and Griffin both had evil intentions. Suddenly, a Black Ops Guard
pierces the perimeter and Kerr jumps in front of a Mercury round to save
your life. Konoko looks pissed.*

- Jump kick the Black Ops guard to disarm him, then finish him off with your
current weapon. Grab the Mercury Bow for reference sake. Before leaving,
interact the console near the command stand to unlock a door. Exit via the
right door, and go down this hall to the unlocked door. There will be lots of
Black Ops officers if you do not. Move ahead, and be sure to pick off the armed
men. You will find a console that unlocks a nearby door. There's also one that
provides theory-based info on the Chrysalis. Head through the unlocked door,
and you'll be in an odd hall with lasers. Pass through the lasers by jog
jumping, and then either rolling/ducking on the vertical passing trips. Once
you get past the first half, you'll have a total of (4) Black Ops to deal with.
I found it best to expend any remaining ammo in the Mercury Bow. Drop it, then
charge at the Screaming Cannon operator. Disarm him, and wield the weapon
against the force field warriors. Move through the door after the second group
pops out. Drop down once the area is clear, and you'll find a lone guard just
before the acid vats. In this next room, use the Superball Gun against the
other Superball wielder. Don't worry about the harmless engineers as they'll
get blown to pieces by debris. You now have to weave and arm three controls for
the crane. The first one is on the left. Go right, then left, and repeat this
swirl pattern from side adjunct to side adjunct. You'll have a few basic Black
Ops to deal with, but nothing too extensive. Once you reach the third control,
the movie will execute automatically.

*Konoko hops onto the crane and avoids the slicing dicers. She dives into
a giant vat of acid, and escapes via the sewage route. The TCTF Officers
believe she killed herself, and report the target terminated.*

/Chapter 13 - Phoenix Rising/
Module: TCTF Headquarters
Difficulty: *****
Objectives: + Hunt down Griffin
+ Disable the TCTF HQ Defenses
+ Unlock the Omega Vault
+ Destroy Shinatama
+ Kill Griffin or walk away

*We're presented with Griffin talking to one of his top scientists. They
have not received a signal over the past two days, and believe Konoko is
dead. Griffin tends to differ. Just as the scientist leaves, Konoko crashes
into Griffin's office. Before she can get answers, he triggers his desk to
drop off to the ground floor.*

- Exit Griffin's room and cut a right. You should see some lasers down the
hall. Go into the small security room and dispose of the (2) TCTF agents.
Interact the console to disable the security systems. Head to the center of the
previous room, and take care of the (2) TCTF Guards that rush out of the small
monitoring room. Now, go into the room where they just came from. Use the
console to unlock one door on this floor. Head to the room opposite of this
one. Talk to the scientist. Apparently, Griffin did something to "somebody" to
use against you. Activate this console as well. Look on this floor for a door
with a yellow semi-circle and two bars. Enter it. Talk to the scientist.
Everyone at the TCTF thinks you betrayed Griffin. You'll snatch the items off
of him. Now, look for a red symbol door on this floor, and go through it.
You'll find two armed guards to take down. Avoid shooting the welder as he'll
give you a hypo if he lives. Head down the stairs near the rear wall. Be
careful not to trip the wires, otherwise you'll signal an infinite ammo turret
to start firing. Engage the armed guards near this room, then exit, and head
across the transplatform.

- Go down the set of stairs in the diagonal room, and avoid the lasers by
hopping in the middle as they split. Take out the armed guard, and again, cross
over. Do this two more times till you get to the bottom level. Head through the
door on the base floor for another gray set of stairs. Go down. When you reach
the next room, some lasers will scroll around the hall. Avoid them, and head
into the first door to your left. Take care of the (2) TCTF agents first and
foremost. Talk to the female scientist afterwards. She will disable the first
substation after a brief discussion. Head back out, and go down one floor.
Continue down the floors, but check each room for enemies, powerups, or
civilians with items. You'll eventually find the second console to deactivate
substation #2. Keep going down, and search for the third control panel. It
should be past several lasers. Deactivate it.

- With all systems down, proceed to the very bottom floor, and go through the
green door. Continue down the stairs till you run into (3) Black Ops. Use any
available weapons to down the threats, then use sliding and aerial grapping
moves. Go into the door next to this one and take out the security officer.
Grab his gun. Go down the hall, cut a right, and activate the blue console.
Now, go through the door and move down one flight of stairs. This next floor
will be infested with TCTF troops. Your primary concern should be with downing
the heavily armed troopers, preferably using your own weapon. Make your way to
the upper left room, and activate the console to unlock one of three keys. Go
back to the stairwell, and proceed down another flight. The floor will have the
same gameplan. Clear out the initial grouping of enemies, and check the upper
left room for unlock #2. Head down another flight of stairs. You will only find
(2) TCTF agents in the last upper left room on this third floor down. Once it
has been activated, the third unlock should permit access. Backtrack to the
stairwell. Watch for a quick ambush of (2) TCTF Guards. Head into the red
nuclear sign door and continue down.

*Griffin says that he was prepared for your arrival all this time. Because
of this, he has rewired Shinatama as an Evil Brain. That sick son of a

- If you remember the Evil Brain from the earlier stages, it basically works
the same way. Start off by rushing to the right console as soon as the three
horizontal lasers move away from you. Watch for the vertical catching beam as
well. Once this console is activated, stay here. You'll have to jump to each of
the remaining platforms by getting closer to the core central (the space
between the exterior edges is too far to jump). Long jump ensuring to avoid the
lasers, and activate the console. Do this for all remaining stations to defeat
Level 1 Security Mode. Level 2 Security Mode involves the same idea, except the
three horizontal lasers move faster. There are also a few vertical lasers
tossed in that overlap where you'd normally press the buttons. You have to time
your interaction with the consoles after the vertical laser appears off of the
console. Do this again to defeat Level 2. Level 3 basically have vertical beams
with small spaces at the edge of each quarter platform. Five to six low
rotating beams hover near the ground level. If you find the lasers too tough to
pass, there's an alternate strategy. I had maxed hypo sprays since there were
tons of powerups previously. Simply sprint through and start injecting hypos as
soon as you take damage. Activate each console as the turrets and Scream
Cannons fire. You can activate all four before dying, and you should be able to
retain most of your health by using all six hypos.

*With all three security modes disabled, Shinatama malfunctions. She now
goes after Griffin. Griffin gives her one shot to the head, putting her
down for the count. Oni ends up disarming Griffin and holds the gun to his
head. The choice is up to you. Kill Griffin, or let him live.*

- The best choice is to let him live. You'd wonder why you came all this way
just to meet Griffin. Most people would kill him, but this makes the game
tougher later on (you have to face a tougher boss). The developers also gave
you a hint (press F1, and they say that mercy gives the best strength). Simply
walk away.

*Konoko scorches Griffin for being a coward. She claims that she never
became the monster he thought she would be.*

/Chapter 14 - Dawn of the Chrysalis/
Module: Syndicate Mountain Compound
Difficulty: ****
Objectives: + Infiltrate Muro's Compound
+ Access the Computer Core
+ Overload the Generator
+ Fight Muro

*Konoko manages to land in the Syndicate's compound. She is ready to
seek vengeance towards Muro.*

- Start off by sneaking right past the guard tower. There's a Mercury Bow
Sniper up there, so it's best to zig zag when he has an angled shot on you.
Take the Hypo Spray behind the tower, then rush across the black-colored
pavement. You're going to end up facing (3) Syndicate Heavy Guards. Try to
disarm one of them with the gun, and focus on avoiding the cannonball rolls.
Use blocking to help defend against their powerful attacks. Rush past the first
transport helicopter and continue down this landing location. Head diagonally
right past a few more hangars and you'll see a building in the distance. Before
heading where the two guards are standing near the door, go right. Kill the
Heavy Guard, then look on top of the brown boxes for a Superball Gun and Phase
Projector. Take either weapon you prefer. Head towards the doorway where the
two guards are and blast them down. Head inside. When you reach the room with a
red console, don't touch it no matter what. It's an alarm console, and will
trigger 3 Guards if you do. If you go right, you'll find a hypo behind one of
the tall columns. Go back out, then take the left door.

- This next area will have lasers on both halls, with two patrolling guards. I
recommend luring the guards out to where you can fight them in open space.
Avoid the first set of lasers by jumping and rolling in mid-air. Enter the
first room. The scientist says you can take anything you wish. Pick up the
powerups, then avoid the second set of lasers the same way. The second room has
a data console with some information. Finally, take the last unlocked door
against the right wall to exit this area.

- This next part can be tricky. There are (3) normal Kelvar Guards down the
left hall, with one armed red guard down the right hall. Try luring them into a
group so you can nail a Superball shot on them. Take the right door, and
proceed through the appropriate door on this ledge. You'll encounter (3) more
tangos to deal with. Do not fall to the center room, but feel free to knock
your opponents down there for easy kills. You'll eventually find a right open
door. Proceed through it, and launch an explosive round at the two guards in
the lab room. Use the console in this room to unlock a nearby door. You'll find
a hypo spray on top of one of the ventilation boxes in this room. Triggering
the console causes a Mercury Bow guard to pop out. Backtrack from your current
room to the first hall you encountered. Rush down here, and charge grapple the
Mercury Bow guard. Kill him, then hold onto this Mercury Bow for pretty much
the rest of the level. You should have a few ammo clips for it by now. The door
you need to enter is right by the guard against the left wall. Head in, and
again, engage (2) Heavy Guards. Take them down, and talk to the scientists for
free hypos. Use the console against the wall. Exit the room.

*An armored truck has arrived on the scene. Konoko wants to hijack it for
her own personal joy. Right on, woman.*

- Turn to your right and move to the beginning of the hall. A recently unlocked
door should be there. Go down it, and take out the guard on the stairwell.
You'll find an Phase Cloak at the bottom of the stairs. Use it, then go through
the door. You'll run into an ambush of 3-4 men to deal with. Keep your eyes on
where the engineer goes. He has the truck keys and must be killed. Deal with
the threats, then grab the truck keys off of his dead body. Go near the armored
truck on the ground floor.

*Konoko takes control of the truck and careens through the armored door.
She now has access to the interior of the base.*

- Proceed up the stairs in front of you. Take out the Konoko wannabe, and
prevent her from Screaming you to death with that lethal weapon. Keep going up
the stairs until a red Heavy Guard pops out. Toss him off the stairwell, then
head through the door he just came out. Pull out your Mercury Bow and pick off
the topside guard. Cut a left at the intersection and go through the door.
Check the console out. It describes the plans of the Syndicate, but we still do
not know why they're hijacking only the atmospheric processors. Exit the room,
and head in the opposite direction until you meet a single door just like it.
Head in, talk to the scientist, then use the console to unlock most of the
doors. Exit this labyrinth, and go back to the stairwell. Head up one flight of
stairs, then re-enter the complex. On this top floor, head along the left side,
and enter the single door room. Kill the lone Heavy guard, then read the

*Apparently, Konoko believes Muro is trying to reverse the process on the
atmospheric processors, which will cause poison to spew into the air. He's
trying to kill everyone.*

- Exit out, and head to the opposite door. Talk to the scientist for a hypo. Go
back to the stairwell, and head down to the ground level doors. Head on in.
Disable any patrolling guards, then check the left room for a console. Use it.

*Konoko has figured out the plan. Muro wants to poison everything in the
atmosphere so everyone across the world will want Chrysalis implants.
Chrysalis implants will help regenerate any damage taken from poison in the
air, and hence, everyone will rush to his necessary implant. By implanting
these devices into humans, he will manage control over an entire army.*

- Leave the room, and three Heavy Guards will rush out of a lower chamber. Drop
to ground level, and expend all remaining Mercury ammo on the guards. Kill
them, and pick up ammo clips if possible. Still, hold on to your Mercury Bow.
Head through the door they came out of. You'll have one guard on this square
pathway to deal with. Head around to the other side, then proceed up the
stairs. Watch for the pistol-armed guard. On the second floor, try to toss the
force field ninja off the edge. Repeat this two more times, go up alternating
stairs. Knocking your opponents to their death is the easiest strategy past
this part. When you reach the yellow construction bars at the top, jump to the
center platform, then hop over to the nearby computer. Kill the Static thug,
then use the computer.

*Konoko manages to input a command and alter the settings causing the
system to practically overhaul every atmospheric processor on network.
Muro's evil plan to disrupt the world is ruined. However, he still lives.*

- Hop onto the center platform again.

*Konoko criticized her brother for following the wrong path. He curses her
for coming here alone. If you chose to spare Griffin's life, then Griffin
will come in support of you via an attack helicopter. He claims Muro is
under arrest. If you did not save him, then Griffin will be dead and not

- Fighting Muro is not as challenging as it seems, although you'd probably have
to worry more about his minions. If you still have that Mercury Bow, use the
remaining rounds on the (2) Konoko wannabes and the (2) Heavy Guards. After the
(2) Konoko wannabes are killed, watch for the (2) Heavy Guards to ambush.
Muro's techniques involve a few aerial kick moves, fast agile Hypo power, and
obvious spin kicks/attacks. He does not use grapples as often as he did during
Konoko's dream. I simply used kick and punching combos to get close. Once you
injured him to the orange status, he hardly blocks. Start doing grapple moves
at this point to really lower his health bar. Mercury Bow rounds do not work on
him as he has a permanent force field. Try to keep Griffin alive as he's a
useful comrade during the fight. Let Griffin distract him while you punch your
brother in the back of the head. Muro will go down quite easily.

*Just as you thought you saved the world, the overload inputted by Konoko
on the generator caused a majority of the atmospheric processors to
explode. Several of these explosions caused mass deaths across the world.
She hoped that people would realize her father's work of preventing
pollution was the right way to go. The work of the Chrysalis, despite being
a partial overpowering of the being, could be the source in saving lives in
the future. Nonetheless, she knows Earth is doomed for constantly using
toxins and not sparing the wrath of poisons on the planet.*

/ ___/o THE
mrf \__'o
/_|\\ END
.'./\ \
',/ / / - Cheat codes can now be used upon completing the game.
''- ''- Press F1 to access the diary, then type in the word
---------------- of the code.


- 4) Special Moves -
The great thing about the Oni combat system is how it utilized fighting moves
quite well, much like a traditional fighting game. Executing buttons in a
certain order and combo can execute special moves. This section will briefly
discuss the special moves available in Oni. Also note that you can check them
out in your Diary (Press F1, hit the Moves tab).

=? Escape Moves ?=
Controls: Crouch + Direction
- Escape moves are best used in situations when you're outnumbered, or facing
an overpowering boss. They essentiall perform rolls, somersaults, or flip outs
of a hairy situation. Avoid escaping into an enemy though, as it leaves you
exposed to attacks.

=? Jump Flip ?=
Controls: Jump + Crouch
- I love using this move. This not only allows you to get the highest jump
possible in the game, but it also does damage to grounded opponents. Do this
move all the time on downed opponents to get free damage without having to
worry about a counter. It can also extend the range on your jump as the flip
helps keep you in the air longer.

=? Slide ?=
Controls: (Tap) Forward + Crouch
- The Slide, while rarely used, is perfect for disarming opponents. Your
opponent must be on the ground. The Slide can also be used for sliding under
laser beams or for knocking down groups of opponents.

=? Throw ?=
Controls: Forward + Punch/Kick
- Throws are the primitive grapple moves in the game. These allow you to do
enhanced damage to opponents by using momentum against themselves. You have to
get close and press towards the enemy while pressing an attack button to
perform different throws.

=? Running Throw ?=
Controls: (Tap) Forward + Kick
- Indentical to a normal throw, except you perform this when running. Not much
of a difference either.

=? Sledgehammer Heel ?=
Controls: Punch + Punch + Kick
- This is practically one of the power kicks that Konoko possesses. I find
these best to use on some of the tougher opponents you face, such as Heavy
Guards or TCTF Agents. This leaves you exposed before you lay down the heel
kick, so be prepared to take some punishment from agile attackers.

=? Block ?=
Controls: (Nothing)
- Blocking is overrated in this game. You basically have to stand still without
pressing any buttons or direction WHILE facing an opponent. You'll see blue
starish dust rise whenever you block an attack. Blocking is great early on, but
its usefulness tends to lower as more advanced enemies use grapples whenever
you block, or have attacks that are unblockable. To be honest, I rarely block.

=? Disarm ?=
Controls: Forward + Punch
- Disarming is sort of a useless technique as it isn't the quickest way to
disarm an opponent. This is similar to a grapple throw, except you gain control
of the weapon. For a quicker method, simply jump kick an opponent to disarm
them ASAP.

=? Backbreaker ?=
Controls: Forward + Kick (behind enemy)
- This practically a grapple move from the rear that does enhanced damage. Get
an opponent to face their back to you, then perform a normal grapple move. The
enhanced damage is nice (along with the crackling of the back), but it's just
tossed in the game for cosmetic effects.

=? Triple-Hit Haymaker ?=
Controls: Punch + Punch + Punch
- Again, this is a power punch best reserved for heavy armor guards. The
Haymaker is sort of like a wound-up uppercut that finishes the punching combo.
Not as useful since punches are best reserved as countering enemy attacks, or
interrupting powerful attacks.

=? Spinning Sidekick ?=
Controls: Kick + Kick + Kick
- This is a useful kick, although I tend to find that it misses quite a bit
later in the game. Performs a basic spinning kick that aims for the head. If an
opponent ducks, you'll miss entirely with it.

=? Willow Kick ?=
Controls: Backwards then Forward + Kick
- This move rocks on later in the game as you're basically shifting your
momentum into the base of your foot. Great for knocking down opponents for
increased damage over the traditional jump kick. May take some time to get use
to performing, but worth learning.

=? Crescent Moon Kick ?=
Controls: Kick + Kick then Forward + Kick
- Similar to the Willow Kick, except combined in a combo. The advantage of this
move is that the flip performed by Konoko causes opponents to fly into the air.
These flailing bodies can essentially land on nearby enemies, causing them to
get knockdowned. It's quite an innovative technique, but takes too long to
perform on the battlefield.

=? Devil Spin Kick ?=
Controls: Crouch then (let off) + Kick
- This is the perfect spin kick if you're recovering from a blow. The Devil
Spin Kick is pretty much like the Tornado Kick from the Double Dragon games. It
will blast away all opponents surrounding Konoko's spot instantly. Some Hypo
damage is included as energy swirls around as you perform the move.

=? Running Lariat ?=
Controls: (Tap) Forward + Punch
- This is my favorite grapple move in the game. Konoko basically grabs a hold
of the neck of your opponent, swirls around causing a "crack" sound, while
doing kick damage on the swirlaround. It's perfect to attempt on patrolling
guards (from the rear or front), and just feels good to do. This is the best
special move in the game if you ask me.

=? Rising Fury Punch ?=
Controls: Crouch then (let off) + Punch
- Pretty much the same as the Devil Spin Kick, except with a furious uppercut.
You may notice that your enemies fly into the air similar to the Crescent Moon
Kick, causing damage to surrounding opponents.

=? Twister Kick ?=
Controls: Left/Right then Forward + Kick
- This is very similar to the Devil Spin Kick except Konoko performs an aerial
maneuver allowing her to avoid enemy attacks temporarily. It's a solid
technique and useful move against Ninja Guards later on in the game, but you'll
rarely remember to use it.

=? Stepping Disarm ?=
Controls: Forward + Kick
- Just another form of disarming an opponent while doing grapple damage. I
personally dislike the disarm moves since jump kicking is just a more efficient


- 5) Weapons & Items -
Throughout the adventure of Oni, weapons and items will prove to be key
lifesavers in Konoko's life. Using these items to the utmost advantage will
prove victory, defeat, or just pure humiliation. This section will describe the
items with ratings.


-> Campbell Equalizer Mk4
Ammo: Ballistic
Magazine Capacity: 10 rounds
"The Equalizer is the standard issue TCTF sidearm. It has undergone a number of
refinements since the original model appeared during the World Coalition
Government's rise to power."
= The basic pistol of any force, the Campbell is a moderate weapon I'd
recommend to use if you're simply out of weapons. It just does not do
enough damage, and the recoil is quite powerful for a small secondary
sidearm. It takes roughly 5 bullets to down an opponent, and missing once
means you wasted an entire clip.
- RATING: **

-> SML3 Plasma Rifle
Ammo: Energy Cells
Magazine Capacity: 10 rounds
"The SML3 Plasma Rifles fires bursts of superheated plasma encased in 1.2 kT
magnetic field which explode on impact."
= This has to be one of the best energy weapons you can acquire for most
of the game. The Plasma Rifle has extreme range, the projectiles move at a
fast pace, and does decently good damage. It can take anywhere from 3-5
cells to down an opponent, however, it is an efficient weapon in just
about any situation.
- RATING: ****

-> Hughes Black Adder SMG
Ammo: Ballistic
Magazine Capacity: 30 rounds
"Manufactured around the world in dozens of illegal factories, the Black Adder
SMG is the weapon of choice for violent criminals, terrorists, and Syndicate
assault troops."
= Granted, the SMG is a weapon capable of handling close encounters. Still,
it's nowhere near the competitive abilities of modern advancements. The
spread on the bullets in automatic fire is horrendous, and this is limited
to close encounters. It takes nearly half a clip to down an opponent, and
just is not worth the waste of ammo.

-> Scram Cannon
Ammo: Ballistic
Magazine Capacity: 5 rounds
"The Scram Cannon is the most indiscriminate weapon of terror in the
Syndicate's arsenal! It's homing-missile swarms "scramble" toward targets
moments after launch."
= This is certainly one of the more odd weapons. After firing the weapon,
eight little hornet seekers look for the closest target and zoom towards
it. If all eight manage to connect, a miniature explosion occurs rendering
the target dead. This is very similar to the Needler (included in Bungie's
future release of Halo). This weapon works best when fired at a target
from a long range (all seekers will quickly zoom on the target) or from a
VERY short range (before the seekers can lock, they'll hit the closest
straight-ahead target). Either way, it's a decent weapon to use
- RATING: ***

-> Wave Motion Cannon
Ammo: Unknown
Magazine Capacity: Unknown
"This massive weapons array has been under development by Syndicate scientists
for some time. Normally vehicle mounted, it would require superhuman strength
to lift or fire!"
= Unfortunately, as cool as it would be to use this weapon at any point in
the game, use is restricted to the two times you fight Barabas. The Wave
Motion Cannon fires in one of two ways. A large laser beam fires after
three seconds of charging in primary mode, or a grenade satchel fires in
secondary mode. This gun is tremendous but so big that you walk as if you
were crawling. It cannot be concealed either, meaning it must be dropped
if you want to move at a normal pace. The best weapon in the game if not
for the lack of mobility.
- RATING: ****

-> Van de Graaff Pistol
Ammo: Energy Cells
Magazine Capacity: 5 rounds
"An extrapolation of fundamental electrical principles, the VDG Pistol is the
ultimate stun gun. Each shot is high-voltage/low amperage, so it causes minimal
physical harm."
= This is practically a stun gun. Stun guns are useful for stunning bosses
and tough enemies, but this weapon really sucks in group encounters. While
there is spread on the stun gun's shots, you'll usually get knocked down
before you can execute your wrath on a stunned opponent.
- RATING: ***

-> SBG Man-Portable Mortar
Ammo: Ballistic
Magazine Capacity: 4 rounds
"Scatter-pack Ballistic Grenade Man-Portable Mortar is too much of a mouthful,
so troops all over the world simply refer to this weapon as the Superball Gun!"
= This weapon rocks, but does not hold enough ammo over the course of the
game. The Superball Gun launches an explosive satchel that detonates if it
hits nothing (after a few seconds), or explodes instantly upon hitting a
target. Miniature grenades are released after exploding that do splash
damage. The gun is rare during the game, but very useful for group
encounters. Unfortunately, if used in close encounters, you will kill
- RATING: ****

-> Mercury Bow
Ammo: Ballistic
Magazine Capacity: 2 rounds
"Unlike its low-tech namesakes, this "bow" fires a compressed silver of frozen
mercury at ultra-high velocity. Damage comes both from the initial trauma of
impact, and subsequent mercury poisoning."
= The Mercury Bow is by far the best gun in the game. It acts like a
railgun, doing instantaneous piercing damage. It has the farthest range of
all weapons, and has the disadvantage of recharge time and low ammo
capacity. Still, it can kill some of the most powerful enemies in the game
with one shot.
- RATING: *****

-> Phase Stream Projector
Ammo: Energy Cells
Magazine Capacity: 300 units
"This device is a miniaturized version of the vehicle-mounted phase projectors
deployed during the Freedom Riots of 2012. It emits a continuous beam of energy
that can stagger or topple enemies."
= This is a decent weapon that fires out phase energy. The gun has an
amazing capacity to hold plasma cells, and can be held down to fire a
continuous stream or in little blasts. It actually hurts enemies quite
well, but there are definitely better weapons out there.
- RATING: ***

-> Screaming Cannon
Ammo: Energy Cells
Magazine Capacity: 6 rounds
"This weapon fires capsules that release a mysterious entity known as a
Screaming Cell. These creatures seem to exist out of Earth phase, but feed on
human lifeforce and are drawn to it when freed."
= This is an odd weapon that can be useful (fairly rare), but it sort of
backfires. When you fire a round, this floating cell basically looks for
enemies to suck health from. If the enemies get close to you, then it will
start to do damage to Konoko. It takes a good 10 seconds to kill
efficiently, and you may get knocked down while its tracking towards a
- RATING: ***


../Ballistic Ammo\..
Purpose: Reload
"Coordinating the arms of mercenary and corporate forces during the Great
Uprising had WCG researchers scrambling to solve their logistical problems.
Their solution was modular, generic casings and projectiles loaded with
mission-specific ordinance payloads. "Blanks bullets" allowed modular
components to adapt and reload any ballistic weapon on the battlefield."
- Ballistic ammo is red-colored and useful in some of the most powerful
weapons in the game.

../Energy Cell\..
Purpose: Reload
"Governments and markets welcome the emergence of the World Coalition
Government, or were crushed beneath it. As hostilities subsided the WCG began
to standardize "fundamental technical elements" across all market regions. The
ubiquitous Energy Cell has replaced all other portable power sources."
- Energy cell is blue-colored and useful in some of the more efficient
weapons in the game.

../Hypo Spray\..
Purpose: Replenish/Enhance
"Hypo Sprays deliver stimulants, analgesics and active neuro-biological
reinforcing elements through a sub-dermal injector. The solutin takes time to
act on the body: further shocks while it is active reduce the Hypo's maximum
healing potential. Even a few hits will cancel the effect altogether. Multiple
Hypos can be activated at once to extend the maximum healing range."
- Hypos can either heal your health bar, or give Konoko enhanced powers
if her health bar is already full. Enhanced powers yield more powerful
attacks and a glowing aura.

../Phase Cloak\..
Purpose: Invisibility
"The Phase Cloak agitates the user's molecules out of the visible light
spectrum. The effect only lasts for 30 seconds: any longer and the user might
suffer irreversible cellular damage. A weakness of the cloaking effect is that
the wearer becomes visible for a moment during physical contact with non-phased
- The Cloak is useful for making yourself invisible for a short amount of
time. Try to get past groups of enemies without having to engage them. But
where's the fun in that.

../Force Shield\..
Purpose: Bullet Protection
"The Force Shield surrounds the body of the wearer and absorbs the impact of
any projectile that strikes it. The Shield can only absorb a limited amunt of
punishment before it collapses; as it grows weaker its intensity fades."
- The Force Shield protects you from weapon damage. The shield has a
separate bar which will wear down from continuous damage. This ONLY protects
from bullet damage, and not hand-to-hand combat.


- 6) Codes -
Oni is actually a very fun game if you enable a majority of the cheats and
don't worry about all of the strategy involved in a third-person action game.
However, there is a glaring difference between the PS2 & PC version that causes
problems when entering cheats. You cannot use any of the cheat codes in the PC
version until you have beat the game legit. The only way to use cheat codes
before beating the game is via the use of a hex editor. I usually do not
condone the use of file editing, but it's necessary for the PC version of Oni
if you want to cheat before beating the game. The following section will go
through the built-in cheats and developer mode of the game. I'd like to thank:

- for providing these cheat codes.

__= Enabling Cheats (before completing game) =__
- Download a hex editor program. Go to Google and search for hex editor.
Download any small one that works. Open the hex editor up, and go to
the Oni game directory. The game's directory is C:\Program Files\Oni.
Once there, open a file called "persist.dat"
Click on the Search or Address tab in the Hex Editor program you
downloaded, and look for the following address: $44
It should highlight one cube in the data file. The cube should have
either a 02 or 06 value. Type in 07 and press enter. Save the file.

- You can now use any in-game button code before beating Oni.

>>> The Actual Codes <<<
Press F1 during the game to bring up the diary. Now, simply type in
any of the following cheat words to get the designated effect. You will see
a message saying "_____ Cheat has been enabled"

shapeshift = Press F8 to switch your character
liveforever = Invincibility
touchofdeath = One kit hills
glassworld = Breakable objects
superammo = Super ammo
reservoirdogs = AI characters will automatically fight each other
roughjustice = Gatling Guns mode
chenille = Doadan Power mode, constant increased damage
behemoth = Godzilla mode, you become a giant
fistsoflegend = Enter Fists of Legend mode, some cool martial arts
carousel = Slow motion
munitionfrenzy = Receive a weapons locker
thedayismine = Enable Developer Mode ***

*** - The dayismine code allows you to open up an array of functions.
The functions are as follows:

~ - Opens the developer console menu, use this to input commands
F9 - Record a movie demo
F10 - Stop recording a movie demo
F11 - Playback your recorded movie demo
CTRL + SHIFT + s = Toggle off/on textures
door_ignore_locks = 1 - Unlocks all doors
chr_nocollision 1 - Let's you walk through walls
chr_nocollision 0 - Disables walk through walls


- 7) Common Questions -

)) Gameplay ((

<< What would you rate Oni? >>

- I'd have to rate Oni a [7/10]. Oni is practically a third-person action game
involving primary hand-to-hand combat with the use of items, guns, and
interaction with the environment. For a product from Bungie, the entire theme
and representation of futuristic combat is there. The interface fits perfectly
to the theme of the game along with a neat fighting system. They try to place
you in the role of a practical menace of a woman, capable of destroying even
the toughest opponents. Despite being a 2001 release, the PC version works
quite well. Controls fit perfectly to the entire keyboard and mouse theme,
especially for a controller themed game. Graphically, the game works EXTREMELY
well on some of the most primitive computers out there. The requirements are
low, and there are plenty of 3D environments to rush around. The game tries to
enforce a flashy anime sequence, but you only see a few Oni quality movies
throughout the game. Really, there's nothing too bad about Oni, it just
severely lacks in replay value. Aside from a practical 14 mission single-player
mode, there is no multiplayer, and no ability to expand the gameplay. Bungie
created a beautiful engine, a great storyline, and the game turns out to be
nothing more than a weekend rental. The codes add tons of fun to the game, but
most gamers will never play the game again after beating it.

<< Are there any other versions of Oni? >>

- Yes, there is also a PS2 and MAC version (aside from the PC version). The PS2
version received above average reviews. Graphically, the game is toned down a
bit compared to the PC version. The PS2 controller makes it somewhat easier to
perform combos and practical moves. Aside from that though, this was
practically an individual project. Bungie tried to emulate an anime
environment, and do not confuse this with some of the Oni games released over
in Japan.

<< What are the key differences between the PC & PS2 version? >>

- The only difference I know of is that you cannot use cheats before beating
the game on the PC version, while you may use cheats on the PS2 version. The
only way to enable cheats on the PC version pre-completion is with a hex
editor, which can be a complex process for the average computer gamer. Perhaps
Bungie did this for challenge sake, or a good laugh.

<< Is there a mod community for Oni? >>

- Not really, although plenty of people have fiddled around with exploits and
glitches. Bungie thought about making a dev tool for Oni, but a lot of the
"expected" features were ripped out of the game. Try checking Bungie's site for
tools. I know there's an included script editor (you can have the text on
cutscenes change).

<< Where's the multiplayer? >>

- Unfortunately, a ton of the fun features in Oni got ripped out a year or so
before release. Multiplayer was originally scheduled in the game, but got
canned due to ping issues. Dev tools were suppose to be included but got
cancelled. The game was suppose to be more interactive, but just turned out to
be a linear adventure.

)) Troubleshooting ((

<< I'm getting an error when I try to play Oni on my computer? >>

- Oni was originally made for Windows 98 back in the day. Bungie did not know,
but there was an incompatibility error when playing on a Windows XP machine. To
fix this, you need to download the Unofficial Oni Patch. Don't let the name
fool you, this patch fixes everything. Go to and download the
patch in their files section. If it still doesn't work, check Google and search
for the Unofficial Oni Patch. There's another form of the patch that actually
includes the patched file directly in the zip file. All you have to do is
overwrite files from the patched zip into your directory, and you should be
able to play error-free.


- 8) Copyright/Distribution/Reproduction Guidelines -
This FAQ/Strategy Guide/Walkthrough is my own published work, and copyrighted
by Christopher Zawada. Whatever you do, DO NOT edit this FAQ in any way. DO
NOT steal anything from this FAQ. If you want to use some information in your
own guide, simply ask me. If you want to place this guide on your website,
either link to the GameFAQs game page, or download the file and place it on
your own web server. Basically, you can post this on your website as long as
it's in ORIGINAL form, and not linking directly to GameFAQs. Aside from that,
all proper credit is due when necessary. Also, don't even think about selling
FAQs. Trying to prosper off of other people's work will get you in big time
trouble (coming from an eBay seller myself).

Any site out there has permission to host my FAQs (following the above terms),
however, these are a list of current sites that host my FAQs officially:



- 9) Proper Credit -
I'd like to thank the following people for their help in making this FAQ

)) CJayC (( for constantly updating GameFAQs, and dedicating his entire life
to it. Takes a lot of effort to keep a site going this long.

)) (( for letting me use an excellent ASCII generator, which
composed this typical-style art. Excellent.

)) Bungie (( for creating a decent third-person action game, although it was no
where near the perfection in the Halo series.

)) (( for providing several console codes that help lengthen
the gaming experience.

"Some people make sacrifices to make other people happy." - Chris Zawada
"Freeeeeeddooommmmmmmmm!" - William Wallace (Braveheart)

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