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Bid for Power Game Cheat Codes

Bid for Power

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Rick v H

Note: Bid For Power is a total conversion for Quake III
Display the console at any point in the game (during game play or
at any screen). Type /sv_cheats 1' then enter /devmap'
to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following console commands.

A few BFP settings:

Code Effect
g_basepl [1-999] - set the starting power level from one thousand
to one mil.
cg_kitrail [0-99] - set the length of the ki trail. 0 turns it off.
cg_crosshairhealth [0/1] - turn on or off the feature that makes the crosshair
turn red when you score a hit.
cg_lightauras [0/1] - turn on or off the aura dynamic lights.
cg_lightexplosions [0/1] - turn on or off the explosion dynamic lights.
cg_drawKIWarning [0/1] - turn on or off the low ki warning.
cg_chargeupAlert [0/1] - turn on or off the "ready" message when charging attacks.
cg_stfu [0/1] - disable character voices when firing attacks.
cg_lowpolysphere [0/1] - force the use of a lower polycount sphere.
cg_explosionShell [0/1] - turn on or off the explosion shell.
cg_drawOwnModel [0/1] - toggle first person between traditional and vis mode.

Submitted by: Aniket Tendolkar

First enable cheats by using the devmap command in the console then type this code
/g_KiRegenPct 100 and followed by /g_flightCostPct -100 and then your KI will not

Thanks to chamelion at the official BFP forums.

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